Super Smash Bros. Brawl

List of SSBB Music (Metroid series)

Revision as of 23:16, March 1, 2019 by Nokii (talk | contribs) (Templating.)

This is a list of music tracks placed in the Metroid category by the Sound Test of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Main Theme (Metroid)

Main Theme (Metroid)
Track title Main Theme (Metroid)
Universe Metroid
Debut game Metroid
Stage of usage Norfair
Availability Default
Link [1]


A rock-based remix of a recurring piece of music in the Metroid franchise, first debuting in the Brinstar area of the NES game Metroid. This remix is based specifically upon the version heard on the Pirate Frigate table in Metroid Prime Pinball. This track is one of the few pieces in Brawl to feature narration (in this instance by Jay Ward): "Samus is under fire! She's sent an emergency directive: Join the fight!"

Composition & Arrangements

Arrangement Supervisor: Kenji Yamamoto,

Narration: Jay Ward,

Composer and Arranger: Nintendo

Japanese title: メインテーマ (メトロイド), Main Theme (Metroid)

Other Uses

This track briefly plays before the fight with Ridley in The Research Facility (Part II) of the Subspace Emissary. When it plays here, the vocals are removed.

Ending (Metroid)

Ending (Metroid)
Track title Ending (Metroid)
Universe Metroid
Debut game Metroid
Stage of usage Norfair
Availability Unlockable
Link [2]


When Metroid and its remake Metroid: Zero Mission are completed, the credits will roll, while this music track plays. This track has been given an orchestral remix for Brawl.

Composition & Arrangements

Arrangement Supervisor: Tsukasa Masuko,

Composer: Nintendo,

Arranger: M's Factory.

Japanese title: エンディング (メトロイド), Ending (Metroid)

Other Uses

This track plays during the Character roll call when Classic or All-Star mode is completed with Samus or Zero Suit Samus. It is also heard on Frigate Orpheon during Event 16: Power Suit ON!, despite despite not normally playing on this stage.

How To Unlock

Once 10 Brawls are completed on the Norfair stage, the CD containing this track will be unlocked.


  • This is the only track in the Metroid category not to be used in the Subspace Emissary.


Track title Norfair
Universe Metroid
Debut game Metroid
Stage of usage Norfair
Availability Unlockable
Link [3]


This track is a sped-up, techno remix of the music that played in the Norfair area in Metroid, with a few additional sound effects towards the end.

Composition & Arrangements

Arrangement Supervisor: Yuzo Koshiro,

Composer: Nintendo,

Arranger: ANCIENT.

Japanese title: ノルフェア, Norfair

Other Uses

This track plays in The Subspace Bomb Factory (Part I) of the Subspace Emissary.

How To Unlock

Collect a random CD containing this track.


  • This track is unlockable, making Norfair the only stage in Brawl with a music track of the same name as the stage to be unlockable.

Theme of Samus Aran, Space Warrior

Theme of Samus Aran, Space Warrior
Track title Theme of Samus Aran, Space Warrior
Universe Metroid
Debut game Super Metroid
Stage of usage Norfair
Availability Default
Link [4]


This is an orchestral remix of the music that played during the credits of Super Metroid, which in turn is based upon the theme heard during the same game's opening prologue.

Composition & Arrangements

Arrangement: Masato Kouda,

Composer: Nintendo.

Japanese title: 宇宙戦士 サムス アランのテーマ, Space Warrior Samus Aran's Theme

Other Uses

In the Subspace Emissary, this track will play in the cutscene where Zero Suit Samus and Pikachu defeat the clones of Samus, allowing the real Samus to regain her Power Suit and storm The Research Facility (Part II) level.


  • The Japanese name of the track matches the name of the Crateria theme (lit. "Space Warrior Samus Aran's Theme") in Super Metroid: Sound in Action, a CD exclusive to Japan with music from Metroid and Super Metroid. The name of the opening theme is "Theme of Super Metroid" in the same CD, though it would later be renamed "Theme of Samus" in the Samus Archives Sound Selection CD.

Vs. Ridley

Vs. Ridley
Track title Vs. Ridley
Universe Metroid
Debut game Super Metroid
Stage of usage Frigate Orpheon
Availability Default
Link [5]


This track takes the music that played when Samus fought Ridley in Super Metroid and following games, and puts a heavy metal take on the track.

Composition & Arrangements

Arrangement Supervisor: Yusuke Takahama,

Composer: Nintendo,


Japanese title: vs. リドリー, vs. Ridley

Other Uses

In the Subspace Emissary, this music plays when fighting Ridley in The Research Facility (Part II) and The Great Maze. It is also heard when fighting Meta Ridley in The Subspace Bomb Factory (Part II) and in The Great Maze, despite Meta Ridley having his battle theme within Brawl. It is also heard on Norfair during Event 23: Molten Norfair, despite not normally playing on this stage.

