Super Smash Bros. 4

Rosalina & Luma (SSB4)

Revision as of 00:30, October 4, 2015 by (talk) (→‎Trivia)
This article is about Rosalina & Luma's appearances in Super Smash Bros. 4. For the character in other contexts, see Rosalina and Luma (species).
Rosalina & Luma
in Super Smash Bros. 4
Rosalina as she appears in Super Smash Bros. 4, from the character page.
Universe Mario
Availability Starter
Final Smash Power Star
Rosalina & Luma (SSB4)
Rosalina & Luma Launch into Battle!
—Introduction Tagline

Rosalina & Luma (ロゼッタ&チコ, Rosetta & Chiko), known simply as Rosalina in the customization menu and the Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS foldout, are a newcomer duo for Super Smash Bros. 4 consisting of Rosalina and a Luma. They were announced on December 18th, 2013 during a Nintendo Direct, which coincided with Rosalina's reveal in Mario Kart 8. Rosalina & Luma is the first newcomer announced after E3 2013, as well as a new Mario representative alongside Bowser Jr.. She is voiced by Kerri Kane. Like Peach, Rosalina's design is slightly more realistic than her appearance in the Mario universe. Her proportions are based upon her appearances in the Super Mario Galaxy series, although her light blue dress now has new star-shaped aesthetics and her high heels are the same shade of light blue as her dress instead of being silver.

Luma (チコ, Chiko) is a member of the star-shaped species of the same name that is under the care of Rosalina. It affectionately refers to her as its "mama". He works with Rosalina similarly to how Nana works with Popo, but is never controlled by the AI, even when separated from Rosalina. When he respawns after being KO'd, he can be replaced by a Luma of a different color, including yellow, blue, green, red, apricot, and dark brown.


Rosalina follows an archetype previously set by characters such as Mewtwo and Zelda in that, despite her tall frame, she is very light. In fact, Rosalina is one of the lightest characters in the game, only being heavier than four characters (or five characters if Shulk's Smash Art is taken into consideration). She has a slightly above average dashing speed and average air speed, giving her surprisingly good mobility compared to the other characters in her archetype. Her falling speed is one of the slowest in the game, causing her to be a very floaty character.

Rosalina also follows a trend set by characters such as the Ice Climbers and Olimar in that she is allied with another character, with her case seeing her teamed with a Luma. Luma can remain next to Rosalina to attack with her or he can be sent away with Luma Shot to attack from a distance. This allows Rosalina tons of possibilities to attack opponents as she can essentially create combos by hitting opponents back and forth between her and Luma. Luma responds to player inputs like Nana of the Ice Climbers, but he also functions on an HP system, like Olimar's Pikmin, and will disappear if he takes 50% of damage, essentially making Luma a blend between the two. Unlike either, Rosalina cannot summon him back and he will appear once again after thirteen seconds. Luma also can not experience status effects such as stunning or sleep so, if Rosalina happens to find herself put under a status effect that renders her unable to move or attack, Luma can still attack and fend off opponents, making it very difficult to punish Rosalina in these scenarios as long as Luma is with her.

While being a primarily defensive-minded character, Rosalina has several offensive options to severely tack on damage to opponents if given the opportunity. Rosalina's dash attack is one of the best in the game and is great for approaching opponents due to its outstanding priority. She also has many attacks with disjointed hitboxes, most notably each of her aerials, which are also very useful for racking up damage. Her neutral aerial, when timed correctly, can be a useful punish tool. Her forward aerial holds the opponent in and hits multiple times much like Ness', although it suffers from considerable ending lag, making it a rather situational attack. Her back aerial is quick and can be used in a wide range of scenarios, such as ledge-guarding. Her up aerial is one of her most effective attacks and is among the best moves in the game, as it possesses fantastic range, can easily be chained into itself and can KO off the top of some stages at very low percents when used properly. Her down aerial is one of the weaker meteor smashes in the game, however, it can still see use for ledge-guarding.

She is also gifted with a good set of smash attacks. Her forward smash, assuming Luma is next to her, is very quick and possesses a large amount of range, making it very useful to finish off opponents. Her up smash is also quick and, while it possesses less range, it is still a great KOing option regardless. Her down smash has a very different use in that it is very useful for throwing opponents off of her and proper usage of it can make it very hard for opponents to stay on her. Luma can also preform all of his smash attacks away from Rosalina so, in a scenario where it is not safe to approach the opponent to KO, Rosalina still can attempt to KO by sending Luma out.

