Super Smash Bros. 4

Boxing Ring

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Boxing Ring
Boxing Ring Punch Out.jpg
Boxing Ring Smash Bros.jpg
Universe Punch-Out!!
Appears in SSB4
Availability Starter
Crate type Normal
Maximum players 8
Tracks available 3DS version:
Jogging / Countdown
Minor Circuit (Alternate)
Wii U version:
Minor Circuit
Minor Circuit
Title (Punch-Out!!)
World Circuit Theme
Shin Onigashima Medley
Tomorrow's Passion

Boxing Ring (特設リング, Special Ring) is a stage in both versions of Super Smash Bros. 4. The stage is set in the boxing ring used in the World Circuit of Punch-Out!! for the Wii.


A generic indoor stadium with a jumbotron, with a visible audience in the background, and fights taking place in a boxing ring. Characters can stand on the ropes surrounding the ring and perform spring jumps off of them for extra height. In addition, the light fixture above the ring can be stood on, and it can be destroyed when players attack it, dropping it onto the ring and dimming the lighting of the entire stage. The light fixture can damage players as it falls and cause potential KOs at high percentages.

It was shown to have "Smash Bros." signs and symbols initially, which made it unclear what universe the stage was from or if it was an original Super Smash Bros. stage. At Little Mac's reveal however, the Super Smash Bros. symbols were shown to be replaced with Punch-Out!! logos, establishing that the stage is indeed a Punch-Out!! stage as was speculated since the stage's reveal. This led people to believe the Super Smash Bros. symbols were just placeholders to hide the fact it was a Punch-Out!! stage (and, by extension, Little Mac's inclusion in the earlier trailers), but in a later Miiverse post by Masahiro Sakurai, it was confirmed that the earlier seen Super Smash Bros. version will be another version of the stage. They are identical besides aesthetics.

Only images of the Wii U version of the Boxing Ring stage had been revealed for a large duration of Super Smash Bros. 4's pre-release, and it was only with the official announcement of Little Mac that the 3DS version was finally revealed. While everything is the same in terms of layout, the Wii U version of the stage has the exclusive feature of showing a custom versus splash on the screen in the style of the original Punch-Out!! arcade game, complete with the characters having unique titles.


The boxing ring for the World Circuit as it appeared in Punch-Out!! for the Wii.

In every home console Punch-Out!! game, the player plays as Little Mac as he works his way up in professional boxing circuits to become the World Video Boxing Association (WVBA) champion. The last circuit that Little Mac goes through is the World Circuit. The Punch-Out!! variation of this stage is loosely based on the World Circuit boxing ring that appears in Punch-Out!! for the Wii. The design of the ring itself has been retained in Super Smash Bros. 4, as well as the scrolling text in the background; however, the text in Punch-Out!! read "World Circuit" rather than "Punch-Out!!".

Character titles

These titles are used in the Wii U version's screen above the appropriate character's portrait:

Character Title NTSC Title UK Title Spain Title Japan Title Germany
Mario Mr. Video Game Himself Smashes Bricks with His Fists Rompe Bloques con los Puños (Smashes Bricks with His Fists) ミスタービデオゲーム (Mr. Video Game) Der Schrecken aller Blöcke (The Horror of all Bricks)
Luigi The Eternal Understudy Lean, Green Fighting Machine Quiere Poner el Verde de Moda (Wants to Make Green Trending) 緑の人気もの (Green Guy) Grün, kühn und ungestüm (Green, Keen and Impetuous)
Dr. Mario The Prescriber Fists Full of Medicine Te Receta... Jarabe de Palo (He Prescribes you... Beatdown Medicine) カプセルの弾幕 (Capsule Barrage) Punktesieg durch Pillenwurf (Highscore by Pill-throwing)
Peach Princess of Toadstools Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom La Princesa del Reino Champiñón (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) キノコ王国のお姫様 (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) Prinzessin des Pilz-Königreichs (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom)
Rosalina & Luma The Cosmic Travelers Cosmic Travellers Los Viajeros de la Galaxia (The Travellers of the Galaxy) 星の旅人 (Traveler of the Stars) Kosmisches Dream-Team (Cosmic Dream Team)
Bowser King of the Koopas Rey de los Koopas (King of the Koopas) カメ族の大魔王 (Great Demon King of the Turtle Tribe) König der Koopas (King of the Koopas)
Bowser Jr. Prince of the Koopas Like Father, Like Son El Ojito Derecho de su Papá (The Apple of his Father's Eye) 万能のチャリオット (All Purpose Chariot) Wie der Vater, so der Sohn (Like Father, Like Son)
Larry The Youngest Leader of the Seven Minions Esbirro Jefe (Boss Minion) Anführer der sieben Schergen (Leader of the Seven Minions)
Roy The Cool One Fear the Shades Le Encantan las Gafas de Sol (He Loves Sunglasses) Ohne Sonnenbrille geht gar nichts (Nothing works without Sunglasses)
Wendy The Bold Beauty Bold, Bossy and Big-Headed Lleva la Voz Cantante ("Sings" (Calls) the Shots) Rechthaberisch und Rücksichtslos (Bossy and Reckless)
Iggy The Laughing Prankster Risa de Lunático (Lunatic Laughter) Kleiner Schelm mit schauriger Lache (Little Prankster with Eerie Laughing)
Morton The Enforcer He'll Make You See Stars Te Hará Ver las Estrellas (He'll Make You See Stars) Lässt Gegner Sterne sehen (He'll Make Foes See Stars)
Lemmy Wacky War Machine Let's Get Wacky Aspirante a Estrella de Circo (Aims to be a Circus Star) Ein Star in der Manege (A Star in the Circus Ring)
Ludwig Pompous Prodigy Un Prodigio, y lo Sabe (A Prodigy, and he Knows it) Genie mit Größenwahn (Genius with Megalomania)
Yoshi Omnivore of the Year He's Not Yolking Around Un Glotón que Tiene su Propia Isla y Todo (A Glutton with Even his own Island) ユースター島のくいしんぼう (Glutton of Yo'ster Island) Inselbewohner mit Mega-Kohldampf (Islander with Ravenous Hunger)
Wario Scoundrel with a Fart of Gold Ojito con sus Ventosidades (Watch out for his Flatulence...) 圧巻の圧巻 (The Best of the Best) Stinkbombe auf zwei Beinen (Stink Bomb with two Legs)
Donkey Kong King of the Jungle El Rey de la Jungla (The King of the Jungle) ジャングルの王者 (King of the Jungle) Der König des Dschungels (The King of the Jungle)
Diddy Kong The Acrobat Trigger Happy with His Peanut Popgun Tiene el Gatillo Fácil con su Cacahuetola (Trigger Happy with His Peanut Popgun) 南国軽業師 (Acrobat of the Southern Countries) Kleiner Affe mit großer Waffe (Little Monkey with big Weapons)
Link Hero of Hyrule El Héroe de Hyrule (The Hero of Hyrule) 勇気のトライフォース (Triforce of Courage) Held von Hyrule (Hero of Hyrule)
Toon Link Wind-Waking Warrior Wave-Riding, Wind-Waking Warrior El Aventurero que Surca los Mares (The Adventurer who Sails the Seas) 大海原をゆく戦士 (Ocean-Bound Warrior) Wellenreiter und Windzähmer (Waverider and Windbreaker)
Zelda Hyrule's Wise Princess La Princesa de Hyrule (The Princess of Hyrule) ハイラルの大女 (Hyrule's Big Lady) Prinzessin von Hyrule (Princess of Hyrule)
