- This article is about The Subspace Emissary trophies. For links to all trophies, see List of trophies.
The following is a list of the 58 trophies from Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Adventure Mode: The Subspace Emissary. Ten are unlocked by successfully performing specific Challenges, including the completion of the mode itself; 43 are collectable through the use of Trophy Stands on foes in the SSE; and the remaining five are available through all the means of collecting random trophies, including Coin Launcher.
Name | How to Unlock | Picture | Description |
Primid | Trophy Stand | File:Primid Trophy.jpg | The common soldier of the Subspace Army. It seems pretty harmless, but alas, it's stuffed with Shadow Bugs that leak from its forms. This Primid has no weapons—it will challenge you man-to-man. There are six different Primid types, but all of them are based on this basic form. There are also several different face types. |
Sword Primid | Trophy Stand | File:Sword Primid Trophy.jpg | A Primid with a sword, as the name suggests. A Sword Primid will generally attack with slashes, but that's not all! It'll also make charging stabs at you, so watch out even when you're a good distance away. It might just be because of the way its sword lights up, but doesn't it remind you of a tarmac worker at an airport? |
Boom Primid | Trophy Stand | File:Boom Primid Trophy.jpg | A Primid with a boomerang—hence the name. This Primid will use the boomerang to attack from afar (which is pretty much what you'd expect) and adds to its arsenal with close-quarter combat strikes. These two attack patterns may lead you to believe that it has no fun with boomerangs, but no! Boom Primids are just a little on the shy side. |
Scope Primid | Trophy Stand | File:Scope Primid Trophy.jpg | A bazooka-wielding Primid. A Scope Primid uses weak, three-shot attacks and powerful, single-shot surge cannons. Due to its ability to also fire at targets above its position, you can't play it safe when a Scope Primid is down below you. Probably because of the weight of its weapon, it won't use its bazooka for direct strikes. |
Big Primid | Trophy Stand | File:Big Primid Trophy.jpg | The biggest Primid of all. Its attacks are the same in form and function, but considerably more powerful than a normal Primid's. Watch out for its smash attack—it will launch you far. It also has jump and roll attacks. The bigger size means an increase in Shadow Bugs—does that mean it takes more Shadow Bugs to move bigger Primids? |
Metal Primid | Trophy Stand | File:Metal Primid Trophy.jpg | A Primid covered from head to toe in metallic plating. It cannot be knocked around with conventional attacks due to its hard and heavy nature—we're talking ALL metal, including the frilly feather on its head. On the flip side, the weight of the metal inhibits this Primid's movements. Like a normal Primid, a Metal Primid will also rely on hand-to-hand combat. |
Fire Primid | Trophy Stand | File:Fire Primid Trophy.jpg | A specialized, fire-breathing Primid with two flamethrowing attacks. Primids with weapons are just normal, armed Primids, but Fire Primids are a whole new species with a whole new color. Although no more special than the others, they may feel slightly more superior with their red-hot color. Dealing with these guys in a group can be especially tricky. |
Glire | Trophy Stand | File:Glire Trophy.jpg | An enemy shaped like a tire. It's protected by three black shells, but they're not so hard as to be impenetrable. The outermost shell is covered in mucus that lets it stick to surfaces as it rolls along walls and ceilings. The eye in its center is creepy. When it spots the player, it stops, sheds its outer layers, and spouts fire from its inner recesses. |
Glice | Trophy Stand | File:Glice Trophy.jpg | A soldier in the Subspace Army that moves easily up walls and slopes alike. Like a Glire, it sheds its outer shells to attack, but it releases waves of bitter cold instead of fire. This attack will freeze the player in a lump of ice if it hits. To escape quickly, move the Control Stick rapidly back and forth. This combative enemy will attack whenever it can. |
Glunder | Trophy Stand | File:Glunder Trophy.jpg | An enemy that separates into three parts, then blasts enemies with a high-tension current it produces within its body. When it's ready to attack, it will make a "Bzzt!" sound and produce a lightning flash. When this happens, approach with caution. This enemy type is color coded—Glires are red, Glices are blue, and Glunders are yellow. It's a family of destruction! |
Poppant | Trophy Stand | File:Poppant Trophy.jpg | A creature with a uniquely shaped lower body, where it carries boxes that look like gifts and candies. The boxes are even carefully tied with ribbons. It demonstrates its generosity by scattering its boxes as it wanders, but if it's seen, it will immediately flee at top speed. It redefines the word shy. No one knows why it spends its time scattering presents. |
