Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Lucina (SSBU)

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This article is about Lucina's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. For the character in other contexts, see Lucina.
in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Lucina SSBU.png
Universe Fire Emblem
Other playable appearance in SSB4

Availability Unlockable
Final Smash Critical Hit
Lucina (SSBU)
Lucina is Marth's echo fighter, so she shares most of her standard and special attacks with Marth. However, while Marth's attacks are more powerful when made with the tip of his blade, Lucina's attacks just as powerful whether you use the tip or the base of the sword.
Super Smash Blog, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Official Site

Lucina (ルキナ, Lucina) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. She was confirmed as a playable character on June 12th, 2018. She is an Echo Fighter of Marth, thus being classified as fighter #21ε.

Rather than Alexis Tipton, who voices her in Fire Emblem Warriors and Fire Emblem Heroes, Laura Bailey's portrayal of Lucina from Smash 4 was repurposed for the Engilsh version of Ultimate. Similarly, Yu Kobayashi's portrayal from the same game was also recycled for the Japanese version.

How to unlock

Complete one of the following:

With the exception of the third method, Lucina must then be defeated on Arena Ferox.

Differences from Marth

As an Echo Fighter of Marth, Lucina shares all of his moves and has identical physical attributes. Whilst all of her attacks have identical framedata to Marth's, the main difference is that Lucina's Parallel Falchion deals the same amount of damage throughout all parts of the sword for most moves (with exceptions such as Dolphin Slash), equal to the weighted average of Marth's sweet and sourspotted attacks. Theoretically, Marth deals more overall damage, and can kill earlier due to the high power of his tippers, but Lucina's attacks are decently more powerful than Marth's sourspot attacks. However, the same strategies can be applied to both characters.


  • Change As with all other Echo Fighters, Lucina has different taunts and victory animations.
  • Change Lucina's victory theme is different from that of Marth, being a remix of the Fire Emblem Awakening song "Id (Purpose)."
  • Change Lucina's on-screen appearance is slightly different from that of Marth, as she removes her mask. She also has a different No Contest animation as well.
  • Change Lucina's Screen KO animation is different from Marth's.
  • Change Lucina's shield breaker animation is different. She steps back and charges at a more exaggerated fashion.
    • Change Whilst Kirby received a new animation when using Marth's Shield Breaker, Lucina retains her one from Smash 4
  • Change Lucina assumes a different stance for her Counter animation
  • Change Lucina's sword trails are completely opaque, while Marth's are only opaque at the tip of his blade.
  • Change Lucina has a few different facial expressions when performing certain actions, such as carrying a crate.


  • Change Due to the Parallel Falchion lacking a tipper like Falchion, its entire blade deals equal damage and knockback, equal to the weighted average of Marth's sweet- and sourspotted attacks. This change applies to most, but not all attacks.


As with Marth, Lucina is considered to be emblematic of swordfighters; her playstyle revolves around spacing, utilizing her exceptional range and reliable moves to. She is in the middle ground of lightweight and middleweight, boasting high overall mobility, notably sporting the fastest walking speed in the game (tied with her base fighter, Marth), a fast dashing speed, average air speed, above average air acceleration, moderate falling speed, and low gravity.

Lucina's playstyle revolves around effective spacing, due to the long range of her sword, and overall safety when far. Her frame data is overall above-average, with many attacks having low startup and wide range all-around, allowing her to space efficiently. Because of this, Lucina aims to fight a step away from danger, without leaving herself too open to punishment.

Like Marth, Lucina's neutral game is unique by scaling with percent, as set-ups and combos become more rewarding at higher percentages. She also benefits from being one of the few characters in the game who can outright KO through playing her neutral and spacing game; essentially, while Lucina's neutral reward is not as rewarding or damaging as other characters including Marth's, Lucina has the ability to win neutral exchanges with relative ease and safety, especially with her balanced blade which grants consistent set-ups and follow-ups.

