Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Jigglypuff (SSBU)

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This article is about Jigglypuff's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. For the character in other contexts, see Jigglypuff.
in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Jigglypuff SSBU.png
Universe Pokémon
Other playable appearances in SSB
in Melee
in Brawl
in SSB4
Availability Unlockable
Final Smash Puff Up
Jigglypuff (SSBU)
Jigglypuff can jump 5 times in the air and can move faster in the air than on the ground. Use Jigglypuff's great aerial ability to overwhelm your opponent! If you manage to land the down special Rest, you can powerfully launch your opponent.
Super Smash Blog, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Official Site

Jigglypuff (プリン, Purin) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It was confirmed on June 12th, 2018. Jigglypuff is classified as fighter #12.

As with previous games, Rachael Lillis's portrayal of Jigglypuff from 64 has been repurposed for the English version of Ultimate; Mika Kanai, Jigglypuff's voice actress from previous games and the Pokémon anime, reprises her role in the Japanese version with new voice clips. Virginie Demians and Dina Kuerten's portrayals of Jigglypuff from Brawl were repurposed for the French and German versions, respectively.

How to unlock

Complete one of the following:

  • Play VS. matches, with Jigglypuff being the 15th character to be unlocked.
  • Clear Classic Mode with Kirby or any character in his unlock tree, being the second character unlocked after Ness.
  • Have Jigglypuff join the player's party in World of Light.

With the exception of the third method, Jigglypuff must then be defeated on Saffron City.

Changes from Super Smash Bros. 4

Jigglypuff is infamous for being one of the worst characters in the two previous games, especially in SSB4, where it's widely accepted to be the very worst. Because of this, Jigglypuff has been significantly buffed in the transition to Ultimate. Most notable direct changes are to its aerial attacks, having greatly reduced landing lag. This combined with its even higher airspeed allows Jigglypuff to flow its aerial attacks into another, significantly improving its combos and damage output. In addition, Pound has less endlag than in SSB4 giving it combo potential as well as helping with vertical recovery, and Rest is now interruptible significantly earlier, being 20 frames fewer than previous games, and an additional 25 frames earlier if it connects. In addition, Sing is notably faster with more range, along with being much harder to mash out of, potentially making it a viable tool for the first time in the series, although it still remains very risky and easily punishable.

Some of the biggest buffs to Jigglypuff, however, come from the reworked game mechanics in Ultimate. Changes to air dodges greatly improve Jigglypuff's ability to use its aerial kit much more efficiently, and notably regaining its strong edgeguarding capabilities. This combined with its improved aerials and mobility allows Jigglypuff to perform techniques like its renowned Wall of Pain more effectively. In addition, Jigglypuff arguably benefits the most from the weakening of the rage mechanic, which slightly improves Jigglypuff's otherwise abysmal endurance.

However, Jigglypuff did receive some minor nerfs in return. Its already terrible grab game was made even worse in Ultimate, as its grab is even slower and some throws deal less damage. While the changes to air dodges overall benefit Jigglypuff, they also make Jigglypuff more vulnerable in the air and makes its ability to avoid juggling even worse. In addition, being unable to pass through other fighters while running means that Rest is much harder to land via running into opponents, limiting its options slightly.

In addition, while Jigglypuff's combo and aerial game are significantly improved, many of its primary flaws that existed in previous games before SSB4 are still present in Ultimate. Jigglypuff is still extremely light and floaty, making it very easy to KO, especially vertically. Furthermore, while improved somewhat, Jigglypuff still has a poor ground game, with poor range, terrible ground mobility, no projectile and one of the worst grab games of any character (now being even worse than in SSB4), with slow, short-reaching grab and throws that are incapable of KOing or comboing. In addition, even with buffs, Rollout still has the same issues as before, being a very gimmicky move, and while Sing is significantly improved, it is still situational. Finally, Ultimate includes significantly more viable swordfighters and zoners compared to previous games, both archetypes that Jigglypuff still struggles against, meaning that Jigglypuff still suffers from numerous unfavorable matchups.

