Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Luigi (SSBU)

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This article is about Luigi's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. For the character in other contexts, see Luigi.
in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Luigi SSBU.png
Universe Mario
Other playable appearances in SSB
in Melee
in Brawl
in SSB4
Availability Unlockable
Final Smash Poltergust G-00
Luigi (SSBU)
He can jump higher than his brother, Mario. His Up Special, Super Jump Punch, will gain maximum damage and launching power when hitting the opponent right at the start. It truly is a "Special" move. He also uses his new Poltergust for his throw!
Super Smash Blog, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Official Site

Luigi (ルイージ, Luigi) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. He was revealed for the game along with the rest of the veterans on June 12th, 2018. Like in games prior to Super Smash Bros. 4, he reprises his role as an unlockable character instead of a starter character. Luigi is classified as fighter #09, just behind the eight starter characters.

As in Smash 4, Charles Martinet's portrayal of Luigi from Super Smash Bros. Brawl was repurposed for Ultimate.

How to unlock

Complete one of the following:

  • Play VS. matches, with Luigi being the 33rd character to be unlocked.
  • Clear Classic Mode with Mario or any character in his unlock tree, being the 5th character unlocked after Ike.
  • Have Luigi join the player's party in World of Light.

With the exception of the third method, Luigi must then be defeated on Luigi's Mansion.


Luigi is a middleweight who is somewhat floaty, and has attributes that deviate from most characters of his weight class. Luigi has average walking and dashing speeds, the second slowest air speed, average air acceleration, slightly below average gravity, slow falling speed and fast falling speed and low traction. Luigi also sports a very high jump and double jump, among the highest in the game. Overall, Luigi is a rather floaty character who is sluggish in some aspects, especially in the air.

Like his brother, Luigi can be very difficult to punish, as only two of his standard moves and four of his attacks have more than 9 frames of startup lag (forward smash, down aerial, Fireball, and Green Missile) and a multitude of moves that hit before frame 5, such as neutral aerial or neutral attack, giving him among the fastest frame data in the game and an excellent punish game, which is complemented by the impressive utility of his overall moveset. Neutral attack's damage output and range are decent, and the first two hits can lock. Luigi's tilt attacks also have their own perks: forward tilt can be angled, and is useful for spacing; up tilt has excellent combo and juggling potential; and down tilt is an incredibly quick and highly spammable move that can combo into itself. Finally, Luigi's dash attack has quick start-up, and with its reduced ending lag as well as its increased damage output and knockback, it is a much better move for approaching and attacking than in previous titles.

Luigi's smash attacks are all among the fastest of their kind, have below-average ending lag and are strong enough to be reliable finishers, allowing them to quickly and effectively punish opponents close to him, while being difficult to punish themselves on shield. Forward smash deals extra shield damage, up smash is an effective anti-air attack due to rendering Luigi's head intangible while its hitboxes are active, and down smash is very useful for punishing rolls thanks to its minimal lag, respectable damage output and long range. Both up smash and down smash also have set-up potential at low percents if Luigi successfully covers the opponent's options afterward.

Luigi's aerial attacks are also very useful, due to their combination of fast startup, quick interruptibility (except for neutral and back aerials), and ability to auto-cancel in a short hop. Neutral aerial is a sex kick and, like in previous installments, the only one that launches opponents vertically, which benefits its clean and late hitboxes: the former is a great combo breaker and a situational KOing option near the upper blast line, and both are very useful combo starters when SHFF'd, with the latter working even up to high percents. Forward aerial has the fastest duration of its kind and launches at the Sakurai angle; at low to medium percentages, these traits make it very reliable for approaching or down throw-initiated combos into itself, neutral aerial and up aerial, as well as a reliable edge-guarding option at high percentages. Back aerial has a powerful clean hitbox and long range, which enable it to function as a safe and reliable KOing and edgeguarding option, or as an approach option via reverse aerial rush. Up aerial is useful for combos, since it can either extend them or, thanks to having the lowest amount of landing lag out his aerials, use its clean hitbox to start them at low percentages when SHFF'd; its generous auto-cancel window and very low ending lag allow Luigi to use twice in a single short hop and still auto-cancel it successfully. Lastly, down aerial is safe to use and has a clean hitbox which is a fast meteor smash, coming out on frame 10 and with only 16 frames of ending lag, the lowest of any meteor smash. Due to his powerful aerials with generally low lag all around, Luigi has an outstanding air game.

Luigi has an excellent grab game, though unlike Mario, he has a tether grab, using the Poltergust G-00 to grab his opponents, firing a toilet plunger at the opponent. The plunger can grab opponents from a decent distance, preventing the necessity for Luigi to get up close to his foes. It also provides Luigi with a grab aerial, where he fires the toilet plunger as a projectile that deals minor damage and knockback, giving it some edgeguarding potential, which is further compounded by its inability to be absorbed or reflected by opponents. Like Mario, Luigi has an average pummel, being able to deal multiple hits to opponents, and still follow up with his useful throws. Luigi's forward throw deals respectable damage, and is useful for repositioning opponents or setting up edgeguards against them at higher percents. Back throw also deals respectable damage and great knockback, allowing it to KO at a mere 120%, or even earlier with rage, and does not possess a noticeably long animation like Mario's, making it harder for the opponent to survive with DI. Up throw deals average damage and knockback, and possesses follow-up potential into forward or up aerials at mid percents, while having a collateral hitbox to harm bystanders. Lastly, down throw is Luigi's main combo throw, and one of his most useful attacks; it deals average knockback, has low ending lag, and launches at a vertical angle, enabling it to lead into potent and highly damaging combos. Down throw can combo into moves such as up tilt, up smash, all of Luigi's aerials and Super Jump Punch, due to its aforementioned traits.

As a pseudo-clone of Mario, Luigi has two special moves that are derived from his older brother, yet his versions deviate in noticeable ways. Fireball is a projectile that is useful for pressuring, hindering an opponent's approach, or setting up an attack. Unlike Mario's Fireball, Luigi's is unaffected by gravity and moves up and down, which makes it somewhat less effective at hindering an opponent's recovery attempt, but allows it to cover a consistent area horizontally. Super Jump Punch has fast startup like Mario's, but propels him vertically instead of diagonally. By extension, it consists of a sweetspot and sourspot, instead of multiple hitboxes like Mario's. Its sweetspot boasts devastating power, which makes it a very potent punishment option, yet it is very risky because of its virtually useless sourspot and high ending lag.

Aside from these, Luigi's other special moves are completely distinct from Mario's. Green Missile deals damage and covers horizontal distance, both of which can be increased thanks to its ability to be charged. However, it also has a one-in-ten random chance of misfiring; in this case, it becomes even stronger than the fully charged version, and travels much further. Lastly, Luigi Cyclone grants Luigi some invincibility frames on startup, enabling him to break out of combos or contest opposing attacks effectively. It also functions as a KOing option near the upper blast line, and is a guaranteed follow-up out of down throw even at high percents; this even be a KO combo on platforms.

However, Luigi has some notable disadvantages. He has fairly sluggish mobility, with his extremely slow air speed and floaty physics giving him trouble landing, especially against faster characters, thus possessing a subpar approach and a weakness to juggling. His range, while better than Mario, is still below average, which leaves him fairly susceptible to getting outspaced by characters with long range, such as Lucina and Shulk, and compared to Mario, his lack of a reflector makes it more difficult for him to deal with projectile camping (especially against characters such as Link, Samus, and Simon) when combined with his awkward mobility. Additionally, his poor air mobility hinders his ability to approach with his aerial attacks, and gives him a subpar recovery. On top of this, his recovery moves, while both providing long distance, are linear and predictable, as Luigi Cyclone barely gives any additional height compared to previous games, leaving him to deal with his Super Jump Punch and Green Missile moves, the former which only travels straight upward, and the latter which has noticeable lag, cannot sweetspot edges, and relies on either charging or its random misfire chance to cover a serviceable distance.