Lucina's advantage state as a whole is quite strong. Her combination of good speed and range give her excellent juggling capabilities, as she can easily dash to where a falling opponent might land and catch them with her wide attacks, especially her up tilt and up aerial. Her disjointed hitboxes also allow him to challenge opponent's falling attacks safely. Because of this, Lucina has an easy time keeping opponents in the air and racking up damage. These traits also grant her strong edgeguarding abilities, as her wide aerials can cover enemy movement well, and certain moves such as her back aerial can outright KO offstage opponents thanks to their power and reliability. Moreover, her general floatiness also allows her to recover back to the stage after edgeguarding attempts fairly safely. Certain moves such as her forward smash have respectable kill potential, killing as early as 80% onstage no matter which part of the sword she strikes.

Lucina's special moveset provides interesting options as well; her neutral special, Shield Breaker, deals very high shield damage, even when uncharged, and is useful for covering rolls and landings. Dancing Blade is a four-hit combo that can be used to punish sidesteps and rolls, as well as effectively rack up damage. Dolphin Slash has quick startup, provides slight intangibility during its startup frames, is relatively strong when it first comes out, and has high knockback scaling. These attributes make it an excellent out of shield option and combo-breaker. It is also Lucina's primary method of recovery, as its speed can make it difficult to intercept, and it can stage spike reckless edgeguarders. Lastly, Counter provides her with the capability to reverse attacks with 1.2× the damage, KOing if the attack was strong enough; it can also be used against opponents with easily predictable recoveries.

Despite her strengths, Lucina has some notable weaknesses. Due to Lucina possessing a sword, her moves generally have greater ending lag than characters who fight with physical attacks. Though her attacks have quick startup, many of them come with high ending lag, and also suffer from short hitbox durations, leaving him open for counterattacks during certain situations. As a solely sword-based character, Lucina's neutral also suffers from a lack of a projectile, and she can struggle against projectile heavy characters and playstyles. This ties in with her vulnerability once he loses the neutral: despite having below average weight and only average falling speed, Lucina is susceptible to combos, and her tall hurtbox provides an easy target. Dolphin Slash is her only reliable combo-breaker, but as it leaves her helpless, it can inadvertently put her in an even worse position. Also, while Counter can be used defensively, it leaves Lucina extremely vulnerable to punishment should it whiff. Lucina also has little defense against juggling, as her aerials are ineffective at relieving such pressure.

Lucina additionally has a fairly weak grab game. Except for up throw, they have low knockback scaling, preventing them from KOing at realistic percents, while up throw can only KO starting at 170%, if Lucina has no rage. Her other throws are somewhat lackluster; aside from having a fairly fast pummel, Lucina's throws deal low damage and have high base knockback, making them poor for combos and damage-racking outside of down throw leading into an aerial until high percents. However, it should be noted that the high base knockback of her throws allow Lucina to take advantage of her good edgeguarding capability, especially at the edge.

Lucina herself is somewhat vulnerable to edgeguarding, though she has options for mix-ups with her recovery. Dolphin Slash is her only reliable vertical recovery option, and while it is still a threat to edgeguarders due to its speed and high stage spike ability, its path is linear and its distance fixed, making it fairly predictable. Additionally since this move grants little horizontal distance, Lucina is vulnerable to semi-spikes. While Shield Breaker can aid her horizontal recovery, it covers little distance without charging. Lucina is also heavily reliant on her double jump for mix-ups in her recovery, and is in significant danger if offstage without it.

Overall, Lucina is an effective character that has many benefits; high overall mobility, long range, reliable and safe attacks, and above-average frame data. However, Lucina has a relatively low amount of attack power overall compared to other sword users, her close range game is not ideal due to relatively high endlag on her moves. At her purest, Lucina is most rewarding for players with good fundamentals, with many playstyles applicable to her due to her flaws being easily worked around with careful play.

