Super Smash Bros. 4

List of SSB4 trophies (Super Mario Bros. series)

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This article is about Mario trophies in Super Smash Bros. 4. For Mario trophies in Brawl, see here and for Mario trophies in Melee, see here. For links to all trophies, see List of trophies.

3DS Version

Name Picture Description
Mario MarioTrophy3DS.png NA: As iconic as iconic gets, this gaming celebrity is known for saving the world from Bowser. He's got amazing jumping skills and makes use of a wide range of transformations. In his free time, he plays too many sports to count. In Smash Bros., he's a well-rounded fighter you can rely on. Say it with me: "It's-a me, Mario!"

PAL: It's-a him! Maaario! Whether he's wearing one of his special outfits or just his normal blue dungarees, this running, jumping, Bowser-bashing, princess-saving hero is an all-round superstar. And in this game, he's got enough tricks up his sleeve to deal with anything. If you don't know which fighter to pick, Mario's a solid choice.

Mario (Alt.) File:MarioAllStarTrophy3DS.png NA: Super Jump Punch is an up-special move that lets you leap high into the air, carrying any fighters you strike along with you. You'll be invincible for a moment after you launch this attack. The default side-special move, Cape, will flip a fighter around. Keep a foe from returning with this move!

PAL: Mario's Super Jump Punch takes you high into the air, and if you catch an opponent with it, they'll go up with you. Try to hit them at the very start of the move to do the most damage. His default side special, Cape, can flip fighters around. If you're really crafty, you can even use it to keep someone from getting back on the stage!

Luigi LuigiTrophy3DS.png NA: Luigi recently celebrated his 30th anniversary with the Year of Luigi, but all that attention just made him even more shy and awkward. In Smash Bros., Luigi takes a lot of cues from his brother in fighting style, adding flair to moves like Super Jump Punch. His taunts, however, are truly unique.

PAL: With the Year of Luigi long gone now, it's up to you to prove to everyone that Mario's cowardly co-star is still awesome. He may share a lot of moves with his brother, but he still puts his own spin on things. When you Super Jump Punch a foe just right, for example, the noise he makes is epic. His taunts are pretty funny too. Try them!

Luigi (Alt.) File:LuigiAllStarTrophy3DS.png NA: Luigi may sulk when his down taunt is used, but his little dejected kick can actually hurt a nearby enemy fighter. It can even trigger a meteor smash! Notice an enemy leisurely hanging from the edge? Run over and pout on the edge—that foe will be the one with something to pout about!

PAL: Luigi might look a bit sulky when you use his down taunt, but when he does it next to another fighter, it can get in a little hit - well, a "little hit" that can also sometimes be a meteor smash! Say you spot a fighter hanging off the edge of the stage. Just give them a pout and a kick with this taunt, and they'll fall to their doom.

Dr. Mario DrMarioTrophy3DS.png NA: In the 1990 puzzle game Dr. Mario, Mario threw on a white coat and decided to take a shot at that whole "medicine" thing. In this game, he's a balanced fighter who can throw Megavitamin capsules and nimbly deflect blows with his Super Sheet. He's not quite as quick as normal Mario, but his attacks deal a bit more damage.

PAL: In the 1990 puzzle game Dr. Mario, Mario threw on a white coat and decided to have a bash at the whole medicine thing. In this game, he's an all-rounder who can throw Megavitamin capsules and nimbly deflect blows with his Super Sheet. He's not quite as quick as normal Mario, but his attacks deal a bit more damage.

Dr. Mario (Alt.) File:DrMarioAllStarTrophy3DS.png NA: Mario and Dr. Mario are only slightly different. Basically, Dr. Mario is stronger, but his MD slows his speed and lowers his jump. He also has a move Mario doesn't: Dr. Tornado, a down special that can trap opponents before launching them. You can move left and right while doing it and press the button repeatedly to rise into the air.

PAL: Mario and Dr. Mario are only slightly different. Basically, Dr. Mario is stronger, but his heavy coat affects his speed and jumping. He also has a move Mario doesn't: Dr. Tornado, a down special that can trap opponents before launching them. You can move left and right while doing it and press the button repeatedly to rise into the air.

Peach PeachTrophy3DS.png NA: Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, Peach continues to prove that "powerful" and "cute" are not mutually exclusive. In Smash Bros., Peach uses her dress to float above the fray, suddenly descending and attacking with numerous weapons. A frying pan? Umbrella? TOAD?! Where does she keep it all?

PAL: The Mushroom Kingdom's princess isn't just a pretty face - she's also strong and crafty. She can dodge attacks by gliding through the air, and she's hiding all sorts of stuff under that dress: a frying pan, a tennis, a golf club...even a Toad! If you're planning to take on Peach, just know that she's more than ready for you!

Peach (Alt.) File:PeachAllStarTrophy3DS.png NA: Peach may be a princess, but that doesn't mean she shies away from an honest day's work. Her down special Vegetable is basically farm labor, and the, vegetables of her work can be thrown. An angry-looking vegetable will do extra damage, too! She can also pull up Bob-ombs, or even a Mr. Saturn!
Bowser BowserTrophy3DS.png NA: The archenemy of Mario and the reason Peach spends more time kidnapped than in her own castle. His plans aren't always the best, and occasionally he even finds himself on Mario's side. In Smash Bros., he's a serious heavyweight who laughs off weaker attacks. Hit him hard to send him flying!

PAL: Mario's princess-kidnapping arch-enemy. Yes, he's quite the villain, but he can also be a bit of a buffoon, too. And sometimes, he even ends up on Mario's side! As a serious heavyweight, he's tough to launch, and using standard attacks on him will only make him laugh. If you want to send him flying, make sure to whack him really hard!

Bowser (Alt.) File:BowserAllStarTrophy3DS.png NA: Bowser makes good use of his heavy physique with his down special Bowser Bomb, slamming down with his bottom. If he's on the ground, he'll jump into the air before crashing down. Also, he can gain a bit of altitude if you press the special button repeatedly while executing Whirling Fortress, his up special.
Rosalina & Luma Rosalina&LumaTrophy3DS.png NA: The mysterious Rosalina lives in the Comet Observatory with the Lumas. She first traveled with them in search of their mother. In Smash Bros., Rosalina and Luma can fight in different places at the same time. If you can trap someone between Rosalina and Luma, you'll be able to unleash incredible damage!

PAL: Rosalina and the Lumas have been close ever since she travelled the galaxy with one to help the little star find its mother. Now, the commander of the Comet Observatory appears in this game, with her trusty companion fighting alongside her. Their greatest strength is being able to attack together at the same time.

Rosalina & Luma (Alt.) File:Rosalina&LumaAllStarTrophy3DS.png NA: Rosalina can pull in items and projectiles around her with her Gravitational Pull move. Her up special Launch Star is a diagonal jump and, though harmless, it has exceptional range. You also have some control over Rosalina's trajectory when she uses it.

PAL: With a flick of Rosalina's wand, the move Gravitational Pull draws in items - even ones that are stuck somewhere. Her Launch Star up special is a diagonal jump that can be aimed slightly. It doesn't deal any damage, but it helps you jump higher and stay in the air longer, making it ideal for getting back to the stage easily.

Bowser Jr. BowserJrTrophy3DS.png NA: Bowser's beloved, spoiled son sports a bandanna with a large mouth drawn on it. Like his father, Bowser Jr. longs to take Mario down. In Smash Bros., he'll fight from inside his heavily armed Junior Clown Car. The Clown Car takes less damage than Bowser Jr., so mind your positioning.