Overall, Luigi is a solid character, though he often tends to run hot-and-cold, unlike his brother. His terrifyingly quick frame data, air game and combos make him a force to be reckoned with, provided his opponents make careless mistakes. Luigi's combo game and KOing potential are easily superior to his brother's, having many different set-ups that can deal absurdly high damage within seconds, and then completely take stocks away. However, Luigi's short range - along with his only average ground mobility, abysmal aerial mobility, and predictable side and up specials - force him to fight at close-quarters all the time, hindering both his approach and recovery.

Changes from Super Smash Bros. 4

Luigi has received a mix of buffs and nerfs in his transition to Ultimate, but has been slightly nerfed overall. While Luigi received numerous buffs and changes that improve his strenghts and benefit him, he has also suffered from a few major nerfs; both points are also compounded by the universal changes to the game's engine, which were a mixed bag for him.

In terms of direct changes, some of his least useful moves from Smash 4 have received significant buffs: down tilt can be interrupted twice as fast and deals less knockback, allowing it to poke opponents much more safely and increasing its combo potential, while dash attack has considerably decreased ending lag and increased power. Additionally, his existing KO options have been improved overall: forward smash has higher knockback and a lower trajectory across all angles, up smash and Luigi Cyclone have increased knockback, down smash's sweetspots are easier to land and launch lower, and his Super Jump Punch's signature sweetspot can KO at even lower percents. Further complementing these changes, his combo ability, already one of his strongest assets in Smash 4, has been further improved; he has gained a new up tilt with less ending lag and more range in front of and above him, and his down throw, already one of his best moves, leads to deadlier combos due to its lower ending lag and Luigi's faster jumpsquat, having more consistent KO setups and even potential zero-to-deaths. Lastly, Luigi Cyclone has received far more utility, dealing greater damage with more knockback, pulling opponents in more consistently thanks to its new windboxes, having more range, and granting invincibility on startup (especially in the air, which grants it as soon as frame 1), improving both its offensive and defensive capabilities, and with the addition of the Poltergust G-00 to Luigi's moveset, not only do his grabs have more range, but he has gained a grab aerial, which fires a plunger that can set up combos and edgeguard opponents.

Luigi also benefits from some of the universal changes. Like the rest of the veterans, Luigi has had decreased landing lag in all his aerial attacks and his mobility enhanced in most areas, but most importantly, his infamously low traction has been greatly increased, which somewhat alleviates his problems with approaching and significantly improves his out of shield options. The increased shieldstun on grounded moves in comparison to Smash 4 makes Luigi harder to punish on some of his moves, notably his newly improved down tilt. Lastly, unlike most characters, he falls faster and his gravity is higher, making him less vulnerable to juggles.

However, while Luigi has received more buffs than nerfs, the few nerfs he received were significant enough to counter the buffs. The most notable example is Luigi Cyclone traveling much less vertical distance via button mashing, removing all of its usefulness for recovery, as even with very fast mashing, Luigi barely gets any additional distance at the end of the move. Alongside the addition of windboxes to it, this also removes its ability to gimp opponents and KO them at virtually any percentage if timed correctly, which was a crucial technique to his success in Smash 4. Another notable example comes from the repurposal of his grabs: although they still have only moderate ending lag for their range, they possess much more startup, and are more prone to punishment due to the ability to cancel spot dodges earlier into attacks. This makes them much riskier to use and harder to land, especially since their increased startup removes many guaranteed setups into them and severely weakens Luigi's ability to shield grab, consequently limiting his defensive game and the usage of his pivotal down throw.

Lastly, the changes to air dodging have both helped and hindered Luigi, but hurt him overall: due to his floatiness, the reintroduction of directional air dodges now allow him to use one for recovery in a pinch. However, due to his floatiness, his air dodges now have drastically more ending lag relative to the rest of the cast, thus making them more punishable, and recovery mix-ups with them are almost unfeasible due to the ability to only use one at a time. Combined with his air speed remaining extremely low, along with the severe distance nerf to Luigi Cyclone, his recovery is much more linear and easier to intercept, causing Luigi to become much more prone to edgeguarding and early offstage KOs, despite Super Jump Punch and fully charged Green Missile granting slightly more distance.

Overall, Luigi has become even more polarizing than his Smash 4 counterpart: while his combo and KO capabilities have been improved, the changes to the game's engine and nerfs to crucial aspects of his toolkit have made it harder for him to take advantage of his strengths, while also being easier to KO himself due to his worsened recovery. Luigi has had decent tournament success in Ultimate so far, with respectable representation from players such as Elegant and SMB, though as a whole, his tournament results are not as dominating as they were in Smash 4. This has lead to a positive reception of Luigi, although being slightly more mixed: several top players such as Dabuz, Mew2King, ESAM, VoiD, Samsora and ZeRo either view him as an upper mid-tier character or a high tier character. As for now, Luigi's true viability remains uncertain, although he is still considered a viable choice.


  • Change As with all veterans returning from Smash 4, Luigi's model features a more subdued color scheme. His hair and clothing now features simple detailing, similar to his design in Brawl.
  • Change Like most of the returning roster, Luigi has become much more expressive than in the previous games. He now has an angry expression when charging the Green Missile and using his forward aerial.
  • Change Luigi's idle animation has been slightly altered, with his head turned toward the screen. However, he reverts to his previous idle animation when picking up light items.
  • Change Luigi has a new dashing animation akin to how he runs in Luigi's Mansion and other games such as the Mario & Luigi series or the Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games series. Luigi has a more upright posture in this new animation, making his hurtbox slightly bigger vertically, but also makes it narrower horizontally.
    • Change Luigi's backward jumping animations were slightly altered: he now performs one somersault instead of two; he performs less somersaults during his backward midair jumping animation.
  • Change Luigi has a slightly altered pose during air dodge, and a scared expression on his face.
  • Change Luigi's attacks that involve fire, such as his Fireball, have been given brighter, flashier particle effects.
  • Change Luigi's victory animation where he throws rapid punches was slightly altered, with a different animation for gasping at the end.
  • Change Luigi now faces the screen instead of away while sleeping.


  • Buff Like all characters, Luigi's jumpsquat animation takes 3 frames to complete (down from 5).
  • Buff Luigi walks faster (1.08 → 1.134).
  • Buff Luigi runs faster (1.5 → 1.65).
    • Buff Luigi's initial dash is significantly faster (1.28 → 1.815).
  • Buff Luigi's air speed is slightly higher (0.7341766 → 0.77).
  • Change Luigi falls faster (1.25 → 1.32). This improves his vertical endurance and makes him less susceptible to juggling, but makes him more susceptible to combos.
  • Buff Luigi's fast falling speed is faster (2 → 2.112). This improves his air mobility and makes him less susceptible to juggles.
  • Buff Luigi's gravity is higher (0.075 → 0.083). This makes his jumps faster and makes him less vulnerable to juggles, while his faster falling speed compensates for its faster vertical knockback.
  • Buff Luigi has significantly higher traction (0.024 → 0.096), no longer being the lowest in the game. This allows him to punish out of shield much more easily.
  • Buff Forward roll has less ending lag (FAF 31 → 30).
  • Nerf Forward roll grants less intangibility (frames 4-17 → 4-15).
  • Nerf Back roll has more startup with less intangibility (frames 4-17 → 5-16), and more ending lag (FAF 31 → 35).
  • Buff Spot dodge has less ending lag (FAF 27 → 26).
  • Buff Air dodge grants more intangibility (frames 3-27 → 3-29).
  • Nerf Air dodge has significantly more ending lag (FAF 33 → 58).

