Super Smash Bros. series


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"Heavy" redirects here. For the Special Smash gravity condition, see Special gravity.
For the Californian smasher, see Smasher:Heavy.
BowserPichuWeightUltimate.gifWeight Balanced Ultimate.gif
A weight demonstration from the Mushroom Kingdom stage.
Pichu and Bowser have very different weight values, while both Lucario and Mythra have the same weight values.

Weight is a measurement of how much a character can resist knockback. Weight is one of several factors used in calculating the amount of knockback a character experiences. Characters with a higher weight (heavy) tend to suffer less knockback, and characters with a lower weight (light) tend to suffer more knockback, all other factors controlled.


A graph demonstrating how the rate of knockback increase is affected by weight, labeled with Bowser's and Pichu's weights in SSBU
Weight Comparison 1 Brawl.gifWeight Comparison 2 Brawl.gif
From Melee to Smash 4, some throws had different speeds depending on the weight of the character being thrown.

Weight is, in practice, understood as how difficult it is to send a character flying away. Because of this, it is generally considered an advantage for a character to be heavy, as less knockback makes it harder to KO a character. Additionally, in Melee, Brawl, and Smash 4, many throws take longer to execute on heavier characters, giving the opponent being thrown more time to properly react to throws and to DI effectively. Because throwing heavier characters causes the throwing animation to continue longer once the target is released, the ending lag of the throw is increased and thus the viability of throw combos may be affected; for example, in Melee, Captain Falcon is not vulnerable to many of the up throw chain grabs (such as from Marth) that the space animals are vulnerable to despite his equivalently fast falling speed; in Brawl, the Ice Climbers' infinite chain grabs are more difficult to perform on heavyweights as the increased ending lag gives the player a smaller window in which to execute regrabs; and in Smash 4, Robin's down throw to up aerial "Checkmate" KO setup doesn't true combo for a KO on Bowser and Charizard at any percent, due to the combination of their weight extending the throw's ending lag enough and their slow falling speed allowing them to stay out of the up aerial's range at KO percents. In Ultimate, weight is a factor in determining how much a character can be pushed by an opponent running into them, and how far they will push other opponents.

Super Smash Bros. characters are often divided into separate "weight classes", with the most common method being a separation of the roster into three roughly equal groups: lightweight, middleweight, and heavyweight. Weight class divisions are often arbitrary and not universally agreed upon. "Middleweights" are usually described as characters with a close to average weight, or a similar weight to Mario, who is often seen as the "default" character in Super Smash Bros. In Melee, "lightweight" usually encompasses characters who are knocked down by Fox's shine (with a weight of 85 or below); thus Marth is often considered a middleweight in NTSC but a lightweight in PAL, due to his decreased weight in that version of the game. In Brawl "lightweight" often encompasses characters who are knocked down by King Dedede's down throw, with a weight of 85 or below (Zelda, Sheik, and all lighter characters).

Another commonly used weight class is the "super heavyweights", which describes the heaviest characters in the series, who also usually have the largest sizes and hurtboxes and often shake the screen upon landing on the ground. These characters commonly include Donkey Kong, Bowser, King Dedede, Charizard, King K. Rool, Incineroar, Snake (Brawl only), and Ganondorf (Ultimate only).

Lighter characters do have their own advantages. Because of the higher knockback they receive, they can usually escape combos earlier. However, since weight affects high knockback values more than low ones, this advantage is less significant compared to the disadvantage of being easier to KO; the size of a character's hurtboxes, as well as their falling speed and gravity prior to Ultimate (and especially in Melee), have a larger impact than weight on how vulnerable a character is to combos. As previously mentioned, a few specific combos are less effective on lightweights to a much greater degree, such as Fox's waveshine combos in Melee and King Dedede's down throw chain grab in Brawl; in both cases, characters with a weight value below 86 receive enough knockback to the point where they are put into tumble, allowing them to tech or execute a floor recovery and escape subsequent uses of such moves, whereas heavier characters are stuck in their non tumble animation, making them very vulnerable. Other advantages to light weight include weight-sensitive platforms, such as those in Mushroom Kingdom and Rainbow Cruise, which fall slower while holding less weight, making them safer to use for lighter characters. Finally, certain weight-based throws have hitboxes that appear for very short lengths of time, and if the target is very light, the animation may progress so quickly that the hitbox appears and vanishes in less than a frame without hitting — this causes the lightest characters to take less damage, notably with Bowser's down throw in NTSC Melee and Link's down throw in Brawl, both of which miss their pre-throw hit on Jigglypuff (and Mr. Game & Watch in Bowser's case). Because of this, most throws with hitboxes from Brawl onwards are not weight dependent, although there are a few exceptions, such as Link's aforementioned down throw.

