Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

List of spirits (Fire Emblem series): Difference between revisions

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(→‎Spirit Battles: I am FATED to be finished)
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*Lucina's white costume features her hair turning red, representing Minerva, the red-haired princess of Macedon.
*Lucina's white costume features her hair turning red, representing Minerva, the red-haired princess of Macedon.
*The green Charizard minion represents Minerva's wyvern mount, which features a green color scheme.
*The green Charizard minion represents Minerva's wyvern mount, which features a green color scheme.
*The stage and battle conditions reference Minerva's Dracoknight/Wyvern Rider class, a wyvern-mounted combat physical class which allows her to ride her green wyvern mount which features high speed stats and allows them to fly over impossible terrain for long distances.
*The stage and battle conditions reference Minerva's Dracoknight/Wyvern Rider class, a wyvern-mounted combat physical class which allows her to ride her wyvern mount, which features high speed stats and allows them to fly over impossible terrain for long distances.
*The music track references Minerva's debut in ''Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light'', which also references how Minerva is recruited into Marth's party in the game's tenth chapter.
*The music track references Minerva's debut in ''Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light'', which also references how Minerva is recruited into Marth's party in the game's tenth chapter.
----'''Other trivia:'''
----'''Other trivia:'''
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*The Lava Floor hazard and battle conditions references Edelgard's alter-ego, the Flame Emperor, which features a high defense stat.
*The Lava Floor hazard and battle conditions references Edelgard's alter-ego, the Flame Emperor, which features a high defense stat.
----'''Other trivia:'''
----'''Other trivia:'''
*This spirit's Attack type references Edelgard's red color scheme and attack on Garreg Mach as the Flame Emperor.
*This spirit's Attack type references Edelgard's red color scheme, which is featured on the Black Eagles banner, and her attack on Garreg Mach as the Flame Emperor.
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*The stage represents the Tailtean Plains, the location of Dimitri's battle in the Crimson FLower route, while the music track references Dimitri's appearance as a boss in the Verdant Wind route in ''Fire Emblem: Three Houses''.
*The stage represents the Tailtean Plains, the location of Dimitri's battle in the Crimson FLower route, while the music track references Dimitri's appearance as a boss in the Verdant Wind route in ''Fire Emblem: Three Houses''.
----'''Other trivia:'''
----'''Other trivia:'''
*This spirit's Shield type references Dimitri's blue color scheme, which is shared with the Blue Lions house.
*This spirit's Shield type references Dimitri's blue color scheme, which is featured on the Blue Lions banner.
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*The Poison Floor and Reversible Controls hazards reference Claude's reputation as a schemer and tactician where he schemed to give his rivals food poisoning before the Battle of the Eagle and Lion.
*The Poison Floor and Reversible Controls hazards reference Claude's reputation as a schemer and tactician where he schemed to give his rivals food poisoning before the Battle of the Eagle and Lion.
----'''Other trivia:'''
----'''Other trivia:'''
*This spirit's Grab type references Claude's golden color scheme, which is shared with the Golden Deer house.
*This spirit's Grab type references Claude's golden color scheme, which is featured with the Golden Deer banner.
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|•Timed battle (1:00)<br>•Reinforcements will appear after an enemy is KO'd<br>•The enemy has increased power for the first part of the battle
|•Timed battle (1:00)<br>•Reinforcements will appear after an enemy is KO'd<br>•The enemy has increased power for the first part of the battle
|{{SSBUMusicLink|Fire Emblem|Chasing Daybreak}}
|{{SSBUMusicLink|Fire Emblem|Chasing Daybreak}}
|'''Spirit Battle inspiration:'''
*Dr. Mario and Setheth both share the Japanese word for "doctor" and "instructor", ''"sensei"''.
*The black Dr. Mario represents Seteth, an instructor at Garreg Mach who wears a dark-colored outfit.
*The Villager minion represents Seteth's younger sister and secret daughter, {{s|fireemblem|Flayn}}.
*The green Villager minion represents Seteth's younger sister, {{s|fireemblem|Flayn}}, who is later revealed to be Seteth's daughter.
*The stage's Cathedral layout features Rhea as a background character, referencing Seteth's affiliation with the Church of Seiros and loyaty to Rhea.
*The stage's layout features Rhea as a bkacground character, referencing Seteth's affiliation with the Church of Seiros and loyalty to Rhea.
*The stage, music, and timed battle reference Chapter 15 of the Crimson Flower route where Byleth must prevent Flayn and Seteth from reclaiming Garreg Mach.
*The stage, music, and timed battle condition reference the fifteenth chapter of the Crimson Flower route in ''Fire Emblem: Three Houses'' where Byleth must prevent Flayn and Seteth from reclaiming Garreg Mach.
*Dr. Mario's increased stats references Seteth's protective nature towards Flayn.
*Dr. Mario's increased stats and third battle condition reference Seteth's overall stats as a party member in all routes except for the Crimson Flower route, where he features solid strength and speed stats.
----'''Other trivia:'''
*This spirit's Support and Neutral types reference Seteth's loyalty and later betrayal of the Church of Serios in Crimson Flower route of ''Fire Emblem: Three Houses''.
*This spirit's Air Attack ↑ ability references Seteth's Wyvern Rider class, a wyvern-mounted combat physical class which allows him to attack while riding his flying wyvern mount.
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|•Defeat the main fighter to win<br>•The enemy's electric attacks have increased power
|•Defeat the main fighter to win<br>•The enemy's electric attacks have increased power
|{{SSBUMusicLink|Fire Emblem|Fódlan Winds}}
|{{SSBUMusicLink|Fire Emblem|Fódlan Winds}}
|'''Spirit Battle inspiration:'''
*Robin and Dorothea are both ''Fire Emblem'' characters who use magic-based attacks.
*The female Robin represents Dorothea, a female character wearing a black-and-white outfit who wields a magical tome during battle.
*The three Jigglypuff minions' frequent use of [[Sing]] references Dorothea's career as a songstress before she enrolled in the Officers Academy.
*The three Jigglypuff minions' frequent [[Sing]] references Dorothea's career as a songstress before she enrolled in the Officers Academy.
*The stage's Reception Hall features Edelgard as a background character, referencing Dorothea's affiliation with the Black Eagles.
*The stage's layout features Edelgard as a background character, referencing Dorothea's affiliation with the Black Eagles in ''Fire Emblem: Three Houses''.
*The stage and music reference Dorothea's appearance in ''Fire Emblem: Three Houses''.
*Robin's frequent [[Thunder]] references how Dorothea starts off with the Thunder tome after being recruited into Byleth's party, who had already learned the Thunder spell.
*Robin's frequent [[Thunder]] and this spirit's Electric Attack ↑ ability reference how Dorothea joins the party with the Thunder spell already learned.
----'''Other trivia:'''
*This spirit's Support type references Dorothea's role in ''Three Houses'' as a member of Byleth's party.
*This spirit's Attack type references the red color scheme of the Black Eagles banner.
*This spirit's Attack type and Electric Attack ↑ ability further references Dorothea's usage of the Thunder tome.
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|•Certain items will appear in large numbers
|•Certain items will appear in large numbers
|{{SSBUMusicLink|Fire Emblem|Tearing Through Heaven}}
|{{SSBUMusicLink|Fire Emblem|Tearing Through Heaven}}
|'''Spirit Battle inspiration:'''
*Lucina and Ingrid are both female knights who specialize in swordfighting.
*Lucina's yellow costume features her hair turning yellow, representing Ingrid, a female swordfighter with blonde hair who wears a yellow outfit.
*The stage's marketplace layout features Dimitri and Dedue as background characters, referencing Ingrid's affiliation with the Blue Lions.
*The stage's layout features Dimitri and Dedue as background characters, referencing Ingrid's affiliation with the Blue Lions in ''Fire Emblem: Three Houses''.
*The stage and music reference Ingrid's appearance in ''Fire Emblem: Three Houses''.
*The Food (Steaks) item references how Ingrid loses herself in delicious food, with Smoked Meat being among her favorite food.
*The Food (Steaks) item in the Item Tidal Wave rule references how Ingrid loses herself in delicious food, with Smoked Meat being among her favorite food.
----'''Other trivia:'''
*This spirit's Support type references Dorothea's role in ''Three Houses'' as a member of Byleth's party.
*This spirit's Shield type references the blue color scheme of the Blue Lions banner.
*This spirit's Landing Lag ↓ ability references Ingrid's Noble class, which allows her to have access to any movement type, including flying.
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|•The enemy gets a major stat boost when badly damaged
|•The enemy gets a major stat boost when badly damaged
|{{SSBUMusicLink|Fire Emblem|Paths That Will Never Cross}}
|{{SSBUMusicLink|Fire Emblem|Paths That Will Never Cross}}
|'''Spirit Battle inspiration:'''
*The pink Villager represents Hilda, a female character featuring pink hair.
*The pink Villager's frequent [[Timber]] represents Hilda, a female character with pink hair who uses axes in battle.
*The yellow Byleth minion represents Claude, the leader of the Golden Deer house, whom Hilda serves as a member and Claude's unofficial retainer.
*The yellow Byleth minion represents Claude, the leader of the Golden Deer house, whom Hilda serves as a member and Claude's unofficial retainer.
*The stage's layout features Lorenz as a background character, referencing Hilda's affiliation with the Golden Deer, while the music track references Chapter 14 of the Crimson Flower route where Byleth has to battle Hilda and Claude at Derdriu.
*The stage's layout features Lorenz as a background character, referencing Hilda's affiliation with the Golden Deer in ''Fire Emblem: Three Houses''.
*The Attack Power ↑ rule references how Hilda was initially  
*The Attack Power ↑ rule and battle condition references how Hilda was initially spoiled and lazy until it changes after the game's timeskip.
----'''Other trivia:'''
and this spirit's Critical-Health Attack ↑ ability Hilda's lazy nature changes after the timeskip.
*This spirit's Support type references Dorothea's role in ''Three Houses'' as a member of Byleth's party.
*Villager's frequent [[Timber]] references how Hilda primarily uses axes in combat.
*This spirit's Grab type references the bright golden color scheme of the Golden Deer banner.
*This spirit's Critical-Health Attack ↑ ability further references how Hilda's lazy nature changes after the timeskip.

Revision as of 15:01, March 27, 2022

The following is the list of the spirits from the Fire Emblem series in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. As part of Challenger Pack 5, several more spirits were added alongside Byleth as part of the Version 7.0.0 update.