Ground attacks

  • Neutral attack:
    • Buff The first hit can be held for a consecutive jab, akin to Mario's.
    • Buff The third hit has static hitboxes with different sizes (4.5u/4.5u → 5u/3.5u), making its outermost hitbox bigger and the innermost one smaller, increasing its range overall.
    • Nerf The first and third hits deal less damage (3% → 2% (hit 1), 5% → 4% (hit 3)), with the third hit also having less base knockback (65 → 60).
    • Nerf The first hit has an altered animation where Luigi doesn't lunge forward as much. In addition, its hitboxes were shrunk to match his arm and fist, reducing the attack's range (4.5u/3.0u/3.5u → 1.4u/1.7u/2.0u).
    • Change The first and second hits have altered angles and knockback to keep opponents close to Luigi, akin to other neutral attacks. This allows them to connect better and jab lock, but removes their guaranteed jab cancel setups.
  • Forward tilt:
    • Buff Forward tilt deals more damage (8% → 9%) and has much more base knockback (2 → 50), without full compensation on its knockback scaling (100 → 75). This improves its safety on hit at low percents, while also generally increasing its KO potential, allowing it to KO below 200%.
    • Nerf However, its increased knockback removes its ability to lock.
    • Buff The outermost hitbox has been moved further outwards (X offset: 3.6u → 4u), slightly improving the move's range.
    • Nerf It has lost the smallest hitbox located at Luigi's torso, and its knee hitbox has been slightly reduced (4.8/4u/3.4u → 4.8u/3.8u), worsening its coverage at point blank range.
    • Change It has an altered animation, being a side kick instead of a spinning hook kick. Luigi also faces the camera during the kick.
  • Up tilt:
    • Change Luigi has a new up tilt: a jumping uppercut, similar to the one he possessed in the original Super Smash Bros..
    • Buff Due to the new animation, it has more range above and in front of Luigi, allowing it to reach opponents on the lower platforms of Battlefield, and opponents further in front of him.
    • Buff It has less ending lag (FAF 31 → 28), improving its combo potential.
    • Nerf It can no longer hit opponents behind Luigi.
  • Down tilt:
    • Buff Down tilt has significantly less ending lag (FAF 27 → 14), dramatically improving its safety and granting it combo ability.
    • Nerf It no longer has a bonus trip chance.
    • Change It deals less damage (8% → 5%). However, its knockback was not fully compensated (20 base/65 scaling → 32/72), further improving its combo potential.
  • Dash attack:
    • Buff Dash attack now consists of five hits instead of seven, which deal much more damage (1% (hits 1-6), 2% (hit 7) → 2% (hits 1-4), 4% (hit 5)) with knockback not compensated on the last hit, improving its KO potential.
    • Buff Its looping hits have a much faster and consistent rehit rate (rehit rate 4), causing for all hits except the first to come out faster (10, 16, 22, 29 → 8, 12, 16, 25). Combined with the reduced hits, this gives the move drastically less ending lag (FAF 76 → 48), as the animation is much shorter (83 →55).
    • Nerf The first four hits have a higher hitlag multiplier (0.3× → 0.5×). Combined with the universally increased hitlag, this allows opponents to SDI them, which was previously impossible due to their lack of hitlag.
    • Change The first four hits have a different angle (10°/65° → 0°) and more base knockback (26/60 → 51/74). Combined with the increased traction across the cast, this generally helps them connect more reliably; however, it is also more prone to whiffing at high percents as a result, especially at the edge.
    • Change The final hit has lost its closest hitbox (5u/4u/3u → 5u/4u), but its second innermost hitbox has been moved more inwards to compensate (Z offset: 6u → 5u).
  • Forward smash:
    • Buff Forward smash launches at a lower angle (65° (up)/53° (non-angled)/45° (down) → 52°/42°/37°), with the upward and non-angled variants also having higher knockback scaling (121 (up)/116 (non-angled) → 131/121), greatly improving their KO potential despite the downward variant's slightly lower knockback scaling (117 → 116).
  • Up smash:
    • Buff Up smash has increased knockback scaling (98 → 102), improving its KO potential.
    • Buff Luigi's nose is intangible along with his head while the hitboxes are active, instead of only his head being intangible.
    • Change The move's animation has been reversed, with Luigi facing towards the screen rather than away from it.
  • Down smash:
    • Buff Down smash's sweetspots on both hits take priority over the sourspots, making them easier to land.
    • Nerf The sweetspot on the first hit has been moved inwards (Z offset: 6.8u → 6.5u), slightly reducing its range.
    • Change Both hits launch at lower angles (120° (hit 1)/60° (hit 2) → 52°/48°), with the first one no longer launching opponents towards Luigi. This improves their edgeguarding and KO potential, but also hinders their setup potential.

Aerial attacks

  • Buff All aerials have less landing lag (14 frames → 8 (neutral), 22 → 13 (forward), 16 → 10 (back), 12 → 7 (up), 20 → 12 (down)).
  • Neutral aerial:
    • Buff Neutral aerial has one frame less ending lag (FAF 46 → 45).
    • Change Luigi's head is slightly repositioned when using it.
  • Forward aerial:
    • Buff Forward aerial's animation has been altered, with Luigi's arm swinging in a fuller arc ending slightly further down while the hitbox is active, increasing its range below him.
    • Change Luigi sports an angry expression when using the move.
  • Back aerial:
    • Buff Back aerial always launches opponents towards Luigi's back, akin to most other back aerials, improving its reliability for edgeguarding.
    • Buff It has one frame less ending lag (FAF 46 → 45), allowing Luigi to act just before the animation ends.
    • Change Luigi has a neutral expression when using the move instead of a scared expression.
  • Up aerial:
    • Buff Up aerial has less ending lag (FAF 30 → 27), improving its combo potential. This also allows Luigi to perform two up aerials in a short hop and autocancel the second one, like in Brawl and Smash 64.
  • Down aerial:
    • Buff Down aerial's clean hit has increased base knockback (20 → 30) and a bigger hitbox (2.5u → 3u), while its combo potential is still greater due to the decreased jumpsquat and landing lag.
    • Change The clean hit has a lower hitlag multiplier (2× → 1.4×).
  • Buff Luigi now has a grab aerial: he now fires the Suction Shot, effectively gaining an extra attack. Unlike other grab aerials, it has considerable landing lag and cannot be used as a tether recovery, but produces a projectile in the form of a plunger that drops a set distance downward. It can be shot even during landing lag depending on timing, allowing it to be used as a new edgeguarding option and combo starter. Lastly, it can hit opponents at the ledge if the plunger is falling. It is incapable of connecting when Luigi is grounded, but will connect if the opponent is hanging on the ledge.

