Luigi (SSBB)

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This page is about Luigi's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. For other uses, see Luigi.
Universe Mario
Appears in SSB
Availability Unlockable
Tier C (20)

Luigi (ルイージ, Ruīji) is an unlockable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. He is unlocked by playing 22 matches in Brawl, then defeat Luigi, Beating Classic Mode using no continues, then defeating Luigi, get Luigi to join your party in The Subspace Emissary. His moveset seems essentially unchanged, though some of his potential disadvantages from Melee appear to have been diminished (very low friction, very low falling speed, very low horizontal air speed). His dash attack has the same animation and effect, except the last blow now has some knockback, making this move not quite so easy to punish. Another minor change is that his voice is no longer a recycled Mario voice sped up, but his deeper voice from recent games.

Luigi ranks 20 on the current Brawl tier list, as he has a very good air game, good recovery, and a few great KO moves (namely his Up special and side smash). He is, however, hampered by many flaws with his approach, which causes poor matchups against characters with superior range and priority, clocking him in C tier.


Luigi is a surprisingly strong middleweight with very quick attack speed (almost no slow attack), yet slow mobility and short range. While many consider Luigi a clone or semi-clone of Mario, there are some important differences between them. Like Mario, his Fireballs are spammable and help his approach, but Luigi’s travel less distance and are not affected by gravity, which can be good or bad depending on the situation. Because his projectile travels very little distance, it's not so good. Luigi has the second highest initial jump in the game (second only to Falco's), which helps his air game. Luigi is also a good juggler due to his speedy attacks and his own speed. His jabs, tilts, and aerials are considered fast and to have high priority. His neutral aerial is a high-priority Sex Kick and can often kill at medium percentages on most characters. He is also able to use his down throw to chain grab many characters when they are at low percentages. Luigi also has the ability to crawl, which can help him dodge certain projectiles. His smashes, like most of his attacks, are considered fast and somewhat strong. His specials are also considered good and great for recovery. If one keeps pressing the special attack button during Luigi Cyclone while moving upward (as the movement is momentum based), Luigi will rise up, and this can be repeated in a manner similar to Koopa Hopping. His Side Special, the Green Missile, can be used for horizontal recovery to make up for the lack of horizontal recovery from his Super Jump Punch. However, the Green Missile requires charging and can be stopped with projectiles normally, but if he gets a misfire (which happens 12.5% of the time), it's an extremely powerful attack. A green missile misfire can be good in some situations because it has more power and covers more distance than normally, but it can also be bad because it can cause Luigi to self-destruct. His Super Jump Punch is unique in the fact that if sweetspotted, it will become the Fire Jump Punch, a much stronger version that deals fire damage and can kill at lower percentages (about 50%). However, if Luigi's Super Jump Punch does not sweetspot, it only does one damage and is very punishable unless he grabs a ledge.

Luigi's main problems mostly revolve around his unusual mobility and his poor range. Luigi has slow falling speed (although this also has its advantages), the second-slowest lateral air speed, slow dash speed, and the lowest traction (but low traction also has advantages) , all of which make approaching with Luigi a chore. Additionally, Luigi apparently has a higher probability of tripping than any other character. (2% each time the control stick is pressed, versus 1% for other characters.) His moves are quick, but short-ranged, so characters that can keep Luigi away with their speed and range (like Marth and Lucario) fare well. He's a candidate for King Dedede's infinite chaingrab without a wall (Luigi is the only character that can be infinited by King Dedede without a wall but can't be chain grabbed by the normal way), a major issue as King Dedede is a very common character in tournament-level play and has a massive grab.

In all, Luigi is a character who tends to run hot and cold. If he's able to close distance so that he can land his blows, he's extremely dangerous. But his abysmal approach and his poor range leave him at a clear disadvantage if opponents can time their attacks to keep him out of range. He operates well on both the ground and in the air, but Luigi's issues with range and his overall shaky defensive game make him tough to deploy successfully.

Luigi's taunt is also unique in the sense that it can hit opponents and deal 2% of damage, but if it is used when the opponent is on the ledge or in the air, it is a spike (meaning it can not be meteor canceled).

