Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Terry (SSBU)/Neutral attack/Hit 3

< Terry (SSBU)‎ | Neutral attack
Revision as of 17:43, August 6, 2022 by DrakRoar (talk | contribs)
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Hitbox visualization showing Terry's third jab.


A side kick. This move is rarely seen unless a Terry player misinputs, as Rising Tackle and Power Dunk are optimal options out of the 2nd hit of neutral attack.

This move deals a large amount of damage for a simple neutral attack, making Terry's jab combo one of the most damaging in the game. It also has a long-lasting hitbox, with 4 active frames. However, it cannot be cancelled into special moves, making it generally not worth going for.

Humorously, this move can hit many opponents on the ledge[1]. As a result of this, this attack has utility when ledgetrapping or aiming to 2-frame for its decently long-lasting hitbox. However, it lacks practicality due to the requirement to use the previous parts of the move to do it. Given that opponents will ledge attack upon seeing a poorly spaced neutral attack to avoid the trap, this feature rarely sees use.


ID Part Rehit rate Damage SD Angle Angle type BK KS FKV Set weight Radius Bone Offset SDI× T% Clang Rebound Effect Type G A Sound Direct Hit bits Hit part Blockable Reflectable Absorbable Flinchless No GFX Heedless
Hit 1
0 0 0 7.0% 0   Standard 70 60 0   4.0 top 0.0 4.0 to 15.0 4.0 to 10.5 1.5× 1.0× 0%               Terry Kick   All All            


If followed up from frames 9-19 of Terry's second jab, the move can be canceled into a Final Smash for the remainder of its duration after hitting an opponent.

Hitbox 7-10
Final Smash cancel window (from jab 2) 7-33
Interruptible 34
Animation length 46
FS cancel                                                                                             
Legend (1 square = 1 frame)
Lag time


  • This move is tied with King K. Rool for the highest damage neutral attack hit 3 in the game.
