Mario |
Mr. Video Game Himself |
ミスタービデオゲーム (Mr. Video Game) |
Le cauchemar des briques (The nightmare of bricks) |
El Sr. Videojuego (Mr. Video Game) Rompe bloques con los puños (Smashes Bricks with His Fists) |
Distrugge blocchi con i pugni (Smashes Bricks with His Fists) |
Der Schrecken aller Blöcke (The Horror of all Bricks) |
Breekt blokken met zijn vuisten (Breaks blocks with his fists) |
Кирпицный кулак (The Brick Fist) |
電玩先生 (Mr. Video Game) |
电玩先生 (Mr. Video Game) |
미스터 비디오 게임 (Mr. Video Game)
Luigi |
The Eternal Understudy |
緑の人気もの (Green Popular Guy) |
Le grand vert semeur de bleus (The tall green distributor of bruises) |
Quiere poner el verde de moda (Wants to Make Green Trending) |
La verde macchina da guerra (Green War Machine) |
Grün, kühn und ungestüm (Green, Bold and Impetuous) |
Groen is goed voor je (Green is good for you) |
Зеленая боевая машина (Green Fighting Machine) |
綠衣的熱門人物 (Green Popular Guy) |
穿着绿衣的人气明星 (Popular Star in Green) |
초록색 인기쟁이 (Popular Green Guy)
Peach |
Princess of Toadstools |
キノコ王国のお姫様 (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) |
La princesse du Royaume Champignon (The princess of the Mushroom Kindgom) |
La princesa del Reino Champiñón (The princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) |
Principessa del Regno dei Funghi (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) |
Prinzessin des Pilz-Königreichs (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) |
Prinses van het Paddenstoelenrijk (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) |
Принцесса Грибного королевства (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) |
蘑菇王國的公主 (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) |
蘑菇王国的公主 (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) |
버섯 왕국의 공주님 (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom)
Bowser |
King of the Koopas |
カメ族の大魔王 (Great Demon King of the Turtle Tribe) |
Le roi des coups bas (The king of low blows) |
El Malvado Rey de los Koopas (The Evil King of the Koopas) El rey de los koopas (The King of the Koopas) |
Re di tutti i Koopa (King of all the Koopas) |
König der Koopas (King of the Koopas) |
Koning van de Koopa’s (King of the Koopas) |
Король Купа (King Koopa) |
烏龜族的大魔王 (Great Demon King of the Turtle Tribe) |
龟族的大魔王 (Great Demon King of the Turtle Tribe) |
거북족 대마왕 (Great Demon King of Turtle Tribe)
Dr. Mario |
The Prescriber |
カプセルの弾幕 (Capsule Barrage) |
Un aller simple pour l'hôpital (A one-way ticket to the hospital) |
Te reta, y te receta (He Challenges you, and Prescribes you) Te Receta... Jarabe de Palo (He Prescribes you... Beatdown Medicine) |
Ama le pillole (He Loves Pills) |
Punktesieg durch Pillenwurf (Highscore through Pill-throwing) |
Een bittere pil om te slikken (A bitter pill to swallow) |
Кулак с пилюлей (Fist with Pills) |
琳瑯滿目的膠囊 (A Dazzling Collection of Capsules) |
琳琅满目的药丸 (A Dazzling Collection of Pills) |
캡슐의 탄막 (Barrage of Capsules)
Rosalina & Luma |
The Cosmic Travelers |
星の旅人 (Traveler of the Stars) |
Les voyageurs galactiques (The cosmic travelers) |
Los viajeros de la galaxia (The Travelers of the Galaxy) |
Viaggiatori del cosmo (Travelers of the Cosmos) |
Kosmisches Dream-Team (Cosmic Dream Team) |
Ruimtereizigers (Space travelers) |
Звездные странники (Star Wanderers) |
星星旅人 (Traveler of the Stars) |
星之旅人 (Traveler of the Stars) |
별의 여행자 (Traveler of the Stars)
Bowser Jr. |
Prince of the Koopas |
万能のチャリオット (All Purpose Chariot) |
Tel père, tel fils (Like father, like son) |
El principe de los koopas (Prince of the Koopas) El ojito derecho de papá (Father's Right Eye) |
Tale padre, tale figlio (Like father, like son) |
Wie der Vater, so der Sohn (Like Father, Like Son) |
Aardje naar z’n vaartje (Chip off the old block) |
Весь в отца (Just Like Father) |
萬能的戰車 (All Purpose Chariot) |
万能的战车 (All Purpose Chariot) |
만능 채리엇 (All-Purpose Chariot)
Larry |
The Youngest |
Le leader des sbires de Bowser (The leader of Bowser's minions) |
El koopalín más joven (The Youngest Koopaling) Esbirro Jefe (Boss Minion) |
Capo dei sette scagnozzi (Leader of the Seven Minions) |
Anführer der sieben Schergen (Leader of the Seven Minions) |
Leider van de bende (Leader of the gang) |
Самый младший (The Youngest)
Roy |
The Cool One |
L'œil mystère (The mysterious eye) |
El koopalin de las gafas (The Koopaling of Shades) Le Encantan las Gafas de Sol (He Loves Sunglasses) |
Terrorizzato dalle ombre (Terrified by shadows) |
Ohne Sonnenbrille geht gar nichts (No go without Shades) |
Wat schuilt er achter z’n zonnebril? (What hides beneath his sunglasses?) |
Страх в очках (Fear in Glasses)
Wendy |
The Bold Beauty |
La reine du coup de tête (The queen of the headbutt) |
La belleza de las pulseras (The Beauty of Bracelets) Lleva la Voz Cantante ("Sings" (Calls) the Shots) |
Coraggiosa, prepotente e megalomane (Brave, Bossy and Megalomaniac) |
Rechthaberisch und Rücksichtslos (Bossy and Reckless) |
Brutaal, bazig en arrogant (Rude, bossy and arrogant) |
Храбрая властная хвастунья (Brave, Imperious Boaster)
Iggy |
The Laughing Prankster |
Le farceur hilare (The beaming joker) |
El koopalín risueño (The Laughing Koopaling) Risa de Lunático (Lunatic Laughter) |
Il burlone ridente (The Laughing Prankster) |
Kleiner Schelm mit schauriger Lache (Little Prankster with Eerie Laughing) |
De lachende lolbroek (The laughing funny-pants) |
Шаловливый хохотун (The Playful Laughter)
Morton |
The Enforcer |
L'étoile de fer (The iron star) |
El koopalín corpulento (The Burly Koopaling) Te Hará Ver las Estrellas (He'll Make You See Stars) |
Ti farà vedere le stelle (He'll Make You See Stars) |
Lässt Gegner Sterne sehen (Makes Foes See Stars) |
Laat je sterretjes zien (Lets you see stars) |
Звеэдный прокаэник (The Starry Troublemaker)
Lemmy |
Wacky War Machine |
La bête de cirque (The circus beast) |
El koopalín extravagante (The Extravagant Koopaling) Aspirante a Estrella de Circo (Aims to be a Circus Star) |
