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Palutena (SSB4)

Revision as of 01:07, September 27, 2015 by (talk) (Forgot something.)
This article is about Palutena's appearance in Super Smash Bros. 4. For the character in other contexts, see Palutena.
in Super Smash Bros. 4
Universe Kid Icarus
Availability Starter
Final Smash Black Hole Laser
Palutena Alights!
—Introduction Tagline

Palutena (パルテナ, Palutena) is a character from the Kid Icarus series. She was confirmed as a playable fighter alongside the Mii Fighters and Pac-Man in Super Smash Bros. 4 during E3 2014 on June 10th, 2014. As the Goddess of Light, she fights using powers she granted Pit (and other angels in the multiplayer) in Kid Icarus: Uprising.

She is voiced in Japanese by Aya Hisakawa (who reprises her role from Uprising) and in English by Brandy Kopp, the latter replacing Ali Hillis due to availability conflicts.


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Palutena is totally different from most character archtypes: she is a lightweight character (though one of the heaviest ones) with solid ground movement, having above average walking speed, a very fast dashing speed (being the 11th fastest dasher), and high traction (and a decent perfect pivot, having a value of 3.5). She also has above-average jumping height and the highest air acceleration. However, she has low air speed, high gravity, below-average falling speed, slow attacks and a tall frame, making her susceptible to knockback and getting punished. Also her moveset notably varies whether grounded or aerial: on the ground, she possesses many long-ranged, disjointed moves that allow her to space and zone out opponents on her jab, forward tilt, up tilt, down tilt and smash attacks. a fairly good punish game with useful, decently powerful options that are relatively fast in startup, and a notably good comboing game that further cements her punish and damage racking options.

With her default moveset, Palutena's primary strenght consists of her erratic movement with her unarguably best special move, Warp, most notably on levels with platforms. It can be ledge-cancelled easier than other teleports, which allows her to act almost immediately out if it. This can be used as a strategy-planning technique, as it allows her to quickly move throughout the stage, allowing for stage control, positioning, retreating, movement and getting out of juggles. She is the only character in the game that possesses both a reflector and a counter on her default moveset, allowing her to deal with both powerful and aggressive foes like Ganondorf, and camping foes like Villager. She has at her disposal one of the best jabs, and it is possibly her best ground attack since it has long range for a jab and it has pretty good damage racking capabilities, along with decent power. It can also be jab cancelled quite early, letting it combo into a grab, another jab, or a back air or up smash at very high percents, although it unfortunately has slow startup for a jab.

Palutena's grab game is also pretty good, with her grab being able to be comboed from a jab or an auto-cancelled forward aerial (at low percents), and her grab range is pretty large for a non-tether grab, and she also posseses one of the best pummels in the game as it does high damage while its speed is decent. Her back throw is her strongest throw as it can KO at high percents with enough rage, usually starting at 150%, while her down throw is her best throw as it sends opponents on a favorable angle for combos; it can combo into a forward aerial, neutral aerial or a RAR back aerial at low percents, an up smash or an up aerial at high percents, or a down aerial near the ledge. She also has a notably good comboing ability thanks to her aforementioned down throw, forward aerial and jab being able to start combos, and all aerials but down aerial being able to combo into the other if properly read the opponent's DI. Her punishing game is also fairly good thanks to her aforementioned combo game, her long-lasting tilts and her powerful smash attacks, which have disjointed hitboxes and relatively fast startup, and her forward and down smashes having windboxes at the tip. Finally, she has also got two moves with temporary invincibility, her dash attack and back aerial, which have invincibility frames that last as long as their hitboxes remain active.

