Super Smash Bros. Brawl

List of SSBB Music (Super Smash Bros. Brawl series)

(Redirected from Stage Builder (song))

This article is a list of music tracks in Super Smash Bros. Brawl placed into the Super Smash Bros. Brawl category by the Sound Test. Cruel Brawl is absent from the Sound Test, yet is also part of this category. In addition to the additional uses listed below, all of these tracks can be selected to play on a stage created with the Stage Builder mode.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main ThemeEdit

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main Theme
Track title Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main Theme
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Stage of usage Menu
Availability Default
Link [1]


  • The track can play on Brawl's Menu.
  • The track will play during the Opening movie of the game.
  • The track will briefly play during the cutscene named The Great Invasion, which plays before the level Entrance To Subspace is unlocked in the Subspace Emissary.
  • The track will play during the closing video of the Subspace Emissary.
  • The track is arranged in several different forms, listed below.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition Supervisor: Nobuo Uematsu

Arrangement Supervisor: Shogo Sakai

Lyrics Supervisor: Masahiro Sakurai / Lyrics Translation: Taro Yamashita

Soprano: Oriko Takahashi / Tenor: Ken Nishikiori

Composer: SMILE PLEASE Co., Ltd.

Arranger: HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Lyricist: SORA

Composition, arrangements, lyrics and translated lyrics Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズX メインテーマ, Great Fray Smash Bros. X Main Theme

Menu 1Edit

Menu 1
Track title Menu 1
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Stage of usage Menu
Availability Default
Link [2]


An instrumental arrangement of the Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main Theme.


  • The track is one of four tracks that can randomly play on Brawl's menu.
  • The track will play during the second segment of the Midair Stadium level of the Subspace Emissary.
  • The track will briefly play in the cutscene following the level The Ruined Hall of the Subspace Emissary.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Arrangement Supervisor: Takahiro Nishi

Composer: SMILE PLEASE Co., Ltd.

Arranger: GAME ARTS CO., Ltd.

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: メニュー1, Menu 1

Menu 2Edit

Menu 2
Track title Menu 2
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Melee
Arrangement debut Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Stage of usage Menu
Availability Unlockable
Link [3]


An arrangement of Menu 2 from Melee


  • This track can play on the Menu.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: メニュー2, Menu 2

How to unlockEdit

Unlock all characters.


Track title Battlefield
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Stage of usage Battlefield
Availability Default
Link [4]


An original track; it is a fast-paced arrangement of the Brawl main theme. Towards the end of this song there is a second horn in the background that plays Melee's Opening and Menu 1


Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: 戦場, Battlefield

Battlefield Ver. 2Edit

Battlefield Ver. 2
Track title Battlefield Ver. 2
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Stage of usage Battlefield
Availability Default
Link [5]


Another arrangement of the Brawl main theme, played by acoustic and electric guitar, flute, and fast-paced percussion.


  • This track will exclusively play during Brawls on the Battlefield stage.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: 戦場 Ver.2, Battlefield Ver. 2

Final DestinationEdit

Final Destination
Track title Final Destination
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Stage of usage Final Destination
Availability Default
Link [6]


A powerful version of the Main Theme. Contains the first verse of the Main Theme's lyrics, from the first "audi famam" to "tetigit destruens." Note that where the Main Theme used a choir including men and women, this choir is all-male. The piece is composed to fit the changing background of the Final Destination. When the galaxy drifts by, the first verse of the Main Theme plays. In either of the wormholes, an electric guitar laden version of the Main theme plays. In the starry sky, a choir layered part plays. In the ocean view, a peaceful orchestration of the last part of the Main Theme plays, before shifting into a heavy metal ending played by an electric guitar before looping back to the beginning.


  • This track can play during Brawls on the Final Destination stage.
  • This track is guaranteed to play whenever the player battles Master Hand during Classic mode, as well as possibly Crazy Hand. Fittingly, this battle will always take place on the Final Destination stage. The short intro in the track has been removed, replaced by an eerie, low-frequency tone as the hand appears.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Arrangement Supervisor: Takahiro Nishi

Composer: SMILE PLEASE Co., Ltd.

Arranger: GAME ARTS CO., Ltd.