Sheik The Illusive Sheikah A Sheikah Shrouded In Mystery Un Guerrero Envuelto en Misterio (A Warrior Shrouded In Mystery) 闇に舞う旋風 (Whirlwind from the Darkness) Shiekah mit geheimnisvoller Vergangenheit (Sheikah with Mysterious Background)
Ganondorf The King of Darkness The King of Evil El Rey Malvado (The Evil King) 蘇る魔王 (The Resurrected Demon King) König des Bösen (King of Evil)
Samus Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire La Cazarrecompensas Intergaláctica (The Intergalactic Bounty Hunter) 凄腕バウンティハンター (Master Bounty Hunter) Intergalaktische Kopfgeldjägerin (Intergalactic Bounty Hunter)
Zero Suit Samus The Warrior Within Low Armour, High Agility La Bella Guerrera Galáctica (The Galactic Warrior Beauty) 美しき銀河の戦士 (Most Beautiful Warrior in the Galaxy) Leichte Rüstung, schwer auf Zack (Light Armour, Really on the Ball)
Kirby The Pink Puffball Gritty in Pink La Bola Rosa más Famosa (The Most Famous Pinkball) ピンクの 悪濃 (Pink Terror) Berühmteste rosa Kugel aller Zeiten (Most Famous Pink Ball of all Time)
Meta Knight The Masked Swordsman El Luchador Enmascarado (The Masked Fighter) 仮面の剣士 (The Masked Swordsman) Der maskierte Schwertkämpfer (The Masked Swordsman)
King Dedede The King of Dream Land Says He's King, and That's That Él Dice que es Rey y no hay mas que hablar (He Says He's King, and That's That) 自称大王 (Self-Proclaimed Great King) Der selbsternannte König (The Self-Proclaimed King)
Fox Leader of Star Fox Never Gives Up! Trusts His Instincts! No se Rinde Nunca y Confía en su Instinto (Never Gives Up and Trusts His Instincts) 雇われ遊撃隊長 (Leader of a Mercenary Group) Feurig und Fuchsteufelswild (Fiery and Furious)
Falco Proud Space Ace Un Piloto Espacial sin Igual (An Incomparable Space Pilot) 宇宙のエースパイロット (Ace Space Pilot) Weltraumpilot und Fliegerass (Space Pilot and Flying Ace)
Pikachu Pika Pika! The Electric Mouse Pokémon Pokémon Ratón de Tipo Electrico (Electric Type Mouse Pokémon) 雷撃のねずみポケモン (Lightning Attack Mouse Pokémon) Niedlich und elektrisierend (Cute and Electrifying)
Jigglypuff The Sleepy Singer The Delightful Balloon Pokémon El Adorable Pokémon Globo (The Adorable Balloon Pokémon) 魅惑のふうせんポケモン (Alluring Balloon Pokémon) Liebreizendes Pokémon der Klasse Ballon (Lovely Ballon-type Pokémon)
Charizard Blazing Fury Furia Ardiente (Blazing Fury) 新たなる進化 (Reach a New Evolution) Lodernde Wut (Blazing Fury)
Lucario Master of Aura Exudes Power Domina el Aura (Master of the Aura) 波導の勇者 (Hero of Aura) Die Macht der Aura (The Power of the Aura)'
Greninja Master of Stealth The Unpredictable Ninja Pokémon El Pokémon Ninja Impredecible (The Unpredictable Ninja Pokémon) 神出鬼没のしのびポケモン (Elusive Ninja Pokémon) Unberechenbares Pokémon der Klasse Ninja (Unpredictable Ninja-type Pokémon)
Captain Falcon The Supersonic Slugger Supersonic F-Zero Pilot El Piloto Supersónico de F-Zero (The Supersonic F-Zero Pilot) 音速のF-ZEROパイロット (Supersonic F-Zero Pilot) Ultraschneller F-Zero-Pilot (Ultrafast F-Zero Pilot)
Ness The PSI Powerhouse El Niño con Poderes PSI (The Kid with PSI Powers) PSIを持つ少年 (Boy who wields PSI) Stark durch PSI-Kräfte (Strong by PSI Powers)
Marth The Hero-King The Legendary Hero-King El Rey Legendario (The Legendary King) 紋章の王子 (Prince of the Emblem) Der legendäre Heldenkönig (The Legendary Hero-King)
Lucina Warrior from a Doomed Future Defiant of Destiny Desafía al Destino (Defies Destiny) 未来を知る王女 (Princess Who Knows the Future) Herausforderin des Schicksals (Challenger of Destiny)
Ike The Radiant Hero of Legend The Radiant Hero El Héroe Resplandeciente (The Radiant Hero) 蒼炎の勇者 (Hero of the Blue Flames) Der strahlende Held (The Radiant Hero)
Robin The Tactician Magician Tome-Toting Strategist El Estratega de Ylisse (The Strategist of Ylisse) 自衛団の名軍師 (Renowned Vigilante Tactician) Meisterstratege aus Ylisse (Master-Strategist of Ylisse)
