User:Alex the weeb/Project C: the clone assessment project


So, what is Project C? This is an idea which was stolen from inspired by Toomai's Cloneosity project. Cloneosity is an attempt at determining how similar various "clone" characters are to each other, using boring stuff like numbers and statistics. In essence, this project has the same goal, however it will be focused exclusively on Ultimate, and features a completely overhauled methodology.

So, what's the difference?Edit

While Cloneosity takes a rather simplistic approach at gauging how similar fighters are, I intend to go much more in depth. Essentially, Cloneosity only considers whether the animations of the moves look similar, as this is an indication of whether or not a move was built from scratch or not, but I believe this to be flawed as an overall method. While it is useful to an extent, it inevitably leads to suspicious conclusions, such as Ganondorf and Captain Falcon being more similar than Lucas and Ness, despite Ganondorf having a completely different character archetype, playstyle, design and overall feel than Falcon, while Lucas shares all of these traits very closely with Ness. Perhaps there are some facets that are shared more closely between Ganondorf and Falcon, than between Lucas and Ness, but I think that categorizing Ganondorf as a semi-clone of Falcon, while Lucas gets away with being labled a pseudo-clone, is just one example of this method being flawed.

Simply put, only considering move animations, and not the moves' technical properties and functionality, nor the fighters' attributes (which play a major role in determining their character archetype), will only get you so far. It won't tell you how much a clone's playstyle, and general feel to the player, differ from their parents. In a game like Ultimate, where there is a large spectrum of degrees of clonehood, I believe a much deeper analysis of the fighters is required.

Effectively, I hope for this project to be more accurate, more precise, and more gameplay oriented than Cloneosity. Of course, like any method of assessing clones, it will also be flawed, but I hope it will be less flawed than its parent project. I present to you, Cloneosity's very own semi-clone: Project C!

The RulesEdit


Every move will be assessed and placed in to one of the following categories, each with their own assigned point values, which are as follows:

  • Identical moves (1 point) - Moves do not vary in any of the key categories. For all intents and purposes, the moves are functionally identical.
  • Copied moves (0.75 points) - Moves are mostly identical, but vary in one of the key categories. The functionality of the moves are therefore different.
  • Common moves (0.5 points) - Moves are similar to each other, and have a clear common descent, but vary in multiple key categories, and thus aren't cloned in the conventional sense.
  • Inspired moves (0.25 points) - This is the trickiest one. The moves have significant differences from each other, but it is reasonable to conclude that some inspiration was taken for the move. Previous common descent is a good way of establishing this.
  • Unique moves (0 points) - The moves are far too different from each other to be considered cloned to any degree.

Effectively, 0.25 points are scored for each key category that doesn't differ, and 0.25 points are scored for clear evidence of inspiration.

If you want a more human visualization, you can think of identical moves as being effectively flawlessly copied by the clone, copied moves being copied by the clone, not not perfectly, common moves being the clone putting their own spin on the move, and inspired moves being the clone taking inspiration from their parent's move, but ultimately doing their own thing with it.

Certain minor moves will not be assessed. These include things like pummels, floor attacks, edge attacks etc., as most of these moves are cloned across a large chunk of the cast anyway, so will just artificially inflate scores. Final smashes will also not be assessed, as these have no competitive relevance. Grabs will be lumped together, as typically they either all vary, or none of them do, and move counts will be standardized to 3 for jabs, and 1 for everything else, so as to prevent artificial inflation or deflation of scores. How this is done will become clear in the scoring section.


Important stats will also be considered when determining how similar fighters are. This is important, because a fighter's stats have a significant impact on their playstyle. Naturally, fighters with a large number of similar moves will still be forced to play differently if they have significant stat differences. Considered stats will be divided into 2 categories: major and minor. Additionally, if stats vary, but by less than 10%, the points scored will simply be halved, rather than negated entirely.


Major stats are worth 1 point each

  • Walk speed
  • Run speed
  • Air speed
  • Air acceleration
  • Fall speed
  • Gravity
  • Weight
  • Jump height (combined)


Minor stats are worth 0.5 points each

  • Initial dash speed and run accel*
  • Shield size and shield stance*
  • Traction
  • Fastfall speed

*Only one of these must vary to avoid scoring a point.

Any stats which are not mentioned above (such as walk accel and air friction) are too minor to be worth assessing here.

The key categoriesEdit

These are used to assess what category to place each move in.

