Super Smash Bros. Melee

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This article is about Luigi's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Melee. For the character in other contexts, see Luigi.
in Super Smash Bros. Melee
Universe Mario
Other playable appearances in SSB
in Brawl
in SSB4
Availability Unlockable
Tier D (13) (North America)
E (13) (Europe)
Luigi (SSBM)
Luigi has worse traction than his brother, but he's a more powerful jumper.
—Trophy description of Luigi.

Luigi (ルイージ, Luigi) is an unlockable character in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Luigi is markedly similar to Mario, though his moveset and attributes (such as traction and aerial mobility) are different in many ways, making him a semi-clone.

Luigi currently ranks 13th on the tier list, in the D tier. This is a huge improvement from his previous ranking in Smash 64 where he was ranked 12th at the very bottom of the tier list, and placing him two places immediately above his older brother Mario. Luigi is notable for having some of the best aerials in all of Melee; they are very fast, very powerful and have very low ending and landing lag. Luigi's wavedash is the longest in the game, taking him nearly half the distance of Final Destination at a high speed (only slightly slower than Captain Falcon's dash). Luigi also has a wide array of efficient combo and KO moves both in the air and on the ground. Luigi's traction is the lowest in the game; while it gives him an excellent wavedash, it also limits some of his approaches on the ground if he's not wavedashing, as well as his out of shield options (as he often gets pushed too far away for fast follow-ups when his shield is hit). His approach options are generally poor; he struggles to approach on the ground despite his excellent movement due to his short range and lack of disjointed hitboxes, while his aerial approaches are hampered by his high short hop and slow falling speed (giving him one of the worst SHFFLs in the game) and his extremely poor aerial mobility (the worst in the game). This problem is compounded with his difficulty in forcing opponents to approach (mainly as a result of his very poor projectile). Additionally, his recovery is easy to edgeguard, being very linear and slow despite covering a large distance.

How to Unlock

To unlock Luigi, the player must clear the first level of Adventure Mode with a 2 as the second digit of the seconds portion of the clock. (XX:X2XX). After this requirement is met, a cinematic plays when the player finishes the level, showing Luigi replacing Mario in the level to battle alongside Peach. The player must then defeat Luigi within one minute. After Adventure Mode is completed, the player will face off against Luigi.

Alternately, playing 800 versus matches will also give the opportunity to unlock Luigi.

When fought against, Luigi appears in Mushroom Kingdom II.


While Luigi may initially appear to be a clone of his older brother Mario, similar to Dr. Mario, Luigi is a semi-clone of Mario who exchanges mobility for extra power, despite the inverse being true in the Mario games. Many significant differences are present between their ground, aerial, and special attacks, and Luigi possesses several unique moves. Luigi's attributes can also wildly vary from Mario's; Luigi's air speed, dashing speed, and traction are amongst the lowest in the game, whereas Mario's are about average. Luigi's jumps are also much higher than Mario's. Luigi has the longest wavedash in the game as a result of his low traction.

Luigi's primary advantage in this regard is his impressive ground movement. Luigi's wavedash functions as his primary method of movement on the ground, allowing him to traverse large distances very quickly and with a great deal of maneuverability. Luigi can combine his excellent wavedash with a variety of powerful smash attacks to produce some of the best wavesmashes in the game. His down smash is highly versatile, acting as combo starter due to its completely vertical knockback, as a juggling move, or as a KO move at high percentages. His forward smash has extremely high knockback scaling (135; the highest in the game), making it a powerful KO move (if a risky one due to its high ending lag). His up smash has invincibility on his head and is effective at KOing on the upper blast line and on floaty opponents, in addition to outprioritising attacks from above Luigi.

Luigi also has a variety of powerful attacks in his arsenal; all of Luigi's aerial attacks are extremely solid. His neutral aerial has high, completely vertical knockback, making it excellent for both starting and continuing combos, and his forward aerial has quick startup and high knockback (at the Sakurai angle; 45° against aerial opponents), making it a useful attack for both KOing and edgeguarding. In addition to these, Luigi's down aerial is among the most flexible attacks in the game. While it has slightly slower startup than his forward air, it launches at the same angle yet has less ending and landing lag. At lower percentages, the forward aerial has more knockback than down aerial. The upper hitbox of the d-air (near Luigi's hips) is a meteor smash, although it is difficult to land and generally more situational than the regular hit. His back aerial has good range and works well for setting up edgeguards, while his up aerial is useful for hitting opponents above him and has low knockback which allows it to combo effectively into more aerials (such as a down or neutral aerial) on floaty opponents, and also works as a somewhat situational edgeguarding tool. Luigi's up special can act as a powerful vertical finisher if sweetspotted, though it leaves Luigi in a helpless state and is very laggy; it is very punishable if the sweetspot is missed or the opponent avoids the attack (such as by shielding it). As a result, its use is often restricted to punishing very laggy moves (such as Sheik's Vanish) unless it can be edge cancelled.