PAL: Bowser's probably a big fan of his son, what with him hating Mario just as much as dear old Dad does. The tyke's Junior Clown Car is packed with gadgets and gizmos to throw at enemies! By the way, he's extra vulnerable when he jumps out of it, wouldn't dream of attacking the cute little fella then, would you?

Bowser Jr. (Alt.) File:BowserJrAllStarTrophy3DS.png NA: The Clown Kart Dash special move turns the Junior Clown Car into a kart. If you change direction while driving it, it'll spin and do more damage. When you use his up special, Bowser Jr. leaps from his Junior Clown Car, dropping it on the foes below.

PAL: The Clown Kart Dash special move turns the Junior Clown Car into a kart. If you change direction while driving it, it'll spin and do more damage. When you use his up special, Bowser Jr. jumps out of the Junior Clown Car, letting it hit opponents. Try to catch opponents with it while you're directly over them to hit them on the head!

Larry LarryKoopaTrophy3DS.png NA: The leader of the Koopalings, with aggressive tendencies to match. He's easily recognized by his tall, blue hair. In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, he makes his appearance in World 1. You might think he's tough, with his blue fireballs and shell spins, but his patterns are actually pretty easy to read.

PAL: The leader of Bowser's Minions, with aggresive tendencies to match. He's easily recognised by his tall, blue hair. In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, he makes his appearance in World 1. You might think he's tough, with his blue fireaballs and shell spins, but his patterns are actually pretty easy to read.

Roy RoyKoopaTrophy3DS.png NA: This heavy guy is one of the Koopalings and likes throwing his weight around. His pink sunglasses might not make him seem evil, but the speed he can go from slacker to soldier certainly does. In Super Mario Bros. 3, he causes earthquakes to stop Mario in his tracks, all while attacking with blasts of magic. Nasty stuff!

PAL: This heavy guy is one of Bowser's Minions and likes throwing his weight around. His pink sunglasses might not make him seem evil, but the speed he can go from slacker to soldier certainly does. In Super Mario Bros. 3, he causes earthquakes to stop Mario in his tracks while attacking with blasts of magic. Nasty stuff!

Wendy File:WendyOKoopaKoopaTrophy3DS.png NA: Of all the Koopalings, Wendy's the only girl. She's bold, bossy, big headed, and sees Peach and Daisy as her rivals. Despite her tomboyish nature, she's not afraid to show off her feminine side with a pink bow and heels. In New Super Mario Bros. U, she shows off her graceful ice-skating skills with a spin or two.

PAL: Of Bowser's seven minions, Wendy's the only girl. She's bold, bossy, big-headed, and sees Peach and Daisy as her rivals. Despite her tomboyish nature, she's not afraid to show off her feminine side with a pink bow and heels. In New Super Mario Bros. U, she shows off her graceful ice-skating skills, too, with a spin or two.

Iggy IggyKoopaTrophy3DS.png NA: One of the Koopalings. Iggy wears black-rimmed glasses, has hair that's sort of pineapplish, and is known for being a bit of a prankster. He talks in a cutesy way but laughs like a maniac. Also, he seems to like taming Chain Chomps, and in New Super Mario Bros. 2, he gets a rampaging Chain Chomp to help him take on Mario.

PAL: One of Bowser's minions. Iggy wears black-rimmed glasses, has hair that's sort of pineapplish, and is known for being a bit of a prankster. He talks in a cutesy way but laughs like a maniac. Also, he seems to like taming Chain Chomps, and in New Super Mario Bros. 2, he gets a rampaging Chain Chomp to help him take on Mario.

Morton MortonKoopaJrTrophy3DS.png NA: The biggest of the Koopalings. Morton stands out due to the three strands of hair on his head and...oh, the big star on his face. He's more brawn than brains, and in New Super Mario Bros. 2, he appears in World 4, where he'll stay glued to the spot until you attack him. Maybe he just can't be bothered to move!
Lemmy LemmyKoopaTrophy3DS.png NA: The smallest and nimblest of the Koopalings, Lemmy is a little rascal with a wacky, childlike look on his face. In New Super Mario Bros. U, he's the boss of World 1 and rides a giant ball while his colorful mohawk sways in the breeze. Don't underestimate him, though—his ball attacks are trickier than they look!

PAL: The smallest and nimblest of the Koopalings, Lemmy is a little rascal with a wacky, childlike look on his face. In New Super Mario Bros. U, he's the boss of World 1 and rides a giant ball while his colorful mohawk sways in the breeze. Don't underestimate him, though — his ball attacks are trickier than they look!

Ludwig LudwigVonKoopaTrophy3DS.png NA: The cleverest of the Koopalings, easily recognized by his big tufts of hair. He's got a mature air about him, but he likes to show off and can sound a bit pompous. In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, he's the boss of World 7 and torments Mario by firing homing magic blasts and floating too high in the air to be jumped on.

PAL: The cleverest of Bowser's Minions, easily recognised by his big tufts of hair. He's got a mature air about him, but he likes to show off and can sound a bit pompous. In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, he's the boss of World 7 and torments Mario by firing homing magic blasts and floating too high in the air to be jumped on.

Toad ToadTrophy3DS.png NA: A race of charming mushrooms that dwell in the Mushroom Kingdom, they prefer to be called Toads... Come to think of it, that's an odd name. It's not like they're very good jumpers. Captain Toad can't jump at all! What's that? ToadSTOOLS? ...That makes more sense.

PAL: A charming tribe of mushroom people from the Mushroom Kingdom. "Toad" seems like a bit of an odd name for them, though. Like...they may be small, and some are green, but there's nothing really frog-like about them. Captain Toad can't even jump! Oh. Wait. Hold on a sec. "Toadstools"...Nooow it makes sense!

Daisy (Tennis Outfit) File:PrincessDaisyTrophy3DS.png NA: Similar to Peach in how she plays tennis, Daisy also packs a seriously powerful shot. Maybe their choice of colors symbolizes their personalities? They're alike in a lot of ways, but if you could choose just one, would you choose Princess Daisy or Princess Peach?

PAL: Like Peach, Daisy is a Technique player, but she has something else up her sleeve: a really powerful shot. Do you think the sedate pink and vivid orange reflect Peach and Daisy's different personalities? Would you say you're more Team Peach or Team Daisy? Or maybe... Team Both?

Professor Elvin Gadd ElvinGaddTrophy3DS.png NA: The ghosts of Evershade Valley have gone wild under the shadow of the shattered Dark Moon, so Professor E. Gadd of Gadd Science, Inc., asks Luigi to gather the moon's scattered pieces. I say "asks," but Professor Gadd has never really given Luigi a choice...
King Boo KingBooTrophy3DS.png NA: When the king of the Boos debuted in Luigi's Mansion, anyone who saw him was filled with terror. He has been very popular in Mario Kart and various sports games since then, but don't forget his terrible, ghostly spirit. Face him again in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon!

PAL: When the leader of the Boos debuted in Luigi's Mansion, his creepy face was enough to freeze Luigi to the spot! After that, though, he took some time off to race in Mario Kart and compete in a bunch of sports...before going straight back to being evil in Luigi's Mansion 2.

King Bob-omb KingBobOmbTrophy3DS.png NA:The Bob-ombs are soldiers, and King Bob-omb is their general. Not only does he have a magnificent mustache, a shiny crown, and no key in his back, he also has two arms perfect for winding up his Bob-omb troops. Someone has to do that, right?

