This article lists differences between the NTSC and PAL versions of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. As with Brawl and Smash 4, these differences are largely aesthetic due to online play between regions.
In-game text
Unlike Smash 4, there are little differences between the two English translations of Ultimate. Boxing Ring names that differed have changed to either the NTSC English translation, the PAL English translation, or another name entirely. Articles on this wiki display both English translations if applicable. Additionally, American English is used regardless of region; however, in the PAL English translation, Commonwealth English is retained in News articles, as well as the marquee on the top-left of the main menu. The only real differences in in-game text are all games that have different names in PAL regions being changed accordingly, and "In His/Her/Their/Its Series" tips displaying European release dates.
The French and Spanish languages keep more changes between them, similar to Smash 4.
Voice actors
The only voice difference between the NTSC and PAL English versions applies to Wii Fit Trainer, who is voiced with an American accent in the former and with a British accent by different actors in the latter. Additionally, Lucario, Wii Fit Trainer, Pokémon Trainer, and Sonic are voiced in the respective language in French, Spanish, German and Italian. Greninja, Jigglypuff, Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Incineroar who have different names in French and German, also have different voices in their respective languages (while Charizard also has different names in French and German, it doesn't speak or say its name and is therefore left undubbed; similarly, Mewtwo's Japanese dialogue is removed entirely in all Western versions). Both French versions share voice actors between these characters as well as the announcer, with the main difference audio-wise being the announcer's name calls and pronunciations, to account for name differences between the two French versions as well as differing European and Canadian pronunciations for certain names (for example, Rosalina is referred to as "Rosalina" in Canadian French, while she is called "Harmonie" in European French, as she is in those translations for Mario games). The Spanish versions share the same announcer and the voices for Lucario and Sonic in the same way as the French versions, but the NTSC version gives Wii Fit Trainer its Latin American voice actors. The game also lacks any Portuguese translation. New to Ultimate are announcer clips for the Dutch and Russian translations, as well as certain different English announcer clips for translations into Korean (such as Villager). The Chinese translations keep the announcer clips used in the Japanese version. In both Korean and Chinese, characters keep their Japanese dubs, regardless of whether or not they have a different name in the Korean translation (as is the case with the Pokémon) - Ryu and Ken, however, keep their English voices in Chinese and Korean.
Stages not listed have the same name in all regions (or, in Russian, are pronounced the same).
English (NTSC) | English (PAL) | French (PAL) | French (NTSC) | Spanish (PAL) | Spanish (NTSC) | German | Italian | Dutch | Russian |
