Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

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*'''[[Footstool Jump]]''' – You can jump on an opponent's head and use them as a springboard. If they're airborne, they'll fall down, too.
*'''[[Footstool Jump]]''' – You can jump on an opponent's head and use them as a springboard. If they're airborne, they'll fall down, too.
*'''{{Flag|North America}} [[Grab]] / {{Flag|Europe}} Grabbing''' – You have to wait at least a second between letting go of an opponent and grabbing them again, so be patient!
*'''{{Flag|North America}} [[Grab]] / {{Flag|Europe}} Grabbing''' – You have to wait at least a second between letting go of an opponent and grabbing them again, so be patient!
*'''[[Air_grab|Grab an Item While Airborne]]''' – You can grab an item in midair by dodging or attacking at just the right time.
*'''{{Flag|North America}} [[Air_grab|Grab an Item While Airborne]] / {{Flag|Europe}} Grabbing an Item in Mid-Air''' &ndash; {{Flag|North America}} You can grab an item in midair by dodging or attacking at just the right time.<br>{{Flag|Europe}} You can grab an item in mid-air by dodging or attacking at just the right time.
*'''Grabbing Edges''' &ndash; If you grab an edge that someone else is grabbing, you'll steal it from them. So much for first come, first served!
*'''Grabbing Edges''' &ndash; If you grab an edge that someone else is grabbing, you'll steal it from them. So much for first come, first served!
*'''[[Smash_directional_influence|Hitstun Shuffling]]''' &ndash; Input in a direction while taking damage, and you'll shift slightly in that direction.
*'''[[Smash_directional_influence|Hitstun Shuffling]]''' &ndash; {{Flag|North America}} Input in a direction while taking damage, and you'll shift slightly in that direction.<br>{{Flag|Europe}} Inputting a direction while taking damage will make you shift slightly in that direction.
*'''Interacting with Equipment''' &ndash; Using equipment that raises attack will lower defense at the same time. You know what they say—the best defense is a good offense!
*'''{{Flag|North America}} Interacting with Equipment / {{Flag|Europe}} Equipment Pros and Cons''' &ndash; {{Flag|North America}} Using equipment that raises attack will lower defense at the same time. You know what they say—the best defense is a good offense!<br>{{Flag|Europe}} Using equipment that raises attack will lower defence at the same time. You know what they say - the best defence is a good offence!
*'''Letting Go of Items''' &ndash; Press the grab button to drop the item you're holding. Even an item dropped like this deals a small amount of damage.
*'''{{Flag|North America}} Letting Go of Items / {{Flag|Europe}} Dropping Items''' &ndash; Press the grab button to drop the item you're holding. Even an item dropped like this deals a small amount of damage.
*'''[[Short_hop|Low Jump]]''' &ndash; Press the jump button very briefly and you'll jump lower than usual, letting you use air attacks against ground-level foes.
*'''[[Short_hop|Low Jump]]''' &ndash; Press the jump button very briefly and you'll jump lower than usual, letting you use air attacks against ground-level foes.
*'''Magnifying-Glass Damage''' &ndash; When you move off-screen, you'll be shown in a little circle. You'll gradually take damage while off the screen, so don't linger!
*'''{{Flag|North America}} Magnifying-Glass Damage / {{Flag|Europe}} Magnifying Glass Damage''' &ndash; {{Flag|North America}} When you move off-screen, you'll be shown in a little circle. You'll gradually take damage while off the screen, so don't linger!<br>{{Flag|Europe}} When you move off-screen, you'll be shown in a magnifying glass. You'll gradually take damage while in this state, so be careful!
*'''[[Meteor Smash]]''' &ndash; Launching an opponent straight downward is known as a Meteor Smash. Doing this when there isn't a platform below is a good one-hit KO method.
*'''[[Meteor Smash]]''' &ndash; Launching an opponent straight downward is known as a Meteor Smash. Doing this when there isn't a platform below is a good one-hit KO method.
*'''[[Mii_Fighter|Mii Fighters]]' Physiques''' &ndash; The physique of the Mii your Mii Fighter was based on will affect it! A big Mii is stronger, while a smaller Mii is faster.
*'''[[Mii_Fighter|Mii Fighters]]' Physiques''' &ndash; The physique of the Mii your Mii Fighter was based on will affect it! A big Mii is stronger, while a smaller Mii is faster.

Revision as of 13:07, August 5, 2022

An icon for denoting incomplete things.

This page lists all of the tips present in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS.



  • Bat Within – If Bayonetta is hit at the start of any dodge or the end of her down special, she’ll transform into a burst of bats and only take half the damage.
  • Bullet Climax – Bayonetta alternates which guns she fires each time you use this move. Keep hitting the button while she’s firing to let off more shots.
  • Bullet Climax – Hold down the button to unleash more powerful Charge Bullets. Any extra shots you fire after that will use normal bullets.
  • Down Air AttackNorth America Bayonetta drops straight down into a split kick. Her foot has a meteor effect, good for bashing foes while they cling to edges.
    Europe Bayonetta drops straight down into a split kick. Her foot has a meteor effect. Aim it at foes clinging to ledges to knock them into oblivion!
  • Down Smash Attack – Summon the crushing foot of a demon to slam down with a meteor effect, particularly effective in preventing foes from recovering from falls or climbing up edges.
  • Fire Guns (Holding Button) – Even if an attack misses, you can still hold the button and get a few shots in. You can even steal a KO by hitting a launched foe on their way out! Cheeky.
  • Fire Guns (Holding Button) – Keep the button held down after any normal attack (and some specials) to fire your guns.
  • Front Air Attack – Keep pressing the button for three shots in the air. Perfect for foes trying to recover. Or hold the button to pile on the pressure with a hail of bullets!
  • Heel SlideNorth America Performs a low, sliding kick. Hold down the button to get in a few gunshots, and then end with a flip attack for good measure.
    Europe Performs a low sliding kick. Hold down the button to get in a few gunshots and then end with a flip attack for good measure.
  • Strong Down Attack – Bayonetta quickly sweeps enemies off their feet and will shoot ahead and behind if you hold the button. The guns firing ahead deal more damage.
  • Strong Side Attack – Keep pressing the button and Bayonetta will do a three-kick attack. The last kick launches foes, so go for a quick midair attack right after!
  • Witch Time – A clock will appear over an enemy to tell you how much Witch Time is left. Try to get your attacks in before the clock counts down!
  • Witch Time – A successful counter will cause time to slow down for up to two seconds, but using the move repeatedly will reduce that to as low as one second.
  • Witch Time – Witch Time won’t last long if you keep using it against every single attack. Keep it in reserve for when you really need it!
  • Witch TwistNorth America The angle foes are launched at changes between the first and second Witch Twists. Adjust your tactics to the situation to get the best combos.
    Europe The angle foes are launched at changes between the first and second Witch Twists. Adjust your tactics to the situation and get the best combos.
  • Witch Twist – This versatile move is great for combos or recovery! Do a midair jump after using the move and you can get in a sneaky extra Witch Twist.


  • Bowser Bomb – Bowser will leap into the air horns first. Hitting an opponent on the way up makes it much easier to clobber them again on the way down.
  • Fire Breath – Fire Breath loses power the longer it is used. Waiting a short time between bursts will allow it to recharge.
  • Tough Guy – Bowser's a real tough guy. When he's only lightly damaged, weaker attacks won't make him flinch.
  • Whirling Fortress – Repeatedly pressing the button while using this in midair will give you a small boost in how high you fly.

Bowser Jr.

  • Abandon Ship! – Bowser Jr. abandons his Junior Clown Car and performs a massive leap. After a short delay, the abandoned vehicle will self-destruct.
  • Clown Cannon – This move fires a cannonball from the Junior Clown Car. The longer this attack is charged, the faster and more powerful it will be.
  • Clown Kart Dash – The Junior Clown Car becomes a kart and charges forward. The higher the speed, the more damage it will deal.
  • Mechakoopa – The Junior Clown Car spits out a Mechakoopa, which explodes on contact with an enemy. It'll explode if you just leave it alone for a while, too.

Captain Falcon

  • Falcon Dive – A leaping grab that sends the opponent flying with explosive force. If it connects, you're free to use the same attack again without landing.
  • Falcon Punch – After pressing the attack button, quickly turn around to make Captain Falcon unleash an even more powerful attack as he turns.
  • Front Air Attack – There's a violent knee jab at the start of this move. Connect with that for some serious launching power.


  • Flamethrower – Charizard will keep breathing fire as long as you hold the button down, but it'll get weaker and weaker as you use it.
  • Flare Blitz – There's a big explosion when Charizard hits a fighter or an obstacle. This can hit other nearby fighters, too!
  • Flare Blitz – This move engulfs Charizard in flames. It's extremely powerful, but it hurts Charizard too.
  • Rock Smash – Right before smashing a rock, Charizard gets super armor, meaning it won't even flinch if it's attacked!
  • Rock Smash – The rock shards will fly in random directions. Get close to your target to maximize damage.
  • Strong Up Attack – Charizard's wings won't take damage, making this good for overpowering foes striking from overhead.


  • Blade Beam – Cloud releases a shock wave along the ground. As you'd guess by looking, the attack range is quite wide, so you'll need to jump high to clear it.
  • Blade Beam – The Limit Break version of this attack bursts on impact to hit multiple times. It can even KO opponents if their damage is high enough.
  • Blade Beam – The Limit Break version of this move neutralizes thrown items. Try using it as an enemy throws an item to hit them while they're recovering!
  • Climhazzard – Press the special button again on the way up to slash back down. You can't move sideways on the way down, so be careful during recoveries.
  • Climhazzard – This move's Limit Break lets you jump higher and even move sideways on the way up! Very useful for recoveries.
  • Cross Slash – If you press the button again when connecting with an enemy, you can hit them up to three times. Otherwise, Cloud only attacks once.
  • Cross Slash – You only need to press the button once to unleash the full attack if you use your Limit Break. Even better, launching enemies becomes much easier.
  • Down Smash Attack – Cloud attacks a foe and then sends the foe flying off behind him. Use this when close to an edge to get out of sticky situations.
  • Finishing Touch – This is Cloud's down special once the Limit Gauge is charged. The tornado doesn't do much damage, but it can KO enemies with its high launching power.
  • Front Air Attack – Cloud takes a huge vertical swing at an enemy. Hitting an opponent with the tip of the sword has a meteor effect.
  • Limit Break – Fully charging your Limit Gauge lets you perform a Limit Break, which alters your special attacks and gives them a boost.
  • Limit Break – Once charged, Cloud's Limit Gauge remains charged until he uses a special move or is knocked out. It won't decrease over time.
  • Limit Charge – You can cancel charging by pressing the shield button or dodging left or right. Use this to get in a quick charge during quiet moments!
  • Side Smash AttackNorth America This quick three-hit smash has high launching power on the last hit. The first hit isn't so powerful, so the penalty for getting countered isn't high.
    Europe This quick three-hit smash has high launching power on the last hit. The first hit isn't so powerful, so the penalty for getting countered isn't so high.
  • Strong Down AttackNorth America Cloud does a sliding kick over a set distance. He slides so low that this move can be used to dodge some thrown items.
    Europe Cloud does a sliding kick over a set distance. He slides so low that it can be used to dodge some thrown items.


  • Back Air Attack – Propel yourself forward with a flap of the wings. You can deal some damage and get yourself out of tight spots.
  • Counter Surge – This counter is a bit slow compared to others, but it can hit foes on both sides. It’s great for when you’re in the middle of a brawl!
  • Counter Surge – This move will knock foes skyward with a fair amount of force, so try using it in a high-up place to really boot them off the stage!
  • Down Air Attack – Transform both legs into a single lance and drop straight down. This move deals damage when landing but leaves you open if the enemy uses their shield.
  • Down Smash Attack – Corrin strikes forward with a sword and backward with a lance-like foot. Try hitting sneaky backstabbers with the point of the lance!
  • Downward Throw – Hits in a wide radius, sending multiple foes skyward when Corrin stomps the ground, lining them up for a nice follow-up attack!
  • Dragon Ascent – Corrin is invincible while charging up power at the start of this move. Practice with the timing and you’ll be able to interrupt enemy attacks!
  • Dragon Ascent – You can slightly adjust your flight angle by pressing in the direction you’re facing. Push in the opposite direction to fly straight up and to a greater height.
  • Dragon Fang Shot – The two stages of this move—shooting water and the bite attack—can both be charged by holding down the button at the right point.
  • Dragon Fang Shot – The water projectile will paralyze whoever it hits, giving you the time you need to follow up with a fully charged biting attack!
  • Dragon Lunge – After launching this move from the ground, quickly press the attack button to instantly skewer the ground.
  • Dragon Lunge – Skewering surfaces with this move allows for follow-up moves, such as recovering from falls by skewering a wall and then leaping to safety!
  • Dragon Lunge – You can keep enemies from moving for a while if you pierce them while skewering a surface. Beware: opponents can escape by wiggling around!
  • Side Smash Attack – Charge this move to juggle foes with Corrin’s sword Yato before unleashing the coup de grâce! It has a long range and can be aimed up or down a little!
  • Side Smash Attack – Try to get the hang of hitting opponents with the point of Corrin’s lance-arm, as that part inflicts more damage than the rest.
  • Up Smash Attack – Corrin gets low and attacks straight up with lance-like arms. Try to hit enemies with the points for more damage.