Overall, Jigglypuff's buffs greatly outweigh its nerfs, and in result is significantly more effective than in Brawl and SSB4, becoming once again a proper glass cannon. However, it still notably falls behind when compared to its appearance in Melee. While Jigglypuff's positive traits have been notably improved from its previous appearances, they still aren't nearly as ridiculous as in Melee, while its drawbacks still remains mostly the same compared to its previous appearances. Because of this, Jigglypuff has somewhat mixed competitive reception. While it's no longer considered to be one of the worst characters in the game, many top professional players still rank Jigglypuff as a low-tier or mid-low tier character. While significantly better than in SSB4, Jigglypuff's tournament representation in Ultimate is still rather low. However, Arika has achieved moderately decent results in Japan, and Hungrybox, while not taking Ultimate as seriously, has had close games with other top professional players. This indicates that Jigglypuff might have at least some kind of potential, so its viability is up to debate.


  • Change As with all veterans returning from SSB4, Jigglypuff's model features a more subdued color scheme. It more closely resembles its appearance in recent mainline Pokémon titles as a result. Only its irises have retained some of their vibrancy, and they are more detailed than they were previously.
  • Change Jigglypuff is slightly more expressive, using a wider variety of expressions rather than simply smiling or looking surprised.
  • Change The animation where Jigglypuff looks back is an idle pose rather than being a part of its main animation, although it reuses its idle animation from past games when holding a small item.
  • Change Jigglypuff's ears fold slightly inward when using Rollout or Rest.
  • Change Jigglypuff has an altered airdodge animation, where it poses more gracefully during the ending lag.
  • Change Side taunt is much faster; over twice as fast. Up taunt is also slightly faster.
  • Change Jigglypuff has two new victory poses. In one, it jumps twice, spins around, and assumes a pose similar to its render from SSB4. In the other, it runs into the scene, does a backflip, and assumes a pose similar to its official art from Pokémon Yellow Version. It retains the victory pose where it falls asleep.
  • Change Jigglypuff has new walking animations. Its slow walking animation is now a tiptoe similar to its running animation, while its standard walking animation faces more toward the screen.


  • Buff Like all characters, Jigglypuff's jumpsquat animation takes 3 frames to complete (down from 6).
  • Buff Jigglypuff runs faster (1.155 → 1.271).
    • Buff Jigglypuff's initial dash is faster (1.4 → 1.65).
  • Buff Jigglypuff walks slightly faster (0.7 → 0.735).
  • Buff Jigglypuff's air speed is faster (1.269 → 1.332).
  • Change Jigglypuff's traction is higher (0.0718 → 0.087), but is much lower relative to the roster, going from the second highest traction in SSB4 to being tied for the 65th–66th lowest traction in Ultimate.
  • Change Jigglypuff's full hop grants slightly less height. This makes it more reliable for hitting opponents at ground level, but reduces its utility for vertical followups.
  • Nerf Forward roll grants less intangibility (frames 4-17 → 4-15).
  • Nerf Back roll has slower startup with less intangibility (frames 4-17 → 5-16), and more ending lag (FAF 31 → 36).
  • Buff Spot dodge has less startup (frame 4 → 3) and ending lag (FAF 29 → 27).
  • Nerf Spot dodge grants less intangibility (frames 4-19 → 3-17).
  • Buff Air dodge grants more intangibility (frames 4-29 → 4-32).
  • Nerf Air dodge has significantly more ending lag (FAF 35 → 75), becoming the slowest air dodge in the game by a wide margin. This makes it much more punishable, and removes its former ability to bait approaches in combination with Jigglypuff's floatiness and fast aerial movement.
  • Buff The changes to air dodges significantly improve the effectiveness of Jigglypuff's aerial attacks, making them much harder to avoid. Thanks to this, Jigglypuff regains a large part of its edgeguarding capabilities.
    • Buff Additionally, the reintroduction of directional air dodges further improve Jigglypuff's recovery, granting it additional distance after having used up all jumps.
  • Buff Jigglypuff arguably benefits most from the weakening of the rage mechanic, increasing its endurance.