As a character with a lot of different custom moves, Palutena is also one the most customizable characters. She has many different custom special moves that can be used whether for long-ranged or close-ranged combat, having many different options to choose from. And when these are turned on, she gets a significant amount of approach, mix-ups, recovery, and follow-up options. Explosive Flame can be used to space out opponents in the neutral while refreshing her other moves, while Heavenly Light is a superb option in Doubles play when paired with Ness, Lucas or the Mii Gunner (with Absorbing Vortex equipped) as it can provide them with reliable recovery in a critical moment. Angelic Missile can aid her recovery without leaving her helpless and also gives her another KO option when offstage, but Super Speed can be used as a mindgame, mix-ups, and mobility option as it allows her to damage opponents and set up an attack. In the air when canceled with a jump, its momentum is maintained with huge horizontal distance, allowing Palutena to approach with an aerial attack or escape pressures above. Jump Glide has great horizontal and decent vertical recovery. It can be used as an approach by acting out of it with an aerial attack. Although Palutena takes doubled damage (but not knockback) under Lightweight effect, her speed and jumping prowess are increased, improving her off stage game, and she can nearly guarantee landing her KO set ups from her down throw to up aerial at high percentage. It is also worth mentioning that with the proper use of Super Speed and Lightweight customs as a recovery, Palutena will have one of the best recoveries in the game when combined with Warp or Jump Glide.

Her custom moveset isn't flawless, however. Explosive Flame has set range, meaning that it can be predicted and avoided quite easily, and Heavenly Light has no use outside of Doubles play. Super Speed can get predictable as she relies on it with customs turned on, while Angelic Missile is easily predicted as a KO move and is normally outclassed by Super Speed, despite its slightly better recovery prowess. Jump Glide must be used carefully when recovering as she can get gimped before it ends and as she cannot do anything until she hits the ground outside of grabbing the ledge if this happens, this may lead to a KO. While Celestial Fireworks can be used as an anti-air option, it is generally outclassed by her other options. Finally, Rocket Jump is unarguably her worst custom special as it doesn't have too much KO power, it cannot be easily landed in a neutral position, and it provides the least vertical distance of her recovery moves and little to no horizontal movement.

Her flaws do not end there, as without customs, Palutena is near crippled entirely by a huge amount of drawbacks. Her high gravity harms her overall as it makes her vulnerable to meteor smashes, it gives her one of the worst vertical survivabilities despite not being as light or faling as slow as other characters like Zelda, and it hinders her recovery, especially when considering her low air speed, and despite her above-average jumping prowess. She is also prone to be juggled due to her below-average falling speed and her aforementioned high gravity as her anti-juggling options are downright bad outside Warp. Her default special moveset is infamous for being unarguably the worst of all the cast, with almost all her specials having very limited utility: her projectile in Autorecticle is one of the worst projectiles in the game as it is easily avoided, it has long startup lag after it locks on an opponent, long duration and high ending lag should it miss, and it can be outbeaten by many projectiles with enough priority. While Warp has good range, it is gimpable at the start/ending of the move as it does not have a hitbox nor gives invincibility/intangibility frames before and after execution making it the worst teleport. Reflect Barrier and Counter are both easily punishable and slow on both execution and ending, and they are pretty weak for their utility (with Counter even having a sourspot), making them the worst of their kind. She also has one of the laggiest movesets in the game despite not being a heavyweight: she lacks ground attacks with quick execution, meaning she must look for gaps in the opponent's strategy to press the offensive, she has many moves with long duration wich leave her wide open and in a punishable position, and she has high ending lag overall among her moveset (jab finisher, forward tilt, dash attack, all smashes, almost all of her aerial attacks, all grabs and all her specials except Warp). This makes her ironically the most punishable fighter in the game despite having a good punishing game, which is further exacerbated by her lightweight and tall frame. Her laggy moveset also carries along low damage output overall, as well as notable KO problems, with her smashes having long punishable ending lag, up aerial being avoidable and punishable, and having other attacks that aren't that powerful like her back throw and some that require proper spacing, like her back aerial. Finally none of her custom moves address her KO problems outside of her up aerial and possibly up smash (as it's possible to hit an opponent with the hitbox on Super Speed and follow up with her up smash), and she still has to work around the rest of her laggy moveset in general to refresh her special moves and avoid getting predictable.

