This article lists the differences between the NTSC version and PAL version of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Unlike previous games in the series, there are no gameplay differences and all regional differences in Brawl are purely aesthetic, to keep WiFi play between the different regions compatible.
- In the NTSC version, stage names are in all capital letters, whereas in the PAL version, they are not. For example, the NTSC version's stage select screen depicts Delfino Plaza as "DELFINO PLAZA"; in the PAL version, it is shown as "Delfino Plaza".
- In the PAL version, the names of Pokémon are in all capital letters, as they are in their own core series of video games before Pokémon Black & White.
- The Nintendo Chronicle in the NTSC version lists games up to "December 2007". In the PAL version, it goes up to "14 March 2008".
- All games that have different names in PAL regions have been changed accordingly. For example, the song entitled "Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day" is now called "Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?". All references to "Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast" are now "Donkey Kong: Jet Race", all references to "Kirby Squeak Squad" have been altered to "Kirby Mouse Attack", and all references to "Star Fox" and "Star Fox 64" have been changed to "Starwing" and "Lylat Wars", along with many other changes.
- The WarioWare, Inc. series uses a more simple title for the WarioWare series in PAL versions of Brawl. However, the stage WarioWare, Inc. retains the same name in all regions.
- On the Wi-Fi character select screen, the Item and Stage buttons instead read the pluralised words Items and Stages.
- In NTSC versions, the menu icon for the Deflicker is a capital D amongst straight lines, but in PAL versions, the D is replaced with a circle.
- The track entitled "The Roost" for Smashville has been changed to "Brewster's Roost" in PAL.
- Several errors in trophy descriptions have been corrected. For example:
- The NTSC trophy description of Lyn lists her age as 15, while the PAL version lists her age as 18. In the Japanese version of Fire Emblem, Lyn was 15, but her age was changed to 18 for western versions.
- In Lucas' trophy description, "Tazumili" was changed to "Tazmily", the official English name used in EarthBound 64's production.
- In the NTSC version, the Baby Mario trophy claims that "he lacks overalls," even though the trophy depicts him wearing them. The PAL version changes the description to read, "Even then he wore overalls," matching the trophy.
- The Black Knight's trophy description changes the name of his sword from Ettard to Alondite, as it is known in western versions of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.
- Unlike the NTSC release, the PAL version of the Negative Zone trophy mentions nothing about Luigi embracing the dark side in his brother's shadow — it instead states " contrast to the oddness of the dance, it is a very powerful Final Smash".
- The trophy descriptions for characters from Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast differ between regions; the NTSC version focuses on their in-game performance, while the PAL version focuses on their personalities.
- The Challenges section in the NTSC version has several challenges whose criteria cannot be bypassed with a Golden Hammer. The PAL version has no such restrictions.
- In the Home-Run Contest, the length counter is measured in "metres" instead of "feet".
- There are overall fewer imperfections in the PAL version due largely in part to the game's protracted delay, resulting in more time to fix said defects.
- In the PAL version, the color of the magnifying glass for CPUs on either the blue or green team are grayish blue and grayish green respectively instead of grayish red.
- Pokémon Trainer, Lucario, the announcer, and crowd chants have different voice clips in all the languages. Ivysaur, Squirtle and Jigglypuff also have different voice clips in French and German due to name changes (although Charizard does not, as its cries are completely unintelligible). All other speaking characters retain their English voices in other Western languages (or Japanese voice, in Marth's case).
- The announcer's "Jackpot!" voice clip is not present in the Korean version.
- Exclusively to the PAL version, there is a skip that can be performed in The Wilds 2 in The Subspace Emissary that allows the player to skip the very first room's autoscroller with Kirby (which can be done on any version of the game), attack the buttons and then run to the end of the screen, using a SD strat, and spawn out the other side after the floating platform. This all skips 2 locked fights and the autoscroller completely.
Character names
Characters not mentioned have the same name in all languages. Note that the Pokémon names being fully capitalized is how they were written in the main series games before Generation V.