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: 終点, Endpoint

Online Practice StageEdit

Online Practice Stage
Track title Online Practice Stage
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Stage of usage Online Practice Stage
Availability Default
Link [7]


A arrangement of the Brawl Main Theme, with an acoustic guitar and a Latin feel.


  • This track exclusively played whenever a character trained on the Online Practice Stage while a Wi-Fi mode was loading. Although Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection was discontinued in 2014, this track can still be used for Stage Builder and custom servers such as Wiimmfi have enabled online play again.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: オンライン練習ステージ, Online Practice Stage

Results Display ScreenEdit

Results Display Screen
Track title Results Display Screen
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [8]


Strings, piano, brass, and percussion are behind this original piece.


  • After the winner of a Brawl is declared, and the Results screen is displayed, this track will loop after the respective character's victory theme has played.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: 対戦結果表示画面, Match Results Display Screen

Tournament RegistrationEdit

Tournament Registration
Track title Tournament Registration
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [9]


An original synthesized track.


Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: トーナメント登録, Tournament Registration

Tournament GridEdit

Tournament Grid
Track title Tournament Grid
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Melee
Arrangement debut Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [10]


This is Tournament 1 from Melee but edited to be slightly more dramatic.


  • While a player is viewing the arrangement of the tournament bracket in Tourney mode, this track will play.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: トーナメント表, Tournament Table


  • This song is listed as an original track despite being an arrangement of Tournament 1 from Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Tournament Match EndEdit

Tournament Match End
Track title Tournament Match End
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [11]


Similar to Tournament Registration, but with a small array of added instruments.


  • After the winner of a Tourney has been announced, this track will play while the winner is being displayed, after their respective victory theme has played.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: トーナメント試合終了, Tournament Match End

Classic: Results ScreenEdit

Classic: Results Screen
Track title Classic: Results Screen
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [12]


A triumphant repeating orchestral piece, similar to Results Display Screen.


  • When a stage of Classic Mode or All-Star Mode is completed, and the player's score is being displayed, this track will play.
  • When a level of the Subspace Emissary is cleared, and the player's collectibles are displayed, this track will also play in such an instance.
  • When Tabuu is defeated to clear The Great Maze, an arrangement of this soundbyte will play. This arrangement is different in that the introductory build-up is longer, and the soundbyte also ends with more echo.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: シンプル:結果表示画面, Simple: Results Display Screen

All-Star Rest AreaEdit

All-Star Rest Area
Track title All-Star Rest Area
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Stage of usage All-Star Rest Area
Link [13]


A light and relaxed track based on the main theme.


Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: オールスター休憩所, All Star Rest Area

Home-Run ContestEdit

Home-Run Contest
Track title Home-Run Contest
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Melee
Arrangement debut Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Stage of usage Home-Run Stadium
Link [14]


A small excerpt of Final Destination (Melee), which itself is a remix of Credits (Super Smash Bros.)


  • This track will exclusively play when players participate in the Home-Run Contest.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: ホームランコンテスト, Home-Run Contest


  • After this short track has played through once, it will never loop and instead just fade into continuous silence, even if this track is used for a stage in Stage Builder.

Cruel BrawlEdit

Cruel Brawl
Track title Cruel Brawl
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Stage of usage Battlefield
Link [15]


A dramatized version of the main theme, with a stronger drumbeat and new instruments.


Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: 情け無用組み手, Miserable Group Combat

Boss BattleEdit

Boss Battle
Track title Boss Battle
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Melee
Arrangement debut Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [16]


A arrangement of Menu (Super Smash Bros. Melee), the track that would play in Super Smash Bros. Melee when the player navigated the Menu.


Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Arrangement Supervisor: Shogo Sakai

Composer: HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Arranger: HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: ボスバトル, Boss Battle

Trophy GalleryEdit

Trophy Gallery
Track title Trophy Gallery
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [17]


A slow and relaxing rearrangement of the main theme.


Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: フィギュア名鑑, Figure List

Sticker Album / Album / ChronicleEdit

Sticker Album / Album / Chronicle
Track title Sticker Album / Album / Chronicle
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [18]


A strings arrangement of the Main Theme, meant to reflect on lasting memories.


Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: シール名鑑 / アルバム / ゲーム年表, Seal List / Album / Game Chronicle

Coin LauncherEdit

Coin Launcher
Track title Coin Launcher
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [19]


A somewhat relaxing version of the main theme, toned down a bit to allow concentration.