Pazzerellone (Very mad fellow) |
Ein Star in der Manege (A Star in the Ring) |
Doe eens goed gek (Get good and crazy!) |
Hеуклюжий акробат (The Clumsy Acrobat)
Ludwig |
Pompous Prodigy |
Le prodige ronflant (The roaring prodigy) |
Un prodigio presumido (A Smug Prodigy) Un Prodigio, y lo Sabe (A Prodigy, and he Knows it) |
Un prodigio di arroganza (A prodigy of haughtiness) |
Genie mit Größenwahn (Genius with Megalomania) |
Pompeus wonderkind (Pompous wünderkind) |
Нахальный вундеркинд (The Impudent Wünderkind)
Daisy |
Sarasaland's Chipper Princess |
サラサランドの元気姫 (Sarasaland's Chipper Princess) |
La joyeuse princesse de Sarasaland (The joyful princess of Sarasaland) |
La optimista princesa de Sarasaland (The optimistic princess of Sarasaland) |
L'allegra principessa di Sarasaland (The cheerful princess of Sarasaland) |
Sarasalands muntere Prinzessin (Sarasaland's Chipper Princess) |
Sarasalands vrolijke prinses (Sarasaland's Cheerful Princess) |
Веселая принцесса Сарасаленда (Sarasaland's Cheerful Princess) |
神秘沙漠國度的活潑公主 (Chipper Princess of a Mysterious Desert Country) |
萨拉萨大陆的活泼公主 (Sarasaland's Chipper Princess) |
사라사랜드의 활발한 공주 (A Lively Princess in Sarasaland)
Piranha Plant |
Bloom of Your Doom |
一輪の大口 (A Single Blossom of Huge Mouth) |
Les dents de la terre (The teeth of the Earth) |
Muerde primero y pregunta después (Bites first and asks later) |
La più temuta del vivaio (The most feared of the plant-nursery) |
Blümchen mit Biss (Flower with a bite) |
Plantonaardig (Plant-unfriendly) |
Суровая флора (Tough flora) |
圓盆大口 (Pot with a Big Mouth) |
圆盆大口 (Pot with a Big Mouth) |
한 송이의 거대한 입 (A Single Blossom of Huge Mouth)
Yoshi |
Omnivore of the Year |
ヨースター島のくいしんぼう (Glutton of Yo'ster Island) |
Le distributeur d'oeufs au beurre noir (The distributor of black eggs) |
Un glotón que tiene su propia isla y todo (A Glutton with his own Island and everything) |
Non tiene mai a freno la lingua (He never restrains his tongue) |
Inselbewohner mit Mega-Kohldampf (Islander with Ravenous Hunger) |
De grootste eter van het eiland (The biggest eater on the island) |
Яичный дракон (The Egg Dragon) |
某個島的貪吃鬼 (Glutton From a Certain Island) |
某个岛的贪吃鬼 (Glutton From a Certain Island) |
요스타 섬의 먹보 (Glutton of Yo'ster Island)
Donkey Kong |
King of the Jungle |
ジャングルの王者 (King of the Jungle) |
Le primate à cravate (The primate with a tie) |
El rey de la jungla (The King of the Jungle) |
Il re della giungla (The King of the Jungle) |
Der König des Dschungels (The King of the Jungle) |
Koning van de Jungle (King of the Jungle) |
Король джунглей (King of the Jungle) |
叢林王者 (King of the Jungle) |
丛林王者 (King of the Jungle) |
정글의 왕 (King of the Jungle)
Diddy Kong |
The Acrobat |
南国の軽業師 (Acrobat of the Southern Country) |
Pirouettes et cacahouètes (Pirouettes and peanuts) |
El gran acróbata (The Great Acrobat) Tiene el Gatillo Fácil con su Cacahuetola (Trigger-Happy with His Peanut Popgun) |
Ama sparare con la Nocciol-pistola (He loves to shoot with his Peanut Popgun) |
Kleiner Affe mit großer Waffe (Small Monkey with big Weapon) |
Schiet graag met zijn pindaschieter (Likes shooting his peanut shooter) |
Акробат из джунглей (Jungle Acrobat) |
熱帶的快捷猴子 (Nimble Monkey of the Tropics) |
热带的杂技演员 (Acrobat of the Tropics) |
남쪽 나라의 곡예사 (Acrobat of the Southern Country)
King K. Rool |
The Kremling Commander |
クレムリン軍団総帥 (Kremling Army Commander-in-Chief) |
Le roi croco rococo (The rococo crocodile king) |
Comandante Kremling (Kremling Commander) |
Il cleptomane re dei Kremling (The kleptomaniac king of the Kremling) |
Klaufreudiger Kremling-König (Thievish Kremling King) |
Kleptomane Kremling-koning (Kleptomaniac Kremling King) |
Командир кремлингов клептоманов (Kleptomaniac Kremling Commander) |
Kremling軍團總帥 (Kremling Army Commander-in-Chief) |
Kremling军团统帅 (Kremling Army Commander-in-Chief) |
크레믈린 군단 총사령관 (The Supreme Leader of the Kremlings)
Link |
Champion of Hyrule |
復活の英傑 (Resurrected Champion) |
Le Prodige hylien (The Hylian champion) |
Campeón de Hyrule (Champion of Hyrule) Elegido de Hyrule (Chosen of Hyrule) |
Eroe di Hyrule (Hero of Hyrule) |
Held von Hyrule (Hero of Hyrule) |
De held van Hyrule (The hero of Hyrule) |
Воин Хайрула (Hyrule's Warrior) |
復活的英傑 (Resurrected Champion) |
复活的英杰 (Resurrected Champion) |
부활한 영걸 (Resurrected Champion)
Zelda |
Hyrule's Wise Princess |
ハイラルの王女 (Princess of Hyrule) |
La princesse d'Hyrule (The princess of Hyrule) |
La princesa de Hyrule (The Princess of Hyrule) |
Saggia principessa di Hyrule (Wise Princess of Hyrule) |
Prinzessin von Hyrule (Princess of Hyrule) |
De wijze prinses van Hyrule (The wise princess of Hyrule) |
Мудрая принцесса Хайрула (Wise Princess of Hyrule) |
海拉魯公主 (Princess of Hyrule) |
海拉鲁的公主 (Princess of Hyrule) |
하이랄 왕녀 (Princess of Hyrule)
Sheik |
The Illusive Sheikah |
闇に舞う旋風 (Whirlwind That Blows in the Darkness) |
Qui Sheikah éteint la lumière? (Who turned the light off?) |
Un guerrero envuelto en misterio (A Warrior Shrouded In Mystery) |
Uno Sheikah avvolto nel mistero (A Sheikah Shrouded in Mystery) |
Shiekah mit geheimnisvoller Vergangenheit (Sheikah with Mysterious Background) |
Een Sheikah gehuld in mysterie (A Sheikah shrouded in mystery) |
Воин народа шиика (Sheikah Warrior) |
遊走黑暗的旋風 (Whirlwind That Wanders in Darkness) |
暗舞旋风 (Dark Dancing Whirlwind) |
어둠에 부는 선풍 (Whirlwind that blows in the Darkness)
Ganondorf |
The King of Darkness |
蘇る魔王 (The Resurrected Demon King) |
La menace Gerudo (The Gerudo menace) |
El Rey de las Tinieblas (The King of Darkness) El Rey Malvado (The Evil King) |
Il re del male (The King of Evil) |
König des Bösen (King of Evil) |
Koning van het Kwaad (King of Evil) |
Король зла (King of Evil) |
甦醒的魔王 (The Reawakened Demon King) |
苏醒的魔王 (The Reawakened Demon King) |
되살아난 마왕 (The Resurrected Demon King)
Young Link |
Master of the Ocarina |
オカリナの冒険者 (Adventurer of the Ocarina) |
Le petit joueur d'ocarina (The small ocarina player) |