Heavier characters tend to have stronger attacks, longer range, worse recovery (that is; recoveries that are slower or cover less distance), bigger hurtboxes, and slower movement, while lighter characters tend to have weaker attacks, shorter range, better recovery, smaller hurtboxes, and faster movement. However, this is a loose trend that many characters defy in multiple ways — Captain Falcon is heavy but dashes incredibly quickly, Yoshi is heavy but has a high jump and weaker attacks, Wario is heavy but short and highly maneuverable especially in the air, Zelda is light but loaded with powerful attacks, Falco is light but has a very high falling speed, and Little Mac is light and speedy with excellent frame data but has among the worst recoveries in the games he appears in, which is the exact opposite of King K. Rool, who is heavy and slow with poor frame data but has a great recovery.

In single-player modes, sometimes unnaturally high weight is introduced to challenge the player, such as when fighting Metal Mario; this is often paired with additional knockback resistance, since even characters with infinite weight will still take knockback from any attack with a base knockback greater than 0.

On an additional note, some attacks are weight-independent, and will always act as if the target fighter's weight is set to 100; the amount of knockback dealt will remain consistent, no matter how light or heavy the target is. This is especially notable for attacks that have the bury, paralyze, or stun effects. However, other factors, such as knockback-taken multipliers, and knockback resistance, still affect the amount of knockback dealt.

Super Smash Bros. weight values

These values use a different scale than the later games - heavier characters have lower numbers, representing a direct multiplier in the knockback formula. For comparison purposes, the equivalent value in the newer system is also listed. The conversion rate from the old system to the newer system is (200/weight) - 100. [1]

Rank Character Weight (coded) Weight (comparison)
1 Donkey Kong (SSB) Donkey Kong 0.84 138.095
2 Samus (SSB) Samus 0.92 117.391
3 Yoshi (SSB) Yoshi 0.93 115.054
4-5 Captain Falcon (SSB) Captain Falcon 0.96 108.333
Link (SSB) Link
6-8 Fox (SSB) Fox 1 100.000
Luigi (SSB) Luigi
Mario (SSB) Mario
9 Ness (SSB) Ness 1.1 81.818
10 Pikachu (SSB) Pikachu 1.16 72.414
11 Kirby (SSB) Kirby 1.19 68.067
12 Jigglypuff (SSB) Jigglypuff 1.3 53.846
Rank Character Weight (coded) Weight (comparison)
1 Donkey Kong (SSB) Donkey Kong 0.83 140.964
2 Samus (SSB) Samus 0.92 117.391
3 Yoshi (SSB) Yoshi 0.93 115.054
4-5 Captain Falcon (SSB) Captain Falcon 0.96 108.333
Link (SSB) Link
6-8 Fox (SSB) Fox 1 100.000
Luigi (SSB) Luigi
Mario (SSB) Mario
9 Ness (SSB) Ness 1.1 81.818
10 Pikachu (SSB) Pikachu 1.16 72.414
11 Kirby (SSB) Kirby 1.19 68.067
12 Jigglypuff (SSB) Jigglypuff 1.3 53.846
Rank Character Weight (coded) Weight (comparison)
1 Donkey Kong (SSB) Donkey Kong 0.83 140.964
2 Link (SSB) Link 0.9 122.222
3 Samus (SSB) Samus 0.92 117.391
4 Yoshi (SSB) Yoshi 0.93 115.054
5 Captain Falcon (SSB) Captain Falcon 0.96 108.333
6-8 Fox (SSB) Fox 1 100.000
Luigi (SSB) Luigi
Mario (SSB) Mario
9 Ness (SSB) Ness 1.1 81.818
10 Pikachu (SSB) Pikachu 1.16 72.414
11 Kirby (SSB) Kirby 1.19 68.067
12 Jigglypuff (SSB) Jigglypuff 1.3 53.846

Super Smash Bros. Melee weight values

Following are the characters in Super Smash Bros. Melee, ranked in order of heaviest to lightest. The Metal Box multiplies a character's base weight by 3, the Super Mushroom by 1.6, and the Poison Mushroom by 0.625.

The average weight value in NTSC version for all fighters is 90, while in the PAL version it still rounds down to 90, meaning that Peach, Sheik, and Zelda are the characters whose weights are the average.