PAL: The ruler of all Bob-ombs. What makes him different from his explosive subjects is his size, his moustache and the fact that he has a crown. He also doesn't have a wind-up key on his back. Instead, he's got two arms, which he presumably uses to wind up his subjects...And now you know who does that job!

Paper Mario PaperMarioTrophy3DS.png NA: The paper-thin Mario from the Paper Mario series recently quested for the wish-granting Royal Stickers. These magic stickers are for more than just collecting, though. Mario can use them to change his paper world, and nothing helps him in battle more than a sticker!

PAL: A paper-thin version of Mario from the Paper Mario series.. Most recently, he set off on a sticker-packed adventure to find the wish-granting Royal Stickers. Stickers aren't just for collecting, though - they're for making bridges, opening ancient doors, and even for taking on foes in battle!

Paper Kersti KerstiTrophy3DS.png NA: A sticker fairy who went to the Mushroom Kingdom on the Sticker Comet, she is very strong willed. Though she appears paper thin, her heart runs deep, and she shows herself to be a loyal companion on Mario's quest to help the Mushroom Kingdom by recovering the Royal Stickers.

PAL: Kersti came from the Sticker Star to help grant everyone's wishes. Mario got the sharp end of her tongue to begin with, but she quickly proves herself to be an indispensable ally on their quest to find the Royal Stickers. She may be made of paper, but she clearly has a heart of gold.

Tanooki Mario
& Kitsune Luigi
TanookiMario&KitsuneLuigiTrophy3DS.png NA: If you find a Super Leaf, Mario transforms into Tanooki Mario! His newfound tail works as a weapon and as a propeller to slow his fall. His brother, Luigi, won't turn into a Tanooki, though—he becomes Kitsune Luigi. Wouldn't want to have trouble telling the two apart, would we?

PAL: When Mario uses a Super Leaf, he grows a tail and turns into Tanooki Mario, a very handy form indeed. Likewise, Luigi turns into Kitsune Luigi. Both of them can swing their tails to attack enemies, or wag their tails to slowly float down after a jump, almost like they're walking on air.

Boomerang Mario BoomerangMarioTrophy3DS.png NA: If you know how the Boomerang Bros. like to fight, they really aren't that tough. But if Mario BECOMES a Boomerang Bro—Boomerang Mario—what then? Will his opponents be stunned by his new moves? At the least, throwing a boomerang makes things more fun!

PAL: "Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes." Mario's taken that to the next level with the Boomerang Bros. - he's put on the whole outfit! As Boomerang Mario, he'll not just have more attack power - he'll have a big dollop of fun flinging that boomerang around. Great times!

Statue Mario StatueMarioTrophy3DS.png NA: Statue Mario is invincible and will be ignored by his enemies. If he transforms in midair, he'll do a nice Thwomp impression but he can't move! Well, unless a moving platform carries him into unlucky enemies. Give it a try in Super Mario 3D Land!

PAL: Statue Mario's not just invincible - he's invisible to enemies. If Mario turns into Statue Mario in mid-air, he'll slam down and be stuck to the spot. Moving platforms will still carry him, though, and he'll knock down anyone in his way. Try it next time you play Super Mario 3D Land!

Mario (With Propeller Box) PropellerBoxTrophy3DS.png NA: Mario with his head in a Propeller Box. He looks like something you'd see in a parade. But wait! That propeller isn't just for show—Mario can use it in the middle of a jump to go even higher. And it'll slow his fall back to the ground too!

PAL: It's Mario, but with a Propeller Box on his head. It looks like some kind of weird parade costume... Unlike a parade costume, though, the propeller isn't just for show - Mario can use it mid-jump to send himself soaring into the air, and then float gently back down to the ground afterwards!

Mario (Gold Block)NA
Mario (With Gold Block)PAL
File:GoldBlockTrophy3DS.png NA: Oh no! Has the karma for smashing all those blocks finally caught up with Mario, and now he's doomed to wear a block on his head forever? Not at all! This Gold Block gives Mario coins whenever he runs and jumps. Cha-ching! Everyone loves getting more coins!

PAL: Uh-oh! is this payback for all the blocks Mario's smashed over the years?! Oh, wait. It's actually an awesome bonus! With the Gold Block on his head, running and jumping make that familiar sound: Da-ding! Da-ding! Da-di-di-di-di-ding! That's right - you get coins! Coins galore!

Paper Luigi PaperLuigiTrophy3DS.png NA: Paper Luigi is Paper Mario's younger brother. He shows up from time to time during Paper Mario's quest for the Royal Stickers, but he doesn't stick around for long. Such a modest guy... I wonder what he's getting up to now!

PAL: Paper Mario's little brother, Paper Luigi. While Mario is searching for the Royal Stickers, you might see Luigi here and there, just lounging around in the background. If you try to peel him away like a sticker, he runs off quick as a flash. What on earth are you playing at, Luigi?

Paper Peach PaperPeachTrophy3DS.png NA: Usually the Sticker Fest, sponsored by Princess Peach, is held without a problem. However, one year Bowser shows up to steal the Royal Stickers and ends up peeling off with Princess Peach! With your help, Mario must set out to stick things back in their proper place!

PAL: Princess Peach is holding the Mushroom Kingdom's annual Sticker Fest to celebrate the Sticker Comet's arrival from the night sky, when Bowser turns up and totally wrecks EVERYTHING! Where's Peach been carried off to? And who's going to get her out of this sticky situation

Paper Bowser PaperBowserTrophy3DS.png NA: Bowser's defense team argues that, considering his latent savageness and the promises of wish-granting power, it could only be expected that Bowser would try to grab the Sticker Comet. Who could resist something like that? Bowser was just a victim of circumstance!

PAL: The Sticker Fest looked super fun, so he thought he'd get up on stage. And with the Sticker Comet looking all sparkly and stuff, how could he NOT touch it?! And that's when the evil, evil Royal Sticker brought out poor Bowser's dark side. You see? Bowser was just a victim of circumstance!

Paper Bowser (Second Form) File:ShinyBowserTrophy3DS.png NA: The Royal Stickers can grant wishes, both good and bad. One sticker enhanced Bowser's natural greediness and rage, making him so powerful that Mario had to beat him twice in a row—the recycled Bowser even bigger and more powerful than before!

PAL: The Royal Sticker grant wishes, and in the wrong hands, they can wreak all kinds of havoc. When one of them landed on Bowser, he ran riot through the Mushroom Kingdom, and even when Mario managed to beat him, he came back in an even more destructive form than before! Yikes!

Hammer Bro. HammerBroTrophy3DS.png NA: These elite trooper turtles usually appeared in pairs in Super Mario Bros., wearing helmets and chucking hammers at Mario. When summoned, they'll advance on the nearest opponent and lob hammers in a graceful arc. Sometimes they'll throw in a jump to mix things up.

PAL: Hammer Bros. usually appear in pairs in Super Mario Bros. games. With helmets on heads and hammers in hand, Bowser's elite troops never leg it when Mario shows up. In this game, they appear solo, flinging hammers at the nearest target. They can also jump and throw, so stay sharp!

Chain Chomp ChainChompTrophy3DS.png NA: This beast frequently appears in the Super Mario series, and it is definitely equal parts bark and bite. No surprise it's often chained to something. In Smash Bros., it's connected to a stump in the ground and will lash out at anyone who gets close. Don't even bother trying to teach it manners.

PAL: An iron ball with a face, complete with shiny white teeth, that shows up fairly often in the Mario series. They're impossible to tame, so they're almost always chained to a post, and this game's no exception. Seriously, don't go anywhere near them unless you want to end up a Chomp's dinner.

