Super Smash Bros. 4

Fox (SSB4)

Revision as of 04:02, September 1, 2015 by Random37 (talk | contribs)
This article is about Fox's appearance in Super Smash Bros. 4. For the character in other contexts, see Fox McCloud.
in Super Smash Bros. 4
Universe Star Fox
Other playable appearances in SSB
in Melee
in Brawl
Availability Starter
Final Smash Landmaster
Fox (SSB4)

Fox (フォックス, Fox) returns as a playable character in Super Smash Bros. 4. He was one of the characters confirmed to return in the game during the E3 2013 trailers on June 11th, 2013. He was also among the first wave of amiibo figures that are compatible with SSB4.

In Japanese, Fox is once again voiced by Kenji Nojima. In English, instead of being voiced by Jim Walker like in Brawl, he is now voiced by Mike West, his voice actor from Star Fox 64, its 3DS remake and Star Fox Zero.

Changes from Brawl

Fox received a mix of buffs and nerfs in the transition from Brawl to SSB4, but was objectively nerfed overall. Fox's neutral game is less effective, with increased lag on his aerials and weaker laser camping due to the removal of auto-canceling on his Blaster. This means Fox can no longer safely bait as many bad approaches from his opponents. Additionally, some of his finishers (such as up smash and back aerial) have been weakened. One of his most significant nerfs was to his Reflector, which can no longer allow him to stall in the air effectively due to its drastically increased ending lag, and has a much worse launch angle, making it less effective for edgeguarding.

However, Fox benefits from the general changes of SSB4, most notably from the removal of chaingrabbing, which was a major reason for his mid-tier placement in Brawl, and hitstun cancelling, which restores his ability to perform short combos with some of his more versatile attacks, such as his up tilt and neutral aerial. Additionally, while Fox's neutral game was nerfed, it still remains better than most due to his retained mixups and the universal nerf in mobility options. Fox also benefits from a better jab cancel, which can set up KOs more reliably. His recovery has also improved, with Fox Illusion no longer leaving him helpless and Fire Fox traveling farther. Finally, his Reflector was given more knockback and a larger hitbox in update 1.1.0, making it more effective than it was initially. As a result, he is considered to be much better relative to the cast than he was in Brawl.


  •   Due to the new visual aesthetics in SSB4, Fox's overall color scheme is brighter in comparison to his appearance in Brawl. Additionally, his fur is of a higher visual quality than before, much like Donkey Kong's and Diddy Kong's, and his teeth are more pronounced than in previous installments.
  •   Fox's Blaster has a redesigned appearance, and the lasers appear to have a lighter hue to them, being more pink in color.
  •   Landmaster is now light blue instead of dark blue.


  •   Fox is lighter than in Brawl (80 → 79).
  •   Dashing speed is slightly faster (2.08 → 2.184).
  •   Fox's air speed is slightly increased (0.89 → 0.96).
  •   Fox's falling speed is faster (1.831 → 2.05), which makes him more susceptible to combos.
  •   The removal of chain grabbing is a significant benefit for Fox in his match ups against other characters.

Ground attacks

  •   Neutral attack now links into a finisher, and is able to jab cancel into itself, grabs, forward tilts, or up smashes more reliably.
  •   Neutral attack infinite pushes the opponent further away from Fox, making it possible to powershield the finisher at low to middle percents.
  •   Dash attack, up tilt, down tilt, up smash, and forward smash deal 1% less damage (7%/5%, 10%/8%, 9%/7%, 17%, and 15% respectively → 6%/4%, 9%/6%, 8%/6%, 16%, and 14%).
  •   Forward smash is slightly stronger (10 base/96 growth → 20 base/98 growth).
  •   Up smash has lower knockback scaling (96 growth → 94). It also has slightly less horizontal range, less vertical range, and more cooldown (IASA 44 frames → IASA 51 frames).
  •   Down smash has much less base knockback (50 → 30) but higher scaling (65 → 75), making it weaker overall.
  •   Down smash has a different charging animation.

