User:TheNuttyOne/Tohru Honda (SSBD)

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Tohru Honda never gives up!
—Introduction tagline
Tohru Honda
in Super Smash Bros. Dream

Universe Fruits Basket
Availability Unlockable character
Final Smash TBA

Tohru Honda (本田 透, Toru Honda) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Dream. She was confirmed on January 14th by DatNuttyKid after being delayed by the unexpected reveal of Elsa. She is the third anime character to be added to Super Smash Bros. Dream, after Wendy from Fairy Tail and Yang from RWBY, and represents the Fruits Basket anime and manga (though mostly anime). She is voiced by Laura Bailey, who also voices Lucina, in English, and Yui Horie in Japanese.


Tohru herself is a rather weak fighter, with the moves where she attacks directly doing little damage. However, most of her moves summon the powers of the Sohma family, which do much more damage and are more effective.


Standard Attacks

  • Neutral: Tohru slaps in front of herself.
  • F-Tilt: Tohru throws a weak punch.
  • U-Tilt: Tohru waves her hands over her head.
  • D-Tilt: Tohru pokes in front of herself.
  • Dash: A screen from Shigure's house appears in front of her and she falls through it, smashing it. Small pieces of wood are sent flying, which do damage.
  • F-Smash: Kyo Sohma pounces from behind Tohru in his cat form.
  • U-Smash: Momiji Sohma appears at Tohru's feet in his rabbit form and jumps above her head twice.
  • D-Smash: Tohru releases Yuki Sohma in his rat form from her hands, and he runs across the stage. Anyone who steps on him is tripped.
  • N-Air: Tohru waves her arms on either side of herself frantically.
  • F-Air: Tohru performs a sex kick.
  • B-Air: Tohru flips in midair.
  • U-Air: Tohru waves her arms above her head frantically.
  • D-Air: Tohru plummets.
  • Grab: One of the Sohmas appears and grabs the opponent. Depending on which Sohma appears, the effects are slightly different:
    • Kyo: Kyo has the most range of any of the Sohmas.
      • Pummel: Kyo punches the opponent.
      • F-Throw: Kyo kicks the opponent in the stomach, sending them flying.
      • B-Throw: Kyo tosses the opponent over his shoulder.
      • U-Throw: Kyo throws the opponent above his head.
      • D-Throw: Tohru hugs Kyo from behind, turning him into a cat and causing him to drop the opponent. Both Tohru and Kyo then fall and land on the opponent.
    • Yuki: Yuki has the least range of any of the Sohmas.
      • Pummel: Yuki tightens his grip around the opponent.
      • F-Throw: Yuki punches the opponent, sending them flying.
      • B-Throw: Yuki spins around and releases the opponent.
      • U-Throw: Yuki throws the opponent above his head.
      • D-Throw: Yuki throws the opponent to the ground.
    • Shigure: Shigure's range is between Kyo and Yuki's.
      • Pummel: Shigure hits the opponent with one of his books.
      • F-Throw: Mitsuru appears yelling at Shigure and running towards him. Shigure sidesteps her, causing her to hit the opponent and knock them away.
      • B-Throw: Same as forward throw, except Mitsuru appears from the other direction.
      • U-Throw: Same as forward and back throws, except Shigure jumps over Mitsuru while still holding the opponent before vanishing.
      • D-Throw: Same as all other throws, except this time Mitsuru hits Shigure, turning him into a dog and causing him to drop the opponent.
  • Floor-F: Tohru throws a weak punch as she stands up.
  • Floor-B: Tohru throws a weak punch as she stands up.
  • Floor-T: Tohru throws a weak punch as she stands up.
  • Edge: Kyo appears to pull Tohru up, but once she reaches the ledge she falls onto him, turning him into a cat and also damaging anyone she hits.
  • Neutral Special - Sohma Summon: Tohru calls for the help of one of the Sohmas who don't appear in the rest of her moveset, who each have different usages. Kagura will appear alongside Kyo on either side of Tohru, and she will run over to hug him, sending them both flying across the stage as somewhat of a projectile. However, this also knocks Tohru over and leaves her defenseless while she stands back up. Kisa will appear in her tiger form and run to the nearest opponent and bite them, then having to be shaken off. Ritsu appears and throws a small punch - if this hits anyone, he will start apologizing frantically, which ironically does more damage, making him the most effective summon. Ayame appears in his snake form and slithers along the ground straight forward at high speeds. If he hits an opponent, he will climb up them and stay there, doing constant damage until he is shaken off. If he hits a wall or goes off a ledge, he will vanish. The last possible summon is Hatori, who appears in his seahorse form and is functionally identical to Goldeen.
    • Custom 1 - Extreme Summon: Ritsu and Hatori are the only possible summons, and the amount of damage Ritsu deals is much higher - however, Hatori is more common.
    • Custom 2 - Chosen Summon: Instead of being chosen at random, the summon is chosen by holding the button, and the longer it is held the more powerful the summon is. The order is Hatori > Kisa > Ayame > Kagura > Ritsu.
  • Side Special - Swift Sweep: Tohru charges forwards at high speeds with a broom. This is the most powerful attack in Tohru's moveset that does not summon a Sohma, and has a chance of burying opponents that it hits.
    • Custom 1 - Sweep Smack: Tohru swings the broom instead of charging with it, which does more damage and knockback, but has less range and cannot bury opponents.
    • Custom 2 - Burial Sweep: Opponents are always buried, but take less damage.
  • Up Special - Shigure Hurl: Shigure appears, holding one end of a shirt, while Tohru holds the other. He then proceeds to throw the shirt, which carries Tohru with it. This is a reference to episode six of the anime.
    • Custom 1 - Powerful Hurl: Tohru does more damage as she flies and goes further horizontally, but does not get much vertical recovery.
    • Custom 2 - Vertical Hurl: Tohru is thrown straight up, but does less damage and has no horizontal recovery.
  • Down Special - Hatsuharu Haul: Hatsuharu appears in his cow form and Tohru climbs on top of him, being able to ride him and trample opponents, burying them if he steps on them. If any attack button is pressed, Hatsuharu will attack with a headbutt. Tohru can climb off of Hatsuharu with the jump button and he will vanish. Hatsuharu will also disappear after fifteen seconds, and this time is shortened if Tohru is attacked while riding him. If Tohru is still riding him when this happens, she will fly a short distance forward before hitting the ground, which leaves her defenseless.
    • Custom 1 - Constant Haul: Hatsuharu will not disappear until Tohru climbs off of him, but can no longer bury opponents by stepping on them and moves slower.
    • Custom 2 - Black Hatsuharu: A completely different move from the original - Hatsuharu appears in his human form and charges forwards. Anyone he hits he will trap and repeatedly punch. This can be escaped by button mashing.
  • Final Smash - TBA