Lakitu & Spinies File:LakituSpiny1Trophy3DS.png NA: Flying over the battlefield in a cloud, this member of Bowser's forces persistently chases after Mario. He takes a break from throwing Spiny Eggs to do some racing in Mario Kart 7. When summoned, he'll appear as a sprite and toss Spiny Eggs at those fighting below him.

PAL: One of Bowser's minions, this cloud-riding turtle and general nuisance to Mario made his debut as a playable character in Mario Kart 7. In this game, you can summon a pixellated Lakitu who'll throw Spiny Eggs that will turn into Spinies - beasties with red, spiky shells - when they hit the ground.

Lakitu File:LakituSpiny2Trophy3DS.png NA: With his cute little specs and smiling cloud, it's hard not to love Lakitu...until he starts pelting you with Spiny Eggs. This meanie has been tormenting Mario since the very first Super Mario Bros. game, and his mode of attack is no different here. He'll try and hover out of reach, but only by taking him out can you keep the Spiny rain from falling.

PAL: With his cute little specs and smiling cloud, it's hard not to love Lakitu...until he starts pelting you with Spiny Eggs. This blighter has been tormenting Mario since the very first Super Mario Bros. game, and his mode of attack is no different here. Although he loves to hover just out of reach, you'll want to take him out to stop those Spinies coming.

Spiny SpinyTrophy3DS.png NA: Somebody needs to ask Lakitu just where he gets these spiky-shelled little critters... They start off as Spiny Eggs when he hurls them and then turn into Spinies when they land. They'll immediately head for any fighters in the area. Avoid them or take them out—your choice!
Flame Chomp FlameChompTrophy3DS.png NA: If you thought Chain Chomps were bad, wait till you meet Flame Chomps. They use the flames that make up their tail as ammo, and when they run out, they head straight for you and self-destruct. When you defeat one, it'll explode and take out any enemies nearby, and it'll leave a whole load of stat boosts behind, too.

PAL: If you thought Chain Chomps were bad, Flame Chomps are so much worse. They use the flames that make up their tail as ammo, and when they run out, they head straight for you and self-destruct. When you defeat one, it'll explode and take out any enemies nearby, and it'll leave a whole load of stat boosts behind, too.

Thwomp ThwompTrophy3DS.png NA: You can't reason with a Thwomp. If you get close enough to try, it will just drop down to block your path. In fact, you can count on Thwomps to always do exactly that—they've gotten really good at it. A Koopa I know swears they work great as a home-security system...

PAL: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a Thwomp of your own? If anyone tried to break into your house, it would just go "THWOMP!" right on their head. Yep, a Thwomp would make a great home-security system. Unfortunately, hey're not available in shops. Sad time.

Boo BooTrophy3DS.png NA: Don't look so surprised—even some ghosts are shy! It's like a game of Red Light Green Light: your face means stop, and the back of your head means go. So be very careful if you turn your back. Boo also shows up in the Mario Kart series, making your kart invisible to other racers.

PAL: Even ghosts can be shy, and these guys are so shy, they ca't even attack you if you're watching! I's kind of like they're always playing a ghostly game of statues. just don't turn your back on them and you'll be alright! That said, they make fine allies in the Mario Kart series, where they can turn you invisible for a while.

Buzzy Beetle BuzzyBeetleTrophy3DS.png NA: A bothersome enemy protected by a hard shell. Mario's fireballs have no effect on these guys, much to the envy of their Koopa buddies. Buzzy Beetles also like to hang out on ceilings and then rudely drop on Mario as he passes. That sturdy shell gives Mario a major headache!

PAL: A troublesome foe protected by a tough shell. Some Buzzy Beetles walk upside-down on ceilings and fall on Mario as he walks past, so watch out! Surely they're going to crack their shells one day, dropping from the ceiling like that... Best to avoid this crazy situation altogether.

Wiggler WigglerTrophy3DS.png NA: Wigglers move in the funniest way. Their name really suits them, don't you think? Pretty easygoing normally, they get downright angry if you mess with that flower on their head. They move faster, which means only one thing— more wiggling!

PAL: These wiggly fellows are usually pretty easy-going. Just don't mess with the white flower on their heads - that makes them rather cross. Actually, given that they turn red and start charging around twice as fast, you could say they go totally berserk. If you see one go into double-time-wiggling mode, you might want to stand back a bit.

Paper Wiggler PaperWigglerTrophy3DS.png NA: In the world of Paper Mario, even the normally quite round Wiggler becomes paper thin. Something awful happens to him when he runs into Kamek, however. Mario and Kersti are able to help pull him together, but it's not easy to forget what happened to poor Wiggler.

PAL: In the world of Paper Mario, even Wigglers are paper-thin instead of their normal lumpy-bumpy selves. One such Wiggler was split into pieces by the wicked Kamek. As you can imagine, he was really chuffed when Mario and Kersti put him back together. Chuffed to bits, you might say!

Cheep Cheep File:CheepCheepTrophy3DS.png NA: Those powerful pectoral fins can turn them into a dangerous airborne threat. Besides Mario games, you can find them in the oceans of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. This critter was also the inspiration for the Cheep Charger in Mario Kart Wii.

PAL: These puffy fish use their strong fins to launch themselves high into the air. And they've not only made appearances in the Mario series - they're also bobbing around in the water in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening! They were also the inspiration for the Cheep Charger in Mario Kart Wii.

Blooper BlooperTrophy3DS.png NA: The danger from Bloopers lies in their erratic movement. Many Marios became squid bait after being lulled into a false sense of security by a Blooper's graceful waltz. The lovely music doesn't help. A Big Blooper lives in Super Paper Mario, if you want to hang out with it.

PAL: They might look harmless, but be wary - Bloopers are tough and very territorial. The first time they showed up, they were accompanied by a calming waltz that led many Marios into their waiting tentacles. There's also a huge one, Big Blooper, in Super Paper Mario. If you like challenges, maybe you should try taking it on.

Gooper Blooper File:GooperBlooperTrophy3DS.png NA: The culprit behind the poisoning of Wiggler's forest, even this bruiser is thinned down in Paper Mario. Really, he looks more like a dried squid... But don't let this fool you—he's still plenty dangerous. He also spits poisonous ink. Grody.
Kamek KamekTrophy3DS.png NA: Kamek is a magic-wielding, robed figure usually seen riding on a broomstick in the Mario series. He teleports around the stage, looking for fighters. When he finds one, he'll cast spells at them. If he hits you with one, your stats will drop. That's no good, since you'll need some power to deal with Kamek's high stamina!

PAL: Kamek is a magic-wielding, robed figure usually seen riding on a broomstick in the Mario series. He teleports around the stage, looking for fighters. When he finds one, he'll cast spells at them. If he hits you with one, your stats will drop, which, given that Kamek also has high attack power, is the last thing you need.

Piranha Plant PiranhaPlantTrophy3DS.png NA: These guys aren't so much carnivorous as Mario...nivorous. Ahem. There are lots of varieties, like Frost, Wild Ptooie, Ghost, Prickly, Dino, Bone, Elasto-Piranhas, Stalking, Naval... A helpful mnemonic is "Fireballs with Ground Pounds defeat baddies, even super nasties."

PAL: These carnivorous plants are hungry for one thing - Mario!There are all sorts of them, including the Naval Piranha, Fire Piranha Plant, Inky Piranha Plant, Piranha Creeper, Bone Piranha Plant, Stalking Piranha Plant... But all you need to know is "plants with teeth want to eat Mario".

