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Alternate costume (SSBB)

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An icon used in notice templates. NOTE: Every claimed source needs a cross-reference link; claimed sources need to be plausible, not horrendously obscure; default costumes usually don't need descriptions since they are not alternate costumes; returning costumes original to Smash do not need references to their appearances in previous Smash games.
A battle between four Marios, each one in different colors. Masahiro Sakurai referred to the implementation of costumes as "one of the joys of Smash".
Four of Peach's alternate costumes. Note that one resembles Daisy.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, players can pick different alternate costumes for their character by cycling through a list of up to six choices. The buttons used to cycle are 1/2 for the Wii Remote and Nunchuk combination, A and B for the Wii remote alone configuration, and pressing X/Y for the Classic Controller and GameCube controller.

Most characters have six alternate costumes, though Jigglypuff, Lucario, Pokémon Trainer, and Sonic only have five, and Pikachu has only four. Wario has two costumes with six choices each, doubling his options and giving him two different outfits for each team in Team Battles.

Some characters, namely Lucario, Pokémon Trainer, and Sonic, have sets of alternate costumes that can be difficult to distinguish from each other in a match. As such, tournaments have the "colorblind rule" in doubles matches, where a player can choose which colours their team and their opponents' team are, if either team has one of the aforementioned characters on their team. While texture hacks are usually discouraged from being used in tournaments, if not flat-out disallowed, it is usually acceptable to use simple texture hacks on these characters to make the color difference between their team palettes more obvious.

When selecting characters in tournament mode, instead of displaying the character's colored image of the chosen costume, a colored bar is displayed in the player list. This color is usually an intuitive indicator of which costume has been chosen, but there are several cases where costumes are given strange colors, such as giving cyan to Ike's default blue-brown getup, or using orange or yellow when the opposite is clearly more correct.

In Wi-Fi, Tournament and Team Brawls, if two identical characters share the same alternate costume, the second character will have a lighter tint in their appearance. A third character on the same team uses a darker tint. The fourth character's tint is even darker than the third character's. It is generally quite difficult to distinguish from the third character's color scheme.

The order of the palette swaps for each character are sorted in the order in which they appear on the character selection screen.


Bowser Palette (SSBB).png
BowserHeadSSBB.png BowserHeadBlackSSBB.png BowserHeadRedSSBB.png BowserHeadBlueSSBB.png BowserHeadWhiteSSBB.png BowserHeadBrownSSBB.png
Green G Based on his modern design first seen in Super Mario Sunchine.
Red R Resembles one of his alternate colors in Mario Golf.
Blue B Resembles his original design in Super Mario Bros.
White Resembles Morton's original design from Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World.
Brown Based on Boom Boom's appearance in Super Mario Bros. 3.

Captain Falcon

Captain Falcon Palette (SSBB).png
CaptainFalconHeadSSBB.png CaptainFalconHeadBlackSSBB.png CaptainFalconHeadRedSSBB.png CaptainFalconHeadGreenSSBB.png CaptainFalconHeadBlueSSBB.png CaptainFalconHeadWhiteSSBB.png
Indigo Mix between his designs from F-Zero X and F-Zero GX, with the added detail of his scarf hanging out.
Black Based on his appearance in the Japanese commercial for F-Zero X.[1]
Red R Based on Blood Falcon, Captain Falcon's evil clone and rival.[1] It is his only costume with a unique logo on the back: a skull with "Blood Hawk" (the name of Blood Falcon's vehicle) written underneath.
Green G
Blue B Resembles his appearance in the original F-Zero.
White Resembles Jody Summer's original appearance in F-Zero X.

Diddy Kong

Diddy Kong Palette (SSBB).png
DiddyKongHeadSSBB.png DiddyKongHeadYellowSSBB.png DiddyKongHeadPinkSSBB.png DiddyKongHeadPurpleSSBB.png DiddyKongHeadGreenSSBB.png DiddyKongHeadBlueSSBB.png
Red R Wears cap with the "Nintendo" logo and starred tank top first seen in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest.
Yellow The vest is reminiscent of Diddy Kong's alternate outfit in Donkey Kong Country's Two-Player Contest mode.
Pink Resembles Dixie Kong, Diddy Kong's girlfriend.
Purple Resembles his appearance in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest's Two-Player Contest mode.
Green G Resembles one of his alternate costumes from Donkey Kong 64's Multiplayer Mode.
Blue B Resembles Kiddy Kong, Dixie's partner in Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble.

