Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Hero (SSBU)

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This article is about the Hero's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. For the character in other contexts, see Hero.
in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Symbol of the Dragon Quest series.
Universe Dragon Quest
Availability Downloadable
Final Smash Gigaslash
Hero (SSBU)
The Hero Draws Near!
—Introduction Tagline

The Hero (勇者, Hero) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and the second third-party representative from Square Enix after Cloud. He was announced during the E3 Nintendo Direct alongside Banjo & Kazooie on June 11th, 2019 as the second DLC character from the Fighters Pass. The default Hero is the Luminary[1] from Dragon Quest XI, while Erdrick[2] from Dragon Quest III, Solo from Dragon Quest IV, and Eight from Dragon Quest VIII also appear as alternate characters like the Koopalings and Alph. Unlike the Koopalings and Alph, however, they are all listed simply as "Hero". He was released on July 30th, 2019 and is classified as Fighter #72.

Mitsuki Saiga reprises her role as the Luminary, voicing him in all regions in place of his English voice actor, Rasmus Hardiker. Nobuyuki Hiyama, Takeshi Kusao, and Yūki Kaji also debut as the voices of Erdrick, Solo, and Eight in all regions.


The Hero is a tall semi-heavyweight fighter. Contrary to his weight class, the Hero sports a tall frame that—in tandem with his sword—gives his attacks more reach, yet renders him vertically susceptible to combos; additionally, he sports an above-average damage output and KO potential, giving him attributes similar to those typical of a heavyweight. Collectively, the Hero has respectable mobility: in spite of having a slow walking speed, slightly below-average air speed and poor air acceleration, his dashing speed, initial dash, traction, falling speed, and fast-falling speed are all either average or above-average.

The Hero has a good defensive game, courtesy of his tall frame, his shield, and long sword. His naturally tall frame and long sword give his attacks impressive range, allowing him to keep a safe distance away from his opponent. In a manner reminiscent of the three Links, the Hero actually sports two shields: the standard one that every fighter has, and another equipped in his left arm most of the time. The Hero's shield can block projectiles while he is standing idle, walking, or crouching; its utility also extends to the first hit of his forward tilt, which in a similar manner to Palutena's dash attack and back aerial, grants invincibility to his left arm, as well as his head and left leg.

The Hero possesses a unique MP Gauge, a bar that starts at 100 and depletes whenever he uses his special moves. The amount depleted varies depending on the spell, but it can be restored over time or from attacking foes with standard attacks. Although his special moves completely rely on the MP Gauge, they possess tremendous utility. His neutral special, Frizz, is a fireball that can travel fast and far and deals decent damage, allowing the Hero to disrupt enemy approaches with this. In addition, unlike other Frizz spells, Frizz weakly launches the opponents upwards, making it possible to start setups or even outright true combos with the right timing. Frizz can be charged into Frizzle that are two projectiles in one, allowing it to beat other projectiles and KO near the ledge or offstage at reasonable percentages or Kafrizz for more damage, knockback and traveling distance, turning it into a viable KO move even at 100% on stage. The Hero's side special, Zap, has decent range for its startup, deals respectable damage and can KO offstage opponents at high percentages and can be charged into Zapple, which grants it even more range and damage while being a vertical KO option at really high percentages, or Kazap: this results in the move becoming significantly stronger in exchange for a very long startup and less range than Zapple, being able to KO most opponents on center stage at mere 50%. Additionally, Zap and its variants are completely disjointed, giving them fearsome range and rendering them immune to reflection and absorption. The Hero's up special, Woosh, can be charged into Swoosh or Kaswoosh. Woosh is a good recovery option and is also Hero's fastest and most reliable out of shield, and is further amplified through charging it up into Swoosh or Kaswoosh, granting more knockback, travelling far vertically and granting some horizontal movement. Additionally, all Woosh spells leave behind tornadoes, which serve as lingering hitboxes that can damage opponents and gimp opposing recoveries or setup into devastating setups from below the ledge. Finally, his down special, Command Selection, gives the Hero a random list of four spells which offer a wide variety of effects. For example, the Bounce spell will reflect projectiles without sacrificing mobility. All of the other spells have significant advantages and little disadvantages to boot, which can be seen here. The Command Selection can be cancelled by inputting the shield button, allowing the Hero to repeatedly switch the menu of spells until he has an ideal set of them.

The Hero's smash attacks all share a unique perk: they have a 1/8 chance of striking with a critical hit, doubling their damage and knockback given, allowing them to KO at extremely early percents. In addition, they cause the smash attacks to cause more shieldstun, making them slightly safer on shield. Even without this perk, the Hero's smash attacks have some utility: his forward smash is his strongest smash attack in both damage and knockback, having large range to boot, making it terrific for hard reads or punishes; his up smash has high vertical range, being a reliable anti-air option, good for halting aerial opponents' approaches while remaining a good KOing tool (though it suffers from nonexistent horizontal range, being unable to hit grounded opponents); and his down smash is his weakest smash attack, though it is also his fastest smash attack and can be used to punish rolls or spot dodges—thus, it is a reliable edgeguarding attack in its own right.

The Hero's other grounded attacks still possess utility, even if they are less overwhelming than his smash attacks and special moves. Neutral attack has a respectable startup, damage output and good range, making it good for both damage-racking at low percents, spacing and as "get-off-me". As stated earlier, forward tilt's first hit has blocking capabilities, makes it a defensive option that can beat other moves or projectiles and then be followed up with a second hit—a sword slash—which offers better range, identical speed, and more power, allowing for setting up edgeguards or outright KOs near the ledge. Up tilt has wide range, which, coupled with its respectable damage output and decent startup lag, makes it a fantastic anti-air option and more consistent than up smash and can KO at high percentages. Down tilt has good range—superseding the Hero's neutral attack—while offering the same speed and launching vertically; it can be used to hit opponents hanging on the ledge and start setups. Lastly, dash attack boasts high power for an attack of its type at the cost of speed, being able to KO at a mere 80% from the ledge.