  • Hitbox properties - The values found in attack scripts within hitbox flags. These include things like hitbox size, damage, knockback, launch angle etc. In some cases, the severity of the differences may be assessed, for example if the two moves' launch angles vary by just a couple of degrees, this may not be enough to be considered a difference in this key category. In such cases, a justification will be provided.
  • Frame data - The timing of the attack, including startup, active frames, ending lag and FAF, and in the case of aerials, landing lag and autocancel windows. As before, very minor differences may not qualify as a difference in this key category.
  • Animation - The attack's animation. This will not include particle effect changes, as these have no practical effect. Mirrored stances, or virtually imperceptible animation changes may not qualify as a difference in this key category.

In cases where the differences are too minor to qualify in an individual key category, but there are differences in multiple key categories, these differences will be considered to have half their usual weighting, putting the move into a category other than identical. For example, if there are minor differences in 2 key categories, it will be treated as a major difference in 1 key category, and thus the move will be considered copied, rather than identical.

Extra creditEdit

Extra credits (or perhaps more accurately, extra penalties) may be applied for differences which do not fit into the above sections, but are significant enough to warrant a reduction in the final score. Such extra credits may include body type differences, passive abilities, or anything else which has a significant effect on the feel and playstyle of the fighters. Binary passive abilities (those which are common to many fighters and either are or aren't present) such as crawling and wall jumping have halved weighting. Idle animations will not be considered, as these rarely come into play. Minor differences will also not qualify, such as Luigi being slightly taller than Mario, but otherwise having the same body type.


Below is a set of tables showing the individual point values for every move or stat, a brief explanation when applicable, and the total score, for each clone. Minor stats are indicated with small text. Only fighters covered on the Clone article will be assessed, but I plan on producing some bonus content later on.

Fighter: Luigi
Parent: Mario

Category Score Details
Walk speed 0.5 10% rule
Run speed 0.5 10% rule
Air speed 0
Air accel 0.5 10% rule
Fall speed 0
Gravity 0.5 10% rule
Weight 0.5 10% rule
Jump height 0
Initial dash/run accel 0.25 10% rule, both
Shield size/stance 0.25 10% rule, shield radius only
Traction 0.25 10% rule
Fastfall speed 0
Jab 1 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Ending lag only differs by 1 frame, too minor. Copied
Jab 2 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Common
Jab 3 0 Different in all 3 categories. No resemblance. Unique
Forward tilt 0.25 Different in all 3 categories, but animation is very derivative with common descent. Inspired
Up tilt 0 Different in all 3 categories. Lack of common descent, despite similar concept. Unique
Down tilt 0 Different in all 3 categories. Unique
Dash attack 0 Different in all 3 categories. Unique
Forward smash 0 Different in all 3 categories. Unique
Up smash 0.5 Different hitbox properties. Minor difference in animation and frame data (+1 active frame), weighting halved. Common
Down smash 0.25 Different in all 3 categories, but animation is very derivative with common descent. Inspired
Nair 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Common
Fair 0 Different in all 3 categories. Unique
Uair 0.25 Different in all 3 categories, but animation is very derivative with common descent. Inspired
Bair 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Common
Dair 0 Different in all 3 categories. Unique
Grabs 0 All differ in all 3 categories. Unique
Forward throw 0 Different in all 3 categories. Unique
Back throw 0 Different in all 3 categories. Unique
Up throw 0 Different in all 3 categories. Unique
Down throw 0 Different in all 3 categories. Unique
Neutral special 0.25 Different in all 3 categories, but same origin, and common descent. Inspired
Side special 0 Different in all 3 categories. Unique
Up special 0.25 Different in all 3 categories, but same origin, and common descent. Inspired
Down special 0 Different in all 3 categories. Unique
Extra credit -1 -0.5 Luigi can crawl, -0.5 Luigi cannot wall jump.
Total 6.25