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Palette (SSBB).png
DonkeyKongHeadSSBB.png DonkeyKongHeadBlackSSBB.png DonkeyKongHeadRedSSBB.png DonkeyKongHeadBlueSSBB.png DonkeyKongHeadGreenSSBB.png DonkeyKongHeadWhiteSSBB.png
Brown More detailed version of the modern design created by Rare for Donkey Kong Country.
Black Resembles a real-life gorilla. The tie is reminiscent of Donkey Kong's appearance in Donkey Kong Country's Two-Player Contest Mode.
Red R Resembles the original D.K. from Donkey Kong.
Blue B Resembles one of his alternate costumes from Donkey Kong 64's Multiplayer Mode. It also resembles one of his alternate colors from Mario Golf.
Green G Resembles one of his alternate colors in DK: King of Swing's Jungle Jam mode.
White Referred to as "Yeti DK" on the Brawl DOJO!!.[2] Resembles the mythical yeti. It also resembles the Fire Mini Donkey Kongs from the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series and Eddie the Mean Old Yeti from the Donkey Kong Country TV series.


Falco Palette (SSBB).png
FalcoHeadSSBB.png FalcoHeadOrangeSSBB.png FalcoHeadBlueSSBB.png FalcoHeadRedSSBB.png FalcoHeadGreenSSBB.png FalcoHeadBlackSSBB.png
White Based on his appearance in Star Fox Command.
Orange Resembles Katt Monroe, Falco's love interest, as she appears in Star Fox Command.
Blue B His clothing is reminiscent of an Arwing.
Red R Resembles his appearance in Star Fox: Assault.
Green G
Black Complementary to Fox's "Dark Fox" costume. Resembles a red-throated caracara, black pheasant or raven.


Fox Palette (SSBB).png
FoxHeadSSBB.png FoxHeadBlackSSBB.png FoxHeadRedSSBB.png FoxHeadGreenSSBB.png FoxHeadBlueSSBB.png FoxHeadWhiteSSBB.png
Grey Based on his appearance in Star Fox Command.
Black Referred to as the "Dark Fox" on the Brawl DOJO!![2] It resembles a cross fox.
Red R Resembles his red "Player 1" costume from Star Fox: Assault's Versus Mode and Falco's appearance in Assault.
Green G
Blue B


Ganondorf Palette (SSBB).png
GanondorfHeadSSBB.png GanondorfHeadBlackSSBB.png GanondorfHeadBlueSSBB.png GanondorfHeadGreenSSBB.png GanondorfHeadRedSSBB.png GanondorfHeadBrownSSBB.png
Purple Based on his appearance in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
Black Complementary to Link's "Dark Link" costume.
Blue B
Green G
Red R
Brown Resembles his appearance in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Ice Climbers

Ice Climbers Palette (SSBB).png
IceClimbersHeadSSBB.png IceClimbersHeadRedSSBB.png IceClimbersHeadBlueSSBB.png IceClimbersHeadBlackSSBB.png IceClimbersHeadGreenSSBB.png IceClimbersHeadWhiteSSBB.png

Popo and Nana switch positions for their red, black, and white costumes, and their head icons change to match, but they do not switch positions on the selection screen like they did in Melee.

Purple Based on their in-game sprites in Ice Climber.
Red R Nana resembles her appearance on the American boxart for Ice Climber.
Blue B Nana's parka resembles Popo's immediately after touching an enemy but before turning completely white.
Green G
White The colors of their mittens and boots match those of their default colors. The parka color resembles their sprite after touching an enemy.


Ike Palette (SSBB).png
IkeHeadSSBB.png IkeHeadYellowSSBB.png IkeHeadRedSSBB.png IkeHeadBlueSSBB.png IkeHeadGreenSSBB.png IkeHeadBrownSSBB.png
Indigo Based on his appearance as a Ranger in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.
Red R Resembles the color scheme of the enemy units from the Fire Emblem series. Also slightly resembles Mia from Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.
Blue B Resembles Sigurd, one of the protagonists in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.
Green G Resembles Geoffrey, one of Ike's comrades, as he appears in Path of Radiance.
Brown Referred to as an "ordinary soldier" on the Brawl DOJO!![2]