The Hero's aerial moveset, while nowhere near as impressive as that of many other swordfighters, is impressive in its own right. Neutral aerial has wide range around him and launches at a diagonal angle, being a situational combo starter and useful shield poking option. Forward and back aerials are both rather slow (with back aerial in particular being among the slowest of its kind), but they both deal respectably decent knockback, KOing at 100% and 85% respectively. Up aerial has the lowest lag out of any of the Hero's aerials and deals very low damage and knockback, enabling it to effectively initiate combos into itself or other moves, or even set up KO confirms at varying percentages. Lastly, down aerial is the Hero's most damaging aerial, but also one of his slowest; its clean hit is capable of meteor smashing opponents, leading to KOs as low as 20% on offstage foes.

Lastly, the Hero's up and down throws sport some utility: the former can not only act as a situational combo starter, but it is also his strongest throw, being able to KO before 200%, unlike his others; conversely, down throw is a good combo starter at low percents and can lead into dangerous set-ups.

But for all the strengths that the Hero has, they do come with a price. Since all of his special moves use MP, the Hero is limited in the amount of special moves he can perform at a given moment until the MP Gauge recharges. If he runs out of MP or does not have enough, he will be unable to cast the appropriate spell, which is problematic when recovering off-stage, as the Hero's Woosh spell will only give him a very small hop. While his Command Selection is versatile, its random nature means that there is no guarantee that the appropriate spell will be available for the right situation. On top of that, some of his spells have little utility (e.g, Metal Slash, which deals 1% and extremely low set knockback against non-metal opponents), while one of them, Hocus Pocus, grants the Hero a slew of negative effects, outnumbering the positive effects received from it. Furthermore, the majority of the commands will only work under certain circumstances, which cannot all be accounted for during a given usage.

Many of the Hero's attacks suffer from slow start-up lag (dash attack), high ending lag (up, down and second hit of forward tilts), or both (forward and back aerials). The Hero's below-average frame data, alongside his high raw damage output and attacks' high knockback values, give him a limited combo ability, only having certain attacks like neutral aerial, up aerial, up throw, and down throw that can successfully generate true combos. Even then, while Hero's grabs have fast startup for his weight class, they have short range and up throw only initiates combos at fairly low percentages. Up aerial suffers from poor range and down tilt suffers from aforementioned high endlag, preventing it from performing any true combos. As stated earlier, his up smash's horizontal range is nonexistent; thus, it is the Hero's least useful move against grounded opponents and, by extension, his least potent grounded attack.

Due to being a semi-heavyweight with a tall frame, the Hero is vertically susceptible to combos, which is further exacerbated through his falling speed being slightly above-average, his fast-falling speed being exponentially high, and his lack of fast enough means of escaping them. His ability to be comboed fairly easily is pushed even further through one of Hocus Pocus's effects—which makes the Hero giant—as well as Oomph, which makes him take 1.2x the normal damage of any attack (this is further consequential in 1v1 battles).

All in all, Hero’s strengths are on par with his weaknesses. While he does have a plethora of magic spells at his disposal, high damage output, and overall high kill power, he suffers from susceptibility in combos, laggy moves, randomness with MP, and limited combos. While players such as Salem have shown Hero’s potential at tournaments, his representation has been below average overall. As such, his viability remains up for debate.

Update history

So far the Hero has not received any significant buffs or nerfs in game patches; the majority of the changes made to the character have been bug fixes and other adjustments to align him with the rest of the cast.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 5.0.0

  • Buff The time it takes to move again after bouncing while lying face-down is adjusted to match other fighters.
  • Nerf Kafrizz can now be blocked, reflected, or absorbed after it explodes.
  • Buff Magic Burst's looping hits have 2 more frames of hitstun. This prevents opponents from escaping them by using moves with intangibility at its beginning.
  • Bug fix Using Zoom while under the effect of a Super Mushroom no longer expire until the end of the move preventing Hero from getting stuck in the animation.
  • Bug fix Fixed multiple issues with the initial hit of Gigaslash not granting opponents intangibility; it is no longer possible to perform the following glitches:
    • Bug fix Fixed an issue that resulted opponents to take damage by a nearby hazardous material (lava).
    • Bug fix Fixed an issue that resulted opponents to lose 2 stocks if KO'd at high percentage, thus creating a phantom stock.
    • Bug fix Fixed an issue that resulted opponents to graphically remain in the Final Smash aura.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 6.0.0


  • The Hero's shield can block incoming projectiles, akin to Link, Young Link and Toon Link.
  • The Hero's smash attacks have a 1/8 chance of having a critical hit effect, triggering a Special Zoom and dealing 2× damage and knockback. Apart from Erdrick and Solo, each Hero uses a specific sound effect when a critical hit lands, which are directly taken from their respective Dragon Quest games. Erdrick and Solo share the same critical hit sounds.
  • The Hero has an MP Gauge which depletes whenever he uses his special moves. The amount depleted varies based on the spell. The meter is restored over time (at a rate of one point per second), or when damaging foes with regular attacks.
    • The maximum amount of MP is 100.

For a gallery of Hero's hitboxes, see here.

Note: All numbers are listed as base damage, without the 1v1 multiplier.