Mr. Game & Watch Master of Two Dimensions El Maestro de las 2D (The Master of 2D) 平面世界の住人 (Resident of Flat Zone) Zweidimensionaler Tausendsassa (Two-dimensional Allrounder)
Pit Captain of Lady Palutena's Guard Lady Palutena's Captain of the Guard El Capitán del Ejercito de Palutena (The Captain of Palutena's Army) パルテナ軍親衛隊隊長 (Captain of Palutena's Royal Guard) Anführer von Palutenas Leibgarde (Captain of Palutena's Life Guard)
Dark Pit Dark-Winged Doppelgänger El Doble con Malas Pulgas (The Grumpy Doppelgänger) 黒き翼 (Blackest Wings) Doppelgänger mit dunklen Schwingen (Dark-Winged Doppelgänger)
Palutena Goddess of Light Diosa de la Luz (Goddess of Light) 光の女神 (Goddess of Light) Göttin des Lichts (Goddess of Light)
Olimar Veteran Astronaut El Veterano Astronauta (The Astronaut Veteran) ベテラン宇宙飛行士 (Veteran Astronaut) Astronautenveteran (Veteran Astronaut)
Alph Astronaut in Training Novice Explorer, Engineering Pro Explorador Novato e Ingeniero (Novice Explorer and Engineer) 若き宇宙整備士 (Young Space Mechanic) Meisteringenieur mit Forscherdrang (Engineering Pro with Scientific Curiosity)
R.O.B. The Last of His Kind Robotic Obliteration Buddy Experto en Rayos Láser (Expert in Laser Beams) 灼熱のロボビーム (Red Hot Robo Beam) Randaliert. Ohne. Bedauern. (Rampages. Without. Regret.)
Little Mac Bruiser from the Bronx The Only Numbers He Knows Are "One-Two" Solo se Sabe los Números "¡Uno,Dos!" (The Only Numbers He Knows Are "One-Two") 不屈の闘魂 (Undaunted Fighting Spirit) Klein, aber oho - schlägt die Gegner schnell k.o. (Small but Strong - Punches Foes K.O. qickly)
Villager Mayor of Smashville Alcalde♂/Alcadesa♀ de Pueblo Smash (Mayor of Smashville) スローライフの伝道師 (Evangelist of the Slow Life) Bürgermeister von Smash-Stadt (Mayor of Smashville)
Wii Fit Trainer Yoga Warrior She'll Make You Feel the Burn! ¡A Quemar Calorias! (Let's Burn those Calories!) 今日も一緒にダイエット (Let’s also Diet Together Today) Verhilft dir zu einer guten Haltung! (Helps You to a Good Stance!)
Wii Fit Trainer The BMI Bandit He'll Blast Your Core! ¡A Ponerse en Forma! (Let's get Fit!) 今日も元気に肉体美 (Let's also be Heathly and Beautiful Today) Stets bereit zum Training! (Always Prepared for Training!)
Shulk The Visionary Has Visions of Victory Maestro de las Artes Monado (Master of the Monado Arts) 穏やかさを秘めた力 (Power Hidden By Gentleness) Kampferprobter Visionär (Battle-proven Visionary)
Duck Hunt Bark, Quack, Boom! The Most Unlikely of Partnerships La pareja dispareja (The Odd Couple) 異色の共演 (A Unique Group) Ein äußerst ungewöhnliches Paar (A Really Unusual Pair)
Sonic The Blue Blur Speed is His Game El Erizo Más Rápido del Mundo (The Fastest Hedgehog in the World) 世界最速のハリネズミ (Fastest Hedgehog in the World) Der schnellste Igel der Welt (The Fastest Hedgehog in the World)
Mega Man Blue Metal Hero The Blue Bomber La Bomba Azul (The Blue Bomber) 青きメタルヒーロー (Blue Metal Hero) Das Blaue Heldenwunder (The Blue Hero Miracle)
Pac-Man The Yellow Bane of Ghosts Ghost-Gobbler Merienda Fantasmas (Ghost-Gobbler) 黄色い伝説 (The Yellow Legend) Vielfraß mit Appetit auf Geister (Wolverine with Appetite for Ghosts)
Mii Brawler The Brawler of Many Faces El Karateka de las Mil Caras (The Karateka of a Thousand Faces) 千の顔を持つ格闘家 (The Thousand Face Martial Arts Master) Prügelprofi mit hartem Schlag (Brawling Pro with a Strong Punch)
Mii Swordfighter The Swordfighter of Many Faces El Espadachín de las Mil Caras (The Swordfighter of a Thousand Faces) 千の顔を持つ剣士 (The Thousand Face Swordfighting Master) Klingen-Koryphäe (Blade Expert)
Mii Gunner The Gunner of Many Faces El Tirador de las Mil Caras (The Gunner of a Thousand Faces) 千の顔を持つ射撃手 (The Thousand Face Marksmanship Master) Meisterschütze mit Adleraugen (Marksman with Hawk's Eyes)