Dark Pit

  • Electroshock ArmNorth America Dark Pit charges forward and launches foes upward at a lower angle than Pit's Upperdash Arm. This move also deals electrical damage.
    Europe Dark Pit charges forward and launches foes upwards at a lower angle than Pit's Upperdash Arm does. It also deals electrical damage.
  • Silver Bow – This move fires an arrow from Dark Pit's bow, either to the side or upward. Its shots are more powerful than Pit's Palutena Bow, but they curve less.

Diddy Kong

  • Banana Peel – In this move, Diddy throws a banana peel behind him. Foes who step on it fall clumsily to the ground. Have a nice trip!
  • Banana Peel – You can't whip out another Banana Peel if one of yours is still in play, but each one will vanish after being thrown twice.
  • Monkey Flip – After grabbing on to an opponent with this move, press the attack button to launch them sideways or press up to jump off their head!
  • Monkey Flip – If you grab someone in the air, you'll release them more quickly than if you grab them on the ground. Be ready to use a speedy follow-up attack.
  • Monkey Flip – While performing this move, you can press the attack button to launch a flying kick that deals considerable damage and has good launching power.
  • Peanut Popgun – Overcharging the Peanut Popgun makes it backfire, but it'll do a ton of damage to foes that it hits!
  • Peanut Popgun – While charging, watch for when Diddy grabs his hat! That's the sign that the Peanut Popgun's about to backfire.
  • Rocketbarrel Boost – If someone attacks Diddy Kong when he's wearing his Rocketbarrel Pack, it'll break free and fly off on its own.
  • Rocketbarrel Pack – You can indicate a direction while this is charging to fly in that direction. You can even steer while flying!

Donkey Kong

  • Forward Throw – Donkey Kong can pick up opponents and carry them around! Try to throw them before they shake free, though.
  • Hand Slap – DK's Hand Slap affects a large area around him. However, it won't hit airborne fighters.
  • Headbutt – Use this move to bury your opponents if they're on the ground or meteor-smash them in midair.
  • Spinning Kong – This move doesn't offer a lot of lift, but it can carry Donkey Kong a fair distance left or right.

Duck Hunt

  • Clay Shooting – Press the button once to throw a clay pigeon forward, and then press again to shoot. The third shot will hit, breaking the clay and hurting foes.
  • Duck Jump – The duck grabs the dog and carries him through the air. Once started, this move can't be stopped.
  • Trick Shot – This move kicks an exploding can toward your enemies. Keep pressing the button to fire shots and lead it toward its target.


  • Blaster – Unlike Fox's blaster, Falco's blaster can make opponents flinch. It fires faster when airborne.
  • Falco Phantasm – Falco Phantasm can send an airborne enemy straight down—use it to dunk them into the abyss!
  • Reflector – Falco kicks his Reflector forward, making it possible to both reflect projectiles and hit foes at the same time!


  • Blaster – The blaster fires quickly, and its shots go a long way, but enemies won't flinch when they're hit, so use this at a safe distance.
  • Fox Illusion – When you use this move on the ground, Fox will always stop if he reaches an edge. When used in the air, you need to be a little more careful.
  • Reflector – This move can reflect projectiles, and it also damages nearby opponents when activated.


  • Flame Choke – After being grabbed by this move, it's possible to recover just before being slammed to the ground.
  • Strong Down Attack – A crouching kick that sends opponents flying upward. It has good reach and is one of Ganondorf's faster attacks.
  • Warlock Punch – After pressing the attack button, quickly turn around to make Ganondorf unleash an even more powerful attack as he turns.
  • Wizard's Foot – Used on the ground, this move is a horizontal flying kick. In the air, it goes downward instead and has a meteor effect at the very start.


  • Hydro Pump – Aim the water jets by pressing in a particular direction. You can then quickly press a different direction to go that way with the second burst.
  • Hydro PumpNorth America The water flow doesn't just cause damage—it can also push your foes if you hit them just right.
    Europe The water flow doesn't just cause damage - it can also push your foes back if you hit them just right.
  • Substitute – This move makes an enemy attack hit a substitute instead of you. You then reappear somewhere else and attack!


  • Aether – During the downward strike, this attack has a meteor effect. You'll fall straight down until you hit solid ground, so make sure you aim well!
  • Aether – Ike will be protected from flinching while he prepares this attack. This move can send foes flying upward!
  • Eruption – A downward stab that summons raging flames around you. Gets stronger the longer you charge it, and the tip of the blade has a meteor effect.
  • Standard Attack – There are three levels of attack: a punch, a kick, and a sword swing. All pretty handy, since they're quicker than Ike's other moves!


  • Pound – A simple punch that travels horizontally. You can use it repeatedly in midair—combine it with jumps to stay aloft for a very long time.
  • Rest – Opponents launched by Rest will get a flower on their heads. Talk about insult to injury.
  • Rest – This move is hard to hit with but can really send opponents flying! You'll need to get very close or use it right when your opponent tries to attack.
  • ShieldNorth America If Jigglypuff's shield is shattered, it'll get launched and KO'd no matter its damage.
    Europe If its shield shatters, Jigglypuff will be launched hard and get KO'd regardless of its current damage.
  • Sing – Enemies on the ground who hear this song will fall asleep. The more damage they have, the longer they'll nap.

King Dedede

  • Gordo Throw – Choose up, middle, or down right after starting this move to hit the Gordo in three different ways, changing how it bounces.
  • Inhale – After inhaling an opponent, press the button again to spit them out as a projectile. This way, you can hit your opponents with each other!
  • Inhale – Dedede is already perfect, so his inhale won't copy abilities. Instead, it has a longer range than Kirby's.
  • Jet Hammer – It's possible to charge this move to deal more damage, but charging for too long will start to hurt Dedede too!
  • Strong Down Attack – He can attack while prone by cartwheeling forward. This lets him attack while moving, like a dash attack.
  • Super Dedede Jump – After leaping up high, Dedede crashes down to attack. This move can be canceled partway through by pressing up.


  • Final Cutter – Kirby slices up into the air and then slices straight down again. The shock wave that appears when you land can also damage your opponents.
  • HammerNorth America If fully charged, this move becomes very powerful, but Kirby will begin to take damage at full charge.
    Europe When fully charged, this move turns into the powerful Hammer Flip. However, charging it any further causes damage to Kirby.
  • Inhale – In addition to enemies, Kirby can inhale some items. You'll recover a little damage this way, but sucking in explosives will hurt!
  • Inhale – If you press the attack button after sucking an enemy in, you'll spit them back out. Use enemies to attack other enemies!
  • Jump – Kirby's light body lets him jump five times—more than most other fighters. If Kirby gets launched but not cleared, you can almost bet he's coming back!
  • Stone – Kirby's form is different each time he uses this, but the move's effect is the same.
  • Stone – While falling, you can cancel the attack by entering the move a second time. It's a perfect way to trick other players!
  • Taunt – Taunt to discard your current copy ability. Find the most opportune moment to change your abilities!


  • Bomb – Your bombs are special ones—the explosion from hitting an enemy won't hurt you.
  • Dash Attack – Link's dash attack strikes with almost as much force as a smash attack. The point of his sword is especially painful.
  • Hero's Bow – The longer Link charges his bow, the farther the arrows will fly and the more powerful they'll be. At maximum charge, they'll fly perfectly straight.
  • Hylian Shield – Link's Hylian Shield can block projectiles, but it won't block anything while you're attacking.
  • Hylian Shield – Link's Hylian Shield blocks all projectiles, no matter how powerful. Link won't take any damage at all.
  • Side Smash Attack – Press the button again to attack a second time. The second attack has more launching power.

Little Mac

  • Jolt Haymaker – You get a window of invincibility if you start this move on the ground, but not in the air, so be careful!
  • KO Uppercut – Little Mac's Power Meter builds up when he deals or receives damage. Once it's full, he can use the KO Uppercut to deal some serious hurt!
  • Rising Uppercut – Little Mac zooms upward with a powerful uppercut. It travels farther when used on the ground than when used in the air.
  • Side Smash Attack – If you press up when performing Little Mac's side smash, it will change into an uppercut that sends enemies flying upward.
  • Slip Counter – Just when you think you've got him, Little Mac socks you with a nasty counter. He's invincible during the attack, so there's no stopping him!


  • Aura – Lucario's launching potential is directly related to how much damage this Pokémon has taken. The power of Lucario's Aura radiates off its hands.
  • Aura Sphere – Other fighters can be damaged by the Aura Sphere as Lucario charges it. The size of the sphere is affected by Lucario's Aura.
  • Extreme Speed – This move will send Lucario flying in the direction you indicate. The more damage Lucario has taken, the farther it will fly.
  • Force Palm – Force Palm deals more damage and has a greater range if Lucario's Aura is stronger.


  • Back Air Attack – This powerful kick has a meteor effect. Try to hit with Lucas’s knee for the best result!
  • Down Air Attack – Unleash a sequence of four kicks downward. Start the attack at the peak of a jump to make it easier to land all four blows!
  • Down Smash Attack – This attack deals less damage with repeated use, but its range improves. You can reach enemies hiding below you or ones hanging on an edge.
  • PK Fire – Shoot a blast of fire straight forward. Once it connects, it will become pillars of fire. A short-range attack that is great for hitting and launching multiple enemies.
  • PK Fire – This move can disrupt incoming attacks and projectiles, but it leaves Lucas vulnerable for a time. Be careful!
  • PK Freeze – Hold down the button and a direction to extend the projectile’s arc, but remember the ice only bursts once you let go, so plan carefully!
  • PK Freeze – The icy projectile can freeze enemies. Try using it to stop anybody returning to the stage!
  • PK Thunder – This move can help you return to the battle. Be careful, though, since the orb vanishes if it runs into solid ground.
  • PK Thunder – The orb from this attack won’t disappear when it hits your rivals. Shock multiple opponents!
  • PSI MagnetNorth America After grabbing a projectile with this move, Lucas can roll backward. By releasing the button at the right time, you can also disrupt enemy attacks.
    Europe You can make Lucas roll backwards after grabbing a projectile with this move. By releasing the button at the right time, it can also disrupt enemy attacks.
  • PSI Magnet – This move lets Lucas absorb energy-based projectiles and heal himself. It’ll even slow his descent while airborne!
  • Rope Snake – The Rope Snake extends Lucas’s reach for grabbing foes and edges. It can reach especially far in midair.
  • Rope Snake – You can’t grab and throw opponents in midair, but don’t worry-this attack will still hurt them!
  • Up Smash AttackNorth America This attack has the greatest launching power of any move. However, it will leave you wide open after using it, and envious enemies may punish you for missing.
    Europe This move leaves Lucas vulnerable for a long while, but the risk is worth it: this is the strongest launching move in the game, with range and power.
  • Up Smash Attack – This attack will move upward when you use it. It’s strongest if you catch an enemy with the start. Not even enemies hanging on an edge are safe!


  • Down Taunt – If your foe's clinging to an edge for dear life, try using Luigi's down taunt. That meteor smash will be VERY satisfying!
  • Green Missile – Charge this for too long, and he'll get worn out and give up. Let him catch his breath, and then try again.
  • Green Missile – This move can end with Luigi's head stuck in a wall. That leaves him vulnerable, so be careful!
  • Green Missile – This move has a 1-in-10 chance to hit REALLY hard and fly REALLY far. Too far, in some cases.


  • F.L.U.D.D. – A blast of water is an effective way to disrupt your opponents. It doesn't hurt, but it can slide them around.
  • Front Air Attack – It's a slow attack, but Mario swings his fist down hard enough for a meteor smash as it begins.
  • Up Smash Attack – A powerful upward headbutt. Mario's head is invulnerable while performing it. Useful against opponents moving in to attack from above.


  • Counter – The counter depends on the attack it is countering. A countered smash attack may KO an opponent!
  • Dancing Blade – Hold toward the foe you're attacking on the fourth swing for an attack that launches foes much farther than the up or down versions.
  • Dancing Blade – Keep pressing the button to turn this into a four-hit combo. Holding different directions will change the angle of the strike!
  • Dancing BladeNorth America Marth's sword leaves a trail as he swings it, and the color reflects the attack's height. Blue is high, red is middle, and green is low.
    Europe The trail left by the sword changes colour based on the attack's height. Blue is high, red is middle and green is low.
  • Dancing BladeNorth America Press down on the fourth swing to finish your combo with a powerful blow to your opponent's feet!
    Europe Aim down on the fourth swing to trigger an extra series of attacks - a deadly combo if all the strikes hit.
  • Dancing Blade – Press up on the fourth swing for a slice that will launch your foes. This swing is excellent for netting some KOs!
  • Shield Breaker – This move leaves you wide open, but if you charge it to maximum, it can break an enemy's shield in a single hit.

Mega Man

  • Crash Bomber – This bomb is incredibly clingy, latching on to walls, floors, and even fighters! It can be given to another fighter by bumping into them.
  • Leaf Shield – Grab someone while the Leaf Shield's up, and you can do a combo attack: a throw plus the damage from the leaves.
  • Metal Blade – If a Metal Blade gets stuck in a wall or floor, other fighters can pick it up and use it.
  • Rush Coil – Summoning Rush into battle will help Mega Man reach even greater heights. Unfortunately, foes can use him as well!
  • Side Smash Attack – Mega Man unleashes a powerful Charge Shot. The damage and distance increases the longer you charge it!
  • Up Air Attack – Mega Man can launch a little tornado upward. If an opponent gets caught in this minigale, it'll carry them up into the air!