Throws and other attacks

  • Change Luigi now has a tether grab, using his Poltergust G-00 from Luigi's Mansion 3 to shoot a plunger attached to a rope, the Suction Shot. His pummel and all his throws except down throw have received new animations reflecting this change.
    • Buff Because of this, all grabs have much longer range, as well as a longer duration (2 frames → 7).
    • Nerf However, all grabs have noticeably increased startup (frame 6/8/9 (standing/dash/pivot) → 14/16/17) and ending lag (FAF 29/36/34 → 48/52/50), making them riskier to use at close range, and easier to punish if they miss.
    • Change Due to the Poltergust G-00 having a right-handed design, Luigi turns his back toward the screen when using the grab facing left.
  • Pummel:
    • Change Pummel now has Luigi squeeze the opponent with the Poltergust.
    • Buff It deals more hitlag (5 frames → 14), but has significantly less startup (frame 16 → 1) and ending lag (FAF 24 → 7), shortening its duration.
    • Nerf It deals much less damage (3.2% → 1.3%).
  • Change The speed of Luigi's throws is no longer weight-dependent. This improves his up and down throws' combo potential on heavyweights, but reduces it on lightweights.
  • Change Forward and back throws trigger a hitlag effect on both Luigi and the opponent prior to release, while down throw no longer inflicts hitlag on the opponent when released.
  • Forward throw:
    • Change Luigi has a new forward throw: the Slam used in Luigi's Mansion 3.
    • Nerf It releases opponents slower (frame 13 → 15) with 4 frames of hitlag to the opponent, but has more ending lag (FAF 28 → 38).
  • Back throw:
    • Change Luigi has a new back throw: a backward Slam with the Poltergust.
    • Buff It releases opponents drastically faster (frame 44 → 15) and inflicts 4 frames of hitlag to the opponent, with its total duration reduced as well (FAF 67 → 38), making it harder to DI and much more consistent for KOs.
    • Buff Luigi releases the opponent farther away from him, slightly improving its KO potential.
    • Nerf Its collateral hitbox has been removed. As a result, it can no longer hit bystanders.
  • Up throw:
    • Change Luigi has a new up throw: he now shoots his opponent upward with the Poltergust.
    • Buff It has increased combo ability due to Luigi's faster jumpsquat and jump speed.
    • Buff It has gained a collateral hitbox in front of Luigi that deals 6% damage and has similar knockback to the throw, allowing it to hit and even start combos against bystanders.
  • Down throw:
    • Change Down throw's animation has been slightly changed, with the Poltergust being visible throughout it.
    • Buff It has gained a hitbox before the throw that lasts on frames 18-28, with its damage redistributed (6% → 3% (hit 1 and throw)) and knockback compensated on the throw (55 base/83 scaling → 45/135). This allows it to hit bystanders.
    • Buff It releases the opponent slower (frame 18 → 29),no longer causing 6 frames of hitlag to the opponent. Since its total duration is unchanged, this reduces its effective ending lag by five frames. Combined with Luigi's faster jumpsquat and jump speed, this significantly improves its combo potential, granting it multiple KO setups at high percents.
  • Edge attack:
    • Buff Edge attack deals more damage (7% → 9%).
  • Down taunt:
    • Buff Due to Luigi's down taunt using set knockback, it is unaffected by Ultimate's knockback speed up mechanic and thus does not have reduced hitstun like other moves that cause tumbling, greatly improving its combo potential onstage in conjunction with Luigi's faster jumpsquat and jump speed. This is further compounded by grounded meteor smashes no longer being techable, allowing it to guarantee combos and KO setups at high percents if it hits.
    • Nerf Due to the inability to taunt in Quickplay matches (except to discard Copy Abilities as Kirby), Luigi cannot take advantage of his down taunt's offensive capabilities in said online mode.

Special moves

  • Fireball:
    • Nerf It has received negative shield damage (0 → -3 (clean)/-2.5 (late)), effectively dealing half its usual damage to shields.
  • Green Missile:
    • Buff Green Missile has less ending lag in the air (FAF 86 → 81) and on hit (FAF 42 → 33).
    • Buff It travels farther when fully charged.
    • Buff The regular version has intangibility after releasing the charge (frames 1-5).
    • Buff The regular version has increased base knockback (20 → 30).
    • Buff The regular version has larger hitboxes (4.2u → 4.8u).
    • Buff Misfire covers more horizontal distance, but less vertical distance. Therefore, it's easier to land a misfire while grounded.
    • Change Luigi's misfire animation has been changed, having him spin.
    • Change Luigi's charging animation has been changed, appearing angrier and has an altered pose with his arms in behind him in a shoulder tackle position.
  • Super Jump Punch:
    • Buff Super Jump Punch has significantly decreased landing lag (68 frames → 45).
    • Buff It grants more vertical distance.
    • Buff The sweetspot has increased knockback scaling (77 (grounded)/66 (aerial) → 88/80), greatly improving its KO potential.
    • Buff The sweetspot reaches further into the Z axis, making it more consistent at hitting some fighters.
    • Nerf It has less aerial drift when Luigi starts facing downwards, making it riskier to use farther away from the ledge.
    • Nerf The sourspot has smaller hitboxes (7.68u/6.24u → 5.8u/4.7u).
    • Nerf The move has issues connecting against certain characters due to the changes to jostle mechanics.
    • Change Like several other powerful attacks in the game, the grounded version's sweetspot triggers the Special Zoom when it successfully hits an opponent.
  • Luigi Cyclone:
    • Buff Luigi Cyclone grants Luigi full invincibility on frames 4-8 for the grounded version and frames 1-7 for the aerial version. This allows it to tank through opposing attacks and break combos very effectively.
    • Buff The last hit comes out faster (frame 44 → 40), allowing it to connect more reliably, and giving the move faster interruptibility as a result (FAF 90 → 86).
    • Buff It deals more damage (1.5% → 2% (hits 1-4), 3% → 4% (hit 5); 9% → 12% (total)), and has increased knockback on the last hit (80 (base)/130/120 (scaling) → 85/140/130), significantly improving its KO potential.
    • Buff It has gained a windbox that pulls opponents into the move. The looping hits also have a lower hitlag multiplier (1× (grounded)/1.3× (aerial) → 0.8×) and SDI multiplier (1× → 0.8×), and their aerial version has reduced knockback (60 base/120 scaling → 80/30), allowing them to connect more reliably.
    • Buff It has larger hitboxes (4.5u/5u/5u → 5.5u/5.5u/6u (multi-hits), 6u/6u/6u → 7.5u/7.5u/6.5u (last hit)) and the grounded version's stomach hitbox was moved down, greatly increasing its range and coverage around Luigi, while also allowing it to hit some characters hanging on the ledge.
    • Nerf Luigi Cyclone has much less horizontal maneuverability on the ground.
    • Nerf It gains significantly less height from button mashing, essentially removing its usefulness in recovery, and considerably weakening Luigi's recovery overall.
    • Nerf The addition of the windbox to the move and the aerial loop hits' lower knockback completely remove its ability to gimp opponents offstage.
    • Change Luigi Cyclone has a more opaque vortex form around Luigi when used.
    • Change The aerial version uses the same ending animation as the grounded version.
  • Final Smash:
    • Change While Luigi's Final Smash is the same as in Smash 4, he uses his new Poltergust from Luigi's Mansion 3, the Poltergust G-00.[1] Much like his grabs and throws, the animation is slightly different; he turns his back to the screen when used while facing left.
    • Nerf The release deals less knockback (80 base/160 scaling → 70/142), noticeably weakening its KO potential.
    • Change It releases multiple victims slower.

Update history

Luigi has received a mix of buffs and nerfs via game updates, but has been buffed overall. Up aerial and Green Missile have less ending lag, which improved the former's combo potential, while up smash and Luigi Cyclone became stronger thanks to their higher knockback. Standing and pivot grabs' ranges also slightly improved via 1 frame increases to their active frames. However, down aerial has been noticeably nerfed: due to it no longer meteor smashing grounded opponents (instead behaving like in SSB4), it has lost most of its combo potential and consistency at performing zero-to-deaths. As part of update 3.0.0's near-universal nerf to projectiles, Fireball also deals less shield damage.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1.1.0

  • Buff Up aerial has less ending lag (FAF 30 → 27).