Game updates have seen Palutena has received a mix of buffs and nerfs. She has received some decent buffs starting in update 1.0.4, as the duration on her up smash was increased and the endlag on her tilts was decreased. In 1.0.8, her up tilt has become a better spacing option due to its better damage output and its newfound efficiency to lock opponents on the rest of the attack. Finally, in 1.1.0, the range on her staff-based attacks has increased, her down tilt is an even safer move for spacing due to its decreased endlag, her grabs are safer due to their lower ending lag, and her forward tilt has reversed properties on its hitboxes, making it better at punishing spot dodges and rolls. However, she received a few nerfs as well, with most notably in 1.0.4, the range on her pivot grab was decreased, and in 1.0.6, a bug was fixed in Super Speed, which is a nerf overall as she can no longer store her momentum after a jump canceled attack. Overall, the range on her attacks and neutral game are slightly better than before, but she has lost some of the utility she had in her large pivot grab and some of the gimmicks on her custom moveset, and it currently means Palutena has been slightly nerfed overall as the lag problems on her moveset still linger.

Overall, Palutena, with customs on, is a character that needs to be on the move while overwhelming her opponents with her high speed and combos, while spacing them out when needing to refresh her most important moves. However, with her default moveset, she is a defensive-minded character with a higher learning curve than other perceivedly low tiered characters, who relies on turtle for a good portion of the match until an opening can be found, as long as she isn't left wide open as well, even with her good mobility. This is especially true when platforms aren't present. Generally speaking, Palutena with customs on is in a much better position than in default, with her tournament placings with customs turned on being more favorable as demonstrated by smashers like AeroLink, and some professional smashers arguing that, with customs turned on, she does rank favorably, as a mid or mid-high tier character. However, with customs turned off, most of her mains fail to place high with her in a default setting, with some of them either using her as a counterpick or dropping her in favor of another character as she sometimes gets outclassed by other bottom tiered-characters, which gives her an extremely low representation in tournament play, making it doubtful whether or not she has a niche in tournament play without using a single custom move, with many smashers agreeing that, with customs turned off, she is one of the worst, and possibly, the worst character in the game. Because Palutena's custom moves are all available by default and make her far more viable without making her "broken", there is some debate in the community as to whether her custom moves should be allowed as a special case if disallowing customs becomes the norm.

Update history


  •   Up tilt and down tilt have less endlag.
  •   Up Smash's hitbox lasts for three frames longer.
  •   Pivot grab range reduced.


  •   Up air has improved visual effects.


  •   Fixed where Super Speed's momentum being maintained after jump canceled attacks.


  •   Up tilt hitboxes moved from bone 1000 to bone 0 (the hitboxes are now centered around her rather than her staff, meaning the loop hits link better into themselves).
  •   Up tilt (loop hits) damage increased: 1% → 1.2%


  •   Forward tilt has increased hitbox sizes: 3.8/2.5 → 4.1/2.8
  •   Frames 17-24 and 25-39 of forward tilt have reversed properties (Angle in frames 17-24: Sakurai angle → 48° and its knockback growth: 100 → 65, while the angle in frames 25-39: 48° → Sakurai angle and its knockback growth: 65 → 100).
  •   Down tilt has increased hitbox sizes: 2.4/1.9 → 2.7/2.1
  •   Down tilt has less ending lag.
  •   Neutral aerial has increased hitbox sizes: 3.0 → 3.4
  •   Forward aerial damage increased: 7% → 8%
  •   All grabs have 2 less frames of ending lag.