Battlefield | Champ de Bataille | Campo de batalla | Schlachtfeld | Le rovine | Slagveld | Поле боя | |||
Big Battlefield | Vaste Champ de Bataille | Gran campo de batalla | Großes Schlachtfeld | Le rovine XL | Groot Slagveld | Большое поле боя | |||
Small Battlefield | Petit Champ de Bataille | Pequeño campo de batalla | Kleines Schlachtfeld | Le rovine XS | Klein Slagveld | Maлeнькoe пoлe бoя | |||
Final Destination | Destination Finale | Destino final | Letzte Station | Destinazione finale | Eindstation | Последняя арена | |||
Peach's Castle | Château de Peach | Castillo de Peach | Peachs Schloss | Il castello di Peach | Peach' Kasteel | Замок Пич | |||
Kongo Jungle | Jungle Kongo | Selva Kongo | Tiefster Kongo | Giungla Kongo | Kongo-Jungle | Джунгли Конга | |||
Hyrule Castle | Château d'Hyrule | Castillo de Hyrule | Schloss Hyrule | Castello di Hyrule | Kasteel Hyrule | Замок Хайрул | |||
Super Happy Tree | Arbre Magique du Bonheur | Árbol de la superfelicidad | Happy-Baum | Grande Albero della Felicità | Bijzonder Blije Boom | Супердерево счастья | |||
Saffron City | Safrania | Ciudad Azafrán | Saffronia City | Zafferanopoli | Saffron City | Шафран-Сити | |||
Mushroom Kingdom | Royaume Champignon | Reino Champiñón | Pilz-Königreich | Regno dei Funghi | Paddenstoelenrijk | Грибное королевство | |||
Princess Peach's Castle | Château de la princesse Peach | Castillo de Peach (Melee) | Prinzessin Peachs Schloss | Castello della Principessa Peach | Prinses Peach' Kasteel | Замок принцессы Пич | |||
Rainbow Cruise | Course Arc-en-ciel | Rainbow Ride | Paseo arcoíris | Regenbogen Raserei | Il Cammino Arcobaleno | Regenboogboot | Радужная высь | ||
Kongo Falls | Cascade Kongo | Cascada Kongo | Kongo-Wasserfall | Cascate Kongo | Kongo-Waterval | Водопад Конга | |||
Jungle Japes | Jungle des Jobards | Jungla Jocosa | Tropen-Trubel | La capanna nella giungla | Tropenkolder | Дикие джунгли | |||
Great Bay | Grande baie | Gran Bahía | Schädelbucht | Grande Baia | Grote Baai | Великий залив | |||
Temple | Templo | Hyrule-Tempel | Il tempio | Tempel | Храм | ||||
Yoshi's Island (Melee) | Île de Yoshi (Melee) | Isla de Yoshi (Melee) | Yoshi's Island (Melee) | L'Isola Yoshi (Melee) | Yoshi's Eiland (Melee) | Остров Йоши (Melee) | |||
Fountain of Dreams | Fontaine des Rêves | Fuente de los sueños | Traumbrunnen | Fontana dei sogni | Droomfontein | Фонтан грез | |||
Green Greens | Vertes Prairies | Prados Verdes | Frühlingswiese | La verde aiuola | Green Greens | Зеленые поляны | |||
Pokémon Stadium | Stade Pokémon | Estadio Pokémon | Pokémon Stadium | Lo Stadio Pokémon | Pokémon Stadium | Стадион Покемонов | |||
Mushroom Kingdom II | Royaume Champignon II | Reino Champiñón II | Pilz-Königreich 2 | Regno dei Funghi II | Paddenstoelenrijk 2 | Грибное королевство 2 | |||
Brinstar Depths | Profondeurs de Brinstar | Abismo de Brinstar | Tiefen von Brinstar | Le profondità di Brinstar | Dieptes van Brinstar | Глубины Бринстара | |||
Big Blue | Gran Azul | Big Blue | Синеморь | ||||||
Delfino Plaza | Place Delfino | Ciudad Delfino | Piazza Delfino | Delfinia | Delfino Plaza | Площадь Дельфино | |||
Mushroomy Kingdom | Royaume Champiternel | Reino Champiñónico | Pilz-Urkönigreich | Il Regno Fungoso | Verlaten Paddenstoelenrijk | Королевство грибов | |||
