Debug menu (SSBM)

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The debug menu in Super Smash Bros. Melee.

The Debug Menu is an element of development that was accidentally left in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Within the menu, the player has control over almost all aspects of the game, including unplayable characters, unplayable and special stages, special CPU behaviors, and more. In order to get to the debug menu, an Action Replay device must be used.

Reoccurring Lists


Debug Name Character
CKIND_CAPTAIN   Captain Falcon
CKIND_DONKEY   Donkey Kong
CKIND_FOX   Captain Falcon
CKIND_GAMEWATCH   Mr. Game & Watch
CKIND_PURIN   Jigglypuff
CKIND_ZE->SE   Zelda
CKIND_SE->ZE   Sheik
CKIND_CLINK   Young Link
CKIND_GANON   Ganondorf
CKIND_BOY   Fighting Wire Frame
CKIND_GIRL   Fighting Wire Frame
CKIND_GKOOPS   Giga Bowser
CKIND_POPO   Popo (solo)


Debug Name Stage Name In-Game Usage Description
DUMMY None- Debug Menu Only A debug stage that crashes the game when trying to load it, although use of action replay codes can force the stage to load. The stage itself is totally black, with one invisible platform in the middle. The stage has no blast lines, so characters will fall forever.
TEST None- Debug Menu Only A debug stage that features oddly shaped platforms and a low resolution picture of a bar as the background. It is unusually long.
IZUMI Fountain of Dreams Playable Stage
PSTADIUM Pokémon Stadium Playable Stage
CASTLE Princess Peach's Castle Playable Stage
KONGO Kongo Jungle Playable Stage
ZEBES Brinstar Playable Stage
CORNERIA Corneria Playable Stage
STORY Yoshi's Story Playable Stage
ONETT Onett Playable Stage
MUTE CITY Mute City Playable Stage
RCRUISE Rainbow Cruise Playable Stage
GARDEN Jungle Japes Playable Stage
GREATBAY Great Bay Playable Stage
SHRINE Temple Playable Stage
KRAID Brinstar Depths Playable Stage
YOSTER Yoshi's Island Playable Stage
GREENS Green Greens Playable Stage
FOURSIDE Fourside Playable Stage
INISHIE1 Mushroom Kingdom Playable Stage
INISHIE2 Mushroom Kingdom II Playable Stage
AKANEIA None- Debug Menu Only A stage that crashes the game when trying to load it. There is no known code that can force it to load. It is believed to be a Fire Emblem stage because the music used to represent the Fire Emblem characters has the file name "akaneia.hps".
VENOM Venom Playable Stage
PURA Poké Floats Playable Stage
BIGBLUE Big Blue Playable Stage
ICEMT Icicle Mountain Playable Stage
ICETOP None- Debug Menu Only An unused stage that crashes when trying to load it, although use of action replay codes can force the stage to load. The stage is believed to have been the "top" of Icicle Mountain. However, forcing it to load reveals that it is now just a clone of Icicle Mountain without music.
FLATZONE Flat Zone Playable Stage
OLD PPP Past Stages: Dream Land Playable Stage
OLD YOSH Past Stages: Yoshi's Island Playable Stage
OLD KONG Past Stages: Kongo Jungle Playable Stage
BATTLE Battlefield Playable Stage
LAST Final Destination Playable Stage
T<CHAR> Target Test Stadium/Classic Mode The Target Test stages for each character. The match ends if all the targets break.
TSEAK Target Test None- Debug Menu Only An unused Target Test stage, presumably for Sheik. It has only 3 targets.
1-1KINOKO Mushroom Kingdom (Adventure Mode) Adventure Mode A side scrolling stage used in Adventure Mode. The game will freeze when the player gets to the Yoshi fight section of the stage, but there are codes to prevent this. Touching the flagpole ends the match.
1-2CASTLE Princess Peach's Castle Adventure Mode A clone of Princess Peach's Castle used in Adventure Mode. The player fights Mario (or Luigi) and Peach here. Plays Rainbow Cruise music.
2-1KONGO Kongo Jungle Adventure Mode A clone of Kongo Jungle used in Adventure Mode. The player fights two tiny Donkey Kong here.
2-2GARDEN Jungle Japes Adventure Mode A clone of Jungle Japes used in Adventure Mode. The player fights a giant Donkey Kong here.
