Super Smash Bros. 4

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| [[Fox]] (Assault) || ||
| [[Great Fox]] (Assault) || ||
| [[Great Fox]] (Assault) || ||
| [[Arwing]] (Assault) || ||
| [[Wolfen]] (Assault) || ||
| Tricky || ||

Revision as of 16:35, November 18, 2014

This article is about Star Fox trophies in Super Smash Bros. 4. For Star Fox trophies in Brawl, see here and for Star Fox trophies in Melee, see here. For other lists of trophies, see List of trophies (disambiguation).

3DS Version

Name Picture Description
Fox FoxTrophy3DS.png NA: Fox is the leader of the mercenary unit Star Fox, often enlisted to defeat the evil Andross. His piloting skills are top notch, but in Smash Bros. he brings speed and fast attacks to the battle. His Reflector move allows him to turn projectile attacks against his foes, increasing their power for a punishing blow.

PAL: Leader of the Star Fox team, Fox is a skilled pilot with a strong sense of justice. In this game, he's quick on his feet and can use his speed to toy with opponents, attacking relentlessly and giving them no room to breathe. Even if they try to attack him from afar with projectiles, his Reflector move just sends them flying right back!

Fox (Alt.) File:FoxAllStarTrophy3DS.png NA: Fox is at home in the air, and many of his moves, like his up smash, Flip Kick, will send foes up there. It's great for KO'ing a damaged opponent. Another handy move is his up special Fire Fox. The flames that surround Fox deal damage to nearby foes, and you can launch yourself in any direction once charged.

PAL: The Flip Kick that Fox does for his upward smash can really send foes flying. It's well worth pulling out this attack in combos against airborne opponents. Try following it up with his red-hot Fire Fox special to hammer them repeatedly. The fact that you an fly in any direction with this move is a real bonus too!

Falco FalcoTrophy3DS.png NA: A talented pilot and part of the Star Fox team, Falco can be a bit rough around the edges. He once led his own galactic gang before joining up with Fox. In Smash Bros., his ability to jump high and deal damage in the air makes him a powerful threat, and his thrown Reflector can catch foes by surprise.

PAL: Ex-gang leader, ace pilot and comrade of Fox, Falco Lombardi might play it cool, but he's burning with passion on the inside. In this game, he excels at jumping and aerial combat, and the way his Reflector move flies forwards can catch foes off guard. Add to that his balanced array of attacks, and it's clear that Falco's a real threat.

Falco (Alt.) File:FalcoAllStarTrophy3DS.png NA: Falco's Blaster looks identical to Fox's at first, but actually it's quite different! The beams Falco fires deal more damage and cause the victim to flinch, but at a slower rate of fire. Considering Falco's lineage, it's not all that surprising that he can fire faster while airborne.

PAL: Falco's Blaster looks identical to Fox's at first glance, but they are actually quite different. Most notably, Falco's version causes enemies to flinch, which can be invaluable when warding off approaching foes. It also deals more damage and has a slower fire rate - though its fire rate actually increases when used in mid-air.

Krystal KrystalTrophy3DS.png NA: As befitting her name, Krystal was once imprisoned in a giant crystal. After rescuing her, Fox welcomed her into the team, where her telepathic abilities proved invaluable. She and Fox also became romantically involved. Did her telepathic powers help or hinder that relationship?

PAL: As befitting her name, Krystal was once imprisoned in a giant crystal. After rescuing her, Fox welcomed her into the team, where her telepathic abilities proved invaluable. She and Fox also became romantically involved. We can't help but wonder if extrasensory perception helps or hinders a relationship!

General Pepper GeneralPepperTrophy3DS.png NA/PAL: The Cornerian army's general has a cute and cuddly demeanor—one the members of Star Fox know very well. His gentle nature might have even been his downfall when he let Andross slip by and invade. Still, what do a few mistakes matter when he's got Star Fox to help him save face? Later, Peppy takes his place as general.
Slippy Toad SlippyTrophy3DS.png NA: This mechanic is a valued team member, analyzing enemy shields and spotting mines. That might seem like a job for a calm, cool soldier, but Slippy's more of the frantic, panicky type. This behavior only annoys the Star Wolf team...right? He and Fox are old classmates and good friends.

