User:HavocReaper48/DKC200X/Chapter 2

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Previously on Donkey Kong Country 200X...

Slipknot: "No! This is an outrage!"

Omega: "One month should of been enough."

Havoc: "It's for the good of the Wiki. Begone!"


Mega: "Lets go back to SmashWiki."

"The guy left, he's not welcome."

"Good, in a few weeks you'll be eligible."

"Whatever it takes!"


Announcer: "K.O.!"

Ryu: "OOOuuuuaaahhhhh.......OOOuuuuaaahhhhh...."

Announcer: "YOU WIN. PERFECT."

Chapter 2: Of Jaunting Consequences
Kingdom Baron theme

"Come now, move along, the real place you're looking for this that way.", said HavocReaper48, pointing towards the Donkey Kong Wiki. He had ventured onto Wikia grounds, noticing travelers wandering to the wrong place. They had been searching for a Donkey Kong database to edit, though the DKWikia was abandoned some time ago. The actual community was at the DKWiki (note the lack of "a"). He had left a few notices around reminding people of the move and retreated. Didn't like going on Wikia grounds, full of ads and whatnot.

Havoc sighed as he look at the Donkey Kong Wikia from afar. Slipknot Darkrai had been the only real active contributor on DKWikia, and without any sort of power to stop incoming waves of vandalism. Surplus pages and images surfaced, and the only other administrators there were uninteresting in helping out. The place was a dump.

It was the typical cycle. Darkrai does something bad, Darkrai takes a wiki break. Now that Havoc was independent and Darkrai as well as other vandals were off his tail, the new DKWiki had become more... boring, perhaps was the word? Less humorous? That was it. True, vandalism itself is foul, but the Reaper couldn't help but get an occasional chuckle from it. For example, this one time a random I.P. made an article claiming a Donkey Kong Country game had been released in 199X! Crazy, but classic. Beats random bots invading the jungle and inserting their surplus advertising.

Unwanted on what was his most active Wikia wiki, he could only watch as the jungle slowly crumbled. Oh well, survival of the fittest and whatnot. The newer, freer wiki could easily trump the old one now that he had purposely began improving certain aspects of it.

It had been a while since his last encounter with Darkrai. Havoc began cracking down on DKC Returns information and still removing Wikia crap from DKWiki when he noticed something.

Suddenly, a person of higher rank appeared bearing "@wikia" emblems. Darkrai was also nearby, with a smirk on his face.

"Those are Staff...", he muttered. What could they want?

Him apparently, as the Reaper was summoned shortly after the staff, Rhea, appeared.

Brandon Rhea!

"You must cease these spamming actions immediately. Slipknot Darkrai here helped remove such actions."

HavocReaper blankly started back.

"...uh, the community moved...?"

"The wiki hasn't really moved, though. The content of this wiki was copied elsewhere, as it is freely licensed, but this wiki is still here. This wiki deserves a chance to stand on its own and be successful just as much as the new, forked wiki does, and it has a right to do so without interference from the new wiki."

"But no one really cares for this wiki much anymore." Havoc replied, " and it's called MOVING. This wiki should be deleted."

"Nonsense! This is the real Donkey Kong Wiki!" Slipknot Darkrai blurted out.

"In addition I'm pulling the plug on the large notice about the move on the main page. Don't put it back or you'll be forbidden to step on these grounds." Rhea added.

Helpless, the scythe wielder sighed and left. There's no point in arguing with these guys.

"How much longer?"


"Can you believe this stuff happens?"

"Ever since the Crisis..."

"I have an idea."

Meanwhile on DKWiki, another spammer had appeared. They just don't quit. Havoc made quick work of it, slashing at its soul, bearing a permanent mark. Won't be editing again.

Then out of the corner of his eye, Havoc could of sworn he saw a moving shadow. He turned around to see an amazing sunset effect on the horizon. Most things have become silhouetted.

"Oh, it was the just DKCR sunset effect." But who was behind him? However, he could not investigate, yet another spambot was running rapid according to his Recent Changes radar. The scythe shone under the sunset as more blood would be shed.


"Hmm, so, maybe nothing major, just a few tweaks here and there." Darkrai thought to himself. He had been on the true DKWiki, his block expired. "This could work out. I'll be back on my feet in no time." SD looked down to see no feet, due to his hovering ability. "Well, uh, back to good doing."

Sure enough, on Reaper's RC radar, Slipknot Darkrai had returned, this time bearing good intentions? Finally got through to him.

Or had it?


Meh, either way Havoc gave Slip a week.

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Donkey Kong Country 200X
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