3-1MEIKYU Underground Maze Adventure Mode A side scrolling stage used in Adventure Mode. The game will freeze when the player encounters any of the Link fights, but there are codes to prevent this. Touching the Triforce ends the match.
3-2SHRINE Temple Adventure Mode A clone of Temple used in Adventure Mode. The player fights Zelda here. Plays Great Bay music.
4-1ZEBES Brinstar Adventure Mode A clone of Brinstar used in Adventure Mode. The player fights Samus here. There is a chance that Brinstar Depths music will play.
4-2DASSYUT Brinstar Escape Shaft Adventure Mode A vertical scrolling stage used in Adventure Mode. Touching the platform at the top ends the match.
5-1GREENS Green Greens Adventure Mode A clone of Green Greens used in Adventure Mode. The player fights Kirby here. There is a chance that Fountain of Dreams music will play.
5-2GREENS Green Greens Adventure Mode A clone of Green Greens used in Adventure Mode. The player fights a horde of Kirby here.
5-3GREENS Green Greens Adventure Mode A clone of Green Greens used in Adventure Mode. The player fights a giant Kirby here. There is a chance that N64 Dream Land music will play.
6-1CORNERI Corneria Adventure Mode A clone of Corneria used in Adventure Mode. The player fights Fox here. There is a chance that Venom music will play.
6-2CORNERI Corneria Adventure Mode A clone of Corneria used in Adventure Mode. The player fights Fox (or Falco if he's unlocked) here. The Arwings are much more aggressive. This stage is also used by Event #32: "Target Aquired".
7PSTADIUM Pokémon Stadium Adventure Mode A clone of Pokémon Stadium used in Adventure Mode. The player fights a horde of Pokémon here, primarily Pikachu but also including Jigglypuff and Pichu if they are unlocked.
8-1BBROUTE F-Zero Grand Prix Adventure Mode A side-scrolling stage used in Adventure Mode. Crossing the finish line ends the match. This stage is also used in Event #33: "Lethal Marathon".
8-2MUTECIT Mute City Adventure Mode A clone of Mute City used in Adventure Mode. The player fights Captain Falcon here.
9-1ONETT Onett Adventure Mode A clone of Onett used in Adventure Mode. The player fights a team of 3 Ness here.
10-1ICEMT Icicle Mountain Adventure Mode A vertical scrolling stage used in Adventure Mode. The game freezes when the player would fight the Ice Climbers.
10-2 None- Debug Menu Only An unused stage, presumably meant to be a second part to the Ice Climber stage in Adventure Mode. It is functionally the same as ICETOP: it crashes the game when trying to load it, the same code can be used to prevent the crash, and it is just a clone of Icicle Mountain without music.
11-1BATTLE Battlefield Adventure Mode A clone of Battlefield used in Adventure Mode. The player fights a horde of Fighting Wire Frames here. The stage's gravity has been noticeably reduced.
11-2BATTLE Battlefield Adventure Mode A clone of Battlefield used in Adventure Mode. The player fights Metal Mario (and Metal Luigi if unlocked) here. Plays Metal Battle music.
12-1LAST Final Destination Adventure Mode A clone of Final Destination used in Adventure Mode. The player fights a giant Bowser here.
12-2LAST Final Destination Adventure Mode A clone of Final Destination used in Adventure Mode. The player fights Giga Bowser here. Plays Giga Bowser music.
TUKISUSUME Race to the Finish Classic Mode The stage race to the finish takes place in. Touching a door ends the match.
FIGUREGET Trophy Collector Classic Mode The stage Snag the Trophies takes place in. The stage loads, but will crash when the first trophy spawns. There is a code to prevent the trophies from spawning.
HOMERUN Home-Run Stadium Stadium The stage Home-Run Contest takes place in. It extends almost infinitely to the right, but oddly, it has an upper blast line. Also, after 800 feet, the game will stop loading floor and background textures. This is because the trigger for the load is the Sandbag crossing a trigger line a little before the 800 feet mark.
HEAL All-Star Rest Area All-Star Mode The rest area from All-Star Mode.