Changes from Super Smash Bros. 4

Much like with Marth, Lucina highly benefits from the universal changes in SSBU, particularly in terms of aerials and tilts. In addition, the new engine is also a benefit to Lucina's balanced blade, as the faster pace of the game allows her greater close-combat capabilities to be an advantage in certain situations. Unlike most clones, Lucina became slightly more similar to Marth, though a majority of her reclonings were neglible (such as her being slightly shorter, or a few moves not stopping her momentum).


  • Change As with all veterans returning from SSB4, Lucina's model features a more subdued color scheme. Her clothing now has simple detailing, her hair has been reshaped, and her face appears sharper, with her cheeks now showing a slight pink blush.
  • Change Lucina has several new basic animations. Her idle, crouch, and sidestep all have new animations, and her jump animations have all been changed as well, resembling (but not identical to) Roy's jumps in SSB4. She also has a new screen KO animation.
  • Change Lucina's victory theme is now a snippet of the Fire Emblem Awakening song, Id (Purpose). [1]


  • Buff Like all characters, Lucina's jumpsquat animation now takes three frames to complete (down from 5).
  • Buff Lucina walks faster (1.5 → 1.575).
  • Buff Lucina runs significantly faster (1.785 → 1.964).
    • Buff Lucina's initial dash is significantly faster (1.5 → 2.255).
  • Buff Lucina's air speed is faster (1.02 → 1.071).
  • Buff Lucina's traction is much higher (0.055 → 0.114).
  • Buff Forward roll has less ending lag (frame 31 → 30).
  • Nerf Forward roll grants less intangibility (frames 4-17 → 4-15).
  • Nerf Back roll has more startup with less intangibility (frames 4-17 → 5-16), and more ending lag (frame 31 → 35).
  • Buff Spot dodge has less ending lag (frame 27 → 26).
  • Buff Air dodge grants more intangibility (frames 3-27 → 3-29).
  • Nerf Air dodge has significantly more ending lag (frame 33 → 53).
  • Change Lucina is taller, and is now as tall as Marth. This increases her range, but also increases her hurtbox, making her easier to hit
  • Buff Lucina's new jump animation has her pick up her feet more, allowing her to short hop over certain projectiles.

Ground attacks

  • Neutral attack:
    • Nerf Neutral attack does not retain her horizontal momentum anymore. Like Marth, Lucina will now stop her horizontal momentum if she uses her neutral attack.
    • Nerf Both hits have shorter durations (first hit: frame 5-7 → 5-6, second hit: frame 3-5 → 4-5).
    • Buff The first hit transitions into the second hit faster (frame 19 → 11), allowing it to connect better.
    • Nerf The first hit has altered angles (78°/65°/90° → 361°/361°/180°/361°) and knockback (55 (base)/30 (growth) → 30 (base)/15/12/12/12 (growth)) to keep opponents close to Lucina, akin to other neutral attacks. This allows it to jab lock, but most importantly removes all its guaranteed jab cancel setups, which made it one of Lucina's most potent punishment tools in Smash 4.
    • Nerf The second hit has more startup (frame 3 → 4).
    • Change The first hit has an altered animation where Lucina swings in a more horizontal arc, matching its hitboxes better.
  • Dash attack:
    • Buff Dash attack deals more damage (9.975% → 10.925%).
    • Buff Dash attack deals more knockback (48 (base)/58 (growth) → 75/67), giving it KO potential.
    • Change The move has a different animation, with Lucina swinging in a slightly more horizontal arc.
  • Forward tilt:
    • Buff Forward tilt deals slightly more damage (10.925% → 11%), albeit with knockback growth compensated (77 → 74).
  • Up tilt:
    • Nerf Up tilt does not retain her horizontal momentum anymore. Like Marth, Lucina will stop her horizontal momentum if she uses her Up tilt.
    • Change Late up tilt now sends opponents at a consistent angle (85°/100°/100°/85° → 85°).
    • Change Lucina's up tilt now has her move forward just like Marth's. This improves its horizontal range and gives it the same spacing potential as Marth's. However, this in turn makes it harder to repeatedly land her timing-based sweetspot.
  • Forward smash:
    • Nerf Forward smash has less knockback growth (80 → 77).
  • Down smash:
    • Buff Down smash now consistently launches opponents at a horizontal angle, allowing it to set up edgeguards and KO near edges more effectively, despite lower base knockback on both hits (60 (both) → 55 (front)/45 (back)).
    • Nerf It has one frame more ending lag (frame 55 → 56).