El maestro de la ocarina (The Master of the Ocarina) |
Maestro dell'ocarina (Master of the ocarina) |
Meister der Ocarina (Master of the Ocarina) |
Ocarina-maestro (Ocarina Master) |
Мастер окарины (Master of the Ocarina) |
時之笛的冒險者 (Adventurer of the Ocarina of Time) |
时光之笛的冒险者 (Adventurer of the Ocarina of Time) |
오카리나의 모험가 (The Adventurer of Ocarina)
Toon Link |
Wind-Waking Warrior |
大海原をゆく戦士 (Ocean-Bound Warrior) |
Le héros au pied marin (The hero with sea legs) |
El aventurero que despierta a los vientos (The Adventurer who Awakens the Winds) El Aventurero que Surca los Mares (The Adventurer who Sails the Seas) |
Un guerriero che solca i mari (A warrior who sails the seas) |
Wellenreiter und Windzähmer (Wave Rider [=Surfer] and Wind Tamer) |
Golvenrijder, windtemmer, krijger (Wave rider, wind tamer, warrior) |
Воин ветров и морей (Warrior of the Winds and Seas) |
遊歷大海的戰士 (Ocean-Bound Warrior) |
在汪洋大海中驰骋的战士 (Warrior Who Sails In the Wide Ocean) |
망망대해를 누비는 전사 (A Warrior that wanders around the Vast Sea)
Samus |
Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire |
凄腕バウンティハンター (Skillful Bounty Hunter) |
La chasseuse de primes intergalactique (The intergalactic bounty hunter) |
La cazarrecompensas intergaláctica (The Intergalactic Bounty Hunter) |
Leggendaria cacciatrice di taglie (Legendary Bounty Hunter) |
Intergalaktische Kopfgeldjägerin (Intergalactic Bounty Hunter) |
Buitengewone premiejager (Extraordinary bounty hunter) |
Охотница эа головами (Bounty Hunter) |
高超的獎金獵人 (Skillful Bounty Hunter) |
本领高强的赏金猎人 (Skillful Bounty Hunter) |
솜씨 좋은 바운티 헌터 (Skillful Bounty Hunter)
Zero Suit Samus |
The Warrior Within |
美しき銀河の戦士 (Beautiful Galactic Warrior) |
Sans armure, quelle allure! (So stylish without armor!) |
La bella guerrera galáctica (The Pretty Galactic Warrior) |
Meno protezione, più agilità (Less protection, more agility) |
Leichte Rüstung, schwer auf Zack (Light Armour, Really up to Snuff) |
Geen pak, toch gevaarlijk (No suit, still dangerous) |
Хрупкая и ловкая (Fragile and Agile) |
美麗的銀河戰士 (Beautiful Galactic Warrior) |
美丽的银河战士 (Beautiful Galactic Warrior) |
아름다운 은하의 전사 (Beautiful Warrior of the Galaxy)
Ridley |
Cunning God of Death |
残虐のカリスマ (A Cruel Charisma) |
Les ailes de la mort (The wings of death) |
Encarnación de la muerte (Incarnation of Death) |
Il distruttore (The destroyer) |
Eiskalter Todesbote (Ice-cold death herald) |
Gevleugelde wreedheid (Winged cruelty) |
Хитрый бог смерти (The Cunning God of Death) |
殘忍的領袖 (Cruel Leader) |
残忍的领袖 (Cruel Leader) |
잔혹한 카리스마 (A Cruel Charisma)
Dark Samus |
Phazon Incarnate |
闇のフェイゾン生命体 (Dark Phazon Life Form) |
L'incarnation de phazon (Phazon incarnate) |
Phazon Encarnado (Phazon Incarnate) |
Phazon personificato (Phazon personified) |
Das Phazon in Person (Phazon in Person) |
Het duistere Phazon-wezen (The dark Phazon creature) |
Фазон во плоти (Phazon in the Flesh) |
黑暗的啡宗生命體 (Dark Phazon Life Form) |
黑暗啡宗生命体 (Dark Phazon Life Form) |
어둠의 페이존 생명체 (A Dark Phazon Life Form)
Kirby |
The Pink Demon |
ピンクの悪魔 (The Pink Demon) |
La petite terreur rose (The tiny pink terror) |
El demonio rosa (The Pink Demon) |
Rosaceo eroe (Pinkish Hero) |
Berühmteste rosa Kugel aller Zeiten (Most Famous Pink Ball of all Time) |
Gevaarlijk roze is niet lelijk (Dangerously pink isn’t ugly) |
Розовый ужас (Pink Horror) |
粉紅惡魔 (The Pink Demon) |
粉红色的恶魔 (The Pink Demon) |
핑크빛 악마 (Pink Demon)
Meta Knight |
The Masked Swordsman |
仮面の剣士 (The Masked Swordsman) |
L'épéiste au masque de fer (The iron-masked swordfighter) |
El espadachín enmascarado (The Masked Swordfighter) |
Lo spadaccino mascherato (The Masked Swordsman) |
Der maskierte Schwertkämpfer (The Masked Swordsman) |
De gemaskerde zwaardvechter (The masked swordsman) |
Мечник в маске (The Masked Swordsman) |
面具劍士 (The Masked Swordsman) |
头戴面具的剑士 (The Masked Swordsman) |
가면의 검사 (The Masked Swordsman)
King Dedede |
Self-Made King |
自称大王 (Self-Proclaimed Great King) |
Le roi marteau (The crazy king) |
Autoproclamado monarca (Self-Proclaimed Monarch) Él Dice que es Rey y no hay mas que hablar (He Says He's King, and That's That) |
Si proclama il re e questo è quanto (He proclaims himself the King, and that's that) |
Der selbsternannte König (The Self-Proclaimed King) |
Koning, volgens hemzelf dan (King, according to himself anyway) |
Липовый король (Phony King) |
自稱大王 (Self-Proclaimed King) |
自称大王 (Self-Proclaimed Great King) |
자칭 대왕 (The Self-Proclaimed Great King)
Fox |
Leader of Star Fox |
雇われ遊撃隊長 (Leader of a Mercenary Group) |
Le renard de l'espace (The fox from outer space) |
El líder de Star Fox (Leader of Star Fox) No se Rinde Nunca y Confía en su Instinto (Never Gives Up and Trusts His Instincts) |
Non si arrende mai! Segue il suo istinto! (Never Gives Up! Trusts his Instincts!) |
Feurig und Fuchsteufelswild (Fiery and Furious) |
Voer een zijwaartse rol uit! (Do a sideways roll!) |
Он никогда не сдаётся! (He Never Gives Up!) |
受僱用的游擊隊長 (Mercenary Guerilla Leader) |
佣兵游击队队长 (Mercenary Guerilla Leader) |
용병 유격대장 (Leader of the Mercenary Unit)
Falco |
Proud Space Ace |
宇宙のエースパイロット (Ace Space Pilot) |
La tête brulée intersidérale (The interstellar hothead) |
Un piloto espacial sin igual (An Incomparable Space Pilot) |
Fiero asso spaziale (Proud Space Ace) |
Weltraumpilot und Fliegerass (Space Pilot and Flying Ace) |
Trotse toppiloot (Proud ace pilot) |
Опытный пилот (The Skilled Pilot) |
宇宙的王牌駕駛員 (Ace Pilot of Space) |
宇宙中的王牌驾驶员 (Ace Pilot of Space) |
우주의 에이스 파일럿 (Ace Space Pilot)
Wolf |
The Silver Space Wolf |
宙駆ける銀狼 (A Silver Wolf Dashing Through Space) |
Le loup gris de l'espace (The grey wolf from space) |
Un lobo plateado en el espacio (A Silver Wolf in Space) |
L'argenteo lupo spaziale (The silvery space wolf) |
Der böse Weltraumwolf (The evil Space Wolf) |
De zilveren ruimtewolf (The silver space wolf) |
Серебристый космический Волк (The Silver Space Wolf) |
馳騁宇宙的銀狼 (The Silver Wolf Dashing Through Space) |
在宇宙中驰骋的银狼 (The Silver Wolf Dashing Through Space) |