  Name Damage Description
Neutral attack   3% A three-hit neutral attack, with the first two hits being slashes going straight up and straight down, and the final hit having him swipe his sword inward. Deals decent damage.
Forward tilt   5% A two-hit attack, acting like Snake's forward tilt, a back-handed shield bash followed up by an outward slash. The shield bash resembles Blockenspiel, and can also block attacks. The slash can KO at around 130% near the ledge. However, it has 39 frames of ending lag if the second hit misses, making it highly punishable.
Up tilt   11% (blade), 9% (body) An overhead arcing slash while jumping, similarly to Toon Link's up smash. Has huge reach, making it a potent anti-air. However, it has noticeable ending lag, which doesn't grant it any true combos.
Down tilt   7% Kicks forward while leaning on the ground with his arm. Having slightly more range than his neutral attack while having the same 6-frame startup, it launches vertically, which can make it a combo starter, albeit a fairly unreliable one because of its rather high endlag compared to other down tilts. Resembles Leg Sweep.
Dash attack   15% (blade), 13% (body) A jumping slash attack, similar to Link's. Very powerful, being able to KO at around 80% from the ledge. However, it has very slow startup at frame 21 and 29 frames of ending lag. Based on the Hero's long-range standard sword attack from Dragon Quest XI.
Forward smash   18% (blade), 16% (body) Performs a two-handed downward slash in front of him, resembling Ike and Ganondorf's forward smashes. Comes out at frame 17, but has 46 frames of ending lag, making it very unsafe. There is a chance of a critical hit occurring whenever Hero performs this move, which can even one-hit KO if fully charged. The critical version has negative shield damage to prevent it from breaking shields, however due to its higher base damage it deals much more shieldstun, making it safe on shields.
Up smash   16% (blade), 14% (body) A single upward thrust, which resembles Marth's up smash. Has decent vertical range, but extremely poor horizontal range, being unable to hit grounded opponents. There is a chance of a critical hit occurring whenever Hero performs this move. A critical hit from an up smash is extremely powerful, with uncharged versions being capable of KOing at as low as 30%. It has 37 frames of ending lag, making it easy to punish.
Down smash   13% (blade), 11% (body) A kneeling inward slash in front of himself followed by a kneeling outward slash behind himself, similar to Link's down smash. There is a chance of a critical hit occurring whenever Hero performs this move. It is the weakest out of Hero's other smash attacks, although it is the fastest and does well at punishing rolls.
Neutral aerial   9% Swings his sword around him, resembling Ike's neutral aerial. It launches at a diagonal angle, making it a somewhat decent combo tool. This combo potential is even more noticeable with Acceleratle, as Hero can follow up with forward aerial at high percentages as a KO confirm. It strongly resembles Hero's attack during the pep power The Real Decoy in Dragon Quest XI.
Forward aerial   12% (blade), 10% (body) A downward slash, similar to Roy's forward aerial. Somewhat slow, coming out on frame 14, but it deals moderately high knockback, enough to KO at around 100% at the ledge. It also covers a wide arc, making it a good spacing and approaching tool.
Back aerial   14% (blade), 12% (body) An upward sword swipe behind his back, which resembles Toon Link's back aerial. Very slow startup for an aerial of its kind, at frame 18, but it boasts excellent power, KOing at around 85% at the ledge. It covers behind Hero very well, being able to even hit slightly above him.
Up aerial   7% Performs an upward kick. Somewhat resembles Lucario's up aerial, although without a backflip at the end. Hero's fastest aerial in terms of startup, ending and landing lag, and the only one that can auto-cancel in a short hop. However, it has extremely short range, and is fairly weak; this doesn't grant it KO potential, although it offers many combo opportunities. Additionally, at high percentages on landing, this move can combo into forward and back aerial as a KO confirm.
Down aerial   16% (clean), 10% (late) Thrusts his sword downward with one hand. The clean hit meteor smashes opponents powerfully. It is also his most damaging aerial. However, it is rather slow, coming out on frame 19, and it has very high landing lag. At mid percents (30-65% for mid-weight characters), hitting with the meteor hitbox on a grounded opponent can lead into his up smash (if up smash is a critical hit, it can KO middleweights starting at 30%).
Grab   Reaches out with his left hand.
Pummel   1.3% Knees the opponent.
Forward throw   7% Throws the opponent away. Low knockback, making it suited only for positioning. Psyche Up turns it into a viable kill throw at high percents at the ledge.
Back throw   9% Performs the tomoe nage, similar to Toon Link's back throw. Psyche Up turns this into a KO throw at very high percents at the ledge.
Up throw   7% Heaves the opponent upward, akin to Mario's up throw. A great combo starter due to its low ending lag, being able to combo into neutral aerial and up aerial at low percentages. It is also Hero's strongest throw, although it is rather weak for a KO throw, though Psyche Up and/or rage can make it stronger.
Down throw   6% Slams the opponent on the ground. A good combo starter that can lead to either his forward or up aerial at low-mid percentages. Can also lead into Kafrizz or forward smash on larger targets at very low percents.
Forward roll
Back roll
Spot dodge
Air dodge
Floor attack (front)
Floor getups (front)
  7% Slashes behind himself, then in front of himself.
Floor attack (back)
Floor getups (back)
  7% Slashes behind himself, then in front of himself.
Floor attack (trip)
Floor getups (trip)
  5% Slashes in front of himself, then behind himself.
Edge attack
Edge getups
  9% Climbs up and slashes inward.
Neutral special Frizz/Frizzle/Kafrizz Frizz: 9%/6% (late)
Frizzle: 9% (hit 1-2), 18% (total)
Kafrizz: 19% (initial hit), 3% (hit 2-5), 31% (total)
A fireball that can be charged up to become Frizzle and Kafrizz, which are stronger variants that travel increasingly farther and faster.

