Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. 4
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Down throw

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Zelda performs her down throw on R.O.B.

A down throw (下投げ, Down/lower/under throw), commonly abbreviated as d-throw, is a throw performed by pressing down on the control stick after having grabbed the enemy. Most of them throw the foe into the ground and bounce them at different angles depending on the character, and set up combos better than other throws. Some also work as meteor smashes, such as Fox's in Melee and Mr. Game & Watch's in Brawl.

These throws are typically used to set up combos or tech-chase moves in both Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl by following their DI and predicting an air dodge or jump. Some such as Sheik's down throw in Melee and King Dedede's in Brawl are also notable for their chaingrabbing potential similar to some up throws, allowing a zero-to-death against some characters. In Super Smash Bros. 4, while chaingrabs do not exist, most characters' down throws are notorious for being able to set up true combos into aerial attacks against foes until mid-high percents (depending on rage), particularly those of Diddy Kong (prior to patch 1.0.6) and Luigi (prior to patch 1.1.1).

Of the four types of throws, down throws generally have the weakest knockback scaling, with the exception of some like Lucas's in Brawl and Squirtle's. Down throws do not exist in the original Super Smash Bros..

List of down throws in Super Smash Bros. Melee

Character Description Damage
Bowser Throws his foe on the ground and lands on them with tremendous force. Has extremely low knockback growth, not KOing even at 999%, so it is believed by most players to have set knockback. It is better used for racking up damage. 12%.
Captain Falcon Takes foe and violently bashes them to the floor. Easily leads into his side special, a tactic often used by CPUs. At low percentages, following his down throw and side special, an up smash or tilt is possible. At high percentages, it can follow into a neutral aerial or whatever, depending on the foe's DI reaction. 7%.
Donkey Kong Violently shoves the enemy to the ground. 7%.
Dr. Mario Looks to the front of the screen and slams his foe into the ground, flipping in the air and passing him/her through his legs. 6%.
Falco Throws the opponent into the ground and shoots 4 times with his blaster. Can set up an up-tilt of predicted foe reaction an counter-attack is possible. It can also be used to start a shine combo. Like Fox, his down throw is not too useful due to it being easy to tech out of. Meteor smashes over a ledge if Falco grabs his opponent at the very edge of a platform, and the shots have the same properties as Fox's, though making foes flinch. 5 hits, 4% total.
Fox Throws the opponent into the ground and shoots 4 times with his blaster. Does not make opponents bounce off the ground like other down throws (except Falco) because it is a meteor smash. Not useful due to being able to tech out of it, but it has tech chase potential. Can lead into up-tilt or his Reflector. Meteor smashes over a ledge if his body is partially overlapping it, and in this case the shots also come at downward angles, though not dealing any knockback, and can also be reflected or absorbed. 5 hits, 4% total.
Ganondorf Takes foe and violently bashes them to the floor. Can set up juggling. It can also chain throw a variety of characters at low percentages and can chain throw fastfallers up to high percentages. 7%.
Ice Climbers Takes foe and slams them harshly into the ground. Only the lead Ice Climber attacks, though the foe is usually knocked right in front of the IC, leading into many quick combos. 6%.
Jigglypuff Grinds foe with itself on the floor. 6 hits, 10% total.
Kirby Throws the opponent on the ground, then stands on the opponent, rapidly hitting the enemy many times with his feet. Only the final hit does damage. Has vertical knockback with weak growth. 8%.
Link Brings foe down and tackles. Leaves foes wide open for a combo, such as his Spin Attack or up tilt. 2% then 4% (6% total).
Luigi Looks to the front of the screen and slams his foe into the ground, sending the enemy upwards and slightly to the side, depending on the target's DI. Does not stun the opponent long enough to combo or chain grab. 7%.
Mario Looks to the front of the screen and slams his foe into the ground, flipping in the air and passing him/her through his legs. Can be a good chainthrow on certain characters. 6%.
Marth Hooks arm and drags to the floor sending the opponent backward. Sets up tipper forward smash at low percentages. 5%.
Mr. Game & Watch Juggles the enemy as a ball, then bounces opponent into the floor. 8%
Mewtwo Throws its enemy down and hits with its tail. Can chain grab. 6% then 5% (11% total).
Ness Throws the opponent downward, and hits the enemy with PK Fire. Has a decent amount of followups. 6 hits, 9% total.
Peach Puts opponent down and sits on them. Can chain grab floaty characters, heavyweights, and fast fallers at high percentages. Other nearby enemies will be weakly meteor smashed by the throw, though strangely not receiving damage. 7%.
Pichu Places the opponent on the ground, then jumps on and zaps them. No recoil damage to Pichu, even though it has an electric effect. 4% then 6% (10% total)
Pikachu Places the opponent on the ground, then jumps on and zaps them. This is good for lower percent lightweights, as it will sometimes lead to an up smash; against fastfallers, it has chainthrow potential. More easily DIed than the up throw. 4% then 6% (10% total).