Changes from Melee to Brawl

Luigi has been buffed from Melee to Brawl. His slow falling and air speed have been slightly increased. His traction has also been slightly improved. Luigi is also stronger overall in terms of knockback (especially his back throw and side smash). The final hit of his dash attack has slightly greater knockback, which makes it not as easily punished. Luigi's forward aerial and down aerial have less knockback, but the latter is easier to meteor smash with. Luigi's returning taunt (down taunt) has greater set knockback and deals 2% damage instead of 1%. Luigi is one of the few SSBB veterans who has gained the ability to crawl. His green missile can now be charged infinitely and its misfire travels less distance. Thus, it is harder to self-destruct with it. Luigi's Super Jump Punch moves much more horizontal and can be controled while rising. The Luigi Cyclone has more slippery controls, but it does more than two hits and travels faster on the ground. It's also easier to gain height with.

Luigi's purely cosmetic changes include new animations for his back aerial (similar to that of his forward aerial from Super Smash Bros.) and down smash. He has his own voice now as well (although his voice actor is the same as in Melee). Luigi also has new costumes (purple and orange).


Ground Attacks

  • Neutral Attack - Punches twice with both hands and then thrusts his butt out.The first hit is extremely quick. Can jab lock by jab cancelling and also used for a Fire Jump Punch.
  • Dash Attack - Luigi swings his arms multiple times. The last hit has more knockback than Melee.
  • Strong Side - Luigi does a roundhouse kick. Can be tilted in different directions. 10%
  • Strong Up - Luigi does an upwards kittenswipe that is great for juggling. 9%
  • Strong Down - Luigi does a tripping kick for minimal damage. Can be used to Meteor Smash opponents from the edge right underneath his foot. 9%
  • Side Smash - Luigi does a spearhand that can be tilted with great knockback when upward angled. Very fast, but CPU players can shield easily. At very high percentages and angled upward it has the highest knockback in the game, mainly because of long horizontal knockback and very high vertical knockback, having a line where it's stronger than Ganondorf's Warlock Punch if fully charged. 15-22%. Can be directed up or down using the joystick quickly. Upward angled can be spammed, making it a great move.
  • Up Smash - Luigi does an upwards headbutt similar to Mario's Up Smash, but better knockback. 12-21% Has more knockback when the opponent is behind Luigi when executed. Can slide if dashes and few frames after charge it.
  • Down Smash -Luigi does a twisting breakdancing sweepkick with decent vertical knockback. 16-22%
  • Ledge attack - Flips over the edge, kicking the opponent during the flip. 8% damage
  • 100% Ledge attack - Slowly gets up and kicks.10% damage
  • Floor attack - Does a sweeperkick similar to his Down Smash. 6% damage
  • Trip attack - Kicks behind him, then in front of him while getting up. 5% each kick

Aerial Attacks

  • Neutral Aerial - Luigi does a sex kick that has great vertical knockback. There is absolutely no horizontal knockback in this attack, but if hit during the first few frames, your foe might become Star K.O.ed. It is one of the strongest sex kicks in the game. 14%
  • Forward Aerial - Luigi does a quick karate chop that has moderate horizontal knockback and oddly enough can be spammed due to having absolutely no ending lag. 10%
  • Back Aerial - Luigi does a backwards kick similar Mario's with similar knockback. Luigi's new bair is similar to his Fair in the original Smash Bros. 12%
  • Up Aerial - Luigi does a flip kick that is great for juggling. 13%
  • Down Aerial -Luigi does a quick down spin kick. Can meteor smash in parts of the hitbox. Meteor smash hitbox is easy to hit with after mastering. The meteor smash hitboxes are the first few frames of the attack, right where his hands start spinning, also a part of the head, and can be done on both sides of his hands. If it hits in a non-meteor smash hitbox it instead has high horizontal knockback. 11%