Figure-8 Circuit | Circuit en 8 | Circuito en 8 | Achterpiste | Ottotornante | 8-Baan | Трасса-восьмерка | |||
Bridge of Eldin | Pont d'Ordinn | Gran Puente de Eldin | Brücke von Eldin | Il ponte di Oldin | Eldinbrug | Мост Элдина | |||
Frigate Orpheon | Frégate Orphéon | Fragata Orpheon | Fregatte Orpheon | La Fregata Orpheon | Fregat Orpheon | Фрегат Орфеон | |||
Yoshi's Island | Île de Yoshi | Isla de Yoshi | Yoshi's Island | L'Isola Yoshi | Yoshi's Eiland | Остров Йоши | |||
Halberd | Hal Abarda | Halberd | La Halberd | Halberd | Алебарда | ||||
Lylat Cruise | Traversée de Lylat | Sistema Lylat | Lylat-Patrouille | Il Sistema Lylat | Lylat-Stelsel | Тур Лайлат | |||
Pokémon Stadium 2 | Stade Pokémon 2 | Estadio Pokémon 2 | Pokémon Stadium 2 | Lo Stadio Pokémon 2 | Pokémon Stadium 2 | Стадион Покемонов 2 | |||
Port Town Aero Dive | Port Town | Port Town Aero Dive | Port Town | Port Town Aero Dive | Аэрогонка Порт-Тауна | ||||
Castle Siege | Château assiégé | Castillo asediado | Die belagerte Burg | Il castello assediato | Belaagde Burcht | Осада замка | |||
Distant Planet | Planète lointaine | Planeta remoto | Ferner Planet | Il pianeta remoto | Verre Planeet | Далекая планета | |||
Smashville | Smash Ville | Pueblo Smash | Smash-Stadt | Smash Village | Smashdorp | Смешвиль | |||
Summit | Sommet | La Cúspide | Gipfel | La cima | Bergtop | Снежная вершина | |||
Skyworld | Royaume céleste | Reino del Cielo | Reich der Lüfte | Il Regno celeste | Luchtrijk | Поднебесье | |||
Shadow Moses Island | Île de Shadow Moses | Isla Shadow Moses | Shadow Moses Island | L'isola di Shadow Moses | Shadow Moses | Остров Шедоу Мозес | |||
Luigi's Mansion | Manoir de Luigi | Mansión de Luigi | Luigi's Mansion | Il palazzo di Luigi | Luigi's Landhuis | Особняк Луиджи | |||
Pirate Ship | Vaisseau pirate | Barco pirata | Piratenschiff | La nave dei pirati | Piratenschip | Пиратский корабль | |||
Spear Pillar | Colonnes Lances | Columna Lanza | Speersäule | Vetta Lancia | Spear Pillar | Копейное Плато | |||
75 m | Donkey Kong Classic | 75 m | 75 м | ||||||
Green Hill Zone | Zone Green Hill | Zona Green Hill | Green Hill Zone | Zona Green Hill | Green Hill Zone | Зеленые холмы | |||
Golden Plains | Buttes au butin | Prairie dorée | Pradera Monetaria | Pradera aurífera | Münz-Parcours | Pascoli dorati | Muntenvallei | Золотые поля | |
Gerudo Valley | Vallée Gerudo | Valle Gerudo | Gerudotal | Valle Gerudo | Gerudovallei | Долина Герудо | |||
Spirit Train | Locomotive des dieux | Locomotive des Esprits | Tren de los Dioses | Zug der Götter | Treno degli Spiriti | Trein der Wijzen | Поезд духов | ||
Dream Land GB | Dream Land (GB) | Dream Land GB | Страна грез (GB) | ||||||
Unova Pokémon League | Ligue Pokémon d'Unys | Liga Pokémon de Teselia | Einall-Pokémon-Liga | Lega Pokémon di Unima | Unova League | Лига Юнова | |||
Prism Tower | Tour Prismatique | Torre Prisma | Prismaturm | Torre Prisma | Prismatoren | Башня Призмы | |||
Mute City SNES | Mute City (SNES) | Ciudad Muda (SNES) | Mute City (SNES) | Mute City SNES | Мьют-Сити (SNES) | ||||
Arena Ferox | Arène de Ferox | Coliseo de Regna Ferox | Feroxer Arena | Arena Ferox | Ferox-Arena | Арена Ферокс | |||
