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| {{cquote|'''Piisu''' ni nare genki ni nare, '''kyuuto''' ni nare tenki ni nare, egao no chihare sonna mahō kimi ni kaketai na |cite="Mirumo de pon" opening}}
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| {{cquote|In the year 1 million and a half, human kind is enslaved by giraffe. Man must pay for all his misdeeds, when the treetops are stripped of their leaves.|cite=Futurama}}
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| {{cquote|A long, long time ago<br>Long before the Superbowl<br>And things like lemonade<br>The Hellenic Republic was full of smarts<br>And a question resting on the Grecian hearts was<br>What is the circumference of a circle?
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| But they were set on rational numbers<br>And it ranks among their biggest blunders<br>They worked on it for years<br>and confirmed one of their biggest fears<br>I can't be certain if they cried<br>When irrationality was realized<br>but something deep within them died<br>The day they discovered Pi
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| They were thinking...<br>Pi, Pi, mathematical Pi<br>3.141592<br>6535897<br>93238462<br>64338327 (not rounded)
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| Well this kind of Pi is different than most<br>It hasn't got berries, ain't spread on toast<br>And that's how it's always been<br>We keep extending its decimal places<br>Pushing our computers through their paces<br>But we'll never reach the end
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| So why the fascination with<br>A number whose end is just a myth<br>When's the adulation<br>For mental masturbation<br>It might have something to do with the stars<br>To calculate distances from afar<br>But that's just a guess about the way things are<br>Regarding the precision of Pi
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| I am pondering...<br>Pi, Pi, mathematical Pi<br>3.141592<br>6535897<br>93238462<br>64338327
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| Now I feel that I should mention<br>Pi is applicable in any dimension<br>At least as far as I know...<br>If there were no Pi we'd be missing things<br>Like marbles and mugs and balls of string<br>And sports such as soccer and curling.
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| The orbs in their celestial paths<br>Navigate along elliptical graphs<br>Ellipses have Pi in them too<br>Just one side of them has grew<br>You can see Pi in most everything<br>It's in Cornell's electron storage ring<br>and also in slinkies and other springs<br>and that's why it's important to know Pi
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| You should memorize...<br>Pi, Pi, mathematical Pi<br>3.141592<br>6535897<br>93238462<br>64338327
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| Once one night I had a dream<br>That Pi was gone and I had to scream<br>'cause all Pi things had disappeared<br>Can you imagine a world like that?<br>Circles aren't round and spheres are flat<br>It's the culmination of everything we've feared
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| Twas a nightmare of epic proportions<br>One that gave me brain contortions<br>Oh wait I mean contusions<br>They put me in some institutions<br>But then I escaped and now I'm free<br>To sing of the virtue of Pi
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| Pi, Pi, mathematical Pi<br>3.141592<br>6535897<br>93238462<br>64338327|cite=Mathematical Pi}}
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| {{cquote|Don't you just hate it when a Sitrus berry turns into a Tangela? Ruins your whole day...|cite=Pikasprey Blue}}
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| {{cquote|More seaweed, Medley dear?|cite=Fish from SpongeBob Squarepants}}
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| {{cquote|Kachigga!|cite=Chick Hicks}}
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| {{cquote|The landing area is down there. Try landing over there. Are you ok?|cite=Omochao}}
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| {{cquote|'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me, and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be. Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet, and you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street, so I'm not moving.|cite=The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script}}
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| {{cquote|Numbertaker, Numbertaker<br>Have you seen the Numbertaker?<br>Taking all the numbers you can see.
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| Picking, nicking, getting, netting<br>As mean a Numbertaker as can be.
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| With his number sucker-upper<br>He's the number mucker-upper<br>He's as mean a Numbertaker as can be.|cite=The Numbertaker song}}
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| {{cquote|I saw your face in a crowded place, and I don't know what to do, 'cause I'll never be with you...|cite=You're Beautiful}}
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| {{cquote|Death to horny horses!|cite=Sir Sic}}
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| {{cquote|Mr. Potter, you're flunking Potions class, what are your college plans?|cite=Severus Snape}}
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| {{cquote|Oh, I'm gonna kick Chip's ass|cite=Roy Goobleck}}
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| {{cquote|Alright, that does it! I am sick and tired of everyone telling me I'm confused. I wasn't confused until other people started telling me I was. You know what I think? I think maybe you're the ones who are confused. I'm not gonna be confused any more, just because you say I should be. My name is Butters, I'm 8 years old, I'm blood type O, and I'm bi-curious. And even that's ok, because if I'm bi-curious, and I'm somehow made from god, then I figure god must be a little bi-curious himself.|cite=Butters Stotch, South Park}}
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| {{cquote|Right, right, well stay where you are, because obviously if there was a fire, you would all be standing down here like this in the lobby wouldn't you? I dunno why we bother, we should let you all burn|cite=Basil Fawlty}}
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| {{cquote|Ashitani muka ttetoriaezu, success success genki yo ku!|cite=Success, success (Shichinin no Nana OP)}}
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| {{cquote|And the Lord said unto the children of Bedinibott: "Neither shalt thou eat the fruit of the tree that is known as the carrot tree!"|cite=The 10 commandments of Jeremoth (appendix to the apocrypha)}}
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| {{cquote|Thunder sprites pay heed and strike with your electric shock|cite=Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor (dub)}}
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| {{cquote|Don't ask me to change, pa...'cause I can't...|cite=Mumble, Happy Feet}}
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| {{cquote|Judge a man by the content of his character, unless he's a white fella, and then you should just hate him and blame him for everything wrong in your life.|cite=Isaac Butterfield}}
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| {{cquote|Lisa, it's your birthday, and god bless you this day. You gave me the gift of a little sister and I'm proud of you today.|cite=Leon Kompowsky}}
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| {{cquote|The sound of hoof beats 'cross the glade<br>Good folk, lock up your son and daughter<br>Beware, the deadly flashing blade<br>Unless you want to end up shorter!
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| Black Adder, Black Adder<br>He rides a pitch-black steed<br>Black Adder, Black Adder<br>He's very bad indeed.
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| Black, his gloves of finest mole<br>Black, his codpiece made of metal<br>His horse is blacker than a vole<br>His pot is blacker than his kettle
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| Black Adder, Black Adder<br>With many-a cunning plan<br>Black Adder, Black Adder<br>You horrid little man.|cite=The Black Adder}}
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| {{cquote|You are free to eat from any tree in the garden, but you must not eat from the Stinking Bog of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, for when you eat of it, you will certainly die.|cite=Yahweh (NonStampCollector)}}
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| {{cquote|UNAVOIDABLE CHIN MOVE!!!!|cite=Arin Hanson (A.K.A Egoraptor)}}
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| <center>''After once again waking up an exhausted Evan Drake in an attempt to get him out of his room, Norm Peterson is forced to resort to desperate measures to save Rebecca.''</center>
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| {{cquote|'''Norm:''' Sir, to begin with, when I was a little boy, I...
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| '''Evan:''' Peterson...I'm not going to survive any story that begins with when you were little...
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| '''Norm:''' Oh, right...sir, I've had this fantasy that's haunted me all my life. At night, when I'm lying in bed, it comes and torments me...
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| '''Evan:''' Ooooh...I know the feeling...
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| '''Norm:''' Yes, yes, of course you do...anyway, this is my fantasy, sir. It's a little outrageous...so er...just stay with me. Even though I was born poor, and I'll never be a rich man, somehow it wouldn't make any difference if one time, sir, just one time...just one darn time, I could do something symbolic, like...carry a rich man across the lawn in his pyjamas!
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| '''Evan:''' ...come here... ''[places hand on Norm's head]''
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| '''Norm:''' I know, I know...I know it sounds crazy, I know sir, but...sir I don't have a fever or anything...
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| '''Evan:''' No, I know that, I'm feeling for the lobotomy scar...
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| '''Norm:''' Sir, please ''[kisses hand]'' sir, please ''[kisses hand]'' sir...
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| '''Evan:''' ...alright, alright alright alright! Look, if I actually let you do it, would you promise; would you SWEAR on your mother's grave, that you would let me sleep...?
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| '''Norm:''' Yes, sir I swear, I promise...
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| '''Evan:''' Nonononono, you gotta do more than promise, you've got to give me your solemn oath, as a crazy person...
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| '''Norm:''' My vow...my PLEDGE!|cite=Let sleeping Drakes lie - Cheers}}
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| {{cquote|I don't want the sweating symptom, I want birds to go to Madagascar!|cite=MetalCanyon}}
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| {{cquote|Dude...you have sex...with CHILDREN. Yeah, y'know we believe in equality for everybody and tolerance and all that gay stuff, but dude...fuck you!|cite=Kyle and Stan - South Park}}
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| {{cquote|Just as a flower comes from an egg, everything has an orange.|cite=Mephiles the Dark}}
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| {{cquote|3 KIRBY...SAMUS!|cite=Falcon Punch remix}}
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| {{cquote|How can I look up a word I can't spell?|cite=Laura Ingles}}
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| {{cquote| Is it "love" when you care about a female for reasons beyond mating? |cite=Dr. Zoidberg}}
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| {{cquote|Someday I'll eat that darn canary, and then I'll be happy, yessiree!|cite=Sylvester}}
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| {{cquote|Everything is safe on shield against CPUs|cite=Me}}
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| {{cquote|Wait, I've got a better idea, how about we DON'T!|cite=Mr. Potato Head}}
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| {{cquote|If what they say is "nothing is forever", then what makes love the exception?|cite=Hey Ya!}}
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| {{cquote|You don't really learn much when you take the easy way.|cite=TDW98}}
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| {{cquote|Call me your little snow bunny. Oh, I'd love that!|cite=Mizore Shirayuki}}
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| {{cquote|Fuck you Joe, you have cancer!|cite=Hugo and Jake}}
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| {{cquote|This is pitiful...a thousand people freezing their butts off waiting to worship a rat, what a hype. Groundhog day used to mean something in this town, they used to pull the hog out and they used to eat it. You're hypocrites, all of ya.|cite=Phil (Groundhog Day)}}
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| {{cquote|It's not how long you live that matters, it's what you accomplish with your life|cite=Grovyle}}
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| {{cquote|It was a cup of good intention, a tablespoon of one big mess, a dash of overreaction, and I assume you know the rest...|cite=One Little Slip (Chicken Little soundtrack, The Barenaked Ladies)}}
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| {{cquote|I guess The Flintstones were real, just like the taxes he didn't steal!|cite=Tribute to Kent Hovind - Eddy Goomba}}
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| {{cquote|Purun purun poron!|cite=Kurumu Kurono}}
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| {{cquote|Er, which god? There are literally millions, why should I choose yours?|cite=Viced Rhino}}
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| {{cquote|Reality doesn't "agree to disagree", you stupid person!|cite=Martymer 81}}
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| {{cquote|The whole <nowiki>[crystal]</nowiki> healing thing is something that I find absolutely disgusting. At best, it's just taking money away from a sick person. At worst, that sick person will do this crap '''instead''' of, rather than in addition to, seeking proper medical help, and they might actually die as a result.|cite=Martymer 81}}
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| {{cquote|I was paying through the nose for electricity, and now I'm energy independent!|cite=Dave Ross from Florida}}
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| {{cquote|See my old man's got a problem<br>Lives with a bottle, that's the way it is<br>He says his body's too old for working<br>His body's too young to look like his<br>My mama went off and left him<br>She wanted more from life than he could give<br>I said "somebody's got to take care of him"<br>So I quit school and that's what I did|cite=Fast Car by Tracy Chapman <span style="color:white;"> and not the godawful remake by Jonas Blue</span>}}
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| {{cquote|Ooo it's alright. Yeah it is, I swear you'll see. (it's not really...)|cite=Family of Me (Ben Folds, Over the Hedge OST)}}
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| {{cquote|My love life and study habits are out of control!!!|cite=Nana Suzuki, Seven of Seven}}
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| {{cquote|Diamonds: Because giving a woman $5,000 to marry you is illegal.|cite=unknown}}
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| {{cquote|Trucks a-waiting in the yard<br>"Tackling them with ease'll<br>Show the world what I can do!"<br>Gaily boasts the diesel<br>In and out he creeps about<br>Like a big, black weasel<br>When he pulls the wrong trucks out<br>Pop goes the diesel!|cite=Troublesome Trucks, Thomas & Friends}}
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| {{cquote|We've got some half price cracked ice<br>And miles and miles of carpet tiles<br>TVs, deep freeze<br>And David Bowie LPs<br>Ball games, gold chains<br>What's 'er names, and at a push<br>Some Trevor Francis tracksuits<br>From a mush in Shepard's Bush
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| Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush...
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| No income tax, no VAT<br>No money back, no guarantee<br>Black or white, rich or broke<br>We'll cut prices at a stroke!
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| God bless hooky street<br>Viva hooky street<br>Long live hooky street<br>C'est magnifique hooky street<br>(Magnifique hooky street)<br>(Hooky street)|cite=Only Fools and Horses}}
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| {{cquote|Prolonged exposure to the Orb of Confusion will give you...confusion...|cite=Mermaid Man}}
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| {{cquote|The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.|cite=George Orwell's Animal Farm}}
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| {{cquote|Now if you're so foxy, and 'ol Chief's so dumb, then why does that hound get the fox on the run? 'Cause he's got the hunter, and the hunter's got the gun, KERBLAM elimination! Lack of education!|cite=Big Momma (The Fox and the Hound)}}
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| {{cquote|Welcome to Alaska, here's $1000!|cite=The Simpsons Movie}}
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| {{cquote|BAM shock dodge again, wow I'm on fire! Total skill!|cite=TWD98}}
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| {{cquote|One of the big problems with Harry Potter is how competent is Voldemort if he can't even take over a high school?|cite=Ben Shapiro}}
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| {{cquote|But when his drinking, and lusting, and his hunger for power became known to more and more people, the demands to do something about this outrageous man became louder and louder.|cite=Boney M, Rasputin}}
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| {{cquote|Your Corrin pride Corrin died!|cite=Serpent King}}
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| {{cquote|Kirby is Kirby, everybody loves Kirby.|cite=PJiggles}}
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| {{cquote|More than a pet, you're my best friend Too cool to forget, come back 'cause we are family, and forgive me for making you wanna roam Now my heart is beating like the saddest metronome Somewhere I hope you're reading my latest 3 word poem: Gary come home.|cite=SpongeBob Squarepants}}
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| {{cquote|It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care!|cite=Peter (Office Space)}}
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| {{cquote|I am a Pilot Support Enlightenment Interface System.|cite=Chamber, Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet.}}
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| {{cquote|The Cranes of Maine have got your Living Brain|cite=Niles Crane}}
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| {{cquote|There is of course one very compelling reason why the Milky Way features so heavily in shots of the sky taken from Earth, '''it's the galaxy we fucking live in!'''|cite=CoolHardLogic}}
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| {{cquote|I've just received a call from secretary Clinton...|cite=Donald Trump}}
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| {{cquote|STOP.FUCKING.ROLLING!|cite=some guy}}
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| {{cquote|E.V training, you're sucking the fun out. E.V training, you're too old for this. Exploiting the game, 'cause you don't have a life. Beating up kids makes you feel like a man! E.V training yeah!|cite=Dorkly}}
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| {{cquote|Since the fork from the former wiki, it appears a significant segment of the wiki has become incestuous and territorial, which has inhibited the retainment of new contributors.|cite=[[User:Quilt]]}}
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| {{cquote|Wands and wings! Floaty crowny things!|cite=Cosmo and Wanda}}
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| {{cquote|In this house we obey the laws of THERMODYNAMICS!|cite=Homer Simpson.}}
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| {{cquote|Mann, wer hätte das gedacht dass es einmal so weit kommt, wegen 99 Luftballons...|cite=Nena (99 Luftballons)}}
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| {{cquote|What doesn't kill you...usually succeeds in the second attempt.|cite=Mr. Krabs}}
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| {{cquote|Why do we always come here? I guess we'll never know. It's like a kind of torture to have to watch this show!|cite=Statler and Waldorf}}
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| {{cquote|Y'see, every villain is the hero of his own apple cinnamon monkey toaster...|cite=Stan Smith (American Dad)}}
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| {{cquote|Yeah, you killed me...so? Where was I gonna go, Detroit?|cite=Saddam Hussain (South Park)}}
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| {{cquote|In a split-second, both men find themselves in a freefall that sends them squarely through the roof of a vats of acid factory, and into a vat of acid that is tipped over by an errant alien spaceship, carrying the two blindly on a wave of acid during a solar eclipse on a leap year, precariously careening onto a bomb-testing site, where a cataclysmic explosion exposes our heroes in waiting to highly toxic radium gases. Then, as fate would have it, magical storm clouds move in, zapping both men with a neon-plaid lightning bolt and raining radioactive ooze, which, through centrifugal and electromagnetic turbulence, causes a powerful earthquake deep in the jungle two-thousand miles away, consequently unearthing a magical crystal with wings that flies to Ernie and Tim's exact location, and, powered by super gamma energy currents, pilots them to open skies until, not paying attention, the crystal clips the top of a billboard|cite=Mermaid Man Begins}}
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| {{cquote|Well tonight thank god it's them, instead of you!|cite=Bono}}
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| {{cquote|<!--It was Christmas Eve babe<br>In the drunk tank<br>When an old man said to me<br>"Won't see another one"<br>And then he sang a song<br>The rare old mountain dew<br>I turned my face away<br>And dreamed about you.
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| Got on a lucky one<br>Came in 18 to 1<br>I've got a feeling<br>This year's for me and you<br>So happy Christmas<br>I love you baby<br>I can see a better time<br>When all our dreams come true.
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| They've got cars big as bars<br>They've got rivers of gold<br>But the wind goes right through you<br>It's no place for the old<br>When you first took my hand on the cold Christmas Eve<br>You promised me Broadway was waiting for me.
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| You were handsome<br>You were pretty, queen of New York city<br>When the band finished playing they howled out for more<br>Sinatra was swinging<br>All the drunks they were singing<br>We kissed on the corner then danced through the night.
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| The boys of the NYPD choir were singing Galway Bay<br>And the bells were ringing out for Christmas day.
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| -->You're a bum, you're a punk<br>You're an old slut on junk<br>Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed<br>You scumbag you maggot<br>You cheap lousy f<nowiki></nowiki>aggot<br>Happy Christmas your arse I pray god it's our last!<!--
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| The boys of the NYPD choir still singing Galway Bay<br>And the bells are ringing out for Christmas day.
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| I could have been someone<br>Well so could anyone<br>You took my dreams from me<br>When I first found you<br>I kept them with me babe<br>I put them with my own<br>Can't make it all alone<br>I built my dreams around you.
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| The boys of the NYPD choir still singing Galway Bay<br>And the bells are ringing out for Christmas day.-->|cite=Fairytale of New York}}
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| {{cquote|You've, uh, claimed quite a few items there...uh...it's ok, it's fine...not a problem. <small>I think...</small>|cite=Booker}}
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| {{cquote|No! Not the equality bullcrap! We are not equals!|cite=SullyPwnz}}
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| {{cquote|THE SINK IS SHIPPING!!!!!.|cite=Jen (A.K.A SuperGirlyGamer)}}
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| {{cquote|But in this world of infinite choices, what will it take just to find that special day?|cite=Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)}}
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| {{cquote|But now, the secret world under our own premise ends up like Taco Bell through a Human Centipede in: The Emoji Movie!|cite=Screen Junkies)}}
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| {{cquote|There once was this guy. He made faces at people. It got stuck that way, and then his tongue fell off.|cite=TheMysteriousMrEnter}}
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| {{cquote|Now I understand you have to be professional and whatnot, you can't just go in there saying "alright there, you wanker, alright where's the fucking job mate?"|cite=GradeAUnderA}}
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| {{cquote|Each time you try, gonna get just a little bit better! Each step you climb, is one more step up the ladder!|cite=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2a7GJNZz6c Pokémon Johto song]}}
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| {{cquote|F is for Friends who do stuff together. U is for U and me. N is for N-ywhere and N-ytime at all, down here in the deep blue sea|cite=SpongeBob Squarepants}}
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| {{cquote|On Monday she's a bitch, on Tuesday she's a bitch, on Wednesday to Saturday she's a bitch. Then on Sunday, just to be different, she's a Super King Kamehameha Bi-atch!|cite=Eric Cartman, South Park}}
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| {{cquote|Lu lu lu, I've got some apples, lu lu lu, you've got some too. Lu lu lu, let's get together, I know what we can do lu lu!|cite=Butters Stotch, South Park}}
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| {{cquote|I'm in the front seat, I don't even know your dick's out. Like now I'm gay and I didn't even know it...|cite=Birdman}}
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| {{cquote|You know what the problem is? You've got it set to M for 'Mini', when it should be set to W for 'Wumbo'!|cite=Patrick Star}}
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| {{cquote|Hey guys! I'm a distraction, I am distracting you!|cite=Lamp, Smashtasm}}
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| {{cquote|So I try, and I try. But still, but still you never notice me! Dummy!|cite=Yukari Sendou}}
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| {{cquote|Each time you try, gonna get just a little bit better! Each step you climb, is one more step up the ladder!|cite=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2a7GJNZz6c Pokémon Johto song]}}
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| {{cquote|Each time you try, gonna get just a little bit better! Each step you climb, is one more step up the ladder!|cite=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2a7GJNZz6c Pokémon Johto song]}}
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| {{Template:Userbox-rollback|float=right}} | | {{Template:Userbox-rollback|float=right}} |
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| I test stuff a lot, so if you ever need anything tested, let me know (because testing stuff is my life). | | I test stuff a lot, so if you ever need anything tested, let me know (because testing stuff is my life). |
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| My Discord tag is Alex the weeb#2999 and I am active on [https://discord.gg/e9RrUEXeFZ this Discord server]. I also technically have a twitter, @Examinee623, but it's a highly unprofessional account, which does not represent the Wiki.
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| ==Details== | | ==Details== |
| *Tester, editor and semi-researcher | | *Tester, editor and semi-researcher |
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| *Rollbacker | | *Rollbacker |
| {{editcount}} | | {{editcount}} |
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| ===Subspace Emissary Oddities=== | | ===Subspace Emissary Oddities=== |
| I've made a handful of videos, but this is the one I'm most proud of: | | I've made a handful of videos, but this is the one I'm most proud of: |
| {{#widget:YouTube|id=qJFdrNqZh58}} | | {{#widget:YouTube|id=qJFdrNqZh58}} |
| | | ==Warning== |
| | Please observe this warning:{{clr}} |
| | [[File:AlexTheWeebWarning.png]] |
| ==Resources and data== | | ==Resources and data== |
| Various resources, tests and data I have collected. Feel free to request any resources of a similar nature. | | Various resources, tests and data I have collected. Feel free to request any resources of a similar nature. |
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| ===Current=== | | ===Current=== |
| [[User:Alex the weeb/Project C: the clone assessment project]] | | [[User:Alex the weeb/Project C: the clone assessment project]] |
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| | [[User:Alex the weeb/Fact-checking Tips in Ultimate]] |
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| | [[User:Alex the weeb/Special jumpsquat timings]] |
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| | [[User:Alex the weeb/Assist Trophy star damage]] |
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| | [[User:Alex the weeb/Which projectiles curve]] |
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| | [[User:Alex the weeb/Spirit attack buffs that affect knockback]] |
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| | [[User:Alex the weeb/SSE Sub-difficulties]] |
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| | [[User:Alex the weeb/Dropthrough freefall specials]] |
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| | [[User:Alex the weeb/Kazuya moves KO percents]] |
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| | [[User:Alex the weeb/Breakable stage terrain HP]] |
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| | [[User:Alex the weeb/Position shifting aerials]] |
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| [[User:Alex the weeb/Multi jab ender KO percents]] | | [[User:Alex the weeb/Multi jab ender KO percents]] |
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| [[User:Alex the weeb/Miscellanea]] | | [[User:Alex the weeb/Miscellanea]] |
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| | [[User:Alex the weeb/Pummel net damage rankings (SSBB)]] |
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| [[User:Alex the weeb/Subspace army name origins]] | | [[User:Alex the weeb/Subspace army name origins]] |