Bytan | Trophy Stand | File:Bytan Trophy.jpg | A spherical creature divided into two colors. There's a big, staring eye in the colored section, and the white part contains the creature's gaping mouth and exposed fangs. It rolls along and smashes into all enemies it meets. After a short time, it will pop another Bytan out of its eye, so if you leave it alone, it will continue to produce one Bytan after another. |
Roader | Trophy Stand | File:Roader Trophy.jpg | A Subspace Army enemy that looks like a motorized unicycle. It features an off-road motorbike helmet as a head, revealing creepy eyes that peek from under its visor. It attacks using three head spikes and its wheel and is clearly unconcerned with environmental conservation, since it wheels around freely spouting exhaust from its muffler. |
Bombed | Trophy Stand | File:Bombed Trophy.jpg | An enemy with a bomb for a head, as subtly suggested by the name. It hurls its own bomb head at you—at least it's kind enough to reveal the bomb fuse, which will light up when hit with a fire attack like Mario's fireball. Then...BOOM! This is an easy way to take it out. It's this weakness that sometimes makes them sad that, regrettably, they were born with bomb heads. |
Greap | Trophy Stand | File:Greap Trophy.jpg | A terrifying enemy with two giant sickles. It uses these well- sharpened, slice-'em-and-dice-'em sickles for a fearsome attack. With a handle on its back, it almost looks like a baby carriage. Combining horrific qualities with this precious imagery gives the Greap a somewhat conflicted disposition, exuding both creepiness and cuteness. |
Bucculus | Trophy Stand | ![]() |
A Subspace Army enemy found firmly planted in the ground, with only its lips showing. These lips, by the way, are covered with spikes that stick in its victim to... (Get this!)...suck out vitality. Basically, this results in serious damage. The torso area has a poison zone where it stores vitality. The Bucculus not only looks offensive—boy, it's rotten to the core. |
Towtow | Trophy Stand | File:Towtow Trophy.jpg | A giant, ramlike enemy and member of the Subspace Army. A Towtow looks adorable while sleeping, but when it's awakened, its angelic face changes dramatically. The features turn to demonic nastiness, and the Towtow's body turns bright red as it readies to ram you. Perhaps a result of its tantrum- hindered fashion sense, the Towtow sports a pompadour when angry. |
Floow | Trophy Stand | File:Floow Trophy.jpg | An enemy that might be described as a ghost patched with strips of darkness. A Floow will float in the air and attack nastily from behind. Harboring pent-up resentment, a Floow's cries reveal one part sadness, one part madness. This especially hits home when gazing into its ghastly red eyes. After taking a certain amount of damage, a Floow will disappear. |
Auroros | Trophy Stand | File:Auroros Trophy.jpg | A unique enemy characterized by a long beak and rainbow-patterned wings and tail. Like most birds, the Auroros flies through the sky. Once one has you in its sights, it will dive in for the attack. Since it has a sharp beak, dodging its attack will leave it stuck firmly in the ground. Fortunately, you can pull it out of the ground and throw it like a javelin. |
Buckot | Trophy Stand | File:Buckot Trophy.jpg | An enemy with arms and a propeller attached to its head that it uses to...um...propel itself through the sky. It has a justified reputation as a dangerous dude with a bucket filled with red-hot iron chunks for dumping on folks. Some say that the phrase "Drop it like it's hot!" came from Buckot's firm belief in dropping scalding metal chunks. Good thing it has thick gloves. |
Jyk | Clear Boss Battles with 20 Characters | File:Jyk Trophy.jpg | A six-spiked enemy. Attacking a Jyk will do no damage, as they can't be defeated. But you'd better believe that a Jyk will deal out damage to you if you get too close. This foe epitomizes player-hindering obstacles—it gets in your way... and it hurts. It definitely isn't thought fondly of by the characters in the game. It may have something to do with its SHARP SPIKES! Ouch. |
Gamyga | Trophy Stand | File:Gamyga Trophy.jpg | A Subspace Army enemy that looks like an avant-garde work of art from some young art-school grad. And its size is nothing to scoff at—sitting on top of a four-level Gamyga base is a huge Gamyga mask. You can eliminate the Gamyga base simply by beating the Gamyga mask. A Gamyga faces the screen, but it never takes its eyes off you. Ooh, spooky...in an artsy kind of way. |
Feyesh | Trophy Stand | File:Feyesh Trophy.jpg | An enemy that, at first glance, looks like a goldfish, with a tail and dorsal fin. It turns out to be more crazy-eye-creature than fish. (And what's with the funky dangling tentacle thingies?) Floating lazily through the air, a Feyesh usually looks like it's sleeping. BUT! When it spots you, its eye opens, and it attacks with its five tentacles. Gaahh! Attack of the Tentacles! |