Reset Bomb Forest | Forêt des Bombes zéro | Forêt des Bombazéros | Bosque génesis | Nullbombenwald | Foresta Zero | Nulbommenbos | Лес альфа-бомб | ||
Tortimer Island | Tortiland | Isla Tórtimer | Törtel-Insel | Isola di Tortimer | Tortimer-Eiland | Остров Тортимера | |||
Living Room | Salon | Casa rural | Sala rural | Wohnzimmer | Woonkamer | Salotto | Гав-гостиная | ||
Find Mii | StreetPass™ Quest | Mii en péril | Rescate Mii | Rette die Krone! | Libera Mii | Mii in Misère | Спаси Mii | ||
Mushroom Kingdom U | Royaume Champignon U | Reino Champiñón U | Pilz-Königreich U | Regno dei Funghi U | Paddenstoelenrijk U | Грибное королевство U | |||
Mario Galaxy | Galaxia de Mario | Mario-Galaxie | Mario Galaxy | Mario's Melkweg | Галактика Марио | ||||
Mario Circuit | Circuit Mario | Circuito Mario | Marios Piste | Il Circuito di Mario | Mario's Circuit | Трасса Марио | |||
Skyloft | Célesbourg | Altárea | Neburia | Wolkenhort | Oltrenuvola | Skyloft | Небоземь | ||
The Great Cave Offensive | La Caverne du Péril | El gran ataque de las cavernas | Das Höhlen-Abenteuer | La Grande Offensiva Speleologica | Het Grote Grotavontuur | Пещерный переполох | |||
Kalos Pokémon League | Ligue Pokémon de Kalos | Liga Pokémon de Kalos | Kalos-Pokémon-Liga | Lega Pokémon di Kalos | Kalos League | Лига Калос | |||
Coliseum | Arène | Coliseo | Kolosseum | Arena | Колизей | ||||
Flat Zone X | Espace 2D X | Zona extraplana X | 2D-Welt X | La zona bidimensionale X | 2D-Zone X | Плоская зона X | |||
Palutena's Temple | Temple de Palutena | Royaume des Cieux | Templo de Palutena | Palutenas Tempel | Tempio di Palutena | Palutena's Tempel | Храм Палютены | ||
Garden of Hope | Verger de l'espoir | Vergel de la Esperanza | Garten der Begegnung | Serra speranza | Pikmin-Paradijs | Сад Надежды | |||
Town and City | Ville & centre-ville | Ville et village | Sobrevolando el pueblo | El pueblo y la ciudad | Stadt und Großstadt | Campagna e città | Dorp en Stad | Городок и город | |
Wii Fit Studio | Studio Wii Fit | Salle d'entraînement Wii Fit | Sala de Wii Fit | Wii Fit-Studio | Palestra Wii Fit | Wii Fit-Studio | Зал Wii Fit | ||
Boxing Ring | Ring de boxe | Cuadrilátero | Boxring | Il ring | Boksring | Боксерский ринг | |||
Gaur Plain | Plaine de Gaur | Llanuras de Gaur | Gaur-Ebene | Piana di Gaur | Gaur-Plateau | Равнина Гаур | |||
Wuhu Island | Île Wuhu | Islas Wuhu | Wuhu Island | Arcipelago di Wuhu | Wuhu-Eiland | Остров Вуху | |||
Windy Hill Zone | Zone Windy Hill | Zona Windy Hill | Windy Hill Zone | Zona Windy Hill | Windy Hill Zone | Холмы ветров | |||
Wily Castle | Château du Dr Wily | Castillo de Wily | Wilys Schloss | Castello del Dr. Wily | Wily's Kasteel | Замок Уайли | |||
Suzaku Castle | Suzaku Castle | Château Suzaku | Suzaku Castle | Castillo de Suzaku | Suzaku Castle | Suzaku-Kasteel | Замок Судзаку | ||
Umbra Clock Tower | Tour de l'horloge de l'Umbra | Torre del reloj de Umbra | Umbra-Uhrturm | Torre dell'orologio di Umbra | Umbra-Klokkentoren | Часовая башня Умбры | |||
New Donk City Hall | Hôtel de ville de New Donk City | Ayuntamiento de Nueva Donk | New Donk City-Rathaus | Municipio di New Donk City | Stadhuis van New Donk City | Мэрия Нью-Донка | |||
