User:HavocReaper48/DKC200X/Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
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Previously on Donkey Kong Country 200X...

Havoc dumbfoundedly stared at the mess before him.

Once great rollbackers and administrators armed to the teeth were now shells of their former selves before him.


"Havoc! You mean bully! I will not let you continue!"

Darkrai's arm grew and wrapped around Havoc. "How do ya like me now?!"

"Head's up! Give up now!"

The sky had been lit up by a red beam of energy, then Havoc passed out.





TEEEUUUUUUUUUU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 4: Out, but Not Down


"Can't let you do that, Darkrai!" Exclaimed Rhea.

That's when Havoc began to lose conscience, the world becoming fuzzy.

A red explosion came out of nowhere, Darkrai screeched and fell, slowly fading before disintegrating into thin air. Odd, guess that's how shadows die or something.

Too bad that was the only thing Havoc could remember before being completely K.O.'d.

The world went black.

"Finally, the pest is gone!" Megatron1 exclaimed.

"Just doing my job. Such drama around these parts." Rhea replied.

"He's been annoying us for quite some time. But a complete takeover? How could this happen?!"

"He seemed like the right kind of guy for the adoption job. Sorry."

"So... now what?"

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm certain my work is done here. I doubt he'll try to get powers back again."

Mega chuckled. Yeah right.

"Before you go, can we all have our powers back?"

"I need to leave. Cross-wiki duties. Your Havoc Reaping fellow should be able to restore your rights when he wakes up."

Rhea shot a blue beam at Havoc's scythe, and it was fully repaired and full of energy.

"And with that, I'm off. Ensure your friend sees proper medical attention."

"Uh, we had to give up the medical ward for advertising space here..."

"Your problem, not mine."

HavocReaper regained conscience in the medical ward of SmashWiki. He groaned and slowly woke up.

"Ugh... what happened?", he asked as he awoke to the usual crew of the Eye Are See had been waiting for him.

"Yeah. Staff saved you, for once.", said Mega.

"No way. Explain everything."


You approached Rhea's message board, close to his user hut. You went up to post when Darkrai ambushed you. He shot some sort of fireball of dark or something and it sent you flying. Slip followed and your duel began.

Anywho, I had been trailing behind like you asked me to in case something went wrong, and it damn did. I waited until he was totally preoccupied with you when I rushed to Rhea's.

"Rhea! Rhea come quickly! See how Darkrai has been abusing his power! He just wants revenge!" I had said to him.

We rushed out to see you fighting a losing battle. This misuse of power had been far enough evidence to even the staff. I mean, the whole "Engulfing the area in shadow entrapment" technique was really only a last resort move -- used on a good faith contributor.

"Give up now!", Darkrai had said as he fired his dark pulse.

"Halt! Cease fire, Darkrai! I've heard of your twisted past, and I now know giving you this power was a fluke!"

"I WILL dominate all who come in my way of worldwide conquest!"

"Can't let you do that, Darkrai!"


Unfortunately, we were too late to stop him from hurting you. Man, I figured you could hold out longer than THAT. I mean, I know you can't have a Plan A without a Plan B, but, still.

So in conclusion, the old users' power crisis has ended, Slip's back to the drawing board, and Rhea got bored and left.

"...and then we brought you here." Mega finished.

"Wasn't expecting an anti-climatic ending there." Havoc commented. "Oh well, feels good to be in power again. Seems the upgrade improved my strength -- I feel great, somehow."

"Yeah, until the medication wears off." Toomai commented.

"Not to mention those untended bruises." Omega Tyrant added.

"Dude, you've been out for a few days now." Doc included.

"At least things are back to normal." Havoc said.

"Since when are we ever normal?" Ivy asked.

"Good point, I suppose a better way to phrase that is, 'Back to the way things were'."

For now.

"I'm still not through. Just a setback."

Panting, he approached the river.

"There's still one option left."

"You sure about this? Just friendly advice from an ex-fellow-admin. Nothing ever goes right for you over there."

"Don't get involved. Stay here and hold the fort for me, I won't give up that easily."

"Your call."



"Yeah. They're on radar. I suppose I can get rid of one or two." Havoc radioed in.

DKWikia grounds, Havoc had to have some dignity and make sure the place wasn't a total wreck. Back on DKWiki things were peaceful. NIWA itself had grown. The community, the technical aspects of it too... I mean, have you SEEN Fire Emblem Wiki's new front page?!

As far as normalcy goes, yeah, this was it. Bit of a contradiction to the title of the chapter, don't ya think?

Vandals came and went. HavocReaper "recovered" and resumed duty.

What of Darkrai you ask? Well, random twist time. Thanks to some random userpage surfing Havoc located Slipknot.

He returned to the Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance under a different alias (of which shall not be mentioned for his own security) and joined MarioWiki. Yup. He chose MW over DKWiki. Not only did he finally leave Wikia, but didn't even follow DKWikia's move. Not that I have anything against MarioWiki.

Slip (supposedly) started out good, but still had some greed. Soon enough his community disturbances and socking earned him an infinite.

This was recent, as he was blocked in late July 2011.

Current whereabouts unknown.