Meta Knight

  • Dimensional Cape – Meta Knight wraps himself in his cape and disappears. Keep holding the button, and he'll strike when he's back!
  • Drill Rush – While Meta Knight's rushing through the air like a drill, you can adjust his direction.
  • Flurry Attack – Press the attack button to unleash a flurry of strikes. Meta Knight doesn't do "standard attacks."
  • Mach Tornado – The tornado created around Meta Knight can destroy any weak projectiles it hits.
  • Shuttle LoopNorth America Meta Knight thrusts his sword upward, loops in midair, and then thrusts upward once more. A swift and powerful attack, useful against falling foes.
    Europe Meta Knight thrusts his sword upwards, loops in mid-air and thrusts upwards once more. A swift and powerful attack, useful against falling foes.
  • Strong Side Attack – The third strike of Meta Knight's side strong attack is powerful enough to launch opponents.


  • ConfusionNorth America This special grabbing move lets Mewtwo repel foes with telekinesis. It can also reflect enemy projectiles.
    Europe This special grabbing move lets Mewtwo repel foes with telekinesis. Not only that, but it can also repel thrown objects back at the thrower.
  • DisableNorth America The higher the target's damage, the longer they'll be stunned for. However, if the move is reflected, Mewtwo will be stunned instead.
    Europe The higher the target's damage, the longer they'll be stunned for. However, if the move is reflected, Mewtwo will be stunned instead, so be careful.
  • Disable – This powerful move requires eye contact to work. If the enemy is looking, it can stun them, but if not... Well, it's not much of a staring contest.
  • Down Smash Attack – This attack only strikes right beside Mewtwo's feet and doesn't do so much damage, but it has a high launching ability to make up for it.
  • Forward Throw – Mewtwo will throw an enemy and quickly fire Shadow Ball five times. Each projectile doesn't do much damage, but it can hit multiple foes.
  • Front Air Attack – This attack might be short range, but it's fast and has a lot of launch power. Use it while ascending to get the most out of it!
  • Shadow Ball – Mewtwo won't automatically attack when this move is fully charged. You can press the shield button to cancel the move and keep the charge.
  • Shadow Ball – This move does more damage the longer it's charged...but it also has more recoil. The recoil is stronger when this move is used in midair.
  • Side Smash Attack – The shockwave does more damage at the very edges than at the core. Watch what you're doing, and try to attack with the edge of the wave.
  • Standard Air Attack – Hitting an enemy with this doesn't do much damage, but it hits multiple times. If you time it right, it can even launch foes.
  • Strong Down Attack – You can change the direction you launch enemies in by hitting them with different parts of Mewtwo's tail.
  • Teleport – If Mewtwo finishes this move on the ground, Mewtwo will stop in place, but if the move finishes in the air, Mewtwo's momentum will carry it a bit farther.
  • Teleport – If Mewtwo hits a platform while teleporting, it will slide across it. You can adjust its destination with directional inputs.
  • Teleport – Mewtwo will disappear for a moment, reappearing elsewhere on the stage. Mewtwo is completely invulnerable while teleporting.
  • Up Smash Attack – This attack can strike an enemy multiple times if you can hit them at the right time. It's very difficult to escape this attack before it's over.

Mii Brawler

  • Burning Dropkick – This move combines a big forward leap with a dropkick. Also it's on fire. Charge it up for some serious power, distance, and speed.
  • Exploding Side KickNorth America Input in the opposite direction right after pressing the button to turn around and deliver this kick the other way! It'll also deal more damage.
    Europe Aim behind you right after pressing the button to deliver this kick in the opposite direction. You'll also deal more damage this way.
  • Feint JumpNorth America A long leap forward while turning upside down. If you hit the attack button on the way down, you'll perform a jump kick.
    Europe A long leap forwards while turning upside down. If you hit the attack button on the way down, you'll perform a jump kick.
  • Foot FlurryNorth America On the ground, this flurry of kicks will move forward, ending with an upward kick. In the air, you'll hover in place and kick downward.
    Europe On the ground, this flurry of kicks will move forwards, ending with an upward kick. In the air, you'll hover in place and kick downwards.
  • Headache Maker – After a big jump, the Mii Brawler swings down with both arms. At that exact moment, this move has a meteor effect.
  • Head-On AssaultNorth America This downward headbutt has a meteor effect, and it will bury opponents on the ground who get caught beneath it.
    Europe This upside-down headbutt has a meteor effect and can bury opponents who are on the ground!
  • Helicopter Kick – When performing this move, pressing left or right will let you change the direction of the kick.
  • OnslaughtNorth America A flurry of kicks, followed by a powerful uppercut. This move hits the opponent quite some distance and might even KO them if it connects in midair!
    Europe A flurry of kicks, followed by a powerful uppercut. This move hits the opponent quite some distance, and might even KO them if it connects in mid-air!
  • Piston PunchNorth America This series of upward punches isn't so great for recovering. However, it's a powerful move to use against opponents.
    Europe This series of upward punches doesn't climb up too far. It's a powerful attack, but not so great for recovery.
  • North America Shot Put / Europe Shot-PutNorth America Throws a metal ball diagonally upward, just like the real shot-put event. It's effective at blocking opponents' attempts at recovery.
    Europe Throws a metal ball diagonally upwards, just like the real shot-put event. It's effective at blocking opponents' attempts at recovery.
  • Soaring Axe Kick – A leap up with a somersault kick, and then a swift heel-kick drop. If that falling kick connects, it delivers a powerful meteor effect.
  • Ultimate Uppercut – This fierce uppercut can be charged. When fully charged, it's super strong and has an extra-long super-armor effect at the start.
  • Up SmashNorth America An upward-kicking backflip. Your legs are invulnerable while you perform it, so it's perfect for countering enemy attacks from above.
    Europe An upward-kicking backflip. Your legs are invulnerable while you perform it, so it's good for countering enemy attacks from above.

Mii Gunner

  • Absorbing VortexNorth America A barrier that absorbs energy-based projectiles. When you deactivate the barrier, it will push nearby enemies back a bit.
    Europe A barrier that absorbs energy-based projectiles. When you deactivate the barrier, it will push nearby enemies backwards a little.
  • Arm RocketNorth America This move fires a rocket jet from your arm cannon, carrying you upward. You can adjust the direction by pressing left or right just before liftoff.
    Europe This move fires a rocket jet from your arm cannon, carrying you upwards. You can adjust the direction just before lift-off.
  • Bomb Drop – This move rolls a bomb forward that will blow up after a set period of time or when it hits a foe. Drop one on an opponent trying to recover!
  • Cannon UppercutNorth America Fires a blast downward, using the recoil to power an uppercut. If you're up close, you can hit your foe with both the uppercut and the blast!
    Europe Fires a blast downwards, using the recoil to power an uppercut. If you're up close, you can hit your foe with both the uppercut and the blast!
  • Charge BlastNorth America This move is super powerful when fully charged. Use it in midair, and it'll fire without charging at all.
    Europe This move's super powerful when fully charged. Use it in mid-air and it'll fire straight away without charging.
  • Echo ReflectorNorth America This move creates a Reflector that sends projectiles back the way they came. They'll be stronger than they were before, too!
    Europe This move creates a Reflector that sends projectiles back the way they came. They'll be stronger than they were before, as well.
  • Flame Pillar – If you make a pillar of fire on the ground, it'll deliver a single hit to anyone who comes close, pushing them back.
  • Grenade LaunchNorth America These grenades fly in an arc, exploding after a set time or when they hit an opponent. Hold down the button to throw them farther.
    Europe These grenades fly in an arc, exploding after a set time or when they hit an opponent. Hold down the button to throw it further.
  • Gunner MissileNorth America Use this move normally to fire a missile that homes in on opponents. Deliver it like a smash attack to fire a stronger missile that flies straight.
    Europe Use this move normally to fire a missile that homes in on opponents. Deliver it like a smash attack for a stronger missile that flies straight.
  • Laser Blaze – This move fires a beam from your arm cannon. It won't make enemies flinch, but it can be fired repeatedly to build up damage.
  • Lunar Launch – The Mii fires straight down, using the recoil to gain height. How fortunate if an opponent gets caught in the blast as well!
  • Stealth Burst – Fires a stealth explosive forward, which detonates when you release the button. Hold the button down to get more distance and power.

Mii Swordfighter

  • Airborne Assault – The Mii performs a somersault leap forward in a large arc. If it strikes a foe, they will be blasted back and the user will jump upward.
  • Blade CounterNorth America This move counters an enemy attack. The attack has slightly greater launching power than a normal attack.
    Europe This move counters an enemy attack. If it hits, it has slightly more launching power than a regular attack.
  • Blade Flurry – A flurry of sword slashes right in front of you, followed by a stab forward. Good for keeping your opponents at a safe distance!
  • Chakram – Throws a ring-shaped projectile. If it hits the stage, it'll stick there. You can adjust the angle of the throw by pressing up and down.
  • Chakram – Perform this move like a smash attack to throw stronger and farther. Perform it normally, and the chakram will hover and hit multiple times.
  • Gale Strike – A large swing of the sword that summons a damaging tornado. The tornado's path sinks slightly just after it appears.
  • Gale Strike – The tornado will become weaker as time passes, but the force of the wind will still push opponents even after it stops dealing damage.
  • Hero's Spin – A spinning sword slice that attacks enemies on both sides. When used in midair it makes you rise upward, so you can use it for recovery.
  • Hero's Spin – When using this move on the ground, you can hold down the button to charge it up. It's also stronger in general on the ground than in the air.
  • Power Thrust – This dashing thrust will travel sideways on the ground but diagonally down in the air. The sword's tip is especially powerful.
  • Reversal Slash – A gust of wind from the Mii character's sword sends projectiles back the way they came. It can also flip opponents around if they get too close.
  • Shuriken of Light – The farther the shurikens travel, the more damage they deal. Throwing them at nearby foes won't even make them flinch.
  • Skyward Slash Dash – Slash repeatedly while dashing in the direction you've pressed. Use it in the air to ambush opponents waiting below!
  • Slash Launcher – A swift dash forward ending in a decisive slash, with the sword held in a reverse grip. The longer you charge it, the farther it will travel.
  • Stone Scabbard – A rising upward slice followed by a plummeting stab down. The falling stab has a meteor effect.
  • Stone Scabbard – At the end of this move, the sword sticks right through the ground. You can use it to attack unsuspecting enemies below the platform.

Mr. Game & Watch

  • Chef – Food jumps out of Mr. Game & Watch's frying pan in all directions. Use this to protect yourself.
  • Fire – A pair of firemen launch Mr. Game & Watch high into the air. Nearby opponents will also be pushed back a bit.
  • Judge – This move's power depends on the number displayed. Swinging a 1 is nearly useless, but a 9 has incredible launching power!
  • Oil Panic – This bucket can hold all manner of projectiles. Once filled, unleash the contents on an unsuspecting foe.
  • Oil Panic – This will only absorb energy-style projectiles. It won't affect physical ones like Link's arrows.


  • PK Fire – If this attack connects, a big pillar of fire appears. "I feel the burn!" your foes will yell.
  • PK Thunder – You can guide the bolt of lightning around and hit yourself for propulsion—but this leaves you defenseless, so be careful!
  • PSI Magnet – This move absorbs energy-type projectiles and heals Ness as a result.
  • Side Smash Attack – Ness's bat leaves him open to attack, but it has epic launching power. He can even hit projectiles with it!
  • Up Smash Attack – Ness's yo-yo flies forward and then swings up and around to the back for a wide-ranging, heavy-hitting attack.


  • Lead Pikmin – Olimar always attacks with the Pikmin at the front of the line. You can tell which one this is by the arrow pointing to it.
  • Pikmin Order – Olimar's whistle calls back his scattered Pikmin. Even the ones that are goofing off.
  • Pikmin Order – This move will change the order of your Pikmin. Use it to plan your attack strategy.
  • Pikmin Pluck – Olimar will always pluck the Pikmin in this order: red, yellow, blue, white, purple.
  • Pikmin Pluck – You can have up to three Pikmin in tow at any time. Plucking for more while three are already active is, sadly, futile.
  • Pikmin Throw – Most Pikmin latch on to opponents and attack them repeatedly. Purple Pikmin, though, deal one heavy blow and then bounce off.
  • Pikmin Throw – The less damage an opponent has accumulated, the longer the Pikmin can hang on to it.
  • Pikmin's Stamina – When separated from Olimar, Pikmin are very vulnerable to enemy attacks.
  • Winged Pikmin – Two Winged Pikmin carry Olimar. The more Pikmin he has, the harder it is to pull him up.
  • Yellow Pikmin – The Yellow Pikmin has a wide attack range but deals low damage. Electric attacks won't hurt it.


