User talk:Omega Tyrant
I have email notifications turned on for whenever someone edits my talkpage, so even if I'm not around, I will be notified and will come around to check it out. You can also find me on Discord, where I go by the same name and have an avi of R.O.B. holding a Cacodemon plushie. If it's urgent and I'm not on here nor on the Discord, you can try messaging me on my Youtube, my Twitter, and my reddit account. You can also private message me on Discord, on those latter three accounts, and on email, if you want to speak to me privately for whatever reason.
I play Smash 4 with anyone that challenges me, regardless of their skill level, as long as you aren't someone with an unwarranted ego that will make excuses for losing. If you want to play me, contact me here or on one of the other suggested contact methods and add my NNID. If you do play me, be sure to have tourney rules set unless noted otherwise.