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Ganondorf (SSB4)/Forward smash


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Ganondorf does an elbow thrust that deals dark damage upon landing. It has slow startup and has high cooldown, but has the strongest knockback of all of his smash attacks, especially when hit with the sweetspot (which is located near him). It also can be angled, and has high shield damage, taking more than half of a shield's health when uncharged and fully breaking them when fully charged. Because of its below-average speed, this move is usually only used as a punishing option or during a hard read in competitive play.


ID Part Damage SD Angle BK KS FKV Radius Bone Offset SDIx T% Clang Rebound Type Effect G A Sound Direct
0 0 24% 0   35 83 0 5.0 15 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0x 1.0x 0%               Burn  
1 0 24% 0   30 75 0 5.0 16 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0x 1.0x 0%               Burn  


Hitboxes 21-26
Animation length 59
Legend (1 square = 1 frame)
Lag time