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 1.2.0

  • Bug fix Grab aerial's plunger now disappears when used while crossing a platform, instead of getting stuck inside it.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 2.0.0

  • Buff Up smash has more knockback scaling (98 → 102).
  • Nerf Clean down aerial no longer affects grounded opponents. As a result, down aerial has more start-up lag against them (frame 10 → 11) and can no longer meteor smash them. This significantly hinders its combo potential.
  • Buff Standing and pivot grabs have longer durations (frames 14-19 → 14-20 (standing), frames 17-22 → 17-23 (pivot)).
  • Buff Green Missile has less ending lag.
  • Buff Luigi Cyclone has more knockback (80 (base)/130/120 (scaling) → 85/140/130).

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 3.0.0

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 3.1.0

  • Bug fix The Warp Pipe used during Luigi's on-screen appearance received lighting effects.
  • Buff Neutral attack's first hit has decreased base knockback on the arm hitboxes (30 → 25) to allow them to connect into the second hit more reliably.
  • Buff Neutral attack's second hit transitions into its third hit faster. The middle hitbox has decreased base knockback and knockback scaling (32 → 25 (base), 25 → 20 (scaling)) to match the tip. These changes allow it to connect into the third hit better despite its higher hitlag multiplier (x1.2 → x1.23).
  • Buff Neutral attack's third hit's hitbox has moved forward.
  • Buff Grab aerial has a bigger hitbox.
  • Buff When landing with grab aerial, its plunger has a higher position. This lengthens its duration before it touches the ground.
  • Bug fix Luigi Cyclone's invincibility no longer lasts for its entire duration when used on the ground and while ascending into the air with certain timing.
    • Nerf This slightly hinders Luigi Cyclone's utility.


  • Luigi can crawl.
  • Luigi possesses a tether grab.
    • It can also be used as an attack, but it is unable to grab ledges.

For a gallery of Luigi's hitboxes, see here.

Note: All numbers are listed as base damage, without the 1v1 multiplier.