Great Plateau Tower | Tour du Prélude | Tour de l'Éveil | Torre de la meseta | Turm des Plateaus | Torre delle origini | Toren der Wederopstanding | Башня Плато | ||
Moray Towers | Tours Girelle | Torres Merluza | Muränentürme | Torri cittadine | Tonijntorens | Муренские башни | |||
Dracula's Castle | Château de Dracula | Castillo de Drácula | Schloss Dracula | Castello di Dracula | Dracula's Kasteel | Замок Дракулы | |||
Yggdrasil's Altar | Autel de l'Yggdrasil | Altar de Yggdrasil | Yggdrasils Altar | Altare di Ygdrasil | Altaar van Yggdrasil | Алтарь Иггдрасиля | |||
Spiral Mountain | Montagne Perchée | Montaña Espiral | Spiral Mountain | Monte Spirale | Spiral Mountain | Спиральная гора | |||
King of Fighters Stadium | Stade de King of Fighters | Estadio de King of Fighters | King of Fighters Stadium | Stadio di King of Fighters | King of Fighters-stadion | Стадион King of Fighters | |||
Garreg Mach Monastery | Monastère de Garreg Mach | Monasterio de Garreg Mach | Closter Garreg Mach | Monastero del Garreg Mach | Garreg Mach-klooster | Монастырь Гаррег Мах | |||
Spring Stadium | |||||||||
Minecraft World |
English (NTSC) | English (PAL) | French (PAL) | French (NTSC) | Spanish (PAL) | Spanish (NTSC) | German | Italian | Dutch | Russian | Korean | Japanese |
Smash [1] | Combat normal | Combate normal | Битва | ||||||||
Squad Strike | Tropa Smash | Squad Smash | Smash di gruppo | Multi-smash | |||||||
Tourney | Torneo | Turnier | Torneo | Toernooi | |||||||
Special Smash | Smash especial | Spezial-Smash | Mischia speciale | Speciale smash | |||||||
Custom Smash | Smash variado | Wunsch Smash | Mischia variabile | Variatiesmash | |||||||
Smashdown | Smash total | Mischia totale | Smashdown | ||||||||
Super Sudden Death | Súper Muerte Súbita | Muerte Súper Súbita | Super Sudden Death | Super scontro decisivo | Super-sudden death | ||||||
Spirits | Esprits | Espíritus | Geister | Spiriti | Spirits | ||||||
Adventure | Aventura | Abenteuer | Avventura | Avontuur | |||||||
Spirit Board | Tablero de espíritus | Geistertafel | Tabellone degli spiriti | Spiritboard | |||||||
DLC Spirits | Espíritus adicionales | DLC-Geister | Spiriti speciali | DLC-spirits | |||||||
Games & More | Extras | Cajón de sastre | Juegos y demás | Weitere Modi | Giochi e altro | Extra's | |||||
Classic Mode | Smash arcade | Klassisch | Klassiek | ||||||||
Training | Entrenamiento | Training | Allenamento | Training | |||||||
Mob Smash | Asalto | Multi-Smash | Mischia multipla | Massa-smash | |||||||
Century Smash | Asalto contra 100 | 100er-Smash | Mischia contro 100 | Smash tegen 100 | |||||||
All-Star Smash | Asalto de leyendas | All-Star-Smash | Mischia All-Star | All-star | |||||||
Cruel Smash | Asalto intrépido | Brutalo-Smash | Mischia spietata | Gemene smash | |||||||
Home-Run Contest | Béisbol Smash | El rey del jonrón | Home-Run-Wettkampf | Gara di Home-Run | Honkbal-smash | ||||||
Stage Builder | Editor de escenarios | Stage-Studio | Editor scenari | Level-studio | |||||||
Vault | Coffre | Baúl | Truhe | Forziere | Kluis | ||||||
Online | En ligne | En línea | Online | Online | Online |
Character names
Characters not listed have the same name in all regions (or, in the case of Russian, Japanese, and Korean, are pronounced the same). For Japanese and Korean names, the romanized version is listed first.