Aerial attacks

  •   Neutral air has an added 2 frames of landing lag (9 → 11).
  •   Forward aerial is harder to SDI out of and is easier to combo into. It can now send opponents at the auto-link angle, which when combined with fast falling in the middle of the attack can lead into a footstool, potentially gimping characters with poor vertical recoveries such as Little Mac, Donkey Kong, and even Charizard.
  •   Forward aerial gives a shorter "hover" effect than in Brawl. It deals drastically less damage (23% → 7%), and can no longer auto-cancel in a short hop. Its start-up is also one frame slower (6 → 7) and has significantly increased landing lag (18 → 27).
  •   Back aerial deals 2% less damage (15% → 13%) making it weaker despite its added knockback growth (85 → 88).
  •   Down aerial deals significantly less damage (21% → 11%), and has significantly more landing lag (12 → 25).
  •   Down aerial no longer weakly meteor smashes with low set knockback, making it easier to connect all hits, but lessens its utility against characters with poor vertical recoveries. It also has a new landing hitbox that weakly sends opponents vertically in the air. It has high hitlag which moderately reduces the significant landing lag of down aerial, but this only works on-hit. It's capable of linking into his up smash or dash attack at high percent.

Throws/other attacks

None of his throws were changed.

Special moves

  •   Blaster shots no longer auto-cancel upon landing and can only be fired twice during the short hop, lessening their utility.
  •   Fox Illusion no longer leaves Fox helpless after the move is performed in the air (though it can still only be used once in the air) and no longer dashes over the edge when used on the ground. It also has less landing lag when used in a short hop (8 frames) as an approach option.
  •   Fox Illusion is one frame slower (20 → 21) and can no longer be shortened, removing its mix up potential.
  •   Aerial Fox Illusion has much less horizontal momentum at the end of the dash.
  •   Fire Fox travels a greater distance, now nearly as much as it does in Melee (NTSC), and deals greater damage when fully connected.
  •   Reflector has far more cooldown and no longer semi-spikes aerial opponents, removing shine spikes entirely. It also deals 3% less damage (5% → 2%).
  •   Reflector can now be canceled with a roll or sidestep when successfully reflecting a projectile.
  •   Landmaster is less powerful and lasts a shorter duration.
  •   Landmaster's cannon can fire while airborne.


