Super Smash Bros. 4

List of SSB4 trophies (Pikmin series)

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This article is about Pikmin trophies in Super Smash Bros. 4. For Pikmin trophies in Brawl, see here. For links to all trophies, see List of trophies.

3DS Version

Name Picture Description
Olimar OlimarTrophy3DS.png NA: A veteran spaceship pilot for Hocotate Freight, Captain Olimar partners with Pikmin in Smash Bros. to help him in battle. Olimar is much stronger when he's got Pikmin with him, so keep them plucked and good to go. Pikmin abilities are based on their color—learn what each is best at!

PAL: Captain Olimar, veteran Hocotate Freight astronaut, joins forces with Pikmin again in this game to take on the world. Olimar isn't much of an attacker without Pikmin by his side, so you should always keep some ready. Pikmin have different abilities depending on their colour, so learn how they work to use them effectively!

Olimar (Alt.) File:OlimarAllStarTrophy3DS.png Pikmin aren't just good for attacking, you know. For example, when you throw them, they can pick up items on their way back. Only items that aren't very heavy, though! Also, if there's someone charging or shooting at you, a well-timed Pikmin throw can stop them in their tracks!
Blue Pikmin BluePikminTrophy3DS.png NA: This blue Pikmin walks around with its mouth ajar. At home in the water, they're very helpful when objects are submerged and need retrieving. In Smash Bros., blue Pikmin have defense second only to purple Pikmin. They are also able to do more damage when thrown, so don't be shy about hurling them at foes.

PAL: The things that make blue Pikmin different from all the other Pikmin are that they have mouths and that they're pretty good swimmers. They're slightly hardier than most other Pikmin, and they do more damage when you throw them. So, as soon as you get one of these, make sure to throw it right at someone straight away!

Red Pikmin RedPikminTrophy3DS.png NA: This Pikmin has a red body and a long, pointy nose. It was the first type of Pikmin Olimar ever met. In Smash Bros., they have the second highest attack power among the Pikmin. Like their fiery color suggests, they can attack with flames and withstand them.

PAL: Telling Red Pikmin apart from the other Pikmin is easy: these ones have long, pointy noises. Also, they're red. They're the very first kind of Pikmin Olimar finds on their planet, and their high attack power makes them very useful. In this game, they can deal powerful attacks, and they're very resistant to fire damage.

Yellow Pikmin YellowPikminTrophy3DS.png NA: This yellow Pikmin is sporting some pointy things on its head. Maybe those are ears? Hmm... Anyway, yellow Pikmin are immune to electricity and are the lightest Pikmin in the Pikmin series. In Smash Bros., a thrown yellow Pikmin will fly through the air in a nice curve, zapping anyone it comes in contact with.

PAL: Yellow Pikmin have big, sharp ears and conduct electricity very well. These two facts are most likely unrelated. Olimar's side special can throw this Pikmin high into the air and cause electrical damage to all fighters who stray too close!

Purple Pikmin PurplePikminTrophy3DS.png NA: These purple Pikmin are the strongest, but they're also slower and heavier. In Pikmin, they can be thrown at animals to stun them! In Smash Bros., they're great for attacking and launching, but they've got a pretty short reach. Get close to your foe to make these little ones truly effective!

PAL: These purple Pikmin are much stronger than their colourful counterparts, but they're also slower and heavier. In Pikmin, they can be thrown at animals to stun them! In this game, they're good at both attacking and launching, but since they haven't got good reach, you'll need to get up close and personal with your foes first!

White Pikmin WhitePikminTrophy3DS.png NA: These tiny, white Pikmin have bright-red eyes. They are the fastest of the Pikmin, perfect for finding and retrieving hidden treasure. In Smash Bros., you can use them to poison your enemies. Since they can fly the farthest of any Pikmin when thrown, use them to poison enemies from afar.
Rock Pikmin RockPikminTrophy3DS.png NA/PAL: These Pikmin are made of solid rock, so they can stand up to a lot of attacks and won't get hurt when they get stepped on. They specialize in body blows, dealing a lot of damage when thrown, and they can also break right through glass and crystal. They can't latch on to other creatures, though. But that's OK—nobody's perfect!
Winged Pikmin WingedPikminTrophy3DS.png NA: These pink Pikmin have big, blue eyes and nice wings to help them fly. In Smash Bros., they show up to carry Olimar and friends through the air. However, how high and far they can fly is affected by how many friends they have to carry. More Pikmin will weigh them down.

PAL: This particular type of Pikmin has a pink body, blue eyes and...wings? Yep, they can fly, and in this game, they can even give Olimar a lift. The only thing is they'll get tired very easily, especially if they're carrying lots of other Pikmin at the same time. Go easy on them, OK?

Alph AlphTrophy3DS.png NA: Alph is a young explorer who crashed on the planet PNF-404. As the engineer of the S.S. Drake, he feels responsible for finding the missing crew and the ship after the crash. Waking up in a pond, Alph quickly encounters a tiny creature— it's a Pikmin!
Louie LouieTrophy3DS.png NA: Louie worked for Hocotate Freight in Pikmin 2. His appetite has gone into overdrive in Pikmin 3. Rescued from a swarm of Scornets by Alph and crew, Louie thanked them the next day by stealing all of the food they'd collected. Maybe he should work on his manners more than getting a meal...

PAL: Louie was one of the main characters from Hocotate in Pikmin 2. In Pikmin 3, he's got a super appetite, to say the least. Alph and crew saved him from a swarm of Scornets, only for him to run off with all their food the very next day! It seems like someone should think a little less about food, and a little more about apologising.

Bulborb BulborbTrophy3DS.png NA: These creatures from the Pikmin series have snail-like protruding eyes, huge mouths, and really bad tempers. They're known for snapping at fighters and trying to trample them underfoot. If you see one in a group of enemies, you should try to take it out fast—it'll shoot off and bounce around, hitting other enemies as it goes!
Iridescent Glint Beetle IridescentGlintBeetleTrophy3DS.png NA: Hope you're not scared of bugs... In Pikmin, these guys drop nectar, but in Smash Run they drop coins instead. They hide, waiting for fighters to get too close...then strike! They're tough to catch, but your reward for success is coins, coins, coins. They'll slink away to sulk after being properly robbed.

PAL: Hope you're not scared of insects... These guys can drop nectar in Pikmin, but in this game, they carry coins instead. They'll leap out of the ground when a fighter gets close, and scurry around madly. They're hard to hit, but you'll just have to keep at it if you want these coins! Once they've dropped all their spoils, they'll go underground and sulk. Aw.

Hocotate Ship File:HocotateShipTrophy3DS.png NA: With the outward appearance of a Hocotate Freight ship, this is actually a bomb in disguise! Arm it by throwing it on the ground, and give it a nudge if you're impatient. It'll fly up into the sky, returning a short time later and exploding. Force your foes into the landing zone!
Pellets PelletsTrophy3DS.png NA: A crystallized nectar that contains the essence of the Pikmin's home world, these pellets are most often harvested from the plant life of the planet. Each pellet displays a number on its surface, and this number may increase over time. The Onion generates more Pikmin with bigger numbers.

Wii U Version

Name Picture Description
Rock Pikmin RockPikminTrophyWiiU.png
Brittany Brittany.jpg
Bulborb File:BulborbTrophyWiiU