  • Bonus Fruit – Cherries fly in a low arc. After hitting the floor, they'll only bounce once.
  • Bonus Fruit – Oranges don't deal much damage, but they fly straight and at high speed, making it pretty easy to hit foes with them.
  • Bonus Fruit – Keys fly forward at high speed while spinning. They deal the most damage out of all the Bonus Fruit items.
  • Bonus Fruit – PAC-MAN's apple bounces repeatedly across the ground. It travels quite a distance!
  • Bonus Fruit – PAC-MAN's melon moves slowly through the air, so it's harder to hit opponents with. But when it does hit home, it deals quite some damage.
  • Bonus Fruit – PAC-MAN's strawberry flies a little farther than other fruit and bounces twice when it lands.
  • Fire Hydrant – PAC-MAN places a fire hydrant on the ground. The water that it spurts will push fighters back.
  • Fire Hydrant – Use this attack in the air, and the falling hydrant itself becomes a form of attack. Try dropping it on an opponent trying to return to the stage!
  • Pac-Jump – This move sets up a trampoline for PAC-MAN to jump on. If you jump on it repeatedly, you'll go higher with each bounce!


  • Angelic Missile – Palutena fires herself forward like a spinning torpedo. This move travels a long way, so be careful not to fire yourself right off a cliff!
  • Autoreticle – Targets an opponent ahead of you and fires shots at them. No shots will be fired if obstacles prevent you from finding a target.
  • Celestial Firework – There's a moment of invincibility just after firing the firework. Use it well, and you might be able to nullify an enemy attack and then strike back!
  • Celestial Firework – This move shoots fireworks upward to attack. Besides the obvious anti-air applications, it can also be used to hit downed opponents.
  • Counter – This move raises Palutena's shield, preparing to counter an enemy attack. The counterattack itself covers a surprisingly wide range.
  • Explosive Flame – This move causes an explosion a short distance away from Palutena. It deals multiple hits to any opponents in its vicinity and then sends them flying.
  • Heavenly Light – Palutena's Heavenly Light covers a wide area. If you hit someone with it while they're flying off the screen, you can steal the KO for yourself.
  • Heavenly Light – Palutena's Heavenly Light doesn't cause opponents to flinch, but it does gradually push them out of its area of effect.
  • Heavenly Light – This move damages anyone who touches the rays of light. It's not particularly powerful, but it can hit repeatedly.
  • Jump Glide – After leaping upward, Palutena glides down slowly. You can make use of this glide to cover a lot of distance in the air.
  • Lightweight – This move temporarily allows Palutena to move faster and jump farther. However, it also makes her easier to damage and launch.
  • Reflect Barrier – This move creates a barrier that reflects enemy projectiles. It also pushes opponents away, so it can be useful if you want to keep your distance.
  • Rocket Jump – Palutena propels herself with an explosion at her feet, damaging enemies nearby. It's a little more powerful on the ground than in the air.
  • Super Speed – Palutena charges forward at speed and sends anyone in her way flying. The farther she travels, the more damage she deals on impact.
  • Warp – Palutena disappears and then warps to a location a short distance away. Warp will take Palutena in the direction you press.


  • Gliding – Holding the jump button will let Peach hover in the air for a short time. She can even attack as she floats!
  • Low Gliding – Jump while crouching to float just above the ground. You can use air attacks quickly that way!
  • Peach Parasol – Press up and down to open and close your parasol and adjust your fall speed.
  • Side Smash Attack – Peach pulls out a tennis racket, a golf club, and then a frying pan. Remember that order!
  • Side Smash Attack – The tennis racket launches farthest, the golf club has the best reach, and the frying pan hurts the most.
  • Vegetable – The vegetables' emotions are picked at random. The sort-of-wrinkled-looking ones deal the most damage.


  • Thunder – The bolt of lightning has a meteor effect. Use it after throwing a foe upward for a powerful combo.
  • Thunder Jolt – Pikachu's Thunder Jolt bounces along the surface of the stage. It can even attack foes who are hanging from edges.


  • Guardian Orbitars – These handy items will block enemy attacks as well as reflect projectiles. They'll even push back foes who touch them!
  • Palutena Bow – Press up before firing to aim the arrow that way. Also, you can guide the arrow while it's in the air.
  • Power of Flight – Pit's wings glow and then send him flying in the direction you choose. This move travels a long way, making it an excellent recovery.
  • Upperdash Arm – A dash forward followed by an uppercut. While Pit is dashing, the Upperdash Arm deflects projectiles! Cool!


  • Arm Rotor – The spinning arms can deflect enemy projectiles. Also, press the button repeatedly for a slightly longer attack!
  • Back Air Attack – When R.O.B. fires the burner on his base, the force of the attack will move him forward a bit.
  • Robo Beam – After charging, R.O.B. fires a beam from his eyes. The red light on his head shows the charge level.
  • Robo Beam – The beam can be angled up or down. Also, if it hits the ground, it'll reflect and change direction.
  • Robo Burner – R.O.B. will use his burner to fly up. Don't jump—just press the special-move button repeatedly to save fuel and let yourself fly longer.
  • Robo Burner – The Robo Burner's fuel slowly replenishes while R.O.B. is on the ground. Be careful if you find yourself in the air a lot—it won't refill there.


  • Thunder – A red glow means that Thunder has charged into Arcthunder! A current with very high launching power will appear when this move connects.
  • Thunder – If you launch this move without charging it up, Robin will cast Thunder. It's not very powerful, but its fast speed can take foes by surprise.
  • Thunder – It's difficult to notice in the middle of a battle, but the cover of the tome Robin uses actually changes depending on the spell being used.
  • Thunder – Once the tome starts glowing yellow, you can cast Elthunder. It's more powerful than Thunder and travels farther, but it's not quite as fast.
  • Thunder – Robin will use one of four magic spells, depending on how long you charge Thunder. The color the tome glows indicates which spell will be used.
  • Thunder – When casting Thoron, you can hold down the button to make the beam extend farther.
  • Thunder – When Thunder is fully charged, it becomes Thoron! The high-speed beam can deal damage to multiple opponents at once.

Rosalina & Luma

  • Controlling Luma – Luma can attack even if Rosalina is stunned or sleeping. This can save you in a pinch.
  • Controlling Luma – You can attack with Luma even when Rosalina can't move, but you won't be able to do so right after being thrown or launched.
  • Luma Shot – This sends Luma hurtling forward with a high chance of launching opponents. Charge up this move to send Luma flying farther
  • Star Bits – Luma fires Star Bits that can scatter in three directions: high, middle, and low.


  • Blazer – By pushing left or right during Roy’s ascent, you can adjust the angle of the move. However, this stops him from climbing as high.
  • Blazer – Roy can lash out in the opposite direction with this move if you quickly tap backward before he begins his ascent.
  • Blazer – Roy is momentarily invincible when he uses this move. Unleash it while on the ground to absorb a few hits, and then launch opponents.
  • Counter – One sneaky strategy is to counter an opponent in midair as they try to stop you from recovering. Roy falls pretty quickly, though, so it’s risky!
  • Counter – The move is a little slow to start and only lasts a short while, but if used successfully on an incoming attack, it can deal 1.35x damage back at the enemy.
  • Double-Edge Dance – If you aim up on the third hit and to the side on the fourth, the power of the fourth hit increases and it will be easier to hit with the full blade.
  • Double-Edge Dance – Press the button repeatedly for a four-hit combo. You can change the finishing move by pressing up or down during the combo.
  • Down Air Attack – If you can hit the foe with the full blade, this move has a meteor effect. It’s powerful straight down, but aim carefully, because it lacks horizontal range.
  • Downward Throw – Enemies thrown down by this move will bounce and then momentarily float in front of Roy. That’s a good time for a follow-up attack!
  • Flare Blade – As you hold down the button, the attack gradually grows in strength. It’s unleashed when you let go of the button or when the move is fully charged.
  • Flare Blade – Try charging this move right after launching a foe off of the stage, and then smack them with it when they try to recover!
  • Standard Air Attack – Roy performs a double sword slash in midair. This attack’s speed makes it ideal for disrupting enemy attacks and getting in close.
  • Standard Attack – A backhanded, upward sword slash. Unlike most standard attacks, it doesn’t include any follow-ups, but it has speed and power to make up for it.
  • Strong Down Attack – This fast, crouching sword strike has low power, but it turns Roy into a small target. It’s great for disrupting enemy attacks.
  • Strong Side Attack – Roy takes a step forward as he unleashes the move, making it easier to strike with the whole blade and do a lot more damage.
  • Up Smash Attack – Roy’s up smash, Flame Sword, is an upward of his fiery blade. His sword arm is invulnerable during this, making the move good against air attacks.


  • Down Air Attack – This is the only attack in Ryu’s arsenal that has a meteor effect. If it hits, your victim will fly diagonally downward.
  • Focus Attack – By turning the opposite way the moment Ryu punches, he will strike in that direction instead.
  • Focus AttackNorth America Hitting an opponent with the fully charged version of this move will make them slowly crumple. Time for a follow-up attack!
    Europe Hitting a grounded opponent after charging this move fully will make them slowly crumple. That's your chance for a follow-up attack!
  • Focus Attack – Ryu can take one hit while readying for this move. This is true until right before he attacks, even when charging the move to maximum power.
  • Focus Attack – Ryu will hold his stance until you release the button or a certain amount of time has passed. Then he’ll unleash the punch.
  • Focus Attack – You can cancel this move by pressing left or right twice quickly, either while charging or right after the punch connects.
  • Front Air AttackNorth America Hitting an enemy with Ryu’s foot has higher launch power, while his upper leg is perfect for shield breaking. It’s a good move for combos.
    Europe Hitting an enemy with Ryu's foot has higher launch power, while his upper leg is good for shield breaking. It's a good move for combos.
  • Hadoken – A projectile from a world-class fighting game. Hold down the button to vary how fast it travels. It’ll disappear after a set distance.
  • Hadoken – Input back, down-back, down, down-forward, forward to unleash a fiery Shakunetsu Hadoken that can deal multiple hits.
  • Hadoken – Input the commands from the original series to increase the Hadoken’s power. Use it in midair to make Ryu glide slightly.
  • Hadoken – Quickly input down, down-forward, forward for 1.25x power. You might have to practice a bit to really figure out howtodo a Hadoken.
  • Shoryuken – Input forward, down, down-forward for 1.2x attack power. Think you can pull it off? SURE YOU CAN!
  • Shoryuken – Input the commands from the original series to become invincible until the move is complete. The move needs no recovery time after landing.
  • Shoryuken – When you enter the original commands, Ryu is momentarily invincible, the move is stronger and looks different…and his shout even changes!
  • Side Smash Attack – Ryu steps forward and unleashes his Joudan Sokutogeri. The tip of his foot is the strongest part, but it won’t hit a small crouching enemy.
  • Strong Down Attack (Strong) – Hold down the attack button while crouching to use this move. You can cancel it into a special even if the foe is shielding, but only if you hit.
  • Strong Down Attack (Strong) – You might have seen this kick in the original games. Just like in those, you can cancel the move after striking by going straight into a special.
  • Strong Down Attack (Weak) – Use this attack by crouching and tapping the attack button. If you hit a downed opponent with it, you’ll knock them back to their feet.
  • Strong Side Attack (Strong) – Keep up the pressure on a guarding enemy with Ryu’s Collarbone Breaker, a double hit that’s good for shield breaking.
  • Tatsumaki Senpukyaku – Enter down, down-back, back for 1.16x power. Increasing the strength also increases the move’s speed and travel distance.
  • Tatsumaki Senpukyaku – Input the commands from the original series to power up the attack. One thing to remember: you can’t use it repeatedly in midair.
  • Tatsumaki Senpukyaku – Ryu will float up slightly when using this move after a jump, making this spinning side kick great for recovering.
  • Up Air AttackNorth America This uppercut hits the enemy twice and has a deceptively large range. It’s fairly easy to hit enemies directly over you.
    Europe This uppercut hits the enemy twice, and has a deceptively large range. It’s fairly easy to hit enemies directly above you.
  • Upward Throw – This move kicks a grabbed opponent straight upward. As Ryu brings his leg back down, he’ll hit anyone else unlucky enough to be in the way.


  • Bomb – Samus morphs into a ball and drops a bomb. You can use the explosion to gain a little height.
  • Charge Shot – This is devastating when fully charged. It can be unleashed instantly if you fire it while airborne.
  • Missile – Holding a direction will fire a Homing Missile, while quickly inputting a direction will fire a Super Missile!


  • Back Slash – Shulk leaps forward and performs a vertical slice downward. As the name implies, it deals more damage if you hit the enemy from behind.
  • Monado Arts – In Buster mode, you deal more damage than usual but you can't launch opponents as far and you'll receive more damage.
  • Monado Arts – In Shield mode, the power of your shield is boosted but you can't move as fast, jump as high, or deal as much damage.
  • Monado Arts – In Speed mode, you'll sacrifice damage and jump height in order to move faster.
  • Monado Arts – In Smash mode, you can launch opponents more effectively but you deal less damage and can be launched more easily yourself.
  • Monado Arts – Jump mode increases your jumping ability. You'll be able to move more quickly in the air, but you'll also take more damage from attacks.
  • Monado Arts – Shulk switches between five modes—Jump, Speed, Shield, Buster, and Smash—that change his abilities for a short time.


  • Spin Charge – Jump while spinning forward, and you'll keep spinning in the air. You can hit opponents like that or use other attacks.
  • Spin Charge – If you hold down and keep tapping the button, you can charge up this move, making it faster and stronger.
  • Spring Jump – Use this in midair to drop a spring on someone below. Give yourself a boost while disrupting your rivals!