Frizz: A small fireball that is produced when the move is uncharged. It is quick to throw, but travels very slowly and is very weak. Frizz is the only variant of the Frizz spells that suffers from damage falloff, which means that it gets weaker and slower after traveling a certain distance.
Frizzle: Two intertwined fireballs that appear when the move is semi-charged. Frizzle is faster and stronger than Frizz. The two fireballs can actually break-off into separate fireballs if an opponent or attack lands on top of one of the fireballs. Frizzle is decently powerful, being able to KO at 135% near the ledge.
Kafrizz: The strongest version of Frizz that appears when the move is fully charged. It is a large, multi-hitting fireball deals extremely high damage and knockback, KOing at around 60% near the ledge. It also deals considerably high shield damage. Kafrizz has noticeable ending lag, though, so it can be reflected and punish the Hero easily.

Side special Zap/Zapple/Kazap Zap: 14% (swing sword + Zap) / 12% (Zap) / 2% (no MP)
Zapple: 6% (hit 1), 14% (hit 2), 20% (total)
Kazap: 4% (hit 1), 6% (hit 2), 12% (hit 3), 16% (final hit), 38% (total)
A series of lightning spells that can be charged to become Zapple and Kazap.

Zap: An electric bolt that the Hero shoots from his sword. It is the quickest Zap spell and has lowest amount of ending lag, but has the shortest range and is the weakest. The sword swing itself has a hitbox, so if the move is used up close, it will deal extra damage. This also means Zap can still somewhat be used without MP, although the sword swing only deals a measly 2%.
Zapple: A longer electric bolt that is fired when the move is semi-charged. Has considerably long range and deals decent damage, making it an excellent tool for spacing. Can KO at 155% from the center of Battlefield.
Kazap: The Hero raises his sword in the air as a lightning bolt strikes it; the Hero then slashes around himself. Kazap is the strongest version of the Zap spell and is an excellent finisher, KOing around 60% from center stage and around 40% near the ledge if all hits connect. Kazap also has super armor frames and deceptively low ending lag.

All variations of Zap (with the exception of the first half of Kazap) are disjointed hitboxes and not projectiles, meaning that they cannot be reflected or absorbed. Kazap, however, costs the most MP out of all the Hero's spells.

Up special Woosh/Swoosh/Kaswoosh Woosh: 7%
Swoosh: 3% (hit 1-4), 13% (total)
Kaswoosh: 3% (hit 1-5), 4% (final hit), 19% (total)
A series of tornadoes spells that the Hero uses for recovery. Can be charged to become Swoosh and Kaswoosh.

Woosh: A small and weak tornado that launches the Hero slightly upward. It is very quick, however, coming out on frame 7, making it a good out of shield option. Woosh has set knockback, meaning that it will do the same amount of knockback regardless of the opponent's percentage.
Swoosh: A larger tornado that hits multiple times and grants a better recovery, both vertical and horizontally.
Kaswoosh: Two large tornadoes that hit multiple times and grant the highest vertical recovery, making it a potent recovery move. Can KO at 148% from the center of Battlefield.

All versions of Woosh have lackluster horizontal movement, especially at the apex of the launch. All versions of Woosh launch opponents in the opposite direction the Hero is facing, which can lead into gimps, stage spikes, and KO's, especially with Swoosh and Kaswoosh.

Down special Command Selection (see below) The Hero chooses between an impressive variety of four randomly-selected spells from a pop-up menu, even standing in a "thinking" position. These spells require MP to use. Shielding closes the menu, canceling the move and allowing the Hero to open it again for a different set.
Final Smash Gigaslash 40% Summons the other seven Dragon Quest heroes who are not playable, charging the Hero's sword with bolts of electricity, before the playable Hero unleashes it in the form of a slash.