Ground Attacks

  • Neutral attack:
    • Buff The first hit transitions into the second hit faster (frame 9 → 7).
    • Buff The second hit launches at a lower angle that is consistent throughout and deals more knockback, increasing its efficiency in keeping opponents away.
    • Change The first hit has altered angles and knockback to keep opponents close to Jigglypuff, akin to other neutral attacks. This allows it to connect better into the second hit, and restores its jab lock ability from previous games, but hinders its jab cancel setups.
  • Forward tilt:
    • Buff Forward tilt has less ending lag (FAF 28 → 25). Combined with the increased shieldstun for tilt attacks, this makes it safer on shield.
    • Nerf Jigglypuff's foot doesn't stretch as much during the attack, reducing its range.
  • Up tilt:
    • Nerf Up tilt has one frame more ending lag (FAF 24 → 25).
  • Down tilt:
    • Buff Down tilt has increased knockback scaling (55 → 68), now allowing it to KO under 200% from the center of Final Destination.
  • Dash attack:
    • Buff Dash attack's clean hit has increased base knockback (16 → 57), with its knockback scaling compensated (100 → 83). This improves its safety on hit at low percents while keeping its KO ability at high percents.
    • Buff The clean hit has a larger hitbox (5.0u → 5.5u) and better hitbox placement, giving it more range.
    • Nerf The clean hit has a shorter duration (frames 5-9 → 5-7) with the late hit lasting longer instead (frames 10-20 → 8-20).
    • Nerf The late hit has less knockback scaling (100 → 83) with no base knockback compensation, making it weaker.
    • Change It has a new animation where Jigglypuff's face is angled toward the screen with its limbs more elegantly spread.
  • Forward smash:
    • Buff Forward smash deals more damage (15% → 16% (clean), 12% → 14% (late)) with its knockback growth not fully compensated (115 → 110), improving its KO potential.
    • Change The animations of both the charge and execution of the move have changed. Jigglypuff charges it by holding its foot behind itself, then swiftly swings its foot around to execute a roundhouse kick, similar to Kirby.
  • Up smash:
    • Buff Up smash deals more damage (14%/12% → 15%) with its knockback growth somewhat compensated (105 → 100).
    • Buff Up smash no longer has a sourspot.
    • Change While the hitbox placement is better, the size of the hitbox has been reduced (7.2u → 6.0u).
  • Down smash:
    • Change The changes to the 0° launch angle cause the attack's angle to increase at higher percents.
    • Buff Down smash has much greater knockback scaling (69 → 99), likely to compensate for the increased angle.
    • Buff Down smash has a more active hitbox (2 → 3 frames).

Aerial attacks

  • Buff All aerials have less landing lag (15 frames → 9 (neutral, forward, up), 18 → 11 (back), 30 → 15 (down)).
  • Neutral aerial:
    • Buff Neutral aerial's clean hit now uses an extended hitbox with better placement and reach (8u → 10u displacement).
  • Forward aerial:
    • Buff Forward aerial has better hitbox placement and reach (9u → 10u displacement).
  • Back aerial:
    • Buff Back aerial has less startup lag (frame 12 → 10) and a reduced total duration (FAF 40 → 38).
    • Buff It auto-cancels earlier (frame 28 → 26).
    • Nerf Back aerial launches at a higher angle (40 → 42), weakening its KO potential slightly.
    • Change It turns Jigglypuff around after its use, even when landing with the move, akin to Marth's back aerial. This hampers its use as a neutral walling move, but increases its potential for combos and mixups into other moves.
  • Up aerial:
    • Buff Up aerial has less ending lag (FAF 45 → 40).
  • Down aerial:
    • Nerf Jigglypuff can no longer jump out of a full hopped down aerial onstage, due to its lower full hop height, making it harder to follow up.
    • Change The final hit launches at a higher angle (42 → 45).

Throws and other attacks

  • Grabs:
    • Nerf All grabs have more ending lag (FAF 27 → 33 (standing), 33 → 40 (dash), 32 → 35 (pivot)).
    • Nerf Dash and pivot grabs have more startup (frame 8 → 9 (dash), 9 → 10 (pivot)).
  • Pummel:
    • Change Jigglypuff has a new pummel: it kicks opponents with one foot instead of slapping them.
    • Buff Pummel deals more hitlag (5 frames → 14), but has significantly less startup (frame 10 → 1) and ending lag (FAF 21 → 7), shortening its duration.
    • Nerf It deals much less damage (3% → 1.3%).
  • Forward throw:
    • Buff Forward throw launches at a more desirable angle for edgeguarding (55° → 50°), and deals slightly more base knockback (100 → 103).
  • Change Back throw and up throw are no longer weight-dependent.
  • Up throw:
    • Buff Up throw has less ending lag (FAF 42 → 38).
    • Nerf It deals less damage (10% → 8%), although with its base knockback somewhat compensated (110 → 130).
  • Down throw:
    • Buff Down throw's first hit deals more damage (4% → 6%; 10% → 12% total).
    • Change Down throw has more base knockback (100 → 105), and a lower launch angle (80 → 75).
  • Edge attack:
    • Buff Edge attack deals more damage (6% → 8%).

