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|firstgame    = ''[[Star Fox]]'' (1993)
|firstgame    = ''[[Star Fox]]'' (1993)
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Revision as of 15:18, May 9, 2008

This article is about Fox's appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. For other uses, see Fox McCloud.
Universe Star Fox
Appears in SSB
Availability Starter

Fox (フォックス, Fokkusu) was confirmed for Super Smash Bros. Brawl at Nintendo World 2006. He keeps all of his previous moves from SSBM.

When he was revealed in the Nintendo World 2006 trailer, he was shown with his blaster in his hand at all times, leading to much speculation over how his attacks might change in Brawl. However, his gun is shown in its holster in all subsequent screenshots shown at the Smash Bros. DOJO!!

Pros and Cons


  • Very fast, third fastest running speed.
  • All attacks come out quickly.
  • Up Smash is one of the best vertical kill moves in the game.
  • Blaster can build up some quick damage.
  • Can reflect projectiles.
  • Reflector can semi-spike people with set knockback, can trap people against walls, and can slow down vertical movement allowing players to aim Fox's recovery move.
  • Down air can lead into combos such as the drillshine or dair into up-tilt. It also is a meteor smash, though a fairly weak one.
  • Forward air can add vertical distance to Fox's first jump.
  • Can Jump shine and Dash Shine.


  • Very easy to KO. (5th lightest character in the game).
  • Has a hard time with Horizontal KOs.
  • Range is fairly short.
  • His recovery can be caped and edge-guarded easily.
  • Easy to combo and chain grab.
  • Poor air speed.

Changes from Melee to Brawl

  • New fighter stance
  • Falls at normal speed
  • Reflector's hitbox expands at start-up
  • Up smash and up aerial attacks are weaker
  • New back aerial
  • Forward aerial doesn't drop Fox to the ground but now gives a hovering effect
  • Blaster travels roughly half the distance it used to
  • Reflector does not have a set diagonal downward knockback
  • Smash Attack is faster
  • Fire Fox is slightly shorter than it was in Melee.
  • Has a new English voice.

Standard Moves

Ground Attacks

  • Dash A- Running kick, causes 7% damage.
  • Neutral A- Left jab, right hook, then a flurry of kicks.
  • Forward Tilt- A quick right kick, causes 6% damage.
  • Down Tilt- Low tail whip. The attack does more damage the closer the opponent is to Fox, with a maximum of 9% and a minimum of 7%. Hitting with the tip of the tail sends the opponent upward.
  • Up Tilt- Quick back kick. Causes 8% damage if the opponent is in front of Fox and 10% if the opponent is behind him.
  • Forward Smash- A spinning kick. Causes 12-15% damage uncharged and 16-21% damage fully charged.
  • Down Smash- Split kick (hits on both sides). Does 14% damage uncharged on either side and 19% fully charged.
  • Up Smash- A back-flip kick. Deals 17% uncharged and 23% charged. The attack is significantly less effective if it hits while the opponent is behind fox.

Aerial Attacks

  • Neutral Aerial- Flying kick. Causes a maximum of 9% damage.
  • Forward Aerial- Quintuple kick. Causes a minimum of 4% damage each kick.
  • Back Aerial- Quick back kick. Causes a maximum of 15% damage.
  • Up Aerial- Upward tail whip + kick. Hitting with the tail causes 5% damage while the kick causes 11% damage.
  • Down Aerial- Drill kick. Does more damage the closer the opponent is to Fox and can deal up to 21% damage.

Grabs and Throws

  • Pummel- Knees them in the gut.
  • Forward Throw- Punches the opponent forward.
  • Back Throw- Throws opponent backward and shoots them with his blaster.
  • Up Throw- Throws opponent up and shoots them with his blaster.
  • Down Throw- Slams opponent on the ground and shoots them with his blaster.


A large amount of his standard moves are kicks, and thus he would benefit greatly from [Leg] damage stickers. Three of his B moves deal [Specials: Direct] damage while his blaster is [Specials: Indirect]. A handful of his exclusive stickers only apply to single attacks, he can use [Tail] damage stickers to power up his Down Tilt, and [Electric] damage stickers to power up his shine. A large [Energy] damage boost will help Fox rack up damage with his blaster quickly.