Luigi's grab game is also good. Although his grab range is merely average, it is still much longer than Mario's and his aforementioned long wavedash allows Luigi to extend its reach. His throws have many varied uses. Both his down throw and up throw function as combo starters, leading into juggles with moves like up tilt, neutral air, and down smash; fast fallers such as Fox and Falco are generally more susceptible to up throw, while down throw is more suitable for floaty characters like Marth. Up throw is also a viable chain grab on fast-fallers at low percentages. His forward throw and back throws can set up a variety of edgeguards, with his back throw having sufficiently high knockback to function as a kill move at high percentages.

Luigi's strange variety of attributes, however, acts as a double-edged sword. Despite a highly effective wavedash, Luigi's movement without wavedashing is poor; while his moonwalk is decent, his dash is slow and his short initial dash animation gives him a very short dash-dance. Additionally, Luigi's projectile, Fireballs are poor; they have low hitstun, travel slowly, and have high ending lag, making them some of the more situational projectiles in the game. In addition, Luigi's air game, despite his powerful aerials, lacks much needed synergy with his stellar ground movement due to his low air speed. Furthermore, it, along with his low falling speed, leaves him highly vulnerable to juggles, as he cannot reach the ground effectively to escape them (this is one of the major factors in his poor matchup with Marth, who is capable of both starting and maintaining juggles on Luigi very effectively). A very high short hop and a low falling speed also gives Luigi among the worst SHFFLs in the game, even with his low-lag aerials. Finally, his low falling speed is what makes him vulnerable to being KOed off the top blast line (especially by characters with powerful vertical finishers, like Fox and Ganondorf).

Luigi's two primary recovery moves, Super Jump Punch and Green Missile have decent range (and Green Missile can be used repeatedly when recovering high), they are extremely linear in trajectory; Super Jump Punch does not move Luigi horizontally at all and Green Missile moves him horizontally and then causes him to fall significantly during the high ending lag. The slow and linear nature of these moves make is recovery easy to edgeguard on reaction, undermining his otherwise relatively long recovery. His Super Jump Punch also makes for one of the poorest meteor cancels in the game. He can also recover using the Luigi Cyclone, which gives vertical and horizontal distance. However, the Cyclone needs to be "charged" before it allows Luigi to rise while using it. The move becomes charged when it is completed or is interrupted while Luigi is touching the ground; the charge will be lost if the move finishes while Luigi is not touching the ground. If the charged Cyclone is interrupted in the air it remains charged. Sometimes Luigi begins with the flying cyclone "charged" and sometimes it needs to be charged before use. This is determined by a combination of stage choice, character choice of your opponent, and having lower port priority than your opponent. Also the flying cyclone can be performed from the ground; if Luigi is doing his teeter animation at the edge of a platform he can execute a flying cyclone from that position. This cyclone has different properties for input than a standard flying Cyclone, as it seems to have a similar difficulty level to Mario's flying Tornado. If this rising cyclone is executed from the ground then it must be charged before executing another aerial cyclone unless the one from ground lands on a platform. Additionally, if the cyclone is executed on the ground, other than from a teetering animation, pressing B again will cause Luigi to do a small hop off the ground while still doing the cyclone animation. It also requires intense button mashing to rise; many Luigi players must hold the controller in a different way to normal (such as balancing it on their leg) to be able to press the B button fast enough to utilize the Cyclone as an effective recovery move.

The Fireball is also a potent recovery tool. When knocked off the stage into the range at which Green Missile is effective for grabbing the ledge, Luigi can double jump and aim a fireball at the stage. This will allow him to safely reach the ledge with Super Jump Punch. Depending on which edgeguarding option the opponent uses, there are many different options for aiming the fireball. Aiming at the opponents shield stalls their timing due to shield stun. If they attempt an edgeguard with an aerial or ground based physical attack it is guaranteed to beat the fireball if it does more than 15% damage. Aiming at the corner of the stage will disrupt an opponent who has taken the ledge or is stalling near the stage attempting a gimp. This option greatly enhances Luigi's recovery, but it is still very situational as the opponent can simply avoid, absorb, or deflect the projectile, which may sometimes result in a gimped recovery in the lattermost case.