Command Selection spells

Spell MP Cost Relative odds of appearing Damage Description
Oomph 16 16 1.6× damage dealt, 1.2× damage taken Increases the Hero's attack power by 1.6× for 10 seconds. However, he also takes 1.2× more damage.
Snooze 16 17 - A forward-moving projectile that sends opponents to sleep if it connects and can pass through multiple opponents; however, it can be blocked. The projectile puts opponents to sleep for longer at close range, but gets larger at further ranges. Snooze can affect aerial opponents, which can KO offstage opponents should they be too far to maneuver towards the stage. However, opponents in the air are put to sleep for a much shorter amount of time; the clean aerial hitbox puts opponents to sleep for less time than the latest grounded hitbox.
Bounce 14 16 1.5× reflected projectile A lingering spell that reflects projectiles. Like a Franklin Badge, Bounce lets the Hero move around and act while active. One of the Hero's best approaching tools against projectile users, due to him being able to perform any action while keeping out an active reflector.
Flame Slash 12 18 22% (blade), 17% (flames) A quick slash with the Hero's sword cloaked in flame. Deals considerable damage and knockback, and has huge range in front of him; however, only hitting with the blade itself grants high KO power. Capable of KOing midweights at earlier than 95% from the center of Final Destination.
Kacrackle Slash 11 18 17% (blade), 13% (frost) A quick slash with the Hero's sword cloaked in frost. Freezes opponents; the blade freezes for considerably longer.
Kaclang 6 5 15% (falling) Encases the Hero in metal and makes him impervious to both damage and knockback for a period of time, but also prevents him from taking any action. It cannot be canceled once activated. However, the Hero can still be KOed by another Hero using Metal Slash, and any well-timed attack is sufficient to punish him during the ending lag of the move. Using Kaclang in the air will grant the Hero a hitbox on his descent and allow him to move left and right until he lands.
Zoom 8 15 - Hero jumps directly upward, going past the limits of the camera, and then falls directly downwards onto a random part of the stage, no matter where he was when the spell was inputted. If used when there is a ceiling above Hero, he will shoot up until he meets the platform, at which point he will collide against it, while still being able to act afterwards. It has invincibility frames as soon as Hero starts to fly. It can be used as a last-ditch recovery if Hero will be unable to reach the ledge otherwise, and if Hero is close to a blast line (within 40 units), the odds of Zoom being selectable are multiplied by 3. Hero can perform an action as soon as he starts to fall back down, and the descent can be cancelled by jumping or charging Frizz.
Kamikazee 1 5 50.1% (close), 35.1% (far) Hero crosses his arms and begins to glow. After a few seconds, he explodes, instantly KOing himself and delivering heavy unblockable damage and knockback to any opponent in a large radius, and the sweetspot can KO many opponents within the 50-60% range. Using this will count as a KO for the last opponent to hit him. Hero is intangible during the chargeup. Kamikazee does not appear to be available as a menu option during the World of Light Finale.
Sizz 8 16 13.5% A flame projectile sent forward. Lacks KO potential onstage, but can KO opponents offstage. Cannot appear alongside Sizzle.
Sizzle 20 20 25% A flame projectile sent forward quickly. Deals high damage for its speed. Deals decent knockback, KOing around 100% near the ledge. Cannot appear alongside Sizz.
Psyche Up 14 16 1.2× damage dealt Noticeably increases the knockback dealt by the Hero's next attack and increases the damage by 1.2×, acting similar to Revenge. Projectiles are not affected by Psyche Up, and will not use it up. Boosts the power of the Hero's throws as well, making them very powerful, especially the Hero's up throw and his forward throw when used near the ledge.
Heal 7 7 Heals 11% Heals Hero by 11% damage. After being used twice, it will no longer appear for selection until Hero scores a KO or is KO'd.
Acceleratle 13 16 - Temporarily buffs the Hero's movement speed by a significant amount, similar to Lightweight, but to a sufficiently high degree that the Hero can outrun Sonic; however, it also increases Hero's launch rate, taking 1.1× normal knockback.
Bang 9 16 15.5% A small explosive flame projectile sent forward. Explodes on contact with opponents, or after a set distance. Deals decent knockback, KOing vertically starting at around 130%. Cannot appear alongside Kaboom.
Kaboom 37 20 28% A projectile that explodes after a certain distance, or on contact with opponents. The instant before the explosion pulls opponents in if they're close enough. Possesses high knockback and a very large explosion hitbox, KOing around 85% vertically. Cannot appear alongside Bang.
Hatchet Man 15 18 35% A forceful, downward slash which resembles his forward smash, triggering Special Zoom on-hit. Has considerable start-up, but possesses extremely high damage and knockback, making it capable of KOing early, around 45% from center stage, and much earlier at the ledge. It can also instantaneously break a full shield, similar to a fully charged Shield Breaker.
Whack 10 8 1% Hero swings his hand forward, sending out a slow-moving dark purple projectile. Has a chance to instantly KO the opponent, with a higher chance for it to occur the more damage the opponent has. Deals next to no damage or knockback. Cannot appear alongside Thwack. The formula for Whack to instantly KO is
1 + (pt - 20) / (300 - 20) * 200 + 20 * (pH / 300), where pt is the target's percent pre-hit limited to between 20% and 300%, and pH is Hero's percent limited to 300% or less. As a result, the final rate is 1% when the opponent is below 20% damage, and scales up to 100% when the opponent is just below 160% damage, with a maximum extra 20% chance if Hero is at 300% damage. The move is notoriously difficult to reflect, as the speed and direction of the reflected projectile depends on the speed and direction the erratically moving projectile was travelling at the moment of reflection. As such, it will often deflect into the ground or up into the air, and in some cases will move so slowly that it seemingly stays in place.
Thwack 30 12 3% Hero swings his hand forward, and a large dark purple spark appears directly in front of him. Has a chance to instantly KO the opponent, with a higher chance for it to occur the more damage the opponent has. It has a very large hitbox, and a windbox around it which pulls nearby opponents in; however, it also has considerable startup lag. It deals only 3% damage and little knockback, and can be reflected, absorbed, and shielded. Cannot appear alongside Whack.
Metal Slash 6 7 1% Hero slashes his sword forward. Instantly KOs any metal opponent, including another Hero using Kaclang. When used against non-metal opponents, it will only deal 1% damage and weak knockback. If there is a metal opponent present when the menu is opened, the odds of Metal Slash are multiplied by 4; however, in spirit battles, it is instead multiplied by 0.2.
Hocus Pocus 4 3 (see below) A spell with random effects, both positive and negative, and also can take the form of other Command Selection spells.
Magic Burst All remaining MP 5 max: 4.2% (loop), 11% (last) A powerful and massive blast that grows in size, similar to a Smart Bomb explosion. It hits multiple times and is active for a few seconds. Consumes all of the Hero's remaining MP; the spell's power depends on how much MP the Hero has left. The attack has extremely large range, covering half of Final Destination, and with full MP, it can KO at merely 20%. Due to these factors, along with the move itself being surprisingly quick to activate, it is widely considered to be one of, if not the Hero's best command specials and arguably the most feared, albeit only in circumstances where Hero has at least around half of his MP remaining. Additionally, the move is blockable, with each hit having slightly reduced shield damage. Projectiles can also cancel out the move, and he can be hit by physical attacks at the very beginning of the move's startup, leaving Hero with no MP and at a great disadvantage, making Magic Burst a rather high-risk, high-reward move.

The damage dealt is multiplied by 0.2 + 0.008MP, with the value being between 0.2 and 1×.