Fighter: Dr. Mario
Parent: Mario

Category Score Details
Walk speed 0
Run speed 0
Air speed 0
Air accel 0
Fall speed 1
Gravity 1
Weight 1
Jump height 0
Initial dash/run accel 0 Both differ
Shield size/stance 0
Traction 0.25 10% rule
Fastfall speed 1
Jab 1 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Jab 2 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Jab 3 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Forward tilt 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Up tilt 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Down tilt 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Dash attack 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Forward smash 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Up smash 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Frame data differences minor (1 extra active frame). Copied
Down smash 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Nair 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Common
Fair 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Uair 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Frame data differences minor (2 extra frames landing lag). Copied
Bair 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Common
Dair 0 Different in all 3 categories. Unique
Grabs 1 Identical (all)
Forward throw 0.75 Different throw properties. Copied
Back throw 0 Different in all 3 categories. Unique
Up throw 0.75 Different throw properties. Copied
Down throw 0.75 Different throw properties. Copied
Neutral special 0.75 Different projectile properties. Copied
Side special 0.5 Different hitbox properties and animation (with common descent). Frame data differences minor (2 extra reflection frames). Common
Up special 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Down special 0 Different in all 3 categories. Unique
Extra credit 0
Total 19.5

Fighter: Young Link
Parent: Link

Category Score Details
Walk speed 0.5 10% rule
Run speed 0
Air speed 0.5 10% rule
Air accel 0
Fall speed 0
Gravity 1
Weight 0
Jump height 0
Initial dash/run accel 0 All differ, accel passes 10% rule
Shield size/stance 0 Both differ
Traction 0.25 10% rule
Fastfall speed 0.25 10% rule
Jab 1 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Jab 2 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Jab 3 0.25 Different animation and hitbox properties. Frame data almost identical. Inspired
Forward tilt 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Mirrored animation with clear common descent. Common
Up tilt 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down tilt 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Mirrored animation with clear common descent. Common
Dash attack 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Forward smash 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Mirrored animation with clear common descent. Common
Up smash 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Mirrored animation with clear common descent. Common
Down smash 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Mirrored animation with clear common descent. Common
Nair 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Mirrored animation with clear common descent. Common
Fair 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Mirrored animation with clear common descent. Common
Uair 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Bair 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Mirrored animation with clear common descent. Common
Dair 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Grabs 0 All differ in all 3 categories. Unique
Forward throw 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Back throw 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Up throw 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Down throw 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Neutral special 0.5 Different projectile properties and frame data. Mirrored animation with clear common descent. Common
Side special 0.5 Different projectile properties and frame data. Mirrored animation with clear common descent. Common
Up special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Down special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Extra credit -2 -1 Young Link has a very different body type. -0.5 Young Link has a rapid jab with a finisher. -0.5 Young Link has a Zair and can tether.
Total 7.75

Fighter: Dark Samus
Parent: Samus

Category Score Details
Walk speed 1
Run speed 1
Air speed 1
Air accel 1
Fall speed 1
Gravity 1
Weight 1
Jump height 1
Initial dash/run accel 0.5
Shield size/stance 0 Both differ
Traction 0.5
Fastfall speed 0.5
Jab 1 1 Identical
Jab 2 1 Identical
Jab 3 1 Both absent. Identical
Forward tilt 1 Identical
Up tilt 1 Identical
Down tilt 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Dash attack 0.75 Different animation. Copied
Forward smash 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Animation change minor. Copied
Up smash 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Animation change minor. Copied
Down smash 1 Animation change minor. Identical
Nair 1 Identical
Fair 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Uair 1 Identical
Bair 1 Identical
Dair 1 Identical
Grabs 1 Identical
Forward throw 1 Identical
Back throw 1 Identical
Up throw 1 Identical
Down throw 1 Identical
Neutral special 0.75 Different animation which affects fire height. Copied
Side special 0.75 Different animation which affects fire height. Copied
Up special 1 Identical
Down special 1 Identical
Extra credit -2 -1 Very different ground movement and jump animations. -1 Very different rolls
Total 29.75

Fighter: Falco
Parent: Fox

Category Score Details
Walk speed 0
Run speed 0
Air speed 0
Air accel 0
Fall speed 0
Gravity 0
Weight 0.5 10% rule
Jump height 0
Initial dash/run accel 0.25 10% rule, both
Shield size/stance 0 Size
Traction 0
Fastfall speed 0
Jab 1 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Jab 2 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Rapid jab/finisher 0 Both differ in all 3 categories. Unique
Forward tilt 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Up tilt 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down tilt 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Dash attack 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Forward smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Up smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down smash 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Nair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Fair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Uair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Bair 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Dair 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Grabs 0.25 All differ in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Forward throw 0.5 Different animations and throw properties, with clear common descent. Common
Back throw 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Up throw 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Down throw 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Neutral special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with the same origin and clear common descent. Inspired
Side special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with the same origin and clear common descent. Inspired
Up special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with the same origin and clear common descent. Inspired
Down special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with the same origin and clear common descent. Inspired
Extra credit 0
Total 4.5

