Super Smash Bros. 4

Pit (SSB4)

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This article is about Pit's appearance in Super Smash Bros. 4. For the character in other contexts, see Pit.
in Super Smash Bros. 4
Universe Kid Icarus
Other playable appearance in Brawl

Availability Starter
Final Smash Three Sacred Treasures
Tier D (24)
Pit (SSB4)

Pit (ピット, Pit) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. 4. His return to the series was confirmed on June 11th, 2013 during the E3 2013 Nintendo Direct. In the transition to SSB4, Pit underwent numerous changes to reference Kid Icarus: Uprising. Mechanically, he gained new special moves: two use weapons that debuted in Uprising, one references Palutena's ability to grant him the Power of Flight, and his Final Smash uses the Three Sacred Treasures with their updated designs. Aesthetically, Lani Minella has been replaced by Antony Del Rio, Pit's voice actor in the English version of Uprising. Minami Takayama, who voiced Pit in the Japanese versions of Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Uprising, also reprises her role.

Pit is ranked 24th out of 58 on the tier list, placing him in the D tier and making him the second highest ranking mid-tier character. This is an improvement from his placement in Brawl, where he was ranked 17th out of 38. The number of differences between the Pits is extremely small, yet somewhat noticeable: Pit's forward tilt and Palutena Bow are stronger and much more maneuverable than Dark Pit's forward tilt and Silver Bow, respectively. Conversely, Silver Bow is stronger than Palutena Bow and Electroshock Arm is a more reliable KOing option compared to Pit's Upperdash Arm.

Outside of these differences, both Pits share the same primary strengths and weaknesses: they have capable damage racking games, great recoveries and are strong edgeguarders thanks to their multiple jumps, yet their KOing options are limited to the point of largely forcing them to rely on aggressive edgeguarding or the rather risky Upperdash/Electroshock Arm in order to score KOs. Overall, Pit has a small playerbase with average low-level results, but below average high-level results.


Pit is a middleweight with above average walking and dashing speeds, average traction, air acceleration and falling speed, and below average air speed and gravity. While his jumps are low, he has four midair jumps, which counteract that flaw. These balanced attributed do not give Pit an advantage when it comes to overall mobility, but they nevertheless make him adept at most situations where a key attribute is needed to gain the advantage. His Palutena Bow also grants him good, disjointed range on most of his attacks.

Unsurprisingly for a beginner-friendly character, Pit's greatest strength is his quick frame data. None of his grounded moves or grabs come out after frame 10, all of his aerials can autocancel in a short hop, and his rolls and sidestep have little ending lag. As a result of the quick start-up in most of his moves, very favorable autocancel windows and disjointed attack range, Pit has a very good approach despite his lack of an excellent attribute. This is complimented by his neutral special, Palutena Bow, which allows Pit to fire arrows that are chargeable and can be easily curved, giving Pit very good stage control abilities as well. All of these traits give him one of the best neutral games among the cast when played correctly. His recovery is also one of the longest distanced in the game, due to his midair jumps and Power of Flight, allowing him to edgeguard noncommittally and making him rather difficult to successfully gimp.

Aside from the traits above, Pit's moveset possibly has no strong or weak points when it comes to other characters' general movesets. As a result of his balanced moveset, decent damage output and great neutral game, his edgeguard and punishment games and conversions are all balanced compared to the rest of the cast. His grounded game is a prime example of balance: his neutral attack, tilt attacks, dash attack, and smash attacks all have decent damage outputs, which allows Pit to deal respectable damage to opponents when he is grounded. Neutral attack, forward and down tilt, dash attack and down smash also function as anti-pressure options due to their quick start-up, while they also leave opponents in unfavorable situations due to their inability to punish Pit effectively in response. Up tilt and up smash serve as good anti-air moves, the latter of which has good KO potential. Lastly, forward smash has the greatest range of all of his grounded attacks and the highest power of all his standard moveset.

Pit's aerial attacks also have their own purpose: neutral aerial's great autocancel window and very fast start-up (being the fastest attack in his arsenal) makes for a good out of shield option. His forward and up aerials are good for racking up damage due to their disjointed hitboxes, the latter is also good for juggling. His back aerial is his strongest one, making it suited for edgeguarding. Lastly, his down aerial is also well suited for edgeguarding, due to it being a meteor smash with fast start-up when sweetspotted. His grab game is also rather average: his fast grabs have decent range, whereas his down throw is a reliable combo starter that works until high percentages depending on the opponent, leading into any aerial except down aerial and his up smash. Forward throw is the strongest of his throws, as well as among the strongest forward throws in the game, making it a viable KOing option at high percentages. While his up throw and back throw have little purpose other than putting opponents on unfavorable positions, they also deal good damage, making them useful if the player does not wish to stale Pit's forward throw, or to alleviate the staleness of Pit's other moves.

