Super Smash Bros. Brawl

List of SSBB trophies (Animal Crossing series)

Revision as of 11:17, December 29, 2021 by Mr. Kite (talk | contribs)
This article is about Animal Crossing trophies. For links to all trophies, see List of trophies.
An icon for denoting incomplete things.

The following is a list of the 24 trophies from the Animal Crossing series that appear in Brawl. Five are unlocked by successfully performing Challenges; the others are available through all the means of collecting random trophies, including Coin Launcher.

Name How to Unlock Picture Description
Animal Crossing Boy Random Animal Crossing Boy - Brawl Trophy.png The male player character from Animal Crossing. He feels the need to set out on his own and move into town. Chatting with neighbors is a given, but there are a ton of other things to do as well, like collecting furniture, customizing rooms, catching fish and bugs, digging up fossils, etc. He may get bee stung or fall in a pit, but he still has fun.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Sable & Mabel Random Sable and Mabel - Brawl Trophy.png Sisters who run the Able Sisters tailor shop. Mabel's the younger sibling, the one who deals with customers. Her older sister, Sable, sits at the sewing machine in the back of the shop. Sable's shy and will look slightly miffed if you speak to her. If you drop by to chat with her every day, however, she'll gradually warm up and share some stories with you.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Tom Nook Collect 1,000 Coins in Coin Matches Tom Nook - Brawl Trophy.png The owner of the town's only store. He not only helps you find a home when you move in but also gives you a job at his shop. His dream is to expand his business, and as the game progresses, Nook's Cranny becomes Nook 'n' Go, then Nookway, and finally Nookington's. He tends to say "hm" and "yes" quite a bit.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Tortimer Random Tortimer - Brawl Trophy.png The mayor of the player's town. Usually in his office in the town hall, he emerges on holidays to usher in special festivities. He's a busy fellow who also serves as the record keeper for fishing and bug-catching tournaments. He cuts a very dashing figure in his hat and bow tie. There may be some link between him and Cornimer, who appears at the fall Acorn Festival.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Blathers & Celeste Random Blathers and Celeste - Brawl Trophy.png Blathers, the elder of this pair, is curator of the town museum, and he's in charge of the insect, art, fish, and fossil displays. He's quite knowledgeable and shares what he knows about donations. He's in charge of donated bugs but hates the majority of them. His younger sis, Celeste, is in charge of the museum's observatory. She's cute even with her feathers ruffled.
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Pelly & Phyllis Random Pelly & Phyllis - Brawl Trophy.png Sisters who work at the town hall, which is open 24 hours a day. The younger Pelly is at the window from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., while Phyllis has the night shift. Pelly's cheerful and polite manner makes her the model of good customer service. Phyllis, however, is snooty and treats everyone with impatience and disdain. That said, she's very efficient at her job.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Pascal Random Pascal - Brawl Trophy.png North America A sea otter in a knit cap. He'll spout philosophy seemingly littered with hidden meanings: "People study what can and can't be done, but I think they're missing the point, maaannn." He comes and goes via the sea, diving in with perfect form. It's really up to you to decide whether Pascal's ramblings are the results of deep thought or too much time spent chatting with scallops.
Europe A sea otter in a knit cap. He'll spout philosophy seemingly littered with hidden meanings: "Always be respectful of otters, maaannn." He comes and goes via the sea, diving in with perfect form. It's really up to you to decide whether Pascal's ramblings are the results of deep thought or too much time spent chatting with scallops.
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Brewster Random Brewster - Brawl Trophy.png The proprietor of the Roost, a coffee shop in the basement of the museum. He's very closemouthed, preferring to let the coffee he brews speak for itself. The Roost is also visited from time to time by other residents. If you drop by frequently, Brewster will warm up and begin to engage in conversation.
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Dr. Shrunk Random Dr Shrunk - Brawl Trophy.png A traveling therapist and part-time comedian who helps people learn to show their emotions. He'll share jokes from his comedy routine—he's got a million of 'em, folks—as a way to teach people how to display reactions like anger, laughter, and the like.
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Katrina Random Katrina - Brawl Trophy.png A mystical fortune-teller who sets up shop outside the town hall at dusk. For a fee of 100 bells, she'll use her tarot cards to tell your daily fortune or to check your compatibility. After telling a fortune, she may slip and say, "Sometimes it is just not meant to be," which is considered taboo among fortune-tellers. This surely means that she is hit or miss.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Blanca Random Blanca - Brawl Trophy.png A cat whose face is an empty white canvas for you to draw on. After traveling via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, she may appear with a face that someone else drew. Draw a new face, and she'll wander for a bit, then take off for a new town. In Animal Crossing, she would appear on the train between towns. Whether you give her a cute or funny face is up to you.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Copper & Booker Random Copper and Booker - Brawl Trophy.png The guards stationed at the town gate through which travelers come and go. Copper, who's on the right, is in charge of traveling via Nintendo WFC, and Booker on the left runs the lost and found. Booker's a cute fellow who's known for his indecisive manner...maybe. Copper's diligent, dedicated, and always ready to lend a helping paw.