Aerial attacks

  • Buff All aerials have less landing lag (Neutral: frame 12 → 7, Forward: 16 → 10, Back: 17 → 10, Up: 14 → 9, Down: 24 → 14).
  • Neutral aerial:
    • Buff Neutral aerial's first hit has more base knockback (30 → 45/45/35) and altered angles (80°/75°/65°/90° → 75°/80°/90°), allowing it to connect into the second hit while rising, and improving its combo potential on landing combined with its lower landing lag.
    • Buff It deals slightly more damage (4.2% → 4.275% (hit 1), 8.5% → 8.55% (hit 2)).
  • Forward aerial:
    • Change Forward aerial has less knockback growth (85 → 81), improving its combo potential, but hindering its KO potential.
  • Back aerial:
    • Buff Back aerial deals slightly more damage (11.8% → 11.875%).
  • Up aerial:
    • Buff Up aerial has more knockback growth (82 → 83).
  • Down aerial:
    • Buff The removal of teching for grounded meteor smashes improves down aerial's combo potential onstage, compounded further by its lower landing lag.
    • Buff It deals slightly more damage (12.3% → 12.35% (non-meteor), 14.2% → 14.25% (meteor)).

Throws/other attacks

  • Buff Standing grab has less startup (frame 7 → 6).
  • Nerf Dash and pivot grab have more startup (frame 8 → 9 (dash), 9 → 10 (pivot)).
  • Nerf All grabs have increased ending lag (frame 30 → 35 (standing), 37 → 43 (dash), 35 → 38 (pivot)).
  • Change Lucina's throws are no longer weight-dependent. This improves her down throw's combo potential on heavyweights, but reduces it on lightweights.
  • Nerf All of Lucina's throws except up throw release the opponent slower (frame 15 → 18 (forward), 9 → 19 (back), 16 → 20 (down)), making them easier to DI.
  • Pummel:
    • Nerf Pummel deals less damage (2% → 1.3%).
  • Forward throw:
    • Change Lucina has a new forward throw, a quick elbow strike to the opponent's chest.
    • Nerf Due to the faster knockback physics and reduced hitstun for higher knockback values, it has lost its combo potential.
  • Up throw:
    • Buff Up throw deals more damage (4% → 5%), with its knockback growth compensated (120 → 102).
  • Down throw:
    • Nerf Down throw deals less damage (5% → 4%), with its knockback growth compensated (50 → 57).
    • Change Its animation has been changed slightly, with Lucina slamming the opponent onto the ground with a more exaggerated throw.
  • Edge attack:
    • Buff Edge attack deals more damage (7% → 9%).

