Boxing Ring: Difference between revisions

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|[[Alex]]||Bâtisseuse de mondes ''(Builder of worlds)''||Creatrice di mondi ''(Creator of Worlds)''||Erbauerin von Welten ''(Builder of Worlds)''||Строительница миров ''(World builder)''
|[[Alex]]||Bâtisseuse de mondes ''(Builder of worlds)''||Creatrice di mondi ''(Creator of Worlds)''||Erbauerin von Welten ''(Builder of Worlds)''||Строительница миров ''(World builder)''
|[[Zombie]]||Night Roamer||{{ja|夜の徘徊者|Yoru no Haikaisha}} ''(Night Wanderer)''||Vagabond nocturne ''(Noctural Waderer)''||Vagabundo nocturno ''(Noctural Wanderer)''||Errante notturno ''(Noctural errant)''||Pirscher in der Nacht ''(Night Stalker)''||Nachtdwaler ''(Night Dweller)''||Блуждающий в ночи ''(Night Wanderer)''||暗夜徘徊者 ''(Night Wanderer)''||暗夜徘徊者 ''(Night Wanderer)''||밤의 배회자 ''(Night Roamer)''
|[[Zombie]]||Night Roamer||{{ja|夜の徘徊者|Yoru no Haikaisha}} ''(Night Wanderer)''||Vagabond nocturne ''(Noctural Wanderer)''||Vagabundo nocturno ''(Noctural Wanderer)''||Errante notturno ''(Noctural errant)''||Pirscher in der Nacht ''(Night Stalker)''||Nachtdwaler ''(Night Dweller)''||Блуждающий в ночи ''(Night Wanderer)''||暗夜徘徊者 ''(Night Wanderer)''||暗夜徘徊者 ''(Night Wanderer)''||밤의 배회자 ''(Night Roamer)''
|[[Enderman]]||End Dweller||{{ja|果ての世界の住人|Hate no Sekai no Jūnin}} ''(Resident of the End World)''||Habitant de l'End ''(Resident of the End)''||Habitante del End ''(Inhabitant of the End)''||Abitante dell'End ''(End Resident)''||Einwohner des Endes ''(Inhabitant of the End)''||End-bewoner ''(End resident)''||Обитатель Края ''(End Dweller)''||末地居民 ''(Resident of the End)''||終界居民 ''(Resident of the End)''||엔더의 주인 ''(Master of the End)''
|[[Enderman]]||End Dweller||{{ja|果ての世界の住人|Hate no Sekai no Jūnin}} ''(Resident of the End World)''||Habitant de l'End ''(Resident of the End)''||Habitante del End ''(Inhabitant of the End)''||Abitante dell'End ''(End Resident)''||Einwohner des Endes ''(Inhabitant of the End)''||End-bewoner ''(End resident)''||Обитатель Края ''(End Dweller)''||末地居民 ''(Resident of the End)''||終界居民 ''(Resident of the End)''||엔더의 주인 ''(Master of the End)''