Jigglypuff Palette (SSBB).png
JigglypuffHeadSSBB.png JigglypuffHeadRedSSBB.png JigglypuffHeadWhiteSSBB.png JigglypuffHeadBlueSSBB.png JigglypuffHeadGreenSSBB.png
Pink Based on its original design in prior to Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.
Red R Taken over from its red alternate costume from Super Smash Bros. Melee.
White Its hat is reminiscent of the female protagonist of Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.
Blue B Resembles one of the possible colors for a nicknamed Jigglypuff in Pokémon Stadium and its Shiny coloration. Its hat is reminiscent of the Bug Catcher Trainer class.
Green G Resembles one of the possible colors for a nicknamed Jigglypuff in Pokémon Stadium. Its cap is reminiscent of Kirby with the Sleep Copy Ability.

King Dedede

King Dedede Palette (SSBB).png
KingDededeHeadSSBB.png KingDededeHeadPinkSSBB.png KingDededeHeadGreenSSBB.png KingDededeHeadPurpleSSBB.png KingDededeHeadBlueSSBB.png KingDededeHeadBrownSSBB.png
Red R Based on his modern design first seen in Kirby's Avalanche with a more detailed tunic.
Pink Resembles one of his alternate colors in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards' Multiplayer mode.
Green G Resembles one of his alternate costumes in Kirby Air Ride..
Purple Resembles one of his alternate costume in Kirby Air Ride. The obi is reminiscent of formal Japanese kimonos.
Blue B The obi features the same icons as one of the menu schemes from Kirby 64.
Brown Resembles his appearance on the monochromatic Game Boy screen in Kirby's Dream Land.


Kirby Palette (SSBB).png
KirbyHeadSSBB.png KirbyHeadYellowSSBB.png KirbyHeadBlueSSBB.png KirbyHeadRedSSBB.png KirbyHeadGreenSSBB.png KirbyHeadWhiteSSBB.png

All these colors are also similar to different Kirby colors in games such as Kirby Air Ride and Kirby & the Amazing Mirror. They are all also usable in Kirby: Squeak Squad, where color variations are distinct and each have their own names.

Pink Based on his modern design first seen in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards.
Yellow Based on and directly referred to as "Keeby" from Kirby's Dream Course.[1] It also resembles Yellow Kirby from various Kirby titles and Beam Kirby in Kirby Super Star.
Blue B Based on Ice Kirby in Kirby Super Star.[1] It also resembles Blue Kirby from various Kirby titles.
Red R Based on Fire Kirby in Kirby Super Star.[1] It also resembles Red Kirby from various Kirby titles.
Green G Resembles Green Kirby from various Kirby titles. Unlike "Kusa-mochi Kirby" costume in previous Smash titles, his feet are orange instead of green.
White Based on his monochromatic in-game sprite from Kirby's Dream Land.[3]


Link Palette (SSBB).png
LinkHeadSSBB.png LinkHeadRedSSBB.png LinkHeadBlueSSBB.png LinkHeadLavenderSSBB.png LinkHeadYellowSSBB.png LinkHeadBlackSSBB.png
Green G Based on his appearance from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.[4]
Red R Based on the Goron Tunic from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.[1] It also resembles Link's tunic with the Red Ring equipped in The Legend of Zelda.
Blue B Based on the Zora Tunic from Ocarina of Time.[1]
Lavender Based on his tunic with the Blue Ring equipped in The Legend of Zelda.[1]
Yellow Resembles Link's appearance after utilizing the Great Fairy's Tears in Twilight Princess and an unused yellow tunic from Ocarina of Time.
Black Based on Dark Link.[2] Resembles the Dark Interlopers from Twilight Princess.


Lucario Palette (SSBB).png
LucarioHeadSSBB.png LucarioHeadRedSSBB.png LucarioHeadCyanSSBB.png LucarioHeadWhiteSSBB.png LucarioHeadGreenSSBB.png
Blue B Based on its appearance from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.
Red R
Green G


Lucas Palette (SSBB).png
LucasHeadSSBB.png LucasHeadOrangeSSBB.png LucasHeadRedSSBB.png LucasHeadBlueSSBB.png LucasHeadGreenSSBB.png LucasHeadPurpleSSBB.png
Yellow Based on his appearance in Mother 3. It derived from Ness's model.[5]
Orange Resembles Claus, Lucas's twin brother.
Red R
Blue B Resembles Ness's pajamas in EarthBound.
Green G