  • This track plays when the player tries to obtain collectibles in Coin Launcher mode.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: コインシューター, Coin Shooter

Stage BuilderEdit

Stage Builder
Track title Stage Builder
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [20]


A very simple tune with noticeable parts from the Main Theme.


  • This track will play when the player is constructing a custom stage, using the Stage Builder mode.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: ステージ作り, Stage Builder

Target Smash!!Edit

Target Smash!!
Track title Target Smash!!
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [21]


A faster, more peppy version of the Main Theme featuring timpani and xylophone, stylistically reminiscent of Aram Khachaturian's Sabre Dance.


  • This track plays whenever a character attempts any level of Target Smash!!, as the track is assigned to the courses that each level of Target Smash!! uses.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: ターゲットをこわせ!!, Break the Targets!!

Adventure MapEdit

Adventure Map
Track title Adventure Map
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros.
Arrangement debut Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [22]


A strong, brash version of the main theme.


Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: アドベンチャーマップ, Adventure Map

Step: The PlainEdit

Step: The Plain
Track title Step: The Plain
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [23]


A version of the main theme's ending with a very desert-like, mysterious feel to it.


  • This track is a recurring theme in the Subspace Emissary, as it plays on the following levels:

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: ステップ:平地, Step: Plains

Step: The CaveEdit

Step: The Cave
Track title Step: The Cave
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [24]


A dark, mysterious and foreboding piece. It only uses one short line of the main theme. The majority of this piece is in 11/8.


Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: ステップ:洞窟, Step: Cave

Step: SubspaceEdit

Step: Subspace
Track title Step: Subspace
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [25]


A version of the main theme, slowed down and reduced to a few clips of the melody.


Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: ステップ:亜空間, Step: Subspace

Step: Subspace Ver.2Edit

Step: Subspace Ver.2
Track title Step: Subspace Ver.2
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [26]


Like Version 1, but with rising tunes that slowly lower, giving a very eerie tone to it.


  • In the Subspace Emissary, this track will only play during the second half of the Subspace (Part I) level.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: ステップ:亜空間 Ver.2, Step: Subspace Ver. 2

Step: Subspace Ver.3Edit

Step: Subspace Ver.3
Track title Step: Subspace Ver.3
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [27]


Like Version 2, but with an even more foreboding feel to it.


  • This track will play throughout the entirety of Subspace (Part II) in the Subspace Emissary.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: ステップ:亜空間 Ver.3, Step: Subspace Ver. 3

Boss Battle Song 1Edit

Boss Battle Song 1
Track title Boss Battle Song 1
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [28]


A fast-paced, frenetic take on the Main Theme.


Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: ボス戦闘曲1, Boss Battle Song 1

Boss Battle Song 2Edit

Boss Battle Song 2
Track title Boss Battle Song 2
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Melee
Arrangement debut Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [29]


A tune that blends a variety of styles, including metal, synths, etc. It is a remix of Multi-Man Melee 1 (Melee)


Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: ボス戦闘曲2, Boss Battle Song 2

Save PointEdit

Save Point
Track title Save Point
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Stage of usage Save Point
Link [30]


A light, airy, and somewhat unsettling version of the main theme. The sound of wind can be heard during this track.


  • This track will play when the player is using a Save Point, many of which are placed around The Great Maze. It also plays at the door to Tabuu's Residence.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: セーブポイント, Save Point


Track title Credits
Universe Super Smash Bros.
Debut game Super Smash Bros. / Super Smash Bros. Melee / Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Arrangement debut Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Link [31]


A powerful rearrangement of tracks and themes from all three Super Smash Bros. games. Opens with a lively rearrangement of the opening and credits themes of the original Super Smash Bros. Includes a piece of Super Smash Bros. Melee's menu theme. A portion of Melee's opening theme is also played by piano. Concludes with a flute playing the last few lines of the Super Smash Bros. Brawl main theme, followed by a slightly more lively ending.


  • This track will play when the player is viewing the Credits following The Subspace Emissary. The track is synchronized alongside short clips of Subspace Emissary cutscenes that will play while the credits roll.

Composition & ArrangementsEdit

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Japanese title: スタッフロール, Staff Roll