Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Kirby (SSBU)/Down special

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Hitbox visualization showing Kirby's down special, Stone.
Hitbox visualization showing Kirby's down special, Stone, when landing.
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Upon usage, Kirby transforms into a rock, which makes him invincible to attacks that deal less that 25%, but he can still be grabbed while he is still using it. It deals high damage and knockback, especially in the air, and the aerial version has super armor frames, while the landing hit is a semi-spike, and it can also be useful for mindgames. It can combat juggles at high percents, but only if he is at a certain distance away from his opponent. Stone can also be used as an occasional landing or edgeguarding tool. However, due to its high startup and endlag, it can be punished for overusing the move. As such, stone is best used situationally.


ID Part Rehit rate Damage SD Angle Angle type BK KS FKV Set weight Radius Bone Offset SDI× T% Clang Rebound Effect Type G A Sound Direct Hit bits Hit part Blockable Reflectable Absorbable Flinchless No GFX Heedless
0 0 0 18.0% 0 AngleIcon70.png Standard 65 70 0 HitboxTableIcon(False).png 6.5 top 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.7× 1.0× 0% HitboxTableIcon(NoClang).png HitboxTableIcon(NoRebound).png Normal (effect) Body (type) HitboxTableIcon(GroundedTrue).png HitboxTableIcon(AerialTrue).png L Kick SpecialsDirect.png All All HitboxTableIcon(Blockable).png HitboxTableIcon(Unreflectable).png HitboxTableIcon(Unabsorbable).png HitboxTableIcon(False).png HitboxTableIcon(False).png HitboxTableIcon(False).png
0 0 0 14.0% 0 AngleIcon25.png Standard 86 24 0 HitboxTableIcon(False).png 6.0 top 0.0 4.0 6.0 1.0× 1.0× 0% HitboxTableIcon(NoClang).png HitboxTableIcon(NoRebound).png Normal (effect) Body (type) HitboxTableIcon(GroundedTrue).png HitboxTableIcon(AerialFalse).png L Kick SpecialsDirect.png All All HitboxTableIcon(Blockable).png HitboxTableIcon(Unreflectable).png HitboxTableIcon(Unabsorbable).png HitboxTableIcon(False).png HitboxTableIcon(False).png HitboxTableIcon(False).png
1 0 0 14.0% 0 AngleIcon25.png Standard 86 24 0 HitboxTableIcon(False).png 6.0 top 0.0 4.0 -6.0 1.0× 1.0× 0% HitboxTableIcon(NoClang).png HitboxTableIcon(NoRebound).png Normal (effect) Body (type) HitboxTableIcon(GroundedTrue).png HitboxTableIcon(AerialFalse).png L Kick SpecialsDirect.png All All HitboxTableIcon(Blockable).png HitboxTableIcon(Unreflectable).png HitboxTableIcon(Unabsorbable).png HitboxTableIcon(False).png HitboxTableIcon(False).png HitboxTableIcon(False).png