To reflect the weaponry that he could wield in Kid Icarus: Uprising, Pit has received noticeable changes to his special moveset since his appearance in Brawl, with his special moveset being unarguably the one that has changed the most in the transition to SSB4. Nevertheless, Pit's special moveset is rather versatile, having a move for each situation: Upperdash Arm consists of a dashing uppercut to any opponents in his path, similar to Captain Falcon's Raptor Boost. The move grants super armor, can deflect projectiles, act as a horizontal recovery option and can lead to relatively early vertical KOs due to its impressive knockback, which scales very well with rage. While it is a much better offensive option than Angel Ring, however, it cannot rack up damage quickly and it deflects projectiles at an angle that makes its reflection ineffective for counterattacking purposes. Additionally, it has severe ending lag when it misses, making it very punishable. Power of Flight allows him to soar a reasonably far distance in any upward direction chosen by the player. While it is nowhere near as versatile or unpredictable as Wings of Icarus, it offers better protection from being gimped off-stage because Pit can simply use it again in midair, unlike Wings of Icarus. Guardian Orbitars protect Pit's back as well as his front with energy barriers, reflecting projectiles and pushing characters back. While this seems like a direct upgrade of the Mirror Shield, the Orbitars are not indestructible like the Shield; should they end up being destroyed, the move cannot be used again for 10 seconds. His neutral special, Palutena Bow, is his only special move that has been retained since Brawl, though due to the general nerf to projectile camping, it has been noticeably nerfed, as its damage output and range have all been decreased. These changes worsen the mindgame potential it once had, although it is still difficult to anticipate and, as mentioned above, it can curve itself as well as be charged to increase its damage.

Despite his strengths, Pit does have some weaknesses. Like Mario, most characters are able to outperform him in various areas: Mario himself and Luigi have more versatile combo games, Mewtwo has better mobility, Link and Toon Link have greater camping and zoning abilities, Shulk has greater range, and Charizard has much higher power overall. Power in particular is Pit's most notable weakness, as he suffers from an inability to reliably secure KOs. Like in Brawl, Pit's KO potential is overall unimpressive, and continued use of his strongest attacks can make KOing a difficult task for him if the player uses them due to their respectable damage output, especially with the existence of stale-move negation, which forces the player to use other attacks to alleviate the staleness of said stronger moves. This means he must spend a comparatively longer time racking up damage before attempting to score a KO. While rage helps Pit somewhat in this regard, it might sometimes leave him at a critical condition before the effects start to make a difference, due to him being a middleweight. Additionally, he has no guaranteed KO setups to boot. As a result of this, Pit's KOing ability is among the most inconsistent ones in the game, similar to Cloud, and he cannot afford to get predictable when trying to KO an opponent.

Other smaller flaws include his recovery. Once renowned in Brawl, it is linear and predictable due to Pit's jumps being lower, the removal of gliding, and Power of Flight being considerably inferior to Wings of Icarus due to its vastly lower versatility. Additionally, while Upperdash Arm can aid Pit's horizontal recovery, it has severe ending lag if performed in the air, making it extremely risky when improperly used as a recovery option.

Pit gains some improvement from his custom moves. The biggest benefits are brought by bith variations of Palutena Bow: Piercing Bow sacrifices control for more damage, making it similar to his clone's Silver Bow, as well as the ability to pierce opponents. Guiding Bow gives Pit even more control over the arrow at the cost of of a lower damage output. Breezy Flight makes Pit more difficult to gimp at the start of the move, but at the cost of weakening his long distanced recovery. Amplifying Orbitals are significantly stronger reflectors, making them a better choice against characters that rely on projectiles, such as Villager and R.O.B., although they lose their push effect and are easier to break.

All in all, Pit's strengths are mostly on par with his weaknesses. He is capable of approaching and racking up damage quite reliably, and is relatively difficult to KO, but struggles significantly when it comes to KOing. His playstyle is that of an "all-rounder", and he is commonly thought by players to be the most balanced character in the game when it comes to his general moveset, giving him a rather low learning curve with a good payoff and makes him an optimal choice for beginners to learn and adapt to SSB4's pace. Unlike Mario, Pit can be overlooked by players, due to his multiple jumps and different tools making him more defensively oriented, whereas Mario's combo game makes him much more offensively oriented. This has also been reflected in his fairly poor tournament representation. Nevertheless, players like Earth and Plastic Poptart have achieved above average tournament results with Pit, and he continues to have a higher proportion of representation in Japan like in Brawl due to his popularity as a character there compared to in North America.