  Name Damage Description
Neutral attack   3% Holds her staff out and releases a multi-hit flash from the orb before knocking the enemy away with an upwards swipe. Long range and Palutena's best ground attack. It is useful for spacing. When jab canceled, she can combo into grabs or another jab at low percent, and back aerial and up smash at very high percents. Finishing hit has decent power, but long ending lag, and the first hit has extremely slow startup for a jab due to it coming out on frame 8.
1% (loop), 3% (last)
Forward tilt   6% (staff head), 4% (staff tail) Makes her staff spin in the air in front of her, hitting the enemy up to three times. Long duration, good range, and can be used to punish spot-dodges and rolls. However, it leaves her vulnerable to other attacks due to its long duration and high ending lag.
Up tilt   1.2% (loop hits), 2.5% (last hit staff head), 1.5% (last hit staff tail), 8.7%/9.7% if all hits connect Kneels and makes her staff spin in the air above her, hitting the enemy up to seven times. Long duration and decent vertical range. When she performs this attack, Palutena's hitbox becomes very low, allowing her to stop most aerials above her, especially poorly executed stall-then-fall attacks like Bowser's Bowser Bomb. It also can be used for punishing the opponent's air dodge. However, like her forward tilt, it leaves her vulnerable to other attacks due to its long duration (though it comes out faster than her forward tilt). It also has little horizontal range. Good KO potential at very high percents, usually starting at 145%.
Down tilt   8.5% (staff head), 5% (staff tail) Makes her staff spin along the ground in front of her. It is her fastest tilt, and it can be interrupted noticeably earlier than her other tilts. Great spacing tool and can be used to catch spot dodgers and rolls. Good for ledgeguarding. It has less vertical range than her forward tilt.
Dash attack   9% (clean), 5% (late) Bashes the enemy with her shield. The shield can block attacks due to the attack having invincibility frames (12 frames). Large hitbox. Can be used to catch landing opponents and combo into other moves if read the opponents reaction. However, it has long endlag. Has a decent KO potential at very high percentage, starting at 150%. Can reflect.
Forward smash   16% (near), 13% (far) Creates ethereal wings and swings them in front of herself. Comes out quickly and has has high knockback and long horizontal range, giving it great KO potential. Has a sourspot near the tip of the wings, which deals less knockback. It also has a windbox at the tip of the wings that can autospace this move if it fails, and to gimp some some recoveries. High ending lag (48 frames). Can KO at 100% when sweetspotted, KOs in the 120s range when sourspotted.
Up smash   16% (bottom), 12% (middle), 9% (top) Conjures a blue beam of light from the ground in front of her, firing it high up into the air. It has the highest range of any up smash in the game and it comes out quickly along with having great KO potential, making it one of the best up smashes. Excellent for edgeguarding, especially after a ledge trump. Can be used in a conjunction with a down throw by reading opponent's air dodge. However, it has thin horizontal range and high ending lag (though it is her smash attack with the least endlag at 43 frames). Can KO at 100% when sweetspotted.
Down smash   15% (clean), 13% (late) Creates ethereal wings and flaps them down on either side of her. It also has a windbox at the tip of the wings that can autospace this move if it fails, and to gimp some some recoveries. High knockback. Can be used to catch rolls. However, it has very high ending lag (being her smash attack with the most endlag at 53 frames) making it less safe than her forward smash, and one of the worst down smashes in the game. It KOs at 114% and sends opponents vertically if clean, though it KOs at 145% and sends opponents at a semi-spike when late.
Neutral aerial   1.5% (loop hits), 4% (last hit), 11.5% if all hits connect Spins her staff around her. The first five hits have the auto-link angle, which can potentially trap opponents in the rest of the attack. Good for pressuring opponents on platform above and catching out of air dodge. Can combo into aerial or ground attacks at low percentage.