Special moves

  • Rollout:
    • Buff Rollout deals more damage (6%-14% → 10%-20%), with its knockback not fully compensated, increasing its KO potential.
    • Buff Its rebound animation is much faster.
    • Buff It has greatly reduced ending lag on hit (FAF 73 → 53).
    • Buff When using an uncharged Rollout, Jigglypuff will only roll once, significantly speeding up the animation.
    • Buff Jigglypuff is able to move after hitting an opponent with Rollout in the air, like in Brawl, preventing it from self-destructing if the move is landed offstage.
      • Buff Additionally, Jigglypuff can grab ledges during this state.
    • Nerf Grass terrain no longer allows for faster turning while using Rollout, however ice terrain still prevents turning.
    • Nerf Rollout can no longer be held indefinitely, it will be unleashed automatically one second after it becomes fully charged.
    • Bug fix An unknown bug may cause the rebound to send Jigglypuff much higher, cause it to fall slower, and prevent sideways movement.
  • Pound:
    • Buff Pound has less ending lag (FAF 46 → 40), allowing for true combos into other moves, including Rest.
    • Buff It has more range when used in the air.
    • Nerf Jigglypuff can no longer accelerate in the air during the startup of Pound, making consecutive Pounds to recover much less effective.
  • Sing:
    • Buff All of Sing's hits have less startup lag (hit 1: frame 29 → 27, hit 2: 73 → 61, hit 3: 122 → 100).
    • Buff It has significantly less ending lag (FAF 180 → 150).
    • Buff It has slightly more range.
    • Buff Sing is harder to mash out of. Because of this, opponents no longer wake up before Jigglypuff can act.
    • Buff Jigglypuff can move slightly while using Sing in the air.
  • Rest:
    • Buff Rest has significantly less ending lag, especially if the move hits (FAF 230 → 210 (miss), 187 (hit)), reducing the risk of respawning opponents punishing Jigglypuff after getting KOed by the move.
      • Buff This makes it possible to recover back to the ledge after landing Rest offstage, albeit with significant risk of being edgeguarded.
    • Buff Its hitbox size has been increased (3.4 → 3.8).
    • Nerf Due to the altered jostle mechanics preventing characters from running through each other, Rest can no longer hit most characters out of a walk or run.
    • Change Rest triggers Special Zoom upon connecting.
  • Puff Up:
    • Change Puff Up is much faster than the previous games. When it ends, Jigglypuff aesthetically "pops", and then deflates to normal size, mimicking a balloon. Jigglypuff additionally shrinks considerably faster at the end. It also has an angry expression while inflating, resembling the face the Jigglypuff from the anime makes when someone falls asleep after it sings.
    • Buff The damage of Puff Up, previously 17% in a single hit, has been split into two hits that deal 10% and 25% damage, respectively.

Update History

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 2.0.0

  • Buff Forward tilt has less ending lag (FAF 28 → 25).
  • Buff Down tilt deals more knockback.
  • Buff Up smash's sourspot deals as much damage as the sweetspot (13% → 15%).
  • Buff Back aerial has less startup lag (frame 12 → 10), with its total duration reduced as well (FAF 40 → 38).
  • Buff Forward throw launches at a more desirable angle for edgeguarding (55° → 45°).
  • Buff The Final Smash Meter version of Puff Up has a higher knockback multiplier (x0.815 → x0.92).

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 3.0.0

  • Buff Puff Up has a bigger pushbox while growing.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 3.1.0

  • Buff Neutral attack 1 connects into neutral attack 2 more reliably.
  • Buff Neutral attack 2 has more range.


Note: All numbers are listed as base damage, without the 1v1 multiplier.