English (NTSC) | English (PAL) | French (PAL) | French (NTSC) | Spanish (PAL) | Spanish (NTSC) | German | Italian | Dutch | Russian | Korean | Japanese |
Dark Samus | Samus Sombre | Samus Oscura | Dunkle Samus | Samus Oscura | Dark Samus | Темная Самус | Dark Samus (다크 사무스) |
Dark Samus (ダークサムス) | |||
Captain Falcon | Capitaine Falcon | Captain Falcon | Capitán Falcon | Captain Falcon | Капитан Фэлкон | Captain Falcon (캡틴 팔콘) |
Captain Falcon (キャプテン・ファルコン) | ||||
Jigglypuff | Rondoudou | Jigglypuff | Pummeluff | Jigglypuff | Джигглипафф | Purin (푸린) |
Purin (プリン) | ||||
Bowser | Боузер | Koopa (쿠파) |
Koopa (クッパ) | ||||||||
Ice Climbers | Альпинисты | Ice Climber[1] (얼음 타기) |
Ice Climber (アイスクライマー) | ||||||||
Sheik | Shiek | Sheik | Шиик | Sheik (시크) |
Sheik (シーク) | ||||||
Young Link | Link Enfant | Link Niño | Junger Link | Link Bambino | Jonge Link | Юный Линк | Young Link[1] (소년 링크) |
Young Link (こどもリンク) | |||
Meta Knight | Meta-Knight | Meta Knight | Метанайт | Meta Knight (메타 나이트) |
Meta Knight (メタナイト) | ||||||
Dark Pit | Pit Maléfique | Pit Sombrío | Finsterer Pit | Pit Oscuro | Dark Pit | Темный Пит | Black Pit (블랙피트) |
Black Pit (ブラックピット) | |||
Zero Suit Samus | Samus sans armure | Samus sans combinaison | Samus Zero | Zero Suit Samus | Samus Tuta Zero | Zero Suit Samus | Самус в Нуль-Костюме[2] | Zero Suit Samus (제로 슈트 사무스) |
Zero Suit Samus (ゼロスーツサムス) | ||
Pokémon Trainer[3] | Dresseur de Pokémon
Dresseuse de Pokémon |
Entrenador Pokémon
Entrenadora Pokémon |
Pokémon-Trainerin |
Allenatore di Pokémon
Allenatrice di Pokémon |
Pokémon Trainer | Тренер Покемонов | Pokémon Trainer (포켓몬 트레이너) |
Pokémon Trainer (ポケモントレーナー) | |||
Squirtle | Carapuce | Squirtle | Schiggy | Squirtle | Сквиртл | Kkobugi (꼬부기) |
Zenigame (ゼニガメ) | ||||
Ivysaur | Herbizarre | Ivysaur | Bisaknosp | Ivysaur | Айвизавр | Isanghepul (이상해풀) |
Fushigisou (フシギソウ) | ||||
Charizard | Dracaufeu | Charizard | Glurak | Charizard | Чаризард | Rizamon (리자몽) |
Lizardon (リザードン) | ||||
King Dedede | Roi DaDiDou | Roi Dadidou | Rey Dedede[4] | König Dedede | King Dedede | Koning Dedede | Король Дидиди | King Dedede (디디디 대왕) |
Dedede (デデデ) | ||
Alph |
Альф |
Pikmin & Olimar (피크민&올리마) Pikmin & Alph |
Pikmin & Olimar (ピクミン&オリマー) Pikmin & Alph | ||||||||
R.O.B. | R.O.B.[5] | Robot (ロボット) | |||||||||
Toon Link | Link Cartoon | Toon Link | Toon-Link | Link Cartone | Toon Link | Мульт-Линк | Toon Link (툰링크) |
Toon Link (トゥーンリンク) | |||
Villager[3] | Villageois
Villageoise |
Habitante |
Aldeana |
Bewohnerin |
Abitante | Dorpsbewoner | Житель | Villager[1] (마을 주민) |
Murabito (むらびと) | ||
Mega Man | Мегамен | Rockman (록맨) |
Rockman (ロックマン) | ||||||||
Wii Fit Trainer[3] | Entraîneuse Wii Fit
Entraîneur Wii Fit |
Entrenadora de Wii Fit
Entrenador de Wii Fit |
Wii Fit-Trainerin
Wii Fit-Trainer |