3DS images

Wii U images


  • As Punch-Out!! is itself a fighting game series, Boxing Ring is one of only three stages in the Super Smash Bros. series to be featured as a stage in fighting games outside of the Super Smash Bros. series, the others being Green Hill Zone and Pyrosphere.
  • When a character performs their Final Smash, the scrolling text says "Chance!" instead of "Punch-Out"/"Smash Bros.".
    • In addition, whenever a character gets a KO, the scrolling text says "KO!". It also says "KO!" on the screen.
    • When Sudden Death occurs, the screen will show "Sudden Death".
  • In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, holding the L button while selecting the Boxing Ring stage will load an alternate version of the stage where the symbol in the middle of the ring is the Super Smash Bros. logo. In the Wii U version, holding the ZL button while selecting this stage will load the Super Smash Bros. version of the stage.
  • The NA character titles for Pikachu and Duck Hunt are the only ones to not use a nickname; rather, they use a phrase.
  • The NA character title for Peach is a reference to her original localized name, "Princess Toadstool".
  • The NA character title for Luigi is a reference to his Super Smash Bros. unlock notice: "You can now use Luigi, the eternal understudy."
  • The NA and Japanese character titles for Mega Man are a reference to Mega Man 8's full Japanese title, Rockman 8: Metal Heroes.
  • The PAL character title for Fox is a reference to one of Peppy's quotes in Star Fox 64: "Never give up. Trust your instincts."
  • The PAL character title for Sonic is a reference to one of his victory pose quotes in Brawl: "Sonic's the name, speed's my game!"
  • The PAL character title for Larry describes him as the leader of the Koopalings as a result of an out of context translation of his Japanese title, "Boss Minion" which actually means that he's a minion among bosses since he's the youngest Koopaling. It also references that he is usually the first to be fought so he, in a sense, leads the charge.
  • The Japanese character title for Kirby is a reference to the in-game description for The Arena in Kirby Super Star, which calls him a "pink demon" in the Japanese script (translated to "Pink Wonder" in the original SNES version's English script and "Pink Terror" in Kirby Super Star Ultra's English script).
  • The Japanese character title for Shulk is a reference to one of his recurring text-only quotes in the Japanese Xenoblade Chronicles script, "穏やかじゃないですね", which has a different meaning (e.g. "You sure aren't peaceful" or "How exciting") depending on context.
  • The Japanese character title for Lucina is a reference to the Japanese title of Chapter 6 of Fire Emblem: Awakening, "未来を知る者" (One who knows the Future).