  • Up Taunt: Tohru waves to the camera.
  • Side Taunt: Tohru pulls out her broom and poses with it.
  • Down Taunt: Yuki and Kyo appear next to Tohru and pose. She then puts her arms around them, causing them to turn into their rat and cat forms and vanish.

On-Screen Appearance

The "door" transition from the anime appears and opens, revealing Tohru, who waves.

Idle Poses

  • Tohru scratches her cheek.
  • Tohru nervously looks around.

Victory Fanfare


Reveal trailer

The trailer opens with Tohru cleaning up Shigure's house. A delivery boy arrives and hands her the mail. She thanks him and sorts through it, seeing one letter addressed to her (in Japanese) with the Smash logo on it. She looks confused and opens it, quietly reading it. When she realizes what it is, she looks at the screen in shock and her introduction tagline appears.

The next scene shows her fighting Mario and Link on Battlefield - however, she is losing. She remarks that she doesn't think she's fit for Smash, and Yuki's voice can be heard saying "Don't worry, Miss Honda" followed by Kyo saying "We'll help you!" and she uses her side smash, KO'ing Link. She then uses her dash attack, and Shigure can be heard saying "My house...!". Tohru questions him on if he is coming to help too, and he responds "Might as well." and Tohru uses her grab, with Shigure appearing and snagging Mario before using his forward throw on him, KO'ing him.

The battle then shifts to Sohma House where Tohru is battling Wendy and Yang. Hatsuharu's voice says "Don't forget about us.", followed by Momiji saying "We want to help too!" and Tohru using her up smash, which hits both of the other girls. She notes that they both came to help too, and Kisa's voice says "We all did!" followed by shots of Tohru using each of the different Sohma Summons, her down smash, and her down special. The trailer ends with a close-up of Tohru, who says "I must be the luckiest girl alive!"


Tohru Honda
Tohru, the adorable and somewhat ditzy housekeeper/roommate of the Sohmas, has joined Smash! She's not much of a threat on her own, but she can summon the Sohmas to help her. Kyo and Yuki both seem quite protective of her, so you might not want to get between them. She can fight on her own, too, but... It's with a broom.
Fruits Basket 07/2001
Tohru Honda (Alt.)
When Tohru uses her neutral special, she summons one of the Sohmas - Kagura the Boar, Ritsu the Monkey, Ayame the Snake, Kisa the Tiger, or even Hatori the Dragon (or, rather, seahorse). While Kagura hugs Kyo, Ayame and Kisa latch onto opponents, and Hatori flops around uselessly, Ritsu will throw a weak punch. This might not seem like much, but if he manages to land it, he will go into an apologetic frenzy - which, despite his intentions, causes massive damage and knockback.
Fruits Basket 07/2001

Alternate Costumes

  • Default
  • Orange: Based on the color scheme of Kyo's cat form.
  • Black: Based on the color scheme of Shigure's dog form.
  • Yellow: Based on the color scheme of Momiji's rabbit form.
  • Brown: Based on the color scheme of Kagura's boar form.
  • Pink
  • Teal
  • Magenta: Based on the appearance of her mother, Kyoko.


  • Kyo appears in the most attacks out of any other Sohma, as he is in her side smash, grab, pummel, throws, ledge attack, and neutral special, which is two more attacks than Yuki and Shigure (who only appear in her down smash and up special, respectively, as well as her grab, pummel, and throws). This is a reference to the fact that the developer who was in charge of Tohru ships Kyo and Tohru hardcore.