  Name Damage Description
Neutral attack   2% Punches twice, then attacks with a flurry of kicks ending in a stronger kick. Prior to update 1.1.0, Fox could lock his opponents with his double jab, allowing for a easy KO.
0.7% (loop), 2% (final hit)
Forward tilt   8% Kicks his leg out. Can be angled up or down with the control stick. Below-average knockback.
Up tilt   9% (clean) or 6% (late) Fox does a fast scorpion kick that covers his back. Excellent for follow-ups, such as down smash, forward aerial, and up aerial.
Down tilt   8% (close), 7%, or 6% (far) Fox swipes at the opponent with his tail.
Dash attack   6% (clean) or 4% (late) Fox jumps slightly off the ground while running and performs a kick.
Forward smash   14% Fox does a spinning jump kick. Has possibly the lowest base knockback in the game for a forward smash, but decent knockback scaling.
Up smash Flip Kick 16% (clean) or 11% (late) Fox flip kicks the opponent, losing strength the farther it is into the animation.
Down smash   14% (feet), 12% (legs) Fox does a split to attack both sides of him.
Neutral aerial   9% (clean) or 6% (late) Fox does a sex kick that loses power the longer it's out. If the weak of auto-canceled nair lands against opponent at high percentage, he can combo into a running up smash for a KO.
Forward aerial   2% (hit 1), 1% (hit 2), 0.6% (hit 3), 0.8% (hit 4), 3% (last hit) Five kicks in succession. Good for building up damage, as foes will "stick" to Fox for the duration of the attack.
Back aerial   13% Fox spins to kick behind himself.
Up aerial   5% (hit 1), 11% (last hit) Fox flips himself upward for a tail whip and follow-up kick. Deals above-average knockback, KOing near the upper blast line starting at 110%
Down aerial   1.4% (hits 1-5), 3% (last hit), 1% (landing hit) A spinning drill kick that hits multiple times in succession.
Pummel   1.2% A quick knee strike.
Forward throw   4% (hit 1), 3% (throw) Fox releases his foe and knocks them away with a punch. Can lead into a dash attack or up smash at low to high percentages if the opponent doesn't DI away or tech. It's also Fox's strongest throw, but it doesn't start KOing until extremely high percentages.
Back throw   2% (throw), 2% (3 lasers each) Fox throws his foe backwards and shoots them with three rapid shots from his blaster.
Up throw   2% (throw), 2% (3 lasers each) Fox throws his foe upwards and fires three rapid shots from his blaster. Can occasionally follow up into up aerial if the opponent's reaction is read.
Down throw   2% (3 lasers each), 1% (throw) Fox forces his foe onto the floor and fires three point-blank shots at them with his blaster. Can link into a neutral or forward air.
Forward roll
Back roll
Spot dodge
Air dodge
Floor attack (front)
Floor getups (front)
  7% Fox does a kick in front and in back.
Floor attack (back)
Floor getups (back)
  7% Fox punches forwards, and kicks backwards.
Floor attack (trip)
Floor getups (trip)
  5% Fox spins around, hitting foes with his tail.
Edge attack
Edge getups
  7% Fox twirls at his opponent, doing a long range kick.
Neutral special Default Blaster 1.4% (far), 2%, or 3% (close) Fox fires his blaster, which can fire rapidly but does not stun the opponent. The lasers lose power as they travel.
Custom 1 Impact Blaster 2% (far), 3%, 4% or 4.3% (close) Fox fires slower blaster shots that deal more damage and knock opponents back. Similar to Fox's old Blaster from Super Smash Bros.
Custom 2 Charge Blaster 10.5% Fox fires a single, powerful laser. Has a slower startup time but has considerable hitstun and good knockback. Less start-up time if used while airborne.
Side special Default Fox Illusion 3% Fox becomes invisible and suddenly dashes through opponents, leaving behind after-images. Fox will send opponents at an upwards angle on contact.
Custom 1 Fox Burst 13% Fox cannot hit opponents with the dash itself, but will generate a large explosion wherever he stops. It can also be used to stall in midair.
Custom 2 Wolf Flash 3% (dash), 9% (end of the move), 10% (sweetspot hitting airborne opponents) Fox dashes at an upwards angle, meteor smashing opponents at a downwards angle if it hits with the sweet spot at the move's end. Based on Wolf's side special move from Brawl.
Up special Default Fire Fox 2% (charging hits 1-7), 14% (clean dash), 8% (late dash) Fox charges up in fire and suddenly launches himself in one of many directions, depending on what direction is held.
Custom 1 Flying Fox 0% A variation that is faster and travels further, but deals no damage.
Custom 2 Twisting Fox 1% (charging hits 1-3), 1.2% (hits 1-7), 2% (last hit) Fox spins rapidly, dragging opponents in as he fires himself off, dealing rapid damage, reminiscent of Fire Wolf. Can KO as low as 60% in the air. Has a very slight decrease in distance to compensate.
Down special Default Reflector 2% (activation), 1.4x damage (reflected projectiles) Fox activates a Reflector around him. All projectiles are deflected and do more damage than they normally would. The Reflector damages nearby foes upon activation.
Custom 1 Big Reflector 1.2x damage (reflected projectiles) A larger Reflector that has a small decrease to the power of reflected projectiles, but it has a slightly larger reflecting hitbox. It pushes back enemies at close range instead of damaging them from the front, and pulls enemies in from the back.
Custom 2 Amplifying Reflector 2.1x damage (reflected projectiles) Has a longer startup time, but doubles the power and speed of reflected projectiles. It cannot deal damage or pushback at close range and does not stall in midair.
Final Smash Landmaster 5% (activation), 5-17% (ram), 13% (turning around), 11% (roll), 12 (landing) 8% (cannon while firing), 15% (cannon projectile) Fox calls in a Landmaster. While piloting it, Fox can drive it around and hover by holding down the jump button. The Landmaster also has many methods of attacking, such as firing the laser cannon and running over foes. Fox's version lasts longer than Falco's, but has a lower air speed.