Trainer di Wii Fit | Wii Fit-trainer | Тренер Wii Fit | Wii Fit Trainer (Wii Fit 트레이너) |
Wii Fit Trainer (Wii Fit トレーナー) | |||
Rosalina & Luma | Harmonie et Luma | Rosalina et Luma | Estela y Destello | Rosalina y Destello | Rosalina und Luma | Rosalinda e Sfavillotto | Rosalina en Luma | Розалина и Люма | Rosalina & Chiko (로젤리나&치코) |
Rosetta & Chiko (ロゼッタ&チコ) | |
Greninja | Amphinobi | Greninja | Quajutsu | Greninja | Грениндзя | Gegulninja (개굴닌자) |
Gekkouga (ゲッコウガ) | ||||
Robin | Daraen | Robin | Daraen | Robin | Daraen | Robin | Робин | Reflet (러플레) |
Reflet (ルフレ) | ||
Bowser Jr. | Bowsy | Bowser Jr. | Bowser Junior | Bowser Jr. | Боузер-младший[6] | Koopa Jr. (쿠파 주니어) |
Koopa Jr. (クッパJr.) | ||||
Koopalings | Sbires Koopa | Koopalings | Koopalines | Koopalings | Bowserotti | Koopalings | Купалинги | 쿠파7인조 | クッパ7人衆 | ||
Duck Hunt | Duck Hunt Duo | Duo Duck Hunt | Duck Hunt | Dúo Duck Hunt | Duck Hunt | Duck-Hunt-Duo | Duo Duck Hunt | Duck Hunt-Duo | Дуэт Duck Hunt | Duck Hunt (덕헌트) |
Duck Hunt (ダックハント) |
Corrin | Коррин | Kamui (카무이) |
Kamui (カムイ) | ||||||||
Inkling[3] | Inkling[7] | Inkling chica[8]
Inkling chico |
Inkling | Ragazza Inkling[8]
Ragazzo Inkling |
Inkling | Инклинг | Inkling (잉클링) |
Inkling (インクリング) | |||
King K. Rool | Roi K. Rool | King K. Rool | Кинг К. Роль | King K. Rool[9] (킹크루루) |
King K. Rool[9] (キングクルール) | ||||||
Isabelle | Marie | Canela | Melinda | Fuffi | Isabelle | Изабель | Yeoul (여울) |
Shizue (しずえ) | |||
Incineroar | Félinferno | Incineroar | Fuegro | Incineroar | Инсинероар | Eoheungyeom (어흥염) |
Gaogaen (ガオガエン) | ||||
Piranha Plant | Plante Piranha | Fleur Piranha | Planta Piraña | Piranha-Pflanze | Pianta Piranha | Piranha Plant | Растение-пиранья | Packun Flower (뻐끔플라워) |
Packun Flower (パックンフラワー) | ||
Hero | Héros | Héroe | Held | Eroe | Held | Герой | Hero (용사) |
Hero[10] (勇者) | |||
Banjo & Kazooie | Banjo y Kazooie | Banjo und Kazooie | Banjo e Kazooie | Banjo en Kazooie | Банджо и Казуи | Banjo & Kazooie (반조 & 카주이) |
Banjo & Kazooie (バンジョー&カズーイ) | ||||
Zombie | Zombi | Zombie | Zombi | Zombie | Зомби | Zombie (좀비) |
Zombie (ゾンビ) | ||||
Mii Fighter | Combattant Mii | Luchador Mii | Combatiente Mii | Mii Kämpfer | Guerriero Mii | Mii-Vechter | Mii-боец | Mii Fighter (Mii 파이터) |
Mii Fighter (Miiファイター) | ||
Mii Brawler[3] | Boxeur Mii
Boxeuse Mii |
Bagarreur Mii
Bagarreuse Mii |
Karateka Mii | Peleador Mii
Peleadora Mii |
Mii-Boxerin |
Lottatore Mii
Lottatrice Mii |
Mii-Bokser | Mii-Драчун | Mii Brawler (Mii 격투) |
Mii Brawler (Mii 格闘タイプ) | |
Mii Swordfighter[3] | Épéiste Mii | Espadachín Mii | Mii-Schwertkämpfer
Mii-Schwertkämpferin |
Spadaccino Mii
Spadaccina Mii |
Mii-Zwaardvechter | Mii-Мечник | Mii Sword Fighter (Mii 검술) |
Mii Sword Fighter (Mii 剣術タイプ) | |||
Mii Gunner[3] | Tireur Mii
Tireuse Mii |
Tirador Mii
Tiradora Mii |
Mii-Schützin |