Special moves

  • Shield Breaker:
    • Buff Shield Breaker can now be angled vertically.
    • Buff It now deals 1.15× its regular damage if it hits an opponent's head.
    • Nerf Shield Breaker has less knockback growth (95 → 90).
    • Nerf Fully charged Shield Breaker has slightly more start-up (frame 78 → 79).
    • Change Shield Breaker now only has the Parallel Falchion glow purple instead of Lucina's whole body.
    • Change The move triggers Special Zoom upon breaking an opponent's shield.
  • Dancing Blade:
    • Buff All swings except the first have less startup (frame 9 → 5 (second, neutral), frame 7 → 4 (second, up), frame 6 → 4 (third, neutral), frame 8 → 5 (third, up & down), frame 13 → 7 (fourth, neutral & down), frame 11 → 6 (fourth, up)), allowing the move to execute faster and connect all hits more reliably.
      • Buff The fourth downward swing's hits after the first are also faster (frame 19, 25, 31, 37 → 10, 13, 16, 19), allowing them to connect better and preventing opponents from jumping out of them at low percents.
    • Buff All swings except the fourth ones deal less hitlag, allowing the move to transition faster and making it harder to SDI out of.
    • Buff The first swing has less ending lag (frame 42 → 40 (grounded), 32 → 30 (aerial)), as does the fourth upward swing (frame 51 → 45).
    • Buff The first two neutral swings have altered knockback, allowing them to more consistently link into the other hits, and granting them the ability to lock.
    • Buff The forth forward swing has greater base knockback with reduced knockback growth (60 (base)/130 (growth) → 74 (base)/115 (growth)), slightly improving its KO potential overall.
    • Nerf The first swing has more startup (frame 6 → 9).
    • Nerf The fourth downward swing has more ending lag (frame 72 → 75).
    • Nerf All swings deal less damage (3.325% → 2.85% (first & second), 4.275% → 3.325% (third, neutral & up), 4.75% → 3.325% (third, down), 5.7% → 4.75% (fourth, neutral), 6.65% → 5.7% (fourth, up), 4.75% → 4.275% (fourth, down, last hit)).
    • Nerf The fourth upward swing has more base knockback (60 → 80/85), but drastically less knockback growth (118 → 40), removing its ability to KO at realistic percents.
    • Change Dancing Blade's neutral swings all have altered animations, except for the third. The first one is now an outward swing similar to her forward tilt, the second is a vertical swing instead of a horizontal one, and the final swing no longer has Lucina spinning before she slashes the opponent.
    • Change The third downward swing has an altered animation, now being a low outward swing instead of a stab.
  • Dolphin Slash:
    • Nerf Dolphin Slash has more landing lag (20 frames → 24).
    • Change It now leaves multiple afterimages of Lucina during the leap.
  • Counter:
    • Buff Counter's counterattack has less start-up (frame 5 → 4).
    • Nerf Counter has more ending lag (counter: frame 60 → 65, counterattack: frame 36 → 41).
    • Change It now causes a large yellow flash if an attack is countered, and plays the noise from Critical Hit if the counterattack successfully lands.
  • Critical Hit:
    • Buff Due to the changes to teching, Critical Hit is now almost impossible to tech, though at some circumstances such as Shulk's Shield Monado Art, it can still be teched at very low percentages.


  • Lucina's overall damage output is close to the weighted average of each of the hitboxes of Marth's attacks.

Note: All numbers are listed as base damage, without the 1v1 multiplier.