Roy Hooks arm and drags to the floor sending the opponent backward. 6%.
Samus Violently picks foe up with her Grapple Beam and slams them to the ground. Almost 100% of the time can use up tilt to punish nearly any opponent. This attack has a set knockback. 6%.
Sheik Punches enemy to the ground. In the NTSC version, Sheik can chain grab or tech chase many characters to high percentages. When compounded with a forward tilt, the throw can also chainthrow Fox or Falco at or to high percentages. 5% then 3% (8% total).
Yoshi Spits the foe downwards, forcefully slamming him/her into the ground. 4%.
Young Link Very suddenly grounds the foe and tackles them. 2% then 4% (6% total).
Zelda Drops foe and zaps them, then sends foe behind her with weak knockback. 5 hits, 9% total.

List of down throws in Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Character Description Damage
Bowser Body slams the opponent. Has set knockback. 12%.
Captain Falcon Slams opponent to the ground. A tech-chasing move by predicting their DI/jump/air dodge. 7%.
Charizard Charizard uses Flamethrower on opponent giving 5 small 1% hits and a last hit of 3%. Can KO at higher percents. 9% total.
Donkey Kong Violently slams opponent to the ground. Sets up a forward tilt and can chain grab at lower percents. 4% then 3% (7% total).
Diddy Kong Jumps and throws opponent on the ground. 9%.
Falco Throws enemy to the ground and shoots 4 times. It is an unescapable chain grab at lower percents, most characters can be chain grabbed until 42% with walking grab, dash grab, and boost pivot grab (the last one at usually the 1st 2 throws), but it is significantly shorter on floaty characters and only walking grab works on them. To finish it Falco can either Dash attack canceled up smash combo or down aerial them to set up an edge guarding (though some characters can always survive it or SDI the down aerial's knockback back onto the stage). After chain grab range, it is a tech-chasing move. 5 hits, 9% total.
Fox Throws enemy to the ground and shoots 4 times. 5 hits, 9% total.
Ganondorf Throws his opponent violently on the ground. Good tech-chasing move at lower percents. 7%.
Ice Climbers Spins and then throws the enemy to the ground. Can be used to chain grab infinitely with good timing if both Ice Climbers participate. 6%.
Ike Throws opponent to the ground and then stomps on them. Can KO at very high percents. 4% then 2% (6% total).
Ivysaur Ivysaur's vines throw the opponent to the ground. 10%
Jigglypuff Rolls on its opponent. 4% then 6% (10% total).
King Dedede Slams opponent on ground and sits on them looking front. Arguably one of the best chain grabs in the game: can grab all chaingrabbable characters in walls or even if it isn't a chaingrabbable character, it is instead a great tech-chasing move by predicting their rolls/tech rolls. 5% then 3% (8% total).
Kirby Performs Suplex's Fury Stomp move from Kirby Super Star. Delivers 9 1% kicks leading up to him stomping. Can chain grab fast-fallers at low damages. 12% total.
Link Throws opponent to the ground while doing a spinning body slam, then jabs opponent with his elbow. Can be used to chaingrab at lower percentages. 3% then 4% (7% total).
Lucas Places opponents down on ground with PSI powers. Opponents will then suffer pretty powerful vertical knockback. Strongest down throw in Brawl. 10%.
Lucario Throws opponent to the ground. 10%.
Luigi Slams opponent to the ground. 6%.
Mario Slams opponent to the ground. 6%.
Marth Throws opponent to the ground. 5%.
Meta Knight Fury Stomps the opponent 8 times for 1% each kick, then performs a finishing stomp. Can tech-chase by predicting the opponent's DI. 11% total.
Mr. Game & Watch Juggles opponent, then throws him/her straight down. A great tech-chasing move by predicting the opponent's rolls, and a successful read can lead to a regrab or one of Mr. Game & Watch's powerful smash attacks for a KO. While it is a great tech-chasing move, the move can be teched as soon as the throw has ended, unlike Snake's down throw, which sends the victim directly into a fallen position, giving Mr. Game & Watch less time to react to his opponent's actions. 6%.
Ness Uses PK Fire on opponent with 5 1% hits and an ending 4%. 9% total.
Olimar The Pikmin that grabbed the opponent will slam him on the ground. Yellow Pikmin: 8%, Red: 9%, Blue: 12%, Purple: 8%, White: 6%. All do 1% at first, then the rest as another hit.
Peach Sits on opponent. Can be used to chaingrab on lower percentages. 7%.
Pikachu Slams the opponent. A notable chain grab. 4% then 6% (10% total).
Pit Slams opponent to the ground, then slashes. 5% then 1% (6% total).
R.O.B. Drills the opponent to the ground. 10%, no damage is done until the release.