Pokey PokeyTrophy3DS.png NA: Could easily be mistaken for a cactus, except for the eyes and the mouth, and the way they, stroll... around the desert with such careful balance. Check out the pretty flowers these guys are sporting in Super Mario Sunshine!

PAL: Pokeys are a bit like cacti, except with eyes and mouths, and they're made up of prickly balls piled on top of each other. It doesn't exactly make for the most stable body, so they have to wiggle their way around really carefully. Also, the ones in Super Mario Sunshine have pretty flowers on their heads. Definitely worth a look!

Koopa Troopa (Green) KoopaTroopaTrophy3DS.png NA: Koopa Troopas are the main representatives of Bowser's army. They are just about as common as Goombas. They know no fear, bravely charging ahead even if it means falling off a cliff or into a hole. They do this in Smash Run as well. Defeating them will reduce them to a shell you can throw.

PAL: These turtles are just as common as Goombas in Bowser's army. They're brave little soldiers, and nothing will make them stop in their tracks - not you, not holes, not even cliffs. The same goes in Smash Run, too. Once they see a fighter, they'll go right after them. Beat them or stomp on them to turn them into shells you can throw.

Koopa Troopa (Red) KoopaTroopaRedTrophy3DS.png NA: Bowser's go-to foot soldiers. They sport red shells and advance forward, but they have the common sense not to walk off cliffs. During Smash Run, they'll advance toward any fighter they see, attacking with their whole body. These Koopas leave red shells when beaten.

PAL: These Koopas are a lot like their green counterparts, except their shells are red, and they have the sense not to blindly walk off cliffs or into holes. If one spots you in smash run, it'll attack with it's whole body, so watch out! Defeat it to turn it into a shell you can throw at other enemies.

Koopa Paratroopa (Red) KoopaParatroopaTrophy3DS.png NA: The red-shelled Paratroopa. Many a time Mario has used these flying turtles as a stepping-stone to victory. In Smash Run, they have better agility than their green brethren but are largely similar. If you defeat them, their wings will fall off and they'll become regular Koopa Troopas again.

PAL: Many times have Mario and his friends treated these red-shelled Paratroopas as little more than winged platforms. In Smash Run, they're a lot like green Paratroopas, except a little bit more aggressive. When you attack or stomp on one in Smash Run, its wings fall off, turning it back into a normal Koopa Troopa for good.

Koopa Paratroopa (Green) KoopaParatroopaGreenTrophy3DS.png NA: These green-shelled Paratroopas from the Mario series come in two varieties: ones that jump toward you, and ones that float in the air until they're swatted down. When you stomp or damage one in Smash Run, it'll lose its wings and be transformed back into a normal Koopa Troopa.

PAL: These green-shelled Paratroopas from the Mario series come in two varieties: ones that jump toward you, and ones that float in the air until Mario swans over and jumps on them, using them as a platform. When you stomp on or damage on in Smash Run, its wings fall off, turning it back into a normal Koopa Troopa for good.

Dry Bones DryBonesTrophy3DS.png NA: They must have a bone to pick with Mario. No matter how many times he stomps them, these guys put themselves back together again. Can't they just rest in pieces? By the way, have you noticed how nimble they are in Mario Kart? Skeletons must be really aerodynamic or something...

PAL: How these guys are alive when they're just bones is anyone's guess. Jump on one to make it fall apart, but don't expect it to rest in pieces! It'll be back on its feet in no time. These oddly cute little guys also turn up in the Mario Kart series as lightweight racers. Probably because they don't have any skin or muscles weighing them down.

Goomba GoombaTrophy3DS.png NA: Once loyal to the Mushroom Kingdom, the Goombas switched sides when Bowser invaded. Not that it mattered—they weren't really mighty warriors. In Smash Bros., they are equally weak, simply running at you. They must expect to get stomped by now... Don't expect a lot of fanfare for beating one.

PAL: Once loyal to the Mushroom Kingdom, the Goombas switched sides when Bowser invaded. Not that it mattered - they were never exactly mighty warriors or anything. They're weak in this game too - the worst they'll do is run at you. At this point, they must just be expecting to get stomped on... Don't expect a fanfare if you beat one.

Paragoomba ParagoombaTrophy3DS.png NA: In Super Mario Bros., the first enemy Mario encounters is a Goomba. I lost a life to it just seconds after starting! If you add some easily removable wings to that creature, you've got yourself a Paragoomba. Flying mushrooms—that really does just sound nuts.

PAL: The first enemy to appear in the original Super Mario Bros. is a Goomba. A lot of people have fond memories of carelessly walking into it and losing a life in two seconds flat. A Paragoomba is a Goomba with wings. Nuts, right? Wrong. Goombas aren't nuts - they're mushrooms, silly!

Big Goomba GiantGoombaTrophy3DS.png NA: It's a Goomba, only bigger! And much like normal Goombas, the worst they'll do is run at you. Unfortunately, their size actually makes this attack pretty dangerous! They can also stomp to knock you off your feet. They have a lot of health, but they take massive damage from being stomped on, just like a regular Goomba. Fortunate!

PAL: It's a Goomba, only bigger! And much like normal Goombas, the worst they'll do is run at you. Unfortunately, give their size, that actually puts you in a lot of danger. They can also stamp to knock you off your feet. They have a lot of health, but you can do major damage quickly just by stomping on them. Huzzah!

Bill Blaster BillBlasterTrophy3DS.png NA: Usually a big cannon with a skull on it is a clear sign that it's time to flee. Running away isn't an option in the Super Mario series, though. It may be known as the Bill Blaster, but it can occasionally fire Koopas or Shy Guys instead. Take it out before it's out of ammo for more goodies!

PAL: Usually, seeing a cannon with a skull on it would be your sign to run, and that's true in the Mario series as well...but with Bullet Bills speeding towards you, it's harder than it looks! Despite the name, they'll sometimes fire Koopas or Shy Guys in this game, just for variety. Take it down before it's out of ammo to get more goodies!

Shy Guy RedShyGuyTrophy3DS.png NA: What hides behind that smooth, white mask? Shy Guys aren't about to show you, that's for sure. In Smash Run, each color of Shy Guy has different characteristics, and the red ones are the best at attacking. They've learned how to deliver a combo of angry punches if they can get close enough!

PAL: These bashful baddies are so shy that no one's ever seen their real faces. Since their debut, all kinds of different Shy Guys have come out of the woodwork, and in Smash Run, each colour has its strengths. The red ones are better at attacking and hit you with punch combos. Beat them to get your hands on some Attack stat boosts.

Blue Shy Guy BlueShyGuyTrophy3DS.png NA: These guys are too shy to show you their real faces, so they hide them behind white masks. Some people claim they've seen Shy Guys walking on stilts or even running around on fire! In Smash Run, the blue Shy Guys have better defense than other Shy Guys, but that really isn't saying much...

PAL: Just what IS beneath this Shy Guy's mask? Could it be...another mask?! Anyway, Shy Guys come in lots of varieties: some walk on stilts, others are always on fire! In Smash Run, these blue ones have better defence than the others. It's only slightly better, though, so don't worry. Defeat them to get yourself some Defence stat boosts.

Yellow Shy Guy YellowShyGuyTrophy3DS.png NA: Those white masks are just eerie, but it's possible they are better than what actually hides behind them... Anyway, some people claim to have seen tall Shy Guys with longer masks than normal. In Smash Run, yellow Shy Guys are great jumpers, so they'll drop Jump stat boosts when defeated.