  Name Damage Description
Neutral attack   3% Jigglypuff performs two alternating punches. Both hits can lock, but the second hit will fail at percentages greater than 3%.
Forward tilt   10% A roundhouse kick. It can be angled, and can lock at low percents.
Up tilt   9% (clean), 8% (late) A scorpion kick. Unless the opponent has a tall hurtbox, this move will fail to hit anyone in front of Jigglypuff. Can combo into itself or an up aerial at low percents.
Down tilt   10% A crouching shin kick. Launches opponents at a semi-spike angle, making it a good tool for spacing.
Dash attack Jiggly Ram 12% (clean), 8% (late) Leaps off the ground and attacks with a lunging headbutt.
Forward smash   16% (clean), 14% (late) Holds its foot behind itself and then attacks with a lunging roundhouse kick. Can lock at low percentages.
Up smash   15% An upwards headbutt.
Down smash Jiggly Split 11% A spinning split kick. Grants intangibility on Jigglypuff's feet (frames 10-12). Opponents with high damage are launched at a higher angle.
Neutral aerial   11% (clean), 6% (late) A flying kick. It is a sex kick with a long-lasting late hitbox. One of Jigglypuff's best moves, as it is very safe and has decent knockback when sweetspotted. Commonly used to block opponents from reaching the edge.
Forward aerial   9% (clean), 6% (late) A dropkick. Somewhat weak knockback, but good for spacing. Has a lingering hitbox (though it does not as last as long as neutral aerial's hitbox), while its late hitbox can combo into Rest. Autocancels, but only if quickly inputted after a short hop.
Back aerial   13% A spinning back kick. This causes Jigglypuff to turn around, similar to Marth's back air. This move is Jigglypuff's slowest aerial, and it lacks a lingering hitbox unlike its other aerials, but has strong knockback and good range while still being reasonably quick, making it a potent finisher.
Up aerial   9% Waves its arm in an overhead arcing motion. Good for juggling, and can be used to initiate combos if it hits an opponent just before Jigglypuff lands.
Down aerial   1.5% (hits 1-8), 2% (hit 9) A diagonal corkscrew dropkick. Good out of shield option and somewhat effective as an anti-juggling option. It is slightly less unsafe than in the previous game with 15 frames of landing lag (halved from 30), but should still be used cautiously.
Grab   Reaches out. Its overall grab range is short, and possesses moderate endlag if whiffed.
Pummel   1.3% Kicks the opponent.
Forward throw 5% (hit 1), 5% (throw) Puffs up once to launch the opponent forward. Despite its moderate knockback, its KO potential is abysmal. Instead, it is much more effective for setting up edgeguards due to its low endlag.
Back throw 10% A German suplex. Like its forward throw, this move is useful for setting up edgeguards.
Up throw 8% Spins once to fling the opponent upward, leaving a trail of sparkles. Has high base knockback, but is offset by its low growth.
Down throw 6% (hit 1), 6% (throw) Pins the opponent to the ground and then rolls back and forth on their back, which launches them upward.
Forward roll
Back roll
Spot dodge
Air dodge
Floor attack (front)
Floor getups (front)
  7% Spins around to kick in front of itself and behind itself.
Floor attack (back)
Floor getups (back)
  7% Kicks in front of itself and behind itself.
Floor attack (trip)
Floor getups (trip)
  5% Spins on the ground, kicking on both sides.
Edge attack
Edge getups
8% Performs a flipping kick while climbing up the stage.
Neutral special Rollout 10% (minimally charged), 20% (fully charged) Rolls forward to slam into the opponent. Its power, range, and speed can be increased by holding the special button. It cannot be held indefinitely, however, and will automatically release a little bit after it reaches max charge. When fully charged, it does quite a bit of shield damage. If not charged until Jigglypuff glows, it will harmlessly roll once. On the ground, Rollout's direction can be changed mid-roll, which deals no damage until the turn is complete; in the air, pressing left or right will alter Jigglypuff's roll speed. When Rollout is fully charged, Jigglypuff will voice its name and briefly flash. Hitting a non-shielding opponent will cause Jigglypuff to rebound, which renders it unable to do anything else, apart from shifting its direction, until it lands or is hit. It can, however, control its direction during the rebound. This makes Rollout dangerous to use off-stage or at an edge, since the rebound will cause Jigglypuff to spin helplessly as it descends to the lower blast line. It can grab edges during the rebound, but it's still unsafe, especially if Rollout is perfect shielded.
Side special Pound 11% Rears its arm back and then throws a punch, taking a step forward. Deals moderate knockback, though unable to KO at realistic percents. Its momentum moves Jigglypuff sideways (which can be slightly shifted upwards by pushing the control stick up immediately after the input), making it one of the two special moves it can use to recover. It also does a high amount of shield damage and has a surprisingly large, long-lasting hitbox that doesn't lose power.
Up special Sing 0% Sings a song that puts nearby opponents to sleep. The more damaged opponents are, the longer they will sleep, making them open for a followup attack, most notably Rest. Jigglypuff can sweetspot ledges during the entire move, allowing Sing to set up a punish from a ledge. However, the song is short-ranged, consists of three brief pauses, and leaves Jigglypuff itself slightly vulnerable to being attacked. Unlike typical up specials, Sing does not grant any vertical distance, but it does retain slight mobility .
Down special Rest 20% (move), 1% (flower loop) Falls asleep, dealing a single hard hit to any opponents directly touching Jigglypuff. It has almost no start-up lag (1 frame) and deals an extreme amount of vertical knockback if landed, and benefits from rage, due to possessing very high base knockback. It also puts a flower on the opponent's head that deals continuous damage. If Rest lands, Jigglypuff will be able to act as soon as its eyes open, making it somewhat hard to punish. It takes it slightly longer to act if it whiffs; after it opens its eyes, but before it shakes itself. Jigglypuff gains invincibility for a few frames when the move is used (before its eyes close) which can initially prevent counterattacks from hitting Jigglypuff, though this is detrimental due to the move's extreme ending lag.
Final Smash Puff Up 10% (hit 1), 25% (hit 2) Rapidly inflates itself to a gargantuan size and launches all opponents near it horizontally while saying "Jiggly!" before "popping" and quickly deflating back to its normal size. Jigglypuff's size is so great when inflating that its body completely takes up smaller stages and even some medium-sized ones, making it difficult to escape. There are two hitboxes, with the second one dealing more damage and knockback than the first.