Rank Character Weight
n/a Giga Bowser (SSBM) Giga Bowser 140
1 Bowser (SSBM) Bowser 117
2 Donkey Kong (SSBM) Donkey Kong 114
3 Samus (SSBM) Samus 110
4 Ganondorf (SSBM) Ganondorf 109
5 Yoshi (SSBM) Yoshi 108
6-7 Captain Falcon (SSBM) Captain Falcon 104
Link (SSBM) Link
8-10 Dr. Mario (SSBM) Dr. Mario 100
Luigi (SSBM) Luigi
Mario (SSBM) Mario
11 Ness (SSBM) Ness 94
12-14 Peach (SSBM) Peach 90
Sheik (SSBM) Sheik
Zelda (SSBM) Zelda
15 Ice Climbers (SSBM) Ice Climbers 88
16 Marth (SSBM) Marth 87
17-19 Mewtwo (SSBM) Mewtwo 85
Roy (SSBM) Roy
Young Link (SSBM) Young Link
20-21 Falco (SSBM) Falco 80
Pikachu (SSBM) Pikachu
22 Fox (SSBM) Fox 75
23 Kirby (SSBM) Kirby 70
24-25 Jigglypuff (SSBM) Jigglypuff 60
Mr. Game & Watch (SSBM) Mr. Game & Watch
26 Pichu (SSBM) Pichu 55
Rank Character Weight
n/a Giga Bowser (SSBM) Giga Bowser 140
1 Bowser (SSBM) Bowser 118
2 Donkey Kong (SSBM) Donkey Kong 114
3 Yoshi (SSBM) Yoshi 111
4 Samus (SSBM) Samus 110
5 Ganondorf (SSBM) Ganondorf 109
6-7 Captain Falcon (SSBM) Captain Falcon 104
Link (SSBM) Link
8-9 Dr. Mario (SSBM) Dr. Mario 100
Luigi (SSBM) Luigi
10 Mario (SSBM) Mario 98
11 Ness (SSBM) Ness 94
12-14 Peach (SSBM) Peach 90
Sheik (SSBM) Sheik
Zelda (SSBM) Zelda
15 Ice Climbers (SSBM) Ice Climbers 88
16-19 Marth (SSBM) Marth 85
Mewtwo (SSBM) Mewtwo
Roy (SSBM) Roy
Young Link (SSBM) Young Link
20-21 Falco (SSBM) Falco 80
Pikachu (SSBM) Pikachu
22 Kirby (SSBM) Kirby 74
23 Fox (SSBM) Fox 73
24-25 Jigglypuff (SSBM) Jigglypuff 60
Mr. Game & Watch (SSBM) Mr. Game & Watch
26 Pichu (SSBM) Pichu 55

Super Smash Bros. Brawl weight values

This is a list of characters' weights in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

The average weight value for all fighters is rounded down to 94.79, meaning that Sonic's weight is closest to the average.

Rank Character Weight
n/a Giga Bowser 400
n/a Wario-Man 130
1 Bowser (SSBB) Bowser 120
2 Donkey Kong (SSBB) Donkey Kong 116
3 Snake (SSBB) Snake 113
4 King Dedede (SSBB) King Dedede 112
5 Charizard (SSBB) Charizard 110
6 Ganondorf (SSBB) Ganondorf 109
7 Samus (SSBB) Samus 108
8-9 Wario (SSBB) Wario 107
Yoshi (SSBB) Yoshi
10 R.O.B. (SSBB) R.O.B. 106
11 Ike (SSBB) Ike 105
12-13 Captain Falcon (SSBB) Captain Falcon 104
Link (SSBB) Link
14 Wolf (SSBB) Wolf 102
15-16 Ivysaur (SSBB) Ivysaur 100
Lucario (SSBB) Lucario
17 Mario (SSBB) Mario 98
18 Luigi (SSBB) Luigi 97
19 Sonic (SSBB) Sonic 95
20-22 Lucas (SSBB) Lucas 94
Ness (SSBB) Ness
Pit (SSBB) Pit
23 Diddy Kong (SSBB) Diddy Kong 93
24-25 Ice Climbers (SSBB) Ice Climbers 92
Toon Link (SSBB) Toon Link
26 Peach (SSBB) Peach 89
27 Marth (SSBB) Marth 87
28-29 Sheik (SSBB) Sheik 85
Zelda (SSBB) Zelda
30-31 Falco (SSBB) Falco 82
Olimar (SSBB) Olimar
32 Zero Suit Samus (SSBB) Zero Suit Samus 81
33 Fox (SSBB) Fox 80
34-35 Meta Knight (SSBB) Meta Knight 79
Pikachu (SSBB) Pikachu
36 Kirby (SSBB) Kirby 78
37-38 Mr. Game & Watch (SSBB) Mr. Game & Watch 75
Squirtle (SSBB) Squirtle
39 Jigglypuff (SSBB) Jigglypuff 68

Super Smash Bros. 4 weight values

This is a list of characters' weights in Super Smash Bros. 4.

