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Panther Caroso

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"Panther" redirects here. For the Persona 5 character who uses Panther as a codename, see Ann Takamaki.
For the Canadian smasher, see Panther.
Panther Caroso
Panther Caroso as he appears in Star Fox: Assault.
Universe Star Fox
Debut Star Fox: Assault (2005)
Smash Bros. appearances Brawl
Most recent non-Smash appearance Star Fox Command (2006)
Console/platform of origin Nintendo Gamecube
Species Panther
Gender Male
English voice actor Eric Newsome
Japanese voice actor Tetsu Inada
Article on Lylat Wiki Panther Caroso

Panther Caroso (パンサー・カルロッソ, Panther Calrosso) is a character from the Star Fox series.


Panther first appears in Star Fox: Assault as a new member of the Star Wolf team after both Andrew Oikonny and Pigma Dengar were kicked out. He would formally introduce himself to the Star Fox team before attacking team. Upon defeat, Panther started flirting with Krystal. This would annoy everyone on both teams, but it annoyed Falco especially, who would start an intense rivalry between the two. Panther and the rest of Star Wolf would help Star Fox during the Aparoid invasion. He acted nonchalantly throughout the entire battle, getting the most distressed when he noticed his favorite restaurant was destroyed. Still, he managed to distract the aparoids, which gave team Star Fox enough time to save the day.

Later, during the events of Star Fox: Command, bounties were put on the heads of Star Wolf members, Panther included. Depending on the various endings, Panther could either live on the run, be turned in for the reward, get together with Krystal, be treated as a hero of the Lylat system, or a combination of these outcomes.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl[edit]

As a background character[edit]

Panther appears as part of the Lylat Cruise Smash Taunt.


Panther Caroso's trophy in Brawl
Panther Caroso
The newest member of the Star Wolf team, rivals of Team Star Fox. A show-off who often embarrasses his teammates, he considers himself quite the ladies' cat and can hardly contain himself from making passes at attractive females, including Krystal, who he's clearly smitten with. Panther's trademark is a red rose. All things said, he's still a highly skilled pilot.
GameCube: Star Fox: Assault
Nintendo DS: Star Fox Command


Name Game Effect Fighter(s)
Panther Star Fox Command AttackEnergy+009Energy (type) Attack +9 All charactersRandomHeadSSBB.png
Panther Star Fox: Assault AttackTail+018Tail (type) Attack +18 Fox Falco Wolf Fox (SSBB)Falco (SSBB)Wolf (SSBB)
Brawl Sticker Panther (Star Fox Command).png
(Star Fox Command)
Brawl Sticker Panther (Star Fox Assault).png
(Star Fox: Assault)

In Super Smash Bros. 4[edit]

As a background character[edit]

Panther as seen in the Lylat Cruise smash taunt during a battle between Fox and Mega Man in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.

Panther reprises his role as part of the Lylat Cruise Smash Taunt.


Panther appears as a trophy in both versions of the game.

Panther Caroso's trophy in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
Panther Caroso's trophy in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Panther Caroso
NTSC This Star Wolf pilot's flying skills are as stunning as you'd expect, but the cheesy lines are what you'll really remember. He's constantly flirting with women, and the rose he holds adds an extra touch of swagger. His feelings for Krystal seem genuine, but who knows where that will lead.
GameCube: Star Fox: Assault (02/2005)
Nintendo DS: Star Fox Command (08/2006)
PAL This Star Wolf pilot's flying skills are as stunning as you'd expect, but the cheesy lines he spouts are what will really leave you reeling. He's constantly flirting with women, and the rose he holds adds an extra touch of self-important swagger. His feelings for Krystal do seem genuine, but who knows if it'll ever amount to anything?
GameCube: Star Fox: Assault (04/2005)
Nintendo DS: Star Fox Command (01/2007)

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[edit]

As a background character[edit]

Panther reprises his role in the Lylat Cruise Smash Taunt.


No. Image Name Type Class Slots Base Power Max Power Base Attack Max Attack Base Defense Max Defense Ability Series
SSBU spirit Panther Caroso.png
Panther Caroso
1 1000 5000 655 3275 345 1725 No Effect Star Fox Series

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name
Japan Japanese パンサー, Panther
UK English Panther Caroso
France French Panther Caroso
Germany German Panther Caroso
Spain Spanish Panther Caroso
Italy Italian Panther Caroso
China Chinese Panther Caroso
South Korea Korean 팬서, Panther
Netherlands Dutch Panther Caroso
Russia Russian Пантер Карозо