Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

WarioWare, Inc.

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WarioWare, Inc.

WarioWare, Inc. as it appears in Smash.
Universe Wario
Appears in Brawl
SSB4 (3DS)
Availability Starter (Brawl and Ultimate)
Unlockable (SSB4)
Unlock criteria Unlock Wario.
Crate type Presents
Maximum players 4 (Brawl and Smash for 3DS)
8 (Ultimate)
Bolded tracks must be unlocked
Brawl WarioWare, Inc. (100%)
WarioWare, Inc. Medley (30%)
Ashley's Song (15%)
Ashley's Song (JP) (5%)
Mike's Song (15%)
Mike's Song (JP) (5%)
Mona Pizza's Song (15%)
Mona Pizza's Song (JP) (5%)
for 3DS WarioWare, Inc.
Ashley's Song/Ashley's Song (JP) (Alternate)
Ultimate WarioWare series music
Main music:
WarioWare, Inc.
Ashley's Song (Alternate)
Tournament legality
Brawl Singles: Banned
Doubles: Banned
Smash 4 Singles: Banned
Doubles: Banned
Ultimate Singles: Starter/Counterpick/Banned
Doubles: Starter/Counterpick/Banned
Article on Super Mario Wiki WarioWare, Inc.

WarioWare, Inc. (メイド イン ワリオ, Made in Wario) is a stage in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It takes its name, as well as its theme, from the WarioWare franchise. Often, the stage takes players from the main "elevator" into a microgame, and allows them to compete to obtain some sort of award. In Smash 3DS and Ultimate, it is where Wario is fought when being unlocked.

Stage overview

The stage's main setting, the "elevator room", has a simple layout consisting of a main platform that extends below the bottom blast line and four soft platforms, two stacked on either side. Compared to other stages, the blast lines are deceptively close to the camera.

Unique to this stage are the microgames, which allow players to earn rewards when completed. Microgames turn the focus away from the battle and task players with completing a certain goal in an short period of time, such as avoiding an oncoming car or chiseling a statue. Some microgames are even able to damage characters. Computer players will always participate in microgames, even if they are set to "stand" in Training Mode.

Once a game ends, the winners and losers (those who accomplished the goal and those who didn't) are marked with red Os and blue Xs respectively. The winners get rewards such as Super Mushrooms, Super Stars, item drops, and even damage recovery. With the exception of "Blowin' Up", the microgames allow for every player to win.

Occasionally, two microgames will take place in quick succession. Players will only receive rewards for the second game. Between microgames, the players will sometimes return to the elevator room, but the stage's platforms will not return, and instead, the players will walk around on an invisible floor, as they do in the microgames. This status of the stage does not last long, though.

In the WarioWare games, microgames had three difficulty levels, which increased as the player progressed through the levels. These have also been implemented in the WarioWare stage, but difficulties seem to be as random as the game selection. For most microgames, the rise in difficulty simply makes it harder to complete. A few of them, however, keep the same task but give a shorter time limit for the players to finish it in. A new microgame begins around every 30 seconds during a match on this stage.

If one is playing using the Wii Remote, the Nunchuk, the Classic Controller, or the Nintendo 3DS, the mini-speaker in that controller will play Wario's comment on the completion (or failure) of the microgame.


All of the microgames in this stage come from a WarioWare game with the exception of "Don't Move" and "Taunt". The following microgames appear in the stage:

Name Command Description Image
Arrow Space Sidestep! Originates from Mega Microgame$!. A tiny ninja outside a Japanese fortress in the background is target of a wall of arrows raining from above. In Mega Microgame$!, the player has to move the ninja with the D-Pad into the area where there was a gap between the arrows.

In Super Smash Bros., fighters also have to avoid these arrows, either via moving into the gap similarly to the original game, or by closely navigating to the edges of the stage, putting them in closer proximity to the blast lines. Players who successfully avoid the arrows are given a reward. While the ninja from the original game appears in the background, he has no effects on gameplay.

Blowin' Up Pop it! / Pop! Originates from Touched!. A series of party poppers appear in the air. In Touched!, the player had to use the stylus to pull the strings on the crackers and make the confetti fire out. The appearance of the stage also changed with the difficulty level, with the image either being that of a birthday, a wedding, or a Halloween party; the Japanese version of the game featured a man with a necktie around his head instead of the Halloween party.

In Super Smash Bros., characters just have to attack the party poppers to set them off; emulating the source game, the image in the background depends on how many poppers there are, though unusually, the image of the man with a necktie around his head appears in all regions. Anyone who successfully attacks a popper will be given a reward, but only if all poppers have been attacked. Due to there being only three poppers, this is the only minigame that does not allow all players to win, but only if played with four or more players.

Crack Down Jump! Originates from Mega Microgame$!. A giant with a hammer in the background smashes down on a mountain to generate an earthquake, while the player has to make a chicken jump up in the air to avoid the tremor from knocking an egg loose from its back.

In Super Smash Bros., players must accomplish the same feat, gaining a reward if they do so; being on the ground at the time of the tremor will result in being buried and fail the microgame. Unusually, the chicken itself does not appear in the stage.

Crazy Cars Dodge! Originates from Mega Microgame$!. In the original game, the player controls Wario and has to avoid an oncoming car (represented either as a sausage, a shark, or a potato); the car itself could either charge forward, jump, or stop in place, then either continue charging forward or instead turn away.

In Super Smash Bros., an arrow warns the player of which direction the car will jump, a feature not present in the original microgame. Dodging the car's path grants the player a reward; getting hit by the car inflicts damage with high horizontal knockback. Shielding is not sufficient, even if the player takes no damage; winning the microgame requires avoiding contact with the car altogether.

