Super Smash Bros. for Wii U


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Pyrosphere press image.jpg
Universe Metroid
Appears in SSB4 (Wii U)
Availability Starter
Crate type Futuristic
Maximum players 8
Tracks available Vs. Ridley
Title (Metroid)
Sector 1
Vs. Parasite Queen
Vs. Meta Ridley
Multiplayer (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
Psycho Bits
Nemesis Ridley
Lockdown Battle Theme
Bolded tracks must be unlocked
Tournament legality
Smash 4 Singles: Banned
Doubles: Banned
Article on Metroid Wiki Sector 3 (Pyrosphere)

Pyrosphere (パイロスフィア, Pyrosphere) is a stage in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and is based on the Pyrosphere area in Metroid: Other M.


The main body of the Pyrosphere is a fairly long platform with a metallic surface mounted on top of a tall metal shaft extending down below the surface of the lava. Above it floats four metallic platforms sporting green glowing strips wrapped around them. The lava appears pouring in the background, but doesn't affect the playing area.

Ridley appears periodically as a boss, who will attack players and destroy floating platforms. He can increase his strength from absorbing energy from the tanks under the ledges, which blackens his skin in the process. If he receives enough damage, he will become an ally to the last attacker. Defeating him counts as a point in Timed matches. FG II-Grahams, Joulions, and Zeros appear as enemies on the stage as well. FG II-Graham units are mobile flying turrets that fire straight shots when hit. Joulions are floating enemies that inflate and explode after being attacked. The weighty Zeros crawl slowly on the ground, and can be picked up and thrown.


The Geothermal Power Plant in Other M where Ridley is fought.

Pyrosphere is a significant area in Metroid: Other M. The stage in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is based on the Geothermal Power Plant within the Pyrosphere area inside of the Bottle Ship. It is there that Samus Aran would encounter and battle the newly-cloned Ridley. This area's appearance in Other M is mostly the same as it is in SSB4; the bridge that Ridley burns down, the magma-eruption port that Samus destroys to light the area, and the hole in the wall that Ridley creates while escaping are all in their post-battle state in SSB4, though the hole has been moved slightly to the right and there is another hole to the right of the door for unknown reasons. Also, the four floating platforms of the stage are not present in Other M.

During the fight at the Geothermal Power Plant against Ridley, he could harden his skin to render himself invulnerable to Samus' Plasma Beam, signified by his darkened skin. In SSB4, he absorbs the energy from the vats on either side of the stage to further augment his strength. The result is erroneously stated as a transformation into Meta Ridley.

Ω Form

The main platform is used in the Omega form. Ridley, enemies, and smaller platforms do not appear.


Attacking Ridley with the Dragoon when he is about to dive onto the stage will make him function in the background instead of the foreground. However, his fireballs remain potent, and he can still destroy the floatwing platforms. In this state, he can only be defeated by the use of Dragoons.


Update history

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U 1.0.2

  • Added 8-player mode version of the stage (already had an 8-player omega form). This version of Pyrosphere removes Ridley and other stage hazards.


  • The specifics of Ridley's role on the Pyrosphere was withheld from Miiverse over a year after its announcement on August 20, 2013, when Masahiro Sakurai revealed the stage with a caption stating "An enemy from Samus's past may appear at any second…" On the April 8, 2014 Nintendo Direct, Sakurai confirmed that stage bosses would appear after showing off the Yellow Devil with a clip of Pikachu being chased by Ridley on the Pyrosphere - although only his shadow, wings, and tail could be seen - implying that he was set to be a boss on the stage. Ridley was eventually shown and his role as a stage boss was ultimately detailed in the October 2014 Super Smash Bros. for Wii U 50-Fact Extravaganza.
  • Pyrosphere appears as a stage in Dead or Alive: Dimensions as the "Geothermal Power Plant", with Ridley as a stage hazard but without floating the platforms featured in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. This makes it one of four stages in the Super Smash Bros. series to be featured as a stage in other fighting games, the others being the Green Hill Zone, Suzaku Castle, and Midgar.