Forward aerial   8% Dropkicks in front of herself. Long horizontal hitbox and low landing lag. Good spacing tool and can combo into grabs and other attacks. It can also be auto-cancelled from SHFF. It is less safe on shield since it delivers less shield stun. Not very much duration, and has relatively high ending lag.
Back aerial   12% (shield), 9% (arm) Hits with her shield behind herself. The shield can block attacks due to the attack granting her invincibility frames (8 frames). Can beat out most aerial attacks and certain projectiles. Comes out one frame faster than her forward air, it has low landing lag and can be auto-cancelled from a short hop. However, it is easy to miss if the opponents is too close to Palutena since it does not have a hitbox around her, and it has very high ending lag for an aerial (41 frames).
Up aerial   1% (loop hits), 5% (last hit), 9% if all hits connect Twirls and then lights up her halo, which hits up to five times. The first four hits have the -link angle, which can potentially trap opponents in the rest of the attack. Long duration and can be used to pressure aerial opponents above her. Has a great KO potential at high percentage. However, it has fairly high ending lag (24 frames). Interestingly enough, this attack has more interruptible frames than auto-canceling frames, as if she uses this attack in certain distance above the ground, even if she finished using this move, she'll suffer from high ending lag, meaning it cannot be auto-cancelled at all. This can, however, be avoided by using other attack with lower ending lag before she hits the ground, like her forward air. Has weak meteor properties when fast-falling, making it possible to combo into another grab at low percentages despite its ending lag.
Down aerial   9% Performs an arcing kick below herself, meteor smashing anyone below her. This attack has no late hits, meaning it will always meteor smash. Can be used as an out of shield option. However, it lasts for only one frame and it has very low range, making it difficult to land, as well as having long ending lag, though it doesn't have high landing lag.
Grab   Holds her staff vertically in front of herself, magically trapping the enemy. Fairly large grab range, though it has some ending lag.
Pummel   3.1% Blasts the enemy with light.
Forward throw   9% Pushes the enemy away with her magic. It is Palutena's weakest throw in terms of knockback, though it can be used to throw opponents off the ledge for an edge-guard.
Back throw   10% Performs a ballet-inspired throw, which launches the enemy at a 180 degree angle behind herself. Launches at the Sakurai angle. It is her strongest throw, and it can KO at high percents depending on weight, rage, staleness and DI. However, due to the angle it launches opponents away, and its low scaling, it is easily DI'd to avoid getting KO'd.
Up throw   8% Sends the enemy into the air with her staff. Can be used to pressure opponents in the air with aerial attacks or an up tilt.
Down throw   5% Magically shoves the enemy into the ground. Ideal for combos and KO set-up; depending on opponent's DI, it can combo into a neutral, forward, back or up aerial, and even an up smash by reading the opponent's air dodge. It can also combo into a down aerial near the ledge for a potential meteor smash.
Forward roll
Back roll
Spot dodge
Air dodge
Floor attack (front)
Floor getups (front)
  7% Swings her staff in front and behind her.
Floor attack (back)
Floor getups (back)
  7% Swings her staff 180 degrees along the ground.
Floor attack (trip)
Floor getups (trip)
  5% Similar to her other floor attacks.
Edge attack
Edge getups
  7% Climbs up the stage and hits with a leg swipe.
Neutral special Default Autoreticle 2.9% (per hit) Takes aim with a charge-shot reticle from Kid Icarus Uprising which appears over the enemy, then fires three light shots at that location. Can be initiated only an enemy is within range, nothing is blocking her target, and said enemy doesn't have invincibility from teching, dodging, etc. Can be used as a way for stopping direct approaches. It is able to hit behind Palutena and be used for jab locks, though this can be tricky to do, depending on the opponents' position. It also stalls her mid-air, making it useful to stop opponents from gimping her.