Don't Move Don't move! This microgame is unique to Smash, although it is inspired by "Fragile!" from Twisted!, where the player had to keep the system completely still to avoid activating the motion sensor and knocking over a stack of eggs.

In this microgame, a marble statue of a man sits in an empty background. In order to beat the microgame, players need to abstain from inputting any sort of command, including attacking, moving, or even shielding. While getting hit by an attack causes the player to move, they will still win the game should they continue to abstain from inputting any commands.

Kitty Cover Stay dry! Originates from Mega Microgame$!. A cat walks around in a rainstorm, and the player originally had to move an umbrella so that the cat would remain dry.

In Super Smash Bros., characters have to stay under the umbrella and not get hit by the rain. The rain does minor damage to all fighting characters as long as they stand underneath it; it does not immediately damage players, however, and it is possible to win the game even if one's character stands in the rain for a brief moment as long as no damage is accrued. In Ultimate only, the umbrella appears a moment before the rain, giving players the opportunity to shelter themselves before the rain starts.

Lose Your Marble Chisel it! / Chisel! Originates from Touched!. In Touched!, players have to use the touch screen to chisel away at the block to reveal a statue, which took the form of either an Easter Island statue with lipstick, Michelangelo's David wearing a Speedo, or a statue of a toilet, depending on the difficulty.

In Super Smash Bros., players have to attack the marble block in order to reveal the statue. If the statue is completely unveiled before time runs out, all players who contributed receive a reward; if the statue is incomplete, then all players lose.

Sole Man Dodge! / Look out! Originates from Mega Microgame$. In the original game, players had to guide Fronk from left to right to avoid being stomped, with higher difficulties featuring wider soles to avoid.

In Super Smash Bros., Fronk does not appear, though members of his species can still be seen in the background. Being hit by the sole causes the bury effect, much like "Crack Down". Players who avoid being hit by the sole are rewarded.

Taunt Taunt! This stage is unique to Super Smash Bros.. In the stage, the player must taunt when the camera flashes in order to win; being attacked while taunting still allows for a victory. In the background, the recurring character Jimmy T. can be seen. WarioWareTaunt.png

Microgame Music

The following tracks play during these respective microgames, as long as the My Music track in use for the match is WarioWare, Inc. They are all new arrangements from the originals, and cannot be found in the Sound Test.

  • Crazy Cars - WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!
  • Sole Man - WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!
  • Arrow Space - WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!
  • Kitty Cover - WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!
  • Crack Down - WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!
  • The Maze That Pays - WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!
  • Blowin' Up - WarioWare: Touched!
  • Lose Your Marble - WarioWare: Touched!
  • Taunt - Pending

Ω forms and Battlefield form

In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, the Ω form removes the soft platforms and the Microgames do not occur. The platform also extends below the blast line.

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the Ω form and Battlefield form are similar to SSB4's Ω form; however, the main platform does not extend below the blast line and is resized and reshaped to match Final Destination and Battlefield, respectively. The three soft platforms of the Battlefield form are based on the pink soft platforms of the regular form.

Hazards Off

With hazards off in Ultimate, no Microgames are played, and so the stage remains in the elevator for the duration of the match.


The elevator of the Variety Tower, as it originally appeared in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$.

This stage is a mix of three WarioWare games: WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! (known in PAL region as Minigame Mania), WarioWare: Twisted!, and WarioWare: Touched! The main stage originates from Mega Microgame$'s Variety Tower. The Variety Tower draws from every microgame in the whole game, continuing endlessly until the player runs out of lives. It starts off in an elevator with a pig face on the door, which opens up to reveal a microgame. If the player is successful at the microgame, the pig will have a happy expression. if the player fails the microgame, the pig will have a sad expression and crossed-out eyes. The WarioWare, Inc. stage takes place in the Variety Tower, and the main stage is the elevator. The overall design has been retained.

Update History

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS 1.0.5

  • The camera is now closer to the stage.

Tournament legality

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

This stage is banned in tournaments, due to play centralizing on completing the microgames, rather than actually fighting. The awards also can give unfair advantages to the players who have them, and as they are randomized in nature, some characters may benefit from the advantages more than others.

Super Smash Bros. 4

The stage has remained banned in Smash 4 for the same reasons as the game before.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

With the introduction of a stage hazard toggle in Ultimate, some rulesets include the hazardless version of WarioWare, Inc. as a counterpick stage. This has proven controversial, however, due to its horizontal blastlines' proximity to the main body of the stage, and its long-term legality remains in doubt.



The rain effects in the "Stay Dry!" microgame.
  • If Andross is released from an Assist Trophy while the Brawl is in the main room, he will disappear behind the doors. This also happens with a few Pokémon, such as Lugia and Ho-Oh.
    • This is possibly why Andross cannot be summoned on this stage in Ultimate.
  • There is a glitch on this stage. If a character is below the ledges of the main room as it changes into a microgame, it is possible to become stuck under the floor. When the main room returns, they can be inside the actual arena.
  • The raindrops in the "Stay dry!" minigame are actually rendered two-dimensionally; this is especially obvious when the camera is tilted in Brawl. This graphical behaviour does not occur in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS.
  • If the player plays as the Ice Climbers, both the Ice Climbers must win the minigame to be rewarded.
  • In Brawl's Training mode, even when set to "Stop", the CPUs will still participate in the microgames. This does not occur in Smash 3DS or Ultimate, however.
  • In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, in All-Star Mode and Wario's unlock battle, microgames do not take place on the stage.
  • In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, WarioWare, Inc. is not used for any character's Classic Mode route in any form.