  • Balloon Trip – Your balloons can be popped by your foes. Lose one and you'll lose lift. Lose both and down you go!
  • Down Air Attack – One to three turnips will appear. More turnips means more damage. Three has a meteor effect.
  • Lloid Rocket – Hold the button when using this move to ride on the Lloid Rocket.
  • Lloid Rocket – The Lloid Rocket is more powerful when you're riding it, but you can bail at any time just by pressing the button.
  • Pocket – The Villager uses this move to put items or incoming projectiles into his pocket. Then he can press the button again to take them out.
  • Timber – A three-stage move: planting a seed, watering it, and then chopping down the tree. Don't use the first stage in the air—it'll just leave you wide open.
  • Timber – The axe is surprisingly powerful! You can swing it at your rivals as long as the tree is standing.


  • Chomp – Can be used to bite opponents or eat items. If he eats food, it'll restore more health than usual!
  • Chomp – Eating items will make Wario more gassy. The gassier he is, the stronger his down special will be.
  • Chomp – Wario's hunger knows no bounds, but eating explosives will cause him a bit of damage. The blast will hurt those around him, too!
  • Taunt – Leave it to Wario to taunt while riding a motorcycle. Don't try this at home! Or anywhere else! Not safe!
  • Wario Bike – Wario's motorcycle can break into parts. Throw them at others, or eat them to fill Wario's...gas tank.
  • Wario Waft – When Wario's bursting at the seams with gas, he'll glow. Getting KO'd won't release any gas, either—there's only one way to let it out...

Wii Fit Trainer

  • Deep Breathing – Deep Breathing can reduce stress. Oh, and it also increases your attack and launch power and heals a small amount of damage.
  • Deep Breathing – Press the button again just as the outer circle meets the red inner circle, and you'll boost your attack and launching power for a while.
  • Header – Shield before hitting the ball to cancel your serve and let the ball fall, dejected, to the ground.
  • Standard Attack – Land three weak attacks in a row, and you'll bury your opponents in the ground for a time.
  • Sun Salutation – Fully charge the attack before striking to recover a bit of health. Talk about flexible!
  • Up Smash Attack – You're invincible for a moment just before unleashing this. Try using it to launch foes attacking from above.


  • Egg Lay – The more damage Yoshi's foe has accumulated, the longer they'll be stuck as an egg. They can escape faster by wiggling around.
  • Egg Lay – This move grabs opponents with Yoshi's tongue and traps them in an egg. They'll take less damage while trapped, but you can hit them all you like!
  • Egg Roll – This move turns Yoshi into an egg that rolls along the ground. The faster it goes, the more powerful it'll be. Just beware of getting grabbed!
  • Egg Roll – You can start this move in the air, but you won't deal any damage until you hit the ground.
  • Egg Throw – How hard Yoshi throws the egg depends on how long you hold the button down. Tap for a light throw or hold for a powerful one.
  • Egg Throw – The angle Yoshi's egg travels depends on the direction you press just before the egg is thrown. Push backward to throw straight up.
  • Front Air Attack – Yoshi charges up for a moment and then delivers a powerful headbutt. Hit an opponent from above, and they'll fly down with a meteor effect.
  • Yoshi Bomb – The damage and launching power of the Yoshi Bomb are both a little higher when used on the ground.


  • Din's Fire – This explodes when you release the button. Hold it longer to get more range and a stronger explosion.
  • Farore's Wind – Zelda will deal damage to those nearby when she disappears and reappears. Hold a direction to control where she teleports to.
  • Nayru's Love – This move summons a magical barrier that reflects enemy projectiles. It's not just for defense, either—it also deals direct damage!
  • Phantom Slash – Charge this attack to make the Phantom travel farther. It'll attack differently based on the distance traveled.
  • Phantom Slash – Zelda's Phantom can take some damage, but if it's destroyed, she can't summon another for a while.

Zero Suit Samus

  • Down Smash Attack – This attack fires Zero Suit Samus's Paralyzer diagonally down. Its victim will be stunned for a moment, leaving them open to another attack!
  • Flip Jump – Fighters struck while on the ground will be buried, while airborne fighters will be meteored.
  • Flip Jump – Press the attack button during this move to launch a kick. This kick deals a lot of damage and has a powerful meteor effect, too.
  • Paralyzer – Attack with this to paralyze foes for just a moment. When they can't move, that's your chance to strike!
  • Plasma Whip – This move swings a whiplike stream of plasma directly in front of Zero Suit Samus. Opponents struck by the very tip of it will be blasted away.
  • Attacking from Above – This move sends Zero Suit Samus diagonally downward while attacking. When she lands, the impact damages enemies around her.


  • 3D Land: ? Blocks – ? Blocks give you items! Super Leaves will appear slightly more often than usual.
  • 3D Land: Blocks – The Brick Blocks that appear in the beginning can be easily broken by hitting them once from below.
  • 3D Land: Donut BlocksNorth America As tasty as they may sound, the Donut Blocks are not for eating. You can, however, jump on top of them for a bit before they collapse from your weight.
    Europe Tasty as they sound, you can't eat Donut Blocks. You can stand on them, but they'll buckle before long!
  • 3D Land: Flip Panels – The Flip Panels at the beginning of this stage will flip, gradually creating more places for you to stand.
  • 3D Land: Lifts on Rails – During the ocean scene, the lift will travel along rails. Look ahead to spot where lifts are going next! Find the premium fighting spot!
  • 3D Land: Note Blocks – Note Blocks appear at the beginning of the stage. Jumping on them will send fighters flying into the sky!
  • 3D Land: Protruding Rocks – The mountain range partway through the stage has rocks sticking out from it. The platform tilts and pushes fighters, so watch out!
  • 3D Land: Rotating Platforms – This rotating platform may seem like a good place to fight, but it'll toss anyone who's still on it when it rotates!
  • 3D Land: Shrinking and Growing Pipes – Pipes that shrink and grow will appear throughout the stage. Time your jumps so you don't fall down!
  • 3D Land: Spike Pillars – Spike Pillars will pop out of the ocean at random. They can break lifts and deal a lot of damage to unlucky fighters.
  • Arena Ferox – Four types of platforms appear on this stage. Some of them can be destroyed! The statues too!
  • Balloon FightNorth America Beware the fish lurking beneath those pixelated waves—they'll surface and try to get a mouthful of Smash Bros. fighter.
    Europe The fish swimming in the water will bite at fighters who come near and try to drag them down under the waves.
  • Balloon Fight – This stage loops back on itself if you run to the left or right. However, getting launched can still KO you.
  • Boxing Ring – Reach those lights hanging above the ring! Damage them enough and they'll come crashing down, launching anyone caught beneath them.
  • Boxing Ring – Use the ropes around the ring to jump high into the air. These ropes let fighters who have no ups reach the lights overhead!
  • Distant Planet – Occasionally you might see Onions fly by. Hit them with Pellets to get items!
  • Distant Planet – The objects labeled with numbers that blossom in the center of the flowers are called Pellets. Bigger numbers deal more damage when thrown.
  • Distant Planet – The Red Bulborb will appear on the right, opening its mouth and looking for food. Being eaten by the Red Bulborb counts as a KO.
  • Distant Planet – The slanted hill on the left side of the stage will flood with water when it rains. The strong current can sweep you off the edge. Watch out!
  • Dream Land (64) – If you look behind the stage, you might see a Bronto Burt or King Dedede. Of course, if Dedede is fighting, he won’t be back there.
  • Dream Land (64) – Whispy Woods will blow air at whichever side of the stage has more fighters. If both sides have the same number of fighters, Whispy Woods will randomly decide.
  • Duck Hunt – Attacking the ducks will add to the score in the bottom right. The score doesn't really matter, but the ducks can drop items sometimes!
  • Duck Hunt – If you defeat all 10 ducks in a single round, you'll get a Perfect Bonus! That's 10,000 points added to the score! ...And that's all!
  • Duck Hunt – Take out six or more ducks to proceed to the next round. After Round 9, the score resets and you'll start at Round 1.
  • Find Mii – The Dark Emperor is capable of destroying the platforms in this stage. There are only two, so watch out!
  • Find Mii – The Dark Emperor uses random magic during the battle. What effect his magic will have is displayed on the bottom screen.
  • Find Mii – The faster you can rescue the Mii trapped in the cage, the faster the Dark Emperor will leave the battle.
  • Flat Zone 2: ChefNorth America You can launch the Chef off the stage by continuously hitting him. Once the Chef is gone, the stage will change to a new scene.
    Europe Keep attacking the Chef to launch him off the stage and switch to the next game.
  • Flat Zone 2: Fire – If you leave items on the ground, a diver might appear and take them away.
  • Gerudo Valley – Sometimes the wooden bridge will break if you stand on it or attack it. It's a flimsy bridge and will break over time, too.
  • Golden Plains – Collect 100 coins and you'll turn to gold! You'll become generally more powerful and won't flinch at all.
  • Golden Plains – Step on the P Switch (or just hit it) to make blue coins appear. They won't stay around for long, so look lively!
  • Golden Plains – The scalelike platforms will tilt and fall if there is no one on the other side. Get two fighters on there to see who weighs more!
  • Golden Plains – Touch the red ring to make eight red coins appear. One red coin is worth five regular coins!
  • Green Hill Zone – The object with the blue ball on top is called a Point Marker. A Point Marker will twirl when the ball is hit, dealing damage to anyone too close.
  • Hyrule Castle (64) – After being launched by the tornado, you'll be stunned for a moment. The more damage you have, the longer you'll be stunned.
  • Hyrule Castle (64) – The tornado that appears will launch fighters vertically. If you've taken too much damage, it can launch you off the stage!
  • Hyrule Castle (64) – This is a revival of the Hyrule Castle stage from the original Smash Bros. The platforms on the castle tower are great for up smash attacks!
  • Jungle Japes – The river below the stage flows very quickly, so don't fall in! Try to knock foes into it instead!
  • Living Room – Five different kinds of puppies appear in the background. The breed will change randomly. Sometimes a kitten will appear instead!
  • Living Room – The falling blocks are really painful if they land on you. Avoid damage by watching the shadows and moving before the blocks land.
  • Magicant – A giant tomato or iron octopus will fall into the clouds, slowly sinking in until it falls out the other side.
  • Magicant – Flying Man will fight alongside the first person who touches him. Get to him before anyone else has a chance!
  • Magicant – Standing on a giant tomato or an iron octopus will cause it to sink through the clouds faster.
  • Magicant – There are only five Flying Men. If all five are defeated, no more will appear in the battle.
  • Midgar – Grab the Summon Materia to call forth powerful beings that affect the stage in different ways.
  • Midgar – If a Summon knocks out a fighter, the point is awarded to whoever grabbed the Summon Materia.
  • Midgar: Bahamut ZERO – From high above the heavens, Bahamut ZERO blasts the stage with a devastatingly powerful beam, obliterating careless fighters.
  • Midgar: Ifrit – Ifrit blazes through the sky and unleashes an inferno forceful enough to shift the entire stage. Stand on the hot spots and you'll feel the burn!
  • Midgar: LeviathanNorth America If you fall in the water and crash into the right of the stage, you can get to safety. But if your damage is over 100%, you're done for!
    Europe If you fall in the water and crash into the right of the stage, you can get to safety. But if your damage is over 100% then you're done for!
  • Midgar: Leviathan – Leviathan rises from the ocean depths, sending a tidal wave crashing down around the stage. Steer clear of the deluge or it will sweep you away!
  • Midgar: OdinNorth America Odin rides in atop his steed Sleipnir and, with a single slice, cleanly cleaves the stage in two. Be sure not to get slashed—this cut runs deep!
    Europe Odin rides in atop his steed Sleipnir and, with a single slice, cleanly cleaves the stage in two. Be sure not to get slashed - this cut runs deep!
  • Midgar: Odin – The stage will return to normal soon after being sliced in two—try not to be between the halves when it does, or it's an instant KO!
  • Midgar: Ramuh – Ramuh rains lightning onto the field, shuffling and electrifying the platforms. Fighters who land on a live surface are in for a nasty shock!
  • Mute City – This fight takes place on F-Zero machines in the middle of a race! Falling onto the course will hurt and send you flying through the air!
  • PAC-MAZE – Collect 100 Pac-Dots, and a Power Pellet will appear just for you. You can destroy ones that appear for your rivals, too!
  • Paper Mario – A Big Blooper will appear on the ocean stage. Don't worry—it won't attack. It will rock the ship, though, generating some waves.
  • Paper Mario – Bowser's metal face will appear and spin in the sky. If his eyes turn red, it's a good time to run!
  • Paper Mario – Watch out for the gigantic fan on the part of the stage that is on land. It's much easier to be launched to the right when it spins!
  • Peach's Castle (64) – This stage is a revival of the stage from the original Smash Bros for Nintendo 64. It features a sliding stone platform and floating bumpers.
  • Peach's Castle (64) – This stage's bumpers are faithful re-creations of the bumpers from the original Smash Bros. They do 1% damage to anyone who bumps into them.
  • Peach's Castle (64) – This time around, you can grab the edge of the sliding stone platform. When the platform is hidden, you can grab the edge of the center platform.
  • PictoChat 2 – The stage changes as the background changes. Adjust your tactics depending on the drawing shown in the background.
  • Rainbow Road – Sometimes Shy Guys drive by in karts. There is plenty of warning before the Shy Guys cruise by.
  • Rainbow Road – The floor of the tunnel rotates; don't get caught standing in one spot, or you'll be sent flying off the screen!
  • Spirit Train – If Link or Toon Link is busy in the battle, Alfonzo will handle being the train's conductor.
  • Spirit Train – Keep an eye on the black smoke from the Dark Train! It will jump before exploding, landing in a random place on the stage.
  • Spirit Train – The Armored Train is pointy in front and will try to push the train you are on off the stage. Don't get pushed off during their conflict!
  • Spirit Train – The Spirit Train can have several different cabooses. It could be Linebeck's shop, a coal car, a steel-frame car, or other cars!
  • Spirit Train – This train travels left at extremely high speed. You'll need more luck than any one fighter has if you want to survive falling off the back.
  • Super Mario Maker – A hand will appear on the screen and build this stage for you before the battle starts. It might be a person's hand, a cat's paw, or Mario's hand!
  • Super Mario Maker – Fighters will start on a platform that will disappear almost right away. Watch out!
  • Super Mario Maker – The ? Blocks are more likely to yield items from the Mario series than any other series. Makes sense, right?
  • Super Mario Maker – The platforms on this stage will change each time you play! It's like playing a whole new stage every time!
  • Super Mario Maker – The stage will occasionally change right in the middle of a battle. This can also change the music that is playing!
  • Super Mario Maker – This stage will generate a mixture of floating platforms and solid ground, but it favors creating floating platforms.
  • Suzaku Castle – These flimsy signs can’t stand up to a fighter being launched near them. If all the signs are broken, they will eventually repair themselves.
  • Suzaku CastleNorth America This stage has a large platform on the right and two smaller ones on the left. Depending on how you like to fight, one side may be more ideal than the other.
    Europe The left side of the stage is made up of just two small platforms, but the right side has more space. Change up your fighting style for each side!
  • Tomodachi Life – Normally, only rooms that fighters are currently in will be visible. If you throw an X Bomb, though, a lot will be revealed!
  • Tomodachi Life – The apartments and the Mii characters living in them will change every time you play. You might even see your friends!
  • Tortimer Island – Beehives will occasionally fall from the trees. Unless you like swarms of bees attacking you, be careful not to hit those beehives...
  • Tortimer Island – Durians and coconuts have no healing power, but sometimes they can explode when thrown.
  • Tortimer Island – Kapp'n's boat will sail out to sea after some time has passed. Disembark before he sails you off the stage!
  • Tortimer Island – The shallow waters around the island are home to some vicious sharks. They'll swim close and try to make a meal of an unsuspecting fighter.
  • Umbra Clock Tower – Don’t worry if you’re still on a platform when it floats up and out of the stage area—you’ll be dropped off rather than taken away with it!
  • Umbra Clock Tower – In this stage you battle on the endlessly falling ruins of a clock tower. You can see angels watching from afar whenever the tower enters a magical portal.
  • Umbra Clock Tower – Sometimes debris from the tower can be used as platforms. The debris can fall in seven patterns.
  • Umbra Clock Tower – The clock face on this stage actually tells the real time. Look at the clock long enough and you’ll even see the hands move.
  • Umbra Clock Tower – You can grab the edges that appear below the clock tower. Use them to your advantage to survive tough situations.
  • Unova Pokémon League – Reshiram and Zekrom will attack when they appear on this stage. You might see some other Pokémon, too!
  • Unova Pokémon League – Reshiram's Fusion Flare move will unleash a burst of flames and then destroy the stairs, so be careful!
  • Unova Pokémon League – Sometimes Milotic, Whimsicott, and Shaymin will appear. Don't worry—these three are only here to watch.
  • Unova Pokémon League – Stairs will appear and connect to N's Castle. The stairs will make the stage larger—change up your tactics with this new space!
  • Unova Pokémon League – Zekrom, the Dragon/Electric-type Legendary Pokémon, charges in using Fusion Bolt, which breaks the stairs or leaves platforms askew.
  • WarioWare, Inc. – When the microgame starts, follow the instructions to get items or other bonuses!
  • Wily Castle – The Yellow Devil explodes when defeated, which counts as your attack if you defeated it. Use this to KO other fighters!
  • Yoshi's Island – Shy Guys sometimes appear from the sky, carrying yummy food. Attack them to make them drop their tasty snacks!