Changes from Brawl

Pit received some of the most recognizable changes of any returning veteran, much like Bowser, Dr. Mario, Roy, King Dedede and Charizard. Most of his moves have been heavily altered, with his special moveset being the most noticeably changed so as to reference Kid Icarus: Uprising. As a result, this has resulted in Pit receiving a mix of buffs and nerfs in the transition from Brawl, but he was overall nerfed as a character.

Pit has received some noteworthy nerfs: many of his attacks deal less damage, have shorter hitbox durations, and increased start-up and ending lag. This is most notably evident with Palutena Bow and his back aerial, which were one of the most reliable projectiles in Brawl and one of Pit's most reliable KOing options, respectively. Since his special moveset has been changed to reflect Kid Icarus: Uprising, it has received a mix of both buffs and nerfs: his new side special, Upperdash Arm provides the most utility of the three, giving him a new KOing option that has super armor and can be occasionally used for horizontal recovery, although it deflects projectiles instead of reflecting them. Guardian Orbitars, his new down special, provides protection from both sides instead of only the front, but cannot push reverse opponents at the start of the move and the Orbitars become unusable for some time. Lastly, his new up special, Power of Flight, is more consistent as he can use it again even if he gets hit out of it, however, it has vastly less versatility due to following a straight path. In particular, Pit's overall recovery was his most severely nerfed attribute, as it is now hindered by lower and less floaty jumps, the loss of gliding, and Power of Flight's aforementioned versatility issue. Pit also benefits less from the new rage mechanic compared to the rest of the cast (due to most of his attacks having low base knockback), and the new ledge mechanics combined with the improved recoveries among the cast makes it harder for him to edgeguard.

However, Pit has also gained noteworthy buffs; his previously poor grab game has been improved, as his forward throw is now a reliable KOing option at higher percentages, while the changes to hitstun canceling make his down throw a reliable combo starter and improve his damage racking potential. His attacks also have increased knockback, which makes them more consistent finishers despite not fully compensating for his lack of a reliable finisher. The removal of meteor canceling benefits Pit overall, as he is no longer as vulnerable to meteor smashes relative to the cast. Coincidentally, his down aerial has also become capable of meteor smashing, which further improves his edgeguarding potential.

Despite these buffs, some of Pit's strengths from said game did not carry over well to SSB4, and his new strengths do not nearly compensate for the nerfs to his recovery and damage output. As a result of these changes, Pit's position relative to the cast is debatable, considering the fact that most of his fellow veterans (particularly those that were once low-tier) have also been buffed to varying degrees.


  • Change Pit retains his modern design from Kid Icarus: Uprising, which has been marginally updated since Brawl. His leg bands are now very slightly thicker and their fur trim is more accentuated, the gold ring on his right thigh is now ornate, and his eye color is now very slightly lighter. Unlike in Uprising, Pit now wears bluish-black archery bracers on both hands, rather than just wearing one on his left hand.
  • Change Dash's animation has changed. It is now based on Pit's running animation in Uprising. Pit also has a new victory pose, which is based on the pose he strikes upon defeating Hades at the end of Uprising. Roll, sidestep and air dodge now emit the same sound effect from Uprising. Lastly, Pit now has a Smash Taunt that can be used on Palutena's Temple, which mimics his conversations with Palutena in Uprising while using an animation similar to his kneeling victory pose from Brawl.
  • Change Palutena Bow is slightly thicker and its trail is now gold with blue accents, rather than gold. In addition, its bow and blade swings' sound clips are lower pitched.
  • Change Pit now says "Come on!" during his up taunt and "That all you got?" during his side taunt. These are alternate translations of his taunts in Japanese, which are unchanged.


  • Change Pit is heavier (94 → 96). This slightly improves his endurance, but makes him slightly more susceptible to combos.
  • Buff Pit walks faster (1.18 → 1.199).
  • Buff Pit dashes faster (1.583 → 1.66215).
  • Nerf Pit's air speed is slower (0.893 → 0.89).
  • Change Pit falls faster (1.42 → 1.48). This improves his vertical endurance, but makes him slightly more susceptible to combos.
  • Nerf Midair jumps are lower and less floaty.
  • Nerf The removal of gliding hinders Pit's recovery.