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Joan Random Joan - Brawl Trophy.png Investments in town are made by buying and selling turnips. Joan's an elderly boar who comes to town every Sunday morning to trade in these valuable vegetables. She's easily recognizable by her bandana, work pants, and the basket she carries on her back. Her down-to- earth speech endears her to all her customers. She's been in the turnip business for 60 years.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Saharah Random Saharah - Brawl Trophy.png A trader who comes from afar to deliver merchandise. However, since she always forgets to bring a town map, she needs help making her deliveries. Once you've helped her finish all of her tasks, she'll reward you with a gift. Her unique way of phrasing is part of her exotic charm. It is a fine thing, yes?
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
K.K. Slider Collect all Songs K.K. Slider - Brawl Trophy.png A wandering musician. He plays concerts every Saturday night at the Roost in the basement of the museum. All he carries is a single acoustic guitar, but he can play music from all genres. You can request a single tune per concert, and afterward he'll give you a recording of the song to take home. In Animal Crossing: Wild World, his playlist included 70 songs.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Crazy Redd Random Crazy Redd - Brawl Trophy.png The owner and proprietor of Crazy Redd's Emporium, which sells furniture acquired on the black market. It's said he's famous in the underworld. He drops by once a week and sets up his tent in front of the town hall. His shop's full of rare items, but the prices are high. It's open until midnight, an hour longer than Tom Nook's place, which pleases night players.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Tommy & Timmy Nook Random Tommy and Timmy Nook - Brawl Trophy.png When Nookway gets remodeled into Nookington's, these twins make their appearance as second-floor salesmen. Tommy's in charge of greeting customers, while Timmy trails along offering support and echoing his older brother's words. Their earnest dedication coupled with their inherent cuteness makes this diminutive duo quite popular.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Katie & Kaitlin Random Katie & Kaitlin - Brawl Trophy.png A mother and child who've gotten separated. After you've gone to visit a friend's town, you'll find either Kaitlin, the mom, or Katie, the wayward kitten, in your town. Both will tell you where they came from, and it's then your duty to travel to that town to reunite the family. Once you do, the player whose town Katie was in will get a letter of thanks and a present.
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Wendell Random Wendell - Brawl Trophy.png A famous painter who wanders about with a large rucksack on his back. When he arrives in town, he's so hungry he can barely stand. While you think it's probably a good idea to give him something to eat, it's hard to figure out what that should be. That being said, he looks really hungry and would likely devour anything given to him.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Kapp'n Get a total of 300 feet combined Swim Distance with all characters Kapp'n - Brawl Trophy.png A taxi driver in Animal Crossing: Wild World who drives the player into town for the first time. His questions determine the appearance of the player and sometimes come off as a bit rude. In the original Animal Crossing, you could travel to an island by boat. Kapp'n was the guide who ferried the player to that island and is remembered for his unique speech and salty songs.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Gulliver Get 2,000 total KO's in Brawls Gulliver - Brawl Trophy.png An astronaut who travels the galaxy in a UFO. Just as he's returning to his hometown, he passes over your village. You can shoot down his UFO with a slingshot. If you do, Gulliver will ask you to recover the parts of his ship that have been scattered about the land.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Mr. Resetti (Feet) Random Mr. Resetti (Feet) - Brawl Trophy.png A character who normally appears from underground to lecture the player. However, he is not always underground—in Animal Crossing: Wild World, he can be found sipping coffee at the Roost if you go at a certain time on a certain day. In the Japanese-only "e+" version, he works at a so-called "Resetti Observation Center" where you can pop in for a visit.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Pitfall Clear 100-Man Brawl Pitfall - Brawl Trophy.png A tricky little item you can bury. Any player who passes over it will drop into a hole. If you land in a pitfall, move the Control Stick quickly back and forth to escape, because until you do, you're completely defenseless. In Animal Crossing, this item also dropped passersby into holes. It was a thrill to bury one and wait for a visiting pal to stumble across it.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World
Mr. Resetti Random Mr Resetti - Brawl Trophy.png A mole wearing a hard hat who'll show up when you restart your game without having saved. He pops up and lets you know in no uncertain terms the importance of saving your game. The problem is, his speeches are entertaining enough to warrant breaking the rules at least once. In Animal Crossing, his brother Don appears too. He's the polar opposite of his sibling.
GameCube: Animal Crossing
Nintendo DS: Animal Crossing: Wild World


  • In the Japanese version, the trophy game appearances for Animal Crossing Boy, Tom Nook, Pelly & Phyllis, Katrina, Joan, Saharah, K.K. Slider, Crazy Redd, Tommy & Timmy Nook, Wendell, Gulliver, and Mr. Resetti lists Animal Crossing, called Animal Forest in Japan, as an N64 game, since all of the characters mentioned appeared in Animal Forest, the Nintendo 64 version of Animal Crossing that was never released outside of Japan.
    • In the Japanese version, Tom Nook's other game appearance is listed as Animal Forest + rather than Animal Crossing: Wild World.