우주를 가르는 은빛 늑대 (A Silver Wolf that crosses the Space)
Pikachu |
Pika Pika! |
雷撃のねずみポケモン (Lightning Attack Mouse Pokémon) |
Le rongeur survolté (The overexcited rodent) |
Pokémon Ratón de Tipo Electrico (Electric Type Mouse Pokémon) |
Il Pokémon Topo di tipo Elettro (The Electric-type Mouse Pokémon) |
Niedlich und elektrisierend (Cute and Electrifying) |
De elektrische muis-Pokémon (The electric mouse Pokémon) |
Электрический покемон-мышь (The Electric Mouse Pokémon) |
雷擊的鼠寶可夢 (Lightning Attack Mouse Pokémon) |
擅长电击的鼠宝可梦 (Mouse Pokémon Skilled With Electric Shocks) |
전격의 쥐포켓몬 (Mouse Pokemon with Electric Strikes)
Jigglypuff |
The Sleepy Singer |
魅惑のふうせんポケモン (Alluring Balloon Pokémon) |
Bouboule (Fatty) |
El adorable Pokémon Globo (The Adorable Balloon Pokémon) |
Il dolcissimo Pokémon Pallone (The very sweet Balloon Pokémon) |
Liebreizendes Pokémon der Klasse Ballon (Lovely Balloon-type Pokémon) |
De lieflijke ballon-Pokemon (The charming Balloon-Pokémon) |
Очаровательный покемон-шарик (The Delightful Balloon Pokémon) |
魅惑的氣球寶可夢 (Alluring Balloon Pokémon) |
魅惑的气球宝可梦 (Alluring Balloon Pokémon) |
매력적인 풍선포켓몬 (Charming Balloon Pokémon)
Mewtwo |
A Legend Reawakens |
覚醒する遺伝子 (Awakened Genes) |
Le retour de la légende (The return of the legend) |
Una leyenda vuelve a despertar (A Legend Reawakens) |
Il risveglio di una leggenda (The awakening of a legend) |
Rückkehr einer Legende (The Return of a Legend) |
De terugkeer van een legende (The return of a legend) |
Пробуждение легенды (The Awakening Legend) |
覺醒的基因 (Awakened Genes) |
觉醒的遗传基因 (Awakened Genes) |
각성한 유전자 (Awakened Genes)
Pichu |
Shockingly Adorable |
やんちゃな電撃 (The Mischievous Electric Shock) |
Le petit chou de foudre (The sweetheart of lightning) |
La Chispa Traviesa (The Mischievous Spark) |
Tenerezza elettrizzante (Electrifying tenderness) |
Schockierend niedlich (Shockingly cute) |
Schokkend schattig (Shockingly cute) |
Электромилашка (The Electric Cutie) |
頑皮的電擊 (The Mischievous Electric Shock) |
顽皮的电击 (The Mischievous Electric Shock) |
전격의 장난꾸러기 (The Shocking Prankster)
Pokémon Trainer |
Wants to Be the Very Best |
チャンピオンを目指す者 (The One Who Aims For Champion) |
Le futur Maître Pokémon (The future Pokémon Master) |
Quiere ser siempre el(♂)/la(♀) mejor (Always wants to be the best) |
Vuole essere il(♂)/la(♀) migliore (Wants to be the best) |
Will der Allerbeste sein (Wants to be the Very Best) |
Wil de allerbeste zijn (Wants to be the very best) |
Хочет стать чемпионом (Wants to be the Champion) |
以冠軍為目標者 (The One Who Aims For Champion) |
以冠军为目标者 (The One Who Aims For Champion) |
챔피언이 되려는 자 (One who aims to be the Champion)
Lucario |
Master of Aura |
波導の勇者 (Hero of Aura) |
Le canidé aux poings d'acier (The canid with fists of steel) |
Domina el aura (Masters the Aura) |
Potenza allo stato puro (Power in its purest form) |
Die Macht der Aura (The Power of the Aura) |
Krachtig aura (Powerful aura) |
Сильная аура (Powerful Aura) |
波導的勇者 (Hero of Aura) |
波导的勇者 (Hero of Aura) |
파동의 용사 (Hero of Aura)
Greninja |
Master of Stealth |
神出鬼没のしのびポケモン (Elusive Ninja Pokémon) |
L'imprévisible Pokémon Ninja (The Unpredictable Ninja Pokémon) |
El Pokémon Ninja impredecible (The Unpredictable Ninja Pokémon) |
L'imprevedibile Pokémon Ninja (The Unpredictable Ninja Pokémon) |
Unberechenbares Pokémon der Klasse Ninja (Unpredictable Ninja-type Pokémon) |
De onvoorspelbare Ninja-Pokemon (The unpredictable Ninja-Pokémon) |
Невероятный покемон-ниндзя (The Incredible Ninja Pokémon) |
神出鬼沒的忍者寶可夢 (Elusive Ninja Pokémon) |
神出鬼没的忍者宝可梦 (Elusive Ninja Pokémon) |
신출귀몰 시노비포켓몬 (Elusive Ninja Pokémon)
Incineroar |
The Ring's Raging Flame |
リングの猛火 (The Ring's Raging Flame) |
La terreur des rings (The terror of the rings) |
La furia llameante del cuadrilátero (The flaming fury of the ring) |
La fiamma ardente sul ring (The burning flame in the ring) |
Der feurige Ringkämpfer (The fiery Wrestler) |
Vlammende furie van de worstelring (Flaming fury of the wrestling ring) |
Пламя во плоти (Fire in the Flesh) |
擂台上的猛火 (Raging Fire in the Ring) |
擂台上的猛火 (Raging Fire in the Ring) |
링 위의 뜨거운 불꽃 (Hot Flame on top of a Ring)
Captain Falcon |
The Supersonic Slugger |
音速のF-ZEROパイロット (Supersonic F-Zero Pilot) |
Le pilote supersonique (The supersonic pilot) |
El piloto supersónico de F-Zero (The Supersonic F-Zero Pilot) |
Supersonico pilota di F-Zero (Supersonic F-Zero Pilot) |
Ultraschneller F-Zero-Pilot (Ultra-fast F-Zero Pilot) |
Supersonische F-Zero piloot (Supersonic F-Zero pilot) |
Быстрый гонщик F-Zero (The Fast F-Zero Pilot) |
音速的F-ZERO車手 (Pilot of the Supersonic F-Zero) |
音速F-ZERO的驾驶员 (Pilot of the Supersonic F-Zero) |
음속의 F-ZERO 파일럿 (F-Zero Pilot with a Speed of Sound)
Ness |
The PSI Powerhouse |
PSIを持つ少年 (Boy Who Wields PSI) |
Le PSYchopathe en culottes courtes (The PSYchopath in short pants) |
El niño con poderes PSI (The Kid with PSI Powers) |
Il maestro dei poteri psichici (The master of psychic powers) |
Stark durch PSI-Kräfte (Strong through PSI Powers) |
Het PSI-wonderkind (The PSI-wunderkind) |
Мастер психокинеза (The Psychokinesis Master) |
擁有超能力的少年 (The Boy With Psychic Powers) |
拥有PSI的少年 (The Boy Who Holds PSI) |
PSI를 지닌 소년 (A boy who holds PSI)
Lucas |
Boy from Nowhere |
タツマイリの少年 (Boy from Tazmilly) |
Le diable de Tazmilly (The Devil of Tazmilly) |
El chico de Tazmily (The Boy from Tazmily) El Demonio de Tazmilian (The Tazmilian Devil) |
Il diavolo di Tazmily (The Tazmilian Devil) |
Der Junge aus Tazmily (The Boy from Tazmily) |
De jongen uit Tazmily (The boy from Tazmily) |
Тасмильский дьявол (The Tazmilly Devil) |
來自Tazmily的少年 (Boy From Tazmily) |
Tazmily的少年 (Boy From Tazmily) |
타츠마이리의 소년 (A Boy from Tazmilly)
Ice Climbers |
Bone-Chilling Duo |
氷壁の双星 (Twin Stars of the Ice Cliff) |
Le duo qui brise la glace et les os (The duo who breaks ice and bones) |
Un dúo que deja helado (The duo that leaves everyone frozen) |
Duo agghiacciante (Spine-chilling duo) |