Ground attacks

  • Buff Neutral infinite now has a finisher, an outward slash.
  • Nerf Pit has a new forward tilt animation, where he scissoring clamps vertically into a stabbing attack instead of crossing both blades inward horizontally. Compared to the previous forward tilt, it deals less damage (12% → 7% (blade)/10% (tip)) and has more ending lag (24 frames → 25).
  • Buff Forward tilt has less start-up (frame 14 → 10), more knockback (12 (base)/95 (scaling) → 40/100), a longer duration (frames 14-16 → 10-14) and a more vertically-expanded hitbox compared to the previous forward tilt. These traits make its tip better for KOing than the previous forward tilt's tip despite dealing less damage.
  • Nerf Pit has a new up tilt, a backflip kick followed by a hopping stretch kick upward. Compared to the previous up tilt, it deals less damage (3% (hit 1)/6% (hit 2)/7% (hit 3) → 2%/3%/5%) and has more start-up (frame 2 → 6) and ending lag (19 frames → 27).
  • Buff Up tilt's last hit is stronger and it transitions from the second hit 2 frames faster.
  • Change Down tilt deals 5% less damage (11% → 6%). This hinders its KO potential, but improves its follow-up potential at low to medium percentages.
  • Nerf Down tilt's animation has changed. Pit now crouches further as he slashes in a more exaggerated fashion. This gives it increased ending lag (22 frames → 25) and a shorter duration (frames 6-8 → 6-7).
  • Nerf Down tilt can no longer meteor smash.
  • Buff Pit has a new dash attack, a spinning, inward slash with the Palutena Bow. Compared to the previous dash attack, it has slightly less ending lag (42 → 39 frames).
  • Change Dash attack deals consistent damage (11% (body)/12% (arm)/9% (blade) → 11%) and has different knockback (20 (base)/100 (scaling) → 80/50) compared to the previous dash attack.
  • Nerf Forward smash deals less damage (7% (hit 1)/12% (hit 2) → 5%/10%) and both hits have shorter durations (frames 6-8 (first)/18-20 (second) → 10/21). It also has increased start-up (frame 6 → 10), though it is still tied for the fastest forward smash in the game.
  • Change Forward smash's animation has changed. Its second hit now consists of Pit quickly reassembling the Palutena Bow and performing an outward slash. It has increased ending lag (25 frames → 37), but is stronger overall and has increased range, improving its KO potential.
  • Buff Up smash has increased vertical range. Its first hit has a longer duration (1 frames → 2), it transitions into the second hit faster (frames 6/11 → 6-7/10) and its last hit is stronger.
  • Nerf Up smash's animation has slightly changed. Pit now slightly leans back while slashing upward. This new animation has increased ending lag (28 frames → 33) on top of decreased range both behind Pit and below him at his front.
  • Change Down smash deals consistent damage (13% (body)/12% (hilt)/10% (blade) → 12%/12%/10% (hit 1), 10% (body)/9% (hilt)/8% (blade) → 12%/12%/10% (hit 2)). Its knockback and angles have also been reversed, making the front hit stronger than the back hit and making the back hit a semi-spike.
  • Buff Down smash's animation has slightly changed. Pit now leans further in for each hit. This new animation increases its overall range.

Aerial attacks

  • Buff Neutral, up and down aerials have decreased landing lag (30 frames → 24).
  • Nerf Neutral aerial's loop hits deal 0.3% less damage (1% → 0.7%).
  • Change Neutral aerial's animation has slightly changed. Pit now swings back his Palutena Bow with his right hand behind himself.
  • Nerf Pit has a new forward aerial, a buzzsaw-like series of slashes. Compared to the previous forward aerial, it deals less damage (15% (body)/14% (hilt)/13% (blades) → 1.5% (hits 1-2)/4% (hit 3)).
  • Buff Forward aerial has less start-up (12 frames → 11).
  • Change Forward aerial is weaker than the previous forward aerial. This makes it better for combos, but worse at edgeguarding.
  • Nerf Pit has a new back aerial animation, where he leans back and stabs with both detached-blades behind himself (as opposed to stabbing with one blade with the bow put-together). Compared to the previous back aerial, it deals less damage (15% (clean)/7% (late) → 12%/8%), has more landing lag (15 frames → 20) and less range. It also lacks sex kick properties due to its shorter duration (17 frames → 3). Pit's own hurtbox is slightly flattened out and expanded due to the new animation
  • Change Back aerial now has a slightly more horizontal hitbox compared to the previous back aerial's angled hitbox, but it has a more noticeable sweetspot.
  • Nerf Up aerial deals 2% less damage (12% → 10%) due to consisting of five hits instead of six. It also has increased start-up (frame 8 → 11).
  • Buff Up aerial's last hit has increased knockback.
  • Nerf Down aerial deals 2% less damage (12% → 10%).
  • Buff Down aerial has received a sweetspot on frame 10 that is a meteor smash.