  • Beetle – Attack an incoming Beetle and it'll do a U-turn. Beat the person who threw it at their own game!
  • Blast Box – This item can be risky, since fire attacks will detonate it straight away. However, it's safe to hit or throw it.
  • Boomerang – If you time it right and catch this on the way back, it'll deal more damage next time you throw it.
  • Boss Galaga – It's possible to defeat Boss Galaga! He'll change color as he takes damage. The bluer he gets, the weaker he's becoming!
  • Boss Galaga – If you get caught up in Boss Galaga's tractor beam, you'll be pulled right up off the stage. Wiggle back and forth quickly to escape!
  • Daybreak – After completing Daybreak, press the attack button to fire a beam. You might drop it if you get hit before firing it, so be careful!
  • Fairy Bottle – This heals your damage by 100...unless you're below 100% at the time, in which case you can't use it.
  • Fire Bar – Five fireballs are linked to the hilt of this weapon. As you attack with it, the number of fireballs decreases.
  • Fire Bar – You can use the Fire Bar both at short range and long range. The fireballs at the base of the weapon do the most damage.
  • Golden Hammer – This sometimes turns into a Squeaky Hammer. It doesn't hurt much, but that sound sure is cute, eh?
  • Hocotate Bomb – The bomb detonates when it hits the ground. It has a big blast range, but the fighter who launched it is immune.
  • Hocotate Bomb – While flying upward, it can hit enemies above it repeatedly and even launch them right off the screen.
  • Lip's Stick – If you're hit by one of these, a flower blooms on your head and slowly does damage. It's so pretty, it's a shame it hurts...
  • Lip's Stick – Using Lip's Stick to damage a foe will make a flower bloom. The flower grows as you continue to deal damage.
  • Master Ball – A purple ball with the letter M on it. Unlike a regular Poké Ball, there's almost always a Legendary inside.
  • Sandbag – Sandbag takes damage just like a fighter. The more it takes, the easier it is to launch.
  • Screw Attack – You can deliver air attacks while using the Screw Attack item. This can lead to powerful combos.

Assist Trophy

  • Ashley – A dark field will appear around Ashley. Any foes inside the field will move more slowly and take continuous damage.
  • Ashley – Ashley causes an effect at random. She'll make attacks miss, limit movement, flip the controls, or bury, shrink, or make invisible all the fighters.
  • Ashley – Unless you summoned Ashley, eating food while within her dark field will cause damage instead of healing it. It's Pit's worst nightmare!
  • Chain Chomp – A Chain Chomp's chomp will deal more damage than just touching one. Be careful, though; even chained up, they've got a long range.
  • Chain Chomp – If a Chain Chomp falls off the stage, it'll just jump straight back up!
  • Chain Chomp – If a platform that can break is broken with one of these chained to it, the Chain Chomp will fall off the stage, as well.
  • Color TV-Game 15 – The paddles that appear to the left and right will try to keep a ball in play. You'll take damage and be launched if you touch them.
  • Dark Samus – Dark Samus can be defeated by dealing enough damage. However, anyone who gets too close to her may receive a burst of Phazon energy.
  • Dark Samus – This energy-based life-form looks a lot like Samus. Dark Samus fires homing missiles and rapid-fire rounds at fighters on the stage.
  • Devil – The Devil will begin pointing in various directions, and the stage will shift that way. If you get slid off the screen, you'll get KO'd!
  • Dillon – Watch out! This armadillo will attack without fear. His Arma-Charge is super powerful, so get to dodging if you see him spinning up!
  • Dr. Kawashima – Numbers will fly in from off-screen. Attack them to make them change direction.
  • Elec Man – Attacking Elec Man will make him flinch, but you'll have to launch him off the screen if you want to stop his lightning attacks.
  • Elec Man – Elec Man will move swiftly across the stage, firing Thunder Beam at fighters. A hit from this attack will leave a fighter stunned for a time.
  • Ghirahim – Ghirahim moves gracefully through the battle, using swords and knives. He can't be defeated—he'll simply teleport back if you launch him.
  • Ghirahim – Ghirahim will use a dash attack at foes straight ahead. He moves swiftly—making it hard to dodge—and strikes hard enough to launch you.
  • Ghosts – Blinky, Inky, Pinky, and Clyde will all appear on the stage! They each have their own movement patterns and will hurt opponents who touch them.
  • Ghosts – Blinky will always take the quickest route to a foe. Inky, meanwhile, prefers to move randomly in a direction opposite the foe.
  • Ghosts – Pinky will try to catch her target out by getting in front and ambushing them. Clyde doesn't have a target—he just does whatever he likes.
  • Hammer Bro – Hammer Bros. won't move from side to side, so you can move around them and out of range.
  • Isabelle – Isabelle cares how the fight is going! If the fighter who summoned her gets a KO, she'll be happy! She'll flinch if the fighters get close.
  • Isabelle – Isabelle is here to support whichever fighter summoned her into the battle. She'll throw healing fruit that's used just by touching it.
  • Isabelle – Isabelle will do her best to throw the fruit she brought to the fighter who summoned her. This doesn't mean other fighters can't steal it.
  • Knuckle Joe – A fighter sporting a bandanna. After a rapid-fire attack, Knuckle Joe will unleash Smash Punch or Rising Break, both very powerful moves.
  • Lakitu – Lakitu's Spiny Eggs will have a meteor effect on anyone they hit. Lakitu is perfect for stages that have small platforms.
  • Lyn – Lyn is a swordfighter who has perfected her Quick Draw. After she has drawn her sword, she'll attack the nearest opponent.
  • Lyn – Right before she strikes, Lyn will move slightly—this is your cue to dodge and avoid her attack!
  • Midna – Midna won't be abandoned in battle—she'll teleport to chase foes. She also uses her teleport to return if she gets launched.
  • Midna – Watch out for Midna's hand-shaped hair. She'll reach out and grab nearby fighters no matter how badly you wish your shield could stop it.
  • Mother Brain – Attack Mother Brain to defeat her! The glass around her will shatter after she fires lasers—that's your chance to strike!
  • Mother Brain – It's totally fine to use Mother Brain to shield yourself from the attacks of your rivals.
  • Mother Brain – Mother Brain will fire ring-shaped projectiles called Rinkas from off-screen. These are energy based, so they can be absorbed or reflected.
  • Mother Brain – Mother Brain will send colorful lasers shooting up and down the screen. They can't be absorbed or reflected, so you'll have to just avoid them!
  • Nightmare – When Nightmare has changed from his Power Orb to his true form, the screen will go completely black, obscuring the stage.
  • Phosphora – Phosphora can't be defeated when she arrives on the battlefield, only made to flinch. However, her thunder attacks can be reflected or absorbed.
  • Phosphora – Phosphora will teleport around the stage, dodging attacks and shooting lightning at everyone not fortunate enough to have summoned her.
  • Saki Amamiya – Depending on the location of his target, Saki may shoot or slash with his weapon. The slash is very powerful at close range, so watch out!
  • Sheriff – Sheriff fires high-speed, powerful shots at fighters. These shots can be reflected, but absorbing them is not an option.
  • Skull Kid – Skull Kid calls on a variety of mystical powers when he appears in the battle. Unfortunately, these powers affect whoever summoned him, too!
  • Skull Kid – Skull Kid has three different moves: he can reverse the directional inputs, make everyone invisible, or flip the stage upside down.
  • Starman – He will shoot either a PK Beam γ or a PK Beam Ω, stunning fighters. PK Beam γ targets one fighter, but Ω is less discerning.
  • Starman – If you can keep up with his teleporting, Starman can be defeated. Reflecting or absorbing the PK Beams is a good strategy, too.
  • Tingle – Every so often, Tingle will send down a shower of Hammers. Even more rarely, he'll rain Golden Hammers on the battlefield!
  • Tingle – Sometimes Tingle will emerge from the Assist Trophy with a big balloon on his back. He'll rise into the sky, leaving the battle without helping.
  • Tingle – Tingle, a man with a stubby red nose and wearing an entirely green suit, randomly selects one of five different effects when summoned.
  • Tingle – Tingle may sometimes become engulfed in flames! If this happens, everyone in the battle will suddenly act like they've consumed Superspicy Curry.
  • Waluigi – Luigi's purple-clothed rival. He only ever jumps directly up, so leaping left or right is a good way to avoid him.