Luigi Palette (SSBB).png
LuigiHeadSSBB.png LuigiHeadOrangeSSBB.png LuigiHeadPinkSSBB.png LuigiHeadBlueSSBB.png LuigiHeadWhiteSSBB.png LuigiHeadPurpleSSBB.png
Green G Based on his modern design first seen in Mario Party 4, with the hemming from Luigi's Mansion.
Orange Resembles Mario's appearance on the boxart for Pinball, although Luigi's cap is orange instead of blue.
Pink R The original Super Smash Bros. website referred to this costume as "Strawberry Luigi".[1] It resembles his appearance in Wrecking Crew.
Blue B Resembles Mario's appearance on the American boxart for Mario Bros.
White Resembles Fire Luigi.
Purple Resembles Waluigi, Luigi's rival.


Mario Palette (SSBB).png
MarioHeadSSBB.png MarioHeadWhiteSSBB.png MarioHeadBlueSSBB.png MarioHeadYellowSSBB.png MarioHeadBlackSSBB.png MarioHeadGreenSSBB.png
Red R
White Based on Fire Mario.[2]
Blue B Based on his appearance on the Japanese boxart of Famicom version of Mario Bros.,[1] which itself is based on his appearance in the arcade version of Mario Bros.
Yellow Based on Wario's classic design.[1]
Black Based on Foreman Spike from Wrecking Crew.[1] However, the cap and overalls have a slight blue tint, which makes less closely resembles Foreman Spike's than the equivalent costume in previous Smash titles.
Green G Resembles his appearance on the Japanese boxart for Wrecking Crew, but with the overalls being more brown.


Marth Palette (SSBB).png
MarthHeadSSBB.png MarthHeadRedSSBB.png MarthHeadGreenSSBB.png MarthHeadBlackSSBB.png MarthHeadWhiteSSBB.png MarthHeadBlueSSBB.png
Navy Based on his appearance in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.
Red R Resembles the overworld sprites of enemy units in the Fire Emblem games.
Green G Resembles the overworld sprites of allied units in the Fire Emblem games.
White Based on Leif, the protagonist of Fire Emblem: Thracia 776.[6]
Blue B Resembles his color scheme in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.

Meta Knight

Meta Knight Palette (SSBB).png
MetaKnightHeadSSBB.png MetaKnightHeadWhiteSSBB.png MetaKnightHeadRedSSBB.png MetaKnightHeadGreenSSBB.png MetaKnightHeadBlueSSBB.png MetaKnightHeadPinkSSBB.png
Purple Based on his design first seen in Kirby Super Star, but with shoes.
White Resembles one of his alternate costumes in Kirby Air Ride.
Red R Resembles one of his alternate costumes in Kirby Air Ride.
Green G Resembles one of his alternate costumes in Kirby Air Ride.
Blue B Resembles his original appearance in Kirby's Adventure, but with red eyes.
Pink Resembles one of his alternate costumes in Kirby Air Ride, as well as Kirby.

Mr. Game & Watch

Mr. Game & Watch Palette (SSBB).png
MrGame&WatchHeadSSBB.png MrGame&WatchHeadRedSSBB.png MrGame&WatchHeadYellowSSBB.png MrGame&WatchHeadBlueSSBB.png MrGame&WatchHeadGreenSSBB.png MrGame&WatchHeadCyanSSBB.png
Black Resembles the characters from the Game & Watch games Fire and Parachute. He has the general color of the LCD frames in most of the Game & Watch handhelds.
Red R Reminiscent of characters and objects as depicted on the Virtual Boy.
Yellow Reminiscent of characters and objects as depicted on the original Game Boy.
Blue B
Green G
Cyan Reminiscent of the backlit display of the Game Boy Light.


Ness Palette (SSBB).png
NessHeadSSBB.png NessHeadWhiteSSBB.png NessHeadYellowSSBB.png NessHeadGreenSSBB.png NessHeadBlueSSBB.png NessHeadPurpleSSBB.png
Red R Based on his appearance in Earthbound.
White Resembles Fuel from Mother 3, but with a cap.
Yellow Based on the uniforms of the Hanshin Tigers, a Japanese baseball team.[1] The shirt's pattern is reminiscent of the Gigantic Ant enemy from EarthBound.
Green G His clothes resemble the color scheme of Everdred’s outfit in EarthBound.
Blue B Resembles his younger self that he encounters in Magicant.
Purple The shirt features a sprite of Mr. Saturn on the front.