Primary Spirits

No. Image Name Type Class Slot Base Power Max Power Base Attack Max Attack Base Defense Max Defense Ability Origin Game Acquisition
SSBU spirit Caeda.png
★★★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 4,031 10,078 1,616 4,041 2,187 5,467 Jump ↑ Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem)
•Battle via World of Light (The Dark Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 15,000G
SSBU spirit Jagen.png
★★ 1,667 6,709 583 2,348 1,084 4,361 No Effect Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem Trading Card Game)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Draug.png
1,054 5,276 348 1,742 647 3,236 Weight ↑ Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem Trading Card Game)
•Battle via World of Light (Dracula's Castle)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
SSBU spirit Bord & Cord & Barst.png
Bord & Cord & Barst
⬡⬡⬡ 764 3,826 382 1,913 382 1,913 No Effect Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem Trading Card Game)
•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
SSBU spirit Minerva.png
★★ ⬡⬡ 1,550 6,223 682 2,738 868 3,485 No Effect Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon)
•Purchase at Anna's Emporium for 1000SP
•Battle via Spirit Board
SSBU spirit Pegasus Sisters.png
Pegasus Sisters
★★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 2,536 7,611 1,268 3,806 1,125 3,375 Jump ↑ Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)
Summon with cores from Minerva and Able Sisters
•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G (unlocked after obtaining spirit once)
SSBU spirit Tiki.png
★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 1,583 6,337 839 3,359 744 2,978 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon)
Summon with cores from Ninian, Medeus, and any Neutral core
•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (unlocked after obtaining spirit once)
•Scan the Tiki amiibo
SSBU spirit Tiki (Naga's Voice).png
Tiki (Naga's Voice)
★★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 2,864 8,594 1,473 4,421 1,281 3,843 Fire/Explosion Resist ↑ Fire Emblem Awakening •Enhance the Tiki spirit
SSBU spirit Camus.png
★★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 2,549 7,668 1,389 4,179 1,160 3,489 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon)
•Battle via World of Light (Sacred Land)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
SSBU spirit Sirius.png
★★★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 4,465 11,166 2,317 5,794 1,896 4,740 Weapon Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem)
•Enhance the Camus spirit
SSBU spirit Alm & Celica (Young).png
Alm & Celica (Young)
⬡⬡⬡ 726 3,632 454 2,270 272 1,362 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Fire Emblem Gaiden
(Artwork: Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)
•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
•Scan the Alm amiibo or Celica amiibo
SSBU spirit Alm & Celica.png
Alm & Celica
★★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 2,913 8,744 1,471 4,413 1,278 3,836 Back Shield Equipped Fire Emblem Gaiden
(Artwork: Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)
•Enhance the Alm & Celica (Young) spirit
SSBU spirit Sigurd.png
★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 1,582 6,402 518 2,095 921 3,725 Sword Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Seliph.png
★★ 1,784 7,163 827 3,321 795 3,191 Sword Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War •Battle via World of Light (The Final Battle - Light)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Leif (Fire Emblem).png
Leif (Fire Emblem)
★★★ 3,116 9,395 1,388 4,185 1,445 4,356 Sword Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: Thracia 776)
•Battle via World of Light (Molten Fortress)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
SSBU spirit Julius.png
⬡⬡ 841 4,211 440 2,202 325 1,627 Fire Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
(Artwork: Fire Emblem Trading Card Game)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
SSBU spirit Lilina.png
★★ ⬡⬡ 1,570 6,287 571 2,286 857 3,430 Fire Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade •Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Lyn.png
★★★ ⬡⬡ 3,101 9,350 1,799 5,423 1,302 3,927 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
SSBU spirit Lyn (Blade Lord).png
Lyn (Blade Lord)
★★★★ ⬡⬡ 4,846 12,115 2,402 6,005 1,812 4,530 Critical Hit ↑ ↑ Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
(Artwork: Fire Emblem Awakening)
•Enhance the Lyn spirit
SSBU spirit Eliwood.png
★★★ ⬡⬡ 2,948 8,869 1,407 4,233 1,273 3,830 Fire Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
SSBU spirit Raven.png
942 4,720 450 2,253 407 2,038 Sword Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
SSBU spirit Eirika.png
★★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 2,952 8,901 1,320 3,980 1,519 4,579 Weight ↓ Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
SSBU spirit Ephraim.png
★★★ ⬡⬡ 3,110 9,377 1,944 5,861 1,166 3,516 No Effect Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Summon with cores from Frey & Freya and Eirika
SSBU spirit Lyon.png
★★ 1,808 7,263 947 3,803 759 3,049 Magic Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones •Battle via World of Light (Molten Fortress)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Titania.png
⬡⬡ 855 4,278 513 2,567 342 1,711 No Effect Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
SSBU spirit Elincia.png
★★ ⬡⬡ 1,549 6,218 519 2,083 1,030 4,135 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance •Battle via World of Light (Mysterious Dimension)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Queen Elincia.png
Queen Elincia
★★★★ ⬡⬡ 4,840 12,103 1,810 4,526 2,399 5,999 Additional Midair Jump Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)
•Enhance the Elincia spirit
SSBU spirit Zelgius.png
★★★ ⬡⬡ 2,678 8,074 1,406 4,239 1,272 3,835 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
SSBU spirit Black Knight.png
Black Knight
★★★★ ⬡⬡ 4,823 12,060 2,328 5,820 1,866 4,667 Armor Knight Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)
•Enhance the Zelgius spirit
SSBU spirit Micaiah.png
★★★ ⬡⬡ 2,838 8,538 1,473 4,430 1,205 3,625 Magic Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn •Summon with cores from Sothe, Pitch, and any Grab core
SSBU spirit Cordelia.png
★★ 1,744 7,020 811 3,264 933 3,756 No Effect Fire Emblem Awakening •Summon with cores from Severa and Kaitlin & Katie
SSBU spirit Tharja.png
★★ ⬡⬡ 1,510 6,047 891 3,566 534 2,139 Magic Attack ↑ Fire Emblem Awakening •Battle via World of Light (Temple of Light)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Gangrel.png
★★ ⬡⬡ 1,673 6,697 821 3,285 758 3,033 Electric Attack ↑ Fire Emblem Awakening •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Owain.png
911 4,558 516 2,580 344 1,720 Electric Attack ↑ Fire Emblem Awakening •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
SSBU spirit Severa.png
⬡⬡⬡ 760 3,803 452 2,263 308 1,540 No Effect Fire Emblem Awakening •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
SSBU spirit Hinoka.png
★★★ ⬡⬡ 2,823 8,495 1,545 4,649 1,119 3,366 Jump ↑ Fire Emblem Fates •Purchase at Anna's Emporium for 4000SP
•Battle via Spirit Board
SSBU spirit Takumi.png
★★★ ⬡⬡ 2,692 8,115 1,521 4,585 1,171 3,530 No Effect Fire Emblem Fates •Battle via World of Light (The Final Battle - Light)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
SSBU spirit Xander.png
★★★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 4,211 10,532 1,742 4,357 2,087 5,218 Sword Attack ↑ Fire Emblem Fates •Summon with cores from Leo, Camilla, and Elise
SSBU spirit Camilla.png
★★★ 3,002 9,008 1,546 4,639 1,456 4,369 No Effect Fire Emblem Fates •Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
SSBU spirit Leo.png
★★★ ⬡⬡ 2,688 8,086 1,331 4,005 1,205 3,624 Magic Attack ↑ Fire Emblem Fates •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
SSBU spirit Tsubasa Oribe.png
Tsubasa Oribe
⬡⬡⬡ 760 3,800 304 1,520 456 2,280 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE •Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
SSBU spirit Tsubasa Oribe (Carnage Form).png
Tsubasa Oribe (Carnage Form)
★★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 2,935 8,807 1,274 3,822 1,495 4,487 Jump ↑ Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE •Enhance the Tsubasa Oribe spirit
SSBU spirit Edelgard.png
★★ 1,929 7,760 704 2,832 1,225 4,928 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Fire Emblem: Three Houses •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (since v7.0.0)
SSBU spirit Edelgard - Five Years Later.png
Edelgard - Five Years Later
★★★ 3,922 11,826 1,245 3,754 2,166 6,530 Armor Knight Fire Emblem: Three Houses •Enhance the Edelgard spirit
SSBU spirit Dimitri (Fire Emblem).png
Dimitri (Fire Emblem)
★★ ⬡⬡ 1,795 7,206 1,221 4,900 574 2,306 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Fire Emblem: Three Houses •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (since v7.0.0)
SSBU spirit Dimitri - Five Years Later (Fire Emblem).png
Dimitri - Five Years Later (Fire Emblem)
★★★ ⬡⬡ 3,538 10,646 2,188 6,582 1,029 3,097 Hyper Smash Attacks Fire Emblem: Three Houses •Enhance the Dimitri (Fire Emblem) spirit
SSBU spirit Claude.png
★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 1,662 6,652 798 3913 864 3,459 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Fire Emblem: Three Houses •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (since v7.0.0)
SSBU spirit Claude - Five Years Later.png
Claude - Five Years Later
★★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 3,478 10,436 1,452 4,356 1,573 4,719 Weapon Attack & Move Speed ↑ Fire Emblem: Three Houses •Enhance the Claude spirit
SSBU spirit Rhea.png
★★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 1,937 8,813 1,566 4,698 1,205 3,617 Magic Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: Three Houses •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G (since v7.0.0)

Support Spirits

No. Image Name Class Cost Ability Origin Game Acquisition
SSBU spirit Wrys.png
Wrys Aura Resist ↑ Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem Trading Card Game)
•Purchase at Anna's Emporium for 500SP
•Battle via Spirit Board
SSBU spirit Navarre.png
Navarre ★★ Killing Edge Equipped Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon)
•Battle via World of Light (Sacred Land)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Merric.png
Merric Aura Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon)
•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
SSBU spirit Linde.png
Linde ★★ Bob-omb Equipped Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Nyna.png
Nyna ★★ Poison Damage Reduced Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon)
•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Medeus.png
Medeus ★★ Lava-Floor Resist Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem Trading Card Game)
•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Gharnef.png
Gharnef Fire & Explosion Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
SSBU spirit Deirdre.png
Deirdre ★★ Trade-Off Attacks ↑ Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Hector (Fire Emblem).png
Hector (Fire Emblem) ★★★ ⬢⬢ Unflinching Charged Smashes Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade)
Summon with cores from Lilina and any two Support cores
•Battle via Spirit Board (unlocked after obtaining spirit once)
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G (unlocked after obtaining spirit once)
SSBU spirit Ninian.png
Ninian ★★ Trade-Off Defense ↑ Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade •Purchase at Anna's Emporium for 1000SP
•Battle via Spirit Board
SSBU spirit Karel.png
Karel ★★ Weapon Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Nino.png
Nino ★★ Undamaged Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit L'Arachel.png
L'Arachel Magic Resist ↑ Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
SSBU spirit Soren.png
Soren Magic Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance •Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
SSBU spirit Mist.png
Mist ★★ ⬢⬢ Mouthful of Curry Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance •Battle via World of Light (Mysterious Dimension)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Sothe.png
Sothe ★★ Battering Items ↑ Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)
•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Ashnard.png
Ashnard ★★ Toss & Meteor Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance •Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Lissa.png
Lissa ★★ Fairy Bottle Equipped Fire Emblem Awakening •Battle via World of Light (Mysterious Dimension)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Lon'qu.png
Lon'qu ★★ Killing Edge Equipped Fire Emblem Awakening •Battle via World of Light (Temple of Light)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Walhart.png
Walhart ★★★ ⬢⬢ Slow Super Armor Fire Emblem Awakening •Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
SSBU spirit Azura.png
Azura ★★★★ ⬢⬢ Weapon Attack & Move Speed ↑ Fire Emblem Fates •Battle via World of Light (Mysterious Dimension)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 15,000G
SSBU spirit Jakob.png
Jakob ★★ Thrown Items ↑ Fire Emblem Fates •Battle via World of Light (Sacred Land)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
SSBU spirit Sakura (Fire Emblem).png
Sakura (Fire Emblem) ★★★ ⬢⬢ Poison Immunity Fire Emblem Fates •Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
SSBU spirit Elise.png
Elise ★★★ ⬢⬢ Autoheal Fire Emblem Fates •Battle via World of Light (Mysterious Dimension)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
SSBU spirit Garon.png
Garon ★★★ Trade-Off Ability ↑ Fire Emblem Fates •Battle via World of Light (The Final Battle - Dark)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
SSBU spirit Sothis.png
Sothis ★★★★ ⬢⬢⬢ Critical-Health Healing ↑ ↑ Fire Emblem: Three Houses •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 15,000G (since v7.0.0)
SSBU spirit Seteth.png
Seteth ★★ Air Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: Three Houses •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (since v7.0.0)
SSBU spirit Dorothea.png
Dorothea Electric Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: Three Houses •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G (since v7.0.0)
SSBU spirit Ingrid.png
Ingrid Landing Lag ↓ Fire Emblem: Three Houses •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G (since v7.0.0)
SSBU spirit Hilda (Fire Emblem).png
Hilda (Fire Emblem) Critical-Health Attack ↑ Fire Emblem: Three Houses •Battle via DLC Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G (since v7.0.0)

Master Spirits

No. Image Name Facility Origin Game Acquisition Music
SSBU spirit Anna.png
Anna Shopping (Anna's Emporium) Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem Awakening)
•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm) Conquest (Ablaze)
SSBU spirit Ryoma.png
Ryoma Dojo (Demon style) Fire Emblem Fates •Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm) Lost in Thoughts All Alone (for 3DS / Wii U)

Fighter Spirits

No. Image Alternate Artwork Name Origin Game Acquisition
SSBU spirit Marth.png
Marth SSBU.png
Marth Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem)
•Complete Classic Mode with Marth
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after unlocking Marth)
SSBU spirit Lucina.png
Lucina SSBU.png
Lucina Fire Emblem Awakening •Complete Classic Mode with Lucina
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after unlocking Lucina)
SSBU spirit Roy (Fire Emblem).png
Roy SSBU.png
Roy (Fire Emblem) Super Smash Bros. Melee
(Artwork: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade)
•Complete Classic Mode with Roy
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after unlocking Roy)
SSBU spirit Chrom.png
Chrom SSBU.png
Chrom Fire Emblem Awakening •Complete Classic Mode with Chrom
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after unlocking Chrom)
SSBU spirit Ike (Path of Radiance).png
Ike SSBU.png
Ike (Path of Radiance) Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance •Complete Classic Mode with Ike
•Complete Challenge (Classic Mode): KO fighters from Fire Emblem 20 times.
SSBU spirit Ike (Radiant Dawn).png
Ike-Alt1 SSBU.png
Ike (Radiant Dawn) Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn •Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after unlocking Ike)
SSBU spirit Robin (Male).png
Robin (Male) Fire Emblem Awakening
(Artwork: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
•Complete Classic Mode with Robin
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after unlocking Robin)
SSBU spirit Robin (Female).png
Robin (Female) Fire Emblem Awakening
(Artwork: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after unlocking Robin)
SSBU spirit Corrin (Male).png
Corrin SSBU.png
Corrin (Male) Fire Emblem Fates •Complete Classic Mode with Corrin
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after unlocking Corrin)
SSBU spirit Corrin (Female).png
Corrin-Alt1 SSBU.png
Corrin (Female) Fire Emblem Fates •Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after unlocking Corrin)
SSBU spirit Byleth (Male).png
Byleth SSBU.png
Byleth (Male) Fire Emblem: Three Houses •Complete Classic Mode with Byleth
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after downloading Byleth)
SSBU spirit Byleth (Female).png
Byleth-Alt1 SSBU.png
Byleth (Female) Fire Emblem: Three Houses •Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after downloading Byleth)

Spirit Battles

Spirit Battle parameters Inspiration
No. Image Name Enemy Fighter(s) Type Power Stage Rules Conditions Music
SSBU spirit Caeda.png
Caeda Lucina Lucina (SSBU)
Marth Marth (SSBU)
13,500 Temple (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Heavy Wind •Dangerously high winds are in effect
•The enemy has increased move speed and reduced weight
Story 5 Meeting Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The white Lucina represents her ancestor, Caeda, the princess of Talys who wears white armor with a red tunic and features long blue hair.
  • The blue Marth references his appearance as the main character in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, who becomes Caeda's friend and eventually, her husband.
  • The stage featuring a sky background, the Heavy Wind hazard, and battle conditions reference Caeda's Pegasus Knight class, a highly mobile pegasus-mounted combat physical class which features high speed stats and allows her to fly over impossible terrain for long distances.
  • The music track represents the recruitment theme of Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, referencing how Caeda is recruited into Marth's party at the beginning of the game's first chapter and later recruits other characters into Marth's party.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Shield type references Caeda's role in Shadow Dragon to save the world from the Shadow Dragon, Medeus.
  • This spirit's Jump ↑ ability further references Caeda's Pegasus Knight class, which allows her to fly over impossible terrain.
SSBU spirit Jagen.png
Jagen Ganondorf Ganondorf (SSBU)
3,600 Castle Siege (Throne Room) N/A •The enemy starts with damage but is more powerful
•The enemy starts with damage but has increased defense
•The enemy doesn't like to jump
Advance Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The violet Ganondorf features red armor, representing Jagen, an elderly heavily-armored paladin with a red color scheme
  • The stage's layout and music track represents the prologue of the remake of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light where Jagen discovers Marth hiding in the throne room during the Gra soldiers' invasion on Altea Castle.
  • Ganondorf starting off with 60% damage and battle conditions references Jagen's role as a crutch character, where his Paladin class allows him to have high attack and resistance stats early on in Shadow Dragon, but he continuously weakens throughout the game.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Shield type references Jagen's high defense and resistance stats early on in Shadow Dragon.
SSBU spirit Draug.png
Draug King K. Rool King K. Rool (SSBU) (120 HP)
2,400 Castle Siege (hazards off) •Defense ↑ •The enemy has super armor but moves slower
Stamina battle
•The enemy has increased defense
Under This Banner Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The blue King K. Rool represents Draug, a heavily armor-plated knight with a blue color scheme.
  • The stage and music track represent Draug's debut in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.
  • The Defense ↑ rule and battle conditions reference Draug's Armored Knight class, a heavily-armored physical combat class which allows him to have high defense stats, but causes him to move at a slower traveling distance.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Shield type and Weight ↑ ability further reference Draug's Armored Knight class, which allows him to have high defense stats, but causes him to move at a slower traveling distance.
  • In World of Light, the Draug spirit is located in the Dracula's Castle map in the Dark Realm, with its specific placement referencing the Axe-Man enemies appearing in in Block 5 of the original Castlevania.
SSBU spirit Wrys.png
Wrys Kirby Kirby (SSBU) (30 HP)
2,500 Temple N/A •Timed stamina battle (1:30)
•The enemy tends to avoid conflict
•The enemy heals over time
Shadow Dragon Medley Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The blue Kirby represents Wrys, a bald Curate who wears a blue robe.
  • The stage featuring the palace in the background and the music track represent the monastery that Wrys runs in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem, a remake of Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.
  • Kirby starting off with 30% HP and the battle conditions references Wrys' Curate class, a support magical class which allows him to heal his allies during battle, but is unable to attack directly.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type further references how Wrys' Curate class is a support magical class which allows him to heal his allies during battle.
  • This spirit's Shield type and Aura Resist ↑ ability reference how Wrys' Curate class features a high resistance against magical attacks.
  • This spirit is purchasable at Anna's Emporium, a shop that sells spirits related to equipment, referencing how Wrys is equipped with his stave.
SSBU spirit Bord & Cord & Barst.png
Bord & Cord & Barst Simon Simon (SSBU)Simon (SSBU)×2
1,800 Wuhu Island (Swaying Bridge) N/A •The enemy favors neutral specials Coliseum Series Medley Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The blue and yellow Simons' favored Axe each represent Barst, Bord, and Cord, a trio of muscular woodcutter mercenaries who use axes during battle.
  • The stage's layout and music track represents Galder Harbor, a seaside area with bridges where Bord, Cord, and Barst are recruited in their debut game, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.

Other trivia:
  • In World of Light, the Bord & Cord & Barst spirit is located on a bridge over the waterfall at the wester forest area in the Light Realm, similar to the stage's setting.
SSBU spirit Navarre.png
Navarre Marth Marth (SSBU) (140 HP)
3,700 Castle Siege (Throne Room) N/A •The enemy can unleash powerful critical hits at random
Stamina battle
•The enemy's battering items have increased power
Story 5 Meeting Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The red Marth starting off with a Killing Edge represents Navarre, a swordsman wearing a red tunic who is armed with a Killing Edge.
  • The stage and music track represent Navarre's debut in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, with the music track referencing how Navarre is recruited into Marth's party in the game's third chapter.
  • The battle conditions reference Navarre's Mercenary/Myrmidion class, a sword-wielding physical combat class which gives him a high skill stat and a high chance of inflicting critical hits.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Navarre's role in the Archanea chronology of the Fire Emblem series as a member of Marth's party.
  • This spirit's Attack type and Killing Edge Equipped ability further references how Navarre is armed with a Killing Edge, capable of inflicting critical hits.
SSBU spirit Merric.png
Merric Robin Robin (SSBU)
1,700 Castle Siege N/A •The enemy's magic attacks have increased power
•The enemy favors special moves
Shadow Dragon Medley Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The blue Robin represents Merric, a Mage wearing blue robes who wields his powerful magical tome in battle.
  • The stage and music represent Merric's debut in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Merric's role in the Archanea chronology of the Fire Emblem series as a member of Marth's party.
  • This spirit's Aura Attack ↑ ability references Merric's Mage class, a combat magical class who uses powerful magic attacks.
SSBU spirit Minerva.png
Minerva Lucina Lucina (SSBU)
Charizard Charizard (SSBU)
3,500 Skyworld N/A •The enemy has increased jump power
•The enemy has increased move speed
Story 5 Meeting Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • Lucina's white costume features her hair turning red, representing Minerva, the red-haired princess of Macedon.
  • The green Charizard minion represents Minerva's wyvern mount, which features a green color scheme.
  • The stage and battle conditions reference Minerva's Dracoknight/Wyvern Rider class, a wyvern-mounted combat physical class which allows her to ride her wyvern mount, which features high speed stats and allows them to fly over impossible terrain for long distances.
  • The music track references Minerva's debut in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, which also references how Minerva is recruited into Marth's party in the game's tenth chapter.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit is purchasable at Anna's Emporium, a shop that sells spirits related to equipment, referencing how Minerva is equipped with a javelin.
SSBU spirit Linde.png
Linde Robin Robin (SSBU)
4,100 Temple (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Zap Floor •The floor is electrified
•The enemy's magic attacks have increased power
Shadow Dragon Medley Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The pink Robin represents Linde, a female Mage wearing pink robes who wields her powerful tome in battle.
  • The stage features a palacein the background, representing the palace of Pales, the capital of Archanea where Linde serves as Princess Nyna's apprentice.
  • The music track references Linde's debut in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light.
  • The Zap Floor hazard references Thoron, a thunder magic tome that Linde acquires in the fourteenth chapter or the seventeenth chapter of Shadow Dragon.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Linde's role in the Archanea chronology of the Fire Emblem series as a member of Marth's party.
SSBU spirit Pegasus Sisters.png
Pegasus Sisters Lucina Lucina (SSBU)Lucina (SSBU)Lucina (SSBU)
8,900 Skyworld (clouds only) N/A •The enemy can unleash powerful critical hits at random
•The enemy has an extra midair jump
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem Medley Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The green, navy, and white Lucinas each represent the three sisters and members of the Macedonian Pegasus Knight group, the Whitewings: Palla, Catria, and Est respectively.
  • The stage and second battle condition reference the Pegasus Sisters' Pegasus Knight class, a highly mobile pegasus-mounted combat physical class which allows them to fly over impossible terrain.
  • The first battle condition references the Pegasus Sisters' ability to unleash a powerful Triangle Attack if they surround a single enemy in a triangle formation.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Jump ↑ ability further references the Pegasus Sisters' Pegasus Knight class, which allows them to fly.
  • In World of Light, the Pegasus Sisters spirit is located in the eastern cloud area in the Light Realm, similar to the stage's cloudy setting.
SSBU spirit Tiki.png
Tiki Marth Marth (SSBU)
3,700 Spear Pillar (hazards off) •Assist Trophy Enemies (Tiki) •Hostile assist trophies will appear Fire Emblem Theme (Heroic Origins) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The blue Marth references his appearance as the main character in Fire Emblem: Shadow & the Blade of Light where he befriends Tiki, who appears as the Assist Trophy enemy.
  • The stage represents the Ice Dragon Temple, a shrine where Tiki resided for thousands of years prior to the events of the Archanea games.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Neutral type references Tiki's status as an unwilling enemy and later ally in Shadow Dragon.
SSBU spirit Nyna.png
Nyna Palutena Palutena (SSBU)
Ganondorf Ganondorf (SSBU)
4,200 Temple N/A •Defeat the main fighter to win
•The enemy tends to avoid conflict
•The enemy heals over time
Shadow Dragon Medley Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The cyan Palutena represents Nyna, the princess of Archanea who is dressed in an elegant, regal gown with a blue color scheme.
  • The grey Ganondorf minion represents Hardin, Nyna's husband who was corrupted by Gharnef and became a heavily-armored enemy known as the "Dark Emperor".
  • The stage's background featuring the palace and music track represents Archanea Castle, the palace where Nyna resides as the princess in the Fire Emblem series, including her debut in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light.
  • The second battle condition references Nyna's pacifistic personality, as she doesn't like fighting, while the third battle condition references her Bishop class, a support magical class which allows her to heal her allies during battle.
  • Ganondorf starts off with increased move speed, referencing Hardin's high stats growth in the Archanea chronology, more particularly, the growth of his speed stats.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type and Poison Damage Reduced ability reference how Nyna's Bishop class is a support magical class which allows her to heal her allies during battle.
SSBU spirit Camus.png
Camus Marth Marth (SSBU)
9,200 Arena Ferox •Health Recovery •The enemy's melee weapons have increased power
•The enemy can unleash powerful critical hits at random
•The enemy is healed significantly when the enemy's at high damage
Meeting Theme Series Medley
  • Marth's black costume is based on Camus, a Paladin ally of Marth's who wears a black outfit.
  • The music track represents the recruitment theme where Camus, under the alias of Zeke or Sirius, can be recruited into Marth's party in later games.
  • The Health Recovery rule references how Camus was supposedly killed during his battle against Marth in Shadow Dragon but survives, albeit without his memories, and is nursed back to health by Tatiana prior to the events of Fire Emblem Gaiden/Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
  • The battle conditions reference Camus' spear, Gradivius, which allows him to deal immense damage combined with his high skill stat and subsequent critical rates, as well as restore his HP.
SSBU spirit Medeus.png
Medeus Ridley Ridley (SSBU) (140 HP)
3,600 Castle Siege (Underground Cavern) •Giant •The enemy is giant after a little while
Stamina battle
Lords-Showdown Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The blue Ridley represents Medeus, the antagonistic Shadow Dragon with a dark purple color scheme.
  • The stage's layout references how Medeus was sealed underground by Naga prior to the events of his debut game, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light.
  • The Giant rule references Medeus' ability to change his forms between his human-sized Manakete form to his gigantic Shadow Dragon form.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Lava-Floor Resist ability further references Medeus' revival from his subterranean prison in Shadow Dragon, where the deeper subterranean structures in general features lava and magma.
  • In World of Light, the Medeus spirit is located at the volcano area in the Light Realm, similar to the stage's magma setting.
SSBU spirit Gharnef.png
Gharnef Robin Robin (SSBU)
2,700 Unova Pokémon League (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Slumber Floor •The floor is sleep-inducing
•Timed battle (1:30)
•The enemy favors down specials
Lords-A Chance Encounter Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The green Robin represents Gharnef, an antagonistic Mage wearing a green cloak who wields a powerful magical tome and is associated with a powerful evil dragon.
  • The stage and music track represents the castle in Thabes, an abandoned city serving as Gharnef's hideout, which is depicted as dark in the remake of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light.
  • The Slumber Floor hazard references Gharnef's usage of hypnosis on Tiki in Mystery of the Fire Emblem, where he captures her, puts her in a deep sleep, and entrances her into serving him.
  • Robin's favored Nosferatu references Imhullu, a dark magic tome used by Gharnef which was created from the Darksphere where the tome itself uses spells similar to those of dark magic.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Gharnef's role in the Archanea chronology of the Fire Emblem series by reviving Medeus.
SSBU spirit Alm & Celica (Young).png
Alm & Celica (Young) Villager Villager (SSBU)Villager (SSBU)
2,500 Skyloft (hazards off) N/A •Timed battle (1:00)
•The enemy tends to avoid conflict
Those Who Challenge Gods
  • The cyan and pink Villagers each represent Alm and Celica as depicted in their childhood years in Fire Emblem Gaiden.
  • The stage and music track represents Ram Village, the main setting for the prologue battle in Shadows of Valentia which features Alm and Celica as children.
  • The battle conditions reference how Alm and Celica were children who didn't know how to fight in the prologue of Shadows of Vaentia, but grew up in the game's later chapters.
SSBU spirit Sigurd.png
Sigurd Ike Ike (SSBU)
3,800 Arena Ferox •Defense ↑ •The enemy has increased defense when the enemy's at high damage Edge of Adversity Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • Ike's blue costume is based on Sigurd, the blue-haired swordsman of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War who wields the legendary sword, Tyrfing.
  • The music track represents the musical theme of the Battle of Belhalla, the event at the end of the fifth chapter of Geneaology of the Holy War where Sigurd perishes.
  • The Defense ↑ rule references the defensive effects of Tyring, which drastically increases his evasiveness when he takes a lot of damage and his health stats are low.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Sword Attack ↑ ability references Sigurd's Lord class, the class given to most sword-wielding protagonists of the Fire Emblem series which allows him to use swords.
SSBU spirit Deirdre.png
Deirdre Palutena Palutena (SSBU)
3,700 Temple •Attack Power ↓ •You have reduced attack power Edge of Adversity Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The pink Palutena represents Deirdre, a female character dressed in pink elegant robes who wields her magical staff, Silence.
  • The stage and music track represents Belhalla Castle, the location of the Battle of Belhalla in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War where Deirdre and Sigurd meet for the final time before his death.
  • The Attack Power ↓ rule references Silence, a status condition originating in Genealogy of the Holy War which inhibits the usage of magical spells, talk, or support commands, which Deirdre uses to silence the Dark Mage, Sandima's lethal Fenrir spell.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references how Deirdre's Light Priestess class is a combat and support magical class.
  • This spirit's Trade-Off Attacks ↑ ability references how Deirdre is not physically strong, but makes up for it with her strong magical attacks.
SSBU spirit Seliph.png
Seliph Marth Marth (SSBU)
Ike Ike (SSBU)
3,600 Castle Siege •Defense ↑ •The enemy has increased defense when the enemy's at high damage Edge of Adversity Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The blue Marth represents Seliph, the blue-haired swordsman protagonist of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War who wields a sword similar to Marth's Falchion.
  • The blue Ike minion represents Sigurd, Seliph's late father, referencing the scene where Seliph meets Sigurd's ghost after defeating his killer, Arvis.
  • The stage and music track represents Chalphy Castle, the location where Seliph battles Arvis in Genealogy of the Holy War.
  • The Defense ↑ rule references the defensive effects of Sigurd's legendary sword Tyrfing, which drastically increases his evasiveness when he takes a lot of damage and his health stats are low.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Attack type and Sword Attack ↑ ability reference Seliph's Junior Lord class, the class given to most sword-wielding protagonists of the Fire Emblem series which allows him to use swords.
  • In World of Light, the Seliph spirit is featured on Galeem's side of the Final Battle map while the Dark Mind spirit is across from him on Dharkon's side, referencing how both characters are each named after the opposing sides of light and darkness, with Seliph taking on the alias of the "Scion of Light".
SSBU spirit Leif (Fire Emblem).png
Leif (Fire Emblem) Roy Roy (SSBU)
9,300 Castle Siege N/A •The enemy can unleash powerful critical hits at random
•The enemy heals over time
Fire Emblem Theme Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The pink Roy represents Leif, the red-haired swordsman protagonist of Fire Emblem: Thracia 776.
  • The stage and music track represents Castle Munster, the location of the final battle of Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
  • The first battle condition references the unique hidden stat which drastically increases units' odds of inflicting critical hits on their second attack during a round of combat.
  • The second battle condition references the healing effects of Leif's signature weapon Light Brand, which can be used as an item to restore his own HP.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Attack type and Sword Attack ↑ ability reference Leif's Lord class, the class given to most sword-wielding protagonists of the Fire Emblem series which allows him to use swords.
SSBU spirit Julius.png
Julius Robin Robin (SSBU) (120 HP)
2,200 Castle Siege (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Lava Floor •The floor is lava
•The enemy's explosion and fire attacks have increased power
Stamina battle
Power-Hungry Fool Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • Robin's green costume features a black color scheme, representing Julius, a Mage wearing a black robe who wields a powerful magic tome and is possessed by a powerful evil dragon.
  • The stage represents Belhalla Castle, which features the boss battle against Julius in Genealogy of the Holy War.
  • The music track represents the musical theme of Oliver's boss battle, another Fire Emblem boss character who uses magical attacks.
  • The Lava Floor hazard and the battle conditions reference Julius' inheritance of powerful fire magic from his father, Arvis, and the usage of his fire tome, Meteor.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Fire Attack ↑ ability further references Julius' inheritance of powerful fire magic from Arvis, and the usage of his fire tome, Meteor.
SSBU spirit Lilina.png
Lilina Palutena Palutena (SSBU)
Roy Roy (SSBU)
3,500 Gaur Plain (Battlefield form) N/A •The enemy's explosion and fire attacks have increased power
•The enemy favors side specials
•Reinforcements will appear during the battle
Beyond Distant Skies - Roy's Departure Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The red Palutena represents Lilina, a female character wearing a red dress who uses magic-based attacks.
  • The cyan Roy minion references his appearance as the main character in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, who becomes Lilina's friend and eventually, her husband.
  • The stage represents the outskirts of Pherae, the grassland territory of the Lycian League, the main setting of The Binding Blade, while the music track represents the musical theme of the game's eighth chapter where Lilina is recruited into Roy's party.
  • Palutena's favored Explosive Flame and the first battle condition reference how many Fire Emblem spin-off games depict Lilina as a specialist in fire magic who wields the powerful legendary fire tome Forblaze.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Attack type and Fire Attack ↑ ability further reference Lilina's usage of fire magic and wielding her Forblaze fire tome in the Fire Emblem spin-off games.
SSBU spirit Lyn.png
Lyn Zero Suit Samus Zero Suit Samus (SSBU)
9,400 Gaur Plain (Battlefield form) •Attack Power ↑
•Assist Trophy Enemies (Lyn)
•Hostile assist trophies will appear
•The enemy has increased attack power when the enemy's at high damage
•The enemy starts the battle with a Killing Edge
Attack - Fire Emblem
  • The blue shorts Zero Suit Samus represents Lyn, a female warrior wearing a blue midriff tunic and exposed legs who appears as the Assist Trophy enemy.
  • The stage and music track represents Lyn's homeland of Sacae, an open plains nation that is frequently raided by bandits in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.
  • Zero Suit Samus starting off with a Killing Edge and second battle condition reference Lyn's main weapon, the Mani Katti, a powerful sword which can boost its wielder's critical hit.
SSBU spirit Eliwood.png
Eliwood Roy Roy (SSBU)
9,800 Castle Siege (Battlefield form) •Easy to Launch
•Hazard: Lava Floor
•The floor is lava
•All fighters are easy to launch after a little while
•The enemy's explosion and fire attacks have increased power
Winning Road - Roy's Hope Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • Roy's cyan costume is based on his father, Eliwood, the red-haired protagonist of Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.
  • The stage represents Pherae Castle, the capital of the Pherae region where Eliwood serves as part of the ruling monarchy in The Binding Blade.
  • The music track references how the "Winning Road" track in The Binding Blade and The Blazing Blade both share the same melody.
  • The Lava Floor hazard, Easy to Launch rule, and third battle condition reference Eliwood's main weapon, the Blazing Blade Durandal, a legendary sword obtained inside a lava cavern which has the power over fire and can increase its wielder's strength stats.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Fire Attack ↑ ability references the Durandal's power over fire, which allows it to use powerful fire-based attacks.
SSBU spirit Hector (Fire Emblem).png
Hector (Fire Emblem) Simon Simon (SSBU) (220 HP)
9,700 Coliseum N/A •The enemy has super armor and is hard to launch or make flinch
Stamina battle
•The enemy has increased attack power
Attack - Fire Emblem Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The blue Hector's frequent Axe represents Hector, one of the main protagonists in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade who wears blue armor and uses his axe in battle.
  • The battle conditions reference how Hector has the highest attack stats and physical durability of the three main characters in The Blazing Blade.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Attack type and Unflinching Charged Smashes ability further reference Hector's high attack, defense, and physical durability stats.
SSBU spirit Raven.png
Raven Roy Roy (SSBU)
1,700 Coliseum •Defense ↓
•Attack Power ↑
•All fighters have reduced defense
•All fighters have increased attack power
Attack - Fire Emblem Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The purple Roy represents Raven, a red-haired swordsman who wears a dark-colored tunic.
  • The music track references Raven's appearance in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.
  • The Attack Power ↑ and Defense ↓ rules reference Raven's high attack stats and poor defense stats.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Attack type and Sword Attack ↑ ability reference Raven's Mercenary class, a combat physical class which allows him to use swords.
SSBU spirit Ninian.png
Ninian Palutena Palutena (SSBU)
Roy Roy (SSBU)
3,400 Castle Siege (Battlefield form) N/A •Defeat the main fighter to win
•The enemy can use their Final Smash twice in a row
•The enemy's FS Meter charges quickly
Winning Road - Roy's Hope Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The green Palutena represents Ninian, a female character who wears elegant light green gowns.
  • The green Roy minion represents Eliwood, Ninian's close ally who later becomes her potential wife and mother of Roy.
  • The music track references how the "Winning Road" track in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade and The Blazing Blade both share the same melody.
  • The battle conditions references Ninian's Dancer class, a support class which specializes in allowing units to travel twice in one turn.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Ninian's role in the Elibe chronology of the Fire Emblem series as a member of the player's party.
  • This spirit's Support and Defense types, and Trade-Off Defense ↑ ability reference how Ninan's Dancer class is a support class who features poor physical defense, but makes up for it with a high resistance stats growth rate.
SSBU spirit Karel.png
Karel Chrom Chrom (SSBU)
3,700 Coliseum •Attack Power ↑ •The enemy's melee weapons have increased power
•The enemy has increased attack power when the enemy's at high damage
•The enemy has increased attack power
Coliseum Series Medley Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The black Chrom represents Karel, a swordsman who wears a black outfit.
  • The stage and music track represent Karel's appearance in the Elibe chronology of the Fire Emblem series.
  • The Attack Power ↑ rule and battle conditions reference Karel's Swordmaster class, a sword-wielding physical combat class which gives him a mastery over his signature weapon, Wo Dao , which features a high critical hit rate.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Karel's role in the Elibe chronology of the Fire Emblem series as a member of the player's party.
  • This spirit's Attack type and Weapon Attack ↑ ability further reference Karel's Swordmaster class, which gives him a master over Wo Dao, which features a high critical hit rate.
SSBU spirit Nino.png
Nino Robin Robin (SSBU)
3,600 Arena Ferox N/A •The enemy's magic attacks have increased power
•The enemy favors up specials in the air
Attack - Fire Emblem Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The pink Robin represents Nino, a female Mage who wields a powerful magic tome.
  • The music track references Nino's appearance in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.
  • Robin's favored Elwind references how Nino is frequently associated with wind magic in the spin-off game, Fire Emblem Heroes.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Karel's role in the Elibe chronology of the Fire Emblem series as a member of the player's party.
SSBU spirit Eirika.png
Eirika Lucina Lucina (SSBU)
Ike Ike (SSBU)
9,200 Coliseum N/A •The enemy has increased attack power
•The enemy has increased move speed
•The enemy has increased jump power
Preparing to Advance Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The white Lucina represents Eirika, a blue-haired sword-wielding princess who wears a red tunic and white armor.
  • The blue Ike minion represents Ephraim, the blue-haired twin brother of Eirika who wears a blue outfit.
  • The music track references Eirika's appearance in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.
  • The battle conditions reference how Eirika is depicted as a nimble fighter who often hops around while attacking in battle.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Weight ↓ ability further references Eirika's nimbleness, who often hops around while attacking in battle.
SSBU spirit L'Arachel.png
L'Arachel Robin Robin (SSBU)
Sheik Sheik (SSBU)
Wario Wario (SSBU)
1,600 Castle Siege •Health Recovery •The enemy is healed when the enemy's at high damage Preparing to Advance Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The yellow Robin represents L'Arachel, a female character with blonde hair who wears a yellow outfit and uses magic-based attacks.
  • The indigo Sheik minion represents Rennac, a swift and nimble rogue who wears an indigo tunic, while the yellow Wario minion represents Dozla, a muscular Berserker who features a mustache and upper body strength.
  • The music track references L'Arachel's appearance in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.
  • The Health Recovery rule references L'Arachel's Troubadour class, a horse-mounted support magical class which allows her to heal her allies during battle.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references how L'Arachel's Troubador class is a support magical class.
  • This spirit's Shield type and Magic Resist ↑ ability reference how L'Arachel's Troubadour class features high magic and high resistance stats.
SSBU spirit Lyon.png
Lyon Robin Robin (SSBU)
•Giant Ridley Ridley (SSBU)
3,700 Unova Pokémon League (hazards off) N/A •Reinforcements will appear after an enemy is KO'd
•The enemy is giant
Preparing to Advance Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The white Robin represents Lyon, a magic-classed character who is possessed by a powerful evil presence.
  • The purple Giant Ridley minion represents the Demon King Fomortiis, a giant demon with a dark color scheme who slowly gains control of Lyon.
  • The stage, music track, and battle condition represents the Black Temple, the location of the final chapter of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones which features the final boss battle against Lyon, where killing him allows Fomortiis to be resurrected and battled.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Grab type references how Lyon is slowly possessed by Fomortiis throughout the story of The Sacred Stones.
  • This spirit's Magic Attack ↑ ability references Lyon's Necromancer class, an enemy-only combat magical class which allows him to use magical attacks.
  • In World of Light, the Lyon spirit must be defeated in order to access Giga Bowser, the boss of the Molten Fortress map in the Light Realm, further referencing how killing Lyon resurrects Fomortiis, a giant, hulking, horned monster similar to Giga Bowser.
SSBU spirit Titania.png
Titania Lucina Lucina (SSBU)
1,700 Castle Siege (Ω form) •Attack Power ↓ •You have reduced attack power
•The enemy has increased attack power
The Devoted
  • The white Lucina features red hair, representing Titania, a powerful female red-haired warrior who wears a red tunic and white armor.
  • The music track references Titania's appearance in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
  • The Attack Power ↓ rule and second battle condition reference how Titania is an experienced mercenary and a crutch character who has high stats to rely on during earlier parts of Radiant Dawn.
SSBU spirit Soren.png
Soren Robin Robin (SSBU)
Ike Ike (SSBU)
1,800 Temple (Battlefield form) •Magic and PSI Unleashed •The enemy favors special moves
•All fighters' magic and PSI attacks have increased power
Victory Is Near Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The green Robin represents Soren, a Mage who wears a dark cloak and wields his powerful magical tome in battle.
  • The Ike minion's purple costume is based on his appearance as the main character in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Soren's debut game who strikes a close friendship with Ike.
  • The Magic and PSI Unleashed rule references Soren's high magic stats growth in the Tellius chronology of the Fire Emblem series.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Soren's role as the staff officer and strategist of the Greil Mercenaries in the Tellius chronology.
  • This spirit's Magic Attack ↑ ability further references Soren's Mage class, a combat magical class, and his unique high magic stats growth.
SSBU spirit Mist.png
Mist Zelda Zelda (SSBU)
Ike Ike (SSBU)
3,500 Reset Bomb Forest (hazards off) •Health Recovery
•Defense ↑
•The enemy has increased defense when the enemy's at high damage
•The enemy is healed when the enemy's at high damage
Victory Is Near Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The white Zelda represents Mist, a female blonde character who uses magic-based attacks.
  • The Ike minion's yellow costume is based on his appearance as the main character in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Mist's debut game who serves as Ike's younger sister.
  • The stage and music track represents the bandit stronghold in the second chapter of Path of Radiance where Mist is kidnapped by a group of bandits and held prisoner.
  • The Defense ↑ and Health Recovery rules reference Mist's Cleric class, a support magical class which allows her to heal her allies during battle.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references how Mist's Cleric class is a support magical class.
  • This spirit's Grab type further references how Mist is kidnapped by a group of bandits early on in Path of Radiance.
  • This spirit's Support and Mouthful of Curry ability reference Mist's role of doing chores for the Greil Mercenaries, including cooking.
SSBU spirit Sothe.png
Sothe Sheik Sheik (SSBU)
3,600 Mushroomy Kingdom (Battlefield form) N/A •The enemy favors dash attacks
•The enemy has increased move speed
Time of Action Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The green Sheik represents Sothe, a nimble thief who wears a green tunic and a scarf, and carries daggers for weapons.
  • The stage and music track represents the Desert of Death, the desert location east of Sothe's homeland of Daein in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
  • Sheik's favored dash attacks and the "increased move speed" battle condition references Sothe's Thief class, a combat/utility physical class which allows him to become nimble and highly agile.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Sothe's role in the Tellius chronology of the Fire Emblem series as a member of Ike's party.
  • This spirit's Grab type and Battering Items ↑ ability further reference Sothe's Thief class, which allows him to steal and use bladed weapons.
SSBU spirit Elincia.png
Elincia Palutena Palutena (SSBU)
3,600 Skyworld •Health Recovery
•Attack Power ↑
•The enemy has increased attack power when the enemy's at high damage
•The enemy is healed when the enemy's at high damage
•The enemy has increased move speed
Victory Is Near
  • The red Palutena represents Elincia, a green-haired female character who wears red elegant robes and wields a magical staff.
  • The stage and "increased move speed" battle condition reference Elincia's Princess Crimea class, a pegasus-mounted class which allows her to become a highly mobile flying unit.
  • The music track references Elincia's appearance in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.
  • The Attack Power ↑ and Health Recovery rules reference how Eleincia's Princess Crimea class also allows her to use her healing staff, Mend, which is capable of restoring her HP.
SSBU spirit Ashnard.png
Ashnard Ganondorf Ganondorf (SSBU) (80 HP)
Charizard Charizard (SSBU) (80 HP)
3,600 Reset Bomb Forest (hazards off) •Defense ↑ Stamina battle
•The enemy has increased defense
Against the Dark Knight
  • The grey Ganondorf represents starting off with 80 HP represents Ashnard, an antagonistic king who wears a cape and dark-colored armor who features 80 HP during his second boss battle.
  • The purple Charizard minion represents the dark dragon form of Rajaion, a member of the dragon tribe of the humanoid Laguz race capable of shapeshifting into animals, who serves as Ashnard's brainwashed mount.
  • The stage's layout represents the kingdom of Crimea where Ashnard leads his armies of Daein to invade and usurp the kingdom during The Mad King's War, an event which makes up entirely in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.
  • The music track and Defense ↑ rule references how Ashnard wears goddess-blessed armor which protects him from most attacks, similar to the blessed armor worn by the Black Knight.
  • Ganondorf's frequent smash attacks features Ganondorf's sword which features a curved tip at the end, resembling Ashnard's main weapon, the wicked sword Gurgurant.
SSBU spirit Zelgius.png
Zelgius Mii Swordfighter Mii Swordfighter (SSBU) (160 HP) (Moveset 1211, Black Knight Helm, Black Knight Armor, Low Voice Type 5)
9,700 Castle Siege (hazards off) N/A •The enemy has super armor and is hard to launch or make flinch
•The enemy's smash attacks have increased power
Stamina battle
Against the Dark Knight
  • The larger-than-normal Mii Swordfighter's costume and voice type represents the Black Knight, the large, armored alter-ego of Zelgius.
  • The stage and music track represents Fort Pinell, the castle-like location in the twnety-seventh chapter of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, which features the boss battle against the Black Knight.
  • The first battle condition references how the Black Knight wears goddess-blessed armor, which features high defense and resistance stats, while the second battle condition references the Black Knight's usage of his goddess-blessed sword, Alondite, which features high attack stats.
SSBU spirit Lissa.png
Lissa Isabelle Isabelle (SSBU)
Robin Robin (SSBU)
Chrom Chrom (SSBU)
3,300 Arena Ferox N/A •Take your strongest team into this no-frills battle Duty (Ablaze) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The yellow Isabelle represents Lissa, a young female character wearing a yellow dress who wears her blonde hair in twin pigtails.
  • The Robin and Chrom minions reference their appearance as the main characters in Fire Emblem Awakening, Lissa's debut game who serves as Robin's companion and Chrom's younger sister.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type and Fairy Bottle Equipped ability reference Lissa's Cleric class, a support magical class which allows her to heal her allies during battle.
SSBU spirit Lon'qu.png
Lon'qu Chrom Chrom (SSBU)
3,700 Arena Ferox •Item: Swords •The enemy's slash and stab attacks have increased power
•The enemy starts the battle with a Killing Edge
Conquest (Ablaze)
  • The black Chrom starting off with a Killing Edge represents Lon'qu, a swordsman wearing a dark-colored tunic who is armed with a Killing Edge.
  • The stage and music track represents Arena Ferox, the main setting of the fourth chapter of Fire Emblem Awakening where Lon'qu is the champion who later joins the player's party.
SSBU spirit Tharja.png
Tharja Lucina Lucina (SSBU)
4,100 Kalos Pokémon League (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Poison Cloud •The stage is covered in a poisonous cloud
•The enemy's special moves have increased power
Conquest (Ablaze) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • Lucina's navy outfit is based on Tharja, a female character who wears a dark outfit.
  • The stage is based on the Kalos Pokémon League, which resembles a castle, representing Plegia Castle, the main setting of the ninth chapter of Fire Emblem: Awakening.
  • The Poison Cloud hazard references Tharja's Dark Mage class, a combat magical class which allows her to cast dark magic and hexes onto other units.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Magic Attack ↑ ability further references Tharja's Dark Mage class, which allows her to cast dark magic and hexes.
SSBU spirit Anna.png
Anna Lucina Lucina (SSBU)
3,300 Castle Siege (Throne Room) •Strengthen Weapon
•Item: Swords
•All fighters' melee weapons have increased power after a little while
•Items will be pulled toward the enemy
Code Name: F.E.
  • Lucina's white costume features her hair turning red, representing Anna, a female red-haired character.
  • The stage's layout and Strengthen Weapon rule reference Anna's Secret Shops, a series of hidden shops including one hiddin north of the throne in the eventeenth chapter of Anna's debut game, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, which sells various items capable of bossting a party member's stats.
  • The Sword items and third battle condition reference Anna's specialty in using swords during her playable appearance in Fire Emblem Awakening.
SSBU spirit Gangrel.png
Gangrel Wolf Wolf (SSBU)
Bayonetta Bayonetta (SSBU)
3,700 Find Mii (Ω form) N/A •Defeat the main fighter to win
•The enemy has increased attack power
Id (Purpose) (Remix) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The black Wolf represents Gangrel, an antagonistic king wearing a black outfit who views people as nothing more than beasts.
  • The white Bayonetta minion represents Aversa, Gangrel's female subordinate who wears a black dress and uses dark magic.
  • The stage and music track represents the Border Wastes, the main setting of the eleventh chapter of Fire Emblem: Awakening which features Gangrel's boss battle.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Attack type and Electric Attack ↑ ability reference Gengrel's signature weapon, the Levin Sword, which is also known as the Lightning Sword.
SSBU spirit Walhart.png
Walhart Ganondorf Ganondorf (SSBU) (160 HP)
9,900 Coliseum (hazards off) •Jump Power ↓ •The enemy has super armor and is hard to launch or make flinch
Stamina battle
•All fighters have reduced jump power
Id (Purpose) (Remix) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The violet Ganondorf represents Walhart, a muscular antagonist who wears red armor and a dark-colored cape who conquers the main setting of Fire Emblem Awakening.
  • The Super Armor battle condition references Walhart's Conqueror class, a unique combat physical class which allows him to feature high defensive capabilities.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Attack type and Slow Super Armor ability further reference Walhart's Conqueror class, which allows him to feature high offensive and defensive capabilities.
SSBU spirit Owain.png
Owain Chrom Chrom (SSBU)
1,700 Coliseum •Item: Swords •The enemy's melee weapons have increased power
•The enemy loves to taunt
•The enemy starts the battle with a Killing Edge
Duty (Ablaze) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The yellow Chrom starting off with a Killing Edge represents Owain, Chrom's nephew from the future who wears a yellow tunic and wields his signature weapon, Missiletainn.
  • The music track reference Owain's appearance in Fire Emblem: Awakening.
  • The second battle condition references Owain's love for theatrics and drama during battle.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Attack type and Electric Attack ↑ ability reference Owain's Dark Mage class in Fates where he uses the Thunder tome as a starting weapon.
SSBU spirit Severa.png
Severa Lucina Lucina (SSBU)
1,700 Coliseum (Battlefield form) N/A •The enemy can unleash powerful critical hits at random Duty (Ablaze)
  • Lucina's white costume is based on Severa, a female red-haired character wearing white armor who is Lucina's companion from the future.
  • The music track references Severa's appearance in Fire Emblem: Awakening.
  • The battle condition references Severa's personal skill, Fierce Rival, which guarantees Severa a critical attack when the lead character lands a critical attack themselves.
SSBU spirit Azura.png
Azura Corrin Corrin (SSBU)
13,500 Fountain of Dreams •Sudden Final Smash •The enemy will suddenly have a Final Smash
•The enemy can use their Final Smash twice in a row
•The enemy has increased attack power
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (JP) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The female Corrin represents her cousin, Azura, a female songstress with a white color scheme who features long hair.
  • The stage and music track represents the lake in the prologue of Azura's debut game, Fire Emblem Fates where Corrin stumbles on Azura while singing her signature song.
  • The second battle condition references Azura's Songstress class, a unique support class which allows her to have units to travel twice in one turn.
  • Corrin's Torrential Roar Final Smash features Corrin transforming into her dragon form, referencing how Azura attempts to calm Corrin down during their rampage in their dragon form after their mother is killed by Sumeragi during the prologue of Fates.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type and Attack types, and Weapon Attack & Move Speed ↑ ability further reference how Azura's Songstress class is a unique support class, which allows her to increase her units' speed and attack stats.
  • In World of Light, the Azura spirit must be defeated in order to access the Corrin fighter, referencing Azura's loyalty and familial relationship with Corrin.
SSBU spirit Jakob.png
Jakob Sheik Sheik (SSBU)
3,500 Spear Pillar (Battlefield form) •Item: Throwing Types •The enemy's throwing-type items have increased power
•Items will be pulled toward the enemy
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (for 3DS / Wii U) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The black Sheik represents Jakob, a white-haired butler who wears a black outfit.
  • The stage and music track represents the Bottomless Cavern, the main setting of the third chapter of Fire Emblem Fates where Corrin and Jakob are separated.
  • The Throwing Type items and battle conditions reference Jakob's Butler class, a combat and support class which allows him to use throwing shurikens as weapons.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type and Thrown Items ↑ ability further reference how Jakob's Butler class is a support class, which allows him to use throwing shurikens as weapons.
SSBU spirit Ryoma.png
Ryoma Chrom Chrom (SSBU)
9,500 Coliseum (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Zap Floor •The floor is electrified
•The enemy's melee weapons have increased power
•The enemy has increased attack power
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Remix)
  • The red Chrom represents Ryoma, the high prince of Hoshido who wears red armor and shares the same English voice actor, Matthew Mercer.
  • The music track references Ryoma's appearance in Fire Emblem Fates.
  • The Zap Floor hazard and battle conditions reference Ryoma's signature weapon, Raijinto, a katana which uses the power of electricity.
SSBU spirit Hinoka.png
Hinoka Lucina Lucina (SSBU)
9,800 Suzaku Castle (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Heavy Wind •Dangerously high winds are in effect
•The enemy has an extra midair jump
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Remix) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • Lucina's white costume features her hair turning red, representing Hinoka, red-haired female character who wears a red-and-white outfit.
  • The stage and music track represents Hoshido, the Japanese-inspired homeland of Hinoka, whom she serves as one of its princesses in Fire Emblem Fates.
  • The Heavy Wind hazard and battle conditions references Hinoka's Pegasus Knight class, a highly mobile pegasus-mounted combat physical class which allows her to fly over impossible terrain for long distances.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Jump ↑ ability further references Hinoka's Pegasus Knight class, which allows her to fly over impossible terrain.
SSBU spirit Takumi.png
Takumi Pit Pit (SSBU)×2
9,100 Mushroomy Kingdom (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Heavy Wind •Dangerously high winds are in effect
•The enemy's neutral special has increased power
•The enemy favors neutral specials
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Remix) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The blue Pit's favored Palutena Bow and the Heavy Wind hazard represents Takumi, a skilled archer who wears a blue outfit and wields his signature weapon, Fujin Yumi, a bow which can shoot out arrows made of wind.
  • The number of fighters, the stage, and music track represents the Great Wall of Suzanoh, the main setting of the twenty-third chapter of Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest where a possessed Takumi is fought alongside a copy of himself during the final boss battle.

Other trivia:
  • In World of Light, the Takumi spirit is featured on Galeem's side of The Final Battle map while the Garon spirit is featured across from him on Dharkon's side, referencing how both characters are representatives of their opposing kingdoms in Fire Emblem Fates who were manipulated by the game's central antagonist, Anankos, with Takumi serving as the third prince of Hoshido.
SSBU spirit Sakura (Fire Emblem).png
Sakura (Fire Emblem) Isabelle Isabelle (SSBU)
Corrin Corrin (SSBU)
9,100 Reset Bomb Forest (hazards off) N/A •Defeat the main fighter to win
•The enemy heals over time
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Remix) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The red Isabelle represents Sakura, the young princess of Hoshido who wears a red dress.
  • The pink Corrin references her appearance as the main character of Sakura's debut game, Fire Emblem Fates who serves as Corrin's younger stepsister.
  • The stage's layout represents Fort Jinya, a fortress location in Fire Emblem Fates where Sakura helps heal the woundedsoldiers and civilians when it is attacked by Nohrian soldiers.
  • The Autoheal battle condition references Sakura's Shrine Maiden class, a support magical class which allows her to heal her allies during battle.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type and Poison Immunity ability further reference how Sakura's Shrine Maiden class is a support magical class, which allows her to heal her allies during battle.
SSBU spirit Camilla.png
Camilla Corrin Corrin (SSBU)
Charizard Charizard (SSBU)
9,700 Spear Pillar (hazards off) •Item: X Bomb
•Hazard: Poison Cloud
•The stage is covered in a poisonous cloud Lost in Thoughts All Alone (for 3DS / Wii U)
  • The black Corrin represents Camilla, the eldest princess of Nohr who wears black armor and serves as Corrin's elder adoptive sister.
  • The purple Charizard minion and the Poison Cloud hazard represents Camilla's dark purple wyvern mount, which has the ability to attack by breathing a poisonous breath.
  • The stage and music track represents the Underground Passage, the main setting of the twenty-third chapter of Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright which features Camilla's boss battle.
  • The X Bomb item references Camilla's Malig Knight class, a wyvern-mounted combat physical and magical class which allows her to use her Fire tome and her special skill, Savage Blow, which damages enemies at a certain radius.
SSBU spirit Leo.png
Leo Robin Robin (SSBU)
9,200 Reset Bomb Forest (hazards off) •Hazard: High Gravity •Your jumping power decreases
•The enemy starts the battle with a Black Hole
•The enemy's melee blows will heal them when they hit
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (for 3DS / Wii U) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The green Robin represents Robin, a short-haired magic-classed character who wields a powerful tome in battle.
  • The stage and music track represents the Woods of the Forlorn, the main setting of the eighteenth chapter of Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright which features Leo's boss battle.
  • Robin starting off with a Black Hole and the High Gravity rule reference Leo's dark magic tome, Brynhildr, which has the power to control gravity
  • The third battle condition references Leo's special skill, Lifetaker, which allows him to restore his HP each time he defeats and enemy.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Attack type and Magic Attack ↑ ability references Leo's Dark Knight class, a horse-mounted combat magical class which allows him to use magical tomes as his primary weapon.
SSBU spirit Elise.png
Elise Isabelle Isabelle (SSBU)
9,600 Coliseum •Item: Recovery Types •Timed battle (1:30)
•The enemy heals over time
•The enemy is easily distracted by items
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (for 3DS / Wii U) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The pink Isabelle represents Elise, the young princess of Nohr who wears a pink dress and her blonde hair in twin pigtails.
  • The stage, music track, and the timed battle condition represents Castle Krakenburg's combat room, the main setting of the twenty-sixth chapter of Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright where Elise sacrifices her life to prevent Xander from killing Corrin.
  • The Recovery Type items and the Autoheal battle condition reference Elise's Troubadour class, a horse-mounted support magical class which allows her to heal her allies in battle.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type and Autoheal ability further references how Elise's Troubadour class is a support magical class, which allows her to heal her allies in battle.
  • This spirit's Shield type further references Elise's sacrifice to prevent Xander from killing Corrin in Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright.
SSBU spirit Garon.png
Garon Ganondorf Ganondorf (SSBU) (160 HP)
9,600 Final Destination •Jump Power ↓
•Hazard: Poison Floor
•The floor is poisonous
•You have reduced jump power
Stamina battle
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (Remix) Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The purple Ganondorf and the Poisoin Floor hazard represents Garon, an antagonistic king who wears a dark-colored armor and a large cape, who was later revealed to be a slime monster created to impersonate the real Garon.
  • The stage and music track represents the main setting of the Endgame chapter of Fire Emblem Fates where the game's central antagonist, Anankos consumes Garon to regain his power, which features a galactic background.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Trade-Off Ability ↑ ability references how the real Garon was disposed of by Anankos and replaced with a slime creature.
  • In World of Light, the Garon spirit is featured on Dharkon's side of the Final Battle map while the Takumi spirit is featured across from him on Galeem's side, , referencing how both characters are representatives of their opposing kingdoms in Fire Emblem Fates who were manipulated by the game's central antagonist, Anankos, with Garon serving as the king of Nohr.
SSBU spirit Tsubasa Oribe.png
Tsubasa Oribe Inkling Inkling (SSBU)
1,600 Boxing Ring (Battlefield form) •Assist Trophy Enemies (Squid Sisters) •Hostile assist trophies will appear Style Savvy: Trendsetters
  • The Inkling's purple costume features a school uniform, referencing the school uniform Tsubasa wears.
  • The stage and Squid Sisters Assist Trophy enemy represents the battle areas used for the combat gameplay of Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE, which features a fighting ring, strobelights, and crowds of cheering fans.
  • The music track references how Style Savvy and Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE both share the same Japanese music production company, Avex Group.
SSBU spirit Edelgard.png
Edelgard Byleth Byleth (SSBU)
5,000 Castle Siege (Battlefield form) •Hazard: Lava Floor •The floor is lava
•The enemy has super armor and is hard to launch or make flinch
The Apex of the World Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • Byleth's red costume is based on Edelgard von Hresvelg, the female leader of the Black Eagles with a red color scheme whose post-timeskip Aymr weapon serves as Byleth's down special attack.
  • The stage and music track represents Ardestan Castle, the location which features Edelgard as the final boss in the Azure Moon route in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
  • The Lava Floor hazard and battle conditions references Edelgard's alter-ego, the Flame Emperor, which features a high defense stat.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Attack type references Edelgard's red color scheme, which is featured on the Black Eagles banner, and her attack on Garreg Mach as the Flame Emperor.
SSBU spirit Dimitri (Fire Emblem).png
Dimitri (Fire Emblem) Byleth Byleth (SSBU) (100 HP)
Ganondorf Ganondorf (SSBU) (80 HP)
5,000 Distant Planet (Ω form) N/A Stamina battle
•The enemy has increased attack power
Between Heaven and Earth Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • Byleth's blue costume is based on Dmitri, the leader of the Blue Lions house whose Areadbhar weapon serves as Byleth's side special attack.
  • The stage represents the Tailtean Plains, the location of Dimitri's battle in the Crimson FLower route, while the music track references Dimitri's appearance as a boss in the Verdant Wind route in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Shield type references Dimitri's blue color scheme, which is featured on the Blue Lions banner.
SSBU spirit Claude.png
Claude Byleth Byleth (SSBU)
5,000 Gaur Plain (Ω form) •Hazard: Left Is Right, Right Is Left
•Hazard: Poison Floor
•The floor is poisonous
•Left and right controls will suddenly reverse
Blue Skies and a Battle Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • Byleth's yellow costume is based on Claude von Riegan, the leader of the Golden Deer house whose Failnaught weapon serves as Byleth's neutral special attack.
  • The stage and music track represents Gronder Field, the setting for the Battle of the Eagle and Lion mock battle.
  • The Poison Floor and Reversible Controls hazards reference Claude's reputation as a schemer and tactician where he schemed to give his rivals food poisoning before the Battle of the Eagle and Lion.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Grab type references Claude's golden color scheme, which is featured with the Golden Deer banner.
SSBU spirit Sothis.png
Sothis Byleth Byleth (SSBU)
13,400 Spear Pillar (Ω form) •Health Recovery
•Sudden Final Smash
•The enemy will suddenly have a Final Smash
•The enemy is healed significantly when the enemy's at high damage
Fire Emblem: Three Houses Main Theme Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The female Byleth's green costume is based on Sothis, the Progenitor God who uses Byleth as the vessel of her consciousness and later fuses with them, who serves as part of Byleth's Progenitor God Ruptured Heaven Final Smash.
  • The stage and music track represents the Throne of Knowledge, a throne which Sothis sits on in Byleth's dreams in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, which features a dark background.
  • The Health Recovery rule references the first meeting between Byleth and Sothis when the former took a fatal attack from the bandit leader Kostas, where Sothis granted them the Divine Pulse, a time manipulation power which allowed Byleth to rewind time and disarm Kostas.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type and Critical-Health Healing ↑ ↑ ability further reference Sothis' Divine Power, which can rewind time.
SSBU spirit Rhea.png
Rhea Palutena Palutena (SSBU) (80 HP)
•Giant Charizard Charizard (SSBU) (120 HP)
10,300 Bridge of Eldin (hazards off) N/A Stamina battle
•Reinforcements will appear after an enemy is KO'd
•The enemy is giant
The Apex of the World Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • Palutena represents Rhea, a green-haired female character wearing a white robe who is associated with divinity.
  • The white Giant Charizard minion represents the Immaculate One, a giant white dragon that Rhea transforms into later in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
  • The stage and music track represents Garreg Mach at sunset when Rhea first transformed into the Immaculate One as the final boss in all routes excluding Crimson Flower in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Neutral type references Rhea's status as an ally and later antagonist.
  • This spirit's Magic Attack ↑ ability references Rhea's high magic stats and usage of magic-based attacks.
SSBU spirit Seteth.png
Seteth Dr. Mario Dr. Mario (SSBU)
Villager Villager (SSBU)
4,200 Garreg Mach Monastery (Cathedral, Rhea background) N/A •Timed battle (1:00)
•Reinforcements will appear after an enemy is KO'd
•The enemy has increased power for the first part of the battle
Chasing Daybreak Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The black Dr. Mario represents Seteth, an instructor at Garreg Mach who wears a dark-colored outfit.
  • The green Villager minion represents Seteth's younger sister, Flayn, who is later revealed to be Seteth's daughter.
  • The stage's layout features Rhea as a bkacground character, referencing Seteth's affiliation with the Church of Seiros and loyalty to Rhea.
  • The stage, music, and timed battle condition reference the fifteenth chapter of the Crimson Flower route in Fire Emblem: Three Houses where Byleth must prevent Flayn and Seteth from reclaiming Garreg Mach.
  • Dr. Mario's increased stats and third battle condition reference Seteth's overall stats as a party member in all routes except for the Crimson Flower route, where he features solid strength and speed stats.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support and Neutral types reference Seteth's loyalty and later betrayal of the Church of Serios in Crimson Flower route of Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
  • This spirit's Air Attack ↑ ability references Seteth's Wyvern Rider class, a wyvern-mounted combat physical class which allows him to attack while riding his flying wyvern mount.
SSBU spirit Dorothea.png
Dorothea Robin Robin (SSBU)
Jigglypuff Jigglypuff (SSBU)×3
2,400 Garreg Mach Monastery (Reception Hall, Edelgard background) N/A •Defeat the main fighter to win
•The enemy's electric attacks have increased power
Fódlan Winds Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The female Robin represents Dorothea, a female character wearing a black-and-white outfit who wields a magical tome during battle.
  • The three Jigglypuff minions' frequent Sing references Dorothea's career as a songstress before she enrolled in the Officers Academy.
  • The stage's layout features Edelgard as a background character, referencing Dorothea's affiliation with the Black Eagles in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
  • Robin's frequent Thunder references how Dorothea starts off with the Thunder tome after being recruited into Byleth's party, who had already learned the Thunder spell.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Dorothea's role in Three Houses as a member of Byleth's party.
  • This spirit's Attack type references the red color scheme of the Black Eagles banner.
  • This spirit's Attack type and Electric Attack ↑ ability further references Dorothea's usage of the Thunder tome.
SSBU spirit Ingrid.png
Ingrid Lucina Lucina (SSBU)
2,400 Garreg Mach Monastery (Marketplace, Dimitri and Dedue background) •Item Tidal Wave
•Item: Food
•Certain items will appear in large numbers Tearing Through Heaven Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • Lucina's yellow costume features her hair turning yellow, representing Ingrid, a female swordfighter with blonde hair who wears a yellow outfit.
  • The stage's layout features Dimitri and Dedue as background characters, referencing Ingrid's affiliation with the Blue Lions in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
  • The Food (Steaks) item references how Ingrid loses herself in delicious food, with Smoked Meat being among her favorite food.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Dorothea's role in Three Houses as a member of Byleth's party.
  • This spirit's Shield type references the blue color scheme of the Blue Lions banner.
  • This spirit's Landing Lag ↓ ability references Ingrid's Noble class, which allows her to have access to any movement type, including flying.
SSBU spirit Hilda (Fire Emblem).png
Hilda (Fire Emblem) Villager Villager (SSBU)
Byleth Byleth (SSBU)
2,400 Garreg Mach Monastery (Bridge, Lorenz background) •Attack Power ↑ •The enemy gets a major stat boost when badly damaged Paths That Will Never Cross Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The pink Villager's frequent Timber represents Hilda, a female character with pink hair who uses axes in battle.
  • The yellow Byleth minion represents Claude, the leader of the Golden Deer house, whom Hilda serves as a member and Claude's unofficial retainer.
  • The stage's layout features Lorenz as a background character, referencing Hilda's affiliation with the Golden Deer in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
  • The Attack Power ↑ rule and battle condition references how Hilda was initially spoiled and lazy until it changes after the game's timeskip.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Dorothea's role in Three Houses as a member of Byleth's party.
  • This spirit's Grab type references the bright golden color scheme of the Golden Deer banner.
  • This spirit's Critical-Health Attack ↑ ability further references how Hilda's lazy nature changes after the timeskip.

Series Order

Number Name Series
610 Marth Fire Emblem Series
611 Lucina
612 Roy (Fire Emblem)
613 Chrom
614 Ike (Path of Radiance)
615 Ike (Radiant Dawn)
616 Robin (Male)
617 Robin (Female)
618 Corrin (Male)
619 Corrin (Female)
620 Caeda
621 Jagen
622 Draug
623 Wrys
624 Bord & Cord & Barst
625 Navarre
626 Merric
627 Minerva
628 Linde
629 Pegasus Sisters
630 Tiki
631 Tiki (Naga's Voice)
632 Nyna
633 Camus
634 Sirius
635 Medeus
636 Gharnef
637 Alm & Celica (Young)
638 Alm & Celica
639 Sigurd
640 Deirdre
641 Seliph
642 Leif (Fire Emblem)
643 Julius
644 Lilina
645 Lyn
646 Lyn (Blade Lord)
647 Eliwood
648 Hector (Fire Emblem)
649 Raven
650 Ninian
651 Karel
652 Nino
653 Eirika
654 Ephraim
655 L'Arachel
656 Lyon
657 Titania
658 Soren
659 Mist
660 Sothe
661 Elincia
662 Queen Elincia
663 Ashnard
664 Zelgius
665 Black Knight
666 Micaiah
667 Lissa
668 Lon'qu
669 Cordelia
670 Tharja
671 Anna
672 Gangrel
673 Walhart
674 Owain
675 Severa
676 Azura
677 Jakob
678 Ryoma
679 Hinoka
680 Takumi
681 Sakura (Fire Emblem)
682 Xander
683 Camilla
684 Leo
685 Elise
686 Garon
687 Tsubasa Oribe Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
688 Tsubasa Oribe (Carnage Form)
1,380 Byleth (Male) Fire Emblem Series
1,381 Byleth (Female)
1,382 Edelgard
1,383 Edelgard - Five Years Later
1,384 Dimitri (Fire Emblem)
1,385 Dimitri - Five Years Later (Fire Emblem)
1,386 Claude
1,387 Claude - Five Years Later
1,388 Sothis
1,389 Rhea
1,390 Seteth
1,391 Dorothea
1,392 Ingrid
1,393 Hilda (Fire Emblem)


  • The artwork for Camilla's spirit is slightly altered from its original appearance, moving her hair to cover up her cleavage; this was likely done to avoid giving the game a higher rating, as Fates, alongside the Fire Emblem series in general, was rated "T" by the American rating board ESRB, and "C" by the Japanese ratings board CERO (in contrast with Ultimate's "E10+" and "A" ratings).
    • Similarly, Tharja's spirit uses her in-game portrait from Fire Emblem Awakening, rather than her official artwork. This was probably also done to avoid a higher rating, as it's known that a Tharja trophy was removed from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, presumably for the same reason.
  • Robin is the only playable Fire Emblem character to use their Ultimate art for their spirit instead of from their series. This was likely done due to Robin not having an official artwork in Fire Emblem Awakening aside from their in-game portrait.
    • Although Robin received artwork in Fire Emblem Heroes and Fire Emblem Warriors, it is likely these are instead owned by the artists and Koei Tecmo.
  • Despite Lissa's battle having the condition, "Take your strongest team into this no frills battle", all of the enemies heal over time.
  • Despite Zelgius being the Black Knight, the Black Knight Assist Trophy doesn't appear as an enemy in his spirit battle; however, the Mii Swordfighter that represents him does wear the Black Knight set, along with the spirit itself being enhancable to turn into the Black Knight.
  • The Dorothea, Ingrid, Hilda, Seteth, and Rhea spirits all use previously-unreleased official artwork for Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
  • In the Japanese language, there was an error on female Byleth's fighter spirit; the "" in her name (ベレス) was actually written in hiragana instead of katakana, which was most apparent when comparing with male Byleth's fighter spirit. This was later patched.
  • Fire Emblem is the only universe with multiple Assist Trophies (Lyn, Tiki, and Black Knight) whose spirits all form part of an enhanceable spirit chain.
  • Edelgard - Five Years Later has the highest power of any Ace-class spirit.