Das coolste Duo (The coolest Duo) |
Ijskoud duo (Ice cold duo) |
Хладнокровный тандем (Cold-blooded Tandem) |
冰山的攀爬雙星 (Climbing Twin Stars of the Ice Mountain) |
冰壁双星 (Twin Stars of the Ice Cliff) |
빙벽의 쌍둥이 별 (The Twin Star of Ice Wall)
Marth |
The Hero-King |
紋章の王子 (Prince of the Emblem) |
L'héroïque roi de légende (The heroic king of legend) |
El rey heroico (The Heroic King) |
Il leggendario re-eroe (The legendary king-hero) |
Der legendäre Heldenkönig (The Legendary Hero-King) |
De legendarische, heldhaftige koning (The legendary, heroic king) |
Легендарный король-герой (The Legendary Hero-King) |
紋章王子 (Prince of the Emblem) |
纹章的王子 (Prince of the Emblem) |
문장의 왕자 (The Prince of Emblem)
Roy |
The Young Lion |
若き獅子 (The Young Lion) |
Le jeune lion (The Young Lion) |
El Joven León (The Young Lion) |
Il giovane leone (The Young Lion) |
Der junge Löwe (The young Lion) |
De jonge leeuw (The young lion) |
Юный лев (The Young Lion) |
幼獅 (The Young Lion) |
年轻的雄狮 (The Young Lion) |
젊은 사자 (The Young Lion)
Ike |
The Radiant Hero of Legend |
蒼炎の勇者 (Hero of the Blue Flames) |
Le héros de l'aube (The hero of dawn) |
El Héroe Resplandeciente (The Radiant Hero) |
L'eroe della fiamma (The Hero of Flame) |
Der strahlende Held (The Radiant Hero) |
De stralende held (The radiant hero) |
Сияющий герой (The Radiant Hero) |
蒼炎的勇者 (Hero of the Blue Flames) |
苍炎的勇者 (Hero of the Blue Flames) |
창염의 용사 (Hero of Blue Flame)
Robin |
The Tactician Magician |
自衛団の名軍師 (Renowned Tactician of the Vigilantes) |
L'atout stratégique des Veilleurs (The strategic asset of the Shepherds) |
Estratega de Ylisse (Ylisse's Tactician) |
Stratega dai molti tomi (Strategist with many tomes) |
Meisterstratege aus Ylisse (Master-Strategist of Ylisse) |
Strategie volgens het boekje (Strategy by the book) |
Стратег с книгой (Strategist with Book) |
自衛團的名軍師 (Renowned Tactician of the Vigilantes) |
自卫团的名军师 (Renowned Tactician of the Vigilantes) |
자경단의 명참모 (The Famous Tactician in the Vigilance Group)
Lucina |
Warrior from a Doomed Future |
未来を知る王女 (Princess Who Knows the Future) |
La guerrière venue d'un autre futur (The warrior from another future) |
Desafía al destino (She Challenges Fate) |
Sfida il destino (She challenges Destiny) |
Herausforderin des Schicksals (Challenger of Destiny) |
Vecht tegen het lot (Fighting against Destiny) |
Непокорная судьбе (Unruly to Destiny) |
知曉未來的公主 (The Princess Who Knows the Future) |
知晓未来的公主 (The Princess Who Knows the Future) |
미래를 보는 왕녀 (Princess Who Sees the Future)
Corrin |
Blood of Dragons |
竜の血族 (Blood of Dragons) |
Sang de dragon (Blood of dragons) |
Sangre de dragón (Dragon blood) |
Sangue di drago (Blood of Dragon) |
Manakete (Manakete) |
Nazaat der draken (Descendant of the dragons) |
Кровь драконов (Dragon Blood) |
龍之血族 (Blood of Dragons) |
龙之血族 (Blood of Dragons) |
용의 혈족 (The Bloodline of Dragons)
Chrom |
Prince of Ylisse |
英雄王の末裔 (Descendant of the Hero King) |
Le prince du Saint-Royaume d'Ylisse "(The prince of the Halidom of Ylisse)" |
El príncipe de Ylisse (The prince of Ylisse) |
Principe di Ylisse (Prince of Ylisse) |
Prinz von Ylisse (Prince of Ylisse) |
Prins van Ylisse (Prince of Ylisse) |
Принц Илисса (Prince of Ylisse) |
英雄王的後裔 (Descendant of the Hero King) |
英雄王的后裔 (Descendant of the Hero King) |
영웅왕의 후손 (The Descendant of the Hero-King)
Byleth |
Ashen Demon |
灰色の悪魔 (Gray Demon) |
Le démon cendré (The ash demon) |
Azote sombrío (Dark scourge) |
Flagello Cinereo (Gray Scourge) |
Bleicher Dämon (Pale Demon) |
De asgrauwe demon |
Пепельный демон (Ashen Demon) |
灰色惡魔 (Gray Demon) |
灰色恶魔 (Gray Demon) |
잿빛 악마 (Gray Demon)
Mr. Game & Watch |
Master of Two Dimensions |
平面世界の住人 (Resident of Flat Zone) |
Le castagneur vintage (The vintage fighter) |
El maestro de las 2D (The Master of 2D) |
Maestro delle due dimensioni (Master of Two Dimensions) |
Zweidimensionaler Tausendsassa (Two-dimensional Allrounder) |
Meester van twee dimensies (Master of 2 Dimensions) |
Хозяин двух измерений (Master of the Two Dimensions) |
平面世界的居民 (Resident of Flat Zone) |
平面世界的居民 (Resident of Flat Zone) |
평면 세계의 주인 (Master of the Flat Zone)
Pit |
Captain of Lady Palutena's Guard |
パルテナ軍親衛隊隊長 (Captain of Palutena's Royal Guard) |
Le chef de la garde de Paluténa (The chief of Palutena's Guard) |
El capitán de la guardia real de Palutena (The Captain of Palutena's Royal Guard) |
Il capitano della guardia di Palutena (The captain of Palutena's Guard) |
Anführer von Palutenas Leibgarde (Captain of Palutena's Life Guard) |
Kapitein van Palutena’s wacht (Captain of Palutena’s Guard) |
Солдат госпожи Палютены (Lady Palutena's Soldier) |
帕露蒂娜軍的親衛隊隊長 (Captain of Palutena's Royal Guard) |
帕鲁蒂娜军的亲卫队队长 (Captain of Palutena's Royal Guard) |
파르테나군 친위대장 (Captain of Palutena's Army)
Palutena |
Goddess of Light |
光の女神 (Goddess of Light) |
La déesse de la lumière (The goddess of light) |
La diosa de la Luz (The Goddess of Light) |
La Dea della luce (The Goddess of Light) |
Göttin des Lichts (Goddess of Light) |
Godin van het licht (Goddess of Light) |
Богиня света (Goddess of Light) |
光之女神 (Goddess of Light) |
光之女神 (Goddess of Light) |
빛의 여신 (Goddess of Light)
Dark Pit |
Dark-Winged Doppelgänger |
黒き翼 (Darkest Wings) |
La réplique diabolique (The diabolic replica) |
El doble con alas oscuras (The Dark-Winged Double) El Doble con Malas Pulgas (The Grumpy Double) |
Il sosia dalle ali nere (The black-winged Dopplegänger) |
Doppelgänger mit dunklen Schwingen (Dark-Winged Doppelgänger) |
Duistere dubbelganger (Dark doppelgänger) |
Чернокрылый двойник (Dark-Winged Doppelgänger) |
黑翼 (Black Wings) |
黑翼 (Black Wings) |
검은 날개 (Black Wings)
Wario |
Scoundrel with a Fart of Gold |
圧巻の悪漢 (Rascal of the Best) |
La boule puante ambulante (The walking stink bomb) |
Cuidado con sus ventosidades... (Watch out for his winds...) Ojito con sus Ventosidades... (Be Careful with his Winds...) |
Un teppista che sbuffa da dietro (A thug who snorts from his back) |