Debug Name Item
BOX Crate
TARU Barrel
TARUCANN Barrel Cannon
DOSEI Mr. Saturn
HEART Heart Container
TOMATO Maxim Tomato
STAR Starman
BAT Home-Run Bat
SWORD Beam Sword
G SHELL Green Shell
R SHELL Red Shell
L GUN Ray Gun
FREEZE Freezie
MSBOMB Motion Sensor Bomb
S SCOPE Super Scope
LIPSTICK Lip's Stick
F FLOWER Fire Flower
KINOKO Super Mushroom
DKINOKO Poison Mushroom
WSTAR Warp Star
SCBALL Screw Attack
RABBITC Bunny Hood
METALB Metal Box
SPYCLOAK Cloaking Device
M BALL Pokéball
OLD-KURI Nothing
MATO Target
NOKONOKO Green Koopa
OLD-LEAD Nothing
OLD-OCTA Nothing
OLD-OTTO Nothing
KLAP Klaptrap
ZGSHELL Green Koopa Shell
ZRSHELL Red Koopa Shell


Pokémon Debug Name
RANDOM Random Pokémon

CPU Modes

Debug Name Description
CPTP_STAY The default CPU mode for Training Mode (Denoted "Stand"). The CPU will not move except to recover. It will occasionally use a ledge attack.
CPTP_WALK A standard CPU mode used in Training Mode (Denoted "Walk"). The CPU will walk back and forth across the stage.
CPTP_ESCAPE A standard CPU mode used in Training Mode (Denoted "Evade"). The CPU actively avoid interaction with the player.
CPTP_JUMP A standard CPU mode used in Training Mode (Denoted "Jump"). The CPU will constantly single jump.
CPTP_NORMAL A standard CPU mode used in both Versus Mode and Training Mode (Denoted "Attack"). The CPU behaves normally, throwing out attacks and maneuvers.
CPTP_MANUAL A standard CPU mode used in Training Mode (Denoted "Human"). The CPU is controlled by the other 3 controllers.
CPTP_NANA The default mode for the partner Ice Climber, so that he/she follows the leader, attacks with the leader, etc.
CPTP_DEFENSIVE Causes the CPU to only use defensive tactics, such as shields and rolls.
CPTP_STRUGGLE Causes the CPU to attack the nearest opponent, regardless of whether they are a human or a CPU. This is different from normal CPU behavior because a normal CPU will dedicate its attention to human opponents, unless a CPU stands between it and a human, or if there are no human opponents in the match.
CPTP_FREAK Causes the CPU to stay where they are, but attack when an opponent comes near. Used in the event match Kirbys on Parade.
CPTP_COOPERATE Causes the CPU to follow the player and attack them.
CPTP_SPLWLINK Cause the CPU to only use their down special move when set to Link and Samus respectively. They are used in the event match Bomb-fest. "SPLW" is an abbreviation of "Special Low", which reflects that the character only uses their down (or "low") special.
CPTP_ONLYITEM Causes the CPU to only use items, as opposed to using any other attacks, as Jigglypuff does in the event Legendary Pokémon.
CPTP_EVZELDA Causes Zelda to transform into Sheik more often, as she does in the event match Hide 'n' Sheik. It is presumed to stand for "Event Zelda".
CPTP_NOACT Causes the CPU to do absolutely nothing. This is not to be confused with Stand, in which the CPU will still attempt to recover if knocked off.
CPTP_AIR Restricts the CPU's jumping height. This does not affect the height gained by the character's up special move, meaning that this mode has far more of an effect on aerial play than it does on the character's recovery.
CPTP_ITEM Causes the CPU to attempt to grab all items that appear. Otherwise, the CPU is normal. This is used for CPUs in event matches like Event 7: Pokémon Battle.