Victory poses

  • Jumps twice, twirls, and poses similar to its official SSB4 render.
  • Runs into the scene, almost loses its balance, then backflips and poses. Its final pose is similar to its artwork in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen Versions.
  • Sleeps and then suddenly wakes up, continuing to drift in and out of consciousness.
A small excerpt of the title theme of Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green Versions, a track which would go on to become the Pokémon main theme and the title theme for the entire series.

In competitive play

Notable players

Classic Mode: All Original, All 64

Jigglypuff fights the cast of the original Super Smash Bros.. The order of the battles are in the same order as the 1P Game from the original Super Smash Bros. Samus is teamed up with Yoshi, and Fox is teamed up with Kirby, due to the fact that Planet Zebes and Sector Z did not return in Ultimate.

Round Opponent Stage Music
1 Link Link (SSBU) Hyrule Castle Overworld Theme - The Legend of Zelda (64)
2 Mario Mario (SSBU) Peach's Castle Ground Theme - Super Mario Bros. (64)
3 Yoshi Yoshi (SSBU) and Samus Samus (SSBU) Super Happy Tree Yoshi's Story (64)
4 Kirby Kirby (SSBU) and Fox Fox (SSBU) Dream Land Gourmet Race (64)
5 Pikachu Pikachu (SSBU) Saffron City Main Theme - Pokémon Red & Pokémon Blue (64)
6 Luigi Luigi (SSBU), Ness Ness (SSBU), Captain Falcon Captain Falcon (SSBU), and Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU) Battlefield Final Destination - Super Smash Bros. If the player selects the 6th costume, the CPU Jigglypuff uses the default Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU).
Bonus Stage
Final Giant Donkey Kong Donkey Kong (SSBU) Kongo Jungle (Ω form) Jungle Level (64)

Note: Every stage (except for Battlefield) and the tracks they play are all from Super Smash Bros.. Due to Planet Zebes and Sector Z being the only N64 stages that didn't return, Samus and Fox are paired with Yoshi and Kirby, respectively. Giant Donkey Kong is considered as Jigglypuff's final boss instead of Master Hand, despite the fact that Master Hand was the final boss in the original Super Smash Bros.. Most likely to reference how Giant Donkey Kong was initially a unique character in the series at one point, being used as a mini-boss for Classic Mode and considered independent from Donkey Kong, similar to Metal Mario before the Super Mushroom and Metal Box became items.

Credits roll after completing Classic Mode. Completing it as Jigglypuff has Pokémon Center - Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue accompany the credits.