Samus Slings opponent over her head then slams them down. 6%.
Sheik Throws the enemy down to the ground and flips into an axe kick at the enemy's midsection. 4% then 2% (6% total).
Snake Slowly puts the opponent down to the ground, leaving the opponent immobilized for a while. One of the best tech-chasing moves in the game. While lying on the ground, the opponent has five options: roll behind, which can be punished on reaction if Snake is standing; roll away; get-up without attacking; get-up attack; or stay on the ground. Every option the opponent has is risky and can set up dangerous moves like forward tilt, regrab or up tilt (which can also hit after shielding their get-up attack) that can deal a lot of damage, lead to another tech-chase, or a KO. The tech-chase is even more dangerous near the edges or on a small platform where the victim can't roll away as far from Snake. The effectiveness also depends on how good the opponent's rolls and get-up attacks are. If used near the edges the opponent will fall, and if the opponent doesn't do anything it can set up a knee hit of forward tilt or an up tilt 12%.
Sonic Spin Dashes on opponent first dealing 3 separate 1% hits then ending it with a 5% 8% total.
Squirtle Sits on opponent. Second strongest down throw in the game in terms of knockback, can KO at fairly low percents for being a throw. 4% then 3% (7% total).
Toon Link Throws opponent to the ground doing a spinning body slam afterwards jabbing opponent with his elbow. Can be used to chaingrab at lower percentages a bit faster than Links. 7%.
Wario Sits on opponent looking to the front of the screen. Can be used to chaingrab characters like Donkey Kong and Falco, but it is extremely hard to master because it requires a turn-around grab buffering has set knockback. 4% then 3% (7% total).
Wolf Throws opponent to the ground and delivers a scratch. A tech-chase move at lower percents and at higher percents it is a semi-spike that can set up an edge guarding with the opponent at a low angle (he can tech the throw though). 7% then 3% (10% total).
Yoshi Spits opponent into the ground. 4%.
Zelda Throws opponent on the ground and shocks them with magic. Can be used to set up a Lightning Kick. It can also stage spike certain characters, such as Falco, King Dedede, Ganondorf, and Lucario. Even if they survive or tech out of stage spike, she can set up an early edge guard. 5 hits, 10% total.
Zero Suit Samus Slams opponent on ground and stomps on them with one foot. 5% then 2% (7% total).

List of down throws in Super Smash Bros. 4

Character Description Damage
Bayonetta Stomps on the opponent. 3% (stomp), 5% (throw)
Bowser Body slams the opponent, sending them in a horizontal angle. 12%.
Bowser Jr. Drills opponent on the ground. 8 small hits that give 1% every 2 hits, then a 4% finishing blow. Prior to update 1.0.4 in Smash 3DS it dealt 2 more hits (10 in total), resulting in more damage. 8%.
Captain Falcon Slams opponent onto the ground. 6%.
Charizard Charizard uses Flamethrower on opponent giving 5 small 1% hits and a last hit of 3%. It used to be a kill throw. From version 1.0.8 onward, the knockback was significantly reduced, now it can combo into an up smash (at low percentages) or forward air. And since the update 1.1.0, it can combo into up air or Fly at kill percentages. 9% total.
Cloud Forcefully slams the opponent onto the ground, sending them behind him. Low base knockback and Cloud's primary combo throw, as it can lead into a reversed tilt or Cross Slash until middle percents. Surprisingly, this is also his strongest throw at high percents due to high knockback growth, although it cannot KO until 215%. 7%.
Corrin Throws the opponent to the ground and assumes dragon form, body-slamming them and reverting back to human form. 6.5% (body slam), 3% (throw)
Dark Pit Same as Pit's. 2% then 4%.
Diddy Kong Jumps and throws opponent on the ground. Can infamously follow up with up air, or other aerial attacks such as forward air. As of version 1.0.8, though, its followup potential has been reduced. 7%.
Donkey Kong Violently slams opponent onto the ground. 4% then 3% (7% total).
Dr. Mario Visually the same as Mario's, though it has higher base knockback and a less horizontal angle, allowing better followups into aerials. 6%.
Duck Hunt Slams opponent into the ground. 5%.
Falco Holds the enemy on the ground and shoots them once, launching at a horizontal angle. Can lead into an up smash for KOing or a dash attack if the enemy doesn't tech. 2 hits, 5% total.
Fox Holds the enemy on the ground and shoots 4 times. Can lead into a forward air or up air depending on the foe's reaction. 4 hits, 7% total.
Ganondorf Throws his opponent violently on the ground. Can true combo into neutral air, up air or Wizard's Foot. 7%.
Greninja Throws opponent onto the ground with one hand, launching them at a low height in front of Greninja. In version 1.1.0, this move has reduced ending lag, giving it some more followups (though not true combos) depending on the foe's reaction. 5%.