Exclusive Stickers

The following stickers can either be only used by Fox, or by a select few characters including Fox:

  • Fox (Star Fox Command): [Tail] Attack +18
  • Fox (Star Fox Adventures): [Arm, Leg] Attack +15
  • Wolf: [Arm, Leg] Attack +15
  • Pigma: [Arm] Attack + 7
  • Krystal (Star Fox Adventures): [Electric] Attack +28
  • ROB: [Electric] Resistance +15
  • Krystal (Star Fox Command): [Energy] Attack +12
  • Falco (Star Fox Command): [Energy] Attack +14
  • Fox (Star Fox 64): [Energy] Attack +18
  • Fox (Star Fox: Assault): [Energy] Attack +33
  • Arwing: [Leg] Attack + 6
  • Falco (Star Fox Adventures): [Specials: Indirect] Attack +11
  • Wolfen (Star Fox 64): [Tail] Attack +16
  • Krystal (Star Fox: Assault): [Tail] Attack +17
  • Panther: [Tail] Attack +18
  • Miniature Dachshund: [Tail] Attack +28
  • Wolfen (Star Fox: Assault): [Tail] Attack +30
  • Falco (Star Fox 64): [Weapon] Attack +11
  • Andrew: Launch Resistance + 7

Role in The Subspace Emissary

An Arwing is seen engaging the battleship Halberd, but is soon struck and begins to fall toward it. This causes Kirby and Zelda/Peach to be blown overboard in its wake.

It is later shown that the Arwing crash-landed at the edge of a jungle, near a lake. Diddy Kong discovers the Arwing, but Rayquaza rises from the lake and territorially attacks the Arwing with a Dragon Pulse, setting it aflame. As Diddy is snatched up by the provoked Pokémon, Fox is ejected from the cockpit of the burning Arwing and proceeds to effortlessly rescue Diddy from the clutches of the serpentine Pokémon using his Fox Illusion and Reflector. After the two defeat the giant Pokémon, Fox attempts to leave, but is dragged away by Diddy deeper into the jungle. Soon, they fight a Shadowbug clone of Bowser and defeat it. Suddenly, the real Bowser fires his Dark Cannon at them, barely dodging the shot. Although Diddy is eager to fight Bowser, Fox knows that they can't survive against his Dark Cannon, so he grabs Diddy and jumps off a cliff.

After recovering from the fall, they are ambushed by Bowser again, who succeeds in turning Diddy into a trophy. Bowser then attempts to turn Fox into a trophy, but he manages to dodge the shot, so Bowser sends some Shadowbugs to clone Diddy's trophy, outnumbering Fox. Falco suddenly appears out of nowhere in his Arwing and saves Fox from Bowser by destroying his Dark Cannon, forcing Bowser to escape. The Diddy clone begins to absorb more Shadowbugs, becoming gigantic as a result. Fox uses the opportunity to revive the real Diddy, and the three fight the clone. After Falco unwillingly joined the group, they find a ship carrying Donkey Kong's trophy to a floating island. The Great Fox suddenly appears, and as Falco and Diddy attempt to free DK, Fox plans to take down the Halberd with the Great Fox.

The Great Fox duels with the Halberd, but it ends up getting carried away by it, gets crashed into a mountain, and flies away in smoke. Later on, as Peach and Sheik are making their escape after Snake frees them, Fox is seen attacking the Halberd again in his Arwing. During the fire-fight, some of the Arwing's blasters hit dangerously close to Peach. Sheik does a very high range teleport on top of the Arwing and breaks open the cockpit. Both Sheik and Fox fall out of the Arwing and on the Halberd deck. They start running towards each other at high speeds and just before they break into a fight, Peach randomly offers them a cup of tea. Although Fox is shocked by this, when Sheik accepts hers, he accepts his as well. Just as they do, a group of Shadowbug Mr. Game & Watches fall from the Halberd's cockpit and form into Duon. The three are joined by Lucario and Snake (who knocked them down there in the first place), as well as Falco who arrives on another Arwing, and defeat the monster. Duon leaves behind the real Mr. Game & Watch's trophy as it disappears. Fox prepares to blast the trophy, but Peach approaches it and revives Mr. Game & Watch. Fox joins the rest of the heroes in the assault on the Subspace Gunship and the attack on Tabuu.

Event Matches

Co-Op Event Matches

Special Moves


Special Movements


Up: Poses and yells "Here I come!", emitting an aura of fire.

Side: Spins his gun on his finger, throws it, and catches it in its holster.

Down: Gets down on one knee and beckons for his opponent to come, saying "Come on!". (Same as Melee)

Special: When fighting as Fox in either the Lylat Cruise or Corneria stages, pressing down on the d-pad for a single frame will cause Fox to kneel for a moment, as if gathering strength, and then return to an upright position. After this occurs, various characters from either the Star Fox or Star Wolf teams will begin transmitting messages to one another, in an homage to the Star Fox games.

On-Screen Appearance

Jumps out of an Arwing.

Victory Pose

  • Crosses his arms, looks upward
  • Points with his gun, puts it back in it's holster, and says "This is Fox. Returning to base."
  • Poses with his gun saying "Mission complete."
  • (When against Falco, he says, "Better luck next time, Falco." while doing the second pose.)

Wii Remote Choice

Says "Come on".

External links

Template:Star Fox Brawl