Role in World of Light

Finding Jigglypuff in World of Light

Although Jigglypuff does not appear in the World of Light opening cutscene, it was vaporized and later imprisoned alongside the rest of the fighters (sans Kirby) when Galeem unleashed his beams of light.

Jigglypuff can be found in a green area at the east of a metropolis early by taking Sheik's route, and to reach it, the player must either cross a bridge or circle through a lake.

Fighter Battle

No. Image Name Type Power Stage Music
Jigglypuff SSBU.png
Jigglypuff Shield 3,300 Mushroom Kingdom U (Ω form) Road to Viridian City - Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue



Jigglypuff's Fighter Spirit can be obtained by completing Classic Mode. It is also available periodically for purchase in the shop for 500 coins. Unlocking Jigglypuff in World of Light allows the player to preview the spirit below in the Spirit List under the name "???". As a Fighter Spirit, it cannot be used in Spirit Battles and is purely aesthetic. Each Fighter Spirit has an alternate version that replaces them with their artwork in Ultimate.

In Spirit battles

As the main opponent

Spirit Battle parameters
No. Image Name Series Enemy Fighter(s) Type Power Stage Rules Conditions Music
Rock mario.png
Rock Mario Super Mario series •Metal Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
4,200 Mario Galaxy (Battlefield form) N/A •The enemy's neutral special has increased power
•The enemy favors neutral specials
•The enemy is metal
Melty Monster
SPI-Big Urchin.png
Big Urchin Super Mario series •Giant Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
3,800 Mushroom Kingdom U (Battlefield form) •Item: Unira •The enemy is giant
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
Ground Theme / Underwater Theme - Super Mario 3D Land
The Odyssey Super Mario series •Giant Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
4,400 Rainbow Cruise •Hard to Launch •Timed battle
•The enemy is hard to launch
•The enemy shields often
Fossil Falls
Wind fish.png
Wind Fish The Legend of Zelda series •Giant Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
13,800 Temple (Battlefield form) •Flowery
•Hazard: Slumber Floor
•The floor is sleep-inducing
•You constantly take minor damage
•The enemy is giant
Tal Tal Heights
Pitch Kirby series Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
1,800 Green Greens (hazards off) N/A •Only certain Pokémon will emerge from Poké Balls (Fletchling)
•The enemy loves to jump
Forest Stage
338 ChuChu Kirby series Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
2,400 Dream Land •Hazard: Sticky Floor •The floor is sticky Planet Popstar
344 Gryll Kirby series Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
1,700 Green Greens (Battlefield form) •Item: Warp Star •The enemy is easily distracted by items Green Greens (Melee)
429 Clefairy Pokémon series Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
1,800 Magicant •Hazard: Screen Flip •The screen will suddenly flip after a little while Pokémon Center - Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue
449 Chansey Pokémon series Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
3,800 Pokémon Stadium •Health Recovery Stamina battle
•The enemy is healed after a little while
Pokémon Center - Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue
452 Goldeen Pokémon series Jigglypuff Team Jigglypuff (SSBU) (×4)
1,400 Delfino Plaza •Hazard: High Gravity •All fighters have reduced jump power
•Only certain Pokémon will emerge from Poké Balls (Goldeen)
Road to Viridian City - Pokémon Red / Pokémon Blue
469 Bellossom Pokémon series Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
1,800 Yoshi's Island (Battlefield form) •Item: Lip's Stick •Only certain Pokémon will emerge from Poké Balls (Bellossom)
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
Pokémon Gold / Pokémon Silver Medley
Miltank Spirit.png
Miltank Pokémon series Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
1,700 Gaur Plain (Battlefield form) N/A •The enemy's neutral special has increased power
•The enemy favors neutral specials
Pokémon Gold / Pokémon Silver Medley
Meloetta Spirit.png
Meloetta (Aria Forme) Pokémon series Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU) (×4)
9,500 Prism Tower (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Slumber Floor •The floor is sleep-inducing
•The enemy favors neutral specials
•Only certain Pokémon will emerge from Poké Balls (Meloetta)
N's Castle
Winged Pikmin Pikmin series •Tiny Jigglypuff Team Jigglypuff (SSBU) (×12)
2,000 Garden of Hope (Ω form) •Item: Screw Attack •Timed Stamina battle
•The enemy favors neutral air attacks
•Reinforcements will appear after an enemy is KO'd
Garden of Hope (Original)
850 Celeste Animal Crossing series Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
3,800 Smashville N/A •The enemy favors down specials Outdoors at 7 p.m. (Sunny) / Main Street - Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Lottie Spirit.png
Lottie Animal Crossing series Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
1,700 Tomodachi Life •Item: Hammer •The enemy starts the battle with a Drill
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
House Preview
Tatsu Xenoblade Chronicles series Jigglypuff Team Jigglypuff (SSBU) (×4)
2,500 Gaur Plain (Battlefield form) Assist Trophy Enemies (Riki) •Hostile assist trophies will appear Gaur Plain
Tora Xenoblade Chronicles series Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
Daisy Daisy (SSBU)
3,400 Gaur Plain N/A Stamina battle
•The enemy's shield has extra durability
Battle!! - Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Starly Spirit.png
Starly The Legendary Starfy series Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
3,800 Tortimer Island (Battlefield form) •Temporary Invincibility •The enemy will occasionally be invincible after a little while Tortimer Island Medley
1,196 The Chorus Kids Rythm Heaven series Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU) (×3)
9,100 Wii Fit Studio N/A •The enemy favors up specials
•The enemy is giant
•The enemy has increased attack power
Monkey Watch
Mallo Pushmo Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
9,100 Paper Mario •Sudden Final Smash •The enemy will suddenly have a Final Smash when the enemy's at high damage
•The enemy favors grabs and throws
Welcome Center