Perhaps the biggest positive trait Rosalina has is that, when used properly, she is practically immune to projectiles. Gravitational Pull is a very quick and useful move for her. While it cannot damage opponents, it causes Rosalina to absorb any projectile within the move's range. The move has very little ending lag, making it very difficult for an opponent to punish her for using it. This makes Rosalina a very useful character to use against projectile-reliant characters such as Villager, as their over-reliance on projectiles causes them characters to have a difficult time fighting her with proper use of Gravitational Pull. The move can also see use in gimping certain recoveries, with the best example of this being Ness and Lucas' PK Thunder, as Rosalina can absorb the projectile before they can use it to recover and render them helpless as a result. In addition to Gravitational Pull, Luma can also be used as a shield for projectiles, however, this comes at the cost of depleting his HP.

Despite all of her positives, Rosalina has a few significant weaknesses. Her large frame sometimes makes it very hard to avoid attacks and her low weight causes her to be very susceptible to early KOs. While she does have a very good recovery, Launch Star lacks any sort of hitbox on it, making her vulnerable to meteor smashes. Her biggest flaw, however, is that she is drastically weakened without Luma. Her attacks sans Luma possess some of the worst knockback in the game and their strength is drastically reduced. While Luma will appear again, the thirteen seconds it takes can be more than enough time for the opponent to land a combo or score a KO on Rosalina. As a result, players must learn to protect not just Rosalina, but Luma as well, making her a difficult character to play with. Further faults to both Rosalina & Luma were also brought about via game updates, with the most notable occurrence being in 1.0.4. This update saw some of her attacks receive nerfs to their damage and knockback and decreased sizes to some of their hitboxes, while Luma's respawn time was increased and saw him lose the ability to attack opponents when they throw Rosalina (although he retained his ability to attack them during grabs). Despite receiving many nerfs from the patches, Rosalina has a great standing in the early metagame and is fairly successful in competitive play; while she is widely considered a top-tier character, she has below average representation due to her learning curve and very defensive playstyle.

Update history


  •   Luma respawn time: 8 seconds → 13 seconds
  •   Lumas can no longer attack if Rosalina is being thrown (though it still can during grabs).
  •   Down tilt timing: hits on 4-8 → hits on 5-8
  •   Down tilt hitbox 1 radius: 3.5 → 3.2
  •   Down tilt hitbox 2 radius: 3 → 2.5
  •   Forward smash knockback scaling: 115 → 111
  •   Up smash knockback scaling: 100 → 90
  •   Up smash hitbox 0 radius: 5.0 → 4.0
  •   Luma up smash hitbox radius: 4.0 → 5.5
  •   Luma up smash late hit damage: 4% → 5%
  •   Neutral aerial damage: 6% (early), 10% (late) → 5% (early), 7.5% (late)
  •   Neutral aerial hitbox radii: 5.0, 3.5 → 4.2, 3.0
  •   Neutral aerial hitbox x-offsets: 4.5, -1.5 → 3.0, -2.0
  •   Forward aerial loop hit base knockback: 20/35 → 55
  •   Forward aerial last hit base knockback: 60 → 50
  •   Forward throw base knockback: 85 → 76
  •   Back throw base knockback: 70 → 60
  •   Distance of uncharged Luma Shot is reduced by about 2/3.
  •   Lumas move faster when summoned from a distance.


  •   Luma health: 52 HP → 47 HP


  •   Luma health: 47 HP → 50 HP
  •   Rapid jab end knockback scaling: 170 → 150


  •   Looping hits of jab deal less damage: 2% → 1.7%.
  •   Floaty Star Bit has decreased ending lag.
  •   Guardian Luma has reduced ending lag by 1 frame.
  •   Guardian Luma has some hitbox changes.


  Name Damage Description
Neutral attack   R: 2%
L: 2%
R: Swings her wand twice, then waves it in front of her. Finishes with one more swipe.
L: Punches once, kicks once, then spins in place. Finishes with a headbutt. Ideal to harass and zone against opponents.

Good for punishing moves against attacks that have little ending lag. Can be used to put space between opponents. If spaced and timed correctly, it can deal up to 30% damage.

R: 1%
L: 2%
R: 3%
L: 4%
R: 2% (loop), 3% (last)
L: 1.2% (loop), 3% (last)
Forward tilt   R: 6% (leg), 5% (body)
L: 4.3%
R: Sweep kicks in front of herself. Disjointed range and knockback.
L: Performs a similar sweep kick. Medium to short range.