Trowlon | Trophy Stand | File:Trowlon Trophy.jpg | An enemy that, despite a mechanized look, is made up of a soft, specialized material that allows for smooth, undulating movement and flight. A Trowlon will not attack directly but will instead slip under the player and suddenly ascend. It will try to put players on its back and carry them off the screen. |
Roturret | Trophy Stand | File:Roturret Trophy.jpg | An enemy with a skeletal face at the center of its inner section that deals damage with a rotating attack. Despite a 360-degree attack range, it has a blind spot between its two cannons. It spins toward characters and shoots three shots at a time, spraying spent shells and occasionally reloading. This foe is pretty smart—it'll cease fire when you put up your guard. |
Spaak | Trophy Stand | File:Spaak Trophy.jpg | A Subspace Army member who is mostly cloud but also reveals mechanical parts, like electrodes and batteries. In most cases, a Spaak is white and fires lightning, but it turns into a dark cloud after taking damage and chases you with fast lightning strikes. Its weak point is the battery on its back—attacking that should make it pretty easy to take down. |
Puppit | Trophy Stand | File:Puppit Trophy.jpg | A marionette enemy, suspended from above by piano strings. A Puppit proves vicious with long, sharp claws and a mysterious beam emitted from its eyes. You would think, based on the exterior wood pattern, that it's made of wood, but no one is sure. More importantly, who is the one manipulating those piano strings?! What an enemy! Mystery abounds! |
Shaydas | Trophy Stand | File:Shaydas Trophy.jpg | An odd enemy with two heads. Its legs might suggest that it's a beast of some sort, but in actuality, a Shaydas is formed by swarms of Shadow Bugs. Maybe that's why recklessly attacking it will do no good—you must strike its pink core to defeat it. Just watch out for the giant blades that it brings to the party. Mind the blades, and pick your attacks wisely! |
Mites | Trophy Stand | File:Mites Trophy.jpg | Pitiful little enemies that carry the Subspace Army symbols right there on their heads—rather, the symbols ARE their heads! They're paper thin—nope, no depth at all. There are three different colors—red, green, and yellow—and all have white hands and feet. Their moves can best be described by the phrase "try really hard." They're weak, but they...try really hard. |
Shellpod | Trophy Stand | File:Shellpod Trophy.jpg | An enemy reminiscent of a horned beetle. A Shellpod can exhibit extraordinary destructive power thanks to the strength generated in its beefy front legs and its threatening long horn. Taking a hit from this bad boy spells trouble. But what's the deal with the color difference between the Shellpod's legs and shell? Hmmm... Therein lies a seeeeeecret. |
Shellpod (No Armor) | Trophy Stand | File:Shellpod (No Armor) Trophy.jpg | Extensive damage to a Shellpod will reveal its true form and uncover the big secret—it was the ARMOR that made the Shellpod look like a beetle! Well, no wonder the shelled creature had such funny-looking legs! But even without its armor and horn, this weaker Shellpod will still bring the thunder, just slightly less threa |
Nagagog | Trophy Stand | File:Nagagog Trophy.jpg | An enemy that might be considered sumo-wrestler shaped, with a funky, decorative twirl on its head and a cute little mouth. As it takes damage, its body increases in size through three distinct levels. Wow, it's almost like a sumo wrestler climbing the ranks to become Yokozuna! Along with the size increase comes a change in color as well—blue, yellow, and red. |
Cymul | Trophy Stand | File:Cymul Trophy.jpg | First, notice the metallic sheen—a specialized coating that allows the Cymul to reflect beams and other long-range attacks. The reflected attacks are said to be as strong as a Reflector's, so it's believed that the coating is based on Reflector technology. Coating aside, the four blades attached to its body cannot be neglected—they will slice and dice and slice. |
Ticken | Trophy Stand | File:Ticken Trophy.jpg | An enemy that looks like a chicken—quite a hefty chicken. But despite its weight, it can indeed fly. After taking a certain amount of damage, a Ticken will open up to reveal a little chick enemy. Notice the two bolts on its belly? And what's the deal with the four missing bolts? It probably hasn't even noticed they're missing. |
Armight | Trophy Stand | File:Armight Trophy.jpg | A Subspace enemy. Look at the arms on this thing. It's also got an awfully fancy mustache! Without much of a body, Armight floats softly in the air—all arms, legs, and head. Resplendent in a nice armored helmet, Armight attacks with its arms and swords and will sometimes throw the latter at you unexpectedly. |