  • Up: Fox charges fire and himself and says "Here I come!". Looks similar to his up special.
  • Side: Like in Melee, Fox backs up, bends down a bit, and says "Come on!".
  • Down: Fox throws his blaster into the air, then allows it to land back into its holster.

On-Screen Appearance

Ejects from an Arwing.

Victory Fanfare

This victory theme is based upon the main theme of Star Fox 64, most specifically the title screen theme. It is also reminiscent of the music that would play when a mission was completed or accomplished. He shares this with Falco.

Victory Poses

  • Poses with his blaster, saying "Mission complete!"
  • Spins his blaster and puts it in his holster, saying "This is Fox. Returning to base."
    • If Falco is present after a match, he might say "Better luck next time, Falco."
  • Crosses his arms, looks upward, and raises his tail. (His "character chosen" animation and taunt in Super Smash Bros.)

In Competitive Play

Official Custom Moveset Project

Character Custom sets available
  Fox 2132 2332 3132 2122 2322
3322 1131 1331 2131 3131

Notable players

In Event Matches

Solo Events

Co-op Events

Alternate costumes


Update History


  •   Rapid jab combo has less visual whiffs.


  •   Jab's first and second hitbox properties have been altered increasing their knockback and endlag removing his jab lock and weakening his jab cancel.
  •   Jab infinite contains a new hitbox that deals 0.4% appearing on frame 3, linking the infinite better.
  •   Reflector's hitbox duration increased 1 → 2 frames. Its hitbox size and horizontal displacement also increased.
  •   All variations of Blaster have less ending lag by 3 frames.


  Fox is the leader of the mercenary unit Star Fox, often enlisted to defeat the evil Andross. His piloting skills are top notch, but in Smash Bros. he brings speed and fast attacks to the battle. His Reflector move allows him to turn projectile attacks against his foes, increasing their power for a punishing blow.
  Leader of the Star Fox team, Fox is a skilled pilot with a strong sense of justice. In this game, he's quick on his feet and can use his speed to toy with opponents, attacking relentlessly and giving them no room to breathe. Even if they try to attack him from afar with projectiles, his Reflector move just sends them flying right back!
 : Star Fox (03/1993)
 : Star Fox 64 (07/1997)
Fox (Alt.)
  Fox is at home in the air, and many of his moves, like his up smash, Flip Kick, will send foes up there. It's great for KO'ing a damaged opponent. Another handy move is his up special Fire Fox. The flames that surround Fox deal damage to nearby foes, and you can launch yourself in any direction once charged.
  The Flip Kick that Fox does for his upward smash can really send foes flying. It's well worth pulling out this attack in combos against airborne opponents. Try following it up with his red-hot Fire Fox special to hammer them repeatedly. The fact that you an fly in any direction with this move is a real bonus too!
 : Star Fox (03/1993)
 : Star Fox 64 (07/1997)
Landmaster (Fox)
  Originally designed for exploration, the Landmaster in Fox's Final Smash has been converted into an ultra-high-performance, anti-air, rolling combat vehicle. When Fox hops aboard, he can drive or roll into foes and blast them with cannon fire. It can even fire in midair. And best of all, Fox is safe from damage inside this metal beast!
  Originally designed for exploration, the Landmaster in Fox's Final Smash has been converted into an ultra-high-performance, anti-air, rolling combat vehicle. When Fox gets on board, he can drive or roll into foes and blast them with cannon fire. It can even fire in mid-air. And best of all, Fox won't take any damage while inside!



  • Fox's Alt. trophy in the Wii U version resembles his All-Star trophy from Melee. Both of these trophies also use Fox in his green costume.
  • Fox has three English voice actors in both versions of Super Smash Bros. 4. He has Mike West for his battle voice and the Orbital Gate Assault Smash taunts, Jim Walker for the Lylat Cruise Smash taunts, and Steve Malpass for the Corneria Smash taunts.
  • Super Smash Bros. 4 is the only Smash Bros. game where Fox is not holding his blaster in his official art.