Luigi also suffers from being a character that requires a somewhat large amount of technical skill and relies heavily on situational attacks; a majority of Luigi's attacks have to timed properly with a wavedash to be at their most effective. Additionally, Luigi is over-reliant on wavedashing; a highly effective Luigi player must have perfect control over his wavedash distance. Using a long wavedash does him little good for offensive purposes up close, and a short wavedash hampers safe retreat. Furthermore, the frequency with which a Luigi player needs to wavedash can increase the number of errors involving jumping or airdodging compared to other characters, which increases the number of opportunities for the opponent to punish. Despite his mobility, Luigi has lacks many particularly safe approaches on the ground, and his aerial approaches are very poor, which generally leaves him vulnerable to characters with good zoning ability.

Changes from Smash 64 to Melee

While his recovery was nerfed, Luigi was generally buffed from his transition from Super Smash Bros. to Super Smash Bros. Melee; instead of being in the lowest position of the tier list at 12th, Luigi is now in the dead center of the tier list (13th) as a result of improvements to his offense and combo game, as well as being aided by new mechanics.


  • Buff The new physics of Melee, particularly the addition of wavedashing, has greatly aided Luigi's poor approach options and range in his attacks, as well as his general mobility, especially on the ground.
  • Buff Luigi's walking speed is significantly faster (0.3 → 1.1).
  • Buff Luigi's dashing speed is faster (40 → 1.34).
  • Change Luigi falls faster (42 → 1.6), which improving his vertical endurance, but makes him easier to combo.
  • Nerf His already very slow air speed has been decreased even further (26 → 0.68).
  • Change A majority of changes made to Luigi have to further differentiate him from his brother Mario. Luigi's forward smash, neutral combo, forward aerial, up tilt, and down tilt have all been changed into different attacks with different animations. Additionally, the brothers were given a unique side special each.
  • Change Luigi received a minor cosmetic change: when using his default costume, his overalls are now a navy blue color (more like Mario's) instead of purple from the previous game.

Ground attacks

  • Buff Neutral attacks hit 1 and 2 now have set knockback, allowing the third hit to connect reliably.
  • Buff New neutral attack hit third input involves Luigi bumping forward with his read end. Sends Luigi forward slightly, increasing its range.
  • Nerf Down angled forward tilt now has very weak set knockback at the Sakurai angle.
  • Buff New up tilt: an overhead "cat paw" swipe with his fist. It is much faster and easier to use in combos.
  • Buff New down tilt: a low swinging crouch kick with Luigi's following/right leg. Can now meteor smash opponents hanging on the ledge.
  • Nerf Down tilt is a less useful combo starter and has more ending lag.
  • Buff Luigi has a new forward smash: a step-forth-and-back knife-hand thrust with his left hand. It is faster via both startup and recovery-wise and has much higher knockback scaling. Like the original forward smash, it can be angled.
  • Buff Up smash has a new animation; Luigi now takes a massive step forward as he leans for the headbutt. This gives it a bit more horizontal range than before.
  • Buff Up smash has significantly less startup and ending lag. It also has considerably higher knockback scaling.
  • Buff Down smash now does vertical knockback, making it a much better combo starter.

Aerial attacks

  • Buff Neutral aerial has new knockback properties, leading to almost entirely vertical knockback, making it a considerably more powerful (can KO under 130%) and flexible attack.
  • Buff New forward and down aerials are a quick knifehand downward strike and a downward corkscrew kick respectively. They are much more powerful than the old ones in Smash 64.
  • Buff Back aerial is now faster and has considerably higher base knockback, making it a more useful edgeguarder.
  • Change Back aerial has a new animation, where Luigi kicks more sideways with his right side facing up, instead of kicking backward face-down. Luigi also recovers differently without curling up into a flip.
  • Change Luigi's down aerial also hits only once via a single drill spinning stomp, instead of being a multi-hit attack like in Smash 64.
  • Buff Down aerial when positioned right at his hip for the sweetspot, can now meteor smash. The lower hitboxes instead have weak knockback at the Sakurai angle, making both parts solid for edgeguarding regardless.
  • Nerf Luigi's down aerial now has a slight delay before the hitbox comes out, making it a bit slower than before.

Grabs and throws

  • Buff Luigi has been given an up throw and a down throw, along with the rest of the Super Smash Bros. veterans, significantly improving his attack options.