Borboras | Trophy Stand | File:Borboras Trophy.jpg | A Subspace foe. Although humanoid in form, it's characterized by a head that resembles a wind instrument decorated on top with trumpet valves. It can be quite annoying—when it spots you, it'll blow you off balance with some serious wind from its mouth. And where does it get off, skipping around so cheerfully? I mean, who skips these days? Seriously. |
Autolance | Trophy Stand | File:Autolance Trophy.jpg | An enemy that moves on caterpillar treads and uses the giant lance attached to its front to ram and sometimes shoot you. Looking for a weak spot? It's inside that armored-helmet head in the form of an emergency light. But... Autolances aren't Subspace Army emergency vehicles—why would they need an emergency light? Aah, the mystery! |
Armank | Trophy Stand | File:Armank Trophy.jpg | A brutal enemy in the Subspace Army or mobile construction equipment? Yes, it moves on treads and has a functional construction arm, but that arm is also capable of brutal attacks. Continue attacking the arm to reveal the Armank's weak spot. Wait... It looks like there's mud on the end of the arm! Maybe the Armank IS just a construction vehicle for the Subspace Army! |
R.O.B. Sentry | Trophy Stand | ![]() |
A robot with a two-armed shot. This R.O.B. uses the booster on its base to propel its jumps. Often used in the Subspace Army bomb factory in defense or labor roles, the R.O.B. Sentry also works as a detonator. Its emotional capacity is unknown, but it has utter trust in the Ancient Minister and obeys him unwaveringly. This production model has been made in great numbers. |
R.O.B. Launcher | Trophy Stand | ![]() |
An upgraded R.O.B. model with a missile-launcher head that bolsters firepower. The standard coloring has also been refinished with a green and brown military motif, stylishly accented with a blue cord connecting the arm sections and base. This R.O.B. does not use its arms—attacks are limited to the missiles fired from its head. |
R.O.B. Blaster | Trophy Stand | ![]() |
A R.O.B. model boasting robo-beam- blasting eye lenses suited for long-range combat. There are two types—one acts like a stationary gun, sitting in place and lining up targets, and the other is mobile. Actually, the R.O.B. Sentry also features beam-firing capabilities, but because the roles of the R.O.B. Squad are so well defined, there's no conflict between the ranks. |
Mizzo | Random | File:Mizzo Trophy.jpg | Within the battleship Halberd, there's a display room where a number of enemies are on display. On the way there, a number of different enemies obstruct your path, but one enemy appears only in this display room. That enemy is Mizzo. With a round body sprouting arms and legs, its appearance and swimming motions make for an extremely bizarre being. |
Galleom | Trophy Stand | File:Galleom Trophy.jpg | An enormous, transforming robot and Subspace Army warmonger. Galleom is characterized by various attack threats, including jump stomps, beefy arm bludgeonings, and even missiles fired from its back. It also has a Subspace Bomb set in its head, which it can use in times of desperation to blow itself up and drag the player into the darkness of Subspace. It's one tough robot! |
Galleom (Tank Form) | Clear Boss Battles on Intense Difficulty | File:Galleom (Tank Form) Trophy.jpg | Galleom with its arms and legs neatly compacted into tank form. In this form, it can get around the combat field at high speed. It can quickly change into humanoid form to take advantage of awesome combat capabilities. Its last defense and most threatening trait is a built- in Subspace Bomb. In tank form, Galleom can still attack with body slams and missiles. It never runs. |
Duon | Trophy Stand | File:Duon Trophy.jpg | A robot with two upper bodies sharing one set of wheels. The blue-bodied half uses sword attacks, while the pink one uses lasers from its head and arms for offensive power. Whichever side is facing you will attack. Duon also threatens with homing missiles and the blade on top of the blue half. |
Tabuu | Trophy Stand | File:Tabuu Trophy.jpg | The ruler of Subspace and master of operations. Tabuu controls Master Hand with chains of light to excise this world and build up his great maze. He used Shadow Bugs to form Subspace and manipulates the servants of Master Hand to his heart's content. Born in a vastly foreign realm, he also possesses great leadership powers. Tabuu... No name is more suitable. |
Tabuu (Wings) | Clear Boss Battles with all Characters | File:Tabuu (Wings) Trophy.jpg | Tabuu with wings extended. The dreadful energy surges cast from these wings instantly turn all fighters back into trophies. Knowing this, King Dedede assembles all able-bodied troops and sets a timed device on each of them. This device is a brooch that, after the designated time runs out, revives all fighters wiped out by Tabuu. |