Ike Throws opponent onto the ground and then stomps them. Can combo into Aether at low percents, as well as neutral air and up air until mid percents. 4% then 2% (6% total).
Jigglypuff Rolls on opponent. 4% then 6% (10% total).
King Dedede Violently slams his opponent on the ground with one hand. Can combo into neutral or forward air. 6%.
Kirby Performs the Suplex ability's Fury Stomp move from Kirby Super Star. Delivers 9 kicks of 1% damage each, finishing with him stomping. 10.2% total.
Link Throws opponent to the ground while doing a spinning body slam, then falls on the opponent with his elbow. It used to launch foes behind Link, but from version 1.0.8 onwards it instead throws them at a straight vertical angle, allowing him to combo into an up tilt at low percentages. 2 hits of 3% (6& total).
Little Mac Slams opponent's head into ground with both hands. Can combo into Rising Uppercut until ridiculously high percents if the opponent doesn't DI, upwards of 200% on some characters. 4% then 5% (9% total).
Lucario Lifts the opponent up into the air before slamming them back into the ground. Damage and knockback scale with Aura. 4% (0%), 7% (50%), 8% (100%), 10% (150%), 11% (190%+).
Lucas Psychokinetically throws the opponent into the ground. It causes much less knockback than in Brawl, no longer being a KO throw, but providing many new combo options, leading into up tilt or any aerial except back air. The throw now shows foes as being buried before releasing them. 6.5%.
Lucina Same as Marth's. 5%.
Luigi Ground-Pounds the opponent. Notorious for being one of the (if not the) most powerful down throws in Smash 4 in terms of combo potential, being able to combo into up tilt, up smash, any aerial, Luigi Cyclone or even Super Jump Punch; even at high percentages it can lead into an up air or Luigi Cyclone for KOing. It also enables Luigi to perform a pseudo-chaingrab in certain characters by hitting them with his forward air twice, causing them to land on the ground, then grabbing them again and repeating the process. 6%.
Mario Slams opponent to the ground. Has quite low base knockback in comparison to other down throws. This move can infamously combo into a multitude of up tilts, followed up by two up aerials and a Super Jump Punch if the foe's DI is read properly. Even though some characters can land and shield after some up tilts, Mario can grab them again, down throw and continue the combo. At mid to high percentages it can still combo into an up aerial or Super Jump Punch. 5%.
Marth Throws opponent into to the ground, launching them upwards. Can combo into back air or tipped up air at low percentages, depending on the foe's reaction. 5%.
Mega Man Throws opponent into the ground using Super Arm. Can combo into forward air. 4%.
Meta Knight Fury Stomps the opponent 8 times for 0.5% each kick, then performs a finishing stomp that deals 3%. Can combo into Shuttle Loop as well as all of his aerials, pivot Forward Smash, Up Smash, Mach Tornado, and Drill Rush at low percents. 7.5% total.
Mewtwo Throws the opponent down and hits them with its tail. 4% then 5% (9% total).
Mii Brawler Drags the opponent towards the screen, then karate chops them. Can combo into any of the Mii Brawler's aerials except down air, and into any of his/her up specials: notably, Helicopter Kick can KO foes at early percentages if the throw is used near edges. 6%.
Mii Gunner Throws opponent onto the ground with one arm, similarly to Marth's down throw. 5%.
Mii Swordfighter Slams opponent onto the ground, then stomps on them, similarly to Ike's down throw. Can combo into up air. 4%.
Mr. Game & Watch Juggles opponent, then throws them straight down. One of the down throws with the strongest followup potential, being able to combo into almost all of his moves except down smash, depending on the foe's falling speed and weight: it can also be followed up with a number 9 Judge or full Oil Panic to KO at surprisingly early percentages. 6%.
Ness Jumps and throws PK Fire on opponent with 5 hits of 1% each and a final one dealing 4%. Can combo into forward or up air. 9% total.
Olimar The Pikmin that grabbed the opponent slams them on the ground. Can combo into neutral or forward air. Yellow: 8%, Red: 9%, Blue: 12%, Purple: 8%, White: 6%. All do 1% at first, then the rest as another hit.
Pac-Man Shoves opponent to the ground and bites them in his classic Pac-Man form, launching the foe horizontally for tech-chases. Can be followed up with a dash attack or key if the foe doesn't tech. 3 hits of 1%, then 6% (9% total).
Palutena Shoves opponent onto the ground with one hand. An easily guaranteed followup into forward air starting at 0% damage, and can then combo into up air at higher percents. 5%.
Peach Sits on the opponent, sending them behind Peach. Can combo into forward tilt, back aerial or Peach Parasol at low percentages. 1% then 7% (8% total).
Pikachu Slams the opponent. Can combo into up air. 4% then 6% (10% total).