Special moves

  • Nerf Fireball has a smaller hitbox and deals 1% less damage.
  • Buff Luigi has a new side special:Green Missile. It gives him an additional recovery option. It also slightly aids to his KO ability, being another KO option, albeit not very reilable.
  • Nerf Super Jump Punch no longer gains any horizontal distance, and also gains less vertical distance.
  • Buff Luigi Cyclone is a much better OoS option, as it now allows Luigi to move along the ground a moderate distance very quickly.
  • Nerf Luigi Cyclone is no longer a KO move and combo finisher. Furthermore, the height gained from using it as a recovery move is slightly lower, now requiring significantly faster button inputs to make Luigi rise. To further compound the latter problem, it also needs to be "charged" by being used on the ground before it can be used in midair properly.
  • Buff Luigi Cyclone is now a multi-hit attack. It also lasts a shorter time but strikes faster.


For a gallery of Luigi's hitboxes, see here.

Luigi's aerial attacks
  Name Damage Description
Neutral attack   3% Luigi's neutral attack combo is a three-hit attack consisting of two jabs followed by a hip bump. Useful as a low-damage opener. Because the third strike of the combo knocks the opponent away with a medium amount of lag, many players elect to omit the third strike of the combo. Luigi can repeat the first strike of the neutral attack by jab cancelling.
Forward tilt   10% Does a back spinning kick with his right leg. Has medium knockback. It is often used to poke or simply to push the opponent away, giving Luigi extra time to maneuver or set up edgeguards. It can be angled, with the downwards angled version having very low hitstun, often leaving Luigi vulnerable on hit or block.
Up tilt   9% Swipes over his head with his fist. Its upward trajectory makes this move well-suited for juggling, especially against fast-fallers.
Down tilt   9% Crouches, turns around, and kicks his heel out behind him. It pops the opponent up with low-knockback and is laggy, making it of limited usefulness. Since this attack hugs the ground, it can be used to attack a sweet spotting enemy.
Dash attack   2% (hits 1-6) Dashes forward and attacks his opponent with a flurry of punches. It hits six times and does moderate damage, but it's not very useful due to being extremely unsafe on hit (it has 22 frames on ending lag and very low hitstun), allowing any character to grab him out of it. All hits deal ≈11.1% when used fresh.
Forward smash Throat Thrust 14% Bends his elbow before thrusting his arm out, performing a spearhand thrust. Launches opponents diagonally upwards. The highest knockback scaling in the game at 135, being able to KO under 130%. Additionally, charging this move will cease Luigi momentum mid-wavedash, which will make him stop suddenly. This move be angled up or down.
Up smash   17% Performs an upwards headbutt. Identical to Mario's up smash but has an up-and-behind trajectory, ideal for KOs off the upper blast line, or KOs on floaty opponents. It can also set up aerial combos in a similar manner to his up tilt. Luigi's head is intangible while the hitboxes are active.
Down smash   17% Kicks out twice in a breakdancing motion, first in front and then behind. The combination of the attack's upward trajectory and its knockback makes it an excellent combo starter.
Neutral aerial   15% (clean), 8% (late) A sex kick that sends the opponent straight upwards. For this reason, Luigi's sex kick is a popular tool for juggling and comboing opponents, being able to KO at high percentages. Its hitbox and low startup time (hits on frame 3) means that it is useful for interrupting combo attempts by the opponent. One of the strongest sex kicks in the game (being the 3rd most powerful neutral aerial overall and the most powerful sex kick in Melee).
Forward aerial   12% Does a quick karate chop forward. High horizontal knockback and is one of Luigi's primary KO'ing aerial attacks. It also has high knockback at low damage. Launches at the Sakurai angle.
Back aerial   11% Performs a reverse dropkick. Good for damage racking, edgeguarding, and zoning (especially on floaty opponents such as Jigglypuff). It also has high base knockback, similar to Dr. Mario's back aerial, adding to it's effectiveness.
Up aerial   13% Does a upwards flipkick, hitting above him. Doesn't offer the same juggling properties from the ground as Mario's; however, it is often used against opponents above Luigi on platforms, or as a vertical launcher to set up an aerial finisher like his forward aerial. It is also useful as an edgeguard.
Down aerial   16% Does a quick downwards spin kick. A valuable edgeguarding move. Can meteor smash if he hits the opponent with his hip (in a similar fashion to Young Link's down aerial meteor smash.) The lower hitbox has strong knockback at the Sakurai angle in a similar fashion to his forward aerial.
Pummel   3% Headbutts opponent. Relatively slow.
Forward throw   8% Spins around once and throws his opponent forward. This throw is relatively weak but can be used near the ledge to set up edgeguards.
Back throw   10% (throw), 8% (collateral) Spins around three times and throws his opponent backwards. Luigi's strongest throw, often being used for throwing enemies offstage and getting KOs.
Up throw   7% Throws his opponent upward. Very useful combo starter, leading into moves such as an up tilt, a neutral aerial, and an up smash. It can also chain grab fast-fallers at low damage.
Down throw   7% Throws the opponent into the ground, causing them to bounce at a horizontal angle. Allows for combos or tech chase follow ups.
Forward roll
Back roll
Spot dodge
Air dodge
Floor attack (front)
Floor getups (front)
  6% Gets up and punches behind him, then in front.
Floor attack (back)
Floor getups (back)
  6% Swirls around in a similar fashion to his down smash.
Edge attack (fast)
Edge getups (fast)
  6% (body), 8% (legs) Does a somersault and then kicks upward onto the stage.
Edge attack (slow)
Edge getups (slow)
  10% Slowly gets up and kicks forward with one leg.
Neutral special Fireball 6% Shoots a fireball as a projectile. The fireball isn't affected by gravity.
Side special Green Missile 5-26% (normal), 25% (misfire) A chargeable move that launches Luigi sideways like a rocket. There is a lot of ending lag on this move, which makes it very punishable. There is a 1-in-8 chance that Luigi will misfire, sending him much farther, much faster, and with much more knockback. Performing this move like a smash attack causes the move the finish charging sooner.
Up special Super Jump Punch 25% (ground clean), 20% (air clean), 1% (late) Does a jumping uppercut upwards with no horizontal distance. There is a 1-frame sweetspot right at the beginning of the move, which is very powerful. Otherwise, it deals pitiful damage and no knockback.
Down special Luigi Cyclone 8% (ground hit 1), 9% (air hit 1), 12% (hit 2) A spinning attack that can be moved left and right. By rapidly tapping the B button, it can be used to gain a little vertical distance.