Master Hand | Clear Classic mode with 20 characters | File:Master Hand Trophy.jpg | A being tied to the link between this world, where trophies fight, and the world beyond. The meaning of his existence is unknown, as are his goals, but he seems to have obtained (and kept hidden) a power that borders on absolute. He also seems to feel a certain joy in challenging chosen warriors who've claimed many victories. He waits even now in Final Destination. |
Crazy Hand | Clear Classic mode on Intense | File:Crazy Hand Trophy.jpg | A seeming manifestation of the destructive spirit in direct contrast to Master Hand, who is the manifestation of the creative spirit. Crazy Hand appears out of nowhere when Master Hand's power begins to ebb. His repeated attacks evoke the bizarre. Those who must face Master Hand and Crazy Hand at the same time face a long and painful battle to the death. |
Dark Cannon | Clear Boss Battles on Hard Difficulty | ![]() |
In this world, those who fall in battle return to their forms as trophies. This Dark Cannon is powerful enough to turn a fighter back into a trophy with a single shot. Originally created by the Subspace Army, they were then given to Bowser and Wario for the purpose of collecting fighters who exist in this world. |
Cargo | Random | File:Cargo Trophy.jpg | A hovering carrier that can carry any and all freight with ease. Flying it is very simple, since it only uses one stick. There is the Bowser version (that went after Donkey Kong's bananas) and the Wario version (that King Dedede stole). The Wario version is outfitted with a magic arm. |
Shadow Bugs | Clear Boss Battles on Normal difficulty | File:Shadow Bugs Trophy.jpg | Embodiments of a primordial substance that can take the form of any number of lesser Subspace foes. They can also copy the forms of trophies to create evil doppelganger versions of them. The mysterious substance inside Mr. Game & Watch can be extracted endlessly. Once Tabuu discovered this, he used Mr. Game & Watch to create the Subspace Army. |
Ancient Minister | Clear The Subspace Emissary | ![]() |
The commander of the Subspace Army who uses Subspace Bombs to tear up this world. He was once the lord of this world, living on the floating Island of the Ancients with many robots—but the robots were taken hostage on Tabuu's orders. Now that their home's a bomb factory, the robots carry out their functions while enduring deep sadness caused by the loss of their colleagues. |
Subspace Gunship | Clear boss battles with 10 characters | ![]() |
Ganondorf made the Subspace Bomb factory self-destruct in order to draw this ultimate weapon out from Subspace. It's capable of infinitely rending space, and its firepower is greater than that of any weapon. It exists to draw all of this world into Subspace, but the last-ditch efforts of the fighters might prevent this. |
Subspace Bomb | Clear Boss Battles on Easy difficulty | ![]() |
A weapon that, when it explodes, draws every part of this world within its blast range into Subspace. The areas drawn into Subspace this way float about in bubbles as individual colonies. To detonate a bomb, two R.O.B.'s must be destroyed in the process. The Ancient Minister is bitterly aggrieved by this fact. |
Trophy Stand | Random | ![]() |
An item that, when hurled at Subspace goons, will turn whomever it hits into a trophy. Trophies can be collected, then viewed in the gallery. To successfully get an enemy, you need to hit it when it's been sufficiently weakened. If you can skillfully manipulate your foe's damage, you can even capture a boss character. |
Stock Ball | Random | ![]() |
The Subspace Emissary is played in Stock mode. When you're defeated, your stock decreases by one. If your stock reaches zero, the game ends. However, you can increase your stock by one by picking up a Stock Ball when you come across one. There's a big difference between having a stock of zero and one, so be sure not to leave any Stock Balls behind. |
Key | Random | ![]() |
In The Subspace Emissary, there are often locked doors. This key is the item you need to unlock these doors. You can touch a door while holding the key, or you can even throw the key at a door to unlock it. If you lose the key, it will return to the place you originally found it. This item is vital to your progress, so do your best not to lose it. |
- Despite not appearing in the Subspace Emissary, Crazy Hand's trophy is placed in this category.
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Brawl trophies | Super Smash Bros. · The Subspace Emissary · Mario · Donkey Kong · The Legend of Zelda · Metroid · Yoshi · Kirby · Star Fox · Pokémon · F-Zero · EarthBound · Ice Climber · Fire Emblem · Kid Icarus · Wario · Pikmin · Animal Crossing · Game & Watch · Others · Metal Gear · Sonic the Hedgehog · (All trophies) |
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