  Name Damage Description
Neutral attack   3.325% Slashes the Parallel Falchion twice in front of herself. The first hit can also jab lock.
Forward tilt   11% A fast upward swipe while leaning forward. Has a large arc that is useful for spacing. Can hit opponents standing on top of some platforms.
Up tilt Anti-air Slash 7.6% (early), 8.075% (late) Swings the Parallel Falchion in a large arc above her head, with a large hitbox that can hit enemies behind her. Lucina's up tilt has a timing-based sweetspot unlike Marth's version; on the latter half of the swing, Lucina deals more damage but less knockback, allowing her to rack up damage more easily as long as she is facing away from her opponent. Covers platforms very well and is useful for juggling.
Down tilt   8.5% A quick crouching sword poke. Lucina's fastest tilt, which is useful for interrupting grounded approaches and creating space. Deals semi-spike knockback, making it useful for edgeguarding. Knocks opponents into a tumble around 80%, which can force opponents into a tech chase situation.
Dash attack   10.925% A quick, running, upward-sweeping diagonal slash. Deals decent knockback, KOing middleweights at the edge around 130%. Has notable ending lag and low hitlag, making it rather unsafe against shields. The ability to use the faster and safer forward tilt out of a dash makes this move's use rather niche.
Forward smash Dragon Killer 15.275% Rotates her body counter-clockwise with a strong overarching one-handed swing from her head to the ground. Moderately fast startup, but high ending lag. Deals considerably high knockback, KOing middleweights at the edge around 76%.
Up smash Justice Sword 3% (ground), 14.25% (blade). A quick, upward thrust. The weak grounded hit can knock nearby opponents into the main attack. Good for aerial protection and chasing down landing opponents.
Down smash   9.5% (hit 1), 14.275%} (hit 2) Sweeps the Parallel Falchion on the ground toward the front outward then toward the back inward. The back hit has much stronger power, while the front hit is weak. It also has high ending lag.
Neutral aerial   4.275% (hit 1), 8.55% (hit 2) Two horizontal slashes around herself via an inward slash followed into a full 360° outward spin. The second hit can hit on both sides of Lucina, and can be used to create space by short hopping then fast-falling immediately after using the move in the air. The first hit has low knockback scaling, which, combined with fast falling and the move's low landing lag, allows it to combo into many of Lucina's tilts, and even her forward smash, even at high percentages. The second hit has moderate knockback, KOing middleweights at the edge around 120%.
Forward aerial   10.5% Does a descending crescent slash in front of her with great coverage. This is Lucina's best tool for air combat, and its reasonably low landing lag makes it very safe when spaced properly. Lucina can also use this move more reliably than Marth's, as it deals relatively high damage and knockback throughout. Around 27%, it begins to knock opponents into a tumble, which can force a tech chase situation. KOs middleweights at the edge around 143%.
Back aerial About Face 11.875% An upward crescent slash behind her in an inward swipe. Has the interesting property of turning Lucina around, changing the direction she is facing. Similar use to her forward aerial, although with more knockback and a smaller hitbox. Safe on shield when spaced low to the ground. Lucina's strongest aerial, KOing middleweights at the edge around 110%.
Up aerial   11.4% An overhead crescent slash with good coverage, ending in a delayed somersault. Lucina's fastest aerial, it is good for juggling thanks to its large arc, making it a good anti-air as well, and has moderate knockback. Due to its angle, it makes a reliable combo starter. Compared to Marth's, it loses true combo percent potential sooner due to its greater knockback.
Down aerial   12.35% (non-meteor), 14.25% (meteor) A downward, wide crescent slash with large coverage. If the attack connects at the middle of the swinging arc (directly below Lucina), it serves as a powerful meteor smash. However, the meteor smash window lasts only one frame (frame 11). Can be useful against cross-ups and as an out of shield option as it starts behind Lucina and covers a wide area below her.
Grab   Reaches out with her free hand.
Pummel   1.3% A knee strike.
Forward throw   4% An elbow strike with her sword arm.
Back throw   4% Tosses the opponent over her leg, sending them behind her. Its high base knockback allows her to set up edgeguarding, but it cannot combo or KO reliably.
Up throw   5% A powerful one-armed upward throw. Lucina's strongest throw, which can KO at around 170%.
Down throw   4% Throws opponent to the ground with one arm, bouncing them upwards. At low to mid percents, its angle and high base knockback allow it to follow up into an up back aerial depending on DI, or only an up aerial at higher percents. Despite having low knockback growth, it still loses its combo potential around roughly 80%-90%.