High range and decent knockback when combined. Can be used to zone and edge-guard opponents. However, it leaves Luma vulnerable above as it has high ending lag.

Up tilt   R: 8%
L: 8% (clean), 4% (mid), 3% (late)
R: Floats straight up, headbutting. A planetary ring rises up from her head. Hits through platforms.
L: Headbutts straight up. Hitbox comes out fast.

When combined, it is more useful to disrupt aerial and approaching opponent, even though opponents with long range can hit Rosalina and Luma out of this attack. Luma has high base knockback, but low knockback scaling, which does not KO until 140%.

Down tilt   R: 4.5%
L: 3.5%
R: Dropkicks along the ground.
L: Headbutts at a downward angle.

Decent speed. Good for spacing and edge-guard, when combined. Luma can semi-spike opponents.

Dash attack   R: 3% (hit 1), 4% (hit 2)
L: 3%
R: Rams the enemy with her body.
L: Performs a ramming attack.

Ideal for suprising opponents and can re-position Luma to make her advance in good distance.

Forward smash   R: 12%
L: 7% (arm), 5% (body)
R: Thrusts her hands forward, hitting the enemy with a galaxy-shaped blast. Does not KO until 110%.
L: Delivers a powerful straight punch. Can KO at 95%.

Decent range, high knockback, and can KO at 90% when combined. Ideal for edgeguarding and gimping, but they have slow start up

Up smash   R: 12%
L: 6% (clean), 5% (late)
R: Swings her wand above herself while leaning far back. Comes out very fast and has a hitbox on her back.
L: Performs a rising uppercut. Good knockback, though it does not KO until 130%. Comes out 10% later than Rosalina.

Great knockback if spaced correctly. Can be used to surprise opponents that comes to her and punish rolling opponents.

Down smash   R: 7% (hit 1), 9% (hit 2)
L: 4% (hit 1), 5% (hit 2)
R: Kicks in front of and behind herself, creating galaxy-shaped blasts with each kick.
L: Kicks on either side of itself.

Inescapable damage at low percentage and ideal for punishing rolls.

Neutral aerial   R: 5% (early), 7.5% (late)
L: 4% (hit 1), 3% (hit 2)
R: Spins in the air, creating a starry field at the end of her feet.
L: Kicks forward, then back. Can be used to surprise an unexpecting opponent. Sends opponents in the direction where Luma is attacking.

Can alternate the timing of the attack to confuse opponents in the process. Ideal for combos, gimping, and edgeguarding, since the player can control its attack trajectory. Less punishable with Luma. Useful for mindgames and zoning.

Forward aerial   R: 1% (loop hits), 4% (last hit)
L: 5%
R: Flip kicks, generating a spiral galaxy-shaped blast in front of herself.
L: Spins in the air. Sends opponents with decent diagonal knockback.

Can be used for edgeguarding and anti-aerials, but it has high landing lag and aims a little above character.

Back aerial   R: 11%
L: 4%
R: Kicks behind herself, generating a spiral galaxy-shaped blast at the end of her feet. Comes out fast and put opponents toward the ledge.
L: Kicks straight back.

Attacks at two different altitudes with gimping capabilities. Low ending lag. Has a disjointed hitbox. Useful for SHFFing, gimping, and edge-guarding.

Up aerial   R: 10% (clean), 5% (mid), 2% (late)
L: 4%
R: Waves her wand, making a planetary ring rise above her head.
L: Does a backflip, kicking in an arc to hit enemies in front and above itself. High vertical knockback.

One of the most versatile up aerials in the game. Large disjointed hitbox and can easily stop attacks above her. Useful for juggling and frame traps. High KO potential, especially if the opponent is close to the upper blast line.

Down aerial   R: 8% (clean), 7% (mid), 6% (mid-late), 2% (late)
L: 5%
R: Stomps, sending a planetary ring below herself.
L: Kicks straight down.

Luma's best KO move and it has great knockback. Though difficult to land, Rosalina can meteor smash opponents, when sweetspotted. Even if sourspotted, it results in a semi-spike. Hits through platforms and it is best used to hit opponents below her. Both are useful for gimps and edge-guarding as it sends opponents far.