Pit Slams opponent onto the ground, then slashes. Can combo into up smash at low percents, then into forward or up air. 5% then 1% (6% total).
R.O.B. Drills the opponent on the ground. Can notoriously combo opponents into up air even at high percents. 10%, no damage is done until the release.
Robin Moves his/her hand towards the ground, throwing the opponent onto it using magic. As of version 1.1.0 its base knockback has been reduced, allowing it to combo into an up tilt. 6%.
Rosalina & Luma Slams opponent onto the ground using gravitational power. 9%.
Roy Slams the opponent onto the ground. Can combo into forward or up tilt at low percentages, then into an aerial attack or Blazer (the latter being more dependent on the foe's reaction). 5%.
Ryu Punches opponent onto the ground with his fist. Can combo into up air. 5% then 4% (9% total).
Samus Slings opponent over her head then slams them down. Can combo into forward air or up air. 6%.
Sheik Throws the enemy down to the ground and flips into an axe kick at the enemy's midsection. Can combo into any of her aerials except down air, depending on the thrown character: notably, up air allows Sheik to perform a pseudo-chaingrab by using the down throw, landing all hits of the up air except the last hit, then grabbing the foe again for another down throw as they are launched down. 4% then 2% (6% total).
Shulk Holds the opponent on ground, then thrusts the Monado into them, launching them at a semi-spike angle. Becomes the strongest down throw in Smash 4 with the Smash Art activated. 3% then 4% (7% total).
Sonic Spin Dashes on the opponent, hitting them repeatedly, then sends them at a low semi-spike angle, allowing tech-chases into a dash attack or Spin Dash/Charge. 7% total.
Toon Link Throws opponent to the ground doing a spinning body slam afterwards falling on his opponent with his elbow. 7%.
Villager Hits the net against the ground, throwing the opponent. 6%.
Wario Pounds the opponent looking to the front of the screen, sending them behind him. 4% then 3% (7% total).
Wii Fit Trainer Slams opponent into ground with both hands through both legs. 7%.
Yoshi Spits opponent into the ground. Can true combo into up air by instantly using Yoshi's two jumps. 4%.
Zelda Throws opponent on the ground and burns them using Din's Fire. Can combo into neutral air, back air and up air. 5 hits, 6% total.
Zero Suit Samus Slams opponent on ground, lifts one leg up and steps on them. Can combo into up smash, forward air, back air, up air or Boost Kick. 5% then 2% (7% total).

List of down throws in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Character Description Damage
Banjo & Kazooie N/A N/A
Bayonetta Stomps on the opponent. 3% (stomp), 5% (throw)
Bowser Does a body slam onto the opponent. It does not have much utility, because of its high knockback, low knockback scaling, launch angle and ending lag. 10% (hit 1), 4% (throw)
Bowser Jr. Uses his Junior Clown Car to violently drill his opponent into the ground. 0.5% (hits 1-5), 4% (throw)
Captain Falcon Takes the opponent and slams them into the ground with one of his arms. A well-known combo starter for Captain Falcon; however, it has been made less reliable with its decreased base knockback and increased knockback scaling, which hinders its combo potential. Regardless, it can still combo into neutral, up and back aerials, as well as forward aerial, depending on the percentage and the opponent's weight and falling speed. 6%
Charizard Uses Flamethrower on the grounded opponent. Allows combos into up smash at low percents, and a neutral or forward aerial at mid percents. 1% (hits 1-5), 1% (throw)
Chrom Identical to Roy's. 5%
Cloud Slams the opponent to the ground with a one-handed body slam. Cloud's only reliable combo throw because of its low base knockback. 7%
Corrin Pins the opponent to the ground, then turns into dragon form and body slams them. 6.5% (hit 1), 3% (throw)
Daisy Identical to Peach's, but she uses a Blue Toad instead of Toad himself. 1% (hit 1), 7% (throw)
Dark Pit Identical to Pit's. 2% (hit 1), 4% (throw)
Dark Samus Identical to Samus's. 8%
Diddy Kong Jumps and throws the opponent on the ground. Can lead into Diddy's aerial attacks. 7%
Donkey Kong Slams the opponent onto the ground. Launches opponents horizontally. 7%
Dr. Mario Similar to Mario's, but it launches at a more vertical angle and has altered knockback, rendering it more effective for aerial follow-ups. 5.8%
Duck Hunt The dog sways his head downward and slams the opponent onto the ground. Can combo into Duck Hunt's aerials at mid to high percentages. 5%
Falco Lays the opponent onto the ground and then fires a point-blank shot from his Blaster. Combos into his dash attack, forward tilt, up smash, and his neutral and forward aerials. 2% (throw), 3% (Blaster shot)
Fox Slams the opponent into the ground and fires three rapid shots from his blaster. Can be used to follow into every aerial besides down aerial from low to mid percents depending on the opponent's DI. 2% (blaster shots), 1% (throw)
Ganondorf Throws the opponent down to the ground. Can be followed into his aerials and Wizard Foot at 0% to medium percentages. 7%