Fighter: Pichu
Parent: Pikachu

Category Score Details
Walk speed 1
Run speed 0.5 10% rule
Air speed 0.5 10% rule
Air accel 1
Fall speed 0
Gravity 0
Weight 0
Jump height 0.5 10% rule
Initial dash/run accel 0 Run accel differs
Shield size/stance 0.25 Size differs, 10% rule
Traction 0
Fastfall speed 0.25 10% rule
Jab 1 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Frame data difference minor (1 frame less ending lag). Copied
Jab 2 1 Both absent
Jab 3 1 Both absent
Forward tilt 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Up tilt 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation differences minor. Common
Down tilt 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Animation differences minor. Copied
Dash attack 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation differences minor. Common
Forward smash 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Up smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down smash 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Nair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Fair 0.5 Different hitbox properties. Mirrored animation with minor differences. Common
Uair 0.5 Different hitbox properties and animation, with clear common descent. Frame data differences minor (1 extra active frame)
Bair 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Dair 0.5 Different hitbox properties and animation, with clear common descent. Frame data differences minor (autocancels earlier)
Grabs 0.25 Differ in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Forward throw 0.5 Different hitbox/throw properties and animation, with clear common descent. Frame data differences minor (throw release 3 frames earlier). Common
Back throw 0.5 Different throw properties and animation, with clear common descent. Common
Up throw 0.5 Different hitbox/throw properties. Animation and frame data changes minor, weighting halved. Common
Down throw 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Neutral special 0.5 Different projectile properties. Frame data and animation changes minor, weighting halved. Common
Side special 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Up special 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Down special 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Extra credit -2 -1 Recoil damage mechanic. -1 Very different body types.
Total 13

Fighter: Lucas
Parent: Ness

Category Score Details
Walk speed 0.5 10% rule
Run speed 0.5 10% rule
Air speed 0
Air accel 0.5 10% rule
Fall speed 0.5 10% rule
Gravity 0
Weight 1
Jump height 0
Initial dash/run accel 0 Both differ, run accel passes 10% rule
Shield size/stance 0.5
Traction 0
Fastfall speed 0.25 10% rule
Jab 1 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Jab 2 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Jab 3 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Forward tilt 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Up tilt 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down tilt 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Dash attack 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Forward smash 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent Inspired
Up smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Nair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Fair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Uair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Bair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Dair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Grabs 0 Differ in all 3 categories. Unique
Forward throw 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Back throw 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Up throw 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down throw 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Neutral special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Side special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with the same origin and clear common descent. Inspired
Up special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with the same origin and clear common descent. Inspired
Down special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with the same origin and clear common descent. Inspired
Extra credit -0.5 Lucas has a Zair and can tether
Total 4.75

Fighter: Ganondorf
Parent: Captain Falcon

Category Score Details
Walk speed 0
Run speed 0
Air speed 0
Air accel 0
Fall speed 0
Gravity 0
Weight 0
Jump height 0
Initial dash/run accel 0 Both differ. Run accel passes 10% rule
Shield size/stance 0 Size
Traction 0
Fastfall speed 0
Jab 1 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Jab 2 0 Absent for Ganondorf
Jab 3 0 Absent for Ganondorf
Forward tilt 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Up tilt 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down tilt 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Dash attack 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Forward smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Up smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Nair 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Fair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Uair 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Bair 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Dair 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Grabs 0 All differ in all 3 categories. Unique
Forward throw 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Back throw 0.5 Different hitbox/throw properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Up throw 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Down throw 0.5 Different throw properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Neutral special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Side special 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Although common descent is present, the moves have diverged very far. Unique
Up special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Down special 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor Inspired
Extra credit -0.5 -0.5 Ganondorf can't walljump.
Total 3.75