Pummel   2% Smacks the enemy with her wand. Very fast.
Forward throw   9% Makes the enemy float in front of her and releases them forwards. Can combo at very low percentage.
Back throw   11% Spins the enemy around her body once, then tosses them behind herself with magic. Decent knockback.
Up throw   7% Throws the grabbed enemy into the air. Ideal for combos against heavier characters.
Down throw   9% Magically slams the enemy into the ground. Good for combos.
Forward roll
Back roll
Spot dodge
Air dodge
Floor attack (front)
Floor getups (front)
Floor attack (back)
Floor getups (back)
Floor attack (trip)
Floor getups (trip)
Edge attack
Edge getups
Neutral special Default Luma Shot 5% (stage 1), 9% (stage 2), 10-11% (stage 3), 13-14% (stage 4), 15-16% (stage 5) Rosalina fires Luma sideways. This move is chargeable for more power and range, and Luma stops after either hitting something or reaching the end of his path. Luma will remain at the place it stopped until it is recalled back to Rosalina by tapping the special button again. Luma will eventually float back to Rosalina's position if he is not recalled for a long enough time.
Custom 1 Luma Warp 1% Teleports Luma a set distance away.
Custom 2 Power Luma Shot 33% Rosalina shoots Luma much slower, which deals much more damage in exchange.
Side special Default Star Bits 2.8% (her hit) Rosalina commands Luma to shoot three Star Bits sideways which pierce through opponents. Despite the attack's appearance, it is not a projectile, meaning that it cannot be reflected or absorbed. Since Luma is performing the attack, it can leave Rosalina wide open if they are separated.
Custom 1 Floaty Star Bit 2.8% (per hit) Luma shoots a large, slow, multi-hitting, projectile Star Bit. The startup is slightly more sluggish, and the Star Bit stays on screen for a longer period of time.
Custom 2 Shooting Star Bit 5% Luma fires a much faster Star Bit that, like the Floaty Star Bit, is a projectile, so it can be reflected or absorbed. It also travels a greater distance, but gets weaker over time and does not pierce through rivals.
Up special Default Launch Star 0% Rosalina creates a Launch Star, which shoots her upwards at an angle determined by the player. The momentum from this move carries over into her helplessness, which could prove dangerous if one is careless.
Custom 1 Launch Star Plus 0% Rosalina uses a more powerful Launch Star to propel her to safety. It offers a quicker ascent, but no angle control.
Custom 2 Launch Star Attack 3% (first hit), 1% (loop hits), 5% (last hit) This Launch Star fires Rosalina at a lesser distance, but she can damage opponents by colliding into them.
Down special Default Gravitational Pull 0% Rosalina waves her wand around herself, mimicking the Star Cursor from Super Mario Galaxy. The wand-waving draws in projectiles, orbiting them around herself and damaging anyone who gets too close, and even vacuums nearby items to Rosalina. Furthermore, any items thrown at Rosalina become her property and are also drawn in beside her, rendering them useless as well. This move can be very good for gimping characters with recoveries that involve projectiles, such as Ness' recovery.
Custom 1 Catch & Release 6% Rosalina's magic sucks in opponents instead of projectiles and items and blows them away when they touch her. Unlike Gravitational Pull, Rosalina can be interrupted while performing the move.
Custom 2 Guardian Luma 3% (growing), 5% (shrinking) Rosalina magically enlarges the Luma to gigantic size to use it as a shield. The Luma also damages nearby foes, but its newfound size wears off fairly quickly.
Final Smash Power Star 3% (small stars), 8% (big star loop), 12% (big star last) Rosalina summons a slowly expanding Power Star to fire stars around it. The Power Star itself can inflict extreme amounts of damage to opponents. Throwing the opponent into the Power Star can cause up to around 250%, potentially turning it into a One-Hit KO.


  • Up Taunt: Rosalina and Luma lean forward and spin, like a planet on its axis; Luma chirps cheerfully
  • Side Taunt: Puts her hand on her hip, leans back, waves her wand and says "Mmm hmm!"; Luma nods his head
  • Down Taunt: Crouches, waves her wand and slowly rises up; Luma dances around

On-Screen Appearance

Rosalina and Luma enter the battlefield through a cloud of galactic dust. Upon entry, it is shown that the dust was from Rosalina's wand.

Idle Animations

  • Leans forward and looks into the distance.
  • Taps her wand in midair.

Victory Fanfare

A slight remix of the orchestrated tune that plays upon collecting a Power Star in Super Mario Galaxy and its sequel. Alternatively, this same tune will play when one first accesses Super Mario Galaxy on its title screen.