PAL: Did you know there are lots of different kinds of Shy Guy, including massive ones with giant masks? In Smash Run, yellow Shy Guys are slightly better at jumping than the others. Sometimes, though, they're just too busy bobuncing to attack. Take them down to get Jump stat boosts.

Green Shy Guy GreenShyGuyTrophy3DS.png NA: Perhaps the white mask just conceals another, whiter mask beneath? There is no way to know, as these shy fellows will never take them off. In Smash Run, the green Shy Guys can run faster than other Shy Guys. You'll have to be quick to catch them, but you'll be rewarded with Speed stat boosts!

PAL: Their white masks certainly make them look the same, but on the inside, Shy Guys are very different - some dream of being soldiers or dancers! In Smash Run, the green ones are fast on their feet, so they're quick to close in and hit you with a punch combo. Deal with them to get Speed stat boosts.

Bullet Bill BulletBillTrophy3DS.png NA: When you try to throw this item, you'll instead transform into a Bullet Bill and fly in the direction you were throwing. Anyone in your path will be knocked away. Be careful, though, since you fly fast and can barely steer—not to mention that foes can deflect you. KO them, not yourself!

PAL: Turn into a Bullet Bill and charge into your enemies to send them flying. The direction you fly in is pretty much set when you use it. You'll be unstoppable, but on the other hand, you'll fly so fast that you might end up a victim of your own bullet-y...ness. Anyway, be careful!

Banzai Bill BanzaiBillTrophy3DS.png NA: A giant bullet-like menace from the Mario series. In Smash Run, they want nothing more than to blow up on you. If you trick them into crashing, they'll get stuck and blow up soon after. Beware that lethal blast radius! Beat one before it blows up to get a banzai bonanza of stats. Tricky, but well worth the effort!

PAL: A giant bullety menace from the Mario series. In Smash Run, they want nothing more than to blow up on you. If you trick them into crashing, they'll get stuck and blow up soon after. Their blast radius is lethal, so keep well back! Beat one before it blows up to get a banzai bonanza of stat boosts. Not easy, but well worth it!

Spike Top SpikeTopTrophy3DS.png NA: These turtles come from the Super Mario series and have one big spike on their backs. Their eyes glow from beneath the edge of their shells, watching you as they approach. In Smash Run, they crawl along walls, floors, and the ceiling. They aren't bothered by projectiles, so you'll have to find other ways to defeat them.

PAL: With a massive spike on its back, glowing little eyes peering out from under its shell, and the way it walks along walls and ceilings, this turtle foe from the Super Mario series is pretty creepy. In Smash Run, just touching it will hurt you, and its shell protects it from projectiles. You'll either have to attack it directly or throw it.

Ghosts GhostsTrophy3DS.png NA/PAL: Despite Luigi's crippling fear of...well, everything, Professor E. Gadd ropes him into taking care of some unruly ghosts. Here we have four types: the small, green ones are Greenies, the angry-looking, red ones are Slammers, the thin, blue ones are Hiders, and the big, yellow ones are Gobbers. What appropriate names!
Polterpup PolterpupTrophy3DS.png NA: If you combine a puppy and a ghost, you'll get a cute little Polterpup. They seem to enjoy causing no end of trouble, but I couldn't tell you if they're enemies or just really mischievous. This big guy's a lot bigger than normal—hopefully he just wants to be friends?
Super Mushroom SuperMushroomTrophy3DS.png NA: This mysterious mushroom will cause you to grow several times your normal size. Once you've grown, the power of your attacks and your ability to launch your opponents will increase. However, being so large— and such an easy target—may not be so great in a fight with lots of enemies...

PAL: This mysterious mushroom will just keep sliding until it bounces off a wall. If you touch it, though, you will grow! You'll get stronger and be harder to launch, but you'll also be a much easier target. Maybe standing out so much during a fight isn't such a good idea...

Poison Mushroom PoisonMushroomTrophy3DS.png NA: Becoming giant and looming over your foes is pretty great, yeah? Well, that won't happen if you get this mushroom. It looks a lot like the Super Mushroom, but it's a slightly different color and its face is... unhappy. If you use this mushroom, you'll shrink down and be easy to send flying.

PAL: So, you thought you'd nabbed a Super Mushroom, eh? Nope! Now you're tiny! If you'd looked more closely, you'd have seen it was a slightly different colour - it was a Poison Mushroom. Now you're mini, weak and very launchable. At least dodging's not hard when you're this size!

Metal Box MetalBoxTrophy3DS.png NA: This green box will make you the ultimate defensive character, turning you into solid metal for a short time. You won't flinch from enemy attacks, even in midair, and it is much harder to launch you. On the other hand, you fall like a brick. Getting hit will reduce the duration of this item.
StarmanNA/Super StarPAL File:StarmanTrophy3DS.png NA: You may recognize these star-shaped items as they bounce across the stage. Picking one up will grant you a short period of invincibility. You can't wipe out enemies just by walking into them—like in Mario games—but you can still attack without fear. Your foes will be running scared!

PAL: You'll see one of these little stars bouncing along the stage from time to time. Touch it to become invincible! (Well, for a while, at least.) Unfortunately , they don't work exactly the same way as they do in the Mario series, so you won't damage anyone just by walking into them - you'll still need to put some effort in.

Green Shell GreenShellTrophy3DS.png NA: The green shell of the Koopa Troopas. The launching power of this weapon is incredible in the right hands, but you should be careful; if it hits a wall, it may bounce back toward whoever threw it. If you see it coming back at you, just jump on it to stop it. It's like playing Super Mario Bros.!

PAL: You might have noticed these shells look a lot like the ones Koopas have. Throw, attack or jump on one to send it careening off, launching enemies and causing chaos as it goes. Then jump on it to bring it to a stop, or let it rebound off a wall, or... Hold on! What is this? Super Mario Bros.?

Blue ShellNA/Spiny ShellPAL File:BlueShellTrophy3DS.png NA: The devastating blue Spiny Shell that normally appears in the Mario Kart series. This shell seeks out the lead racer and ruins his or her day. In Smash Bros., it will hover above one of the fighters before crashing down and exploding. Avoiding the impact can be challenging.

PAL: In the Mario Kart series, these blue shells play a big roe, tearing down the track at a frightening speed before crashing down on whoever's in first place. When throw, it'll hover around above a fighter's head, and after a short while drop down and blow up. If you find one targeting you, get ready to dodge that explosion!

Fire Flower FireFlowerTrophy3DS.png NA: This Fire Flower won't transform you like in the Mario series, but it will still let you unleash some fiery damage! Holding down the attack button lets you spew fire at your opponents, dealing constant damage to them. You can also throw it at them, but it just doesn't look as cool that way.
Fire Bar FireBarTrophy3DS.png NA/PAL: A rotating row of fireballs found in the Mario series, most often as a fiery obstacle in Bowser's Castle. In this game, you can swing the fire bar at your enemies! It's a powerful weapon, but as you hit people with it, the fireballs go out, one at a time. And no fire means no fun.
Grass File:GrassItemTrophy3DS.png NA: This special grass first appeared in Super Mario Bros. 2, where plucking it revealed hidden items. It works exactly the same way in Smash Bros.—if you pluck the grass, maybe you'll find a game-changing object! If only cleaning an unkempt lawn would reveal such neat things...

PAL: A patch of overgrown grass with an item buried underneath. Grass like this grew all over the place in Super Mario Bros. 2, and Mario and co. could pull it up to get all kinds of handy items for their quest. It works the same way in this game: pull it up to get an item. Who knows what it'll be?