Olimar Palette (SSBB).png
OlimarHeadSSBB.png OlimarHeadWhiteSSBB.png OlimarHeadRedSSBB.png OlimarHeadBlackSSBB.png OlimarHeadGreenSSBB.png OlimarHeadBlueSSBB.png
Tan Based on his appearance in Pikmin and Pikmin 2.
White Resembles a Navy Mark IV space suit.
Red R Resembles the color scheme of Olimar's Son.
Green G
Blue B Resembles Louie, Olimar's partner in Pikmin 2.


Peach Palette (SSBB).png
PeachHeadSSBB.png PeachHeadYellowSSBB.png PeachHeadRedSSBB.png PeachHeadBlueSSBB.png PeachHeadGreenSSBB.png PeachHeadWhiteSSBB.png
Pink More intricate version of her modern design first seen in Mario Party 4.
Yellow Resembles Daisy's modern design first seen in Mario Party 4. This costume is less complex than it was in Melee, as it simply changes the colors of her clothing and hair.
Red R Resembles Pauline's original appearance in Donkey Kong.
Blue B Resembles one of her alternate colors from Mario Golf and Daisy's appearance on the title screen of NES Open Tournament Golf.
Green G Resembles one of her alternate colors from Mario Golf and her appearance on the title screen of NES Open Tournament Golf.
White Resembles a wedding gown. The dress is reminisicent of the wedding dress Paper Peach wore in Super Paper Mario.


Pikachu Palette (SSBB).png
PikachuHeadSSBB.png PikachuHeadRedSSBB.png PikachuHeadGreenSSBB.png PikachuHeadBlueSSBB.png

At four costume choices, Pikachu has the least amount of alternate costumes in Brawl.

Yellow Based on its original design in prior to Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.
Red R Resembles one of the possible colors for a nicknamed Pikachu in Pokémon Stadium and its Shiny coloration. Its cap is reminiscent of the male protagonist's appearance in the original Pokémon games. This costume was taken over from its red alternate costume from Super Smash Bros. Melee.
Green G Resembles one of the possible colors for a nicknamed Pikachu in Pokémon Stadium. Its headband is reminiscent of Brendan's appearance in Pokémon Emerald.
Blue B Its goggles are reminiscent of the Swimmer Trainer class and Pichu's Blue Team costume from Melee.


Pit Palette (SSBB).png
PitHeadSSBB.png PitHeadYellowSSBB.png PitHeadRedSSBB.png PitHeadGreenSSBB.png PitHeadBlueSSBB.png PitHeadBlackSSBB.png
Red R Resembles his chiton after obtaining the Gold Arrow and reaching Level 4 strength in the original Kid Icarus.
Green G Resembles his chiton after obtaining the Bronze Arrow and reaching Level 2 strength in Kid Icarus.
Blue B Resembles his chiton after obtaining the Sacred Arrow and reaching Level 5 strength in Kid Icarus.
Black Referred to as a "fallen angel" on the Brawl DOJO!!.[2] It became the basis for Dark Pit.

Pokémon Trainer

Pokémon Trainer Palette (SSBB).png
PokémonTrainerHeadSSBB.pngSquirtleHeadSSBB.pngIvysaurHeadSSBB.pngCharizardHeadSSBB.png PokémonTrainerHeadRedSSBB.pngSquirtleHeadRedSSBB.pngIvysaurHeadRedSSBB.pngCharizardHeadRedSSBB.png PokémonTrainerHeadGreenSSBB.pngSquirtleHeadGreenSSBB.pngIvysaurHeadGreenSSBB.pngCharizardHeadGreenSSBB.png PokémonTrainerHeadBlueSSBB.pngSquirtleHeadBlueSSBB.pngIvysaurHeadBlueSSBB.pngCharizardHeadBlueSSBB.png PokémonTrainerHeadWhiteSSBB.pngSquirtleHeadWhiteSSBB.pngIvysaurHeadWhiteSSBB.pngCharizardHeadWhiteSSBB.png
Default The Pokémon Trainer is based on his appearance in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.
Red R The Pokémon Trainer's cap resembles the female protagonist of FireRed and LeafGreen.
Squirtle resembles the Pokémon Wartortle, its evolved form.
Charizard resembles the Pokémon Charmeleon, its pre-evolved form.
Green G The Pokémon Trainer resembles Brendan as he appears in Pokémon Emerald.
Squirtle and Ivysaur resemble their respective Shiny colorations.
Blue B Squirtle resembles its in-battle sprite from Pokémon Yellow.
White Charizard resembles the Shiny colorations of Charmander and Charmeleon.