Grabs and throws

  • Buff All grabs have increased ranges.
  • Buff Forward throw has increased knockback, improving its KO potential.
  • Nerf Up throw has increased knockback, hindering its combo potential and making it unable to KO reliably.
  • Buff The changes to hitstun canceling improve down throw's combo potential at low to medium percentages.

Special moves

  • Nerf Palutena Bow deals less damage (5% (uncharged)/11% (fully charged) → 3.27%/8.6%) and knockback. It also has increased ending lag (23 frames → 39) and its arrow covers less distance, as it now vanishes after a short time or when it crosses a blast line. This significantly hinders its advanced techniques and mindgame potential, particularly when shooting an arrow past the blast lines and then sending them back.
  • Change Palutena Bow's animation has slightly changed. Its bowstring now appears invisible and periodically shines as if it is reflecting light, rather than visibly and consistently appearing as if it is made of energy. It also has updated sound effects.
  • Buff Pit has a new side special, Upperdash Arm. Like Angel Ring, it deflects projectiles. Unlike Angel Ring, it deals respectable knockback, grants super armor and can function as a horizontal recovery option.
  • Nerf Unlike Angel Ring, Upperdash Arm cannot be used to disrupt opponents returning to the edge or to pressure shields. Upperdash Arm also has considerably more ending lag, especially in midair, which can lead to a self-destruct if Pit is too far from the stage and if he lands on-stage instead of sweetspotting the edge, he will receive significant landing lag, making it much less safe. Additionally, certain attacks can hit Pit out of it during its start-up.
  • Buff Pit has a new up special, Power of Flight. Unlike Wings of Icarus, it can be reused immediately after Pit is hit while using it.
  • Nerf Unlike Wings of Icarus, Power of Flight functions like a traditional recovery move due to it following a linear trajectory and rendering Pit unable to attack while using it, making it much less versatile. Additionally, it cannot sweetspot edges during its ascent's initial frames, making it slightly less reliable.
  • Buff Pit has a new down special, Guardian Orbitars. Like Mirror Shield, they are shields that block both melee attacks and projectiles, while reflecting the latter with 1.5x the damage and 1.7x the speed that they originally had. They also push back opponents near him when wielded. Unlike Mirror Shield, they shield Pit both in front of and behind him, making them safer and, when coupled with their push effect, makes them capable of edgeguarding.
  • Nerf Unlike Mirror Shield, Guardian Orbitars are breakable, as they will be destroyed upon blocking any attack that deals at least 50%. Upon breaking, Pit must wait 10 seconds for them to regenerate. They also have more start-up (frame 6 → 9) and lack super armor on start-up.
  • Change Pit has a new Final Smash, Three Sacred Treasures. Compared to Palutena's Army, Three Sacred Treasures are better at pressuring opponents in Free-for-Alls due to their projectiles outclassing the Centurions in regard to sheer numbers. Like Palutena's Army, they have accuracy issues, which is especially evident with their concluding light pillars appearing in random places, similarly to how PK Starstorm functioned in Brawl. Unlike Palutena's Army, they render Pit completely immobile, yet also invincible, throughout their duration.

Update history

Pit has received very marginal buffs from games updates. Although not a direct buff, the changes to shielding mechanics brought about by updates 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 benefit him due to Upperdash Arm and his multiple hitting moves. As a result, Pit seems to be slightly better than he was during the game's release.

Super Smash Bros. 4 1.0.6

  • Bug fix Fixed a glitch where Pit would clip through sloped terrain while using his edge attack as someone else grabbed the edge.

Super Smash Bros. 4 1.1.0

  • Buff Neutral infinite finisher's hitbox size increased: 5u → 6u.
  • Change Neutral infinite finisher's z-axis displacement decreased: 9u → 8.5u.
  • Buff All variations of Palutena Bow have had their ending lag decreased by 3 frames.