PAL: This mechanic is a valued team member, and has a knack for analysing shields and spotting mines. That might seem like a job for a calm, cool soldier, but Slippy's exactly the opposite. The Star Wolf team finds him a bit grating, but nobody else thinks that... Right? He graduated from the same school as Fox, and those two are close friends.

Peppy Hare PeppyTrophy3DS.png NA: A former army officer who's since become a navigator. The instructions he transmits to Fox and co. have proven invaluable time and again. Peppy was part of the team when it was led by Fox's late father, James, and Peppy supported Fox when he took over leadership of Star Fox. Perhaps he knew this was James's last wish.

PAL: A former army officer, now a navigator. The instructions he sends Fox and friends from his cockpit have proven invaluable time and again. Peppy was part of the team when it was led by Fox's late father, James, and it was Peppy who named the young Fox as the new leader. Perhaps he knew this was his friend's last wish.

ROB 64 ROB64Trophy3DS.png NA: A robot who assists the Star Fox team, though with statements like "zero percent possibility of success," he's definitely not the team's morale officer. His frank analysis does help the team hone their plans, and with support from him and Peppy, the pilots can stay focused on the fighting.

PAL: A robot that assists the Star Fox team. Sometimes he says rather blunt and depressing things about how they have a "zero percent possibility of success", but it only helps them hone their plans based on his expert analysis. With support from him and Peppy, the pilots can keep their minds on the action.

James McCloud JamesMcCloudTrophy3DS.png NA: Fox's father and the founder of Star Fox. He was betrayed by Pigma Dengar while scouting the planet Venom. James died a hero, caught in Andross's clutches. The F-Zero series also has a racer named James McCloud (also with dashing shades!), but Fox McCloud's dad isn't related to that human.

PAL: Fox's father and the founder of Star Fox/ He was betrayed by Pigma Dengar while on a scouting mission to Venom. James died a hero, caught in Andross's clutches. The F-Zero series has a racer of the same name (with suitably dashing sunglasses to boot), but that James McCloud is certainly not of the fox persuasion.

Leon Powalski LeonTrophy3DS.png NA: Star Wolf's resident sniper. When he finds his mark, he takes them out with—what else?—his long chameleon tongue! ...OK, you got us; he uses a rifle. Maybe. We haven't watched him do it. Anyway, he's a merciless foe you don't want to cross, but if he's with you, he'll never let you down. He's Wolf's most trusted ally.

PAL: Star Wolf's resident sniper. When he finds his mark, he takes them out with - what else? - his long chameleon tongue! OK, just kidding. He uses a rifle. Probably. We haven't watched him do it. Anyway, he's a merciless foe you don't want to cross, but if he's with you, he'll never let you down. He's Wolf's most trusted ally.

Pigma Dengar PigmaTrophy3DS.png NA: Pigma is many things. He's a traitor who betrayed Star Fox and then convinced Wolf to form his own mercenary team, Star Wolf. He's greedy and cowardly, and eventually Wolf kicked him out of the team. He's also got some good traits, though! How about...? No, that isn't...
Panther Caroso PantherTrophy3DS.png NA: This Star Wolf pilot's flying skills are as stunning as you'd expect, but the cheesy lines are what you'll really remember. He's constantly flirting with women, and the rose he holds adds an extra touch of swagger. His feelings for Krystal seem genuine, but who knows where that will lead.

PAL: This Star Wolf pilot's flying skills are as stunning as you'd expect, but the cheesy lines he sprouts are what will really leave you reeling. He's constantly flirting with women, and the rose he holds adds an extra touch of self-important swagger. His feelings for Krystal do seem genuine, but who knows if it'll ever amount to anything?

Andrew Oikonny AndrewTrophy3DS.png NA: A former member of mercenary Wolf O'Donnell's commando unit, Star Wolf. As Andross's nephew, he's not shy about throwing his weight around despite being an inexperienced pilot. This chilled his relationship with the rest of the team, and eventually they gave him the boot.