Bob-Omb BobOmbTrophy3DS.png NA: This enemy lacks any kind of subtlety— a fuse on its head, a slowly turning key in the back, and two short legs to carry its little bomb body. You can figure out what happens next. When a Bob-omb starts flashing, you better start running!

PAL: A bomb for a body, burning fuse on top, two little legs and a wind-up key spinning away on the back... We probably don't need to tell you what's going on here. Now, that doesn't happen too often! Then again, who knows? Maybe some people will look at a Bob-omb and think it's an eight ball having an identity crisis.

Super Leaf SuperLeafTrophy3DS.png NA: Transform into an adorable version of your normal self thanks to some raccoon ears and a fluffy tail. Unfortunately, you won't be able to fly through the air like Tanooki Mario—but you can hover for a bit by wiggling that tail. Hold the jump button while airborne to pull off this cute tactic.

PAL: This item gives you fuzzy ears and a tail. Remember, when it's just ears and a tail, it's Raccoon Mario, Tanooki Mario is the full suit. You won't be able to soar into the air like in Super Mario Bros. 3, but you can float by holding the jump button while in mid-air.

Golden Hammer GoldenHammerTrophy3DS.png NA: This special hapmmer is several times stronger than the regular hammer. While wielding it, jumping repeatedly will let you float in the air. It doesn't appear often, so grab it when it does! However, watch out for the squeaky version. It looks like the normal one but is really useless
Freezie FreezieTrophy3DS.png NA: Use this item to make a game of freeze tag chillingly literal. Once thrown, the first character to touch the Freezie will be frozen solid, turning into an easy target for a beating. If you happen to be on the receiving end, it's time to try and move around quickly to warm yourself up!
POW Block POWBlockTrophy3DS.png NA: This special block first appeared way back in Mario Bros. Hitting it will send enemies flying into the air. You can avoid the shock waves by shielding at the right time or jumping into the air. After being triggered three times, a POW Block will vanish into thin air—don't waste it!

PAL: These blocks first appeared in Mario Bros. Hit one to make the whole area shake and knock opponents off their feet if they're on the ground. If someone looks like they're about tho hit a POW Block, try to jump or put your shield up to avoid the shock wave. They can be hit three times before disappearing entirely.

Hothead HotheadTrophy3DS.png NA: Once thrown, this guy will move across the ground and damage anything—except you—in its path. You can make the Hothead bigger by hitting it with attacks, much to your opponents' dismay. If you make it really big and powerful, it may just carry you to victory!

PAL: Throw this on the ground and it'll slide around, damaging everything in its path, except you. You can make the Hothead get bigger and more powerful by attacking it with fire an lighting, and it's pretty impressive just how big and powerful it can get!

Boomerang BoomerangTrophy3DS.png NA: Boomerang Mario would use this item to collect faraway items and defeat distant enemies. In Smash Bros., it can be thrown up, down, left, or right. If you throw it, you can catch it again on the return trip. The boomerang gains power with each throw, so try to keep catching it!
Lightning Bolt LightningBoltTrophy3DS.png NA: If there is one thing I've learned from Mario Kart, it's that lightning can strike without a cloud in the sky. Picking this up will hit your foes with a character-shrinking blast of lightning, making them really easy to launch into the distance. If you get struck, you'd best run until the fight is fair again.

PAL: Don't let sunny weather fool you! Lightning can strike at any time. This mighty force of nature can make you feel small...and actually make you small, too. In this state, you'll be quite weak and easily launched, so just try to stay out of everyone's way until you go back to normal. THEN you can get your own back!

Baby Mario BabyMarioTrophy3DS.png NA: A baby version of Mario, sans mustache, who first appeared in Yoshi's Island. Still in diapers, he mostly leaves the adventuring to Yoshi unless a Super Star is involved. If that happens, he becomes invincible and runs around with a cape— a little smooth-faced Super Mario!

PAL: A baby version of Mario (sans moustache) who first appeared in Yoshi's Island. Since he's still in nappies, it's up to Yoshi to keep him safe. Give him a Super Star, though, and he'll turn invincible, just like grown-up Mario! If only it gave him a moustache too... That would be awesome.

Baby Peach BabyPeachTrophy3DS.png NA: Princess Peach is cute to begin with, and she only gets cuter as a baby. Unlike Princess Peach, Baby Peach is more fond of her pink binky than of conversation. Despite this lack of communication, she makes for a great partner in sporting events!

PAL: Princess Peach is always cute, but as a baby, she's even cuter! And that crown on her head isn't a giant crown - it's just that every bit of her is teeny tiny! Still, she's not the kind to stay tied to her mum's apron strings - she's out there playing sports and keeping active with the best of them!

Mario Golf: World Tour File:GolfMarioTrophy3DS.png NA: Looks like Mario is really on his game today! Or he just sent his ball off the course and into the trees—it's hard to tell. Getting a ball out of the rough is part of golf! It adds a bit of adventure to the game, though the undersea course in this world tour probably adds more.

PAL: Mario looks like he's having a good game here! Or maybe he's just whacked his ball out of sight and into the trees. It's anyone's guess, really. Well getting a ball out of the rough can still be fun. Things like that give the game a touch of adventure, which is something world tour is just full of - especially the underwater course!

Luigi (With Poltergust 3000) LuigiPoltergustTrophy3DS.png NA: Luigi's trusty tool, the Poltergust 3000. This isn't your neighbor's boring, old vacuum—the Poltergust 3000 sucks up ghosts! It also can find them when they are hiding and can blow them around a room! Why doesn't every family own one of these, I wonder...
Peach (Tennis Outfit) File:TennisPeachTrophy3DS.png NA:Peach brings an elegance and grace to tennis that her opponents are hard- pressed to match. Her skills with a racket can put the ball right where she wants it. How she and Baby Peach can play against each other without destroying space-time is the real question.

PAL: Peach is so graceful with a racket in her hand, you'd think she was princess of the Tennis Kingdom! She specialises in aiming her shots at the very edge of the court, and it seems she has no problem playing alongside Baby Peach, even if that does raise a few space-time continuum issues.

Donkey Kong + Barrel Train BarrelTrainTrophy3DS.png NA: This mean machine may look like it was meant for the tracks, but really it was made to soar. That fine wood finish isn't so great in the water, though. I bet more than a few players have fond memories of the Barrel Train and its first driver, Diddy Kong.

PAL: This kart might look like it needs to be on rails, but it's actually great in mid-air. Like any barrel, though, it has a tendency to float. In a race that comes down to speed in water, it'll get left behind. The name "Barrel Train" might ring a bell for Mario Kart veterans - it was Diddy Kong's kart!

Peach + Birthday GirlNA
Peach + Royal RibbonPAL
BirthdayGirlTrophy3DS.png NA: Princess Peach, where are you off to with that pink parasol? A day at the beach? More like a day at the races! Her tough and unconventional karts are ready, and she wants to take the checkered flag. Expect to see Peach win and be elegant at the same time.

PAL: The next race is about to start, but who's going to come out on top? Will it be Peach, with her lovely Peach Parasol? She's customised her kart to be both tough AND cute, because she's not just aiming to win - she's aiming to win in style!

Lakitu + Cloud 9 Cloud9Trophy3DS.png NA: This cloud kart is basically the bottom half of Lakitu. With its fluffy design and zippy style, Cloud 9 seems like a good match for Yoshi, but can you imagine what it would look like for Wario to drive this? It might just be distracting enough to give you an advantage!