Stinkbombe auf zwei Beinen (Stink Bomb on two Legs) |
Boef waar een luchtje aan zit (Crook who smells funny) |
Отпётый негодяй (Inveterate Wretch) |
無人可比的壞蛋 (Unmatched Bad Guy) |
恶汉中的恶汉 (Rascal of Rascals) |
악당 중의 악당 (Scoundrel of all Scoundrels)
Olimar |
Veteran Astronaut |
ベテラン宇宙飛行士 (Veteran Astronaut) |
L'astronaute vétéran (The astronaut veteran) |
El astronauta veterano (The Veteran Astronaut) El Veterano Astronauta (The Astronaut Veteran) |
Esperto astronauta (Expert Astronaut) |
Astronautenveteran (Veteran Astronaut) |
Ervaren astronaut (Experienced Astronaut) |
Опытный астронавт (Experienced Astronaut) |
老練的宇宙飛行員 (Veteran Astronaut) |
老练的宇宙飞行员 (Veteran Astronaut) |
베테랑 우주 비행사 (Veteran Astronaut)
Alph |
Astronaut in Training |
若き宇宙整備士 (Young Space Mechanic) |
L'ingénieur cogneur (The engineer bruiser) |
El astronauta novato (The Novice Astronaut) Explorador Novato e Ingeniero (Novice Explorer and Engineer) |
Esploratore novizio e abile ingegnere (Novice explorer and skilled engineer) |
Meisteringenieur mit Forscherdrang (Engineering Pro with Scientific Curiosity) |
Onervaren verkenner, ervaren mechanicus (Inexperienced explorer, experienced mechanic) |
Опытный инженер (Experienced Engineer) |
年輕的宇宙維修員 (Young Space Repairman) |
年轻的宇宙机械师 (Young Space Mechanic) |
젊은 우주 정비사
(Young Space Mechanic)
R.O.B. |
The Last of His Kind |
灼熱のロボビーム (Red Hot Robo Beam) |
Rectifier Oblitérer Broyer (Crush, Obliterate, Rectify) |
Experto en rayos láser (Expert in Laser Beams) |
Robot Obliterante Benevolo (Benevolent Obliterating Robot) |
Randaliert. Ohne. Bedauern. (Rampages. Without. Regret.) |
Retro-Ogende Bondgenoot (Retro-Looking Ally) |
Робот-разрушитель (The Destroyer Robot) |
灼熱的機器人光束 (Red Hot Robo Beam) |
灼热的机器人光束 (Red Hot Robo Beam) |
작열하는 로보빔 (Blazing Robo Beam)
Villager |
Mayor of Smashville |
スローライフの伝道師 (Evangelist of the Slow Life) |
Monsieur(♂)/Madame(♀) le maire (Mr./Ms. Mayor) |
Alcalde(♂)/Alcadlesa(♀) de Pueblo Smash (Mayor of Smashville) |
Sindaco di Smash Village (Mayor of Smash Village) |
Bürgermeister von Smash-Stadt (Mayor of Smashville) |
Burgemeester van Smashdorp (Mayor of Smashville) |
Мэр города Смешвиль (Mayor of Smashville Town) |
慢活的傳道士 (Evangelist of the Slow Life) |
慢生活的传道士 (Evangelist of the Slow Life) |
슬로 라이프 전도사 (Evangelist of Slow Life)
Isabelle |
The Mayor's Assistant |
ほんわかアシスタント (Cuddly Assistant) |
L'assistante du maire (The mayor's assistant) |
La secretaria del alcalde (The mayor's secretary) |
Il braccio destro del sindaco (The right arm of the mayor) |
Die treue Rathaushilfe (The loyal City Hall Assistant) |
Assistent van de burgemeester (The mayor's assistant) |
Ассистентка мэра (The Mayor's Assistant) |
溫馨的助手 (Heartwarming Assistant) |
暖心的助手 (Heartwarming Assistant) |
포근한 어시스턴트 (Cuddly Assistant)
Little Mac |
Bruiser from the Bronx |
不屈の闘魂 (Undaunted Fighting Spirit) |
Le dentiste (The dentist) |
El pugilista que más pega (The boxer who punches the most) Sólo se Sabe los Números "¡Uno,Dos!" (Only Knows the Numbers "One,Two!") |
Gli unici numeri che conosce sono "Uno-due" (The Only Numbers He Knows Are "One-Two") |
Klein, aber oho - schlägt die Gegner schnell k.o. (Small but Strong - Punches Foes K.O. fast) |
Klein, maar pijnlijk (Small, but painful) |
Левой, левой, правой (Left, left, right) |
頑強的鬥魂 (Indomitable Fighting Spirit) |
顽强的斗魂 (Indomitable Fighting Spirit) |
불굴의 투혼 (Indomitable Fighting Spirit)
Wii Fit Trainer ♀ |
Yoga Warrior |
今日も一緒にダイエット (Let's also Diet Together Today) |
Inspirer, éjecter (Breathe in, release) |
¡A quemar calorias! (Let's burn calories!) |
Ti fa bruciare un bel po' di calorie! (She'll Make you Burn a Bunch of Calories!) |
Verhilft dir zu einer guten Haltung! (Helps You towards a Good Posture!) |
Voel je je spieren al branden? (Can you feel your muscles burn?) |
Эталонная талия (Waist of Standard) |
今天也一起來減肥 (Let's Lose Weight Today As Well) |
今天也一起来减肥 (Let's Lose Weight Today As Well) |
오늘도 함께 건강 관리 (Let's stay fit together today too)
Wii Fit Trainer ♂ |
The BMI Bandit |
今日も元気に筋肉美 (Let's also be Healthy and Beautiful Today) |
¡A ponerse en forma! (Let's Get in Shape!) |
Ti spezza in due! (He'll snap you in two!) |
Stets bereit zum Training! (Always Prepared for Training!) |
Valt aan met kernoefeningen (Attacks with core-exercise) |
Мускулистый инструктор (The Muscular Instructor) |
今天也一起來健美 (Let's Bodybuild Today As Well) |
今天也一起来健美 (Let's Bodybuild Today As Well) |
오늘도 건강하게 육체미 (Let's also be Healthy and Beautiful Today)
Shulk |
The Visionary |
穏やかさを秘めた力 (Power Hidden by Gentleness) |
L'artiste Monado (The Monado artist) |
Maestro de las artes de Monado (Master of the Monado Arts) |
Ha visioni di vittoria (He has visions of victory) |
Kampferprobter Visionär (Battle-proven Visionary) |
Visionaire vechter (Visionary fighter) |
Победное предвидение (Victorious Foresight) |
藏於太平中的力量 (Power Hidden Within Serenity) |
藏于安稳中的力量 (Power Hidden Within Serenity) |
온화함 뒤에 숨은 힘 (Power Hidden Behind Gentleness)
Pyra/Mythra |
The Aegis |
天の聖杯 (Heavenly Holy Grail) |
L'Aegis (The Aegis) |
La Égida (The Aegis) |
L'Aegis (The Aegis) |
Die Aegis (The Aegis) |
De Aegis (The Aegis) |
Згис (Aegis) |
天之圣杯 (Heavenly Holy Grail) |
天之聖杯 (Heavenly Holy Grail) |
하늘의 성배 (Heavenly Holy Grail)
Duck Hunt |
Bark, Quack, Boom! |
異色の共演 (A Unique Group) |
Le plus improbable des duos (The most unlikely of duos) |
La extraña pareja (The Weird Couple) La pareja dispareja (An Odd Couple) |
La strana coppia (The Odd Couple) |
Ein äußerst ungewöhnliches Paar (A Really Unusual Pair) |
Vreemde eend in de bijt (Strange duck in the ice-hole) |
Необычная парочка (The Unusual Couple) |
走狗與野鴨 (Hunting Dog and Wild Duck) |
天敌共演 (Natural Enemy Duo) |
이색적인 협동 (A Unique Cooperation)
Inkling |
Part Kid, Part Squid |
イカしたワカモノ (Cool Youth) |
50% fille/garçon, 50% calamar, 100% encre (50% girl/boy, 50% squid, 100% ink) |
Parte chica(♀)/chico(♂), parte calamar (Part girl/boy, part squid) |
Metà ragazza(♀)/ragazzo(♂), metà calamaro (Part girl/boy, part squid) |