R.O.B. Palette (SSBB).png
ROBHeadSSBB.png ROBHeadGreySSBB.png ROBHeadYellowSSBB.png ROBHeadPinkSSBB.png ROBHeadBlueSSBB.png ROBHeadGreenSSBB.png
Red R Based on the Japanese version of R.O.B. released for the Famicom - the "Family Computer Robot".[7]
Grey Based on the western version of R.O.B. released for the NES. The text on his base reads "R.O.B. - Robotic Operating Buddy" instead of "Family Computer Robot".
Yellow Resembles Spike, a glitch enemy from Stack-Up.
Pink Resembles Flipper, a glitch enemy from Stack-Up.
Blue B Resembles the Indigo Nintendo GameCube, as well as the Cobalt Blue Game Boy Advance SP.
Green G Resembles the R.O.B. Launcher enemy from the Subspace Emissary.


Samus Palette (SSBB).png
SamusHeadSSBB.png SamusHeadBlueSSBB.png SamusHeadPinkSSBB.png SamusHeadBrownSSBB.png SamusHeadPurpleSSBB.png SamusHeadGreenSSBB.png
Orange Based on the Varia Suit[8] as it appears in Super Metroid.[9] It no longer corresponds with Samus's red team color, most likely because it is now paired with her cyan Zero Suit.
Blue B Based on the Fusion Suit from Metroid Fusion.[8]
Pink R Based on the Gravity Suit's in-game sprite from Super Metroid,[1] though it more closely resembles the in-game sprite of the Varia Suit in the original Metroid when missiles are selected.
Brown Based on the Dark Suit from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.[8]
Purple Based on the Gravity Suit's appearance in Metroid Prime.[10]
Green G The original Super Smash Bros. website referred to this alternate costume as "mass-produced Samus",[1] a reference to Gundam.


Snake Palette (SSBB).png
SnakeHeadSSBB.png SnakeHeadRedSSBB.png SnakeHeadBlueSSBB.png SnakeHeadWhiteSSBB.png SnakeHeadGreenSSBB.png SnakeHeadBrownSSBB.png

Most of Snake's costumes seem to be based on different camouflage uniforms worn by Naked Snake in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.

Grey Based on the sneaking suit worn by Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.
Red R Resembles the Fire camouflage.
Blue B Resembles the Splitter camouflage.
White Resembles the AUSCAM Desert camouflage.
Green G Resembles the Tiger Stripe camouflage.
Brown Resembles the Animals camouflage.


Sonic Palette (SSBB).png
SonicHeadSSBB.png SonicHeadBlackSSBB.png SonicHeadYellowSSBB.png SonicHeadGreenSSBB.png SonicHeadRedSSBB.png

Sonic is the only non-Pokémon character to have fewer than six alternate costumes.

Blue B Based on his design first seen in Sonic Adventure.
Black Resembles Sonic the Werehog from Sonic Unleashed.
Yellow The cuffs slightly resemble Silver the Hedgehog's bracelets.
Green G The cuffs resemble the hand sprite from Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog 2's Special Stage checkpoints.
Red R The cuffs are reminiscent of the hand sprite that appears when the player passes through one of Sonic the Hedgehog 2's Special Stage checkpoints.

Toon Link

Toon Link Palette (SSBB).png
ToonLinkHeadSSBB.png ToonLinkHeadRedSSBB.png ToonLinkHeadBlueSSBB.png ToonLinkHeadPurpleSSBB.png ToonLinkHeadBrownSSBB.png ToonLinkHeadBlackSSBB.png
Green G Based on his appearance in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
Red R Resembles Red Link from the Four Swords titles.
Blue B Resembles Blue Link from the Four Swords titles.
Purple Resembles Purple Link from the Four Swords titles.
Brown Resembles Link's appearance in The Legend of Zelda.
Black Resembles Dark Link and the Interlopers from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Also resembles Shadow Link from The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures.