As a minion

Spirit Battle parameters Inspiration
No. Image Name Series Enemy Fighter(s) Type Power Stage Rules Conditions Music Character
198 Darunia The Legend of Zelda series Donkey Kong Donkey Kong (SSBU)
Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU) (×8)
1,400 Gerudo Valley (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Lava Floor •Defeat the main fighter to win
•The floor is lava
•The enemy starts the battle with a Hammer
Hidden Mountain & Forest Goron
690 Ball Game & Watch series Mr. Game & Watch Mr. Game & Watch (SSBU)
Pac-Man Pac-Man (SSBU)
Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
Kirby Kirby (SSBU)
3,900 Flat Zone X (hazards off) •Item: Balls •The enemy favors grabs and throws
•The enemy's throwing type items have increased power
Flat Zone 2 Ball
948 Ghosts Pac-Man series Kirby Kirby (SSBU)
Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
Squirtle Squirtle (SSBU)
Pac-Man Pac-Man (SSBU)
3,500 Pac-Land (Battlefield form) Assist Trophy Enemies (Ghosts) •Hostile assist trophies will appear PAC-MAN Pinky
Lip Panel de Pon series Mii Swordfighter Mii Swordfighter (SSBU) (Lip Wig, Lip Outfit)
Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)
9,200 Garden of Hope •Flowery
•Item: Lip's Stick
•Defeat the main fighter to win
•You constantly take minor damage
•The enemy starts the battle with a Lip's Stick
Lip's Theme - Panel de Pon Watabou the Fluffy or Furifuri the Rabbit

Alternate costumes

Alternate costume (SSBU)
Jigglypuff (SSBU) Jigglypuff (SSBU) Jigglypuff (SSBU) Jigglypuff (SSBU) Jigglypuff (SSBU) Jigglypuff (SSBU) Jigglypuff (SSBU) Jigglypuff (SSBU)


Character Showcase Video


  • Jigglypuff is the only character who travels to Super Happy Tree in Classic Mode.
  • Jigglypuff is the only unlockable character to be fought in a Smash 64 stage.
  • Ultimate is the first game since Smash 64 to have Jigglypuff's stock icon not include its hands or feet.
  • Jigglypuff is unlocked in Kirby's Classic Mode column, likely referencing how the two are pink puffballs. It can be unlocked by clearing Classic Mode as Kirby or Ness, both of which are Smash 64 veterans.
  • Jigglypuff is the only Pokémon veteran that appeared in both Brawl and Smash 4 but is absent in the World of Light opening cutscene.
  • Jigglypuff's Classic Mode is the only one not to go any stages outside of Smash 64, and one of the few whose boss round does not feature a designated boss, instead fighting characters who are otherwise playable (in this case, Giant Donkey Kong).
  • Jigglypuff is the only Pokemon character who does not face Master Hand as their final boss in Classic Mode.