Ihre Kleckszellenz (Your Splat-cellency) |
Half jongen/meisje, half inktvis (Half boy/girl, half squid) |
Девочка кальмарочка(♀) (Squid Girl)/Мальчик кальмарчик(♂) (Squid Boy) |
魷形的年輕人 (Squid-Shaped Youth) |
墨力四射的年轻人 (Ink-Shooting Youth) |
절반은 사람, 절반은 오징어 (Half Human, Half Squid)
Min Min |
The Ramen Bomber |
闘うラーメン少女 (Fighting Ramen Girl) |
La toquée des ramen (The ramen loony) |
La reina del fideo frito (The queen of the fried noodles) |
L'amante del ramen (The ramen lover) |
Die Siegeshungrige (The Hungry Victory) |
De ramenrammer (The ramen rammer) |
Королева лапши (Noodle Queen) |
格鬥拉麵少女 (The Fighting Ramen Girl) |
格斗拉面少女 (The Fighting Ramen Girl) |
배틀!라면소녀 (Fighting! Ramen Girl)
Snake |
The Legendary Mercenary |
潜入のスペシャリスト (Sneaking Specialist) |
Le mercenaire légendaire (The legendary mercenary) |
El mercenario legendario (The legendary mercenary) |
Mercenario leggendario (Legendary mercenary) |
Legendärer Söldner (Legendary Mercenary) |
De legendarische geheim agent (The legendary secret agent) |
Легендарный наемник (Legendary Mercenary) |
潛行專家 (Sneaking Specialist) |
潜伏专家 (Sneaking Specialist) |
잠입의 스페셜리스트 (The Specialist of Infiltration)
Sonic |
The Blue Blur |
世界最速のハリネズミ (Fastest Hedgehog in the World) |
La bombe bleue (The blue bomb) |
El erizo más rápido del mundo (The World's Fastest Hedgehog) |
Velocità è il suo secondo nome (Speed is his middle name) |
Der schnellste Igel der Welt (The Fastest Hedgehog in the World) |
Snel, sneller, snelst (Fast, faster, fastest) |
Самый быстрый (The Fastest One) |
世界最快的刺猬 (The Fastest Hedgehog in the World) |
世界上最快的刺猬 (The Fastest Hedgehog in the World) |
세계 최고속 고슴도치 (The World's Fastest Hedgehog)
Mega Man |
The Blue Bomber |
青きメタルヒーロー (Blue Metal Hero) |
La gâchette multi-tâches (The multitasking trigger) |
La bomba azul (The Blue Bomb) |
Il futuristico guerriero blu (The futuristic blue warrior) |
Das Blaue Heldenwunder (The Blue Hero Miracle) |
De blauwe beuker (The blue bruiser) |
Синий герой (Blue Hero) |
藍色金屬英雄 (Blue Metal Hero) |
蓝色金属英雄 (Blue Metal Hero) |
푸른 메탈 히어로 (Blue Metal Hero)
Pac-Man |
The Yellow Bane of Ghosts |
黄色い伝説 (The Yellow Legend) |
Le glouton jaune (The yellow glutton) |
Merienda fantasmas (Has Ghosts for Snacks) |
Ama ingurgitare fantasmi (He loves to swallow ghosts) |
Vielfraß mit Appetit auf Geister (Glutton with Appetite for Ghosts) |
Spokenslokker (Ghost gobbler) |
Пожиратель привидений (Ghost-Gobbler) |
黃色傳說 (The Yellow Legend) |
黄色传说 (The Yellow Legend) |
노랑 전설 (The Yellow Legend)
Ryu |
Eternal Wanderer |
不断の探求者 (Tireless Wanderer) |
Le guerrier errant (The stray warrior) |
Trotamundos eterno (Eternal Globetrotter) |
Errante infaticabile (Tireless Wanderer) |
Der ewige Wanderer (The Eternal Wanderer) |
Eeuwige dwaler (Eternal wanderer) |
Вечный скиталец (Eternal Wanderer) |
永遠的探求者 (Eternal Seeker) |
永不疲惫的探求者 (Tireless Seeker) |
부단한 노력의 탐구자 (Seeker with an Endless Effort)
Ken |
The Fire-Breathing Fist |
紅蓮の格闘王 (The Crimson King of Fighting) |
Le Poing cracheur de feu (The Fire-Breathing Fist) |
El puño que escupe fuego (The Fire-Breathing Fist) |
Pugno del soffio fiammeggiante (Fist of the flaming breath) |
Die feuerspuckende Faust (The fire-spitting Fist) |
De vuurspuwende vuist (The fire-spitting fist) |
Огненный кулак (Fire Fist) |
紅蓮格鬥王 (Crimson Fighting King) |
红莲格斗王 (Crimson Fighting King) |
홍련의 격투왕 (The Crimson King of Martial Arts)
Cloud |
SOLDIER 1st Class |
ソルジャー・クラス1st (SOLDIER 1st Class) |
SOLDAT 1re classe (SOLDIER 1st Class) |
SOLDADO de 1.ª clase (1st Class SOLDIER) |
1ª classe SOLDIER (SOLDIER 1st Class) |
Rang-1-SOLDAT (Rank-1-SOLDIER) |
SOLDIER 1e klasse (SOLDIER 1st class) |
СОЛДАТ 1-го класса (SOLDIER of 1st Class) |
一等精銳兵 (First Class Elite SOLDIER) |
一等精锐战士 (First Class Elite SOLDIER) |
1st 클래스 솔저 (SOLDIER 1st Class)
Sephiroth |
One-Winged Angel |
片翼の天使 (One-Winged Angel) |
L'Ange à une aile (One-Winged Angel) |
Ángel de una sola ala (One-Winged Angel) |
Angelo con un'ala sola (One-Winged Angel) |
Einflügliger Engel (One-Winged Angel) |
De engel met één vleugel (One-Winged Angel) |
Однокрылый ангел (One-Winged Angel) |
片翼天使 (One-Winged Angel) |
單翼天使 (One-Winged Angel) |
한쪽 날개의 천사 (One-Winged Angel)
Bayonetta |
Umbra Witch |
アンブラの魔女 (Umbra Witch) |
Sorcière de l'Umbra (Umbra Witch) |
Bruja de Umbra (Umbra Witch) |
Strega di Umbra (Umbra Witch) |
Umbra-Hexe (Umbra Witch) |
Umbra-heks (Umbra Witch) |
Ведьма Умбры (Umbra Witch) |
安柏拉的魔女 (Umbra Witch) |
安柏拉的魔女 (Umbra Witch) |
엄브라의 마녀 (Umbra Witch)
Simon |
Evil's Whip-Wielding Bane |
魔を祓う聖鞭 (Holy Whip that Exorcises Demons) |
Le fléau au fouet fatal (The bane with a fatal whip) |
Combate el mal a latigazos (He Fights Evil with Lashes) |
Contro il male armato di frusta (Versus evil armed with a whip) |
Geißel alles Bösen (Scourge of all Evil) |
Gesel van het kwaad (Scourge of evil) |
Искоренитель зла с кнутом (Bane of Evil with a Whip) |
驅魔的圣鞭 (Holy Whip that Exorcises Demons) |
除魔圣鞭 (Demon-Slaying Holy Whip) |
악마를 물리치는 채찍 (A Whip that Wards Off Demons)
Richter |
Azure Vampire Assassin |
紺碧のヴァンパイアハンター (Azure Vampire Hunter) |
Le chasseur sans peur (The fearless hunter) |
Matavampiros cerúleo (Cerulean Vampire Killer) |
Ammazzavampiri in azzurro (Azure vampire-slayer) |
Blauer Schrecken der Blutsauger (Blue Horror of Blood-suckers) |
Blauwe schrik van de bloedzuigers (Blue horror of the blood-suckers) |
Лазурный бич вампиров (Azure Vampire Hunter) |
碧藍的吸血鬼獵人 (Azure Vampire Hunter) |
苍蓝的吸血鬼猎人 (Azure Vampire Hunter) |
짙고 푸른 뱀파이어 헌터 (Azure Vampire Hunter)
Joker |
The Great Phantom Thief |
心の大怪盗 (The Great Phantom Thief of Hearts) |
Le grand Phantom Thief (The Great Phantom Thief) |
El gran Phantom Thief (The Great Phantom Thief) |
Il grande Phantom Thief (The great Phantom Thief) |
Der große Phantom Thief (The Great Phantom Thief) |
De grote Phantom Thief (The great Phantom Thief) |
Великий Фантомный похититель (The Grand Phantom Thief) |