Fighter: Daisy
Parent: Peach

Category Score Details
Walk speed 1
Run speed 1
Air speed 1
Air accel 1
Fall speed 1
Gravity 1
Weight 1
Jump height 1
Initial dash/run accel 0.5
Shield size/stance 0.5
Traction 0.5
Fastfall speed 0.5
Jab 1 1 Identical
Jab 2 1 Identical
Jab 3 1 Both absent
Forward tilt 1 Identical
Up tilt 1 Identical
Down tilt 1 Identical
Dash attack 1 Identical
Forward smash 1 Identical
Up smash 1 Identical
Down smash 1 Identical
Nair 1 Identical
Fair 1 Identical
Uair 1 Identical
Bair 1 Identical
Dair 1 Identical
Grabs 1 Identical
Forward throw 1 Identical
Back throw 1 Identical
Up throw 1 Identical
Down throw 1 Identical
Neutral special 1 Identical
Side special 1 Identical
Up special 1 Identical
Down special 1 Identical
Extra credit 0
Total 34

Fighter: Lucina
Parent: Marth

Category Score Details
Walk speed 1
Run speed 1
Air speed 1
Air accel 1
Fall speed 1
Gravity 1
Weight 1
Jump height 1
Initial dash/run accel 0.5
Shield size/stance 0.5
Traction 0.5
Fastfall speed 0.5
Jab 1 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Jab 2 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Jab 3 1 Both absent
Forward tilt 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Up tilt 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Down tilt 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Dash attack 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Forward smash 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Up smash 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Down smash 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Nair 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Fair 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Uair 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Bair 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Dair 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Grabs 1 Identical
Forward throw 1 Identical
Back throw 1 Identical
Up throw 1 Identical
Down throw 1 Identical
Neutral special 0.5 Different hitbox properties and animation, but with the same origin and clear common descent. Common
Side special 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Up special 1 Identical
Down special 0.5 Different hitbox properties and animation, but with the same origin and clear common descent. Common
Extra credit 0
Total 29.25

Fighter: Roy
Parent: Marth

Category Score Details
Walk speed 0
Run speed 0.5 10% rule
Air speed 0
Air accel 0
Fall speed 0
Gravity 0
Weight 0.5 10% rule
Jump height 0
Initial dash/run accel 0
Shield size/stance 0 Both differ
Traction 0.25 10% rule
Fastfall speed 0
Jab 1 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Jab 2 0 Absent
Jab 3 1 Both absent
Forward tilt 0.25 Different hitbox properties and animation. Frame data differences minor (1 fewer active frames). Inspired
Up tilt 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down tilt 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Dash attack 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Forward smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Up smash 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Copied
Down smash 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Copied
Nair 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Copied
Fair 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Uair 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Copied
Bair 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Copied
Dair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Grabs 0.75 Different frame data. Grabbox changes minor (slightly less extended). Copied
Forward throw 0.75 Different throw properties. Animation changes minor. Copied
Back throw 0.5 Different throw properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Up throw 0.75 Different throw properties. Animation changes minor. Copied
Down throw 0.5 Different throw properties. Animation and frame data changes minor, weighting halved. Common
Neutral special 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Although common descent is present, the moves have diverged very far. Unique
Side special 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Frame data changes minor (final attacks only have slightly more ending lag). Copied
Up special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Down special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with the same origin and clear common descent. Inspired
Extra credit 0
Total 10.25

Fighter: Chrom
Parent: Roy

Category Score Details
Walk speed 1
Run speed 1
Air speed 1
Air accel 1
Fall speed 1
Gravity 1
Weight 1
Jump height 1
Initial dash/run accel 0.5
Shield size/stance 0.5
Traction 0.5
Fastfall speed 0.5
Jab 1 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Animation changes minor. Copied
Jab 2 1 Both absent
Jab 3 1 Both absent
Forward tilt 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Animation changes minor. Copied
Up tilt 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Animation changes minor. Copied
Down tilt 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Dash attack 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Forward smash 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Up smash 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Down smash 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Nair 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Fair 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Uair 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Bair 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Dair 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Grabs 1 Identical
Forward throw 1 Identical
Back throw 1 Identical
Up throw 1 Identical
Down throw 1 Identical
Neutral special 1 Hitbox property changes minor. Identical
Side special 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Up special 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down special 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Extra credit 0
Total 29.25