Custom 1 Explosive Flame 0.6% (loop), 4% (last) Creates a Smart Bomb-like explosion at approximately 3 character lengths away. The last hit is unblockable. Great spacing and zoning tool, but its slow startup and set distance can make it easily predictable.
Custom 2 Heavenly Light 1% (per hit) Projects a huge rectangular field of supernal light above her and to the sides. It deals damage in the whole area without producing knockback or flinching, as well as repelling all enemies from the sides. Because of this, this move can be used to steal a KO from a fighter who launched another. Can be absorbed. Hold the button to extend the duration.
Side special Default Reflect Barrier 5%, 1.2x damage (reflected projectiles) Raises her shield forward, casting a rectangular barrier which pushes opponents away and reflects projectiles. Palutena's shield has a hitbox when it is being raised, allowing her to damage opponents with it. The hit is unblockable. If it reflects an attack that deals at least 50% damage, the reflector will break. However, it can be used immediately after it has broken, unlike other reflectors.
Custom 1 Angelic Missile 13% Shoots herself forward to attack with her head, similar to Skull Bash and Green Missile. Can aid her recovery significantly without leaving her helpless. It is also a decent (albeit somewhat easy to dodge) KO move offstage.
Custom 2 Super Speed 2.6% Performs a charging attack where she glides along the ground very quickly and for a long distance. She can damage enemies by ramming into them. While in the air, the move will send her diagonally downwards. It is considered her best side special move due to its speed and ability to retain its momentum after canceling the attack, which it gives Palutena plethora of options from her mix-ups, recovery, potential pressure, and mobility. Can be cancelled with her jump, up smash, grab, dash attack, and other attacks. Its downside however, is that it has a small cooldown duration.
Up special Default Warp 0% Disappears and then reappears in a chosen direction, much like Teleport. Can be ledge-cancelled, allowing for defensive and movement options.
Custom 1 Jump Glide 0% Jumps a fair distance up, then glides similarly to Peach Parasol. Good for keeping vertical follow-ups, and it has higher horizontal recovery distance than Warp, however, it cannot be ledge-cancelled and, if gimped, she cannot do anything until she hits the ground, which may lead to an inevitable KO.
Custom 2 Rocket Jump 12% (ground), 10% (air) Creates an explosion that boosts Palutena upwards and damages nearby enemies. The explosion strongly meteor smashes airborne enemies below her. However, it gives her the least vertical distance of all her up specials and little to no horizontal movement.
Down special Default Counter 1.3x damage of countered attacks, 10% minimum After hiding behind her shield, she performs a counterattack with her staff, similar to that of many of the Fire Emblem characters. It has surprisingly high damage, though despite what one of the in-game's tips says, it has the lowest range and lowest power of all counters, and it also has very long punishable endlag should it miss. It also has a sourspot that deals even less knockback. Will One-hit KO anyone if she managed to counter an attack that deals at least 45% damage.
Custom 1 Lightweight 0% Increases her speed and jumping height. While in this effect, it significantly improves her off stage game and allows her to have more follow ups and an access to her near guaranteed KO set ups from down throw. However in exchange for this effect, she will only take an increased damage (knockback remains the same), while under this effect. Before it wears off, she will have an reverse effect of this move for a very short time.
Custom 2 Celestial Firework 3.2% (toss), 1.2% (blast) Shoots an explosive firework upwards in front of her. It has invinciblity frames before firing the firework.
Final Smash Black Hole Laser 2.4% (loop), 12% (last) Attracts foes towards the center of the stage with Black Hole, putting them in a tumbling state, then fires the Mega Laser into the Black Hole to deal damage, concluding with a final hit to knock the victims away as Black Hole dissipates.