  Name Damage Description
Neutral attack   2% Two alternating, inward reverse gripped slashes, followed by an upward slash. If button mashed, Pit will spin the Palutena Bow instead, hitting multiple times before finishing with a lunging, outward slash.
1% (loop), 2% (last)
Forward tilt   10% (tip), 7% (base) A scissoring slash. Has a sweetspot on the blades' tips that can KO near the edge at 122%, while the rest of the blades KO at 170%.
Up tilt   2% (hit 1), 3% (hit 2), 5% (hit 3) A backflip kick followed by a stretch kick. A fairly useful anti-air attack and at low percentages, it can combo into a neutral or up aerial depending on the opponent's DI.
Down tilt   6% A kneeling swipe across the ground. Has a relatively high chance of tripping the opponent, while being relatively quick. It can combo into a dash attack against middleweights and heavyweights until around 50%.
Dash attack   11% A spinning, inward slash. Launches opponents upward, which allows it to combo with a forward aerial at medium percentages. However, it has moderate ending lag, making it punishable on shield.
Forward smash   7% (hit 1), 14% (hit 2) A reverse gripped, inward slash with one blade, followed by quickly reassembling the Palutena Bow and performing an outward slash with it. The second hit has more reach than the first and it possesses the move's entire knockback, which is high enough to KO at 90% near the edge.
Up smash   4% (hit 1), 3% (hit 2), 11% (hit 3) Jumps to perform a series of three upward slashes, similarly to Link's up smash. It KOs at 125%, but has very minimal horizontal range despite its appearance, as it is unable to hit behind Pit and is only able to lead opponents into the attack if they are at point-blank range.
Down smash   16% (base), 14% (tip) A downward angled reverse gripped thrust with one blade in front of himself, followed by a downward angled reverse gripped thrust behind himself with the other blade. The first hit is fast for a smash attack, although its diagonal knockback makes its KO potential relatively low, KOing at 145% near the edge. Conversely, the second hit is a semi-spike and KOs at 111% near the edge.
Neutral aerial   0.7% (hits 1-7), 4% (hit 8) A buzzsaw-like series of slashes around his body. It hits multiple times before the last hit launches the opponent vertically. It can nullify weak projectiles and has a smaller hitbox behind Pit that connects less reliably. Useful for starting combos from a short hop due to its ability to autocancel, as well as off-stage edgeguarding.
Forward aerial   1.5% (hits 1-2), 4% (hit 3) A buzzsaw-like series of slashes, aimed in front of himself. It hits multiple times before the last hit launches the opponent diagonally. Has a very short duration and minimal vertical range. However, it is useful for off-stage edgeguarding at 100% and above, due to its moderate knockback, and is able to autocancel.
Back aerial   8% (base), 12% (tip) A double reverse gripped thrust behind himself. It has the longest range of Pit's aerials, and has very good KO potential if the blades' tips land. However, the move has a very small hitbox and deals less damage and knockback at point-blank range, making it difficult to land the sweetspot reliably. It has noticeable landing lag, but it can autocancel as well as be used to space out opponents; the sourspot at certain percentages can also somewhat launch into a followup if possible.
Up aerial   2% (hits 1-5) Spins his blades above his head in a buzzsaw motion. It hits multiple times, and the last hit launches the opponent vertically. A useful juggling option and a viable KOing option while very close to the upper blast line. It can also autocancel.
Down aerial   10% A downward arcing reverse gripped slash. Has a large hitbox that can easily catch opponents and its sweetspot is a meteor smash, which occurs at the middle of the arc right below Pit. It has noticeable landing lag, but it can be autocanceled.
Grab   Reaches out with his free hand.
Pummel   2% A knee strike. A fairly fast pummel.
Forward throw   6% (hit 1), 4% (throw) An upward slash. It is Pit's only throw with KO potential at reasonable percentages, as it KOs near the edge around 155%.
Back throw   8% Spins around with the opponent in tow and then performs a one-handed body slam. At low percentages, it can lead into a dash attack.
Up throw   4% (hit 1), 7% (throw) A handstand kick, similar to Sheik's up throw. Pit's most damaging throw, it can also combo into an up aerial at low percentages if the opponent does not react properly.
Down throw   2% (hit 1), 4% (throw) Pins the opponent to the ground before slashing their back. Pit's best combo starter, as it can lead into a neutral, forward and up aerial at low to medium percentages, or a dashing up smash at low percentages.
Forward roll
Back roll
Spot dodge
Air dodge
Floor attack (front)
Floor getups (front)
  7% Gets up and slashes on either side of himself.
Floor attack (back)
Floor getups (back)
  7% Gets up and then slashes in front of himself, then thrusts behind himself.
Floor attack (trip)
Floor getups (trip)
  5% Spins the Palutena Bow behind himself and then in front of himself.
Edge attack
Edge getups
  7% Performs a reverse roundhouse kick while climbing up.
Neutral special Default Palutena Bow 3.27% (uncharged), 8.6% (fully charged) Shoots a bluish-white, ethereal arrow from the Palutena Bow. The arrow can be curved in any direction, while the Palutena Bow and can be aimed to either side and directly upward while charging.
Custom 1 Piercing Bow 5.1% (uncharged), 11.7% (fully charged) Shoots a bigger and stronger arrow that pierces opponents. However, this comes at the cost of it being slower, having less range, and its ability to be angled.
Custom 2 Guiding Bow 2.1% (uncharged), 6% (fully charged) Shoots an arrow that stays on-screen longer, has greater range, and can be curved to the point of forming two complete circles. However, this comes at the cost of it dealing noticeably less damage.
Side special Default Upperdash Arm 11% (grounded), 9% (aerial) Wields the Upperdash Arm to perform a dashing uppercut, dealing strong vertical knockback. Grants super armor during the dash and it can reflect projectiles at roughly 45°.
Custom 1 Interception Arm 13% (grounded), 11% (aerial) Enters a defensive stance, counterattacking opponents who attack him and/or get too close. Grants super armor, but also deals slightly more damage, knockback and is faster. However, this comes at the cost of its dash.
Custom 2 Quickdash Arm 9% (grounded), 7% (aerial) Dashes quicker and farther, though at the cost of the uppercut being weaker and Pit sliding slightly while attacking.
Up special Default Power of Flight Soars into the air by using the Power of Flight granted by Palutena. Grants very far overall distance and the flight's direction can be angled in any way except downward, making it capable of being a vertical and nearly horizontal recovery option.
Custom 1 Striking Flight 9% (clean), 6% (late) An offensive variation that deals damage throughout the flight, though at the cost of it having slower start-up and granting less distance.
Custom 2 Breezy Flight Emits a tornado during the start, which pushes away opponents in the opposite direction of the flight. However, this comes at the cost of it granting less distance.
Down special Default Guardian Orbitars 1.5x (reflected projectiles) Wields the Guardian Orbitars, which create twin energy shields that protect his front and back. These shields reflect projectiles with 50% more power and 70% more speed than they originally had. They also block melee attacks, but will break if they block an attack that deals at least 50%. Upon breaking, they require 10 seconds to regenerate. They also push back opponents who are near Pit when he wields them, making them capable of edgeguarding. However, Pit is vulnerable to attacks directly above him. They have a minimum duration of 20 frames and a maximum duration of 80 frames.
Custom 1 Impact Orbitars 5% Offensive variations that deal damage and knockback, grant super armor and are unbreakable. However, this comes at the cost of their reflection and blocking properties.
Custom 2 Amplifying Orbitars 2x (reflected projectiles) Variations that have an increased reflection multiplier for both damage and speed, though at the cost of their push effect and being more fragile. They have a minimum duration of 16 frames and a maximum duration of 150 frames.
Final Smash Three Sacred Treasures 2% (arrows, blasts), 12% (charged arrows), 15% (pillars) Wields the Three Sacred Treasures and uses the Arrow of Light to fire a barrage of rapid orange-white ethereal arrows, rapid greenish-white energy blasts, and charged yellowish-white ethereal arrows. After this, a final barrage of bluish-white ethereal arrows is fired into the sky, which causes pillars of light to rain down. Deals high knockback overall, but only the charged arrows and light pillars have KO potential.