Greninja Slams the opponent onto the ground. A useful combo starter of Greninja's, being able to combo into a forward smash and Shadow Sneak at low percentages. 12%
Hero N/A N/A
Ice Climbers The leader grabs the opponent over their head with both hands and then slams them onto the ground. No longer has as much utility as their previous one, due to the removal of chain grabbing, though it combos into up aerial at mid percents. 6%
Ike Slams the opponent down to the ground, then stomps on them. Can be used to combo into a variety of moves such as up tilt, Aether, and every aerial besides down aerial. 3% (hit 1), 4% (throw)
Incineroar A chokeslam. Has combo potential during low percentages, being able to follow into a forward smash, all aerials except for down aerial, and Darkest Lariat. 9%
Inkling Slams the opponent head-first into the ground. Allows combos into forward and down tilt, as well as neutral aerial and forward aerial. 7%
Isabelle Turns her net horizontally and slams it into the ground. Resembles Villager's down throw. 6%
Ivysaur Uses its vines to hold the opponent above itself and slam them into the ground while doing a frontflip. Can start combos into up aerial or Vine Whip at high percents. 7%
Jigglypuff Pins the opponent to the ground and then rolls on them. 12%
Joker Magically slams the opponent onto the ground while posing and flourishing his left arm, sending the opponent bouncing upwards. An effective combo starter that can combo into aerials. It can also initiate long combo strings of falling up aerial's looping hits into grab, or Grappling Hook into followups. 7%
Ken Identical to Ryu's. 3% (hit; throw)
King Dedede Uses one hand to slam the opponent face-first onto the ground. It can combo into his aerials at low to medium percents. 6%
King K. Rool Performs a piledriver and slams the opponent into the ground, burying them in the process. Has the most versatility out of K. Rool's throws, being able to follow into forward tilt, up tilt, and be a KO option with forward and down smash at high percentages. 5%
Kirby The Fury Stomp from the Suplex ability. Kirby performs a series of downward kicks on the opponent. Kirby's most damaging throw that can be made useful for damage racking. 0.8% (hits 1-9), 1% (hit 10), 2% (throw)
Link Throws the opponent down to the ground and then falls on the opponent with a elbow drop. It has vertical knockback, allowing him to follow up with his up tilt, up smash, and up aerial. 3% (hit 1), 3% (throw)
Little Mac Puts the opponent onto the ground, and slams them with both his arms. Its increased knockback makes it harder to lead it into combos, when combined with its noticeable ending lag. 4% (hit), 3% (throw)
Lucario Lifts the opponent above its head before slamming them into the ground. Can combo into three forward aerials during low to mid percentages. 7%
Lucas Telekinetically slams the opponent's head into the ground. 11%
Lucina Identical to Marth's. 4%
Luigi Ground Pounds the opponent. The move is one of, if not the best combo starter of Luigi's, due to its ability to follow up into many of his moves, most noticeably his up tilt, up smash, all of his aerials, and Super Jump Punch. 3% (hit 1 and throw)
Mario Slams the opponent to the ground. It can be followed up with a variety of Mario's moves, including up aerial, back aerial and Super Jump Punch. On some tall and/or large characters, it can lead into an up tilt as well. 5%
Marth Throws the opponent to the ground with one of his arms, and it launches them upwards. Depending on DI, it can combo into a back aerial or tippered up aerial at low to mid percents. 4%
Mega Man Throws the opponent downward with his Super Arm. 4.5%
Meta Knight Performs Fury Stomp from Kirby's Suplex ability, but it is weaker compared to Kirby's down throw. Can combo into his aerials, up smash, and Shuttle Loop. 0.5% (hits 1-9), 1% (hit 10), 2% (throw)
Mewtwo Throws the opponent down to the ground and then strikes them with its tail. 4% (hit 1), 5% (throw)
Mii Brawler Karate chops the opponent into the ground. Can combo into aerials and up special moves. However, it does not have as much reliability as it did in SSB4 due to its increased knockback growth. 2% (chop), 4% (throw)
Mii Gunner Slams the enemy onto the ground. Allows more consistent aerial combos with its slightly reduced ending lag. 7%
Mii Swordfighter Slams the opponent onto the ground. Can lead into aerials. 2% (slam), 2% (throw)
Mr. Game and Watch Juggles the opponent and drops them into the ground. Due to the attack's increased knockback, it has worse follow-up potential compared to previous games. However, due to this, it gives down throw more KO potential. 4%
Ness Pins the opponent to the ground, jumps up and scorches them with PK Fire. A very noticable combo starter of Ness, having the ability to follow up into his neutral aerial, forward aerial and up aerial. 0.5% (hits 1-3), 1.5% (hit 4), 4% (throw)