Fighter: Dark Pit
Parent: Pit

Category Score Details
Walk speed 1
Run speed 1
Air speed 1
Air accel 1
Fall speed 1
Gravity 1
Weight 1
Jump height 1
Initial dash/run accel 0.5
Shield size/stance 0.5
Traction 0.5
Fastfall speed 0.5
Jab 1 1 Identical
Jab 2 1 Identical
Jab 3/rapid jab 1 Identical
Forward tilt 1 Identical
Up tilt 1 Identical
Down tilt 1 Identical
Dash attack 1 Identical
Forward smash 1 Identical
Up smash 1 Identical
Down smash 1 Identical
Nair 1 Identical
Fair 1 Identical
Uair 1 Identical
Bair 1 Identical
Dair 1 Identical
Grabs 1 Identical
Forward throw 1 Identical
Back throw 1 Identical
Up throw 1 Identical
Down throw 1 Identical
Neutral special 0.75 Different projectile properties. Copied
Side special 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Up special 1 Identical
Down special 1 Identical
Extra credit 0
Total 33.5

Fighter: Toon Link
Parent: Young Link

Category Score Details
Walk speed 0.5 10% rule
Run speed 0.5 10% rule
Air speed 0.5 10% rule
Air accel 0
Fall speed 0
Gravity 0
Weight 0.5 10% rule
Jump height 0.5 10% rule
Initial dash/run accel 0 Both differ. Run accel passes 10% rule
Shield size/stance 0.25 10% rule, size
Traction 0
Fastfall speed 0
Jab 1 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Jab 2 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Jab 3 0.5 Different hitbox properties. Frame data and animation changes minor, weighting halved. Common
Forward tilt 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Up tilt 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Down tilt 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Dash attack 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Forward smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Up smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down smash 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Nair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Fair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Uair 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Bair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Dair 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Grabs 0.25 Differ in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Forward throw 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Back throw 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Up throw 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Down throw 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Neutral special 0.5 Different projectile properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Side special 0.5 Different projectile properties and animation. Common
Up special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Down special 0.5 Different projectile properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Extra credit -1.5 -1 Toon Link has a very different body type. -0.5 Toon Link lacks a rapid jab or finisher
Total 8

*Toon Link was Young Link's replacement in Brawl, and served as a more extreme version of Young Link's archetype. In Ultimate, he has more in common with Young Link than Link, and thus only this pairing will be assessed.

Fighter: Wolf
Parent: Fox

Category Score Details
Walk speed 0
Run speed 0
Air speed 0
Air accel 1
Fall speed 0
Gravity 0
Weight 0
Jump height 0
Initial dash/run accel 0 Run accel
Shield size/stance 0 Both differ
Traction 0.25 10% rule
Fastfall speed 0
Jab 1 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Jab 2 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Jab 3/rapid jab 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Forward tilt 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Up tilt 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down tilt 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Dash attack 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Forward smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Up smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Nair 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Fair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Uair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Bair 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Dair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Grabs 0.5 Different grabbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor.
Forward throw 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Back throw 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Up throw 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down throw 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Neutral special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Side special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Up special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Down special 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Extra credit 0
Total 3.25

Fighter: Isabelle
Parent: Villager

Category Score Details
Walk speed 0.5 10% rule
Run speed 0.5 10% rule
Air speed 0.5 10% rule
Air accel 1
Fall speed 0.5 10% rule
Gravity 0
Weight 0.5 10% rule
Jump height 1
Initial dash/run accel 0.5
Shield size/stance 0 Both differ
Traction 0.5
Fastfall speed 0.25 10% rule
Jab 1 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Jab 2 0 Absent
Jab finisher 0 Absent
Forward tilt 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Up tilt 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down tilt 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Animation changes minor. Common
Dash attack 0.75 Different frame data. Animation changes minor. Copied
Forward smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Up smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Down smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Nair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Fair 1 Animation changes minor. Identical
Uair 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Animation changes minor. Copied
Bair 1 Animation changes minor. Identical
Dair 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Animation changes minor. Copied
Grabs 0.75 Different animations, with clear common descent. Frame data changes minor (1 frame less startup on dash grab only). Copied
Forward throw 0.75 Different throw properties. Animation changes minor. Copied
Back throw 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Up throw 0.25 Differs in all 3 categories, but with clear common descent. Inspired
Down throw 0.5 Different throw properties and animation, with clear common descent. Common
Neutral special 1 Animation changes minor (failure only). Identical
Side special 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Up special 0.5 Different frame data and animation, with clear common descent. Common
Down special 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Extra credit -0.5 Isabelle can tether.
Total 14.25