On-screen appearance

  • Descends onto the stage from a ray of sparkling light shining down from the sky.


  • Up taunt: Separates the Palutena Bow and crouches down, then spins its blades in either hand before standing up and crossing them over his head, saying "Come on!" (勝負だ!, Let's battle!)
  • Side taunt: Separates the Palutena Bow and then slashes with its blades before striking a pose, saying "That all you got?" (まだまだ!, Not just yet!)
  • Down taunt: Holds the Palutena Bow/its blades in one hand/each hand and spreads out his arms and wings as a few feathers are loosed from his wings.
  • Smash taunt: Activates Palutena's Guidance. Kneels down before contacting Palutena, Viridi, Dark Pit (when in a match against him), and even Chrom (when fighting against Robin). Pit then receives information on one of his opponents; this goes for every character in the game, including himself, with altered conversations for the Koopalings and the male Wii Fit Trainer. There is a specific conversation reserved for the downloadable characters, but the dialogue remains the same regardless of what downloadable character Pit is facing. Palutena's Guidance can be used only on Palutena's Temple, and is performed by rapidly pressing the button which activates Pit's down taunt. Pit will hold a pose for a few seconds prior to the conversation starting. This can only be done once per match. If Pit gets hit while holding his pose before the conversation starts, it will be canceled. If Pit is KO'd, the conversation will end. Lastly, if there is more than one opponent on-screen when the conversation begins, one of the opponents will be randomly chosen to be discussed.
Up taunt Side taunt Down taunt
PitUpTauntSSB4.gif PitSideTauntSSB4.gif PitDownTauntSSB4.gif

Idle poses

  • Briefly fiddles with his Palutena Bow, splitting them into blades if it is in bow form.
  • Impatiently hops in place.
PitIdlePose1WiiU.jpg PitIdlePose2WiiU.jpg

Crowd cheer

English Japanese
Description Pit! Pit! This is it! Pit-to!
Pitch Group chant Female