PAL: A former member of mercenary Wolf O'Donnell's commando unit, Star Wolf. He's Andross's nephew, and because of that he likes to throw his weight around, despite being an inexperienced pilot. This made for frosty relations with the rest of the team, and they ultimately kicked him out.

Wolf O'Donnell WolfTrophy3DS.png NA: Wolf used to fight in Andross's army, tangling with Star Fox in battle after battle. After Andross's exile, he went his own way and formed a mercenary team called Star Wolf. He and his eternal rival, Fox, have even fought on the same side from time to time...but inevitably, they always meet again as enemies.

PAL: Wolf used to fight in Andross's army, where he tangled with Star Fox in many a dogfight. After Andross's exile, he went his own way and formed a mercenary team called Star Wolf. He and his eternal rival Fox have even fought on the same side from time to time...but inevitably, they always meet again as enemies.

Andross AndrossTrophy3DS.png NA: A gifted scientist who worked for the Cornerian Defense Force. Banished to the planet Venom for his extreme research methods, he attacked the Lylat System to exact revenge but was defeated by Star Fox. When summoned, he will aid you in battle by spewing polygon slabs from his mouth.

PAL: Ex-scientist for the Cornerian Army, he was banished to the planet Venom because of his extreme research methods. His plan to conquer the Lylat system was thwarted by the heroic Star Fox team. When unleashed in this game, he hovers in the background, launching polygons at the fighters.

Andross (True Form) AndrossOrganicTrophy3DS.png NA: The true final boss of Star Fox 64, Andross has turned himself into a bioweapon. His face and hands have exploded, revealing a giant brain with eyes that move independently and fire laser beams. When he goes down, he'll self-destruct and try to take Fox with him!

PAL: The true final boss of Lylat Wars is a form where Andross has turned himself into a bioweapon. His face and hands explode, revealing a giant brain with eyes that move independently like tentacles and fire laser beams. When he's beaten in this form, he self-destructs and tries to take Fox with him.

Arwing ArwingTrophy3DS.png NA: The pride and joy of the Star Fox team—it gets its name from the distinct "A" shape. The adjustable wings give this ship remarkable mobility in all kinds of situations; considering all the dangerous places the Star Fox team goes, you never know when a well-timed barrel roll will save the day.

PAL: These fighter crafts are the pride and joy of the Star Fox team. Their name derives from their shape, which is like the letter A, and their wings, which can open and close, giving them impressive mobility in all kinds of situations. There's no Mr Arwing out there that they're named after! So don't expect him to turn up in a Star Fox game.

Wolfen WolfenTrophy3DS.png NA/PAL: Star Wolf's all-range fighters were designed by an evil scientist (Andross) and a truly shameless mechanic (Pigma). Still, leaving aside the designers' personal qualities, the Wolfen's performance and careful design make it truly stand out. In fact, its turning ability and high-gravity resistance surpass even the Arwing.
Great Fox GreatFoxTrophy3DS.png NA: The Great Fox falls into several different starship categories, but we'll spare you the complicated jargon and just call it an assault carrier. Using three plasma engines for smooth warp travel, this ship is essential to the resupplying, maintenance, and recuperation of the Star Fox team.

PAL: The Great Fox can be described as an assault carrier, or as any number of other jargon-heavy terms too complicated to list here. Its three plasma engines allow for smooth warp travel between star systems. It's also an essential supply and maintenance dock for the team, giving them a pace to recuperate between fights.

Smart Bomb SmartBombTrophy3DS.png NA: Attack or throw this bomb if you want to make a big impact on the battle. The explosion just grows and grows, and despite the "smart" name, this bomb will hurt the thrower too! Sometimes you may throw what turns out to be a dud, but don't go hitting it in anger—it'll still go off in your face!

PAL: Throw or hit this to set off a devastating explosion. The blast radius is so wide that your foe will have almost nowhere to run. Unfortunately, the same goes for you, so move fast! Sometimes they don't explode when you throw them, but if you hit them - even by accident - they definitely will!

Wii U Version

Name Picture Description
Fox (Assault)
Great Fox (Assault)
Arwing (Assault)
Wolfen (Assault)