Victory Poses

  • Rosalina poses gracefully and says "All right!" while Luma circles her.
  • Luma flies in after Rosalina motions with her wand while giggling.
  • Luma jumps into Rosalina's arms and she catches him.

In Competitive Play

Official Custom Moveset Project

Character Custom sets available
  Rosalina & Luma 2311 2313 2321 2323 2111
2121 2211 2221 1311 2331

Notable players

Gameplay trailer



Rosalina & Luma
    The mysterious Rosalina lives in the Comet Observatory with the Lumas. She first traveled with them in search of their mother. In Smash Bros., Rosalina and Luma can fight in different places at the same time. If you can trap someone between Rosalina and Luma, you'll be able to unleash incredible damage!
    The mysterious Rosalina lives in the Comet Observatory with the Lumas. In Smash Bros., Rosalina and Luma can fight in different places at the same time. If you can trap someone between Rosalina and Luma, you'll be able to unleash incredible damage with their joined attacks!
  Rosalina and the Lumas have been close ever since she travelled the galaxy with one to help the little star find its mother. Now, the commander of the Comet Observatory appears in this game, with her trusty companion fighting alongside her. Their greatest strength is being able to attack together at the same time.
 : Super Mario Galaxy 11/2007
 : Super Mario 3D World 11/2013
Rosalina & Luma (Alt.)
  Rosalina can pull in items and projectiles around her with her Gravitational Pull move. Her up special Launch Star is a diagonal jump and, though harmless, it has exceptional range. You also have some control over Rosalina's trajectory when she uses it.
  With a flick of Rosalina's wand, the move Gravitational Pull draws in items - even ones that are stuck somewhere. Her Launch Star up special is a diagonal jump that can be aimed slightly. It doesn't deal any damage, but it helps you jump higher and stay in the air longer, making it ideal for getting back to the stage easily.
 : Super Mario Galaxy 11/2007
 : Super Mario 3D World 11/2013
Power Star
In Rosalina's Final Smash, she summons a Power Star above her head. It launches fighters who touch it and also fires a barrage of smaller stars in all directions, all the while growing bigger and bigger. Even if Rosalina falls off the stage right after activating it, the Power Star will keep attacking her foes until it finally explodes.

In Event Matches

Solo Events

Co-op Events

Alternate costumes




  • Luma and Mega Man are the only characters in the game to have unique KO animations once having passed the blast-line. Luma's is smaller than other characters, and appears as a burst of colorful stars.
  • In the Smash Bros. Direct released in April, the end sequence featured a little section for each character revealed up until that point. Rosalina & Luma's section is the only section to not feature new footage (it was instead taken from their reveal trailer).
  • At E3 2014 and Smash-Fest, Rosalina & Luma was the only newcomer not available on both demo versions.
  • Rosalina & Luma and Dark Pit are the only characters with a different victory theme that is not a remix of their universe's original victory theme.
  • Rosalina is one of the four characters to use different voice clips when using any of her smash attacks, the other three being Wii Fit Trainer, Roy, and Ryu.
  • When Rosalina successfully grabs an opponent, Luma starts dancing.
  • In the Wii U version, one of the tips about Rosalina's side smash uses masculine pronouns on Luma: "When Luma is behind Rosalina, this attack won't send him charging as far forward as usual.".
  • All of the colors the Luma can appear as represent most of the Lumas that appear in the Super Mario Galaxy series;
    • Yellow Lumas can transform into Launch Stars or Sling Stars. Giant yellow Lumas also appear in Super Mario Galaxy 2.
    • Blue Lumas can transform into Pull Stars.
    • Green Lumas can be found on the Planet of Trials after finding the three Green Power Stars in the first Super Mario Galaxy.
    • A red Luma allows Mario to use the power of the Red Star while on the Comet Observatory and on one of the purple coin missions.
    • Baby Luma, who assists Mario by granting him spinning powers throughout the Super Mario Galaxy series, is uniquely apricot colored.
    • Polari, Rosalina's trusted advisor from the first Super Mario Galaxy, is a dark brown Luma with distinct blue eyes.
  • Rosalina is the tallest female character in the Smash Bros. series and the second-tallest human-esque character behind Ganondorf, as he is practically a head taller than Rosalina.
  • Rosalina is the character with the most amount of nerfs as of Patch 1.1.1 with a total of 17 nerfs.