Vs. Parasite Queen

Vs. Parasite Queen
Track title Vs. Parasite Queen
Universe Metroid
Debut game Metroid Prime
Stage of usage Frigate Orpheon
Availability Unlockable
Link [6]


This track is a direct port of a music track from Metroid Prime, the music that played when Samus fought the Parasite Queen in Frigate Orpheon.

Composition & Arrangements

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo.

Japanese title: vs. パラサイトクイーン, vs. Parasite Queen

Other Uses

This track plays in the first half of The Research Facility (Part II) in The Subspace Emissary.

How To Unlock

Collect a random CD containing this track.

Opening/Menu (Metroid Prime)

Opening/Menu (Metroid Prime)
Track title Opening/Menu (Metroid Prime)
Universe Metroid
Debut game Metroid Prime
Stage of usage Frigate Orpheon
Availability Default
Link [7]


This track is an arrangement of two music pieces featured in Metroid Prime. The first sub-track ("Opening") is the title screen theme with the second sub-track ("Menu") being the credits theme, which itself is an extended version of the menu screen music. The title screen music ("Opening") is seemingly a direct port of the OST, with a narration by Jay Ward added on top ("In the reaches of space, below the surface of Planet Zebes, Samus Aran faced the Space Pirates. She destroyed their operation, wiped out the parasites called Metroids, and defeated Mother Brain. But the Pirates were far from finished."). The credits theme ("Menu") is slightly remixed.

Interestingly, much of the narration by Jay Ward originates from an unused speech in Metroid Prime, in which an unidentified voice actress (commonly presumed to be Jennifer Hale) explains the events of the NES game Metroid and the start of the Metroid Prime series.

Composition & Arrangements

Arrangement Supervisor: Kenji Yamamoto,

Narration: Jay Ward,

Composer and Arranger: Nintendo.

Japanese title: オープニング / メニュー (メトロイドプライム) Opening / Menu (Metroid Prime)

Other Uses

This track plays in The Research Facility (Part I), and the Great Maze in The Subspace Emissary, albeit with the narration removed, as well as the Opening segment.

Sector 1

Sector 1
Track title Sector 1
Universe Metroid
Debut game Metroid Fusion
Stage of usage Frigate Orpheon
Availability Default
Link [8]


This track is an orchestrated remix of the music that would play during the first mission of Sector 1 in Metroid Fusion.

Composition & Arrangements

Arrangement Supervisor: Minako Hamano,

Composer: Nintendo,

Arranger: Nintendo.

Other Uses

When fighting the Samus copies made of Shadow Bugs in The Research Facility (Part II), this track will play. This track also plays when fighting False Samus in The Great Maze of The Subspace Emissary; unusually, the track will also play when fighting False Fox, Falco, Captain Falcon and Snake, despite those characters having no relation to Metroid.

Vs. Meta Ridley

Vs. Meta Ridley
Track title Vs. Meta Ridley
Universe Metroid
Debut game Metroid Prime
Stage of usage Frigate Orpheon
Availability Default
Link [9]


This track is another direct port of a music piece in Metroid Prime, this time being the music that would play when fighting Meta Ridley. It is a techno remix of Ridley's battle theme in Super Metroid. This track was also used in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

Composition & Arrangements

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo.

Japanese title: vs. メタリドリー vs. Meta Ridley

Other Uses

In the Subspace Emissary, this track will play in parts of The Subspace Bomb Factory (Part II). Ironically, it does not play while fighting Meta Ridley in the same level.

Multiplayer (Metroid Prime 2)

Multiplayer (Metroid Prime 2)
Track title Multiplayer (Metroid Prime 2)
Universe Metroid
Debut game Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Stage of usage Frigate Orpheon
Availability Unlockable
Link [10]


This track is a direct port of a music piece in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, being the default music that played in multiplayer matches. This track in itself is a remix of the "Upper Brinstar" theme in Super Metroid.

Composition & Arrangements

Composition and arrangements Copyright Nintendo.

Japanese title: マルチプレイ (メトロイドプライム2) Multiplayer (Metroid Prime 2)

Other Uses

This track will play in parts of The Research Facility (Part I) and The Subspace Bomb Factory (Part I) in the Subspace Emissary, even if the track is not unlocked.

How To Unlock

Once 10 Brawls are played in the Frigate Orpheon stage, the CD containing this track will be unlocked.