Forward roll
Back roll
Spot dodge
Air dodge
Floor attack (front)
Floor getups (front)
  7% Spins around gracefully and slashes the Parallel Falchion in a circle.
Floor attack (back)
Floor getups (back)
  7% Swings the Parallel Falchion behind, then in front of her before getting up.
Floor attack (trip)
Floor getups (trip)
  5% Stabs behind her, then slashes in front of herself before getting up.
Edge attack
Edge getups
  9% Backflips onto the stage and slashes.
Neutral special Shield Breaker 8.575% (uncharged), 23% (fully charged) Lucina assumes a readying stance and charges the Parallel Falchion at chest level before powerfully thrusting it forward. This attack deals massive shield damage even when uncharged, and will instantly break shields at full charge, although it can be safely perfect shielded. The aerial version gives Lucina a very slight horizontal boost, while a fully charged aerial version will thrust Lucina in whatever direction she is facing, giving her a strong horizontal recovery option, albeit with very high startup. Can be angled up or down, though this does not change the damage or knockback. The attack deals 1.15× regular damage if it hits the opponent's head, though this appears to be out-prioritized by any hitbox striking a non-head hurtbox.
Side special Dancing Blade Varies (see below) A sequence of sword slashes with several variations based on directional input. Four slashes total, with each capable of being altered in direction, allowing for eighteen total possible combinations. Standard strikes are trailed red, high strikes are trailed blue, and low strikes are trailed green (see table below for details and limits of the move).
Up special Dolphin Slash 11% (clean), 7% (late blade), 6% (late body) Lucina performs a high-speed jumping uppercut slash that can be B-reversed. Has a powerful sweetspot and grants very slight intangibility in the first few frames, which can easily cause stage-spikes under the right circumstances. Grants good vertical distance but is rather lacking in horizontal distance. Does not snap to the edge until after its hitbox is gone.
Down special Counter 1.2× (minimum 8%) Lucina assumes a defensive stance and retaliates against incoming attacks. The power of the counterattack scales with the strength of the attack blocked. Starts up on frame 6 and lasts 22 frames. Ineffective against projectiles and attacks with sufficiently long reach, such as many of Shulk's or Simon's tilts and smash attacks.
Final Smash Critical Hit 60% Lucina raises the Parallel Falchion skyward, uttering "Time to change fate!", then lunges in one direction, attacking the first opponent she connects. Immense knockback, enough to one-hit KO any character on any roofless stage. This move is impossible to tech unless using FS Meter or against Shulk's Shield Monado Art at very low percentages. Pressing the special button again will cause her to stop mid-dash.
Dancing Blade
Hit Damage Description
First Hit (Neutral) 2.85% Does an outward slash. Deals very little knockback even at extremely high percents. Can jab lock. The tip of the sword lifts opponents off the ground slightly, making it combo into the second hit more consistently.
Second Hit (Up) 2.85% An upwards lifting slash. Has greater vertical reach than the first hit or the second neutral hit. Lifts opponents slightly off the ground, with the tip of the sword pulling them in slightly.
Second Hit (Neutral) 2.85% Does an inward slash. Has a shorter hitbox than the first hit, which can lead to it sometimes missing if the first hit is landed from too far away. Deals very little knockback, even at extremely high percents. Can jab lock.
Third Hit (Up) 3.325% Does an upwards slash while turning clockwise. Launches opponents up and away, leading into the upward finisher.
Third Hit (Neutral) 3.325% Takes a step forward and does a leaning outward slash. May push opponents too far away for the fourth hit to connect at high percents.
Third Hit (Down) 3.325% Leans in and does a horizontal slash low to the ground. Deals less knockback than the other third hits, which can make it useful for connecting with the neutral finisher at higher percents, when the third neutral hit may send too far away.
Fourth Hit (Up) 5.7% Twirls counterclockwise and does an upward slash. Launches opponents up, making it useful for starting juggling strings. Has the least ending lag of the three finishers. Fairly low knockback. Has greater vertical reach than any other hit of the move.
Fourth Hit (Neutral) 4.75% Turns counterclockwise, steps forward, and does very powerful vertical slash downward. This is the strongest finisher in regards to knockback, KOing middleweights near the edge by itself around 118%.
Fourth Hit (Down) 2% (hit 1-4), 4.275% (hit 5) Does a flurry of five lower stabs. Deals the most damage of the three finishers, wearing down shields well, and can shield poke low shields. Has the highest ending lag of the three finishers.

