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Tabuu (タブー, Tabuu) is the leader of the Subspace Army and the final boss of Subspace Emissary. He uses the Subspace Bombs to send entire locations to his dimension, where he absorbs their power to increase his own. His name could be a pun on the English word "taboo", which is to be unacceptable or improper by society's terms.

Role in The Subspace Emissary

According to the Ancient Minister trophy, Tabuu took over The Island of the Ancients, the home of the R.O.B.s and forced them to serve him under the threat of annihilation. He also took over Master Hand. Tabuu first discovered that Game & Watch had Shadow Bugs in them and captured him to harness the power, and thus the Subspace Army was born.

Ganondorf realizes that Tabuu was actually controlling Master Hand and that he was not following Master Hand's orders. Enraged, he charges a futile attack at Tabuu who quickly turns him into a trophy. Ganondorf's body hits the puppetered Master Hand, thus breaking him free of his chains. Master Hand also charges at Tabuu, but to no avail. Tabuu then turns everyone into a trophy as soon as they approach. However, Luigi, Kirby, King Dedede and Ness are later revived thanks to the Dedede Badge and rescue everyone. Tabuu then creates a maze out of the worlds that have been consumed by Subspace and brings back the old enemies. He also creates dark clones of all the heroes to slow them down. Once the player has reached Tabuu, he will attempt to turn everyone back into trophies again. Before Tabuu can unleash his attack however, he is ambushed by Sonic the Hedgehog. Anyone can fight Tabuu, however the player must first pick up the trophies of the fallen comrades in order to do so.

Winged Tabuu

Tabuu with his wings extended. Tabuu comes into the background, extends his wings, and sends shockwaves with a 1-hit KO. Tabuu is at his most powerful in this form. Strategy: Down-Shield 3 times every second.




As the last boss of Subspace Emissary , Tabuu is expected to have a wide variety of attacks avialable to him,which are dangerous. Note that the names are not offical.

Winged Tabuu - During this attack,Tabuu appears in the background and opens up his wings which proceeds to release three red shockwaves which can KO a character with 1 hit.

Laser Rifle - Tabuu appears on a side of the stage and takes out a gun which fires a powerful laser dodgable only by jumping up.

Side Spear - Tabuu transforms into a wide spear and attacks sideways with one swipe.

Chain of Light - Tabuu takes out a yellow chain and grabs the character,before swinging the character around and slamming him/her onto the ground for high knockback.

Dual Lasers - Tabuu transforms into a giant version of himself and appears on 1 side of the stage before unleashing dual red lasers from his eyes. They work the same way as Master Hand 's lasers in Melee.

Energy Blade - Tabuu appears mid-air on 1 side of the map and attacks the stage with a curved swipe with a red energy sword.

Teleport - Tabuu teleports around the area and appears at a set spawn which is randomly decided from the large amount of spawns available. He also sometimes teleports behind the character and attacks with one of the avialable attacks.

Teleport Strike - Tabuu teleports around,attacking after a teleport with a red explosion.

Electrical Shield - Tabuu telports to a random area and uses the object inside him to circle around and attack.

Rapid Strike - Tabuu teleports behind the character and rapidly attacks the area near the character.

Golden Bracket - Tabuu transforms into two brackets and flies across the stage, grabbing the character if not dodged and slamming him/her onto the stage.

Pinpoint Explosion - Tabuu points at five locations which will blink. Those locations will explode after a second.

Bullet Rain - Tabuu appears in a random area in the air and fires a series of small bullets before firing a large explosion.

Diamond Boomerang - Tabuu appears on one side of the stage and throws a boomerang which crosses the stage twice before he catches it.

Self Projection - Tabuu pauses in midair and sends out copies of himself in all directions. Characters will take damage if they make contact with a projection.

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