According to the game, weight is the base factor in determining how many powers can be equipped in Smash Run. There are other factors — namely a character's speed — so it is not a direct linear correlation, but as a general rule weight definitely carries a positive correlation: the higher the weight, the greater the number of powers, with the only exceptions being Miis and the DLC fighters having a power limit of 25.

Certain updates have made slight alterations to the weights of characters, affecting both survivability and resistance to combos. These changes have not had a major effect on most characters in the metagame, with the exceptions of Sheik and Bowser, who are considered to be worse and better after their weight alterations, respectively.

The average weight value for all fighters (except Miis) is rounded down to 94.76, meaning that Robin, Pac-Man, and Roy are the characters whose weights are closest to the average.

Rank Character Weight Power Limit
+2 Giga Bowser 400
+1 Giga Mac 140
1 Bowser (SSB4) Bowser 130 29
2 Donkey Kong (SSB4) Donkey Kong 122 27
3 King Dedede (SSB4) King Dedede 119 28
4 Charizard (SSB4) Charizard 116 27
5 Ganondorf (SSB4) Ganondorf 113 29
6-7 Bowser Jr. (SSB4) Bowser Jr. 108 27
Samus (SSB4) Samus
8-9 Ike (SSB4) Ike 107 26
Wario (SSB4) Wario 27
n/a Wario-Man
10 R.O.B. (SSB4) R.O.B. 106 26
11-13 Link (SSB4) Link 104
Yoshi (SSB4) Yoshi
Captain Falcon (SSB4) Captain Falcon 25
14 Ryu (SSB4) Ryu 103
15-17 Mega Man (SSB4) Mega Man 102
Shulk (SSB4) Shulk
Mii Brawler (SSB4) Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Mii Gunner (SSB4) Mii Fighter (heaviest)
18-19 Cloud (SSB4) Cloud 100
Mii Brawler (SSB4) Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Mii Gunner (SSB4) Mii Fighter (default)
20 Lucario (SSB4) Lucario 99
n/a Mega Lucario
21-23 Corrin (SSB4) Corrin 98 25
Dr. Mario (SSB4) Dr. Mario
Mario (SSB4) Mario
24-26 Mii Brawler (SSB4) Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Mii Gunner (SSB4) Mii Fighter (lightest) 97
Luigi (SSB4) Luigi 24
Villager (SSB4) Villager
27-29 Dark Pit (SSB4) Dark Pit 96
Pit (SSB4) Pit
Wii Fit Trainer (SSB4) Wii Fit Trainer
30-32 Robin (SSB4) Robin 95
Roy (SSB4) Roy 25
Pac-Man (SSB4) Pac-Man
33-36 Ness (SSB4) Ness 94
Lucas (SSB4) Lucas
Sonic (SSB4) Sonic 23
Greninja (SSB4) Greninja 24
37-38 Diddy Kong (SSB4) Diddy Kong 93
Toon Link (SSB4) Toon Link
39-40 Duck Hunt (SSB4) Duck Hunt 91 23
Palutena (SSB4) Palutena
41-42 Lucina (SSB4) Lucina 90
Marth (SSB4) Marth
43 Peach (SSB4) Peach 89
44 Zelda (SSB4) Zelda 85 22
45 Bayonetta (SSB4) Bayonetta 84 25
46-47 Falco (SSB4) Falco 82 22
Little Mac (SSB4) Little Mac 23
48 Sheik (SSB4) Sheik 81 24
49-50 Zero Suit Samus (SSB4) Zero Suit Samus 80 23
Meta Knight (SSB4) Meta Knight 22
51-54 Fox (SSB4) Fox 79 24
Olimar (SSB4) Olimar 23
Pikachu (SSB4) Pikachu
Kirby (SSB4) Kirby 21
55 Rosalina & Luma (SSB4) Rosalina & Luma 77 22
56 Mr. Game & Watch (SSB4) Mr. Game & Watch 75 23
57 Mewtwo (SSB4) Mewtwo 74 25
58 Jigglypuff (SSB4) Jigglypuff 68 21