  Name Damage Description
Neutral attack   2% A one-two combo followed by a hip bash. It hits on frame 2 and its last hit slightly moves Luigi forward, making it a safe option at close range. The first two hits can also be used for jab locking opponents. The first two hits originate from the Punch + Punch + Kick combo.
Forward tilt   9% A side kick. It can be angled.
Up tilt   6% A leaping uppercut, similar to Mario's, but more in front of Luigi rather than directly above himself. It is a potent combo starter, leading into itself at low percents and all of Luigi's aerials at mid to high percents. Compared to Mario's, it deals more damage, has more frontal range and less ending lag, but its much lower base knockback makes it less safe at very low percents.
Down tilt   5% A crouching kick. It has short range, and deals low damage and knockback. However, its very minimal lag allows it to be quickly used in succession to combo into itself and whittle down shields if the opponent is close enough to Luigi.
Dash attack   2% (hits 1-4), 4% (hit 5), 12% (total, if all hits connect) Performs a flurry of punches, all while wincing nervously. It has been considerably improved from previous games, having significantly less ending lag and dealing both more damage and knockback, while still being one of the fastest dash attacks in the game in terms of startup, coming out at frame 4.
Forward smash   15% Steps slightly forward and quickly thrusts his fingers in front of him and performs a knifehand thrust, a move used in karate. Luigi's most powerful smash attack, dealing high damage and very high knockback scaling on all angles and also dealing high shield damage. It is his slowest grounded attack, but it is one of the fastest forward smashes, coming out on frame 12. However, it has short range, making it difficult to land.
Up smash Lead Headbutt 14% (head), 12% (body) An upward arcing headbutt. It is quite fast for a smash attack, coming out on frame 9, making it one of Luigi's fastest KO options, and launches opponents at a vertical angle towards him. Like Mario and Dr. Mario's up smashes, it renders his head intangible throughout its duration. Unlike theirs, however, it consists of a sweetspot and a sourspot that deals 2% less damage, the latter which is located closer to Luigi. Compared to Mario's version, it has more knockback overall, the hitbox lasts for one more frame, giving it more frontal range, and the animation ends one frame earlier. Its very fast interruptibility, the intangibility on Luigi's head and good power make it very hard to punish, especially out of shield.
Down smash   15% (body), 14% (legs) A breakdancing kick, hitting on both sides of himself. Luigi's fastest smash attack, at frame 6, rivaling his tilts in speed, but also his weakest. In an opposite fashion to his up smash, both hits possess sweetspots located closer to Luigi, with the sourspots covering the rest of his legs.
Neutral aerial Luigi Kick 12% (clean), 6% (late) A flying kick. It has the fastest startup out of Luigi's aerials at frame 3, making it very useful for breaking out of combos. It also launches at a vertical angle, allowing it to start combos when SHFF'd, especially with its late hit. The clean hit possesses an above average damage output and high knockback, giving it good KO power.
Forward aerial   8% Swings his hand in a downwards arc in front of him and performs a downward knifehand strike, a move used in karate. Very fast, coming out on frame 7 and being interruptible just 13 frames after the hitbox ceases (frame 24), so it's tied with Pac-Man's forward aerial for the fastest in the game. It is a reliable followup from down throw at low to medium percents, and is useful for edgeguarding and approaching due to its extremely low ending lag, with the fastest interruptibility of its type. Its hitbox is positioned on Luigi's hand and arm, but also has a another, smaller hitbox on his shoulder that covers slightly around his body.
Back aerial   14% (clean feet), 8% (clean legs, late) A dropkick. The clean hit's sweetspot is located on Luigi's feet and deals high damage and great knockback, making it one of Luigi's best KOing options. Conversely, the clean hit's sourspot and the late hit deal much less damage and knockback. It comes out quickly on frame 6, but has noticeable ending lag, with 33 frames of lag, the highest of Luigi's aerials.
Up aerial   11% (clean), 7% (late) A bicycle kick. It is useful for combos like Mario's up aerial, due to its very low end lag and landing lag, while dealing above-average damage for a combo move. However, it launches at a lower angle than Mario's, which makes it less effective for combos and juggling past low percents but making it better for edgeguarding. It also comes out one frame later than Mario's, at frame 5 instead of 4. Due to its lenient autocancel window and low ending lag, Luigi can use this move twice in a single short hop and still autocancel it.
Down aerial   10% (clean), 8% (late) A diagonal corkscrew dropkick, similar to the Drill Stomp from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. It comes out on frame 10, has low landing lag, very low ending lag and a clean hit that meteor smashes with respectable power, making it a safe edgeguarding option and a fast but powerful meteor smash with low risk and good reward. It also has the lowest ending lag of any meteor smash in the game, with only 15 frames of lag. However, the clean hit only affects the hitbox on Luigi's feet and only lasts one frame, whereas the late hit is less reliable due to launching opponents horizontally away from Luigi. Prior to update 2.0.0, the clean hit could affect both grounded and aerial opponents, which allowed it to start combos at a wide variety of percents, even possessing KO setups into Super Jump Punch. From the update onward, it only affects aerial opponents, removing nearly all its potential as a combo starter; however, it can still function as a valuable combo extender from a down throw or neutral aerial, launching opponents back to the ground and into more followup attacks.
Grab aerial Suction Shot 5% Fires a plunger from his Poltergust G-00. It behaves unusually from other grab aerials in that it cannot be used as a tether recovery, and the plunger alongside its string detach from the Poltergust G-00 after being fired forward, behaving as a projectile that is affected by gravity and cannot be reflected or absorbed, which makes it useful for edgeguarding. The plunger falls down until either landing on the ground or traveling a set distance, disappearing afterwards, and does not restrict Luigi from using his grab while active. Unlike other grab aerials, this move has a much higher landing lag of 20 frames, but if Luigi lands before firing the plunger, it can come out and hit opponents during landing lag, allowing it to combo into several ground attacks at close enough range. This attributes make it a good projectile overall.
Grab Suction Shot Fires a plunger from his Poltergust G-00. Has shorter range than other extended grabs, but less ending lag, with Luigi being able to act out of it before the plunger disappears.
Pummel   1.3% Squeezes the opponent with the Poltergust G-00. Much quicker than his previous pummel, but does less damage.
Forward throw Slam 9% Slams the opponent forward with the Poltergust G-00. Luigi's second most damaging throw, but has limited utility outside of dealing damage and setting up edge-guards at high percents. Based on the Slam ability from Luigi's Mansion 3.
Back throw Slam 10% Turns around to slam the opponent behind himself with the Poltergust G-00. It is Luigi's most damaging and strongest throw, being able to KO middleweights under 120% at the edge. Based on the Slam ability from Luigi's Mansion 3.
Up throw   8% (throw), 6% (collateral) Swings the Poltergust G-00 upwards. It can combo into a forward aerial or up aerial at low to mid percents, and possesses a collateral hitbox that launches bystanders upwards alongside the thrown opponent.
Down throw   3% (hit 1 and throw) Shoves the opponent under himself and Ground Pounds them. It is Luigi's most useful attack one of the most effective combo starters in the game, thanks to its average knockback, low ending lag and mostly vertical angle. It can combo into several moves, including an up tilt or up smash at low percents, and any of Luigi's aerials or Luigi Cyclone at low and up to high percents, as well as an aerial sweetspotted Super Jump Punch. Its most effective followup at lower percents is a clean down aerial, followed up by a neutral aerial into another clean down aerial, before finally ending with an up aerial into a Super Jump Punch for a zero-to-death combo that works on a wide variety of characters. At higher percents, it has several potential KO setups, including an aerial Super Jump Punch, a back aerial near the edge, and Luigi Cyclone on platforms.
Forward roll
Back roll
Spot dodge
Air dodge
Floor attack (front)
Floor getups (front)
  7% Performs a breakdancing kick before getting up.
Floor attack (back)
Floor getups (back)
  7% Punches behind himself and then in front of himself while getting up.
Floor attack (trip)
Floor getups (trip)
  5% Performs a wheel kick while getting up.
Edge attack
Edge getups
  9% Performs a double-footed legsweep while climbing up.
Neutral special Fireball 6% (clean), 5% (late) Throws a Green Fireball. It is fairly spammable, which enables it to pressure opponents from afar and hinder approaches,. Compared to Mario's Fireball, Luigi's version has less ending lag and has a clean hit that deals more damage, with Luigi being able to throw another fireball after the clean hit ceases. Unlike Mario's version, the fireball also unaffected by gravity, which gives it more vertical range, but makes it less suitable for edgeguarding.
Side special Green Missile ≈6.16% (uncharged), ≈21% (fully charged), 25% (misfired) Crouches and then shoots himself forward to perform a flying battering ram. It takes more than a full second to fully charge, but deals impressive damage upon doing so. Upon reaching full charge, it has KO potential and can be held for some time before being automatically canceled. It also has a 10% chance to misfire, which deals considerably more damage and knockback, KOing opponents at around 60% from the center of Final Destination; this is known as Overzealous Green Missile. A misfired Green Missile, also grants intangibility on frames 18-22, and always travels the same distance regardless of the charge. However, its considerable ending lag makes it punishable whether it is used for offense or recovering, which makes reads very important in order to use it effectively.
Up special Super Jump Punch 25% (grounded sweetspot), 20% (aerial sweetspot), 1% (sourspot) A jumping uppercut. Its grounded sweetspot emits a ping sound and triggers a Special Zoom upon hitting, and boasts excellent damage output with impressive knockback, KOing opponents from 37% to 67% depending on weight from ground level. Its aerial sweetspot is larger, yet deals less damage and knockback (though it is still powerful), and does not have the special effects of the grounded sweetspot. Both versions also grant intangibility for three frames, starting frame 8 on the ground and frame 6 in the air. However, it is very punishable because of its considerable landing lag, while its abysmally weak sourspot lacks KO potential.
Down special Luigi Cyclone 2% (hits 1-4), 4% (hit 5) Rapidly spins around as a vortex generates around himself, trapping the opponent and damaging them with a series of discus clotheslines and spinning backfists before assuming a spread-eagle position to launch them. It allows Luigi to move horizontally on the ground, as well as rise by mashing the special move button, although both abilities are considerably weaker than in previous games. It also grants Luigi invincibility during startup (frames 4–8 while grounded and 1–7 in midair), and has windboxes around Luigi to pull opponents into the attack, making it a potent combo breaker that, compared to his neutral aerial, is more effective but slightly less rewarding. The final hit has respectable power, with the grounded version KOing middleweights at around 160%. It should also be noted that Luigi Cyclone now requires consistent mashing for all hits to connect.
Final Smash Poltergust G-00 30.1% (maximum captured), 10% (ejection) Wields the Poltergust G-00 to vacuum nearby opponents into it before powerfully ejecting them diagonally. Opponents will accumulate more damage the earlier they are vacuumed in. It has decent range, and is capable of vacuuming opponents from a variety of angles.

On-screen appearance

A green Warp Pipe appears, and Luigi leaps out of it while hesitantly saying "Let's-a go!", sporting a frightened expression that is very similar to his expression on the cover of Luigi's Mansion.


  • Up taunt: Performs five quick poses, one after the other. When switching from pose to pose he says, "Ho ha hee hay hoo".
  1. Flashes a V-Sign.
  2. Points both his fingers in the direction he is facing, looking frightened.
  3. Holds his finger under his nose, his eyes looking at the player. This pose is, in some respects, similar to his Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time artwork.
  4. Crouches down to the floor with his back turned to the player.
  5. Assumes a fearful position with his hands on his cheeks, mimicking his artwork from Luigi's Mansion.
  • Side taunt: Planks while saying "Pow pow!" Due to it moving Luigi forward into the z-axis and lowering his hurtbox, some attacks may actually miss him as a result.
  • Down taunt: Bashfully kicks the ground while sighing. One of the only taunts in the game to inflict damage; it deals 2% and meteor smashes opponents with high set knockback, making it a surprisingly reliable combo starter onstage, and allowing it to one-hit KO opponents offstage or hanging on edges. It is similar to the animation Luigi performs when he loses a minigame in Mario Party 2.

Idle poses

  • Rubs the back of his head sheepishly.
  • Pulls his nose, which stretches slightly and then recoils back into place.

Victory poses

  • Left: Planks twice, much like in his side taunt (as well as his artwork in SSB4).
  • Up: Turns around and makes gun motions with his fingers, saying "Bang, bang." Afterwards, he alternates between pointing his fingers and nose to the right and left.
  • Right: Childishly swings his arms at the air, then gasps while holding his hand out (similar to his "character chosen" animation in Super Smash Bros. and his dash attack, but with a different ending animation).
A flourished remix of the Course Clear Fanfare used in Super Mario Bros., slightly sped up.