心之大怪盜 (The Great Phantom Thief of Hearts) |
心之大怪盗 (The Great Phantom Thief of Hearts) |
마음의 대괴도 (The Great Phantom Thief of Hearts)
Hero (Luminary) |
The Luminary |
悪魔の子と呼ばれし勇者 (The Hero who was called the Demon Child) |
L'Éclairé (The Luminary) |
El Luminario (The Luminary) |
Il Lucente (The Lucent) |
Der Lichtbringer (The Lightbringer) |
De lichtbrenger (The light bringer) |
Светило (The Luminary) |
被珎爲惡魔之子的勇者 (The Hero who was called as the Devil's child) |
被称为恶魔之子的勇者 (The Hero who was called the Devil's child) |
악마의 아이라 불린 용사 (The Hero who was called the Demon Child)
Hero (Erdrick) |
The Legendary Hero |
伝説の勇者 (The Legendary Hero) |
Le héros légendaire (The Legendary Hero) |
El héroe legendario (The Legendary Hero) |
L'eroe leggendario (The Legendary Hero) |
Der legendäre Held (The legendary Hero) |
De legendarische held (The legendary hero) |
Легендарный герой (The Legendary Hero) |
傳說的勇者 (The Legendary Hero) |
传说的勇者 (The Legendary Hero) |
전설의 용사 (The Legendary Hero)
Hero (Solo) |
The Zenithian Hero |
天空の勇者 (The Hero of Sky) |
Le héros zénithien (The Zenithian Hero) |
El héroe de Zenithia (Zenithia's Hero) |
L'eroe zenithiano (The Zenithian hero) |
Der Held aus Zenithia (Zenithia's Hero) |
De Zenithiaanse held (The Zenithian hero) |
Эенитийский герой (The Zenithian Hero) |
天空的勇者 (Hero from the Sky) |
天空的勇者 (Hero from the Sky) |
천공의 용사 (The Hero of Sky)
Hero (Eight) |
The Dragovian Descendant |
竜の血を引きし勇者 (The Hero who succeeds the Blood of Dragons) |
Le descendant dragovien (The Dragovian Descendant) |
El héroe de sangre de dragón (The Dragon Blood Hero) |
Il discendente dragoviano (The Dragovian descendant) |
Der Erbe der Dragovianer (The Heir of the Dragovians) |
De drakenbloedheld (The dragon-blood hero) |
Потомок драговиан (The Dragovian Descendant) |
繼承龍血的勇者 (The Hero with the inherited dragon blood) |
继承龙血的勇者 (The Hero with the inherited dragon blood) |
용의 피를 잇는 용사 (The Hero who succeeds the Blood of Dragons)
Banjo & Kazooie |
Laid-Back Animals |
のほほんアニマルズ (Carefree Animals) |
Le duo détonnant (The Contrasting Duo) |
El dúo despreocupado (The carefree duo) |
Il duo audace (The Daring Duo) |
Die kühnen Kumpanen (The Brave Companions) |
Het dappere duo (The brave duo) |
Отважная парочка (The Courageous Couple) |
樂活動物團隊 (Carefree Team) |
乐活动物团队 (Carefree Team) |
유유자적 애니멀즈 (Carefree Animals)
Terry |
The Legendary Wolf |
伝説の狼 (The Legendary Wolf) |
Le Loup Légendaire (The Legendary Wolf) |
El lobo legendario (The legendary wolf) |
Il lupo leggendario (The legendary wolf) |
Der legendäre Wolf (The legendary Wolf) |
De legendarische wolf (The legendary wolf) |
Легендарный волк (Legendary wolf) |
傳說之狼 (The Legendary Wolf) |
传说之狼 (The Legendary Wolf) |
전설의 늑대 (The Legendary Wolf)
Steve |
World Crafter |
ワールドクラフトー (World Crafter) |
Bâtisseur de mondes (Builder of worlds) |
Creamundos (World Creator) |
Creatore di mondi (Creator of Worlds) |
Erbauer von Welten (Builder of Worlds) |
Wereldbouwer (World Builder) |
Строитель миров (World builder) |
世界的創作家 (Builder of Worlds) |
世界的创作家 (Builder of Worlds) |
월드 크래프터 (World Crafter)
Alex |
Bâtisseuse de mondes (Builder of worlds) |
Creatrice di mondi (Creator of Worlds) |
Erbauerin von Welten (Builder of Worlds) |
Строительница миров (World builder)
Zombie |
Night Roamer |
夜の徘徊者 (Night Wanderer) |
Vagabond nocturne (Noctural Waderer) |
Vagabundo nocturno (Noctural Wanderer) |
Errante notturno (Noctural errant) |
Pirscher in der Nacht (Night Stalker) |
Nachtdwaler (Night Dweller) |
Блуждающий в ночи (Night Wanderer) |
暗夜徘徊者 (Night Wanderer) |
暗夜徘徊者 (Night Wanderer) |
밤의 배회자 (Night Roamer)
Enderman |
End Dweller |
果ての世界の住人 (Resident of the End World) |
Habitant de l'End (Resident of the End) |
Habitante del End (Inhabitant of the End) |
Abitante dell'End (End Resident) |
Einwohner des Endes (Inhabitant of the End) |
End-bewoner (End resident) |
Обитатель Края (End Dweller) |
末地居民 (Resident of the End) |
終界居民 (Resident of the End) |
엔더의 주인 (Master of the End)
Mii Brawler |
The Brawler of Many Faces |
千の顔を持つ格闘家 (The Martial Artist with a Thousand Faces) |
Le boxeur aux mille visages (The boxer with a thousand faces) |
El(♂)/La(♀) peleador(♂)/peleadora(♀) de las mil caras (The Fighter of a Thousand Faces) El(♂)/La (♀) Karateka de las Mil Caras (The Karate Fighter of a Thousand Faces) |
Il pugno dai mille volti (The Fist of a Thousand Faces) |
Prügelprofi mit hartem Schlag (Brawling Pro with a Strong Punch) |
De bokser met vele gezichten (The boxer with many faces) |
Многоликий драчун (The Brawler of Many Faces) |
千面格鬥家 (The Martial Artist with a Thousand Faces) |
千面格斗家 (The Martial Artist with a Thousand Faces) |
천의 얼굴을 가진 격투가 (The Martial Artist with Thousand Faces)
Mii Swordfighter |
The Swordfighter of Many Faces |
千の顔を持つ剣士 (The Swordfighter with a Thousand Faces) |
L'épéiste aux mille visages (The swordsman with a thousand faces) |
El(♂)/La(♀) espadachín(♂)/espadachina(♀) de las mil caras (The Swordfighter of a Thousand Faces) |
La spada dai mille volti (The Sword of a Thousand Faces) |
Klingen-Koryphäe (Blade Expert) |
De zwaardvechter met vele gezichten (The swordfighter with many faces) |
Многоликий мечник (The Swordsman of Many Faces) |
千面劍士 (The Swordfighter with a Thousand Faces) |
千面剑士 (The Swordfighter with a Thousand Faces) |
천의 얼굴을 가진 검사 (The Swordfighter with Thousand Faces)
Mii Gunner |
The Gunner of Many Faces |
千の顔を持つ射撃手 (The Marksman with a Thousand Faces) |
Le tireur aux mille visages (The gunner with a thousand faces) |
El(♂)/La(♀) tirador(♂)/tiradora(♀) de las mil caras (The Shooter of a Thousand Faces) |
Il fuciliere dai mille volti (The Gunner of a Thousand Faces) |
Meisterschütze mit Adleraugen (Marksman with Eagle Eyes) |
De cyborg met vele gezichten (The cyborg with many faces) |
Многоликий стрелок (The Shooter of Many Faces) |
千面射手 (The Marksman With a Thousand Faces) |
千面射击手 (The Marksman With a Thousand Faces) |
천의 얼굴을 가진 사격수 (The Marksman with Thousand Faces)