English (NTSC) | English (PAL) | Italian (PAL) | Spanish (PAL) | French (PAL) | German (PAL) | Japanese | Korean |
Bowser | Koopa (クッパ) |
Koopa (쿠파) | |||||
Charizard | CHARIZARD | DRACAUFEU | GLURAK | Lizardon (リザードン) |
Rizamon (리자몽) | ||
Ice Climbers | Ice Climber (アイスクライマー) |
Ice Climber (얼음 타기) | |||||
Ivysaur | IVYSAUR | HERBIZARRE | BISAKNOSP | Fushigisou (フシギソウ) |
Isanghepul (이상해풀) | ||
Jigglypuff | JIGGLYPUFF | RONDOUDOU | PUMMELUFF | Purin (プリン) |
Purin (푸린) | ||
King Dedede | Rey Dedede | Roi DaDiDou | König Dedede | Dedede (デデデ) |
King Dedede (디디디 대왕)[1] | ||
Lucario | LUCARIO | Lucario | Lucario | ||||
Meta Knight | Meta-Knight | Meta Knight (メタナイト) |
Meta Knight (메타 나이트) | ||||
Olimar | Pikmin & Olimar (ピクミン&オリマー) |
Pikmin & Olimar (피크민&올리마) | |||||
Pikachu | PIKACHU | Pikachu | Pikachu | ||||
Pokémon Trainer | Allenatore di Pokémon | Entrenador Pokémon | Dresseur de Pokémon | Pokémon-Trainer | Pokémon Trainer (ポケモントレーナー)[2] |
Pokémon Trainer (포켓몬 트레이너) | |
R.O.B. | Robot (ロボット) |
R.O.B.[3] | |||||
Sheik | Shiek | Sheik (シーク) |
Sheik (시크) | ||||
Squirtle | SQUIRTLE | CARAPUCE | SCHIGGY | Zenigame (ゼニガメ) |
Kkobugi (꼬부기) | ||
Toon Link | Link cartone | Toon Link | Link Cartoon | Toon-Link | Toon Link (トゥーンリンク) |
Toon Link (툰링크) | |
Zero Suit Samus | Samus Tuta Zero | Samus Zero | Samus sans armure | Zero Suit Samus | Zero Suit Samus (ゼロスーツサムス) |
Zero Suit Samus (제로 슈트 사무스) |
- ^ 디디디 대왕 is a translation of his full Japanese title of デデデ大王.
- ^ The announcer pronounces it "Poh-keh-mahn", as opposed to "Poh-kuh-mahn", which is how he pronounces it in the English version.
- ^ Though the name is the same as in other languages except Japanese, the Korean announcer pronounces the letters individually, rather than pronouncing it like the name "Rob".
Damage meter differences
In Japanese releases, the names of some characters in the damage meter differ from how they are shown on the character selection screen. These differences include removing part of the character's name to removing spaces in the name.
Character Selection Screen | Damage Meter |
Captain Falcon | C.FALCON |
Diddy Kong | DIDDY |
Donkey Kong | DONKEY |
Meta Knight | METAKNIGHT |
Mr. Game & Watch | GAME & WATCH |
Pikmin & Olimar | OLIMAR |
Zero Suit Samus | ZEROSUITSAMUS |
Stage names
English | French | German | Spanish | Italian | Japanese | Korean |
Battlefield | Champ de Bataille | Schlachtfeld | Campo de batalla | Le rovine | 戦場 Battlefield |
전장 |
Delfino Plaza | Place Delfino | Piazza Delfino | Ciudad Delfino | Delfinia | ドルピックタウン Dolphic Town |
돌픽 타운 |
Yoshi's Island | Île de Yoshi | Yoshi's Island | Isla de Yoshi | L'Isola Yoshi | ヨッシーアイランド Yoshi Island |
요시 아일랜드 |
Lylat Cruise | Traversée de Lylat | Lylat-Patrouille | Sistema Lylat | Il Sistema Lylat | ライラットクルーズ Lylat Cruise |
라일라트 크루즈 |
Bridge of Eldin | Pont d'Ordinn | Brücke von Eldin | Gran Puente de Eldin | Il ponte di Oldin | オルディン大橋 Oldin Great Bridge |
올딘대교 |