  • Abomasnow – Abomasnow's Blizzard move will pull you toward the Pokémon. Once Blizzard ends, Abomasnow will unleash Ice Punch!
  • Arceus – The attack Gravity will pull fighters out of the air. Anyone caught out beyond the edge will fall straight down.
  • Bellossom – Getting close to it will put you right to sleep! The more damage you've taken, the longer you'll be counting sheep.
  • Chespin – Chespin will use Seed Bomb, causing explosions all around it that deal a large amount of damage to anyone hit by the attack.
  • Darkrai – Its Dark Void move has a strong gravitational pull and puts anyone who touches it to sleep. If you're caught in midair, you'll fall to the ground, sound asleep.
  • Dedenne – Its Discharge attack creates an electrical burst with Dedenne in the center. Fighters caught in this will take multiple hits.
  • DeoxysNorth America Hyper Beam draws in fighters, but it won't hurt for you to launch them toward Deoxys, too.
    Europe Hyper Beam pulls fighters in closer to Deoxys. Try launching opponents towards it!
  • Eevee – Eevee will use Take Down on any fighters nearby. If there aren't any, it'll just stand around looking a bit confused.
  • Electrode – Right before an Electrode explodes, its body goes red and shrinks. That's when you can grab it and throw it at your opponents!
  • Entei – Fire Spin has a gravitational effect, sucking in anyone who touches it. Once you're trapped in the fiery pillar, it'll do huge damage.
  • Fennekin – Incinerate creates a fire pillar reaching out in front of Fennekin. If it connects, it'll do repeated damage to fighters.
  • Fletchling – Once Fletchling settles on a target, it can be a real pest. Strike while your foes are distracted by this little Pokémon's attacks!
  • Gardevoir – Gardevoir uses a barrier that reflects projectiles. If you summoned it, your own projectiles won't be affected. Nice!
  • Genesect – Both Genesect's laser and its Techno Blast can penetrate walls, so all you can do is stay out of its line of sight.
  • Giratina – Giratina launches a massive gust of wind that hits multiple times. Be careful—this move is tough to avoid and can send you off the screen.
  • Gogoat – Gogoat will let you ride on its back. Charge down opponents to deal damage!
  • Goldeen – If damage was dealt from enthusiasm, then Goldeen would KO everyone with Splash. But it isn't. Not even when Goldeen comes from a Master Ball.
  • Inkay – Inkay's Topsy-Turvy move knocks over nearby fighters. It doesn't work on anybody in the air, though, so try jumping!
  • Keldeo – When it uses Secret Sword, it will rush up to a fighter and deliver a powerful, wide-range slash attack with its extended horn.
  • Kyogre – Hydro Pump pushes fighters off the stage. It's very difficult to escape the power of this current.
  • Kyurem – Icy Wind freezes fighters in just one hit. Not only does the attack have a wide range, but Kyurem can keep it going for a long time.
  • Lugia – Lugia will launch Aeroblast, a wide-range attack, from the back of the stage. This attack can't be blocked—do all you can to get clear!
  • Meloetta – Meloetta's song will bounce off walls and platforms. In smaller stages, the song will bounce unpredictably, making it tough to avoid.
  • Meowth – Meowth can use Pay Day to throw coins at enemy fighters. They don't do much damage, but the attack has a wide range.
  • Metagross – Only touch Metagross if you like being buried. Anyone too slow to flee will suffer this Pokémon's Earthquake attack.
  • Mew – Mew is so rare, you'll be lucky to see one at all—but when you do, it'll drop rare items onto the battlefield.
  • Moltres – Moltres slowly rises after appearing. Even barely touching this Legendary Pokémon will send a fighter flying.
  • Oshawott – Surf sweeps up anybody in its path—adjust your aim to catch fighters who try to get out of the way!
  • Palkia – Everything gets flipped 180 degrees, changing the battlefield. The controls don't change though, so don't accidentally fall off!
  • Snivy – Snivy's Razor Leaf rapidly fires at short range, but anyone caught in it will be hit over and over and over.
  • Snorlax – Snorlax grows as it rises into the air. If the timing's right, you can get every other fighter in one fell swoop!
  • Spewpa – If attacked, it'll react with a blast of Stun Spore, leave Spewpa alone, Spewpa leaves you alone.
  • Staryu – Staryu will pursue a target and shoot stars at high speed. For fighters with projectile-absorbing moves, this is like an early birthday present!
  • Suicune – Getting hit by Aurora Beam will give you a chance to cool off. Literally. Even touching Suicune right when it appears will freeze you.
  • Swirlix – Anyone who strays too close to Swirlix will have their movement reduced. Take advantage of this if you brought Swirlix into battle!
  • Victini – Victini will use Victory Star to give the fighter who summoned it a boost. In a team battle, it will boost your teammates as well.
  • Xerneas – Everyone's launching power will get a boost when Xerneas is around. It'll be much easier to launch rivals who have low damage.
  • Zoroark – Zoroark's Fury Swipes will smack foes down to the ground. If it gets ahold of its target again, it can use a follow-up attack.


  • All-Star: Rest Area – In the rest area between matches in All-Star, moves that normally heal you...won't.
  • Classic: Route Map – The paths are marked with a color to show their difficulty: blue, green, or red. The harder the path, the better the reward!
  • Items on Floating Platforms – In Multi-Man Smash, items occasionally float by on a platform. These aren't random—the same items will appear at the same time in every battle.


  • Battles between amiibo – An amiibo gains more experience than usual when battling another amiibo - the more intense the battle, the more it will learn!
  • Bonus Effects and Stats – Teaching an amiibo a negative bonus effect will increase its stats to compensate...and vice versa.
  • Building Up an Appetite – Your amiibo can only eat so much equipment at once. Make it battle to work up an appetite again!
  • Feeding Equipment – Feed equipment to your amiibo to boost its stats. You can even teach it new bonus effects!
  • Fighting Many Foes – An amiibo learns more by facing new opponents. Don't just make it fight the same old foes!
  • Humble Beginnings – An amiibo is weaker than an average CPU fighter...but only at the start. Train it and it can surpass them all!
  • Learning from Defeat – An amiibo learns more from losing than winning. Let it face high-level CPUs to learn the true meaning of strength!
  • Presents – An amiibo can earn items in battle and then give them to you as presents. It can even bring them from a friend's system!
  • Training Journeys – Your amiibo will grow more quickly battling on someone else's Nintendo 3DS. Why not take it on a little training journey?

Smash Run

  • Participants and Prizes – The more people you play with in Smash Run, the more prizes you'll all receive at the end.
  • Powers – The number of Powers a fighter can carry depends on the fighter's weight—the heavier the fighter, the more they can manage.
  • Ranks and Prizes – After the final fight, you'll find out your ranking. You'll earn better and rarer items by placing higher!

Smash Run

  • Area LockdownNorth America When the screen locks in place and swarms of enemies start to appear, hold your ground. Leaving the screen then will count as a KO.
    Europe When the screen goes into lockdown and a swarm of foes appears, be careful not to go off-screen. That will count as a fall.
  • Area Lockdown – The number in the top left is your target number of enemies to beat. Hit that mark, and you'll get an especially large stat boost!
  • Cannonball Effect – When you defeat an enemy, it will fly off like a cannonball and deal damage to other enemies it hits.
  • Cannonball Effect – When you defeat a large foe, the cannonball effect can take out other enemies, too. However, the other enemies won't fly off like cannonballs.
  • Challenge Doors – Go into the red door if you are ready for a challenge! If you clear the challenge, you can get great rewards!
  • Challenge Doors – Sometimes there won't be a challenge behind the door at all. Just a bonus room full of treasure chests and stat boosts!
  • Glunders, Glices, and Glires – They all roll along the ground, but they're based on different elements. Glire is red, Glice is blue, and Glunder is yellow.
  • Launching Foes Off-Screen – Launching enemies off the screen will defeat them even if they haven't taken much damage. However, you won't get as many stat boosts.
  • Powerful Enemies – Strong enemies like Reapers drop lots of items. These can include rare rewards.
  • Powers and SpeedNorth America Slower fighters can carry more Powers. Putting on equipment that makes you faster or slower will affect this, too!
    Europe Slower fighters can equip more Powers. Put on equipment that makes you faster or slower to influence this.
  • Rare Items – Looking for cool stuff like trophies and custom parts? Try defeating bonus enemies and opening treasure chests.
  • Smash Run: Edge of the Stage – There are a lot of challenge doors and treasure chests around the edges of the labyrinth—but lots of strong enemies, too.
  • Star-Shaped Stat Boosts – These star-shaped stat boosts will improve all six stats. You'll get them from treasure chests or by defeating special enemies.
  • Stat Boosts – Just running and attacking will slowly boost your speed and attack stats.
  • Stat Megaboost – These items will double the effectiveness of stat boosts for a short time. You'll power up twice as fast while moving around, too!
  • Using Powers – Using Powers aggressively at the start will let you beat enemies easily for some early stat boosts. That'll make later foes easier too.
  • Using Powers – If you get KO'd in Smash Run, your stats will go down. Try to keep some good Powers in reserve to help you stay in the game!


  • Crystal Smash! – Break all the crystals in the time allotted. Breaking them gets you stat boosts!
  • Crystal Smash! – When you're attacking crystals, sometimes large cracks will appear. Aim your attacks at these to destroy the crystals more efficiently.
  • Defeat them all! – Defeat all the enemies in the time allotted. Be careful not to fall off the narrow platforms as you fight!
  • Defeat them all! – If you touch the floor under the platforms when it's red, you'll be KO'd immediately. That applies to foes, too, so try to send them to their doom!