Hocus Pocus Effects

Type Chance of occurrence Effect
Positive 4.88% Makes him giant.
Positive 1.22% Makes him invincible.
Positive 3.96% MP is refilled to 100.
Negative 6.1% Applies a timer effect to himself.
Negative 6.1% MP is reduced to 0.
Negative 6.1% Inflicts poison to himself, dealing 27.5% damage total.
Negative 6.1% Inflicts sleep on himself.
Negative 5.49% Makes him small.
Negative 6.1% Inflicts the flower effect on himself, dealing a maximum of 22% damage without mashing.
Neutral 6.1% Turns him invisible.
Neutral 47.85% One of the Hero's commands is granted for 4 MP instead of the value it usually consumes.
Note: if the command is Magic Burst, it will consume all MP as usual.

On-screen appearance

  • Flies onto the stage using Zoom.


  • Up taunt: Charges in place as a purple aura envelops around him. References the original Psyche Up animation from Dragon Quest VIII.
  • Side taunt: Raises his sword vertically into the air.
  • Down taunt: Fumbles in place as a Slime meanders in front of him.

Idle poses

  • Lifts sword in front of him with a small smile.
  • Assumes an attack stance. Similar to one of Link's idle animations.

Victory poses

  • Left: The Hero raises his sword in the air, slashes twice and finishes in a pose.
  • Up: The Hero performs Kazap and strikes a pose.
  • Right: The Hero walks up to three Slimes, kneels down and looks at them with a smile. The camera angle before the Hero appears also references the first-person battle screens of most Dragon Quest games.
An arrangement of the ending phase of "Overture", the main Dragon Quest theme.

In competitive play

Hero's place in competitive play has been controversial, and it is generally agreed upon that the character has not been, and likely will not be put into an optimized state for a long time. Hero has not had any notable tournament places aside from Salem's placements at Port Priority 5, Thunder Smash 3, and Mainstage.

Notable players

Any number following the Smasher name indicates placement on the Spring 2019 PGRU, which recognizes the official top 50 players in the world in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate from February 1st, 2019 to July 7th, 2019.


Hero's moveset, specifically Command Selection, has been controversial due to its randomness. Comparisons have been drawn between Command Selection and items, with the argument being that the unpredictable nature of both of them result in a less competitive environment, in which skill alone is not sufficient to win matches (coincidentally so as certain spells like Hocus Pocus grant abilities otherwise only found with items such as the Super Star and Timer). Furthermore, specific commands have also been the subject of controversy, such as Zoom which invalidates any attempts at edgeguarding, Whack and Thwack which are capable of KOing at any percentage, or Magic Burst whose blast radius can easily cover the ledge and prevent a large portion of the cast from recovering without taking significant damage. Random critical hits from smash attacks have also stirred conversation regarding Hero's skill factor, though not quite to the same degree as Command Selection. Finally, issues regarding language barriers have also been raised, as it is not uncommon for players to compete in regions which do not share their first language, which puts one of them at a significant disadvantage, both either when playing as or against Hero.

Many prominent smashers, such as Leffen and Dark Wizzy, have advocated banning Hero, while others such as Dabuz and ESAM have come out against a ban, arguing that the character has significant counterplay and has not achieved overwhelmingly high results at tournaments to the same degrees as a top-tier character. The first region to ban Hero from tournaments was South Australia, who put the ban into effect on August 15th, 2019.[3] This was met with criticism, with players in the community such as D1 and ZeRo stating that it is too early to declare whether the character should be banned or not. Notably, Nintendo France has also banned the Hero and DLC Fighters released after September 23rd, 2019 from future tournaments in their area[4], making Hero the first instance a character has been banned in Nintendo-run tournaments. No official reason has been given for the ban by Nintendo France at the time. However, as of September 26, 2019, Nintendo France announced on Twitter that they have overturned the ban, making Hero and DLC Fighters released after the aforementioned date legal in Nintendo-run Tournaments for the area. [5]

Classic Mode: A History of Heroism

Hero's congratulations screen.

Every battle aside from the last one is a stamina battle, referencing the HP system in Dragon Quest and most RPGs. Additionally, every battle uses a song from the Dragon Quest universe regardless of stage.

Round Opponent Stage Music Notes
1 Kirby Kirby (SSBU) (×3) Kirby (SSBU) Gaur Plain (Battlefield form) The Hero Goes Forth with a Determination A reference to Slimes and She-Slimes.
2 Hero Hero (SSBU) and Tiny Robin Robin (SSBU) Yggdrasil's Altar Unflinchable Courage A fight against the Hero from Dragon Quest XI. Robin references Veronica, a party member from the aforementioned game.
3 Hero Hero (SSBU) Temple Wagon Wheel's March A fight against the Hero from Dragon Quest IV, Solo.
4 Rathalos Forest Hill Fighting Spirits - DRAGON QUEST III Dragons are recurring enemies in the Dragon Quest series. Rathalos could also be specifically referencing a Red Dragon, an enemy from the original Dragon Quest.
5 Hero Hero (SSBU) and Tiny Pikachu Pikachu (SSBU) Gaur Plain (Battlefield form) War Cry A fight against the Hero from Dragon Quest VIII. Pikachu references the Hero's pet Pig-Rat, Munchie.
6 Hero Hero (SSBU) Castle Siege (third transformation) Adventure - DRAGON QUEST III A fight against the Hero from Dragon Quest III, Erdrick. The stage does not transition back to its first form.
Bonus Stage
Final Robin Robin (SSBU) and Giant Charizard Charizard (SSBU) Dracula's Castle (Ω form) Fighting Spirits - DRAGON QUEST III (Robin)
Battle for the Glory - DRAGON QUEST IV (Giant Charizard)
Charizard is not announced in the loading screen. References the fight against the Dragonlord from the original Dragon Quest. In that fight, the Dragonlord starts off in his human form, but upon defeat he turns into a giant dragon for the second phase.