Idle poses

  • Holds her hand to her chest, closes her eyes, and silently takes a breath.
  • Brushes her hair out of her face.

Victory poses

  • Swings her sword, then assumes a pose similar to her official SSB4 render, saying "The future is not written!" (未来を変えて見せます!, Watch me change the future!).
  • Points her sword upward, then poses, saying "Father, I won." (勝ちましたよ、お父様, I won, Father.).
    • If Ike is present during the match, then there is a chance that she will instead say "And they call you the Radiant Hero?" (これが蒼炎の勇者?, This is the Radiant Hero?).
  • Sheaths her sword, saying "You'll never defeat me!" (負けるわけにはいきません!, I cannot lose!).
    • If Marth is present during the match, then there is a chance that she will instead say "This is the Hero-King?" (これが英雄王の力?, This is the strength of the Hero King?).
A short orchestral cover of "Id (Purpose)" from Fire Emblem Awakening.

In competitive play

Notable players

Classic Mode: A Path of Heroes

All of Lucina's opponents are Fire Emblem characters. They appear in reverse of the order their respective games were released, likely referencing Lucina traveling into the past in her own game.

Round Opponent Stage Music Notes
1 Male and Female Corrin Find Mii Lost in Thoughts All Alone
2 Chrom Arena Ferox Conquest (Ablaze)
3 Male and Female Robin Reset Bomb Forest Id (Purpose)
4 Ike Castle Siege Eternal Bond
5 Roy Norfair Beyond Distant Skies - Roy's Departure
6 Marth Coliseum Story 5 Meeting
Bonus Stage
Final Master Hand Final Destination Master Hand On intensity 7.0 and higher, Crazy Hand fights alongside Master Hand, and the track Master Hand / Crazy Hand plays during the battle.

Role in World of Light

Although Lucina does not appear in the World of Light opening cutscene, she was vaporized and later imprisoned alongside the rest of the fighters (excluding Kirby) when Galeem unleashed his beams of light.

Lucina was one of the many fighters that fell under Dharkon's control upon Galeem's first defeat. She can be found in the area that resembles the remains of a clockwork guarded by the spirit of Omega Ridley.


Lucina's Fighter Spirit can be obtained by completing Classic Mode. It is also available periodically for purchase in the shop for 500 coins. Unlocking Lucina in World of Light allows the player to preview the first spirit below in the Spirit List under the name "???". As a Fighter Spirit, it cannot be used in Spirit Battles and is purely aesthetic. Each Fighter Spirit has an alternate version that replaces it with the fighter's artwork in Ultimate.

Alternate costumes

Alternate costume (SSBU)
Lucina (SSBU) Lucina (SSBU) Lucina (SSBU) Lucina (SSBU) Lucina (SSBU) Lucina (SSBU) Lucina (SSBU) Lucina (SSBU)


Character Showcase Video


  • Lucina and Dark Pit are the first and only full clones to retain their full clone status for two consecutive games in a row.
  • At least two of Lucina's screenshots on the Ultimate site allude to events from Fire Emblem Awakening.
    • The screenshot depicting her alongside Marth alludes to their kinship as descendant and ancestor, respectively.
    • The screenshot of her taunting defensively in front of Charizard alludes to "The Threat of Silence" paralogue from Awakening, in which the Shepherds must protect the draconic Tiki.
  • Lucina is the only Echo Fighter to not have the same gender as the character she is based on. In this case, Marth, the character she is based on, is male, whereas Lucina is female.
  • In early builds of the game, Lucina's idle animation was unchanged from Super Smash Bros. 4, while Marth received a new one. However, her idle was changed to match Marth's new one in the final build.
  • Due to Lucina's height being changed to Marth's height, she stands the same height as her father Chrom, who in the Fire Emblem games is significantly taller than Lucina.
  • Despite receiving both new idle and crouching animations, Lucina still reuses the previous animations when holding a small item. She shares this quirk with Marth, Wolf, Pit, Dark Pit, Luigi and Sheik.