Olimar The Pikmin grab the opponent and slam them to the ground. Olimar's main combo throw. Red: 1.2% (slam), 6.7% (throw) (3 Pikmin) / 1.1% (slam), 6.1% (throw) (2 Pikmin) / 1% (slam), 5.5% (throw) (1 Pikmin) Yellow: 1.2% (slam), 8.4% (throw) (3 Pikmin) / 1.1% (slam), 7.7% (throw) (2 Pikmin) / 1% (slam), 7% (throw) (1 Pikmin) Blue: 1.2% (slam), 14.2% (throw) (3 Pikmin) / 1.1% (slam), 13% (throw) (2 Pikmin) / 1% (slam), 11.8% (throw) (1 Pikmin) White: 1.2% (slam), 8.4% (throw) (3 Pikmin) / 1.1% (slam), 7.7% (throw) (2 Pikmin) / 1% (slam), 7% (throw) (1 Pikmin) Purple: 1.2% (slam), 8.4% (throw) (3 Pikmin) / 1.1% (slam), 7.7% (throw) (2 Pikmin) / 1% (slam), 7% (throw) (1 Pikmin)
Pac-Man Changes into his Classic Form and chomps on the opponent four times. Due to the throw's faster execution, it can be easier to use to set up tech-chases. 1.5% (hits 1-3), 6% (hit 4)
Palutena Telekinetically lifts the opponent, before slamming them down to the ground. Can combo into any of her aerials, depending on the opponent's DI. 5%
Peach Puts the opponent to the ground, and Toad headbutts the opponent into the ground. Has more combo potential compared to her previous throw. 1% (hit 1), 7% (throw)
Pichu Similar to Pikachu's, but deals more damage. 8%
Pikachu Pins the opponent down and on the ground. Can start combos into every aerial besides down aerial. 5%
Piranha Plant Pins the opponent to the ground and bites them twice. It can combo into an aerial at low percents, or a dash attack based on the opponents DI. 2.5% (hits 1-2), 3% (throw)
Pit Slams the opponent onto the ground, then slashes their back. Pit's best combo starter, as it can combo into an up smash at low percents, and into aerials besides down aerial during high percents. 2% (hit 1), 4% (throw)
Richter Identical to Simon's. 8%
Ridley Violently slams the opponent onto the ground. Allows combos into an up-angled forward role or down tilt at low percents. It can also be followed by every aerial besides down aerial at low to mid percents. 7%
R.O.B. Buries the opponent by drilling them into the ground by their head. 5%
Robin Slams the opponent onto the ground by using magic. No longer has any effective follow-ups due to its increased knockback. 6%
Rosalina & Luma Gravitationally slams the opponent down to the ground. 9%
Roy A one-armed body slam. Roy's most useful throw as it can follow into a forward or up tilt at low percent, as well as his aerials. 5%
Ryu Pins the opponent to the ground and strikes them with a punch. Allows follow-ups into his aerial attacks and Shoryuken until mid percents. 3% (hit; throw)
Samus Uses her Grapple Beam to swing the opponent over her head, then slam them onto the ground. A potent combo starter for Samus that follows into dash attack at low percents, and aerials at mid to high percents. 8%
Sheik Lays the opponent to the ground, and then performs a somersault axe kick. 3% (hit and throw)
Shulk Thrusts his Monado down to stab the pinned opponent. When Buster Art is activated, it gives the move more combo and/or KO potential. 3% (hit 1), 4% (throw)
Simon Grabs the opponent by the neck, and then slams them to the ground. Allows follows into his forward smash, forward tilt at 0%, and even set up tech rolls with Axe. 8%
Snake Gently puts the opponent onto the ground, leaving them helpless for a while. Depending on the opponent's percent, Snake can use this throw for tech-chases or follow-ups. Starting at 160%, the move true combos into up tilt. 9%
Sonic Pins the opponent onto the ground and then Spin Dashes on top of them. Useful for tech-chasing and edge-guards due to its semi-spike properties. 1% (hits 1-3), 5% (throw)
Squirtle Puts the opponent to the ground to slam them with its shell. It can lead into Waterfall and all of Squirtle's aerials. 2% (hit 1), 5% (throw)
Toon Link Throws opponent to the ground doing a spinning body slam, then falls.on his opponent with his elbow. Unlike Link and Young Link's down throws, this throw launches the opponent behind Toon Link, and the throw has minimal combo potential. 3% (hit), 4% (throw)
Villager Turns net horizontally and slams it into the ground. Can combo into a forward tilt and aerials at low to mid percentages, but it's not too reliable. 6%
Wario Throws the opponent to the ground, and then sits on them. 11%
Wii Fit Trainer Slams the opponent onto the ground between both legs, launching them behind the Trainer. Its decreased ending lag from Smash 4 gives it more follow-up potential. 7%
Wolf Grabs the opponent by the head, then does a leaping somersault to violently slam the opponent to the ground. Can combo into dash attack, or even set up tech-chases. 8.5%
Yoshi Spits the opponent down to the ground. Can follow into many of moves, including up tilt and Yoshi's aerials. 4%
Young Link Throws the opponent down to the ground and then falls on the opponent with a elbow drop. Similar to Link's. 6% (throw), 3% (collateral)
Zelda Shoves the opponent underneath her and uses Din's Fire to burn the opponent. Can allow follow ups into her aerials. 1.5% (hits 1-4), 2% (throw)
Zero Suit Samus Pins the opponent to the ground, lifts one of her legs up and slams it onto them. It no longer has as much combo utility due to the move's increased ending lag. 4% (hit), 4% (throw)

Notable down throws

  • Wolf's down throw sends opponents in a semi-spike trajectory. At low percentages it is a useful tech chasing move, while at high percentages it is a deadly throw near a ledge.