  • Up Taunt: Makes a sweeping gesture with her arms while producing her ethereal wings and halo, saying "You shall be purified!" (浄化してあげましょう, You will be purified.)
  • Side Taunt: Spins around her staff, dancing with her foot in the air, laughing.
  • Down Taunt: Lets go of her staff, which floats while she brushes her hair aside as her halo shines, saying "Ready when you are." (いつでもどうぞ?, Feel free whenever.)

Idle Poses

  • Touches the ground with the tail of her staff and shield in front of her, briefly making her halo shine.
  • Looks away while crossing her staff and shield in front of her, briefly making her halo shine.

On-screen appearance

  • Walks out of a heavenly golden door surrounded by a glowing light.

Victory fanfare

  • A small excerpt of the title screen theme of Kid Icarus, with an original ending. This is shared with Pit.

Victory Poses

  • Spins around her staff, then sits in midair laughing.
  • Twirls around while hovering, saying "No one can hide from the light."
    • If she beats Pit, there is a chance she will instead say "Oh, so sorry about that, Pit."
  • Twirls her staff and points it in front of her, saying "Too bad for you."
    • If she beats Dark Pit, there is a chance she will instead say "Poor little Pittoo."

In Competitive Play

Official Custom Moveset Project

Character Custom sets available
  Palutena 2322 2312 1322 1312 2122
1122 2332 1332 2313 2323

Notable players

Reveal trailer


Alternate costumes



  In Kid Icarus: Uprising, the goddess of light uses telepathy to communicate and grants miracles to support Pit on his adventure. In Smash Bros., she has special moves like Warp and Heavenly Light at her disposal. She's very adaptable—you can customize her into a long- or close-range fighter!
  Said to be able to perform miracles, this goddess supports Pit in battle, using telepathy to communicate with him. She's no slouch on her own, either. She has a huge variety of moves you can customise and use to your advantage. Short or long range, the sky's the limit! Or maybe not. After all, she can teleport.
 : Kid Icarus (08/1987)
 : Kid Icarus: Uprising (03/2012)
Palutena (Alt.)
  Palutena's Reflect Barrier side special deflects any attacks and projectiles that come at her from the front. Unlike other reflective moves, you can leave this barrier in place and it will keep reflecting. If you really want to ruin someone's day, you can push them over an edge using this move.
  Palutena's Reflect Barrier special deflects any attacks and projectiles that come at her from the front. Unlike other fighters' reflective moves, you can deploy this barrier and then leave it to its own devices. You can also push opponents with it, so use it on someone who's teetering on the edge of the stage to push them off.
 : Kid Icarus (08/1987)
 : Kid Icarus: Uprising (03/2012)
Black Hole Laser
  Palutena's Final Smash. After doing a divine twirl, she creates a black hole in front of her, drawing in her opponents. When she's got 'em where she wants 'em, she follows up with a wide laser beam that reaches from one edge of the screen to the other. It even changes direction slightly, just in case someone managed to avoid the black hole.
  Palutena's Final Smash. After doing a divine twirl, she creates a black hole in front of her, drawing in her opponents. When she's got 'em where she wants 'em, the next step is a wide laser beam that reaches from one edge of the screen to the other. It even changes direction slightly, for that extra chance of taking out her foes.

In Event Matches

Solo Events

Co-op Events



  • The anime portions of Palutena's reveal trailer were created by Studio Shaft, who also worked on the Kid Icarus: Uprising animated short Palutena's Revolting Dinner. One member of Studio Shaft, Hideyuki Morioka, also drew the illustration found on Palutena's page in the official Smash Bros. site; Morioka was credited as "Animation Character Designer" in said animated short.
  • Palutena and the Mii Fighters are the only characters that have their customizable special moves unlocked from the start.
  • Unused sound files exist for Kirby using all three of Palutena's neutral special moves, suggesting either that it was not until late in development that it was decided which would be the default, or that Kirby was originally able to copy any one of her neutral special moves.
  • Palutena is the only character who can use both a reflector and a counterattack without customs.
  • Palutena is the only character who was part of a Final Smash the previous game and a fighter the next game.
  • Excluding Snake with his up smash in Brawl, Palutena holds the record for the highest vertical-ranged, non-projectile up smash with her pillar of light.
  • Most character's landing animations have them simply land on their two feet; however, Palutena always twirls her body upon landing.
  • Palutena is the only character (along with a Mii Gunner wearing the Proto Man Costume) in Smash 4 with a visible shield that does not protect her while idle: Link and Toon Link have versions of the Hylian Shield which are able to block projectiles while standing and walking, while Palutena's shield does not have this property. Her shield does give her dash attack and back aerial invincibility frames, however, meaning her shield isn't entirely aesthetic.
  • Palutena's newcomer artwork is the only one to not depict any Mario characters, as well as the one with the fewest number of characters at four (herself, Pit, Link and Dark Pit).
  • In the japanese update 1.0.6, Palutena’s undergarments are updated to be less suggestive.