Unlike all other characters, Wario has two outfits each with multiple color choices: his biker costume from the WarioWare games, which is his default costume, and his classic overalls. This doubles his alternate costume choices. There are a total of 12 costume choices for Wario in Brawl.

Wario (Biker) Palette (SSBB).png
WarioHeadSSBB.png WarioHeadRedSSBB.png WarioHeadYellowSSBB.png WarioHeadGreenSSBB.png WarioHeadBlackSSBB.png WarioHeadBlueSSBB.png
Cyan Based on his appearance in the WarioWare series.[11]
Red R The red jacket, white pants, and goggles match the color scheme of Jimmy T., one of Wario's friends.
Green G Resembles Zombie Wario from Wario Land 3.
Blue B
Wario (Overalls) Palette (SSBB).png
WarioHeadClassicSSBB.png WarioHeadClassicRedSSBB.png WarioHeadClassicBlueSSBB.png WarioHeadClassicGreenSSBB.png WarioHeadClassicBrownSSBB.png WarioHeadClassicWhiteSSBB.png

Wario's overalls closely resemble the cartoonish look in both the Mario and Wario games, in contrast to Mario, Luigi, and Waluigi, who were given more realistic-looking overalls.

Yellow Based on his appearance in the Mario and Wario Land series. Referred to as "Overalls Wario" on the Brawl DOJO!!.[11]
Red R Resembles Mario's appearance in Donkey Kong and one of Wario's alternate colors in Mario Golf.
Blue B Resembles Mario's appearance on the Japanese boxart for Mario Bros.
Green G Resembles Mario's appearance on the Japanese boxart for Wrecking Crew and Luigi's appearance on the arcade version of Mario Bros.
Brown Resembles Foreman Spike, another rival of Mario's from Wrecking Crew.
White Resembles his in-game sprite from the early Wario Land titles on the Game Boy.


Wolf Palette (SSBB).png
WolfHeadSSBB.png WolfHeadRedSSBB.png WolfHeadBlackSSBB.png WolfHeadGreenSSBB.png WolfHeadBlueSSBB.png WolfHeadWhiteSSBB.png
Grey Based on his appearance in Star Fox Command.
Red R
Black Complementary to Fox's "Dark Fox" costume. Resembles a black wolf. While the portrait depicts the suit with black sleeves, they are white in-game.
Green G Combines elements of his Player 3 and Player 4 costumes from Star Fox: Assault's Versus Mode.
Blue B Resembles his Player 2 costume from Star Fox: Assault's Versus Mode.
White Similarly to his black costume, the portrait depicts the suit with black sleeves, but they're white in-game.


Yoshi Palette (SSBB).png
YoshiHeadSSBB.png YoshiHeadRedSSBB.png YoshiHeadBlueSSBB.png YoshiHeadYellowSSBB.png YoshiHeadPinkSSBB.png YoshiHeadCyanSSBB.png

All of Yoshi's costumes appear as different variations of the Yoshi species in Yoshi's Story.[1] The soles of his shoes, the saddle on his back, and his spines stay the same color, no matter what color he is. His appearance based on his modern design first seen in Super Mario Sunchine.

Green G Based on a Green Yoshi.
Red R Based on a Red Yoshi.
Blue B Based on a Blue Yoshi.
Yellow Based on a Yellow Yoshi.
Pink Based on a Pink Yoshi.
Cyan Based on a Light Blue Yoshi.

Zelda / Sheik

ZeldaSheik Palette (SSBB).png
ZeldaHeadSSBB.pngSheikHeadSSBB.png ZeldaHeadRedSSBB.pngSheikHeadRedSSBB.png ZeldaHeadBlueSSBB.pngSheikHeadBlueSSBB.png ZeldaHeadPinkSSBB.pngSheikHeadPinkSSBB.png ZeldaHeadGreenSSBB.pngSheikHeadGreenSSBB.png ZeldaHeadBlackSSBB.pngSheikHeadBlackSSBB.png
Purple/Light Blue Zelda is based on her appearance in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.[12][4]
While Sheik does not appear in Twilight Princess, she is based on unused concept art of her from the title.[13]
Red R Zelda resembles her in-game sprite when Link rescues her with the Red Ring equipped in The Legend of Zelda.
Blue B Zelda resembles her in-game sprite when Link rescues her with the Blue Ring equipped in The Legend of Zelda.
Pink Zelda is based on her appearance in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.[2]
Sheik does not resemble her appearance from Ocarina of Time and instead matches Zelda's color scheme.
Green G Zelda resembles her in-game sprite when Link rescues her with no ring equipped in The Legend of Zelda.
Black Complementary to Link's "Dark Link" costume.