Credits roll after completing Classic Mode. Unlike other fighters, the music that plays differs depending on the costume selected.

Role in World of Light

The message that shows Hero's availability in World of Light

Due to his status as downloadable content, Hero does not have a legitimate role in World of Light. Instead, he is unlocked for use in the mode after freeing 10 fighters from Galeem's control. If loading an existing save file that meets this condition prior to downloading Hero, he is immediately unlocked.

Fighter Battle

No. Image Name Type Power Stage Music
Hero SSBU.png
Hero There is no fighter battle for Hero, this fighter is obtained by awaking 10 fighters after he is downloaded.


Hero's Fighter Spirit can be obtained by completing Classic Mode. It is also available periodically for purchase in the shop for 300 coins, but only after Hero has been downloaded. Unlocking Hero in World of Light allows the player to preview the first spirit below in the Spirit List under the name "???". As a Fighter Spirit, it cannot be used in Spirit Battles and is purely aesthetic.

Additionally, the other three heroes have their own fighter spirits.

In Spirit Battles

As a minion

Spirit Battle parameters Inspiration
No. Image Name Series Enemy Fighter(s) Type Power Stage Rules Conditions Music Character
1,329 Cetacea DRAGON QUEST Series •Giant King K. Rool King K. Rool (SSBU)
Hero Hero (SSBU)
9,500 Yggdrasil's Altar (Ω form) N/A •Defeat the main fighter to win
•The enemy has super armor but moves slower
•Timed stamina battle
The Hero Goes Forth with a Determination Luminary

Alternate costumes

Alternate costume (SSBU)
Hero (SSBU) Hero (SSBU) Hero (SSBU) Hero (SSBU) Hero (SSBU) Hero (SSBU) Hero (SSBU) Hero (SSBU)