Menu Sub-Item Description Values
CHAR SELECT CHARA_1-4 Sets the character for players 1-4. See here.
ALL CHAR Sets the character for player 5 (See here).
SCALE SELECT SCALE__1-4 Sets the scale for each player. Min=0.20; Max=5.00; Increment=0.10
KIND SELECT PKIND__1-4 Sets the player type for players 1-4.
  • HUMAN: A human controlled player.
  • CPU: A computer controlled player.
  • DEMO: A human controlled computer player (similar to the CPTP_MANUAL CPU mode.)
  • NONE: No player.
ALL PKIND Sets the player type for player 5 (See here).
COLOR SELECT COLOR_1-4 Sets which pallet swap players 1-4 will use. Min=0; Max=9; Increment=1
SUB COLOR SUBCOLOR_1-4 Sets which coloration players 1-4 will use.
  • 0: Normal coloration
  • 1: Bright coloration; Used in team battles where two of the same character are on the same team.
  • 2: Dark coloration; Used in team battles where three of the same character are on the same team.
  • 3: Black coloration; Used in Event #18: "Link's Adventure".
  • 4: Gray coloration; Used as the gray background outline for Mr. Game & Watch.
  • 5+: Game crashes.
DAMAGE SET DAMAGE_1-4 Sets how much damage players 1-4 start out with each time they spawn. Min=0; Max=999; Increment=1
OFFENCERATIO OFFRATIO_1-4 Sets how much knockback players 1-4 deal. Min=0.10; Max=3.00; Increment=0.10
DEFENCERATIO DEFRATIO_1-4 Sets how much knockback players 1-4 take. Min=0.10; Max=3.00; Increment=0.10
CPUTYPE SET TYPE__C1-4 Sets the behavior CPU players 1-4 will adopt. See here.
CPULEVEL SET LEVEL_C1-4 Sets the AI level for computer players 1-4. Min=0; Max=9; Increment=1
TEAM SELECT TEAM_1-4 Sets the team players 1-4 are on. Only active if "MELEEKIND" is set to "TEAM BATTLE".
  • RED-TEAM: The red team.
  • GREEN-TEAM: The green team.
  • BLUE-TEAM: The blue team.
STAGE Sets the stage the match will take place on. See here.
MELEEKIND Sets what type of match will take place.
  • BATTLE ROYAL: Sets the match to be a free-for-all.
  • TEAM BATTLE: Sets the match to be a team battle.
EXIT Starts the match. Pressing Start while on this menu will trigger this.


Menu Sub-Item Description Values
RULE Sets the match style.
  • TIME MODE: A time match. Oddly, ties do not result in Sudden Death.
  • STOCK MODE: A stock match.
  • COIN MODE: A coin match.
  • ENDLESS MODE: A match that will only end when force quit.
TIME(MIN) Sets the time limit in minutes. Setting this and "TIME (SEC)" to 0 will remove the time limit. Min=0; Max=100; Increment=1
TIME(SEC) Sets the time limit in seconds. Setting this and "TIME (MIN)" to 0 will remove the time limit. Min=0; Max=59; Increment=1
STOCK(CNT) Sets the number of stocks each player has for Stock Mode. No effect if used in other modes. Min=-1; Max=99; Increment=1
DAMAGERATIO Sets the overall Knockback Ratio for the match. Min=0.10; Max=3.00; Increment=0.10
VIBRATION SELECT RUMBLE_1-4 Sets the rumble feature for players 1-4.
  • ON: Rumble is on.
  • OFF: Rumble is off.
ITEM SWITCH Sets the overall item frequency.
  • NOTHING: Items will not appear.
  • VERYLOW: Items will appear very seldom.
  • LOW: Items will appear seldom.
  • MIDDLE: Items will appear moderately.
  • HIGH: Items will appear often.
  • VERYHIGH: Items will appear very often.


Item Description Values
1-4P KIND Sets the character for players 1-4. See here.
ALL PLAYER Sets the character for player 5 (See here).
1-4P RANK Sets the rank for players 1-4. Min=1; Max=4; Increment=1
1-4P WIN Sets the victory animation for players 1-4. Min=1; Max=3; Increment=1
ALL COLOR Sets the color for all players. Min=1; Max=9; Increment=1
STEP ANIM Sets victory animations on or off.
  • 0: Animations are on.
  • 1: Animations are off; causes a crash.
STEP ANIM Determines if the back panel is hidden or not.
  • 0: Back panel is visible.
  • 1: Back panel is hidden.
TEST Tests the Result Screen. Pressing Start while on this menu will trigger this.



  • GMLANGTYPEUS: Sets the game language to English.
  • GMLANGTYPEJP: Sets the game language to Japanese.


  • GMLANGTYPEUK: Sets the game language to English.
  • GMLANGTYPEGM: Sets the game language to German.
  • GMLANGTYPEFR: Sets the game language to French.
  • GMLANGTYPEIT: Sets the game language to Italian.
  • GMLANGTYPESP: Sets the game language to Spanish.