In competitive play

Initially, Luigi was seen as inferior to his appearance in Smash 4. This is because some of Luigi's most useful tools from the previous game were significantly nerfed: Luigi's new grab had more lag, and Luigi Cyclone no longer granted vertical distance when mashed, weakening Luigi's recovery and removing Luigi's Cyclone gimp. Although Luigi initially had a zero-to-death combo with his down throw and down aerial, update 2.0.0 would make it harder to perform. This, along with mediocre results, caused many people to believe that Luigi was no longer as viable as he was in Smash 4.

Despite Luigi's perception, however, several Luigi mains such as Elegant, Navy, and SMB managed to produce many noteworthy results as the metagame progressed. This, along with several buffs to Luigi, helped improve Luigi's perception in the community.

Notable players

Any number following the Smasher name indicates placement on the Spring 2019 PGRU, which recognizes the official top 50 players in the world in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate from February 1st, 2019 to July 7th, 2019.



Classic Mode: Luigi's Nightmares

Luigi's congratulations screen.

All of Luigi's opponents are creepy or scary characters or a character using a scary alternate costume. His boss, Dracula, fits in with the theme, as he is a vampire and references the fact that Luigi prominently appeared in Simon and Richter’s reveal trailer.

Round Opponent Stage Music Notes
1 Toon Link Toon Link (SSBU) (x4) Luigi's Mansion Main Theme - Luigi's Mansion (Brawl) Despite all enemies sharing the same costume, their models weren't brightened nor darkened to differentiate them.
2 Giant Ridley Ridley (SSBU) Brinstar Sector 1
3 Bayonetta Bayonetta (SSBU) Umbra Clock Tower The Legend Of Aesir
4 Mii Fighters Mii Brawler (SSBU)(x3) Mii Swordfighter (SSBU)(x2) Mii Gunner (SSBU)(x1) Luigi's Mansion (Battlefield form) Main Theme - Luigi's Mansion (Brawl) Horde Battle.
Mii Fighter costume combinations:
  • Hockey Mask and SSB T-shirt (Brawler)
  • Magic Hat and Ashley Outfit (Swordfighter)
  • Devil Horns and Vampire Garb (Brawler)
  • Bear Hat and Bear Suit (Gunner)
  • King K. Rool Hat and King K. Rool Outfit (Brawler)
  • Majora's Mask and SSB T-shirt (Swordfighter)
5 Link Link (SSBU) Midgar Death Mountain
6 Little Mac Little Mac (SSBU), then Giant Mr. Game & Watch Mr. Game & Watch (SSBU) Luigi's Mansion (Ω form) On the Hunt - Gloomy Manor Ver.- (Instrumental) Mr. Game & Watch is not announced in the loading screen. Items do not appear.
Bonus Stage
Final Dracula Castlevania Phase 1: Nothing to Lose
Phase 2: Black Night

Credits roll after completing Classic Mode. Completing it as Luigi has Title/Ending - Super Mario World accompany the credits.

Role in World of Light

Finding Luigi in World of Light

Although Luigi does not appear in the World of Light opening cutscene a puppet fighter of him does appear during the 'Army of puppets' cutscene. He was presumably vaporized and later imprisoned alongside the rest of the fighters (sans Kirby) when Galeem unleashed his beams of light.

Luigi was one of the many fighters who fell under Dharkon's control upon Galeem's first defeat, and he can be found in the Mysterious Dimension being guarded by the Link (The Legend of Zelda) spirit after awakening Meta Knight.

Fighter Battle

No. Image Name Type Power Stage Music
Luigi SSBU.png
Luigi Grab 10,600 Luigi's Mansion (Ω form) Main Theme - Luigi's Mansion



Luigi's Fighter Spirit can be obtained by completing Classic Mode. It is also available periodically for purchase in the shop for 500 coins. Unlocking Luigi in World of Light allows the player to preview the first spirit below in the Spirit List under the name "???". As a Fighter Spirit, it cannot be used in Spirit Battles and is purely aesthetic. Each Fighter Spirit has an alternate version that replaces them with their artwork in Ultimate.

Additionally, Luigi makes an appearance in various Primary and Support Spirits.

In Spirit battles

As the main opponent

Spirit Battle parameters Inspiration
No. Image Name Series Enemy Fighter(s) Type Power Stage Rules Conditions Music Character
25 Fox Luigi Super Mario series •Tail Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
9,300 Mushroom Kingdom U •Hazard: Heavy Wind •Dangerously high winds are in effect Ground Theme - Super Mario Bros. 3 (Remix)
Waluigi Spirit.png
Waluigi Super Mario series Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
9,200 Peach's Castle Assist Trophy Enemies (Waluigi) •Hostile assist trophies will appear Waluigi Pinball - Mario Kart DS
Luigi's mach 8.png
Mach 8 Mario Kart series Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
3,700 Mario Circuit •Hazard: High Gravity
•Item: Mario Kart
•All fighters have reduced jump ability
•The enemy can deal damage by dashing into you
Mario Kart Stadium - Mario Kart 8
Mr L Spirit.png
Mr. L Paper Mario series Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
4,300 Luigi's Mansion (Ω form) •Hazard: Fog •The stage is covered in fog
•The enemy favors special moves
•The enemy's FS Meter charges quickly
The Grand Finale
110 Dreambert Mario & Luigi series Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
2,300 Magicant (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Slumber Floor •The floor is sleep-inducing Try, Try Again
Poltergust 5000.png
Poltergust 5000 Luigi's Mansion series Luigi Team (×4) (Luigi (SSBU)Luigi (SSBU)Luigi (SSBU)Luigi (SSBU))
4,000 Luigi's Mansion N/A •The enemy's throws have increased power Luigi's Mansion Series Medley Luigi
Waluigi (Mario Strikers) Super Mario Strikers series Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
3,600 Wuhu Island (Swordplay Colosseum) •Item: Soccer Ball •Take your strongest team into this no-frills battle Country Field: away team
Luigi Tennis.png
Luigi (Mario Tennis Aces) Mario Tennis series Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
Daisy Daisy (SSBU)
3,400 Pokémon Stadium 2 N/A •The enemy favors smash attacks Stadium Theme - Mario Tennis Aces
Linebeck Spirit.png
Linebeck The Legend of Zelda series Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
Toon Link Toon Link (SSBU)
9,000 Wuhu Island (The boat) •Buoyancy Reduced •No one knows how to swim The Great Sea / Menu Select
Slowpoke Pokémon series Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
3,300 Mushroom Kingdom II •Hazard: Left Is Right, Right Is Left
•Move Speed ↓
•Left and right controls will suddenly reverse after a little while
•All fighters have reduced move speed
Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue Medley
578 Dungeon Man Earthbound series •Giant Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
4,200 Mushroomy Kingdom N/A Stamina battle
•The enemy is giant
Magicant (for 3DS / Wii U)
584 Duster Earthbound series Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
2,500 Pac-Land (Battlefield form) •Item: Smoke Ball
•Hazard: Fog
•The stage is covered in fog
•The enemy's kicks and knee strikes have increased power
You Call This a Utopia?!
834 Don Animal Crossing series Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
3,200 Smashville •Earthquake •The enemy starts the battle with a Hammer
•Periodic earthquakes will shake the stage
•The enemy can swing the Hammer for a long time
Title Theme - Animal Crossing: Wild World
Kapp'n (Wild World) Animal Crossing series Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
3,600 New Donk City Hall (hazards off) •Assist Trophy Enemies (Kapp'n) Stamina battle
•Hostile assist trophies will appear
Kapp'n's Song
855 Dr. Shrunk Animal Crossing series Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
4,100 Town and City •Item: Bananas •Timed battle
•The enemy loves to taunt
Tour - Animal Crossing: New Leaf
935 Glass Joe Punch-Out!! series Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
1,700 Boxing Ring N/A Stamina battle
•The enemy loves to taunt
Minor Circuit (Original)
Yama SimTower SP Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
Villager Villager (SSBU) (×2)
2,000 Tomodachi Life •Item: Ore Club
•Hazard: Heavy Wind
•Dangerously high winds are in effect after a little while
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
Title Theme - NES Remix 2
Master Fusui.png
Hsien Sujin Taisen: Number Battles Series Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
1,800 Windy Hill Zone Assist Trophy Enemies (Dr. Kawashima) •Hostile assist trophies will appear Yūyūki Medley
L Block Spirit.png
L-Tetrimino & J-Tetrimino Tetris series Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
3,700 Mario Bros. (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Left Is Right, Right Is Left
Assist Trophy Enemies (Waluigi)
•Left and right controls will suddenly reverse after a little while
•Hostile assist trophies will appear
Fever L-Tetrimino