Update history


  • Buff Ganondorf's weight: 112 → 113
  • Buff Kirby's weight: 77 → 79
  • Nerf Sonic's weight: 95 → 94


  • Nerf Rosalina's weight: 78 → 77
  • Nerf Sheik's weight: 85 → 84
  • Nerf Zero Suit Samus's weight: 81 → 80


  • Buff Bowser's weight: 128 → 130
  • Buff Charizard's weight: 115 → 116
  • Buff Mewtwo's weight: 72 → 74
  • Nerf Sheik's weight: 84 → 81

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate weight values

This is a list of characters' weights in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Mii Fighters now have their weight determined by their class rather than their size modifiers from their creation.

The average weight value of all fighters is rounded up to 96.05, meaning that Pit, Dark Pit, Ivysaur, and Wii Fit Trainer are the characters whose weights are closest to the average.

Rank Character Weight
1 Bowser (SSBU) Bowser 135
2 King K. Rool (SSBU) King K. Rool 133
3-4 Donkey Kong (SSBU) Donkey Kong 127
King Dedede (SSBU) King Dedede
5 Ganondorf (SSBU) Ganondorf 118
6-7 Charizard (SSBU) Charizard 116
Incineroar (SSBU) Incineroar
8 Kazuya (SSBU) Kazuya 113
9 Piranha Plant (SSBU) Piranha Plant 112
10-13 Samus (SSBU) Samus 108
Dark Samus (SSBU) Dark Samus
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Bowser Jr.
Terry (SSBU) Terry
14-18 Wario (SSBU) Wario 107
Ike (SSBU) Ike
Ridley (SSBU) Ridley
Simon (SSBU) Simon
Richter (SSBU) Richter
19-21 Snake (SSBU) Snake 106
R.O.B. (SSBU) R.O.B.
Banjo & Kazooie (SSBU) Banjo & Kazooie
22-26 Link (SSBU) Link 104
Yoshi (SSBU) Yoshi
Captain Falcon (SSBU) Captain Falcon
Mii Gunner (SSBU) Mii Gunner
Min Min (SSBU) Min Min
27-28 Ryu (SSBU) Ryu 103
Ken (SSBU) Ken
29 Mega Man (SSBU) Mega Man 102
30 Hero (SSBU) Hero 101
31-32 Mii Swordfighter (SSBU) Mii Swordfighter 100
Cloud (SSBU) Cloud
33-36 Mario (SSBU) Mario 98
Dr. Mario (SSBU) Dr. Mario
Corrin (SSBU) Corrin
Pyra (SSBU) Pyra
37-39 Luigi (SSBU) Luigi 97
Shulk (SSBU) Shulk
Byleth (SSBU) Byleth
40-43 Pit (SSBU) Pit 96
Dark Pit (SSBU) Dark Pit
Ivysaur (SSBU) Ivysaur
Wii Fit Trainer (SSBU) Wii Fit Trainer
44-47 Roy (SSBU) Roy 95
Chrom (SSBU) Chrom
Pac-Man (SSBU) Pac-Man
Robin (SSBU) Robin
48-51 Ness (SSBU) Ness 94
Lucas (SSBU) Lucas
Mii Brawler (SSBU) Mii Brawler
Inkling (SSBU) Inkling
52 Joker (SSBU) Joker 93
53-58 Ice Climbers (SSBU) Ice Climbers 92
Lucario (SSBU) Lucario
Wolf (SSBU) Wolf
Villager (SSBU) Villager
Steve (SSBU) Steve
Mythra (SSBU) Mythra
59-60 Toon Link (SSBU) Toon Link 91
Palutena (SSBU) Palutena
61-63 Marth (SSBU) Marth 90
Lucina (SSBU) Lucina
Diddy Kong (SSBU) Diddy Kong
64-65 Peach (SSBU) Peach 89
Daisy (SSBU) Daisy
66-68 Young Link (SSBU) Young Link 88
Greninja (SSBU) Greninja
Isabelle (SSBU) Isabelle
69 Little Mac (SSBU) Little Mac 87
70-71 Sonic (SSBU) Sonic 86
Duck Hunt (SSBU) Duck Hunt
72-73 Zelda (SSBU) Zelda 85
Sora (SSBU) Sora
74-75 Falco (SSBU) Falco 82
Rosalina & Luma (SSBU) Rosalina & Luma
76 Bayonetta (SSBU) Bayonetta 81
77-78 Meta Knight (SSBU) Meta Knight 80
Zero Suit Samus (SSBU) Zero Suit Samus
79-83 Kirby (SSBU) Kirby 79
Pikachu (SSBU) Pikachu
Mewtwo (SSBU) Mewtwo
Olimar (SSBU) Olimar
Sephiroth (SSBU) Sephiroth
84 Sheik (SSBU) Sheik 78
85 Fox (SSBU) Fox 77
86-87 Mr. Game & Watch (SSBU) Mr. Game & Watch 75
Squirtle (SSBU) Squirtle
88 Jigglypuff (SSBU) Jigglypuff 68
89 Pichu (SSBU) Pichu 62