  • Bashfully kicks the ground, dealing 1% damage to anyone who hits his foot. It is the only taunt in Melee that can damage the opponent. The taunt normally sends the enemy upwards with set knockback, but against opponents hanging on the ledge, it will meteor smash. Since it is slow and very weak, Luigi's taunt is rarely used in competitive play.

Idle pose

  • Rubs the back of his head sheepishly.
File:Luigi Idle Pose Melee.png

Crowd cheer

English Japanese
Description Lu-i-gi! Lu-i-gi!
Pitch Group chant Group chant

Victory poses

An orchestrated cover of the iconic "Level Completed" music from Super Mario Bros..
  • Falls down twice as stiff as a board.
  • Turns around and makes gun motions with his fingers, saying "Let's-a go"!
  • Childishly swings his arms at the air and gasps twice with exhaustion.
Luigi-Victory1-SSBM.gif Luigi-Victory2-SSBM.gif Luigi-Victory3-SSBM.gif

In Competitive play


Super Smash Bros. Melee Character Matchups
  Fox (SSBM) Marth (SSBM) Jigglypuff (SSBM) Falco (SSBM) Sheik (SSBM) Captain Falcon (SSBM) Peach (SSBM) Ice Climbers (SSBM) Pikachu (SSBM) Yoshi (SSBM) Samus (SSBM) Luigi (SSBM) Dr. Mario (SSBM) Ganondorf (SSBM) Mario (SSBM) Donkey Kong (SSBM) Young Link (SSBM) Link (SSBM) Mr. Game & Watch (SSBM) Mewtwo (SSBM) Roy (SSBM) Pichu (SSBM) Ness (SSBM) Zelda (SSBM) Kirby (SSBM) Bowser (SSBM) Avg.
Luigi (SSBM) -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 ±0 +1 +2 -1 Mirror match ±0 -1 ±0 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +1 +2 +2 ±0

Notable players

See also: Category:Luigi professionals (SSBM)



Tier placement and history

Luigi was once ranked quite high on the tier list, hovering around positions 6 to 9 for about the first year of Melee's metagame. He then saw a large drop to 12th, which can be attributed to his low traction leading to slippery movement, predictable recovery, and short reach, which many players of top tier characters began adapting to and countering in their own metagames, resulting in worse matchups for Luigi; he was also seen as outclassed by both Dr. Mario and Mario, who either had more power or a less risky combo game, respectively. He then fell to the top of low tier for many years to come. However, with excellent performances by dedicated professionals such as Eddy Mexico and Abate showing Luigi's extremely quick mobility and approach with the wavedash and waveland, as well as his great aerial game and KO power despite his poor reach, opinions of Luigi began to change. In recent tournaments such as EVO 2013 and The Big House 5, Luigi players have placed relatively high with lacking similar performances by Mario, resulting in Luigi pulling ahead back into the middle tier, two spots above Mario in 13th place. Today, Luigi is still a solid middle tier character who has a relatively small, but strong, player base, and he makes decent impressions in large tournaments.