Fighter: Ken
Parent: Ryu

Category Score Details
Walk speed 0
Run speed 0
Air speed 1
Air accel 1
Fall speed 1
Gravity 1
Weight 1
Jump height 1
Initial dash/run accel 0 Both differ
Shield size/stance 0.5
Traction 0.5
Fastfall speed 0.5
Jab 1 0.5 Light version identical, heavy version unique.
Jab 2 1 Identical
Jab 3 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Forward tilt 0.5 Light version identical, heavy version unique.
Up tilt 1 Identical
Down tilt 1 Identical
Dash attack 1 Identical
Forward smash 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Up smash 1 Identical
Down smash 1 Identical
Nair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Fair 1 Identical
Uair 0 Differs in all 3 categories. Unique
Bair 1 Identical
Dair 1 Identical
Grabs 1 Identical
Forward throw 1 Identical
Back throw 0.5 Different frame data and animation, with clear common descent. Common
Up throw 1 Frame data changes minor (collateral hit window 2 frames later). Identical
Down throw 1 Identical
Neutral special 0.75 Different projectile properties. Frame data changes minor (1 extra frame startup). Copied
Side special 0.5 Different hitbox properties and frame data. Common
Up special 0.75 Different hitbox properties. Copied
Down special 0.5 Different hitbox properties and animation, with the same origina and clear common descent. Frame data changes minor (hitbox window 1 frame later). Common
Extra credit -2 Ken has 2 unique command input moves, Oosoto Mawashi Geri and Nata Otoshi Geri. -1 for each.
Total 23.25

Fighter: Richter
Parent: Simon

Category Score Details
Walk speed 1
Run speed 1
Air speed 1
Air accel 1
Fall speed 1
Gravity 1
Weight 1
Jump height 1
Initial dash/run accel 0.5
Shield size/stance 0.5
Traction 0.5
Fastfall speed 0.5
Jab 1 1 Identical
Jab 2 1 Identical
Jab 3 1 Identical
Forward tilt 1 Identical
Up tilt 1 Identical
Down tilt 1 Identical
Dash attack 1 Identical
Forward smash 1 Identical
Up smash 1 Identical
Down smash 1 Identical
Nair 1 Identical
Fair 1 Identical
Uair 1 Identical
Bair 1 Identical
Dair 1 Identical
Grabs 1 Identical
Forward throw 1 Identical
Back throw 1 Identical
Up throw 1 Identical
Down throw 1 Identical
Neutral special 1 Identical
Side special 1 Identical
Up special 1 Identical
Down special 1 Hitbox property changes minor (attack effect: fire -> aura). Identical
Extra credit 0
Total 34


Here, I have graphed the scores of each fighter, to help visualize their scores relative to each other. Echo Fighters' bars are coloured red. This is the result:


As you can see, there are certainly some controversial picks here, but overall I think this has turned out pretty well. The fact that Echo Fighters naturally floated to the top of the scoreboard is certainly reassuring. So now, the question inevitably becomes: "how would you classify each of the clones"? To be honest, I don't think the 3 category model used on the Clone article is no longer nuanced enough to satisfactorily categories the clones, as of Ultimate. But, if I had to categorize them, based on the graph, this is how I would divide the categories:


Final thoughtsEdit

Obviously, the results I obtained don't quite line up with the current interpretations on the Clone article. That's ok. I very much expected that, since it uses a similar method to Cloneosity, and therefore, in my opinion, is also somewhat problematic. Maybe my take on assessing the clones of Ultimate might help, but I'd be lying if I said I expected that to be the case, since the Wiki seems pretty set in its ways about this.

If you have any questions, suggested improvements, or general comments about this project, please be sure to voice them on the talk page. Thanks for viewing!


Disclaimer: unless stated otherwise, assume that any bonus content is opinion-based.

DLC Loaned MovesEdit

Loaned moves are moves that resemble a move that another fighter possesses, but which belong to a non-clone character. DLC fighters have quite a few of these.


Move Origin Similarity
Forward tilt Ganondorf ftilt Medium
Forward-down tilt (hit 2) Ryu/Ken up throw + Ken heavy jab Medium
Back tilt Ryu heavy jab/Ken Oosoto Mawashi Geri High
Devil Wings Wing Blitz Low
Forward smash Mii Brawler fsmash Low
Up smash Ryu/Ken usmash Medium
Neutral air Ryu/Ken Dair High
Forward air Terry Fair High
Up air Ken Uair Medium
Back air Terry Bair High
Down air Bayonetta Dair Low