PAL: This cloud kart is basically Lakitu's other half. As in, "bottom half". Being so fluffy, it would be a good fit for Yoshi, but can you imagine Wario driving it? That'd just be weird! Then again, maybe he'd use that to throw his opponents off their game... Yep, that Wario's a sneaky one!

Yoshi + Egg 1 Egg1Trophy3DS.png NA: This heartwarming contraption looks more at home in a theme park than a raceway, but don't be fooled—this egg- shaped frame can dive under the sea or soar through the skies with ease! Your opponents will be filled with envy when you break this out in Mario Kart 7.

PAL: This kart combo looks like it belongs in a theme park rather than on a racetrack. But, of course, looks can be deceiving! The egg-shaped frame known as the Egg 1 is a speed demon in the water. Mario Kart 7's tracks include everything from deep blue seas to soaring slide routes, so you've got to be prepared for anything!

Bowser + Standard Kart StandardBowserTrophy3DS.png NA: Bowser has tricked out his kart exactly like Mario's. With a level playing field, it all comes down to the driver's skill. Well, and luck. And if the driver got a good night's sleep... Only the goddess of victory knows who will win. That's part of the fun of Mario Kart!

PAL: The kart Bowser has here isn't unique to him. You can use the same parts with any racer - even Mario! Of course, even if everyone has the same kart, the race still won't come down to pure skill - luck always plays a part. It's that unpredictability that makes Mario Kart so exciting, after all!

Mario + Standard Kart StandardMarioTrophy3DS.png NA: Customizing your ride is part of the fun of Mario Kart 7. Choose the best frame, tires, and glider to make your own dream machine! You can come up with some outlandish combinations, but I think Mario looks best when you keep things simple.

PAL: Customising your kart in Mario Kart 7 is a lot of fun. Pick your favourite frame, tyres and glider, and make your mark out on the track! Maybe your favourites are the basic ones. Nothing wrong with that! Flashy is all well and good, but there's something to be said for "simple-but-effective".

Shy Guy + Standard Kart StandardShyGuyTrophy3DS.png NA: Shy Guy makes his debut as a racer in Mario Kart 7 once you win the 150cc Shell Cup. He's a lightweight racer with superb handling. Watch out for the eight Shy Guys racing around the Rainbow Road stage—they'll happily run you over if you get in their way!

PAL: Shy Guy makes his debut as a selectable character in Mario Kart 7, and all you have to do to unlock him is win the 150cc Shell Cup. He's lightweight, like Toad and Koopa, and has excellent handling. The Rainbow Road stage has eight Shy Guys whizzing around the track, so be careful not to get hit, or you'll go speeding off the stage!

1-Up Mushroom 1UpMushroomTrophy3DS.png NA: Eating one of these mushrooms will add another you. "1-Up." Even just saying it aloud feels so right. "Was getting more 1-Ups and increasing the number of us the adventure's ultimate objective?" All the Marios got together and discussed this theory. The end.

PAL: Eating one of these gives you an extra life. That's right! A whole extra version of you! But it does make you wonder, is getting 1-Up Mushrooms and making more copies of yourself the real goal of any adventure? You can just imagine a bunch of Marios getting together to discuss it...

P Switch PSwitchTrophy3DS.png NA: This fun item has been popping up ever since it first appeared in Super Mario Bros. 3. Jumping on it produces coins...reveals hidden doors... The effect is different from game to game. On Golden Plains, the P-Switch will make a ton of blue coins appear. This is a great way to get yourself a large stack!

PAL: This switch made its debut in Super Mario Bros. 3 and has been a mainstay of the series ever since. Depending on the game, it can have all sorts of effects. In this one, you can step on it (or attack it, if you like) to make tons of blue coins appear. There's no better way to get yourself a formidable stack of coins.

Question BlockNA/? BlockPAL QuestionBlockTrophy3DS.png NA: How many times do you think you and Mario have punched ? Blocks? What if we added up the numbers for the entire world? If you were walking down the street and suddenly found a ? Block just floating there, would you jump up and punch it like Mario?

PAL: How many times do you think you've made Mario hit a ? Block? How many times do you think everyone in the world's done it...? If you saw one just floating in mid-air while you were walking down the street one day, what would you do? Would you jump up and hit it?

Pipe File:WarpPipeTrophy3DS.png NA: Sometimes Piranha Plants live in them... That's right! I'm talking about those iconic green pipes. World 7 of Super Mario Bros. 3 was actually called Pipe Land. Jump over pipes! Run along pipes! Enter and exit pipes! ...I'm saying there are a lot of pipes.
Rainbow Road RainbowRoadTrophy3DS.png NA: This beautiful seven-color course is the finale of the Special Cup in Mario Kart 7. Set high above in space, drivers navigate the rings of Saturn and cross craters on the moon. Shy Guys are racing on this course as the fighters compete on and around it, and they have no problem hitting you with their karts.

PAL: The Special Cup's final course in Mario Kart 7. This space track takes you through Saturn's rings and the craters on the moon. While fighting on the Rainbow Road stage, you'll fly around and sometimes even descend onto the track itself. Watch out! Shy Guys are having a proper race down there, and they don't brake for anyone!

Wario + BruiserNA
Wario + GrowlsterPAL
BruiserTrophy3DS.png NA: For most racers the finish line is the goal, but if you combine Wario with this bad boy, the game takes on a whole new meaning. And that meaning is to crash into everyone else. Behind the wheel of the Bruiser, Wario turns Mario Kart into a contact sport.

PAL: Even in a race for first place, it's possible to sort of ignore the whole winning thing and just focus on bashing into the other racers instead. Wario's that kind of guy, so obviously he'd choose a frame like the Growlster and use it to ram other drivers off the road. It's like he thinks Mario Kart is a combat sport or something!

Waluigi WaluigiTrophy3DS.png NA: A crooked mustache and a long, red nose— Waluigi has "villain" written all over him. He considers himself Luigi's rival. He's cunning and quick. When summoned into battle, he'll rush the nearest fighters and stomp them into the ground—then thwack them with his foot or tennis racket!

PAL: Long, red nose? Handlebar moustache? Bendy body? Yep, this lanky schemer is Luigi's rival, Waluigi. In this game, he'll dash over to the nearest fighter and stomp on them to bury them in the ground. Then he'll finish them off with a big kick or a whack with his tennis racket. Ouch!

Wii U Version

Name Picture Description
Koopa Troopa (Green) File:KoopaTroopaGrnTrophyWiiU.png


  • Larry Koopa's trophy claims that he is the leader of the Koopalings, despite this role usually being given to Ludwig von Koopa.
    • However, as this was only confirmed in Super Mario Bros. 3, it's possible that it was retconned alongside the Koopalings being Bowser's children.
  • Wendy's trophy states that she sees Princess Daisy as her rival, despite the fact that the two have never been shown interacting and had only both appeared together in Mario Kart 8.
  • Trophies of Kersti, Gooper Blooper and both forms of Paper Bowser have the same shiny palette as in Paper Mario: Sticker Star.
    • Oddly, Bowser never took this design while in Shiny form during Sticker Star.
  • Shy Guy's NA trophy says it's made its debut as a racer in Mario Kart 7, despite being playable in the Mario Kart DS DS Download Play mode.
    • However, in the PAL version, this is corrected by stating Shy Guy as the first selectable racer.
  • The Kamek and Baby Mario trophies appear in the Mario category, even though they appear in the main Yoshi games and Mario spin-off games.
  • There seems to be an error with the Luigi (With Poltergust 3000) trophy because the Poltergust in Luigi's back is actually the Poltergust 5000 from Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon.