User:Roadrunnerto/Translation Appendix: Difference between revisions

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|{{SSBU|Dark Pit}}||Dark Pit||ブラックピット ''(Burakku Pitto; Black Pit)''||Pit maléfique||Pit maléfique||Pit Sombrío||Pit Sombrío||Pit oscuro||Finsterer Pit||Dark Pit||Темный Пит ''(Temnyj Pit)''||黑暗彼特 ''(Hēi'àn Bǐtè)''||黑暗彼特 ''(Hēi'àn Bǐtè)''||블랙피트 ''(Beullaekpiteu; Black Pit)''
|{{SSBU|Dark Pit}}||Dark Pit||ブラックピット ''(Burakku Pitto; Black Pit)''||Pit maléfique||Pit maléfique||Pit Sombrío||Pit Sombrío||Pit oscuro||Finsterer Pit||Dark Pit||Темный Пит ''(Temnyj Pit)''||黑暗彼特 ''(Hēi'àn Bǐtè)''||黑暗彼特 ''(Hēi'àn Bǐtè)''||블랙피트 ''(Beullaekpiteu; Black Pit)''
|{{SSBU|Zero Suit Samus}}||ゼロスーツサムス ''(Zero Sūtsu Samus)''||<!--Japan-->||Samus sans armure||Samus sans combinaison||Samus Zero||Samus Zero||Samus Tuta Zero||Zero Suit Samus||ゼロスーツサムス||Самус (НК) ''(Samus v njul-kostjume)''||零裝甲薩姆斯 ''(Líng Zhuāngjiǎ Sàmǔsī)''||零装甲萨姆斯 ''(Líng Zhuāngjiǎ Sàmǔsī)''||제로 슈트 사무스 ''(Jero Syuteu Samuseu)''
|{{SSBU|Zero Suit Samus}}||Zero Suit Samus||ゼロスーツサムス ''(Zero Sūtsu Samus)''||Samus sans armure||Samus sans combinaison||Samus Zero||Samus Zero||Samus Tuta Zero||Zero Suit Samus||Zero Suit Samus||Самус (НК) ''(Samus v njul-kostjume)''||零裝甲薩姆斯 ''(Líng Zhuāngjiǎ Sàmǔsī)''||零装甲萨姆斯 ''(Líng Zhuāngjiǎ Sàmǔsī)''||제로 슈트 사무스 ''(Jero Syuteu Samuseu)''
|{{SSBU|Wario}}||Wario||ワリオ ''(Wario)''||Wario||Wario||Wario||Wario||Wario||Wario||Wario||Варио ''(Vario)''||瓦利歐 ''(Wǎlìōu)''||瓦力欧 ''(Wǎlìōu)''||와리오 ''(Wario)''
|{{SSBU|Wario}}||Wario||ワリオ ''(Wario)''||Wario||Wario||Wario||Wario||Wario||Wario||Wario||Варио ''(Vario)''||瓦利歐 ''(Wǎlìōu)''||瓦力欧 ''(Wǎlìōu)''||와리오 ''(Wario)''
Line 103: Line 103:
|[[Charizard]]||Charizard||リザードン ''(Rizādon)''||Dracaufeu||Dracaufeu||Charizard||Charizard||Charizard||Glurak||Charizard||Чаризард ''(Čarizard)''||噴火龍 ''(Pēnhuǒlóng)''||喷火龙 ''(Pēnhuǒlóng)''||리자몽 ''(Rijamong; Rizamon)''
|[[Charizard]]||Charizard||リザードン ''(Rizādon)''||Dracaufeu||Dracaufeu||Charizard||Charizard||Charizard||Glurak||Charizard||Чаризард ''(Čarizard)''||噴火龍 ''(Pēnhuǒlóng)''||喷火龙 ''(Pēnhuǒlóng)''||리자몽 ''(Rijamong; Rizamon)''
|{{SSBU|Diddy Kong}}||ディディーコング ''(Didī Kongu)''||<!--Japan-->||Diddy Kong||Diddy Kong||Diddy Kong||Diddy Kong||Diddy Kong||Diddy Kong||Diddy Kong||Дидди Конг ''(Diddi Kong)''||狄狄剛 ''(Dídí Gāng)''||迪迪刚 ''(Dídí Gāng)''||디디콩 ''(Didikong)''
|{{SSBU|Diddy Kong}}||Diddy Kong||ディディーコング ''(Didī Kongu)''||Diddy Kong||Diddy Kong||Diddy Kong||Diddy Kong||Diddy Kong||Diddy Kong||Diddy Kong||Дидди Конг ''(Diddi Kong)''||狄狄剛 ''(Dídí Gāng)''||迪迪刚 ''(Dídí Gāng)''||디디콩 ''(Didikong)''
|{{SSBU|Lucas}}||Lucas||リュカ ''(Ryuka)''||Lucas||Lucas||Lucas||Lucas||Lucas||Lucas||Lucas||Лукас ''(Lukas)''||琉加 ''(Liújiā)''||琉加 ''(Liújiā)''||류카 ''(Ryuka)''
|{{SSBU|Lucas}}||Lucas||リュカ ''(Ryuka)''||Lucas||Lucas||Lucas||Lucas||Lucas||Lucas||Lucas||Лукас ''(Lukas)''||琉加 ''(Liújiā)''||琉加 ''(Liújiā)''||류카 ''(Ryuka)''
Line 218: Line 218:
|{{SSBU|Mythra}}||Pyra||ヒカリ ''(Hikari)''||Mythra||Mythra||Mythra||Mythra||Mythra||Mythra||Mythra||Мифра ''(Mifra)''||光 ''(Guāng)''||光 ''(Guāng)''||히카리 ''(Hikari)''
|{{SSBU|Mythra}}||Pyra||ヒカリ ''(Hikari)''||Mythra||Mythra||Mythra||Mythra||Mythra||Mythra||Mythra||Мифра ''(Mifra)''||光 ''(Guāng)''||光 ''(Guāng)''||히카리 ''(Hikari)''
|{{SSBU|Kazuya}}||Kazuya||カズヤ ''(Kazuya)''||Kazuya||Kazuya||Kazuya||Kazuya||Kazuya||Kazuya||Kazuya||Кадзуя ''(Kadzuja)''||一八 ''(Yībā)''||一八 ''(Yībā)''||Kazuya
|{{SSBU|Sora}}||Sora||ソラ ''(Sora)''||Sora||Sora||Sora||Sora||Sora||Sora||Sora||Сора ''(Sora)''||索拉 ''(Suǒlā)''||索拉 ''(Suǒlā)''||소라 ''(Sora)''
|{{SSBU|Mii Brawler}}||Mii Brawler||Mii格闘タイプ ''(Mii Kakutō Taipu)''||Boxeur Mii||Bagarreur Mii||Karateka Mii||Peleador Mii||Lottatore Mii||Mii-Boxer||Mii-bokser||Mii-драчун ''(Mii-dračun)''||Mii格鬥 ''(Mii Gédòu)''||Mii格斗 ''(Mii Gédòu)''||Mii 격투 ''(Mi Gyeoktu)''
|{{SSBU|Mii Brawler}}||Mii Brawler||Mii格闘タイプ ''(Mii Kakutō Taipu)''||Boxeur Mii||Bagarreur Mii||Karateka Mii||Peleador Mii||Lottatore Mii||Mii-Boxer||Mii-bokser||Mii-драчун ''(Mii-dračun)''||Mii格鬥 ''(Mii Gédòu)''||Mii格斗 ''(Mii Gédòu)''||Mii 격투 ''(Mi Gyeoktu)''

Latest revision as of 17:00, January 29, 2023

This page is a draft.
Feel free to contribute to this page as you would a mainspace page.
Message from the draft creator: This is to tidy other pages.
Red indicates that it needs to be translated into English







Character NTSC Europe English Japan Japanese France French (FR) Quebec French (QC) Spain Spanish (ES) Mexico Spanish (LA) Italy Italian Germany German Netherlands Dutch Russia Russian Taiwan Trad. Chinese China Simp. Chinese South Korea Korean
Mario Mario マリオ (Mario) Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Марио (Mario) 瑪利歐 (Mǎlìōu) 马力欧 (Mǎlìōu) 마리오 (Mario)
Donkey Kong Donkey Kong ドンキーコング (Donkī Kongu) Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Донки Конг (Donki Kong) 森喜剛 (Sēnxǐgāng) 森喜刚 (Sēnxǐgāng) 동키콩 (Dongkikong)
Link Link リンク (Rinku) Link Link Link Link Link Link Link Линк (Link) 林克 (Línkè) 林克 (Línkè) 링크 (Ringkeu)
Samus Samus サムス (Samusu) Samus Samus Samus Samus Samus Samus Samus Самус (Samus) 薩姆斯 (Sàmǔsī) 萨姆斯 (Sàmǔsī) 사무스 (Samuseu)
Dark Samus Dark Samus ダークサムス (Dāku Samusu) Samus sombre Samus sombre Samus Oscura Samus Oscura Samus Oscura Dunkle Samus Dark Samus Темная Самус (Temnaja Samus) 黑暗薩姆斯 (Hēi'àn Sàmǔsī) 黑暗萨姆斯 (Hēi'àn Sàmǔsī) 다크 사무스 (Dakeu Samuseu)
Yoshi Yoshi ヨッシー (Yosshī) Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi Йоши (Joši) 耀西 (Yàoxī) 耀西 (Yàoxī) 요시 (Yosi)
Kirby Kirby カービィ (Kābī) Kirby Kirby Kirby Kirby Kirby Kirby Kirby Кирби (Kirbi) 卡比 (Kǎbǐ) 卡比 (Kǎbǐ) 커비 (Keobi)
Fox Fox フォックス (Fokkusu) Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Fox Фокс (Foks) 火狐 (Huǒhú) 火狐 (Huǒhú) 폭스 (Pokseu)
Pikachu Pikachu ピカチュウ (Pikachū) Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Пикачу (Pikaču) 皮卡丘 (Píkǎqiū) 皮卡丘 (Píkǎqiū) 피카츄 (Pikachyu)
Luigi Luigi ルイージ (Ruīji) Luigi Luigi Luigi Luigi Luigi Luigi Luigi Луиджи (Luidži) 路易吉 (Lùyìjí) 路易吉 (Lùyìjí) 루이지 (Ruiji)
Ness Ness ネス (Nesu) Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Несс (Ness) 奈斯 (Nàisī) 奈斯 (Nàisī) 네스 (Neseu)
Captain Falcon Captain Falcon キャプテン・ファルコン (Kyaputen Farukon) Captain Falcon Capitaine Falcon Captain Falcon Capitán Falcon Captain Falcon Captain Falcon Captain Falcon Капитан Фэлкон (Kapitan Fèlkon) 飛隼隊長 (Fēisǔn Duìzhǎng) 飞隼队长 (Fēisǔn Duìzhǎng) 캡틴 팔콘 (Kaeptin Palkon)
Jigglypuff Jigglypuff プリン (Purin; Jigglypuff) Rondoudou Rondoudou Jigglypuff Jigglypuff Jigglypuff Pummeluff Jigglypuff Джигглипафф (Džigglipaff) 胖丁 (Pàng dīng) 胖丁 (Pàng dīng) 푸린 (Purin)
Peach Peach ピーチ (Pīchi) Peach Peach Peach Peach Peach Peach Peach Пич (Pič) 碧姬公主 (Bìjī Gōngzhǔ; Princess Peach) 桃花公主 (Táohuā Gōngzhǔ) 피치공주 (Pichigongju; Princess Peach)
Daisy Daisy デイジー (Deijī) Daisy Daisy Daisy Daisy Daisy Daisy Daisy Дейзи (Dejzi) 黛西公主 (Dàixī Gōngzhǔ; Princess Daisy) 菊花公主 (Júhuā gōngzhǔ) 데이지 (Deiji)
Bowser Bowser クッパ (Kuppa) Bowser Bowser Bowser Bowser Bowser Bowser Bowser Боузер (Bouzer) 庫巴 (Kùbā; Koopa) 酷霸王 (Kùbà Wáng; King Koopa) 쿠파 (Kupa; Koopa)
Ice Climbers Ice Climbers アイスクライマー (Aisu Kuraimā) Ice Climbers Ice Climbers Ice Climbers Ice Climbers Ice Climbers Ice Climber Ice Climbers Альпинисты (Alʹpinisty) 翻越冰山者 (Fānyuè bīngshān zhě) 翻越冰山者 (Fānyuè bīngshān zhě) 얼음 타기 (Eoreum tagi)
Sheik Sheik シーク (Shīku) Sheik Sheik Sheik Sheik Sheik Shiek Sheik Шиик (Šiik) 希克 (Xīkè) 希克 (Xīkè) 시크 (Sikeu)
Zelda Zelda ゼルダ (Zeruda) Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Zelda Зельда (Zelʹda) 薩爾達 (Sàěrdá) 塞尔达 (Sàiěrdá) 젤다 (Jelda)
Dr. Mario Dr. Mario ドクターマリオ (Dokutā Mario) Dr. Mario Dr. Mario Dr. Mario Dr. Mario Dr. Mario Dr. Mario Dr. Mario Доктор Марио (Doktor Mario) 瑪利歐醫生 (Mǎlìōu yīshēng) 马力欧医生 (Mǎlìōu yīshēng) 닥터마리오 (Dakteomario)
Pichu Pichu ピチュー (Pichū) Pichu Pichu Pichu Pichu Pichu Pichu Pichu Пичу (Piču) 皮丘 (Píqiū) 皮丘 (Píqiū) 피츄 (Pichyu)
Falco Falco ファルコ (Faruko) Falco Falco Falco Falco Falco Falco Falco Фалько (Falʹko) 法爾科 (Fǎěrkē) 佛克 (Fúkè) 팔코 (Palko)
Marth Marth マルス (Marusu) Marth Marth Marth Marth Marth Marth Marth Марс (Mars) 馬爾斯 (Mǎ'ěrsī) 马尔斯 (Mǎ'ěrsī) 마르스 (Mareuseu)
Lucina Lucina ルキナ (Rukina) Lucina Lucina Lucina Lucina Lucina Lucina Lucina Луцина (Lucina) 露琪娜 (Lùqínà) 露琪娜 (Lùqínà) 루키나 (Lukina)
Young Link Young Link こどもリンク (Kodomo Rinku) Link enfant Link enfant Link niño Link niño Link bambino Junger Link Jonge Link Юный Линк (Junyj Link) 年幼林克 (Niányòu Línkè) 幼年林克 (Yòunián Línkè) 소년 링크 (Sonyeon Ringkeu)
Ganondorf Ganondorf ガノンドロフ (Ganondorf) Ganondorf Ganondorf Ganondorf Ganondorf Ganondorf Ganondorf Ganondorf Ганондорф (Ganondorf) 加儂多夫 (Jiānóngduōfū) 盖侬多夫 (Gàinóngduōfū) 가논돌프 (Ganondolpeu)
Mewtwo Mewtwo ミュウツー (Myūtsū) Mewtwo Mewtwo Mewtwo Mewtwo Mewtwo Mewtu Mewtwo Мьюту (Mʹjutu) 超夢 (Chāomèng) 超梦 (Chāomèng) 뮤츠 (Myucheu)
Roy Roy ロイ (Roi) Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Рой (Roj) 羅伊 (Luóyī) 罗伊 (Luóyī) 로이 (Roi)
Chrom Chrom クロム (Kuromu) Chrom Chrom Chrom Chrom Chrom Chrom Chrom Кром (Krom) 庫洛武 (Kùluòwǔ) 库洛姆 (Kùluòmǔ) 크롬 (Keurom)
Mr. Game & Watch Mr. Game & Watch Mr.ゲーム&ウォッチ (Misutā Gēmu & Wotchi) Mr. Game & Watch Mr. Game & Watch Mr. Game & Watch Mr. Game & Watch Mr. Game & Watch Mr. Game & Watch Mr. Game & Watch Г-н Game & Watch (Gospodin Game & Watch) Mr. Game & Watch Mr. Game & Watch Mr. 게임&워치 (Miseuteo Geim aen Wochi)
Meta Knight Meta Knight メタナイト (Meta Naito) Meta Knight Meta Knight Meta Knight Meta Knight Meta Knight Meta-Knight Meta Knight Метанайт (Metanajt) 魅塔騎士 (Mèitǎ Qíshì) 魅塔骑士 (Mèitǎ Qíshì) 메타 나이트 (Meta Naiteu)
Pit Pit ピット (Pitto) Pit Pit Pit Pit Pit Pit Pit Пит (Pit) 彼特 (Bǐtè) 彼特 (Bǐtè) 피트 (Piteu)
Dark Pit Dark Pit ブラックピット (Burakku Pitto; Black Pit) Pit maléfique Pit maléfique Pit Sombrío Pit Sombrío Pit oscuro Finsterer Pit Dark Pit Темный Пит (Temnyj Pit) 黑暗彼特 (Hēi'àn Bǐtè) 黑暗彼特 (Hēi'àn Bǐtè) 블랙피트 (Beullaekpiteu; Black Pit)
Zero Suit Samus Zero Suit Samus ゼロスーツサムス (Zero Sūtsu Samus) Samus sans armure Samus sans combinaison Samus Zero Samus Zero Samus Tuta Zero Zero Suit Samus Zero Suit Samus Самус (НК) (Samus v njul-kostjume) 零裝甲薩姆斯 (Líng Zhuāngjiǎ Sàmǔsī) 零装甲萨姆斯 (Líng Zhuāngjiǎ Sàmǔsī) 제로 슈트 사무스 (Jero Syuteu Samuseu)
Wario Wario ワリオ (Wario) Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Варио (Vario) 瓦利歐 (Wǎlìōu) 瓦力欧 (Wǎlìōu) 와리오 (Wario)
Snake Snake スネーク (Sunēku) Snake Snake Snake Snake Snake Snake Snake Снейк (Snejk) Snake Snake 스네이크 (Seuneikeu)
Ike Ike アイク (Aiku) Ike Ike Ike Ike Ike Ike Ike Айк (Ajk) 艾克 (Àikè) 艾克 (Àikè) 아이크 (Aikeu)
Pokémon Trainer Pokémon Trainer ポケモントレーナー (Pokémon Torēnā) Dresseur de Pokémon Dresseur de Pokémon Entrenador Pokémon Entrenador Pokémon Allenatore di Pokémon Pokémon-Trainer Pokémon Trainer Тренер Покемонов (Trener Pokemonov) 寶可夢訓練家 (Bǎokěmèng Xùnliàn Jiā) 宝可梦训练家 (Bǎokěmèng Xùnliàn Jiā) 포켓몬 트레이너 (Pokenmon Teureineo)
Pokémon Trainer Dresseur de Pokémon Dresseur de Pokémon Entrenador Pokémon Entrenador Pokémon Allenatrice di Pokémon Pokémon-Trainerin
Squirtle Squirtle ゼニガメ (Zenigame) Carapuce Carapuce Squirtle Squirtle Squirtle Schiggy Squirtle Сквиртл (Skvirtl) 傑尼龜 (Jiéníguī) 杰尼龟 (Jiéníguī) 꼬부기 (Kkobugi)
Ivysaur Ivysaur フシギソウ (Fushigisō) Herbizarre Herbizarre Ivysaur Ivysaur Ivysaur Bisaknosp Ivysaur Айвизавр (Ajvizavr) 妙蛙草 (Miàowācǎo) 妙娃草 (Miàowācǎo) 이상해풀 (Isanghaepul; Isanghepul)
Charizard Charizard リザードン (Rizādon) Dracaufeu Dracaufeu Charizard Charizard Charizard Glurak Charizard Чаризард (Čarizard) 噴火龍 (Pēnhuǒlóng) 喷火龙 (Pēnhuǒlóng) 리자몽 (Rijamong; Rizamon)
Diddy Kong Diddy Kong ディディーコング (Didī Kongu) Diddy Kong Diddy Kong Diddy Kong Diddy Kong Diddy Kong Diddy Kong Diddy Kong Дидди Конг (Diddi Kong) 狄狄剛 (Dídí Gāng) 迪迪刚 (Dídí Gāng) 디디콩 (Didikong)
Lucas Lucas リュカ (Ryuka) Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Лукас (Lukas) 琉加 (Liújiā) 琉加 (Liújiā) 류카 (Ryuka)
Sonic Sonic ソニック (Sonikku) Sonic Sonic Sonic Sonic Sonic Sonic Sonic Соник (Sonik) 索尼克 (Suǒníkè) 索尼克 (Suǒníkè) 소닉 (Sonik)
King Dedede King Dedede デデデ (Dedede) Roi Dadidou Roi Dadidou Rey Dedede Rey Dedede King Dedede König Dedede Koning Dedede Король Дидиди (Korolʹ Dididi) 帝帝帝大王 (Dìdìdì Dàwáng) 帝帝帝大王 (Dìdìdì Dàwáng) 디디디 대왕 (Dididi Daewang)
Olimar Olimar ピクミン&オリマー (Pikumin ando Orimā; Pikmin & Olimar) Olimar Olimar Olimar Olimar Olimar Olimar Olimar Олимар (Olimar) 皮克敏&歐利瑪 (Píkèmǐn & Ōulìmǎ) 皮克敏&欧力马 (Píkèmǐn & Ōulìmǎ) 피크민&올리마 (Pikeumin aen Ollima; Pikmin & Olimar)
Alph Alph ピクミン&アルフ (Pikumin ando Arufu; Pikmin & Alph) Alph Alph Alph Alph Alph Alph Alph Альф (Alʹf) 皮克敏&阿爾福 (Píkèmǐn & Ā'ěrfú) 皮克敏&阿尔福 (Píkèmǐn & Ā'ěrfú) 피크민&알프 (Pikeumin aen Alpeu; Pikmin & Alph)
Lucario Lucario ルカリオ (Lucario) Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Lucario Лукарио (Lukario) 路卡利歐 (Lùkǎlìōu) 路卡利欧 (Lùkǎlìōu) 루카리오 (Lukalio)
R.O.B. R.O.B. ロボット (Robotto) R.O.B. R.O.B. R.O.B. R.O.B. R.O.B. R.O.B. R.O.B. R.O.B. 機器人 (Jīqìrén) 机器人 (Jīqìrén) R.O.B. (Robot)
Toon Link Toon Link トゥーンリンク (Tūn Rinku) Link Cartoon Link Cartoon Toon Link Toon Link Link cartone Toon-Link Toon Link Мульт-Линк (Mulʹt-Link) 卡通林克 (Kǎtōng Línkè) 卡通林克 (Kǎtōng Línkè) 툰링크 (Tullingkeu)
Wolf Wolf ウルフ (Urufu) Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Вульф (Vulʹf) 沃爾夫 (Wòērfū) 沃鲁夫 (Wòlǔfū) 울프 (Ulpeu)
Villager Villager むらびと (Murabito) Villageois Habitant Aldeano Aldeano Abitante Bewohner Dorpsbewoner Житель (Žitelʹ) 村民 (Cūnmín) 村民 (Cūnmín) 마을 주민 (Ma-eul Jumin)
Villager Villageoise Habitante Aldeana Aldeana Bewohnerin Жительница (Žitelʹnica)
Mega Man Mega Man ロックマン (Rokkuman) Mega Man Mega Man Mega Man Mega Man Mega Man Mega Man Mega Man Мегамен (Megamen) 洛克人 (Luòkèrén) 洛克人 (Luòkèrén) 록맨 (Rongmaen)
Wii Fit Trainer Wii Fit Trainer Wii Fit トレーナー (Wī Fitto Torēnā) Entraîneuse Wii Fit Entraîneuse Wii Fit Entrenadora de Wii Fit Entrenadora de Wii Fit Trainer di Wii Fit Wii Fit-Trainerin Wii Fit-trainer Тренер Wii Fit (Trener Wii Fit) Wii Fit教練 (Wii Fit jiàoliàn) Wii Fit教练 (Wii Fit jiàoliàn) Wii Fit 트레이너 (Wi Piteu Teureineo)
Wii Fit Trainer Entraîneur Wii Fit Entraîneur Wii Fit Entrenador de Wii Fit Entrenador de Wii Fit Wii Fit-Trainer
Rosalina & Luma Rosalina & Luma ロゼッタ&チコ (Rozetta & Chiko) Harmonie & Luma Rosalina & Luma Estela y Destello Rosalina y Destello Rosalinda e Sfavillotto Rosalina und Luma Rosalina en Luma Розалина и Люма (Rozalina i Ljuma) 羅潔塔&奇可 (Luójiétǎ & Qíkě) 罗莎塔&琪琪 (Luōshātǎ & Qíqí) 로젤리나&치코 (Rojellina aen Chiko)
Little Mac Little Mac リトル・マック (Litoru Makku) Little Mac Little Mac Little Mac Little Mac Little Mac Little Mac Little Mac Малыш Мэк (Malyš Mèk) 小麥克 (Xiǎo Màikè) 小麦克 (Xiǎo Màikè) 리틀맥 (Liteul Maek)
Greninja Greninja ゲッコウガ (Gekkōga; Gekkouga) Amphinobi Amphinobi Greninja Greninja Greninja Quajutsu Greninja Грениндзя (Grenindzja) 甲賀忍蛙 (Jiǎhèrěnwā) 甲贺忍蛙 (Jiǎhèrěnwā) 개굴닌자 (Gaegullinja; Gegulninja)
Palutena Palutena パルテナ (Parutena) Palutena Paluténa Palutena Palutena Palutena Palutena Palutena Палютена (Paljutena) 帕露蒂娜 (Pàlùdìnà) 帕露蒂娜 (Pàlùdìnà) 파르테나 (Pareutena)
Pac-Man PAC-MAN パックマン (Pakkuman) PAC-MAN PAC-MAN PAC-MAN PAC-MAN PAC-MAN PAC-MAN PAC-MAN ПЭКМЕН (PÈKMEN) 吃豆人 (Chīdòurén) 吃豆人 (Chīdòurén) 팩맨 (Paengmaen)
Robin Robin ルフレ (Rufure; Reflet) Daraen Robin Daraen Robin Daraen Daraen Robin Робин (Robin) 魯弗萊 (Lǔfúlái) 鲁弗莱 (Lǔfúlái) 러플레 (Reopulle; Reflet)
Shulk Shulk シュルク (Shuruku) Shulk Shulk Shulk Shulk Shulk Shulk Shulk Шулк (Šulk) 修爾克 (Xiū'ěrkè) 修尔克 (Xiū'ěrkè) 슈르크 (Syureukeu)
Bowser Jr. Bowser Jr. クッパ Jr. (Kuppa Juniā; Koopa Jr.) Bowser Jr. Bowser Jr. Bowsy Bowser Jr. Bowser Junior Bowser Jr. Bowser Jr. Боузер-младший (Bouzer-mladšij) 庫巴Jr. (Kùbā Jr.) 酷霸王Jr. (Kùbàwáng Jr.) 쿠파주니어 (Kupa Junieo; Koopa Jr.)
Larry Larry ラリー (Rarī) Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Ларри (Larri) 拉里 (Lālǐ) 拉里 (Lālǐ) 래리 (Raeri)
Roy (Koopaling) Roy ロイ (Roi) Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Roy Рой (Roj) 羅伊 (Luóyī) 罗伊 (Luóyī) 로이 (Roi)
Wendy Wendy ウェンディー (Wendī) Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy Wendy Венди (Vendi) 溫緹 (Wēntí) 温缇 (Wēntí) 웬디 (Wendi)
Iggy Iggy イギー (Igī) Iggy Iggy Iggy Iggy Iggy Iggy Iggy Игги (Iggi) 伊吉 (Yījí) 伊吉 (Yījí) 이기 (Igi)
Morton Morton モートン (Mōton) Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Morton Мортон (Morton) 莫頓 (Mòdùn) 莫頓 (Mòdùn) 모톤 (Moton)
Lemmy Lemmy レミー (Remī) Lemmy Lemmy Lemmy Lemmy Lemmy Lemmy Lemmy Лемми (Lemmi) 雷米 (Léimǐ) 雷米 (Léimǐ) 레미 (Remi)
Ludwig Ludwig ルドウィッグ (Rudowiggu) Ludwig Ludwig Ludwig Ludwig Ludwig Ludwig Ludwig Людвиг (Ljudvig) 洛德威格 (Luòdéwēigé) 洛德威格 (Luòdéwēigé) 루드윅 (Rudeuwik)
Duck Hunt Duck Hunt
Duck Hunt Duo
ダックハント (Dakku Hanto) Duo Duck Hunt Duck Hunt Dúo Duck Hunt Duck Hunt Duo Duck Hunt Duck-Hunt-Duo Duck Hunt-duo Дуэт Duck Hunt (Duèt Duck Hunt) 打獵 (Dǎliè) 打猎 (Dǎliè) 덕헌트 (Deokheonteu)
Ryu Ryu リュウ (Ryū) Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Ryu Рю (Rju) Ryu Ryu Ryu
Ken Ken ケン (Ken) Ken Ken Ken Ken Ken Ken Ken Кен (Ken) Ken Ken Ken
Cloud Cloud クラウド (Kuraudo) Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Клауд (Klaud) Cloud (pre-10.0.0, website)
克勞德 (Kèláodé) (10.0.0+)
Cloud (pre-10.0.0, website)
克劳德 (Kèláodé) (10.0.0+)
클라우드 (Keullaudeu)
Corrin Corrin カムイ (Kamui) Corrin Corrin Corrin Corrin Corrin Corrin Corrin Коррин (Korrin) 神威 (Shénwēi) 神威 (Shénwēi) 카무이 (Kamu-i; Kamui)
Bayonetta Bayonetta ベヨネッタ (Beyonetta) Bayonetta Bayonetta Bayonetta Bayonetta Bayonetta Bayonetta Bayonetta Байонетта (Bajonetta) Bayonetta Bayonetta 베요네타 (Beyoneta)
Inkling Inkling インクリング (Inkuringu) Fille Inkling Fille inkling Inkling chica Inkling chica Ragazza Inkling Inkling Inkling Инклинг (Inkling) Inkling Inkling 잉클링 (Ingkeulling)
Inkling Garçon Inkling Garçon inkling Inkling chico Inkling chico Ragazzo Inkling
Ridley Ridley リドリー (Ridorī) Ridley Ridley Ridley Ridley Ridley Ridley Ridley Ридли (Ridli) 利德雷 (Lìdéléi) 利德雷 (Lìdéléi) 리들리 (Rideulli)
Simon Simon シモン (Shimon) Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Simon Саймон (Sajmon) Simon Simon 사이먼 (Saimeon)
Richter Richter リヒター (Rihitā) Richter Richter Richter Richter Richter Richter Richter Рихтер (Rihter) Richter Richter 릭터 (Rikteo)
King K. Rool King K. Rool キングクルール (Kingu Kurūru) King K. Rool Roi K. Rool King K. Rool King K. Rool King K. Rool King K. Rool King K. Rool Кинг К. Роль (King K. Rolʹ) 庫魯魯王 (Kùlǔlǔ Wáng) 库鲁鲁王 (Kùlǔlǔ Wáng) 킹크루루 (King Keururu)
Isabelle Isabelle しずえ (Shizue) Marie Marie Canela Canela Fuffi Melinda Isabelle Изабель (Izabelʹ) 西施惠 (Xīshīhuì) 西施惠 (Xīshīhuì) 여울 (Yeoul)
Incineroar Incineroar ガオガエン (Gaogaen) Félinferno Félinferno Incineroar Incineroar Incineroar Fuegro Incineroar Инсинероар (Insineroar) 熾焰咆哮虎 (Chìyànpáoxiāohǔ) 炽焰咆哮虎 (Chìyànpáoxiāohǔ) 어흥염 (Eoheung-yeom; Eoheungyeom)
Piranha Plant Piranha Plant パックンフラワー (Pakkun Furawā) Plante Piranha Fleur Piranha Planta Piraña Planta Piraña Pianta Piranha Piranha-Pflanze Растение-пиранья (Rastenie-piranʹja) 吞食花 (Tūnshí Huā) 吞食花 (Tūnshí Huā) 뻐끔플라워 (Ppeokkeum Peullawo)'
Joker Joker ジョーカー (Jōkā) Joker Joker Joker Joker Joker Joker Joker Джокер (Džoker) Joker Joker 조커 (Jokeo)
Hero Hero 勇者 (Yūsha) Héros Héros Héroe Héroe Eroe Held Held Герой (Geroj) 勇者 (Yǒngzhě) 勇者 (Yǒngzhě) 용사 (Yongsa)
Banjo & Kazooie Banjo & Kazooie バンジョー&カズーイ (Banjō to Kazūi) Banjo & Kazooie Banjo & Kazooie Banjo y Kazooie Banjo y Kazooie Banjo e Kazooie Banjo und Kazooie Banjo en Kazooie Банджо и Казуи (Bandžo i Kazui) 阿邦&阿卡 (Ābāng & Ākǎ) 阿邦&阿卡 (Ābāng & Ākǎ) 반조 & 카주이 (Banjo aen Kaju-i)
Terry Terry テリー (Terī) Terry Terry Terry Terry Terry Terry Terry Терри (Terri) 泰利 (Tàilì) 特瑞 (Tèruì) 테리 (Teri)
Byleth Byleth ベレト / ベレス (Bereto / Beresu) Byleth Byleth Byleth Byleth Byleth Byleth Byleth Байлет (Bajlet) 貝雷絲 (Bèiléitè / Bèiléisī) 贝雷特 / 贝雷丝 (Bèiléitè / Bèiléisī) 벨레트 / 벨레스 (Belleteu / Belleseu)
Min Min Min Min ミェンミェン (Myenmyen) Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Минь Минь (Min' Min') 麵麵 (Miànmiàn) 面面 (Miànmiàn) 미엔미엔 (Mienmien)
Steve Steve スティーブ (Sutību) Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Стив (Stiv) 史蒂夫 (Shǐtífū) 史蒂夫 (Shǐtífū) 스티브 (Seutibeu)
Alex Alex アレックス (Arekkusu) Alex Alex Alex Alex Alex Alex Alex Алекс (Aleks) 愛莉克斯 (Àilìkèsī) 艾莉克斯 (Àilìkèsī) 알렉스 (Allekseu)
Zombie Zombie ゾンビ (Zonbi) Zombie Zombie Zombi Zombi Zombi Zombie Zombie Зомби (Zombi) 殭屍 (Jiāngshī) 僵尸 (Jiāngshī) 좀비 (Jombi)
Enderman Enderman エンダーマン (Endāman) Enderman Enderman Enderman Enderman Enderman Enderman Enderman Странник Края (Strannik Kraja) 終界使者 (Zhōngjiè Shǐzhě) 末影人 (Mòyǐngrén) 엔더맨 (Endeomaen)
Sephiroth Sephiroth セフィロス (Sefirosu) Séphiroth Séphiroth Sephiroth Sephiroth Sephiroth Sephiroth Sephiroth Сефирот (Sefirot) 賽菲羅斯 (Sàifēiluósī) 萨菲罗斯 (Sàfēiluósī) 세피로스 (Sepiroseu)
Pyra Pyra ホムラ (Homura) Pyra Pyra Pyra Pyra Pyra Pyra Pyra Пайра (Pajra) (Yàn) (Yàn) 호무라 (Homura)
Mythra Pyra ヒカリ (Hikari) Mythra Mythra Mythra Mythra Mythra Mythra Mythra Мифра (Mifra) (Guāng) (Guāng) 히카리 (Hikari)
Kazuya Kazuya カズヤ (Kazuya) Kazuya Kazuya Kazuya Kazuya Kazuya Kazuya Kazuya Кадзуя (Kadzuja) 一八 (Yībā) 一八 (Yībā) Kazuya
Sora Sora ソラ (Sora) Sora Sora Sora Sora Sora Sora Sora Сора (Sora) 索拉 (Suǒlā) 索拉 (Suǒlā) 소라 (Sora)
Mii Brawler Mii Brawler Mii格闘タイプ (Mii Kakutō Taipu) Boxeur Mii Bagarreur Mii Karateka Mii Peleador Mii Lottatore Mii Mii-Boxer Mii-bokser Mii-драчун (Mii-dračun) Mii格鬥 (Mii Gédòu) Mii格斗 (Mii Gédòu) Mii 격투 (Mi Gyeoktu)
Mii Swordfighter Mii Swordfighter Mii剣術タイプ (Mii Kenjutsu Taipu) Épéiste Mii Épéiste Mii Espadachín Mii Espadachín Mii Spadaccino Mii Mii-Schwertkämpfer Mii-zwaardvechter Mii-мечник (Mii-mečnik) Mii劍術 (Mii Jiànshù) Mii剑术 (Mii Jiànshù) Mii 검술 (Mi Geomsul)
Mii Gunner Mii Gunner Mii射撃タイプ (Mii Shageki Taipu) Tireur Mii Tireur Mii Tirador Mii Tirador Mii Fuciliere Mii Mii-Schütze Mii-cyborg Mii-стрелок (Mii-strelok) Mii射擊 (Mii Shèjí) Mii射击 (Mii Shèjí) Mii 사격 (Mi Sagyeok)







Stage NTSC Europe Japan Quebec France Mexico Spain Italy Germany Netherlands Russia Taiwan China South Korea
Battlefield Battlefield 戦場 (Senjō) Champ de Bataille Campo de batalla Le rovine Schlachtfeld Slagveld Поле боя (Pole boya) 戰場 (Zhànchǎng) 战场 (Zhànchǎng) 전장 (Jeonjang)
Small Battlefield Battlefield 小戦場 (Shōsenjō) Petit Champ de Bataille Pequeño campo de batalla Le rovine XS Kleines Schlachtfeld Klein Slagveld Маленькое поле боя (Malenkoe pole boya) 小戰場 (Xiǎo Zhànchǎng) 小战场 (Xiǎo Zhànchǎng) 소전장 (Sojeonjang)
Big Battlefield Big Battlefield 大戦場 (Daisenjō) Vaste Champ de Bataille Gran campo de batalla Le rovine XL Großes Schlachtfeld Groot Slagveld Большое поле боя (Volshoye pole boya) 大戰場 (Dà Zhànchǎng) 大战场 (Dà Zhànchǎng) 대전장 (Daejeonjang)
Final Destination Final Destination 終点 (Shūten, "Endpoint") Destination Finale Destino final Destinazione finale Letzte Station Eindstation Последняя арена 終點 (Zhōngdiǎn, "Endpoint") 终点 (Zhōngdiǎn, "Endpoint") 종점 (Jongjeom, "Endpoint")
Peach's Castle Peach's Castle ピーチ城 上空 (Pīchi-jō jōkū, Above Peach Castle) Château de Peach Peach' Kasteel Замок Пич
Kongo Jungle Kongo Jungle コンゴジャングル (Kongo Janguru) Jungle Kongo Kongo-Jungle Джунгли Конга
Hyrule Castle Hyrule Castle ハイラル城 (Hairaru-jō) Château d'Hyrule Kasteel Hyrule Замок Хайрул
Super Happy Tree Super Happy Tree スーパーしあわせのツリー (Sūpā shiawase no tsurī) Arbre Magique du Bonheur (Magical Tree of Happiness) Bijzonder Blije Boom Супердерево счастья
Dream Land Dream Land プププランド (Pupupu Rando, Pupupu Land) Dream Land Dream Land Страна грез
Saffron City Saffron City ヤマブキシティ (Yamabuki Shiti, Yamabuki City) Safrania Saffron City Шафран-Сити
Mushroom Kingdom Mushroom Kingdom いにしえの王国 (Inishie no ōkoku, Ancient Kingdom) Royaume Champignon Paddenstoelenrijk Грибное королевство
Princess Peach's Castle Princess Peach's Castle Château de la Princesse Peach Prinses Peach' Kasteel Замок принцессы Пич
Rainbow Cruise Rainbow Cruise Course Arc-en-ciel (Rainbow Course) Regenboogboot Радужная высь
Kongo Falls Kongo Falls Cascade Kongo (Kongo Waterfall) Kongo-Waterval Водопад Конга
Jungle Japes Jungle Japes Jungle des Jobards Tropenkolder Дикие джунгли
Great Bay Great Bay Grande Baie Grote Baai Великий залив
Temple Temple Temple Tempel Храм
Brinstar Brinstar Brinstar Brinstar Бринстар
Yoshi's Island (Melee) Yoshi's Island (Melee) Île de Yoshi (Melee) Yoshi's Eiland (Melee) Остров Йоши (Melee)
Yoshi's Story Yoshi's Story Yoshi's Story Yoshi's Story История Йоши
Fountain of Dreams Fountain of Dreams Fontaine des Rêves Droomfontein Фонтан грез
Green Greens Green Greens Vertes Prairies Green Greens Зеленые поляны
Corneria Corneria Corneria Corneria Корнерия
Venom Venom Venom Venom Веном
Pokémon Stadium Pokémon Stadium Stade Pokémon Pokémon Stadium Стадион Покемонов
Onett Onett Onett Onett Онетт
Mushroom Kingdom II Mushroom Kingdom II Royaume Champignon II Paddenstoelenrijk 2 Грибное королевство 2
Brinstar Depths Brinstar Depths Profondeurs de Brinstar Dieptes van Brinstar Глубины Бринстара
Big Blue Big Blue Big Blue Big Blue Синеморь
Fourside Fourside Fourside Fourside Форсайд
Delfino Plaza Delfino Plaza Place Delfino Delfino Plaza Площадь Дельфино
Mushroomy Kingdom Mushroomy Kingdom Royaume Champiternel Verlaten Paddenstoelenrijk Королевство грибов
Figure-8 Circuit Figure-8 Circuit Circuit en 8 8-Baan Трасса-восьмерка
WarioWare, Inc. WarioWare, Inc. WarioWare, Inc. WarioWare, Inc. ВариоВэр, Инк.
Bridge of Eldin Bridge of Eldin Pont d'Ordinn Eldinbrug Мост Элдина
Norfair Norfair Norfair Norfair Норфер
Frigate Orpheon Frigate Orpheon Frégate Orphéon Fregat Orpheon Фрегат Орфеон
Yoshi's Island Yoshi's Island Île de Yoshi Yoshi's Eiland Остров Йоши
Halberd Halberd Halberd Halberd Алебарда
Lylat Cruise Lylat Cruise Traversée de Lylat Lylat-Stelsel Тур Лайлат
Pokémon Stadium 2 Pokémon Stadium 2 Stade Pokémon 2 Pokémon Stadium 2 Стадион Покемонов 2
Port Town Aero Dive Port Town Aero Dive Quebec Port Town Areo Dive
France Port Town
Port Town Aero Dive Аэрогонка Порт-Тауна
Castle Siege Castle Siege Château assiégé Belaagde Burcht Осада замка
Distant Planet Distant Planet Planète lointaine Verre Planeet Далекая планета
Smashville Smashville Smash Ville Smashdorp Смешвиль
New Pork City New Pork City New Pork City New Pork City Нью-Порк
Summit Summit Sommet Bergtop Снежная вершина
Skyworld Skyworld Royaume céleste (Celestial Kingdom) Luchtrijk Поднебесье
Shadow Moses Island Shadow Moses Island Île de Shadow Moses Shadow Moses Остров Шедоу Мозес
Luigi's Mansion Luigi's Mansion Manoir de Luigi Luigi's Landhuis Особняк Луиджи
Pirate Ship Pirate Ship Vaisseau pirate Piratenschip Пиратский корабль
Spear Pillar Spear Pillar Colonnes Lances Spear Pillar Копейное Плато
75m 75m 75 m 75 m 75 м
Mario Bros. Mario Bros. Mario Bros. Mario Bros. Братья Марио
Hanenbow Hanenbow Hanenbow Hanenbow Ханенбоу
Green Hill Zone Green Hill Zone Zone Green Hill Green Hill Zone Зелееные холмы
3D Land 3D Land 3D Land 3D Land Страна 3D
Golden Plains Golden Plains Quebec Prairie dorée (Golden Plain)
France Buttes au butin
Muntenvallei Золотые поля
Paper Mario Paper Mario Paper Mario Paper Mario Бумажный Марио
Gerudo Valley Gerudo Valley Vallée Gerudo Gerudovallei Долина Герудо
Spirit Train Spirit Train Quebec Locomotive des Esprits
France Locomotive des dieux (Locomotive of Gods)
Trein der Wijzen Поезд духов
Dream Land GB Dream Land GB Dream Land GB Dream Land GB Страна грез (GB)
Unova Pokémon League Unova Pokémon League Ligue Pokémon d'Unys Unova League Лига Юнова
Prism Tower Prism Tower Tour Prismatique Prismatoren Башня Призмы
Mute City SNES Mute City SNES Mute City SNES Mute City SNES Мьют-Сити (SNES)
Magicant Magicant Magicant Magicant Грезия
Arena Ferox Arena Ferox Arène de Ferox Ferox-Arena Арена Ферокс
Reset Bomb Forest Reset Bomb Forest Quebec Forêt des Bombazéros
France Forêt des Bombes zéro
Nulbommenbos Лес альфа-бомб
Tortimer Island [Tortimer Island Tortiland Tortimer-Eiland Остров Тортимера
Balloon Fight Balloon Fight Balloon Fight Balloon Fight Бой на шарах
Living Room Living Room Salon Woonkamer Гав-гостиная
Find Mii NTSC Find Mii
Europe StreetPass™ Quest
Mii en péril Mii in Misère Спаси Mii
Tomodachi Life Tomodachi Life Tomodachi Life Жизнь друзей
PictoChat 2 PictoChat 2 PictoChat 2 PictoChat 2 Пикточат 2
Mushroom Kingdom U Mushroom Kingdom U Royaume Champignon U Paddenstoelenrijk U Грибное королевство U
Mario Galaxy Mario Galaxy Mario Galaxy Mario's Melkweg Галактика Марио
Mario Circuit Mario Circuit Circuit Mario Mario's Circuit Трасса Марио
Skyloft Skyloft Célesbourg Skyloft Небоземь
The Great Cave Offensive The Great Cave Offensive La Caverne du Péril (The Cavern of Peril) Het Grote Grotavontuur Пещерный переполох
Kalos Pokémon League Kalos Pokémon League Ligue Pokémon de Kalos Kalos League Лига Калос
Coliseum Coliseum Arène (Arena) Arena Колизей
Flat Zone X Flat Zone X Espace 2D X (2D Space X) 2D-Zone X Плоская зона X
Palutena's Temple Palutena's Temple Quebec Royaume des cieux (Sky Kingdom)
France Temple de Paluténa
Palutena's Tempel Храм Палютены
Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Геймер
Garden of Hope Garden of Hope Verger de l'espoir Pikmin-Paradijs Сад Надежды
Town and City Town and City Quebec Ville et village (Town and Village)
France Ville et centre-ville (Town and Downtown)
Dorp en Stad Городок и город
Wii Fit Studio Wii Fit Studio Quebec Salle d'entraînement Wii Fit (Wii Fit Training Room)
France Studio Wii Fit
Wii Fit-Studio Зал Wii Fit
Boxing Ring Boxing Ring Ring de boxe Boksring Боксерский ринг
Gaur Plain Gaur Plain Plaine de Gaur Gaur-Plateau Равнина Гаур
Duck Hunt Duck Hunt Duck Hunt Duck Hunt Утиная охота
Wrecking Crew Wrecking Crew Wrecking Crew Wrecking Crew Разгромная бригада
Pilotwings Pilotwings Pilotwings Pilotwings Крылья пилота
Wuhu Island Wuhu Island Île Wuhu Wuhu-Eiland Остров Вуху
Windy Hill Zone Windy Hill Zone Zone Windy Hill Windy Hill Zone Холмы ветров
Wily Castle Wily Castle Château du Dr Wily (Dr. Wily's Castle) Wily's Kasteel Замок Уайли
Super Mario Maker Super Mario Maker Super Mario Maker Super Mario Maker Стройка Супермарио
Suzaku Castle Suzaku Castle Quebec Château Suzaku
France Suzaku Castle
Suzaku-Kasteel Замок Судзаку
Midgar Midgar Midgar Midgar Мидгар
Umbra Clock Tower Umbra Clock Tower Tour de l'horloge de l'Umbra Umbra-Klokkentoren Часовая башня Умбры
New Donk City Hall New Donk City Hall Hôtel de ville de New Donk City Stadhuis van New Donk City Мэрия Нью-Донка
Great Plateau Tower Great Plateau Tower Quebec Tour de l'Éveil (Awakening Tower)
France Tour du Prélude (Prelude Tower)
Toren der Wederopstanding Башня Плато
Moray Towers Moray Towers Tours Girelle Tonijntorens Муренские башни
Dracula's Castle Dracula's Castle Château de Dracula Dracula's Kasteel Замок Дракулы
Mementos Mementos Mementos Mementos Мементос
Yggdrasil's Altar Yggdrasil's Altar Autel de l'Yggdrasil Altaar van Yggdrasil Алтарь Иггдрасиля
Spiral Mountain Spiral Mountain Montagne Perchée Spiral Mountain Спиральная гора
King of Fighters Stadium King of Fighters Stadium Stade de King of Fighters King of Fighters-stadion Стадион King of Fighters
Garreg Mach Monastery Garreg Mach Monastery Monastère de Garreg Mach Garreg Mach-klooster Монастырь Гаррег Мах
Spring Stadium Spring Stadium Stade Spring Springstadion Спринг-Стадион
Minecraft World Minecraft World マインクラフト ワールド Monde Minecraft Mundo de Minecraft Mondo di Minecraft Minecraft-Welt Minecraft-wereld Мир Minecraft Minecraft世界 《我的世界》的世界 Minecraft 월드
Northern Cave Northern Cave Cratère nord Noordergrot Пещера Севера

Boxing Ring Titles[edit]


Character Title NTSC Title PAL Title Mexico Title Spain Title Japan Title Germany Title France Title Quebec Title Italy Title Netherlands Title Portugal Title Russia
Mario Mr. Video Game Himself Smashes Bricks with His Fists El Sr. Videojuego (Mr. Video Game) Rompe Bloques con los Puños (Smashes Bricks with His Fists) ミスタービデオゲーム (Mr. Video Game) Der Schrecken aller Blöcke (The Horror of all Bricks) Le cauchemar des briques (The nightmare of bricks) Distrugge blocchi con i pugni (Smashes Bricks with His Fists) Breekt blokken met zijn vuisten (Breaks blocks with his fists) Destrói tijolos com os punhos (Destroys bricks with his fists)
Luigi The Eternal Understudy Lean, Green Fighting Machine Quiere Poner el Verde de Moda (Wants to Make Green Trending) 緑の人気もの (Green Popular Guy) Grün, kühn und ungestüm (Green, bold and impetuous) Le grand vert semeur de bleus (The tall green distributor of bruises) La verde macchina da guerra (Green war machine) Groen is goed voor je (Green is good for you) A máquina de guerra verde (Green war machine)
Peach Princess of Toadstools Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom La Princesa del Reino Champiñón (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) キノコ王国のお姫様 (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) Prinzessin des Pilz-Königreichs (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) La princesse du Royaume Champignon (Princess of the Mushroom Kindgom) Principessa del Regno dei Funghi (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) Prinses van het Paddenstoelenrijk (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) A princesa do Reino Cogumelo (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom)
Bowser King of the Koopas El Malvado Rey de los Koopas (The Evil King of the Koopas) Rey de los Koopas (King of the Koopas) カメ族の大魔王 (Great Demon King of the Turtle Tribe) König der Koopas (King of the Koopas) Le roi des coups bas (The king of low blows) Re di tutti i Koopa (King of all the Koopas) Koning van de Koopa’s (King of the Koopas) O rei dos Koopas (King of the Koopas)
Dr. Mario The Prescriber Fists Full of Medicine Te Reta y te Receta (He Challenges you and Prescribes you) Te Receta... Jarabe de Palo (He Prescribes you... Beatdown Medicine) カプセルの弾幕 (Capsule Barrage) Punktesieg durch Pillenwurf (Highscore through Pill-throwing) Un aller simple pour l'hôpital (A single ticket to the hospital) Ama le pillole (He loves pills) Een bittere pil om te slikken (A bitter pill to swallow) Dr. Mario, Charlatão de Serviço (Dr. Mario, Charlatan in Service)
Rosalina & Luma The Cosmic Travelers Cosmic Travellers Los Viajeros de la Galaxia (The Travelers of the Galaxy) 星の旅人 (Traveler of the Stars) Kosmisches Dream-Team (Cosmic Dream Team) Les voyageurs galactiques (The cosmic travelers) Viaggiatori del cosmo (Travelers of the cosmos) Ruimtereizigers (Space travelers) As viajantes cósmicas (The cosmic travelers)
Bowser Jr. Prince of the Koopas Like Father, Like Son El Príncipe de los Koopas (The Prince of the Koopas) El Ojito Derecho de su Papá (His Father's Right Eye) 万能のチャリオット (All Purpose Chariot) Wie der Vater, so der Sohn (Like Father, Like Son) Tel père, tel fils (Like father, like son) Tale padre, tale figlio (Like father, like son) Aardje naar z’n vaartje (Chip off the old block) Tal pai, tal filho (Like father, like son)
Larry The Youngest Leader of the Seven Minions El Koopalín Más Joven (The Youngest Koopaling) Esbirro Jefe (Boss Minion) Anführer der sieben Schergen (Leader of the seven Minions) Le leader des sbires de Bowser (The leader of Bowser's minions) Capo dei sette scagnozzi (Leader of the seven minions) Leider van de bende (Leader of the gang) O líder dos Lacaios do Bowser (The leader of Bowser's Minions)
Roy (Koopaling) The Cool One Fear the Shades El Koopalin de las Gafas (The Koopaling of Shades) Le Encantan las Gafas de Sol (He Loves Sunglasses) Ohne Sonnenbrille geht gar nichts (No go without Shades) L'œil mystère (The mysterious eye) Terrorizzato dalle ombre (Terrified by shadows) Wat schuilt er achter z’n zonnebril? (What hides beneath his sunglasses?) O Koopa mais relaxado (The most relaxed Koopa)
Wendy The Bold Beauty Bold, Bossy and Big-Headed La Belleza de las Pulseras (The Beauty of Bracelets) Lleva la Voz Cantante ("Sings" (Calls) the Shots) Rechthaberisch und Rücksichtslos (Bossy and Reckless) La reine du coup de tête (The queen of the headbutt) Coraggiosa, prepotente e megalomane (Brave, bossy and megalomaniac) Brutaal, bazig en arrogant (Rude, bossy and arrogant) Corajosa, mandona e teimosa (Bold, bossy and stubborn)
Iggy The Laughing Prankster El Koopalín Risueño (The Laughing Koopaling) Risa de Lunático (Lunatic Laughter) Kleiner Schelm mit schauriger Lache (Little Prankster with eerie Laughing) Le farceur hilare (The beaming joker) Il burlone ridente (The laughing prankster) De lachende lolbroek (The laughing funny-pants) O brincalhão lunático (The lunatic joker)
Morton The Enforcer He'll Make You See Stars El Koopalín Corpulento (The Burly Koopaling) Te Hará Ver las Estrellas (He'll Make You See Stars) Lässt Gegner Sterne sehen (Makes Foes See Stars) L'étoile de fer (The iron star) Ti farà vedere le stelle (He'll Make You See Stars) Laat je sterretjes zien (Lets you see stars) Faz qualquer um ver estrelas (Makes anyone see stars)
Lemmy Wacky War Machine Let's Get Wacky El Koopalín Extravagante (The Extravagant Koopaling) Aspirante a Estrella de Circo (Aims to be a Circus Star) Ein Star in der Manege (A Star in the Ring) La bête de cirque (The circus beast) Pazzerellone (Very mad fellow) Doe eens goed gek (Get good and crazy) O artista de circo (The circus artist)
Ludwig Pompous Prodigy Un Prodigio Presumido (A Prodigy Smug) Un Prodigio, y lo Sabe (A Prodigy, and he Knows it) Genie mit Größenwahn (Genius with Megalomania) Le prodige ronflant (The snoring prodigy) Un prodigio di arroganza (A prodigy of haughtiness) Pompeus wonderkind (Pompous wünderkind) O prodígio presunçoso (The presumptuous prodigy)
Yoshi Omnivore of the Year He's Not Yolking Around Un Glotón que Tiene su Propia Isla y Todo (A Glutton with his own Island and everything) ヨースター島のくいしんぼう (Glutton of Yo'ster Island) Inselbewohner mit Mega-Kohldampf (Islander with Ravenous Hunger) Le distributeur d'oeufs au beurre noir (The distributor of black eggs) Non tiene mai a freno la lingua (He never restrains his tongue) De grootste eter van het eiland (The biggest eater on the island) O dinossauro que não anda a pisar ovos (The dinosaur that doesn't go around stepping on eggs)
Donkey Kong King of the Jungle El Rey de la Jungla (The King of the Jungle) ジャングルの王者 (King of the Jungle) Der König des Dschungels (The King of the Jungle) Le primate à cravate (The primate with a tie) Il re della giungla (The King of the Jungle) Koning van de Jungle (King of the Jungle) O rei da selva (The king of the jungle)
Diddy Kong The Acrobat Trigger Happy with His Peanut Popgun El Gran Acróbata (The Great Acrobat) Tiene el Gatillo Fácil con su Cacahuetola (Trigger Happy with His Peanut Popgun) 南国の軽業師 (Acrobat of the Southern Countries) Kleiner Affe mit großer Waffe (Small Monkey with big Weapon) Pirouettes et cacahouètes (Pirouettes and peanuts) Ama sparare con la Nocciol-pistola (He loves to shoot with his Peanut Popgun) Schiet graag met zijn pindaschieter (Likes shooting his peanut shooter) O Dispara-Amendoins mais rápido da selva (The fastest Peanut-Shooter of the jungle)
Link Hero of Hyrule El Héroe de Hyrule (The Hero of Hyrule) 勇気のトライフォース (Triforce of Courage) Held von Hyrule (Hero of Hyrule) Le sauveur d'Hyrule (The savior of Hyrule) Eroe di Hyrule (Hero of Hyrule) De held van Hyrule (The hero of Hyrule) O herói de Hyrule (The hero of Hyrule)
Zelda Hyrule's Wise Princess La Princesa de Hyrule (The Princess of Hyrule) ハイラルの王女 (Princess of Hyrule) Prinzessin von Hyrule (Princess of Hyrule) La princesse d'Hyrule (The princess of Hyrule) Saggia principessa di Hyrule (Wise Princess of Hyrule) De wijze prinses van Hyrule (The wise princess of Hyrule) A sábia princesa de Hyrule (The wise princess of Hyrule)
Sheik The Illusive Sheikah A Sheikah Shrouded In Mystery Un Guerrero Envuelto en Misterio (A Warrior Shrouded In Mystery) 闇に舞う旋風 (Whirlwind that dances in the Darkness) Shiekah mit geheimnisvoller Vergangenheit (Sheikah with Mysterious Background) Qui Sheikah éteint la lumière ? (Who turned the light off ?) Uno Sheikah avvolto nel mistero (A Sheikah Shrouded in Mystery) Een Sheikah gehuld in mysterie (A Sheikah shrouded in mystery) Um Sheikah envolto em mistério (A Sheikah shrouded in mystery)
Ganondorf The King of Darkness The King of Evil El Rey de las Tinieblas (The King of Darkness) El Rey Malvado (The Evil King) 蘇る魔王 (The Resurrected Demon King) König des Bösen (King of Evil) La menace Gerudo (The Gerudo menace) Il re del male (The king of evil) Koning van het Kwaad (King of Evil) O rei do mal (The king of evil)
Toon Link Wind-Waking Warrior Wave-Riding, Wind-Waking Warrior El Aventurero que Despierta a los Vientos (The Adventurer who Awakens the Winds) El Aventurero que Surca los Mares (The Adventurer who Sails the Seas) 大海原をゆく戦士 (Ocean-Bound Warrior) Wellenreiter und Windzähmer (Wave Rider and Wind Tamer) Le héros au pied marin (The hero with sea legs) Un guerriero che solca i mari (A warrior who sails the seas) Golvenrijder, windtemmer, krijger (Wave rider, wind tamer, warrior) O aventureiro que atravessa os mares (The adventurer that crosses the seas)
Samus Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire La Cazarrecompensas Intergaláctica (The Intergalactic Bounty Hunter) 凄腕バウンティハンター (Skillful Bounty Hunter) Intergalaktische Kopfgeldjägerin (Intergalactic Bounty Hunter) La chasseuse de primes intergalactique (The intergalactic bounty hunter) Leggendaria cacciatrice di taglie (Legendary Bounty Hunter) Buitengewone premiejager (Extraordinary bounty hunter) A implacável caçadora de recompensas (The relentless bounty hunter)
Zero Suit Samus The Warrior Within Low Armour, High Agility La Bella Guerrera Galáctica (The Beautiful Galactic Warrior) 美しき銀河の戦士 (Most Beautiful Warrior in the Galaxy) Leichte Rüstung, schwer auf Zack (Light Armour, Really up to Snuff) Sans armure, quelle allure ! (Without armor, so stylish !) Meno protezione, più agilità (Less protection, more agility) Geen pak, toch gevaarlijk (No suit, still dangerous) Armadura Zero, Agilidade Máxima (Zero Armor, Maximum Agility)
Kirby The Pink Puffball Gritty in Pink La Bola Rosa más Famosa (The Most Famous Pink Ball) ピンクの悪魔 (The Pink Demon) Berühmteste rosa Kugel aller Zeiten (Most Famous Pink Ball of all Time) La petite terreur rose (The tiny pink terror) Rosaceo eroe (Pinkish Hero) Gevaarlijk roze is niet lelijk (Dangerously pink isn’t ugly) A bola rosa mais famosa (The most famous pink ball)
Meta Knight The Masked Swordsman El Espadachín Enmascarado (The Masked Swordfighter) El Luchador Enmascarado (The Masked Fighter) 仮面の剣士 (The Masked Swordsman) Der maskierte Schwertkämpfer (The Masked Swordsman) L'épéiste au masque de fer (The iron masked swordfighter) Lo spadaccino mascherato (The Masked Swordsman) De gemaskerde zwaardvechter (The masked swordsman) O espadachim mascarado (The masked swordsman)
King Dedede The King of Dream Land Says He's King, and That's That El Rey de Dreamland (The King of Dream Land) Él Dice que es Rey y no hay mas que hablar (He Says He's King, and That's That) 自称大王 (Self-Proclaimed Great King) Der selbsternannte König (The Self-Proclaimed King) Le roi marteau (The crazy king) Si proclama il re e questo è quanto (He proclaims himself the King, and that's that) Koning, volgens hemzelf dan (King, according to himself anyway) Tem a mania que é rei mas não manda nada (Thinks he's a king but doesn't boss anything)
Fox Leader of Star Fox Never Gives Up! Trusts His Instincts! El Líder de Star Fox (Leader of Star Fox) No se Rinde Nunca y Confía en su Instinto (Never Gives Up and Trusts His Instincts) 雇われ遊撃隊長 (Leader of a Mercenary Group) Feurig und Fuchsteufelswild (Fiery and Furious) Le renard de l'espace (The fox from outerspace) Non si arrende mai! Segue il suo istinto! (Never Gives Up! Trusts his Instincts!) Voer een zijwaartse rol uit! (Do a sideways roll!) Nunca se rende! Confia nos seus instintos! (Never gives up! Trusts his instincts!)
Falco Proud Space Ace Un Piloto Espacial sin Igual (An Incomparable Space Pilot) 宇宙のエースパイロット (Ace Space Pilot) Weltraumpilot und Fliegerass (Space Pilot and Flying Ace) La tête brulée intersidérale (The interstellar sturbborn one) Fiero asso spaziale (Proud Space Ace) Trotse toppiloot (Proud ace pilot) O piloto espacial bestial (The bestial space pilot)
Pikachu Pika Pika! The Electric Mouse Pokémon Pokémon Ratón de Tipo Electrico (Electric Type Mouse Pokémon) 雷撃のねずみポケモン (Lightning Attack Mouse Pokémon) Niedlich und elektrisierend (Cute and Electrifying) Le rongeur survolté (The overexicted rodent) Il Pokémon Topo di tipo Elettro (The Electric-type Mouse Pokémon) De elektrische muis-Pokémon (The electric mouse Pokémon) O Pokémon rato de tipo Elétrico (The Electric type mouse Pokémon)
Jigglypuff The Sleepy Singer The Delightful Balloon Pokémon El Adorable Pokémon Globo (The Adorable Balloon Pokémon) 魅惑のふうせんポケモン (Alluring Balloon Pokémon) Liebreizendes Pokémon der Klasse Ballon (Lovely Balloon-type Pokémon) Bouboule (Fatty) Il dolcissimo Pokémon Pallone (The very sweet Balloon Pokémon) De lieflijke ballon-Pokemon (The charming Balloon-Pokémon) O adorável Pokémon Balão (The adorable Balloon Pokémon)
Mewtwo A Legend Reawakens Una leyenda vuelve a despertar (A Legend Reawakens) 覚醒する遺伝子 (Awakened Genes) Rückkehr einer Legende (The Return of a Legend) Le retour de la légende (The return of the legend) Il risveglio di una leggenda (The awakening of a legend) O despertar de uma lenda (The awakening of a legend)
Charizard Blazing Fury Furia Ardiente (Blazing Fury) 新たなる進化 (Reach a New Evolution) Lodernde Wut (Blazing Fury) Le feu du ciel (The fire of the sky) Una furia infuocata (A Blazing Fury) Vurige furie (Firey fury) Fúria abrasadora (Blazing fury)
Lucario Master of Aura Exudes Power Domina el Aura (Master of the Aura) 波導の勇者 (Hero of Aura) Die Macht der Aura (The Power of the Aura) Le canidé aux poings d'acier (The canidae with iron punches) Potenza allo stato puro (Power in its purest form) Krachtig aura (Powerful aura) O Pokémon que domina a aura (The Pokémon that masters aura)
Greninja Master of Stealth The Unpredictable Ninja Pokémon El Pokémon Ninja Impredecible (The Unpredictable Ninja Pokémon) 神出鬼没のしのびポケモン (Elusive Ninja Pokémon) Unberechenbares Pokémon der Klasse Ninja (Unpredictable Ninja-type Pokémon) L'imprévisible Pokémon Ninja (The Unpredictable Ninja Pokémon) L'imprevedibile Pokémon Ninja (The Unpredictable Ninja Pokémon) De onvoorspelbare Ninja-Pokemon (The unpredictable Ninja-Pokémon) O Pokémon Ninja imprevisível (The unpredictable Ninja Pokémon)
Captain Falcon The Supersonic Slugger Supersonic F-Zero Pilot El Piloto Supersónico de F-Zero (The Supersonic F-Zero Pilot) 音速のF-ZEROパイロット (Supersonic F-Zero Pilot) Ultraschneller F-Zero-Pilot (Ultra-fast F-Zero Pilot) Le pilote supersonique (The supersonic pilot) Supersonico pilota di F-Zero (Supersonic F-Zero Pilot) Supersonische F-Zero piloot (Supersonic F-Zero pilot) O piloto supersónico de F-Zero (The supersonic F-Zero pilot)
Ness The PSI Powerhouse El Niño con Poderes PSI (The Kid with PSI Powers) PSIを持つ少年 (Boy who wields PSI) Stark durch PSI-Kräfte (Strong through PSI Powers) Le PSYchopathe en culottes courtes (The PSYchopath in short pants) Il maestro dei poteri psichici (The master of psychic powers) Het PSI-wonderkind (The PSI-wunderkind) O menino com poderes telecinéticos (The boy with telekinetic powers)
Lucas Boy from Nowhere The Tazmilian Devil El Chico de Tazmily (The Tazmily Boy) El Demonio de Tazmilian (The Tazmilian Devil) タツマイリの少年 (Boy from Tazmilly) Le diable de Tazmilly (The Devil of Tazmilly) Il diavolo di Tazmily (The Tazmilian Devil) O diabo tazmiliano (The tazmilian devil)
Marth The Hero-King The Legendary Hero-King El Rey Legendario (The Legendary King) 紋章の王子 (Prince of the Emblem) Der legendäre Heldenkönig (The Legendary Hero-King) L'héroïque roi de légende (The legendary hero-king) Il leggendario re-eroe (The legendary king-hero) De legendarische, heldhaftige koning (The legendary, heroic king) O lendário rei-herói (The legendary hero-king)
Roy The Young Lion El joven león (The Young Lion) 若き獅子 (The Young Lion) Le jeune lion (The Young Lion) Il giovane leone (The Young Lion) O jovem leão (The young lion)
Ike The Radiant Hero of Legend The Radiant Hero El Héroe Resplandeciente (The Radiant Hero) 蒼炎の勇者 (Hero of the Blue Flames) Der strahlende Held (The Radiant Hero) Le héros de l'aube (The hero of dawn) L'eroe della fiamma (The Hero of Flame) De stralende held (The radiant hero) O Herói das Chamas (The Hero of Flames)
Robin The Tactician Magician Tome-Toting Strategist Estratega de Ylisse (The Strategist of Ylisse) 自衛団の名軍師 (Renowned Vigilante Tactician) Meisterstratege aus Ylisse (Master-Strategist of Ylisse) L'atout stratégique des Veilleurs (The strategic asset of the Shepherds) Stratega dai molti tomi (Strategist with many tomes) Strategie volgens het boekje (Strategy by the book) Estratega de Ylisse (Ylisse strategist)
Lucina Warrior from a Doomed Future Defiant of Destiny Desafía al Destino (Defies Destiny) 未来を知る王女 (Princess Who Knows the Future) Herausforderin des Schicksals (Challenger of Destiny) La guerrière venue d'un autre futur (The warrior from another future) Sfida il destino (She challenges Destiny) Vecht tegen het lot (Fighting against Destiny) A guerreira que desafia o destino (The warrior that challenges destiny)
Corrin Blood of Dragons Sangre de dragón (Blood of dragon) 竜の血族 (Blood of Dragons) Sang de dragon (Blood of dragons) Sangue di drago (Blood of Dragon) Sangue de Dragão (Dragon Blood)
Mr. Game & Watch Master of Two Dimensions El Maestro de las 2D (The Master of 2D) 平面世界の住人 (Resident of Flat Zone) Zweidimensionaler Tausendsassa (Two-dimensional Allrounder) Le castagneur vintage (The vintage fighter) Maestro delle due dimensioni (Master of Two Dimensions) Meester van twee dimensies (Master of 2 Dimensions) O mestre das duas dimensões (The master of two dimensions)
Pit Captain of Lady Palutena's Guard Lady Palutena's Captain of the Guard El Capitán del Ejercito de Palutena (The Captain of Palutena's Army) パルテナ軍親衛隊隊長 (Captain of Palutena's Royal Guard) Anführer von Palutenas Leibgarde (Captain of Palutena's Life Guard) Le chef de la garde de Paluténa (The boss of Palutena's Guard) Il capitano della guardia di Palutena (The captain of Palutena's Guard) Kapitein van Palutena’s wacht (Captain of Palutena’s Guard) O capitão do exército da deusa Palutena (The captain of goddess Palutena's army)
Palutena Goddess of Light La Diosa de la Luz (Goddess of Light) 光の女神 (Goddess of Light) Göttin des Lichts (Goddess of Light) La déesse de la lumière (The goddess of light) La Dea della luce (The Goddess of Light) Godin van het licht (Goddess of Light) A Deusa da Luz (The Goddess of Light)
Dark Pit Dark-Winged Doppelgänger El Doble de Alas Oscuras (The Dark-Winged Double) El Doble con Malas Pulgas (The Grumpy Doppelgänger) 黒き翼 (Blackest Wings) Doppelgänger mit dunklen Schwingen (Dark-Winged Doppelgänger) La réplique diabolique (The diabolic replica) Il sosia dalle ali nere (The black-winged Dopplegänger) Duistere dubbelganger (Dark doppelgänger) A réplica diabólica (The diabolical replica)
Wario Scoundrel with a Fart of Gold Cuidado con sus Ventosidades... (Watch out for his Flatulence...) Ojito con sus Ventosidades... (Watch out for his Flatulence...) 圧巻の悪漢 (Rascal of the Best) Stinkbombe auf zwei Beinen (Stink Bomb on two Legs) La boule puante ambulante (The strolling stink bomb) Un teppista che sbuffa da dietro (A thug who snorts from his back) Boef waar een luchtje aan zit (Crook who smells funny) O patife com um problema de gases (The scoundrel with a gas problem)
Olimar Veteran Astronaut El Astronauta Veterano (Veteran Astronaut) El Veterano Astronauta (The Astronaut Veteran) ベテラン宇宙飛行士 (Veteran Astronaut) Astronautenveteran (Veteran Astronaut) L'astronaute vétéran (The astronaut veteran) Esperto astronauta (Expert Astronaut) Ervaren astronaut (Experienced Astronaut) O astronauta veterano (The veteran astronaut)
Alph Astronaut in Training Novice Explorer, Engineering Pro El Astronauta Novato (Novice Astronaut) Explorador Novato e Ingeniero (Novice Explorer and Engineer) 若き宇宙整備士 (Young Space Mechanic) Meisteringenieur mit Forscherdrang (Engineering Pro with Scientific Curiosity) L'ingénieur cogneur (The engineer bruiser) Esploratore novizio e abile ingegnere (Novice explorer and clever engineer) Onervaren verkenner, ervaren mechanicus (Inexperienced explorer, experienced mechanic) Explorador novato e hábil engenheiro (Novice explorer and skilled engineer)
R.O.B. The Last of His Kind Robotic Obliteration Buddy Experto en Rayos Láser (Expert in Laser Beams) 灼熱のロボビーム (Red Hot Robo Beam) Randaliert. Ohne. Bedauern. (Rampages. Without. Regret.) Rectifier Oblitérer Broyer (Crush, Obliterate, Rectify) Robot Obliterante Benevolo (Benevolent Obliterating Robot) Retro-Ogende Bondgenoot (Retro-Looking Ally) Robô Obliterador Bondoso (Kind Obliterator Robot)
Villager Mayor of Smashville Alcalde(♂)/Alcaldesa(♀) de Pueblo Smash (Mayor of Smashville) スローライフの伝道師 (Evangelist of the Slow Life) Bürgermeister von Smash-Stadt (Mayor of Smashville) Monsieur(♂)/Madame(♀) le maire (Mr./Ms. Mayor) Sindaco di Smash Village (Mayor of Smash Village) Burgemeester van Smashdorp (Mayor of Smashville) O(♂)/A(♀) presidente da Vila Smash (The president of Smashville)
Little Mac Bruiser from the Bronx The Only Numbers He Knows Are "One-Two" El Pugilista que más Pega (The Boxer Puncher) Solo se Sabe los Números "¡Uno,Dos!" (The Only Numbers He Knows Are "One-Two") 不屈の闘魂 (Undaunted Fighting Spirit) Klein, aber oho - schlägt die Gegner schnell k.o. (Small but Strong - Punches Foes K.O. fast) Le dentiste (The dentist) Gli unici numeri che conosce sono "Uno-due" (The Only Numbers He Knows Are "One-Two") Klein, maar pijnlijk (Small, but painful) Só conhece os números "um, dois"! (Only knows the numbers "one, two"!)
Wii Fit Trainer Yoga Warrior She'll Make You Feel the Burn! ¡A Quemar Calorias! (Let's Burn Calories!) 今日も一緒にダイエット (Let’s also Diet Together Today) Verhilft dir zu einer guten Haltung! (Helps You towards a Good Posture!) Inspirer, éjecter (Breathe in, release) Ti fa bruciare un bel po' di calorie! (She'll Make you Burn a Bunch of Calories!) Voel je je spieren al branden? (Can you feel your muscles burn?) Queima calorias até a dormir! (Burns calories even while sleeping!)
Wii Fit Trainer The BMI Bandit He'll Blast Your Core! ¡A Ponerse en Forma! (Let's get Fit!) 今日も元気に筋肉美 (Let's also be Heathly and Beautiful Today) Stets bereit zum Training! (Always Prepared for Training!) Ti spezza in due! (He'll snap you in two!) Valt aan met kernoefeningen (Attacks with core-exercise) Põe toda a gente em forma! (Turns everyone fit!)
Shulk The Visionary Has Visions of Victory Maestro de las Artes Monado (Master of the Monado Arts) 穏やかさを秘めた力 (Power Hidden by Gentleness) Kampferprobter Visionär (Battle-proven Visionary) L'artiste Monado (The Monado artist) Ha visioni di vittoria (He has visions of victory) Visionaire vechter (Visionary fighter) O mestre das Técnicas da Monado (The master of the Monado Arts)
Duck Hunt Bark, Quack, Boom! The Most Unlikely of Partnerships La Extraña Pareja (The Odd Couple) La pareja dispareja (The Odd Couple) 異色の共演 (A Unique Group) Ein äußerst ungewöhnliches Paar (A Really Unusual Pair) Le plus improbable des duos (The most unlikely of duos) La strana coppia (The Odd Couple) Vreemde eend in de bijt (Strange duck in the ice-hole) A parelha mais que improvável (The more than unlikely pair)
Sonic The Blue Blur Speed is His Game El Erizo Más Rápido del Mundo (The World's Fastest Hedgehog) 世界最速のハリネズミ (Fastest Hedgehog in the World) Der schnellste Igel der Welt (The Fastest Hedgehog in the World) La bombe bleue (The blue bomb) Velocità è il suo secondo nome (Speed is his second name) Snel, sneller, snelst (Fast, faster, fastest) O ouriço mais veloz do mundo (The fastest hedgehog in the world)
Mega Man Blue Metal Hero The Blue Bomber El Heroico Robot Azul Humanoide (The Heroic Humanoid Blue Robot) La Bomba Azul (The Blue Bomber) 青きメタルヒーロー (Blue Metal Hero) Das Blaue Heldenwunder (The Blue Hero Miracle) La gâchette multi-tâches (The multitasking trigger) Il futuristico guerriero blu (The futuristic blue warrior) De blauwe beuker (The blue bruiser) O guerreiro azul do futuro (The blue warrior from the future)
Pac-Man The Yellow Bane of Ghosts Ghost-Gobbler El Héroe Amarillo Tragafantasmas (The Yellow Ghost-Swallowing Hero) Merienda Fantasmas (Ghost-Gobbler) 黄色い伝説 (The Yellow Legend) Vielfraß mit Appetit auf Geister (Glutton with Appetite for Ghosts) Le glouton jaune (The yellow glutton) Ama ingurgitare fantasmi (He loves to swallow ghosts) Spokenslokker (Ghost gobbler) O come-fantasmas (The ghost-eater)
Ryu Tireless Wanderer Trotamundos (Globetrotter) 不断の探求者 (Tireless Wanderer) Le guerrier errant (The stray warrior) Errante infaticabile (Tireless Wanderer) O caminhante incansável (The tireless wanderer)
Cloud SOLDIER 1st Class SOLDADO de 1ª clase (SOLDIER 1st Class) ソルジャー・クラス1st (SOLDIER 1st Class) SOLDAT 1re classe (1st Class SOLDIER) 1ª classe SOLDIER (1st Class SOLDIER) SOLDADO de 1.ª classe (1st class SOLDIER)
Bayonetta Umbra Witch Bruja de Umbra (Umbra Witch) アンブラの魔女 (Umbra Witch) Sorcière de l'Umbra (Umbra Witch) Strega di Umbra (Umbra Witch) Umbra-heks (Umbra Witch) Bruxa de Umbra (Umbra Witch)
Mii Brawler The Brawler of Many Faces El Peleador de las Mil Caras (The Brawler of a Thousand Faces) El Karateka de las Mil Caras (The Karate Master of a Thousand Faces) 千の顔を持つ格闘家 (The Martial Artist with a Thousand Faces) Prügelprofi mit hartem Schlag (Brawling Pro with a Strong Punch) Le boxeur aux mille visages (The boxer with a thousand faces.) Il pugno dai mille volti (The Fist of a Thousand Faces) De bokser met vele gezichten (The boxer with many faces) O Guerreiro das mil caras (The Warrior of a thousand faces)
Mii Swordfighter The Swordfighter of Many Faces El Espadachín de las Mil Caras (The Swordfighter of a Thousand Faces) 千の顔を持つ剣士 (The Swordfighter with a Thousand Faces) Klingen-Koryphäe (Blade Expert) L'épéiste aux mille visages (The swordsman with a thousand faces.) La spada dai mille volti (The Sword of a Thousand Faces) De zwaardvechter met vele gezichten (The swordfighter with many faces) O Espadachim das mil caras (The Swordsman of a thousand faces)
Mii Gunner The Gunner of Many Faces El Tirador de las Mil Caras (The Gunner of a Thousand Faces) 千の顔を持つ射撃手 (The Marksman with a Thousand Faces) Meisterschütze mit Adleraugen (Marksman with Eagle Eyes) Le tireur aux mille visages (The gunner with a thousand faces.) Il fuciliere dai mille volti (The Gunner of a Thousand Faces) De cyborg met vele gezichten (The cyborg with many faces) O Artilheiro das mil caras (The Gunner of a thousand faces)


Character NTSC Europe Japan Quebec France Mexico Spain Italy Germany Netherlands Russia Taiwan Singapore South Korea
Mario Mr. Video Game Himself ミスタービデオゲーム (Mr. Video Game) Le cauchemar des briques (The nightmare of bricks) El Sr. Videojuego (Mr. Video Game)
Rompe bloques con los puños (Smashes Bricks with His Fists)
Distrugge blocchi con i pugni (Smashes Bricks with His Fists) Der Schrecken aller Blöcke (The Horror of all Bricks) Breekt blokken met zijn vuisten (Breaks blocks with his fists) Кирпичный кулак 电玩先生 (Mr. Video Game) 미스터 비디오 게임 (Mr. Video Game)
Donkey Kong King of the Jungle ジャングルの王者 (King of the Jungle) Le primate à cravate (The primate with a tie) El rey de la jungla (The King of the Jungle) Il re della giungla (The King of the Jungle) Der König des Dschungels (The King of the Jungle) Koning van de Jungle (King of the Jungle) Король джунглей 丛林王者 (King of the Jungle) 정글의 왕 (King of the Jungle)
Link Champion of Hyrule 復活の英傑 (Resurrected Champion) Le Prodige hylien (The Hylian champion) Campeón de Hyrule (Champion of Hyrule)
Elegido de Hyrule (Chosen of Hyrule)
Eroe di Hyrule (Hero of Hyrule) Held von Hyrule (Hero of Hyrule) De held van Hyrule (The hero of Hyrule) Воин Хайрула 复活的英杰 (Resurrected Champion) 부활한 영걸 (Resurrected Champion)
Samus Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire 凄腕バウンティハンター (Skillful Bounty Hunter) La chasseuse de primes intergalactique (The intergalactic bounty hunter) La cazarrecompensas intergaláctica (The Intergalactic Bounty Hunter) Leggendaria cacciatrice di taglie (Legendary Bounty Hunter) Intergalaktische Kopfgeldjägerin (Intergalactic Bounty Hunter) Buitengewone premiejager (Extraordinary bounty hunter) Охотница за головами 本领高强的赏金猎人 (Skillful Bounty Hunter) 솜씨 좋은 바운티 헌터 (Skillful Bounty Hunter)
Dark Samus Phazon Incarnate 闇のフェイゾン生命体 (Dark Phazon Life Form) L'incarnation de phazon (Phazon incarnate) Phazon encarnado (Phazon Incarnate) Phazon personificato (Phazon personified) Das Phazon in Person (Phazon in Person) Het duistere Phazon-wezen (The dark Phazon creature) Фазон во плоти 黑暗啡宗生命体 (Dark Phazon Life Form) 어둠의 페이존 생명체 (A Dark Phazon Life Form)
Yoshi Omnivore of the Year ヨースター島のくいしんぼう (Glutton of Yo'ster Island) Le distributeur d'oeufs au beurre noir (The distributor of black eggs) Un glotón que tiene su propia isla y todo (A Glutton with his own Island and everything) Non tiene mai a freno la lingua (He never restrains his tongue) Inselbewohner mit Mega-Kohldampf (Islander with Ravenous Hunger) De grootste eter van het eiland (The biggest eater on the island) Яичный дракон 某个岛的贪吃鬼 (Glutton From a Certain Island) 요스타 섬의 먹보 (Glutton of Yo'ster Island)
Kirby The Pink Demon ピンクの悪魔 (The Pink Demon) La petite terreur rose (The tiny pink terror) El demonio rosa (The Pink Demon) Rosaceo eroe (Pinkish Hero) Berühmteste rosa Kugel aller Zeiten (Most Famous Pink Ball of all Time) Gevaarlijk roze is niet lelijk (Dangerously pink isn’t ugly) Розовый ужас 粉红色的恶魔 (The Pink Demon) 핑크빛 악마 (Pink Demon)
Fox Leader of Star Fox 雇われ遊撃隊長 (Leader of a Mercenary Group) Le renard de l'espace (The fox from outer space) El líder de Star Fox (Leader of Star Fox)
No se Rinde Nunca y Confía en su Instinto (Never Gives Up and Trusts His Instincts)
Non si arrende mai! Segue il suo istinto! (Never Gives Up! Trusts his Instincts!) Feurig und Fuchsteufelswild (Fiery and Furious) Voer een zijwaartse rol uit! (Do a sideways roll!) Он никогда не сдается 佣兵游击队队长 (Mercenary Guerilla Leader) 용병 유격대장 (Leader of the Mercenary Unit)
Pikachu Pika Pika! 雷撃のねずみポケモン (Lightning Attack Mouse Pokémon) Le rongeur survolté (The overexcited rodent) Pokémon Ratón de Tipo Electrico (Electric Type Mouse Pokémon) Il Pokémon Topo di tipo Elettro (The Electric-type Mouse Pokémon) Niedlich und elektrisierend (Cute and Electrifying) De elektrische muis-Pokémon (The electric mouse Pokémon) Злектрический Покемон-мышь 擅长电击的鼠宝可梦 (Mouse Pokémon Skilled With Electric Shocks) 전격의 쥐포켓몬 (Mouse Pokemon with Electric Strikes)
Luigi The Eternal Understudy 緑の人気もの (Green Popular Guy) Le grand vert semeur de bleus (The tall green distributor of bruises) Quiere poner el verde de moda (Wants to Make Green Trending) La verde macchina da guerra (Green War Machine) Grün, kühn und ungestüm (Green, Bold and Impetuous) Groen is goed voor je (Green is good for you) Зеленая боевая машина 穿着绿衣的人气明星 (Popular Star in Green) 초록색 인기쟁이 (Popular Green Guy)
Ness The PSI Powerhouse PSIを持つ少年 (Boy Who Wields PSI) Le PSYchopathe en culottes courtes (The PSYchopath in short pants) El niño con poderes PSI (The Kid with PSI Powers) Il maestro dei poteri psichici (The master of psychic powers) Stark durch PSI-Kräfte (Strong through PSI Powers) Het PSI-wonderkind (The PSI-wunderkind) Мастер психокинеза 拥有PSI的少年 (The Boy Who Holds PSI) PSI를 지닌 소년 (A boy who holds PSI)
Captain Falcon The Supersonic Slugger 音速のF-ZEROパイロット (Supersonic F-Zero Pilot) Le pilote supersonique (The supersonic pilot) El piloto supersónico de F-Zero (The Supersonic F-Zero Pilot) Supersonico pilota di F-Zero (Supersonic F-Zero Pilot) Ultraschneller F-Zero-Pilot (Ultra-fast F-Zero Pilot) Supersonische F-Zero piloot (Supersonic F-Zero pilot) Быстрый гонщик F-Zero 音速F-ZERO的驾驶员 (Pilot of the Supersonic F-Zero) 음속의 F-ZERO 파일럿 (F-Zero Pilot with a Speed of Sound)
Jigglypuff The Sleepy Singer 魅惑のふうせんポケモン (Alluring Balloon Pokémon) Bouboule (Fatty) El adorable Pokémon Globo (The Adorable Balloon Pokémon) Il dolcissimo Pokémon Pallone (The very sweet Balloon Pokémon) Liebreizendes Pokémon der Klasse Ballon (Lovely Balloon-type Pokémon) De lieflijke ballon-Pokemon (The charming Balloon-Pokémon) Очаровательный Покемон-шарик 魅惑的气球宝可梦 (Alluring Balloon Pokémon) 매력적인 풍선포켓몬 (Charming Balloon Pokémon)
Peach Princess of Toadstools キノコ王国のお姫様 (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) La princesse du Royaume Champignon (The princess of the Mushroom Kindgom) La princesa del Reino Champiñón (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) Principessa del Regno dei Funghi (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) Prinzessin des Pilz-Königreichs (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) Prinses van het Paddenstoelenrijk (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) Принцесса Грибного королевства 蘑菇王国的公主 (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom) 버섯 왕국의 공주님 (Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom)
Daisy Sarasaland's Chipper Princess サラサランドの元気姫 (Sarasaland's Chipper Princess) La joyeuse princesse de Sarasaland (The joyful princess of Sarasaland) La optimista princesa de Sarasaland (The optimistic princess of Sarasaland) L'allegra principessa di Sarasaland (The cheerful princess of Sarasaland) Sarasalands muntere Prinzessin (Sarasaland's Chipper Princess) Sarasalands vrolijke prinses (Sarasaland's Cheerful Princess) Веселая принцесса Сарасаленда 萨拉萨大陆的活泼公主 (Sarasaland's Chipper Princess) 사라사랜드의 활발한 공주 (A Lively Princess in Sarasaland)
Bowser King of the Koopas カメ族の大魔王 (Great Demon King of the Turtle Tribe) Le roi des coups bas (The king of low blows) El malvado rey de los koopas (The Evil King of the Koopas)
El rey de los koopas (The King of the Koopas)
Re di tutti i Koopa (King of all the Koopas) König der Koopas (King of the Koopas) Koning van de Koopa’s (King of the Koopas) Король Купа 龟族的大魔王 (Great Demon King of the Turtle Tribe) 거북족 대마왕 (Great Demon King of Turtle Tribe)
Ice Climbers Bone-Chilling Duo 氷壁の双星 (Twin Stars of the Ice Cliff) Le duo qui brise la glace et les os (The duo who breaks ice and bones) Un dúo que deja helado (The duo that leaves frozen) Duo agghiacciante (Chilling duo) Das coolste Duo (The coolest Duo) Ijskoud duo (Ice cold duo) Хладнокровный тандем 冰壁双星 (Twin Stars of the Ice Cliff) 빙벽의 쌍둥이 별 (The Twin Star of Ice Wall)
Sheik The Illusive Sheikah 闇に舞う旋風 (Whirlwind That Blows in the Darkness) Qui Sheikah éteint la lumière? (Who turned the light off?) Un guerrero envuelto en misterio (A Warrior Shrouded In Mystery) Uno Sheikah avvolto nel mistero (A Sheikah Shrouded in Mystery) Shiekah mit geheimnisvoller Vergangenheit (Sheikah with Mysterious Background) Een Sheikah gehuld in mysterie (A Sheikah shrouded in mystery) Воин народа шиика 暗舞旋风 (Dark Dancing Whirlwind) 어둠에 부는 선풍 (Whirlwind that blows in the Darkness)
Zelda Hyrule's Wise Princess ハイラルの王女 (Princess of Hyrule) La princesse d'Hyrule (The princess of Hyrule) La princesa de Hyrule (The Princess of Hyrule) Saggia principessa di Hyrule (Wise Princess of Hyrule) Prinzessin von Hyrule (Princess of Hyrule) De wijze prinses van Hyrule (The wise princess of Hyrule) Мудрая принцесса Хайрула 海拉鲁的公主 (Princess of Hyrule) 하이랄 왕녀 (Princess of Hyrule)
Dr. Mario The Prescriber カプセルの弾幕 (Capsule Barrage) Un aller simple pour l'hôpital (A one-way ticket to the hospital) Te reta y te receta (He Challenges you and Prescribes you)
Te Receta... Jarabe de Palo (He Prescribes you... Beatdown Medicine)
Ama le pillole (He Loves Pills) Punktesieg durch Pillenwurf (Highscore through Pill-throwing) Een bittere pil om te slikken (A bitter pill to swallow) Кулак с пилюлей 琳琅满目的药丸 (A Dazzling Collection of Pills) 캡슐의 탄막 (Barrage of Capsules)
Pichu Shockingly Adorable やんちゃな電撃 (The Mischievous Electric Shock) Le petit chou de foudre (The sweetheart of lightning) La Chispa Traviesa (The Naughty Spark) Tenerezza elettrizzante (Electrifying tenderness) Schockierend niedlich (Shockingly cute) Schokkend schattig (Shockingly cute) Электромилашка 顽皮的电击 (The Mischievous Electric Shock) 전격의 장난꾸러기 (The Shocking Prankster)
Falco Proud Space Ace 宇宙のエースパイロット (Ace Space Pilot) La tête brulée intersidérale (The interstellar hothead) Un piloto espacial sin igual (An Incomparable Space Pilot) Fiero asso spaziale (Proud Space Ace) Weltraumpilot und Fliegerass (Space Pilot and Flying Ace) Trotse toppiloot (Proud ace pilot) Опытный пилот 宇宙中的王牌驾驶员 (Ace Pilot of Space) 우주의 에이스 파일럿 (Ace Space Pilot)
Marth The Hero-King 紋章の王子 (Prince of the Emblem) L'héroïque roi de légende (The heroic king of legend) El rey heroico (The Hero King) Il leggendario re-eroe (The legendary king-hero) Der legendäre Heldenkönig (The Legendary Hero-King) De legendarische, heldhaftige koning (The legendary, heroic king) Легендарный король-герой 纹章的王子 (Prince of the Emblem) 문장의 왕자 (The Prince of Emblem)
Lucina Warrior from a Doomed Future 未来を知る王女 (Princess Who Knows the Future) La guerrière venue d'un autre futur (The warrior from another future) Desafía al destino (Defies Destiny) Sfida il destino (She challenges Destiny) Herausforderin des Schicksals (Challenger of Destiny) Vecht tegen het lot (Fighting against Destiny) Непокорная судьбе 知晓未来的公主 (The Princess Who Knows the Future) 미래를 보는 왕녀 (Princess Who Sees the Future)
Young Link Master of the Ocarina オカリナの冒険者 (Adventurer of the Ocarina) Le petit joueur d'ocarina (The small ocarina player) El maestro de la ocarina (The Master of the Ocarina) Maestro dell'ocarina (Master of the ocarina) Meister der Ocarina (Master of the Ocarina) Ocarina-maestro (Ocarina Master) Мастер окарины 时光之笛的冒险者 (Adventurer of the Ocarina of Time) 오카리나의 모험가 (The Adventurer of Ocarina)
Ganondorf The King of Darkness 蘇る魔王 (The Resurrected Demon King) La menace Gerudo (The Gerudo menace) El Rey de las Tinieblas (The King of Darkness)
El Rey Malvado (The Evil King)
Il re del male (The King of Evil) König des Bösen (King of Evil) Koning van het Kwaad (King of Evil) Король зла 苏醒的魔王 (The Reawakened Demon King) 되살아난 마왕 (The Resurrected Demon King)
Mewtwo A Legend Reawakens 覚醒する遺伝子 (Awakened Genes) Le retour de la légende (The return of the legend) Una leyenda vuelve a despertar (A Legend Reawakens) Il risveglio di una leggenda (The awakening of a legend) Rückkehr einer Legende (The Return of a Legend) De terugkeer van een legende (The return of a legend) Пробуждение легенды 觉醒的遗传基因 (Awakened Genes) 각성한 유전자 (Awakened Genes)
Roy The Young Lion 若き獅子 (The Young Lion) Le jeune lion (The Young Lion) El Joven León (The Young Lion) Il giovane leone (The Young Lion) Der junge Löwe (The young Lion) De jonge leeuw (The young lion) Юный лев 年轻的雄狮 (The Young Lion) 젊은 사자 (The Young Lion)
Chrom Prince of Ylisse 英雄王の末裔 (Descendant of the Hero King) Le prince du Saint-Royaume d'Ylisse (The prince of the Halidom of Ylisse) El príncipe de Ylisse (The prince of Ylisse) Principe di Ylisse (Prince of Ylisse) Prinz von Ylisse (Prince of Ylisse) Prins van Ylisse (Prince of Ylisse) Принц Илисса 英雄王的后裔 (Descendant of the Hero King) 영웅왕의 후손 (The Descendant of the Hero-King)
Mr. Game & Watch Master of Two Dimensions 平面世界の住人 (Resident of Flat Zone) Le castagneur vintage (The vintage fighter) El maestro de las 2D (The Master of 2D) Maestro delle due dimensioni (Master of Two Dimensions) Zweidimensionaler Tausendsassa (Two-dimensional Allrounder) Meester van twee dimensies (Master of 2 Dimensions) Хозяин Двух измерений 平面世界的居民 (Resident of Flat Zone) 평면 세계의 주인 (Master of the Flat Zone)
Meta Knight The Masked Swordsman 仮面の剣士 (The Masked Swordsman) L'épéiste au masque de fer (The iron-masked swordfighter) El espadachín enmascarado (The Masked Swordfighter) Lo spadaccino mascherato (The Masked Swordsman) Der maskierte Schwertkämpfer (The Masked Swordsman) De gemaskerde zwaardvechter (The masked swordsman) Мечник в маске 头戴面具的剑士 (The Masked Swordsman) 가면의 검사 (The Masked Swordsman)
Pit Captain of Lady Palutena's Guard パルテナ軍親衛隊隊長 (Captain of Palutena's Royal Guard) Le chef de la garde de Paluténa (The chief of Palutena's Guard) El capitán de la guardia real de Palutena (The Captain of Palutena's Royal Guard) Il capitano della guardia di Palutena (The captain of Palutena's Guard) Anführer von Palutenas Leibgarde (Captain of Palutena's Life Guard) Kapitein van Palutena’s wacht (Captain of Palutena’s Guard) Солдат госпожи Палютены 帕鲁蒂娜军的亲卫队队长 (Captain of Palutena's Royal Guard) 파르테나군 친위대장 (Captain of Palutena's Army)
Dark Pit Dark-Winged Doppelgänger 黒き翼 (Darkest Wings) La réplique diabolique (The diabolic replica) El doble con alas oscuras (The Dark-Winged Double)
El Doble con Malas Pulgas (The Grumpy Doppelgänger)
Il sosia dalle ali nere (The black-winged Dopplegänger) Doppelgänger mit dunklen Schwingen (Dark-Winged Doppelgänger) Duistere dubbelganger (Dark doppelgänger) Чернокрылый двойник 黑翼 (Black Wings) 검은 날개 (Black Wings)
Zero Suit Samus The Warrior Within 美しき銀河の戦士 (Beautiful Galactic Warrior) Sans armure, quelle allure! (So stylish without armor!) La bella guerrera galáctica (The Beautiful Galactic Warrior) Meno protezione, più agilità (Less protection, more agility) Leichte Rüstung, schwer auf Zack (Light Armour, Really up to Snuff) Geen pak, toch gevaarlijk (No suit, still dangerous) Хрупкая и ловкая 美丽的银河战士 (Beautiful Galactic Warrior) 아름다운 은하의 전사 (Beautiful Warrior of the Galaxy)
Wario Scoundrel with a Fart of Gold 圧巻の悪漢 (Rascal of the Best) La boule puante ambulante (The walking stink bomb) Cuidado con sus ventosidades... (Watch out for his flatulence...)
Ojito con sus Ventosidades... (Watch out for his Flatulence...)
Un teppista che sbuffa da dietro (A thug who snorts from his back) Stinkbombe auf zwei Beinen (Stink Bomb on two Legs) Boef waar een luchtje aan zit (Crook who smells funny) Отпетый негодяй 恶汉中的恶汉 (Rascal of Rascals) 악당 중의 악당 (Scoundrel of all Scoundrels)
Snake The Legendary Mercenary 潜入のスペシャリスト (Sneaking Specialist) Le mercenaire légendaire (The legendary mercenary) El mercenario legendario (The legendary mercenary) Mercenario leggendario (Legendary mercenary) Legendärer Söldner (Legendary Mercenary) De legendarische geheim agent (The legendary secret agent) Легендарный наемник 潜伏专家 (Sneaking Specialist) 잠입의 스페셜리스트 (The Specialist of Infiltration)
Ike The Radiant Hero of Legend 蒼炎の勇者 (Hero of the Blue Flames) Le héros de l'aube (The hero of dawn) El Héroe Resplandeciente (The Radiant Hero) L'eroe della fiamma (The Hero of Flame) Der strahlende Held (The Radiant Hero) De stralende held (The radiant hero) Сияющий герой 苍炎的勇者 (Hero of the Blue Flames) 창염의 용사 (Hero of Blue Flame)
Pokémon Trainer Wants to Be the Very Best チャンピオンを目指す者 (One who aims to be the Champion) Le futur Maître Pokémon (The future Pokémon Master) Quiere ser siempre el mejor (Wants to Be the Very Best) Vuole essere il migliore (He wants to be the best) Will der Allerbeste sein (Wants to be the Very Best) Wil de allerbeste zijn (Wants to be the very best) Хочет стать чемпионом 以冠军为目标者 (One who aims to be the Champion) 챔피언이 되려는 자 (One who aims to be the Champion)
Pokémon Trainer Vuole essere la migliore (She wants to be the best) Хочет стать чемпионкой
Diddy Kong The Acrobat 南国の軽業師 (Acrobat of the Southern Country) Pirouettes et cacahouètes (Pirouettes and peanuts) El gran acróbata (The Great Acrobat)
Tiene el Gatillo Fácil con su Cacahuetola (Trigger Happy with His Peanut Popgun)
Ama sparare con la Nocciol-pistola (He loves to shoot with his Peanut Popgun) Kleiner Affe mit großer Waffe (Small Monkey with big Weapon) Schiet graag met zijn pindaschieter (Likes shooting his peanut shooter) Акробат из джунглей 热带的杂技演员 (Acrobat of the Tropics) 남쪽 나라의 곡예사 (Acrobat of the Southern Country)
Lucas Boy from Nowhere タツマイリの少年 (Boy from Tazmilly) Le diable de Tazmilly (The Devil of Tazmilly) El chico de Tazmily (The Boy from Tazmily)
El Demonio de Tazmilian (The Tazmilian Devil)
Il diavolo di Tazmily (The Tazmilian Devil) Der Junge aus Tazmily (The Boy from Tazmily) De jongen uit Tazmily (The boy from Tazmily) Тасмильский дьявол Tazmily的少年 (Boy From Tazmily) 타츠마이리의 소년 (A Boy from Tazmilly)
Sonic The Blue Blur 世界最速のハリネズミ (Fastest Hedgehog in the World) La bombe bleue (The blue bomb) El erizo más rápido del mundo (The World's Fastest Hedgehog) Velocità è il suo secondo nome (Speed is his second name) Der schnellste Igel der Welt (The Fastest Hedgehog in the World) Snel, sneller, snelst (Fast, faster, fastest) Самый быстрый 世界上最快的刺猬 (Fastest Hedgehog in the World) 세계 최고속 고슴도치 (World's Fastest Hedgehog)
King Dedede Self-Made King 自称大王 (Self-Proclaimed Great King) Le roi marteau (The crazy king) Autoproclamado monarca (Self-Proclaimed Monarch)
Él Dice que es Rey y no hay mas que hablar (He Says He's King, and That's That)
Si proclama il re e questo è quanto (He proclaims himself the King, and that's that) Der selbsternannte König (The Self-Proclaimed King) Koning, volgens hemzelf dan (King, according to himself anyway) Липовый король 自称大王 (Self-Proclaimed Great King) 자칭 대왕 (The Self-Proclaimed Great King)
Olimar Veteran Astronaut ベテラン宇宙飛行士 (Veteran Astronaut) L'astronaute vétéran (The astronaut veteran) El astronauta veterano (Veteran Astronaut)
El Veterano Astronauta (The Astronaut Veteran)
Esperto astronauta (Expert Astronaut) Astronautenveteran (Veteran Astronaut) Ervaren astronaut (Experienced Astronaut) Опытный астронавт 老练的宇宙飞行员 (Veteran Astronaut) 베테랑 우주 비행사 (Veteran Astronaut)
Alph Astronaut in Training 若き宇宙整備士 (Young Space Mechanic) L'ingénieur cogneur (The engineer bruiser) El astronauta novato (Novice Astronaut)
Explorador Novato e Ingeniero (Novice Explorer and Engineer)
Esploratore novizio e abile ingegnere (Novice explorer and clever engineer) Meisteringenieur mit Forscherdrang (Engineering Pro with Scientific Curiosity) Onervaren verkenner, ervaren mechanicus (Inexperienced explorer, experienced mechanic) Опытный инженер 年轻的宇宙机械师 (Young Space Mechanic) 젊은 우주 정비사 (Young Space Mechanic)
Lucario Master of Aura 波導の勇者 (Hero of Aura) Le canidé aux poings d'acier (The canid with fists of steel) Domina el aura (Master of the Aura) Potenza allo stato puro (Power in its purest form) Die Macht der Aura (The Power of the Aura) Krachtig aura (Powerful aura) Сильная аура 波导的勇者 (Hero of Aura) 파동의 용사 (Hero of Aura)
R.O.B. The Last of His Kind 灼熱のロボビーム (Red Hot Robo Beam) Rectifier Oblitérer Broyer (Crush, Obliterate, Rectify) Experto en rayos láser (Expert in Laser Beams) Robot Obliterante Benevolo (Benevolent Obliterating Robot) Randaliert. Ohne. Bedauern. (Rampages. Without. Regret.) Retro-Ogende Bondgenoot (Retro-Looking Ally) Робот-разрушитель 灼热的机器人光束 (Red Hot Robo Beam) 작열하는 로보빔 (Blazing Robo Beam)
Toon Link Wind-Waking Warrior 大海原をゆく戦士 (Ocean-Bound Warrior) Le héros au pied marin (The hero with sea legs) El aventurero que despierta a los vientos (The Adventurer who Awakens the Winds)
El Aventurero que Surca los Mares (The Adventurer who Sails the Seas)
Un guerriero che solca i mari (A warrior who sails the seas) Wellenreiter und Windzähmer (Wave Rider [=Surfer] and Wind Tamer) Golvenrijder, windtemmer, krijger (Wave rider, wind tamer, warrior) Воин ветров и морей 在汪洋大海中驰骋的战士 (Warrior Who Sails In the Wide Ocean) 망망대해를 누비는 전사 (A Warrior that wanders around the Vast Sea)
Wolf The Silver Space Wolf 宙駆ける銀狼 (A Silver Wolf Dashing Through Space) Le loup gris de l'espace (The grey wolf from space) Un lobo plateado en el espacio (A Silver Wolf from Space) L'argenteo lupo spaziale (The silver space wolf) Der böse Weltraumwolf (The evil Space Wolf) De zilveren ruimtewolf (The silver space wolf) Серебристый космический волк 在宇宙中驰骋的银狼 (The Silver Wolf Dashing Through Space) 우주를 가르는 은빛 늑대 (A Silver Wolf that crosses the Space)
Villager Mayor of Smashville スローライフの伝道師 (Evangelist of the Slow Life) Monsieur le maire (Mr. Mayor) Alcalde de Pueblo Smash (Mayor of Smashville) Sindaco di Smash Village (Mayor of Smash Village) Bürgermeister von Smash-Stadt (Mayor of Smashville) Burgemeester van Smashdorp (Mayor of Smashville) Мэр города Смешвиль 慢生活的传道士 (Evangelist of the Slow Life) 슬로 라이프 전도사 (Evangelist of Slow Life)
Villager Madame le maire (Ms. Mayor) Alcadlesa de Pueblo Smash (Mayor of Smashville)
Mega Man The Blue Bomber 青きメタルヒーロー (Blue Metal Hero) La gâchette multi-tâches (The multitasking trigger) La bomba azul (The Blue Bomber) Il futuristico guerriero blu (The futuristic blue warrior) Das Blaue Heldenwunder (The Blue Hero Miracle) De blauwe beuker (The blue bruiser) Синий герой 蓝色金属英雄 (Blue Metal Hero) 푸른 메탈 히어로 (Blue Metal Hero)
Wii Fit Trainer Yoga Warrior 今日も一緒にダイエット (Let's also Diet Together Today) Inspirer, éjecter (Breathe in, release) ¡A quemar calorias! (Let's Burn Calories!) Ti fa bruciare un bel po' di calorie! (She'll Make you Burn a Bunch of Calories!) Verhilft dir zu einer guten Haltung! (Helps You towards a Good Posture!) Voel je je spieren al branden? (Can you feel your muscles burn?) Эталонная талия 今天也一起来减肥 (Let's Lose Weight Today As Well) 오늘도 함께 건강 관리 (Let's stay fit together today too)
Wii Fit Trainer The BMI Bandit 今日も元気に筋肉美 (Let's also be Healthy and Beautiful Today) ¡A ponerse en forma! (Let's get Fit!) Ti spezza in due! (He'll snap you in two!) Stets bereit zum Training! (Always Prepared for Training!) Valt aan met kernoefeningen (Attacks with core-exercise) Мускулистый инструктор 今天也一起来健美 (Let's Bodybuild Today As Well)
Rosalina & Luma The Cosmic Travelers 星の旅人 (Traveler of the Stars) Les voyageurs galactiques (The cosmic travelers) Los viajeros de la galaxia (The Travelers of the Galaxy) Viaggiatori del cosmo (Travelers of the Cosmos) Kosmisches Dream-Team (Cosmic Dream Team) Ruimtereizigers (Space travelers) Звездные странники 星之旅人 (Traveler of the Stars) 별의 여행자 (Traveler of the Stars)
Little Mac Bruiser from the Bronx 不屈の闘魂 (Undaunted Fighting Spirit) Le dentiste (The dentist) El pugilista que más pega (The Boxer Puncher)
Solo se Sabe los Números "¡Uno,Dos!" (The Only Numbers He Knows Are "One-Two")
Gli unici numeri che conosce sono "Uno-due" (The Only Numbers He Knows Are "One-Two") Klein, aber oho - schlägt die Gegner schnell k.o. (Small but Strong - Punches Foes K.O. fast) Klein, maar pijnlijk (Small, but painful) Левой, левой, правой 顽强的斗魂 (Indomitable Fighting Spirit) 불굴의 투혼 (Indomitable Fighting Spirit)
Greninja Master of Stealth 神出鬼没のしのびポケモン (Elusive Ninja Pokémon) L'imprévisible Pokémon Ninja (The unpredictable Ninja Pokémon) El Pokémon Ninja impredecible (The Unpredictable Ninja Pokémon) L'imprevedibile Pokémon Ninja (The Unpredictable Ninja Pokémon) Unberechenbares Pokémon der Klasse Ninja (Unpredictable Ninja-type Pokémon) De onvoorspelbare Ninja-Pokemon (The unpredictable Ninja-Pokémon) Невероятный Покемон-ниндзя 神出鬼没的忍者宝可梦 (Elusive Ninja Pokémon) 신출귀몰 시노비포켓몬 (Elusive Ninja Pokémon)
Palutena Goddess of Light 光の女神 (Goddess of Light) La déesse de la lumière (The goddess of light) La diosa de la Luz (Goddess of Light) La Dea della luce (The Goddess of Light) Göttin des Lichts (Goddess of Light) Godin van het licht (Goddess of Light) Богиня света 光之女神 (Goddess of Light) 빛의 여신 (Goddess of Light)
Pac-Man The Yellow Bane of Ghosts 黄色い伝説 (The Yellow Legend) Le glouton jaune (The yellow glutton) Merienda fantasmas (Snacks on ghosts) Ama ingurgitare fantasmi (He loves to swallow ghosts) Vielfraß mit Appetit auf Geister (Glutton with Appetite for Ghosts) Spokenslokker (Ghost gobbler) Пожиратель привидений 黄色传说 (The Yellow Legend) 노랑 전설 (The Yellow Legend)
Robin The Tactician Magician 自衛団の名軍師 (Renowned Tactician of the Vigilantes) L'atout stratégique des Veilleurs (The strategic asset of the Shepherds) Estratega de Ylisse (The Strategist of Ylisse) Stratega dai molti tomi (Strategist with many tomes) Meisterstratege aus Ylisse (Master-Strategist of Ylisse) Strategie volgens het boekje (Strategy by the book) Стратег с книгой 自卫团的名军师 (Renowned Tactician of the Vigilantes) 자경단의 명참모 (The Famous Tactician in the Vigilance Group)
Shulk The Visionary 穏やかさを秘めた力 (Power Hidden by Gentleness) L'artiste Monado (The Monado artist) Maestro de las artes de Monado (Master of the Monado Arts) Ha visioni di vittoria (He has visions of victory) Kampferprobter Visionär (Battle-proven Visionary) Visionaire vechter (Visionary fighter) Победное предвидение 藏于安稳中的力量 (Power Hidden Within Serenity) 온화함 뒤에 숨은 힘 (Power Hidden Behind Gentleness)
Bowser Jr. Prince of the Koopas 万能のチャリオット (All Purpose Chariot) Tel père, tel fils (Like father, like son) El principe de los koopas (Prince of the Koopas)
El ojito derecho de papá (Father's Right Eye)
Tale padre, tale figlio (Like father, like son) Wie der Vater, so der Sohn (Like Father, Like Son) Aardje naar z’n vaartje (Chip off the old block) Весь в отца 万能的战车 (All Purpose Chariot) 만능 채리엇 (All-Purpose Chariot)
Larry The Youngest Le leader des sbires de Bowser (The leader of Bowser's minions) El koopalín más joven (The Youngest Koopaling)
Esbirro Jefe (Boss Minion)
Capo dei sette scagnozzi (Leader of the Seven Minions) Anführer der sieben Schergen (Leader of the Seven Minions) Leider van de bende (Leader of the gang) Самый младший
Roy (Koopaling) The Cool One L'œil mystère (The mysterious eye) El koopalin de las gafas (The Koopaling of Shades)
Le Encantan las Gafas de Sol (He Loves Sunglasses)
Terrorizzato dalle ombre (Terrified by shadows) Ohne Sonnenbrille geht gar nichts (No go without Shades) Wat schuilt er achter z’n zonnebril? (What hides beneath his sunglasses?) Страх в очках
Wendy The Bold Beauty La reine du coup de tête (The queen of the headbutt) La belleza de las pulseras (The Beauty of Bracelets)
Lleva la Voz Cantante ("Sings" (Calls) the Shots)
Coraggiosa, prepotente e megalomane (Brave, Bossy and Megalomaniac) Rechthaberisch und Rücksichtslos (Bossy and Reckless) Brutaal, bazig en arrogant (Rude, bossy and arrogant) Храбрая властная хвастунья
Iggy The Laughing Prankster Le farceur hilare (The beaming joker) El koopalín risueño (The Koopaling that Laughs a Lot)
Risa de Lunático (Lunatic Laughter)
Il burlone ridente (The Laughing Prankster) Kleiner Schelm mit schauriger Lache (Little Prankster with Eerie Laughing) De lachende lolbroek (The laughing funny-pants) Шаловливый хохотун
Morton The Enforcer L'étoile de fer (The iron star) El koopalín corpulento (The Burly Koopaling)
Te Hará Ver las Estrellas (He'll Make You See Stars)
Ti farà vedere le stelle (He'll Make You See Stars) Lässt Gegner Sterne sehen (Makes Foes See Stars) Laat je sterretjes zien (Lets you see stars) Звездный проказник
Lemmy Wacky War Machine La bête de cirque (The circus beast) El koopalín extravagante (The Extravagant Koopaling)
Aspirante a Estrella de Circo (Aims to be a Circus Star)
Pazzerellone (Very mad fellow) Ein Star in der Manege (A Star in the Ring) Doe eens goed gek (Get good and crazy!) Неуклюжий акробат
Ludwig Pompous Prodigy Le prodige ronflant (The roaring prodigy) Un prodigio presumido (A Smug Prodigy)
Un Prodigio, y lo Sabe (A Prodigy, and he Knows it)
Un prodigio di arroganza (A prodigy of haughtiness) Genie mit Größenwahn (Genius with Megalomania) Pompeus wonderkind (Pompous wünderkind) Нахальный вундеркинд
Duck Hunt Bark, Quack, Boom! 異色の共演 (A Unique Group) Le plus improbable des duos (The most unlikely of duos) La extraña pareja (The Odd Couple)
La pareja dispareja (The Odd Couple)
La strana coppia (The Odd Couple) Ein äußerst ungewöhnliches Paar (A Really Unusual Pair) Vreemde eend in de bijt (Strange duck in the ice-hole) Необычная парочка 天敌共演 (Natural Enemy Duo) 이색적인 협동 (A Unique Cooperation)
Ryu Eternal Wanderer 不断の探求者 (Tireless Wanderer) Le guerrier errant (The stray warrior) Trotamundos eterno (Eternal Globetrotter) Errante infaticabile (Tireless Wanderer) Der ewige Wanderer (The Eternal Wanderer) Eeuwige dwaler (Eternal wanderer) Вечный скиталец 永不疲惫的探求者 (Tireless Seeker) 부단한 노력의 탐구자 (Seeker with an Endless Effort)
Ken The Fire-Breathing Fist 紅蓮の格闘王 (The Crimson King of Fighting) Le Poing cracheur de feu (The Fire-Breathing Fist) El puño que escupe fuego (The Fist that Spits Fire) Pugno del soffio fiammeggiante (Fist of fiery breath) Die feuerspuckende Faust (The fire-spitting Fist) De vuurspuwende vuist (The fire-spitting fist) Огненный кулак 红莲格斗王 (Crimson Fighting King) 홍련의 격투왕 (The Crimson King of Martial Arts)
Cloud SOLDIER 1st Class ソルジャー・クラス1st (SOLDIER 1st Class) SOLDAT 1re classe (SOLDIER 1st Class) SOLDADO de 1.ª clase (SOLDIER 1st Class) 1ª classe SOLDIER (SOLDIER 1st Class) Rang-1-SOLDAT (Rank-1-SOLDIER) SOLDIER 1e klasse (SOLDIER 1st Class) СОЛДАТ 1-го класса (SOLDIER 1st Class) 一等精锐战士 (First Class Elite SOLDIER) 1st 클래스 솔저 (SOLDIER 1st Class)
Corrin Blood of Dragons 竜の血族 (Blood of Dragons) Sang de dragon (Blood of dragons) Sangre de dragón (Blood of dragon) Sangue di drago (Blood of Dragon) Manakete (Manakete) Nazaat der draken (Descendant of the dragons) Кровь драконов 龙之血族 (Blood of Dragons) 용의 혈족 (The Bloodline of Dragons)
Bayonetta Umbra Witch アンブラの魔女 (Umbra Witch) Sorcière de l'Umbra (Umbra Witch) Bruja de Umbra (Umbra Witch) Strega di Umbra (Umbra Witch) Umbra-Hexe (Umbra Witch) Umbra-heks (Umbra Witch) Ведьма Умбры 安柏拉的魔女 (Umbra Witch) 엄브라의 마녀 (Umbra Witch)
Inkling Part Kid, Part Squid イカしたワカモノ (Squid and Kid) 50% fille, 50% calamar, 100% encre (50% girl, 50% squid, 100% ink) Parte chica, parte calamar (Part girl, part squid) Metà ragazza, metà calamaro (Part girl, part squid) Ihre Kleckszellenz (Your Splat-cellency) Half meisje, half inktvis (Half girl, half squid) Девочка-кальмарочка 墨力四射的年轻人 (Ink-Shooting Youth) 절반은 사람, 절반은 오징어 (Part Human, Part Squid)
Inkling 50% garçon, 50% calamar, 100% encre (50% boy, 50% squid, 100% ink) Parte chico, parte calamar (Part boy, part squid) Metà ragazzo, metà calamaro (Part boy, part squid) Half jongen, half inktvis (Half boy, half squid) Мальчик-кальмарчик
Ridley Cunning God of Death 残虐のカリスマ (A Cruel Charisma) Les ailes de la mort (The wings of death) Encarnación de la muerte (Incarnation of Death) Il distruttore (The destroyer) Eiskalter Todesbote (Ice-cold death herald) Gevleugelde wreedheid (Winged cruelty) Хитрый бог смерти 残忍的领袖 (Cruel Leader) 잔혹한 카리스마 (A Cruel Charisma)
Simon Evil's Whip-Wielding Bane 魔を祓う聖鞭 (Holy Whip that Exorcises Demons) Le fléau au fouet fatal (The bane with a fatal whip) Combate el mal a latigazos (He Fights Evil with Lashes) Contro il male armato di frusta (Against evil, armed with a whip) Geißel alles Bösen (Scourge of all Evil) Gesel van het kwaad (Scourge of evil) Искоренитель зла с кнутом 除魔圣鞭 (Demon-Slaying Holy Whip) 악마를 물리치는 채찍 (A Whip that Wards Off Demons)
Richter Azure Vampire Assassin 紺碧のヴァンパイアハンター (Azure Vampire Hunter) Le chasseur sans peur (The fearless hunter) Matavampiros cerúleo (Cerulean Vampire Killer) Ammazzavampiri in azzurro (Vampire slayer in blue) Blauer Schrecken der Blutsauger (Blue Horror of Blood-suckers [=Vampires]) Blauwe schrik van de bloedzuigers (Blue horror of the blood-suckers) Лазурный бич вампиров 苍蓝的吸血鬼猎人 (Azure Vampire Hunter) 짙고 푸른 뱀파이어 헌터 (Azure Vampire Hunter)
King K. Rool The Kremling Commander クレムリン軍団総帥 (Kremling Army Commander-in-Chief) Le roi croco rococo (The rococo crocodile king) Comandante Kremling (Kremling Commander) Il cleptomane re dei Kremling (The kleptomaniac king of the Kremlings) Klaufreudiger Kremling-König (Thievish Kremling King) Kleptomane Kremling-koning (Kleptomaniac Kremling King) Командир кремлингов-клептоманов Kremling军团统帅 (Kremling Army Commander-in-Chief) 크레믈린 군단 총사령관 (The Supreme Leader of Kremlings)
Isabelle The Mayor's Assistant ほんわかアシスタント (Cuddly Assistant) L'assistante du maire (The mayor's assistant) La secretaria del alcalde (The mayor's assistant) Il braccio destro del sindaco (The mayor's right arm) Die treue Rathaushilfe (The loyal City Hall Assistant) Assistent van de burgemeester (The mayor's assistant) Ассистентка мэра 暖心的助手 (Heartwarming Assistant) 포근한 어시스턴트 (Cuddly Assistant)
Incineroar The Ring's Raging Flame リングの猛火 (The Ring's Raging Flame) La terreur des rings (The terror of the rings) La furia llameante del cuadrilátero (The flaming fury of the ring) La fiamma ardente sul ring (The burning flame in the ring) Der feurige Ringkämpfer (The fiery Wrestler) Vlammende furie van de worstelring (Flaming fury of the wrestling ring) Пламя во плоти 擂台上的猛火 (Raging Fire on the Ring) 링 위의 뜨거운 불꽃 (Hot Flame on top of a Ring)
Piranha Plant Bloom of Your Doom 一輪の大口 (A Single Blossom of Huge Mouth) Les dents de la terre (The teeth of the Earth) Muerde primero y pregunta después (Bites first and asks after) La più temuta del vivaio (The most feared of the plant-nursery) Blümchen mit Biss (Flower with a bite) Plantonaardig (A pun on 'plantaardig', 'plant-based-' and 'onaardig', 'mean, nasty') Суровая флора (Tough flora) 한 송이의 거대한 입 (A Single Blossom of Huge Mouth)
Joker The Great Phantom Thief 心の大怪盗 (The Great Phantom Thief of Heart) Le grand Phantom Thief (The great Phantom Thief) El gran Phantom Thief (The great Phantom Thief) Il grande Phantom Thief (The great Phantom Thief) Der große Phantom Thief (The great Phantom Thief) De grote Phantom Thief (The great Phantom Thief) Великий Фантомный похититель
Hero (XI) The Luminary 悪魔の子と呼ばれし勇者 (The Hero who was called the Demon Child) L'Éclairé (The Enlightened) El Luminario (The Luminary) Il Lucente (The Lucent) Der Lichtbringer (The Lightbringer) De lichtbrenger (The lightbringer) Светило
Hero (III) The Legendary Hero 伝説の勇者 (The Legendary Hero) Le héros légendaire (The legendary hero) El héroe legendario (The legendary hero) L'eroe leggendario (The legendary hero) Der legendäre Held (The legendary Hero) De legendarische held (The legendary hero) Легендарный герой
Hero (IV) The Zenithian Hero 天空の勇者 (The Hero of the Sky) Le héros zénithien (The zenithian hero) El héroe de Zenithia (The hero of Zenithia) L'eroe zenithiano (The zenithian hero) Der Held aus Zenithia (The Hero from Zenithia) De Zenithiaanse (The Zenithian) Зенитийский герой
Hero (VIII) The Dragovian Descendant 竜の血を引きし勇者 (The Hero who Succeeds the Blood of Dragons}} Le descendant dragovien (The dragovian descendant) El héroe de sangre de dragón (The hero descended from dragons) Il discendente dragoviano (The dragovian descendant) Der Erbe der Dragovianer (The Heir of Dragovians) De drakenbloedheld (The dragon blood hero) Потомок драговиан
Mii Brawler The Brawler of Many Faces 千の顔を持つ格闘家 (The Martial Artist with a Thousand Faces) Le boxeur aux mille visages (The boxer with a thousand faces) El peleador de las mil caras (The Brawler of a Thousand Faces)
El Karateka de las Mil Caras (The Karate Master of a Thousand Faces)
Il pugno dai mille volti (The Fist of a Thousand Faces) Prügelprofi mit hartem Schlag (Brawling Pro with a Strong Punch) De bokser met vele gezichten (The boxer with many faces) Многоликий драчун 千面格斗家 (The Martial Artist with a Thousand Faces) 천의 얼굴을 가진 격투가 (The Martial Artist with Thousand Faces)
Mii Swordfighter The Swordfighter of Many Faces 千の顔を持つ剣士 (The Swordfighter with a Thousand Faces) L'épéiste aux mille visages (The swordsman with a thousand faces) El espadachín de las mil caras (The Swordfighter of a Thousand Faces) La spada dai mille volti (The Sword of a Thousand Faces) Klingen-Koryphäe (Blade Expert) De zwaardvechter met vele gezichten (The swordfighter with many faces) Многоликий мечник 千面剑士 (The Swordfighter with a Thousand Faces) 천의 얼굴을 가진 검사 (The Swordfighter with Thousand Faces)
Mii Gunner The Gunner of Many Faces 千の顔を持つ射撃手 (The Marksman with a Thousand Faces) Le tireur aux mille visages (The gunner with a thousand faces) El tirador de las mil caras (The Gunner of a Thousand Faces) Il fuciliere dai mille volti (The Gunner of a Thousand Faces) Meisterschütze mit Adleraugen (Marksman with Eagle Eyes) De cyborg met vele gezichten (The cyborg with many faces) Многоликий стрелок 千面射击手 (The Marksman With a Thousand Faces) 천의 얼굴을 가진 사격수 (The Marksman with Thousand Faces)