  • Lucas and Squirtle's down throws are the strongest in Brawl and are some of the strongest throws in the series.
  • King Dedede's down throw in Brawl is notable for its chain grabbing ability, it is the only throw that can chain grab at any percentage due to it having set knockback. It also allows wall infinites.
  • Falco's down throw in Brawl is also notable for the ability to chaingrab, as it can chain grab almost every character in the game.
  • Snake's down throw is arguably the best tech chasing move in Brawl.
  • Mr. Game & Watch's down throw in Brawl meteor smashes opponents on the ledge and isn't too far behind Snake's for tech chasing.
  • Sheik's down throw in the NTSC version of Melee is also notable for its chain grabbing ability, as it can chain grab most characters in the game. She can chain grab some characters from zero-to-death.
  • Most characters' down throws in Smash 4 easily allow true combos into aerial attacks from low to mid percentages.
  • Diddy Kong's down throw in Smash 4 is notable for being a direct combo into his up air or other aerials, even at high percents, on nearly any character. This potential to easily both combo and KO opponents has caused much controversy over the character. This combo became known as the "Hoo-Hah", due to StaticManny shouting the phrase whenever it happened to Hungrybox in a set vs. Player-1 at Paragon Orlando 2015. However, patches 1.0.6 and 1.0.8 nerfed Diddy Kong's down throw and up air, decreasing its power and damage and increasing his down throw's knockback respectively so that it will be harder to perform the "Hoo-hah" combo.
  • Luigi and Mr. Game & Watch in Smash 4 have the down throws with the best combo potential, giving them a large amount of combos in comparison to most other characters: Luigi's down throw can combo into up smash, any of his aerials, Luigi Cyclone and even Super Jump Punch to KO, while Mr. Game & Watch's can combo into jab, up tilt or up smash at low percents, then into any aerial, Fire, Oil Panic, or Judge - the last of which may lead to a OHKO in many scenarios if the result is 9.
  • While Shulk's down throw has little notability without any Monado Arts activated, it becomes a very damaging combo throw at 0% with Buster active, being able to chain into a forward tilt, forward smash, dash attack or forward aerial; a Buster-boosted down throw to forward smash can rack up as much as 35% in 2 moves. With the Smash Art active, this becomes the strongest down throw in the game, even more so when using the custom Hyper Monado Arts.
  • King K. Rool’s down throw is notorious for the ability to bury the opponent for a short amount of time. Because of this, it can create follows up into many of his moves. The down throw to down smash combo has become somewhat of a meme in the Smash community.
  • Ryu and Ken's down throws can break shields instantly, due to the fact they have 50 extra shield damage, and are the only throws to do so. Additionally, they, along with Marth and Lucina's fully-charged Shield Breaker, as well as the tipper of Ganondorf's Warlock Blade, are the only non-custom moves that deal 50 extra shield damage.


Exploiting a CPU with Snake's down throw
  • In the NTSC version of Melee, Bowser's down throw does no damage to Jigglypuff and Mr. Game & Watch. This was changed for Melee's PAL release and for Brawl. In Brawl, Jigglypuff is in a similar way unaffected by the first hit of Link's d-throw.
    • Similarly, when Ness uses his down throw against Mr. Game & Watch in Melee, only the last hit deals damage, so he only receives 4% damage.
  • No matter the level, a CPU attacked by Snake's down throw will always roll to the nearest ledge, instead of choosing another option. This makes it possible to infinite them using the move, or get a very easy KO with an up tilt.
  • In Melee, as the first nine hits of Kirby's down throw are meteor smashes, KOing with it awards the Meteor Smash bonus, as well as other related, even though neither the final hit nor the throw itself are a meteor smash.
    • In spite of this, the first hit of Peach's down throw is a meteor smash, but KOing a nearby character with it doesn't award the bonus.