As a minion

Spirit Battle parameters Inspiration
No. Image Name Series Enemy Fighter(s) Type Power Stage Rules Conditions Music Character
81 Goo-Goo Buggy Mario Kart series Mario Mario (SSBU)
Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
3,400 Mario Circuit •Assist Trophy Enemies (Chain Chomp) •Hostile assist trophies will appear
•The enemy has increased move speed
Mushroom Gorge - Mario Kart Wii Baby Luigi
101 Dimentio Paper Mario series Meta Knight Meta Knight (SSBU)
•Giant Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
3,800 Paper Mario •Attack power ↑ •The enemy has increased attack power after a little while
•The enemy deals damage when falling
•The enemy is giant
Battle! - Paper Mario: Color Splash Mr. L
Starlow Spirit.png
Starlow Mario & Luigi series Pac-Man Pac-Man (SSBU)
Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
Mario Mario (SSBU)
3,300 Brinstar (Battlefield form) •Tiny
•The enemy is giant
•The enemy is tiny after a little while
Tough Guy Alert! Luigi
MC Ballyhoo Big Top.png
MC Ballyhoo & Big Top Mario Party series Mario Mario (SSBU)
Yoshi Yoshi (SSBU)
Peach Peach (SSBU)
Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
1,600 Mario Circuit •Item Tidal Wave •Certain items will appear in large numbers after a little while Pandemonium Luigi
1,132 Hockey Players Ice Hockey Dr. Mario Dr. Mario (SSBU)
Donkey Kong Donkey Kong (SSBU)
Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
1,500 Pokémon Stadium (Ω form) •Slippery Stage •The stage's platforms are very slippery Core Luge Tall thin hockey player
1,154 Dion, Max, & Jack Marvelous: Mouhitotsu no Takarajima Villager Villager (SSBU)
Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
Wario Wario (SSBU)
1,800 Tortimer Island •Item: Beastball •Take your strongest team into this no-frills battle Village of the Blue Maiden Jack
Peachette Spirit.png
Peachette Super Mario series Peach Peach (SSBU)
Mii Brawler Mii Brawler (SSBU) (Toad Hat, Yellow Toad Outfit)
Luigi Luigi (SSBU)
Mario Mario (SSBU)
10,000 Mushroom Kingdom U •Easy to Launch
•Low Gravity
•All fighters are easy to launch
•Timed battle
•Gravity is reduced
Ground Theme - New Super Mario Bros. U Luigi

Alternate costumes

Palette swap (SSBU)
Luigi (SSBU) Luigi (SSBU) Luigi (SSBU) Luigi (SSBU) Luigi (SSBU) Luigi (SSBU) Luigi (SSBU) Luigi (SSBU)


Character Showcase Video


  • Oddly, the physics of the Poltergust are different when the game speed is modified, which reduces the grab range of all of Luigi's grabs.
  • In Simon's reveal trailer, Luigi was shown having his soul taken by Death, which led to humorous posts from the community claiming that Luigi had been officially "killed off". In turn, BBC News wrote a mock obituary for Luigi. Nintendo UK eventually responded with a short message of "Luigi is okay" as a nod to this event.
    • Luigi was not shown from the rest of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct (not counting menus and the like) of August 8th, 2018. Despite this, Mario and Mega Man were present in this Direct, even after being presumably killed in Ridley's reveal trailer.
      • Luigi is also one of three characters to not appear in any in-battle footage in the Direct, the others being R.O.B. and the Mii Fighters.
  • Luigi's Mansion 3 was teased before it was officially announced through Simon's trailer, as Luigi can be seen using the new Poltergust from the aforementioned game.
  • Luigi's pose in the panoramic artwork for Ultimate is reminiscent of his pose in a group artwork for Melee.
  • Luigi is the first and only veteran in the series to have his standard grab be changed into a tether grab between installments.
    • This is the inverse of another Smash 64 veteran, Link, who had his tether grab changed into a standard grab, due to being based on his Breath of the Wild incarnation.
  • In a promo screenshot for the game depicting Luigi in his Waluigi-inspired costume, the L on his cap was green, but in the final game, it is purple, like in Super Smash Bros. 4.
  • Luigi is the only character to represent an upcoming game at the time of the game's release through his moveset.
    • Yoshi also holds this distinction, though only through his Yoshi's Crafted World alternate costume and not through an actual moveset change.
  • Luigi's yellow alternate costume has a light blue L on his cap in-game, as opposed to it being yellow and matching the rest of the cap in his render.[2] The head icon, however, properly colors the L.
  • Prior to 3.1.0., Luigi's pipe during his on-screen appearance does not appear to have any lighting effects, unlike Mario's.
  • Luigi is the only Smash 64 veteran to be unlocked in the Dark Realm in Adventure Mode.
  • In the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct of November 1, 2018, Sakurai noted during the part where he described Ken that Luigi is the original Echo Fighter, as he was initially introduced as a simple palette swap of Mario in 1983's Mario Bros. with identical abilities. Likewise, Luigi was originally a full clone of Mario in Smash 64, though he has since been heavily decloned to the point of becoming a pseudo-clone.
  • Alongside Greninja, Luigi is one of two characters in Ultimate with a taunt that cannot be canceled, due to the fact that their non-cancelable taunts have hitboxes.
  • Luigi, Pac-Man, Simon and Richter are the only characters to face Dracula as the final boss in Classic Mode.
    • Luigi is also the only first-party character to face Dracula in Classic Mode.
  • Luigi is the only Mario character who doesn't face a character from his own series in Classic Mode.
    • If not counting sub-universes, Dr. Mario doesn't face characters from his own franchise as well.
  • Luigi and Greninja are the only two characters whose Classic Mode titles feature their names.
  • Outside of the final round in Classic Mode, Luigi is the only character to fight a second opponent upon the first one's defeat; in Round 6, he fights a Giant Mr. Game & Watch upon defeating a hooded wireframe Little Mac.
  • Luigi’s official artwork is based on the third hit of his jab, but it portrays him with a scared expression.
  • Through unlocking through versus mode and awakening all fighters in World of Light, Luigi is the last Smash 64 veteran to be unlocked. However, via Mario's unlock tree in Classic Mode, Luigi may be the first Smash 64 veteran to be unlocked.
  • Despite having all of his animations mirrored, Luigi has different animations when using moves that involve Poltergust G-00, so he may not face the screen when he uses his grabs and his Final Smash. He is the only character with mirrored animations to hold this distinction.
  • If Luigi blocks an attack with his shield, he will revert to his shielding pose from Smash 4. This also happens with Fox.