Zero Suit Samus

Zero Suit Samus Palette (SSBB).png
ZeroSuitSamusHeadSSBB.png ZeroSuitSamusHeadBlueSSBB.png ZeroSuitSamusHeadPinkSSBB.png ZeroSuitSamusHeadBlackSSBB.png ZeroSuitSamusHeadPurpleSSBB.png ZeroSuitSamusHeadGreenSSBB.png

Zero Suit Samus's costumes are complementary to Samus's respective costumes.

Cyan Based on her appearances in Metroid: Zero Mission.
Blue B Resembles the Zero Suit at the end of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.
Pink R Resembles her leotard at the end of the original Metroid.
Black Resembles her outfit at the end of Super Metroid.
Green G


There is a glitch in Brawl that allows multiple players to be the same character with the same color scheme, without the shading seen in Team Battles.

This glitch can also occur when every player selects random, and multiple players end up playing as the same character.


  • Captain Falcon's red outfit actually has one file for each available PAL language in the game (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian). While presumably done so localizers could edit the "Blood Hawk" on the back to match the current language, this appears to have been skipped or glossed over, as there is no difference between the files.
  • Mr. Game and Watch only has one file for his model and textures. This indicates that the color variations come from tinting or blending the textures, instead of pre-rendered bitmaps.
  • Luigi has an unused blue costume in the game's data; this costume is slightly lighter in color than the used one, and the reason for its removal is unknown.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p 色ちがいのひみつ
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Smash Bros. DOJO!! - Color Changes
  3. ^ 速報スマブラ拳!! : アンケート集計拳!! - Page 82 in post-launch.
  4. ^ a b Masahiro Sakurai (2007-05-23). Link. Smash Bros. DOJO!!. Retrieved on 2018-04-20. “The design of this particular Link comes from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.”
  5. ^ Masked Man (translator) (2016-02-23). Nintendo Dream Interview with Sakurai: Part 2. SourceGaming. Retrieved on 2018-04-18. “With Lucas, we made use of his unique playstyle from Brawl. At the same time, we originally created him using Ness as a base, so we once again started with Ness and made changes from there.”
  6. ^ 速報スマブラ拳!! : アンケート集計拳!! - Page 11 in post-launch.
  7. ^ Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (North America) - Tip: "R.O.B.: Color Variations – R.O.B.'s red-and-white second color is based on the Japan version of R.O.B. In fact, it's even his default color in the Japanese version of this game!"
  8. ^ a b c Masahiro Sakurai (2014-09-03). Director's Room. Miiverse. Retrieved on 2016-02-05. “Pic of the day. Until now, you were only able to choose from four, or sometimes five or six colors for each character. This time, though, all characters have eight colors to choose from! The first four color schemes for Samus are based off her Varia Suit, Fusion Suit, Gravity Suit from Super Metroid, and the Dark Suit.”
  9. ^ Wii U & Nintendo 3DS Developer Direct. Official Nintendo YouTube channel (2014-07-11). Retrieved on 2016-02-06. “Until now Samus was based off the design from Super Metroid, but she's been given a major makeover. Her design is now closer to that of Metroid: Other M.”
  10. ^ Masahiro Sakurai (2014-09-03). Director's Room. Miiverse. Retrieved on 2016-02-05. “…And here she is in the color schemes of the Gravity Suit from Metroid Prime, Green Samus (a regular in the Smash series), the Light Suit, and Dark Samus. A total of eight colors.”
  11. ^ a b Masahiro Sakurai (2007-06-20). Wario. Smash Bros. DOJO!!. Retrieved on 2018-04-27. “Many fans clamored for Wario to join the fray, and so now he finally makes his his WarioWare costume.”
  12. ^ Masahiro Sakurai (2007-05-25). Zelda. Smash Bros. DOJO!!. Retrieved on 2018-04-23. “Just like Link, Zelda’s design has also changed.”
  13. ^ Masahiro Sakurai (2008-01-16). Sheik. Smash Bros. DOJO!!. Retrieved on 2018-04-23. “Sheik doesn’t appear in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, but we based her model on a design that was drafted up during the development of that game.”