Reveal trailer



  • The Hero is referred within the game files with the codename "brave", a rather direct translation of his Japanese name Yūsha. Notably, the codename was discovered as early as December 2018, after the day-one patch release, although the discovery had only been made public in January. The mysterious codename raised much speculation and debate in the community, with the most common hypothesis on the identity of the mysterious character being a Dragon Quest protagonist.
  • Hero shares his heavy carry, battering item, home-run swing and special flag animations with Link. This suggests they were imported over as they were minor animations of low priority.
    • Additionally he also shares his dash attack and passive shield ability with him.
  • When the Hero originally began development, he was planned to be silent, similar to previous Dragon Quest protagonists. However, with the addition of voice acting in the Japanese version of Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (as the localized version of Dragon Quest XI had voice acting from the beginning), plans were changed and voices for the Hero were added.[6]
  • The smoke particle effect on the Damage meter that indicates a fighter is badly damaged overlaps in front of the Command Selection window, potentially making it more difficult to quickly decide which command to use.
  • According to a Dragon Quest XI S interview, the Hero was easy for Sakurai to add into Smash. He had a lot of ideas for the Hero, hence the Command Selection option in order to make it easy for newcomers to use.[7]
  • According to a Famitsu column by Masahiro Sakurai, there are restrictions from Square Enix that prevent certain Dragon Quest protagonists from encountering each other. However, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was given special exception in order to have the different Heroes as alternate character costumes.[8]
    • Eight's addition as an alternate character costume was particularly due to requests from Western fans for the character.
    • Solo's addition as alternate character was due to the Hero from Dragon Quest V shown to wield a staff in all official art for him and the other option, Hero of Dragon Quest not having a unified image through the official Dragon Quest media.[9]
    • Four other different Hero costumes from Dragon Quest games were also considered but ultimately cut out due to time constraints during development time[10].
  • The Hero is the only DLC and third-party character to also have other characters appear as alternate costumes.
    • Additionally, the Hero's fourth and eighth alternate costumes are the first and so far only alternate costumes to feature a separate character that is not part of the default costume. In this case, it is Munchie.
  • The Hero's trailer is the first of any DLC character trailer to have completely original CGI animation; all previous DLC trailers either used the in-game engine, 2D animation, or (in the case of Corrin) pre-existing CGI animation.
    • It is also the only instance where a Square Enix character appeared in any CGI animation for the game, as Cloud has never appeared in such for either this or the previous entry.
    • It is also the second time an alternate character costume appears as part of any CGI animation for the game, the first being Inkling Girl and Inkling Boy in the opening of Adventure Mode: World of Light.
    • The trailer features a slight rendering issue: when the Luminary falls on the ground, causing some Slimes to scatter, one of them appears in transparency through his hair for a few frames, even though it is behind him.
  • The Hero's reveal trailer makes multiple references to the Dragon Quest games.
    • The scene where the Luminary rides a Gogoat is a reference to the mount riding mechanic in Dragon Quest XI.
    • The scene where the Luminary, Zero Suit Samus, and Zelda are sitting at a campfire references the camping mechanic in Dragon Quest XI.
      • Zero Suit Samus and Zelda also reference the party members Jade and Serena, respectively. They also represent these characters in the Hero's Comrades Spirit Battle.
    • The scene where Eight walks through poison to pick up the Beam Sword is referencing that players will often times have to walk through poison in dungeons and on the overworld to obtain items in the Dragon Quest games.
      • It is also a reference to the first Dragon Quest game, where the Mark of Erdrick, a mandatory item, was located in a poisonous swamp on the world map.
    • The introductory tagline, "The Hero Draws Near!", refers to the text that appears when the Hero encounters an enemy in battle.
    • The scene where the Luminary throws a barrel upward to reveal a Franklin Badge references the Mini Medal, a collectible item that serves as the currency for particularly rare and powerful items.
  • The Hero's artwork pose in the panoramic banner is similar to Young Link's pose in his official render, but mirrored.
    • Similarly, the Luminary's artwork greatly resembles Young Link's artwork from Ocarina of Time, which is used for his fighter spirit; however, the positions of the sword and shield are flipped, since the Luminary is right-handed.
  • In Japanese, Hero has a chance of calling out a spell's name, excluding the Command Selection spells. This makes him the fifth character in the series to have specific lines in the Japanese language track of a game replaced by generic grunts from the same voice actor outside of Japan after Fox, Sheik, and Falco in Melee and Mewtwo in all of its playable appearances.
    • Kirby also follows this trait as well, making it the first Copy Ability of his to have such a distinction.
    • This is excluding Pit's Upperdash Arm and Power of Flight, as Pit is voiced normally otherwise in both English and Japanese.
  • The Hero is the third playable character to feature a non-playable character in the panoramic artwork with them, featuring Slime alongside him. The first two are Olimar and Joker, who feature Mr. Saturn and Morgana with them, respectively.
  • Solo is the only one of the Hero's alternate costumes who does not hold a shield in his artwork.
  • In German, Spanish, French, and Italian, the name tag and voice clip from the announcer on the victory screen is slightly different from the one used on the character select screen, instead featuring a noticeable translation of "the" ("der Held", "el Héroe", "le Héros", and "l'Eroe"). Hero shares this trait with Wii Fit Trainer, Pokémon Trainer, Villager, Inkling, the Ice Climbers, and the Mii Fighters.
  • In the Japanese version, Hero is named "勇者 Yūsha" and his respective announcer voice clip reads it that way, but his name on the select screen icon is still written as "Hero". He is the only character with this trait, as all others have the respective romanization of their Japanese name, instead of a direct translation to English.
    • Furthermore, Hero is the only fighter to have his name entirely formatted in kanji in the Japanese version. The other fighter to have a common noun as their name, Villager, has his name written in higarana instead.
  • Depending on which version of the Hero is being played, the critical hit sound effect from that Hero's respective game will play when they land a critical hit through a smash attack or Hatchet Man. Additionally, when a Hero lands a critical hit on another Hero, the sound effect from the victim's respective game will play, even if the attacker is a Hero from a different game.
  • When Hero charges a smash attack, the "player attacks" sound effect from the Dragon Quest series will play.
  • Hero, Ryu, and Terry are the only characters who have stamina battles for their Classic Mode routes.
  • Hero's Classic Mode is one of only three to feature a fight against a boss (in this case, Rathalos) outside of the boss round, the others being Bowser and Mega Man, and one of the few whose boss round does not feature a designated boss, instead fighting characters who are otherwise playable (in this case, Robin and Charizard).
    • In addition, he is the only third-party character to battle Rathalos as his boss in his Classic Mode.
  • Hero fights the fewest number of distinct fighters in Classic Mode, with only five total, despite facing twice as many opponents as any character who fights one fighter per round in general within their own Classic Mode routes, as he fights all four versions of himself and both genders of Robin.
  • Hero is the only character to have tiny-sized opponents in his Classic Mode route.
    • In addition, his tiny opponents are also those who aren't his alternate costumes, with the exceptions of Male Robin (who's a normal-sized opponent in the final round) and Charizard (who appears as a giant upon Male Robin's defeat).
  • So far, Hero is the only character whose Fighter ability (in this case, his MP Gauge) can be fully utilized by Kirby, as the ability won't automatically be discarded after exhausting the MP Gauge.
  • When KO'd by reaching 0 HP in Stamina Mode, Hero uses his heavy knockback scream rather than his standard KO scream. This trait is shared with Mario, Dr. Mario, and Terry.
  • Hero is the only semi-heavyweight fighter who doesn't share the same weight as another character.
  • Due to having Bounce as one of his Command Selection spells, Hero is the second swordfighter to possess a reflector. The first is the Mii Swordfighter, due to having Reversal Slash as one of its custom moves.
  • Hero is the lightest heavyweight fighter.
  • Hero and Banjo & Kazooie are the only fighters that only appear as a minion in spirit battles. Piranha Plant and Terry does not appear in any spirit battles and the rest of the fighters appear as the main opponents.
  • Hero and Corrin are the only fighters who face the same fighter in multiple rounds in Classic Mode. In Hero's case, all four iterations of Hero appear as opponents in Round 2, 3, 5, and 6 (fight against the Luminary and a small female Robin in her red alternate costumes in Round 2, Solo in Round 3, Eight and a small Pikachu in Round 5, and Erdrick in Round 6).
  • Because of heavy controversy regarding Hero as anti-competitive in Ultimate due to the large amount of randomness in his moveset, Hero is the fourth character to have been officially banned from any tournament matches, the first three being Meta Knight from Brawl, and Cloud and Bayonetta from Smash 4.[11]
    • It is also the second largest ban of them all, lasting for three months so far, compared to Meta Knight's ban for Brawl, which lasted for four months.
  • Hero is one of the few characters to use their default outfit in Spirit Battles, the others being Mr. Game & Watch, Bowser Jr., Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Peach, R.O.B., Joker, Inkling, Robin, and Banjo & Kazooie, though like Inkling, Robin, Joker, and Banjo & Kazooie, this only applies to DLC spirits (although like Joker and Banjo & Kazooie, Hero is also a DLC character).
    • This is not counting Alph and female Corrin, who use their main colors in a few spirit battles, but themselves are alternate costumes.
  • Hero is the third newcomer to be voiced by someone who voiced an existing character (in this case, Erdrick being voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama, Link's voice actor in Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Bros Melee.), following Dr. Mario and Richter.
    • He is, however, the first DLC character with this distinction.
  • A special battle card was released for the arcade game Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Scanner that references both Hero's final smash and his reveal trailer. [12]