Victory poses

An orchestral excerpt of Kid Icarus' title screen theme.
  • Descends from the sky and slashes his blades while saying "It's game over for you!" This pose is very similar to his side taunt. In Japanese, he yells "撃破ー!" (Struck down-!)
  • Slightly turns to his right side while rearing his right arm back, then thrusts it forward to strike the V sign while saying "Victory!" and either Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DSsports a slightly stern facial expression or Super Smash Bros. for Wii Ua toothy smirk. In Japanese, he yells "ピース!" (Peace!) The pose is very similar to the one he strikes after defeating Hades in Kid Icarus: Uprising.
  • Slowly spins the Palutena Bow in front of himself, then strikes a pose while saying "That was easy!" or "What's up now?!" In Japanese, he says "楽勝楽勝!" (Easy win easy win!/Easy peasy!). The pose is very similar to the one in his official artwork for Brawl.
PitPose1WiiU.gif PitPose2WiiU.gif PitPose3WiiU.gif

In competitive play

Official Custom Moveset Project

Character Custom sets available
Pit (SSB4) Pit 3111 3112 1113 2113 3113
2111 2112 1112 3311 3121

Notable players




Ntsc Pit is the captain of Palutena's royal guard. Despite the wings on his back, Pit needs the Power of Flight from Palutena in order to truly fly. In Smash Bros., he can still get more air than most, with four jumps and a special move that boosts him higher. He has a new reflect move—it protects both sides!
Pal Despite being an angel with wings and all that jazz, Pit can't fly without a little bit of help from his favourite goddess, Palutena. In this game, he's good at both close and ranged combat, and can even deflect projectiles. On top of that, with a high-flying up special and the ability to jump four times in mid-air. He's also got great recovery skills.
NES: Kid Icarus (08/1987)
3DS: Kid Icarus: Uprising (03/2012)
Pit (Alt.)
Ntsc Pit's side special Upperdash Arm delivers an uppercut so strong, it can send foes flying for a KO. If you miss and fall off the stage, Pit's up special can bring him soaring back. Another of Pit's specials is Palutena Bow, which fires arrows Pit can aim even after they've left the bow.
Pal Pit's Upperdash Arm special launches him forwards to strike with an uppercut. It's so powerful, it can deliver an instant KO! If you accidentally dash off the stage with it, one of his up special will get you back on easily. His Palutena Bow special can be charged up, shot straight up into the air, and you can even guide the arrows mid-flight!
NES: Kid Icarus (08/1987)
3DS: Kid Icarus: Uprising (03/2012)
Three Sacred Treasures
Ntsc The Arrow of Light, the Wings of Pegasus and the Mirror Shield-three legendary artifacts that Pit once used to defeat the evil Medusa. When you activate Pit's Final Smash, he can use them in this game, too! After firing a barrage of different bow attacks, his final shot will cause powerful light pillars to rain down on the battlefield.
Pal The Arrow of Light, the Wings of Pegasus and the Mirror Shield - three legendary artifacts that Pit once used to defeat the evil Medusa. And when you activate his Final Smash, he can use them in this game too! After firing a medley of different bow attacks, his final shot makes powerful light pillars rain down on the battlefield.

In Event Matches

Solo Events

Co-op Events

Alternate costumes

Pit Palette (SSB4).png
Pit (SSB4) Pit (SSB4) Pit (SSB4) Pit (SSB4) Pit (SSB4) Pit (SSB4) Pit (SSB4) Pit (SSB4)



  • Pit makes two references to his home series:
    • He will sometimes yell "I'm finished!" (遣られちゃった..., They got me...) upon being KO'd, which is a reference to both the game over screen of Kid Icarus and what he would say upon getting a game over in Kid Icarus: Uprising.
    • When he uses a Hammer or Golden Hammer, he simply pivots his wrist while swinging the Hammer, rather than moving his whole body around like most other characters. This is based on how he would move when attacking with a hammer in Kid Icarus. This animation is shared with Dark Pit and Mr. Game & Watch.
  • Pit was the first Brawl newcomer confirmed to reappear in SSB4.
  • Of all the characters who made the transition from Brawl to SSB4, Pit underwent the most changes to his special moves, with his previous side special, up special, down special and Final Smash being replaced.
  • Pit and Dark Pit are the only characters with two reflectors in their default movesets.
  • Both Pit and Dark Pit, akin to the former in Brawl, have some of their moves not applying to their bow being split apart or put together. The moves that fit this are their down tilt, dash attack, up special, down taunts (despite both of them being different), rolls and sidestep (only if the latter two are done at the frame before their shielding animation properly occurs).