Update history


  • Buff Mewtwo's weight: 77 → 79


  • According to Super Smash Bros. Melee's Blue Smash Trophy of Mario, his mass is the standard upon which other fighters are measured. While this is technically true, as he is coded with a "default" weight of 100, he has slightly above-average weight in every game since Melee; the average tends to be around 90 to 95. Furthermore, starting in the PAL version of Melee and continuing through Ultimate, Mario is coded with a weight of 98, slightly less than the "default" of 100.
  • In each game, the enemy team (not counting the Fighting Mii Team) all have the same weight as Mario, despite each being based on characters of different weights.
    • However, one exception applies to the Female Wire Frame in Melee, who has a weight of 90. This is due to the development team copying Zelda's moveset over to the Female Wire Frame.
  • In Brawl, Giga Bowser and Wario-Man are programmed to have weights of 400 and 130, respectively; however, they cannot be knocked back, so their weight only has an effect on certain stage elements, such as Rainbow Cruise's seesaw platforms.
    • In Smash 4, Giga Bowser retains his weight of 400, and Giga Mac possesses a weight of 140; however, Wario-Man no longer has a higher weight than Wario. Additionally, unlike Giga Bowser, Giga Mac can be affected by windboxes (but is still unaffected by regular knockback), making him the only transforming character who has a weight change that can affect gameplay outside of stage elements.
  • Pichu is the lightest character in every Smash game it appears in, those being Melee and Ultimate. In the remaining three games, Jigglypuff is the lightest character, and it remains the second-lightest character in all games where Pichu is playable.
    • Likewise, Bowser is the heaviest playable character in every game since his debut in Melee, with Donkey Kong being the heaviest in the original Super Smash Bros. and the second heaviest in every game afterwards until Ultimate, where King K. Rool takes the runner-up spot instead.
  • A tip in Smash 4 states that Kirby is the third-lightest character in the game, and Mr. Game and Watch is the second. While this was originally true, the addition of Mewtwo, as well as Kirby's weight being changed, made this tip incorrect (he is now the fifth-lightest, tied with Fox, Olimar, and Pikachu, while Mr. Game & Watch is now the third-lightest).
  • Some moves treat character weights as a set value (such as 100), regardless of the recipient's actual weight. An example of this is Finishing Touch in Smash 4.
  • Weight changes from items such as the Metal Box do not affect the speed of throws affected by weight.
  • The European PAL version of the original Super Smash Bros. is the only version of any Smash game where Link and Captain Falcon do not weigh the same.
  • For some characters, weights in the Smash series are sometimes inconsistent with those for said characters in other games, possibly due to balancing purposes rather than accuracy to source material. Yoshi, for example, is a heavyweight in every Smash title, but is in the medium and light classes in the Mario Kart series. The inverse is true for Rosalina, although the weight class of karts seems to be based on a character's size instead of how much they actually weigh (Rosalina is very tall, which might dictate her kart's size and weight). Another character, Mewtwo, weighs 269 pounds/122 kilograms according to the Pokédex, but is one of the lightest characters in every Smash game in which it is a playable character. However, it is explained in Melee that Mewtwo is easier to send flying around due to it using its psychic powers to constantly float. Sephiroth is, similarly, one of the lightest humanoid characters, despite having a canon given weight of 191 pounds; whether this is due to using telekinetic movement or simply to suit his Ultimate playstyle is not currently explained.
  • Losing 27 units from his debut in the original game to Melee, Donkey Kong has the largest weight reduction of any character in the series from one game to the next.
    • Fox’s weight reduction from the first installment to Melee is the second most prolific, as he was originally a middleweight with 100 units but lost 25 units in the transition, and has remained a lightweight in each installment ever since.
    • Likewise, Mr. Game & Watch has had the greatest increase in weight, with 15 units being added in the transition to Brawl from Melee.