In 1-P Mode

Classic Mode

In Classic Mode, Luigi can appear as an ordinary opponent, an ally in team and giant battles, alongside Dr. Mario, Link, or Yoshi in a team, a giant opponent, the sole member of a multi-character battle, or a metal character. In all appearances, he either appears on Mushroom Kingdom or Mushroom Kingdom II with the exception of the metal battle and when on a team with Yoshi, where he will fight the player on Battlefield or Yoshi's Story, respectively.

Adventure Mode

Luigi can appear in the Adventure Mode if the player finishes the first stage, Mushroom Kingdom, with the number two anywhere in the seconds meter (ex. 3:42:35) , a cutscene will occur which will show Luigi taking Mario's place in the upcoming battle (unusually, it does not count if there is a two in the tens column, but not the ones column: ex. 3.25:35 will not count). The player will then have to battle a team of Luigi and Peach. Of note is that Luigi can appear in the Adventure Mode without being unlocked; encountering him in the Adventure Mode prior to unlocking him is actually one of two criteria the player can meet to unlock him.

If the player has unlocked Luigi, Metal Luigi will appear in Stage 11-2: Battlefield stage alongside Metal Mario.

All-Star Mode

Luigi and his allies are fought on Mushroom Kingdom.

Event Matches

Luigi is featured in the following event matches:

Ending Images

Trophy descriptions

In addition to the normal trophy about Luigi as a character, there are two trophies about him as a fighter, unlocked by completing both Adventure and All-Star modes respectively with Luigi on any difficulty:

Although Mario's younger brother has always played second fiddle, Luigi finally garnered the spotlight with his very own game, Luigi's Mansion. Things are looking up for the eternal understudy; he's even picked up his own rival in Waluigi. The day he's referred to as the "lean, mean, green machine" may not be too far off.
  • Mario Bros. Arcade 1983
Luigi [Smash]
Luigi has worse traction than his brother, but he's a more powerful jumper. His Fireballs aren't affected by gravity, so they fly straight horizontally. The Green Missile is similar to Pikachu's Skull Bash, but there's a 12.5% chance of a spontaneous misfire. Luigi's taunting pose inflicts minor damage.
  • B: Fireball
  • Smash B: Green Missile
Luigi [Smash]
Smack someone with Luigi's Super Jump Punch, and if the timing is just right, it will become a Fire Jump Punch of incredible strength. However, Luigi can only jump straight up when delivering this blow, and if his aim is a bit off, he'll only do a single point of damage. The Luigi Cyclone sucks foes in and twirls them about.
  • Up & B: Super Jump Punch
  • Down & B: Luigi Cyclone

Alternate costumes

Luigi's alternate costumes in SSBM


  • Beating Luigi in the Adventure Mode only gives the player 20 bonus points, the smallest bonus point increase in the game. Luigi is also the only unlockable character who can appear in Adventure Mode prior to unlocking him.
    • Luigi is the only unlockable character to have his own cinematic, which plays when the player meets the criterion in Adventure Mode.
  • Luigi is the only SSB64 veteran and is overall one of the only Melee characters (Roy, Marth, Falco, Mr. Game & Watch, and Dr. Mario) to not appear in the Melee intro.
  • In the first two Smash Bros. games, Luigi's voice clips are simply higher-pitched versions of Mario's (most of which are taken from Super Mario 64), with the exception of the voice clip used when he performs the Luigi Cyclone, which is a direct rip of Mario's voice clip from Smash 64 when using Mario Tornado. This is despite the fact that Luigi had his own distinct voice in Mario Kart 64 (albeit by the same actor), which came out over two years before Smash 64.
  • Luigi is the only character in Melee that has a taunt that can damage a player.
  • Jigglypuff and Luigi are the only veterans to be unlockable in Melee.
  • Luigi is the only Semi-clone in Melee.