Grabs & Throws

  • Pummel - Luigi head slams the opponent. 3%
  • Forward Throw - Luigi does a spin once and throws forward. 9%
  • Back Throw - Luigi spins three times and throws backwards. Amazing knockback and is a strong killing move when foe is at high damage. 12%
  • Down Throw - Luigi slams to the ground. Can combine with Up smash at low percentages; Nair at higher percentages. 6%
  • Up Throw - Luigi turns to the screen and throws foe in the air. 8%

Special Moves



Up: Does a variety of humorous poses very quickly in a set order: Faces the screen with one hand on his waist, the other giving the peace symbol, next he turns to the right slightly, pointing his hands that direction. Then, he places his right hand just below his mustache, as if he is thinking. Then he turns away from the screen, crouching, as if he's sad, and finally, he faces the screen once more, with both hands on his face, giving a frightened look, reminiscent to the box art of the Nintendo Gamecube game Luigi's Mansion. The switch between each expression is so fast, it can't be seen unless the game speed is slowed down a bit. He also makes a sound during each expression: Hoh! Hah! Hee! Hey! Hoo! The last pose is his trophy pose in SSE.

Side: Stands straight up with hands on hips, falls forward stiff on the floor, then seems to balance himself back up again (similar to his victory pose in Melee and Brawl). He says something that resembles "Pow pow".

Down: Kicks at the ground (does 2% damage and has very strong fixed vertical knockback. That knockback is set, thus does not vary depending on the damage percentage the enemy has). Luigi utters a bashful "Hm." If used on an opponent hanging from a ledge, it will meteor smash them. Doing so is sometimes called a Weegee Kick. Another variation of this move is using the Down Taunt inside a Negative Zone. It will greatly increase the set knockback, and will sometimes Star KO the enemy, especially if they're light. .

Role in Subspace Emissary

Luigi first appears in a green meadow, where he pretends to threaten and attack on-coming Waddle Dees. They are harmless, and make no move to attack him, but he is frightened by them, nonetheless. Then, out of nowhere he is attacked from behind by King Dedede, who slams Luigi with his mallet, sending him flying into the air. After he comes back down, he becomes a trophy (making him the only character to become a trophy in the same cut scene in which he is introduced). Luigi's trophy in Subspace Emissary is different from his collectible trophy. Instead of adjusting his hat, Luigi holds his hands to his face making a surprised expression, which is the last of the poses from his up taunt. This distinction is unique to Luigi. King Dedede places him on the road as bait for Wario, who is coming down the road. Wario takes the bait, and Dedede manages to steal Peach/Zelda, Ness, and Luigi's trophy along with Wario's Cargo.

Dedede places a special badge on Luigi, Ness, and Peach/Zelda, though Peach/Zelda's badge is knocked off when Bowser flies off with the princess in his Koopa Clown Car and is later swallowed by Kirby. Later, when Tabuu turns everyone into trophies, the badges turn Luigi and Ness back into living creatures. The badges had the power to bring trophies back to life. Luigi and Ness afterward turned King Dedede back to life. The unlikely trio set off to help out Mario, Donkey Kong, Samus, Fox, Link, Yoshi, Pikachu, Captain Falcon, Marth, Mr. Game & Watch, Falco, Pit, Captain Olimar, Lucas, Diddy Kong, the Pokémon Trainer, Ike, Snake, Lucario and Meta Knight. Luigi, along with Ness, then watched as Dedede fought Bowser, and later help him convince Wario to join them. After they turned everyone back to normal, they all fought Tabuu.

Costume Gallery

Luigi's changeable clothing in SSBB


  • Luigi's trophy pose is similar to Mario's idle pose in SSBM in where he is adjusting his hat.
  • The sparsity of Luigi's crowd chant (which sounds like only two or three people are cheering) and the announcer's tone of voice when announcing him (implying surprise) both appear to contribute to the running joke in the Mario series in which no one, not even Bowser at times, can remember who Luigi is.
  • In one of his 'Winning a Match' animations, Luigi makes his hands into pretend guns, says 'bang bang', and rotates his wrists while winking at the camera. Strangely, his nose and hat rotate in the same way while doing this.
  • In the Subspace Emissary, Luigi's trophy pose is of him frightened,while his regular trophy pose is of him adjusting his hat. This is very odd that a character has two different trophy poses.

External links