Fuciliere Mii | Mii-Cyborg | Mii-Стрелок | Mii Gunner (Mii 사격) |
Mii Gunner (Mii 射撃タイプ) |
- ^ a b c The announcer reads the Korean pronunciation, rather than the name shown on the character selection screen.
- ^ Shown in-game as "Самус (НК)", with "НК" standing for "Нуль-Костюме".
- ^ a b c d e f g Male and female variants have different names in certain languages. The first names listed are, respectively, male Pokémon Trainer, male Villager, female Wii Fit Trainer, female Inkling, male Mii Brawler, male Mii Swordfighter, and male Mii Gunner's name, followed by their opposite gender variant.
- ^ Similar to the difference between its English and Japanese pronunciations, "Dedede" is pronounced "day-DAY-day" in the PAL version and "day-day-DAY" in the NTSC version.
- ^ Written in English, though the announcer says "Robot", like in the Japanese version.
- ^ Shortened to "Боузер-мл" on the character selection screen, but shown in full when selected.
- ^ The announcer and character selection screen show them as such, but selecting/winning with them shows "Fille Inkling", or "Garçon Inkling" if male.
- ^ a b The character selection screen simply shows them as "Inkling"; selecting the character shows the gender distinguisher, with the announcer calling them whichever is chosen.
- ^ a b Read as "King Cruel".
- ^ The announcer reads the Japanese pronunciation, rather than the English name shown in battle.
- There are some inconsistencies with certain translated names:
- Although the Italian version uses the Italian word for "trainer" for Pokémon Trainer ("allenatore" and "allenatrice" for male and female, respectively), the Wii Fit Trainer uses the English word "trainer". Similarly, the French version uses "dresseur/dresseuse", the word for "trainer", for the Pokémon Trainer, but uses "entraîneuse/entraîneur", the word for "coach", for the Wii Fit Trainer. This could, however, be a result of different words being used in their source games.
- In spite of other languages having a translated word for the term "Mr.", no other language uses it in Ultimate for Mr. Game & Watch's name except for Russian, appropriately using "Г-н".
- While the translated names of King Dedede use the appropriate word for "king" in each language, King K. Rool's translated names use the English word "king" (or a phonetic equivalent) in every language except Canadian French.
- Humorously, the transliteration of K. Rool's name into Russian, "К. Роль", bears resemblance to the word for "king" (король).
- In the Korean and Traditional Chinese translations, Ryu and Ken do not have their names translated, instead using the English writing.
See also
- List of regional version differences (SSB)
- List of regional version differences (SSBM)
- List of regional version differences (SSBB)
- List of regional version differences (SSB4)