Sets the crowd noise on or off. This includes gasps, cheering, and name chanting.

  • On: Crowd Noise is on.
  • Off: Crowd Noise is off.


Sets the debug level. Higher debug levels mean more control over matches and menus. Higher debug levels inherit traits from the lower ones.

  • MASTER: The standard debug level.
    • Plays just like the retail game.
    • Shows the date/time of the last build on the Title Screen.
    • The player gets access to debug game controls (see here).
    • The player gains access to the Debug Sound Test
  • DEVELOP: The most intense debug level.


Determines if 6-Player matches should be possible.

  • 0: 6-Player matches are possible.
    • Player 5:
      • gets their character from the CHAR SELECT->ALL_CHAR setting.
      • gets their kind from the KIND SELECT->ALL_KIND setting.
      • gets all other settings from Player 3.
    • Player 6:
      • gets their character from the PUBLICITY setting.
      • gets their kind from the KIND SELECT->ALL_KIND setting.
      • gets all other settings from Player 4.
  • 1: 6-Player matches are not possible.


This option has unknown application, although it probably toggles the method of determining knockback.

  • 0: Unknown
  • 1: Unknown



DEVELOP Mode Game Controls

Controls Effect
  Pauses the game, but without the usual pause interface.
Hard Pause +   Frame advances the match.
  +   Speeds up gameplay.
  +   +   Shrinks the player.
  +   Displays a list of statistics for each player:
  • Unknown
  • CPU Level
  • AI Type
  • Handicap
  • Unknown
  • Offense Ratio
  • Defense Ratio
  +   Shows the current score and any bonuses won.
  +   Pauses the game normally.
  +   Rotates through multiple visual effects.
  1. Normal.
  2. No HUD.
  3. Stage + Background goes white. Background effects can still be seen.
  4. Stage + Background goes black. Background effects can still be seen.
  +   Toggles sound effects and music.
  1. Normal.
  2. Music off.
  3. Music + SFX off.
  4. SFX off.
  +   Displays a set of stress bars detailing the GameCube's work load.
  +   Displays each characters' animation information.
  +   Grows the player.
  +   Sets the player back to normal size.
  +   Toggles collision bubbles for all characters and stage elements.
  1. Normal
  2. Collision Bubbles Only
  3. Collision Overlay

Toggles various stage related visuals, such as spawn points, stage structures, and grab-able ledges.

  1. Normal
  2. Normal again?
  3. Camera boxes and oddly, changes the stage floor black?
  4. Camera boxes again, but without the floor change.
  5. Displays colored Stage Structures and shows item boxes.
  6. Displays the same as above, but all Stage Structures are gray.
  7. Displays the same as above, but with indication of drop-through platforms and grab-able ledges.
  • Blue Box: Camera Focal Box.
  • Teal Box: Camera Limit.
  • Yellow Box: Blast Line.
  • Green Plus: Character Spawn Point.
  • Yellow Plus: Item Spawn Point.
  • Blue Plus: Unknown.
  • Small Red Box: Unknown; It's attached to each characters' left.
  • Small Blue Box: Unknown; It's attached to each characters' right.
  • Orange Box: Item pickup boxes (when a character's hitbox overlaps the item box, the character can pick it up.
  • Gray Structure: Stage Floor.
  • Red Structure: Stage Ceiling.
  • Blue Structure: Stage Left Wall.
  • Green Structure: Stage Right Wall.
  • Gray Platform: Solid no-grab platform.
  • Blue Platform: Drop-through-able platform.
  • Red Platform: Grab-able platform.
  +   Toggles collision bubbles for the player.
  1. Normal
  2. Collision Bubbles Only
  3. Collision Overlay
  Drops item selected on the Item Menu
  +   Display Item Menu and cycle forward through the list.
  +   Display Item Menu and cycle backward through the list.
  +   Display Item Menu and cycle forward through Pokémon on the list.
  +   Display Item Menu and cycle backward through Pokémon on the list.
  Changes the camera view.
  1. Normal.
  2. Locks the camera. It can only be controlled by debug controls.
  3. Zooms in on player 1.
  Used to rotate the camera (free form).
  +   Zooms in and out.
  +   Pans around the screen.