Smashville | Smash Ville | Smash-Stadt | Pueblo Smash | Smash Village | すま村 Smash Village |
스매시 마을 |
Rumble Falls | Cascade à Rebours | Maxikaskade | La gran cascada | La cascata controcorrente | 大滝のぼり Large Waterfall Climb |
럼블 폭포 |
Skyworld | Royaume céleste | Reich der Lüfte | Reino del Cielo | Il Regno celeste | 天空界 Skyworld |
천공계 |
Castle Siege | Château assiégé | Die belagerte Burg | Castillo asediado | Il castello assediato | 攻城戦 Castle Siege |
공성전 |
WarioWare, Inc. | WarioWare | WarioWare, Inc. | メイド イン ワリオ Made in Wario |
메이드 인 와리오 | ||
Pokémon Stadium 2 | Stade Pokémon 2 | Pokémon Stadium 2 | Estadio Pokémon 2 | Lo Stadio Pokémon 2 | ポケモンスタジアム2 Pokémon Stadium 2 |
포켓몬 스타디움 2 |
Halberd | Hal Abarda | La Halberd | 戦艦ハルバード Battleship Halberd |
전함 할버드 | ||
Shadow Moses Island | Île de Shadow Moses | Shadow Moses | Isla Shadow Moses | L'isola di Shadow Moses | シャドーモセス島 Shadow Moses Island |
쉐도우 모세스 섬 |
PictoChat | La PictoChat | ピクトチャット PictoChat |
픽토챗 | |||
Summit | Sommet | Summit | La Cúspide | La cima | 頂上 Summit |
정상 |
Mario Circuit | Circuit Mario | Marios Piste | Circuito Mario | Il Circuito di Mario | マリオサーキット Mario Circuit |
마리오 서킷 |
Frigate Orpheon | Frégate Orphéon | Fregatte Orpheon | Fragata Orpheon | La Fregata Orpheon | フリゲートオルフェオン Frigate Orpheon |
프리깃 오르피온 |
Distant Planet | Planète lontaine | Ferner Planet | Planeta remoto | Il pianeta remoto | とある星 A Certain Planet |
어느 별 |
Mushroomy Kingdom | Royaume Champiternel | Pilz-Königreich | Reino Champiñónico | Il Regno Fungoso | いにしえっぽい王国 Ancient‐Like Kingdom |
예스러운 왕국 |
Port Town Aero Dive | Port Town | Port Town Aero Dive | Port Town | ポートタウン エアロダイブ Port Town Aero Dive |
포트 타운 에어로다이브 | |
Final Destination | Destination Finale | Letzte Station | Destino final | Destinazione finale | 終点 Endpoint |
종점 |
Green Hill Zone | Zone Green Hill | Green Hill Zone | Zona Green Hill | La Zona Green Hill | グリーンヒルゾーン Green Hill Zone |
그린 힐 존 |
Luigi's Mansion | Manoir de Luigi | Luigi's Mansion | Mansión de Luigi | Il palazzo di Luigi | ルイージマンション Luigi Mansion |
루이지 맨션 |
Spear Pillar | Colonnes Lances | Speersäule | Columna Lanza | Vetta Lancia | テンガンざん やりのはしら Mt. Tengan Spear Pillar |
천관산 창기둥 |
75 m | Donkey Kong Classic | 75 m | ||||
Flat Zone 2 | Espace 2D n° 2 | 2D-Welt 2 | Zona extraplana 2 | La zona bidimensionale 2 | フラットゾーン2 Flat Zone 2 |
플랫 존2 |
Pirate Ship | Vaisseau pirate | Piratenschiff | Barco pirata | La nave dei pirati | 海賊船 Pirate Ship |
해적선 |
Temple | Tempel | Templo | Tempio | 神殿 Temple |
신전 | |
Rainbow Ride | Course Arc-en-ciel | Regenbogen Raserei | Rainbow Ride | Il Cammino Arcobaleno | レインボークルーズ Rainbow Cruise |
레인보우크루즈 |
Jungle Japes | Jungle des Jobards | Tropen Trubel | Jungla Jocosa | La capanna nella giungla | ジャングルガーデン Jungle Garden |
정글 가든 |
Green Greens | Vertes Prairies | Green Greens | La verde aiuola | グリーングリーンズ Green Greens |
그린 그린 | |
Pokémon Stadium | Stade Pokémon | Pokémon Stadium | Estadio Pokémon | Lo Stadio Pokémon | ポケモンスタジアム Pokémon Stadium |
포켓몬 스타디움 |