  • Bacura – Bacuras are invincible spinning boards that can reflect projectiles. Touching one will launch you downward.
  • Banzai Bill – These enormous versions of Bullet Bills have a LOT of health. They also explode with a big blast radius after getting stuck in the terrain.
  • Big Goomba – Its health and attack power may be high, but you can stomp on it to do massive damage. A Goomba's still a Goomba!
  • Bill Blaster – These fire Bullet Bills (and sometimes other enemies). Destroy a Bill Blaster before it's out of ammo, and you might just get extra items.
  • Blue Shy Guy – Blue Shy Guys have slightly more health than other Shy Guys. They tend to drop Defense boosts.
  • BonkersNorth America This gorilla-like foe uses a hammer to strike with a variety of attacks. When he charges up Hammer Flip, it can hit you for serious pain.
    Europe This gorilla-esque foe uses a hammer to strike with a variety of attacks. When he charges up Hammer Flip, it can hit you with a big impact.
  • Bonkers – Bonkers is so tough that your attacks won't make him flinch at all. However, he does leave himself wide open after swinging his hammer.
  • Boom Stomper – Don't expect your attacks to do a lot to a Boom Stomper's rock-solid body. Aim for its weak point: the leaf on its head.
  • Bronto Burt – Bronto Burts fly around and try to hit you with their spin attack. The attack doesn't do much damage but has high launching power.
  • BubbleNorth America Red Bubbles are weak to water and electricity, blue ones to fire. Attack accordingly to extinguish their colored flame and weaken them.
    Europe Red Bubbles are weak to water and electricity, blue ones to fire. Attack accordingly to put out their fire and weaken them.
  • Bubble – These flying skulls with wings come in two varieties. Red flames indicate a fire element, while blue flames indicate ice.
  • Bulborb – Bulborbs will use a slam attack if there's a fighter behind them. It can hurt a lot, but it also leaves the Bulborb open to counterattacks.
  • Bullet Bill – These bullets with angry eyes and angry fists will either fly in a straight line or chase after fighters.
  • Bumpety Bomb – Bumpety Bombs flash more and more quickly as they get closer to exploding. The blast hurts other enemies, too, so use that to your advantage!
  • Bumpety Bomb – You can't hit a Bumpety Bomb through the armor on its front. Instead, attack from behind or try to throw it.
  • Chain Chomp – You can't defeat a Chain Chomp—just the post it's chained to. Once free, it will run off and leave behind an item.
  • Clubberskull – Once freed, a Clubberskull will swing its arms in wide circles, dealing a lot of damage if it lands hits. Best to fight at a distance if you can.
  • Clubberskull – When a Clubberskull's on a rampage, it'll come after fighters relentlessly. It'll even jump over walls and other obstacles!
  • Cryogonal – Sometimes Cryogonals will fire an Ice Beam that mows down everything around them. This takes longer to charge than the usual beam.
  • Cryogonal – This Ice-type Pokémon floats in the air and fires an Ice Beam. If the beam hits you, you'll be frozen.
  • Cucco – When a Cucco gets hurt—even by defeated enemies cannonballing toward it—it'll call upon its flock to strike back at you.
  • Daphne – A Daphne's mines will explode if you attack them. Best to use projectiles to take them out from a comfortable distance.
  • Daphne – Looks can be deceiving! These cute, flowery foes float along dropping mines that will flash and then explode when a fighter comes near.
  • Darknut – Breaking a Darknut's armor changes its attack pattern and raises its speed, but your attacks will now make it flinch.
  • Darknut – Darknuts attack by swinging their large swords around. Their shields deflect attacks, so try to hit them from behind!
  • Devil Car – If you're close by when a Devil Car has stopped moving, it'll spout exhaust fumes that paralyze you. It's enough to drive anyone crazy...
  • Devil CarNorth America These cars are the most inconsiderate drivers, trying to ram right into you! If one hits you at high speed, it'll hurt.
    Europe These cars try to drive right into you! If one hits you at high speed, it'll hurt.
  • Flage – This slimy green foe disappears and moves closer to you. Its shadow will give away where it is heading.
  • Flame Chomp – Don't touch the Flame Chomp's fireballs! That means both the ones it fires at you and the ones that are still attached to its tail.
  • Flame Chomp – When a Flame Chomp's tail is gone, its eyes will droop and it will flash. Defeat it quickly or it will explode!
  • Fly Guy – A type of Shy Guy that flies around, dangling items. Sometimes they even carry custom parts!
  • Gastly – A Ghost-type Pokémon unaffected by punches and kicks. You'll have to use projectiles to defeat it.
  • Geemer – Geemers can crawl along the ground, the walls...even the ceiling! Those spikes will hurt any fighter who touches them.
  • Generator – Generators disappear after they've finished spawning enemies. Defeat them before they finish to get a big bounty as a reward!
  • Glice – An icy enemy that's weak to fire. Its attack range is small, but you'll freeze if it hits you.
  • Glire – A fiery enemy that's weak to ice. It attacks slowly but deals a lot of damage.
  • Glunder – An electrical enemy with no particular weakness but fairly low health. Its attacks are wide ranging but deal little damage.
  • Goomba – The classic Mario enemy. Punches and kicks will work, but jumping on it delivers a one-hit KO in trademark Mario style.
  • Gordo – These spiky little balls are invincible, and just touching one will hurt and send you reeling.
  • Green Shy Guy – Green Shy Guys move slightly faster than other Shy Guys. They tend to drop Speed boosts.
  • Hammer Bro – Hammer Bros. jump up and down while throwing hammers. The hammers bounce off the walls and floor, so watch out!
  • Iridescent Glint Beetle – The farther you launch one of these, the more gold it'll drop. It'll go back underground if it gets launched five times or if enough time passes.
  • Iridescent Glint Beetle – These golden bugs stay underground until a fighter comes near. They're bonus enemies, and often when you launch one, it'll drop some gold.
  • KamekNorth America Kamek flies around and teleports, making an air battle all but inevitable. Try to ground this goof with a strong attack.
    Europe Kamek flies around and teleports, making an air battle all but inevitable. Try to knock him down to earth with a strong attack.
  • Kihunter – Kihunters won't spit acid at you if they're below you. Fighting them from above is an excellent strategy.
  • Kihunter – These insectoid enemies spit acid at you from the air. Touching the acid will paralyze you for a short time.
  • KoffingNorth America Get too close, and you'll be sprayed with an extra-powerful Poison Gas that reduces your stats more than regular Poison Gas.
    Europe Get too close and you'll be sprayed with an extra-powerful Poison Gas that lowers your stats much more than usual.
  • Koffing – This Pokémon fills its body up with toxic gases like a balloon. If its Poison Gas move hits you, it'll reduce your stats.
  • Kritter – Green Kritters will try to bite you, while blue Kritters will use their claws in a spinning jump attack.
  • Lakitu – Lakitus ride on a cloud and throw down Spiny Eggs. These turn into Spinies when they hit the ground.
  • Lethinium – These floral fiends shoot lasers that can go through the terrain. If the beam doesn't hit, the next shot will be at a different angle.
  • Lurchthorn – Each of a Lurchthorn's cannons will drop items and stop shooting if you destroy it. However, the other cannons will get stronger as a result.
  • Lurchthorn – These fishlike foes pull five cannons along behind them. Each cannon takes damage on its own, but defeating the head can save you some time.
  • Mahva – These fishlike foes with six eyes can protect other enemies with their barriers. Break down the barrier first—then you can hit the Mahva.
  • Megonta – Hit a Megonta's weak point—the stomach—and you can topple it over. It can't do anything until it gets back up, so you have a chance to strike.
  • MegontaNorth America This pill bug look-alike attacks by rolling at you. It's invincible while balled up, so strike wisely.
    Europe This foe, reminiscent of a pill bug, attacks by rolling at you. Nothing can damage its shell, so it's invincible while in a ball.
  • Metroid – These alien creatures float around and then try to clamp down on you with their sharp fangs. Quickly struggle to break free from their grasp.
  • Mettaur – When a Mettaur's hiding under its helmet, attacking it won't accomplish anything. However, you can still grab and throw it.
  • Mimicutie – Lures you in disguised as a treasure chest, and then comes after you. Often drops Powers and other rarities.
  • Monoeye – These enormous eyeballs fly around above you, occasionally targeting you with energy blasts.
  • Nutski – These airborne enemies from the Forces of Nature fire either a burst of weak seeds or a single big seed that deals more damage.
  • Octorok – Octoroks will fire rocks at distant fighters. Deflecting an Octorok's own rock back at it is a one-hit KO!
  • Octorok – When you get close to an Octorok, it'll hide in the grass. You won't be able to hit it with attacks, but you can still throw it.
  • Orne – Ornes are dangerous foes. Just touching one will KO you instantly. When you hear that eerie music, run! Run away!
  • Parasol Waddle DeeNorth America Attack a Waddle Dee to make it let go of its parasol. As the parasol floats into the air, it can snag you and carry you with it. Watch out!
    Europe Attack a Waddle Dee to make it let go of its parasol. When the parasol floats up, it can drag you with it, so be careful.
  • Peahat – Peahats will keep sending Peahat Larvae at you. These are hard to avoid because of their scattered flight patterns.
  • Peahat Larva – These weak enemies are thrown by Peahats. You can even defeat them with moves that don't deal any damage, like Mario's F.L.U.D.D.
  • Petilil – This Grass-type Pokémon's Sleep Powder move will only affect fighters on the ground.
  • Plasma Wisp – When these glowing foes have fully charged their attack to its third level, they become immune to projectiles and direct attacks.
  • Polar Bear – Polar bears are weak to fire attacks. They'll flinch when struck by fire, making them far easier to defeat.
  • Polar Bear – When a polar bear jumps, you should jump too. The earthquake from their landing won't affect you if you're in the air.
  • Pooka – Each time a Pooka takes damage, it'll puff up like a balloon. When it finally pops, the blast will damage surrounding enemies.
  • Pooka – Pookas can chase after you by burrowing through walls and the ground. While doing this, you can't hit them, only look at their goggles.
  • Pooka – These red little enemies with goggles will walk up to fighters and tackle them.
  • Poppant – Poppants store candy and gift-wrapped boxes in their bucket-like lower bodies. Defeat these bonus enemies for some sweet rewards!
  • PoppantNorth America Poppants will run away if you get too close or attack them. They'll also throw stones and Bob-ombs in their wake! Watch out!
    Europe Poppants will run away if you get too close or attack them. They'll also throw stones and Bob-ombs as they go, so watch out!
  • Reaper – An angry Reaper won't move around—it'll just turn to the left and right. If you're right in front of it, it'll swing its scythe.
  • Reaper – If a Reaper spots you, its special music will play and it'll go berserk. It'll also summon Reapettes, making it hard to even get close.
  • ReapetteNorth America These Reaper minions can pass right through walls. They'll disappear in one hit, so it's easy to clear them out with some careful aim.
    Europe These Reaper minions can even move through walls. They'll disappear in one hit, so watch carefully and take them out.
  • ReDeadNorth America Fighters on the ground will be left shaking if a ReDead's screech hits them, but airborne fighters will keep their wits about them.
    Europe Fighters on the ground will be left shaking if a ReDead's screech hits them, but fighters in the air won't be affected.
  • ReDead – These shambling creatures made from magically animated clay will let out a hideous screech if you come near, leaving you shaking.
  • Reo – These enemies swoop down from above to tackle fighters. However, they can't actually hit you if you're directly below them. Give it a try!
  • Roturret – Roturrets hang in the air and fire three shots from each of their two cannons. The last pair of shots has extra launching power.
  • Shotzo – Depending on the type, these indestructible cannons will either fire three shots in a fixed direction or one shot aimed at you.
  • Shy Guy – Red Shy Guys have more attack power than other Shy Guys. They tend to drop Attack stat boosts.
  • Skuttler CannoneerNorth America The color of the cannon shows which type it is. Blue = beam, green = bazooka, and red = missile.
    Europe The colour of the cannon shows which type it is. Blue = beam, green = bazooka and red = missile.
  • Skuttler MageNorth America These one-eyed enemies use magic to lower your stats. They're tough, but that only means a greater bounty of stat boosts once you defeat them.
    Europe These one-eyed enemies use magic to lower your stats. They're tough, but that only means a greater bounty of stat boosts when you beat one.
  • Sneaky Spirits – These rhythmic spooks pop up at regular intervals. Defeat one of these bonus enemies to get great rewards, like stat boosts for all stats.
  • Souflee – These cake-shaped enemies like to run away from the player. In typical bonus-enemy fashion, they drop excellent stat boosts if you catch them.
  • Spike Top – Hitting Spike Tops can flip them over. That's the only time projectiles can hurt them.
  • Spike Top – Projectiles have no effect on Spike Tops, and these shelled beasts don't flinch easily either. Give them a toss instead.
  • Starman – Reflect a PK Beam back at a Starman to defeat it in one satisfying hit. However, this trick won't work on a Starman summoned as an Assist Trophy.
  • Starman – Starmen are aliens that move by teleporting and unleash PK Beam attacks. These beams will briefly paralyze you if they hit, so watch out!
  • TacNorth America Tac will fire his hand at you to try and steal your stat boosts. If he gets them, defeat him before he runs away or they'll be gone for good!
    Europe Tac will fire his hand at you to try and steal your stat boosts. If he gets them, defeat him before he runs away to get them back!
  • Tiki Buzz – Bounce off one of these for a big jump. It might even let you reach places you couldn't get to before!
  • Tiki Buzz – From time to time, one of these drumlike enemies will swoop down to attack you. Jump on its head midswoop to take it out in one hit.
  • Types of Shy Guys – Shy Guys come in four colors: red, blue, yellow, and green. They have different abilities and tend to drop different stat boosts.
  • Yellow Shy Guy – Yellow Shy Guys jump slightly higher than other Shy Guys. They tend to drop Jump boosts.
  • Zuree – These ghosts with big claws are impossible to hit before they take physical form. When they attack, that's your chance to strike back.


  • Amped Up! – For a short time, your Speed and Jump stats will be maxed out. This lets you reach all kinds of places—but be careful not to go too far!
  • Bonus Time – During this event, enemies will drop more stat boosts. This is a good chance to really raise those numbers!
  • Fast Learner – One stat will be easier to upgrade for a while. Stat boosts for it will appear more frequently, and it'll upgrade more quickly from play, too.
  • Fests – Loads of a single enemy will appear. The name of the fest tells you which one. A Souflee Fest is a chance to get tons of stat boosts!
  • Heavenly Light – A light engulfs the fighters, causing damage to nearby enemies. The effect is just like the Power of the same name.
  • Treasure Trove – This event unlocks a treasure trove full guessed it...treasure! Check your map to see where it is.

Stat Boosts

  • Arms – Arms stat boosts will improve throwing moves and attacks using items. They also make healing items more effective.
  • Arms – One effect of Arms stat boosts is to increase your grabbing range. They also make you less likely to drop items when attacked.
  • Defense – Improving your Defense means you'll take less damage and your shield will be more durable. It'll also be easier to achieve a perfect shield.
  • Special – Some special moves won't just deal more damage—they'll also take less time to charge or have an expanded range.


  • Bonus Effects – You can equip multiple pieces of equipment with the same bonus effect to make that effect stronger.
  • Breaking Your FallNorth America When you hit the wall, floor, or ceiling after being launched, press the shield button to break your fall and avoid follow-up attacks.
    Europe When you hit the wall, floor or ceiling after being launched, press the shield button to break your fall and avoid follow-up attacks.
  • Catching Items – You can catch items thrown at you by pressing the attack button at just the right time.
  • Clinging to WallsNorth America Some fighters can temporarily stick to walls if you keep holding in the direction of the wall. Not every wall is good for this move, though...
    Europe Some fighters can temporarily stick to walls if you keep holding the direction of the wall. However, this won't work on every wall.
  • Crouch Walking – Some fighters can move while crouched if you input diagonally down to the left or right.
  • Custom Special Moves – Each of the custom special moves have different attributes. Choose carefully to create the perfect fighter for your play style!
  • Easy Final Smash – Fighters who are really lagging behind will sometimes be ready to use a Final Smash as soon as they return from being KO'd.
  • North America Eating While Prone / Europe Eating While Passed OutNorth America Press the attack button while you're prone to eat a food item that's fallen nearby.
    Europe Press the attack button while you're passed out to eat a food item that's fallen nearby.
  • Equipment – Fighters can carry up to three pieces of equipment. Carrying different equipment can really change the way you play a fighter!
  • Footstool Jump – You can jump on an opponent's head and use them as a springboard. If they're airborne, they'll fall down, too.
  • North America Grab / Europe Grabbing – You have to wait at least a second between letting go of an opponent and grabbing them again, so be patient!
  • North America Grab an Item While Airborne / Europe Grabbing an Item in Mid-AirNorth America You can grab an item in midair by dodging or attacking at just the right time.
    Europe You can grab an item in mid-air by dodging or attacking at just the right time.
  • Grabbing Edges – If you grab an edge that someone else is grabbing, you'll steal it from them. So much for first come, first served!
  • Hitstun ShufflingNorth America Input in a direction while taking damage, and you'll shift slightly in that direction.
    Europe Inputting a direction while taking damage will make you shift slightly in that direction.
  • North America Interacting with Equipment / Europe Equipment Pros and ConsNorth America Using equipment that raises attack will lower defense at the same time. You know what they say—the best defense is a good offense!
    Europe Using equipment that raises attack will lower defence at the same time. You know what they say - the best defence is a good offence!
  • North America Letting Go of Items / Europe Dropping Items – Press the grab button to drop the item you're holding. Even an item dropped like this deals a small amount of damage.
  • Low Jump – Press the jump button very briefly and you'll jump lower than usual, letting you use air attacks against ground-level foes.
  • North America Magnifying-Glass Damage / Europe Magnifying Glass DamageNorth America When you move off-screen, you'll be shown in a little circle. You'll gradually take damage while off the screen, so don't linger!
    Europe When you move off-screen, you'll be shown in a magnifying glass. You'll gradually take damage while in this state, so be careful!
  • Meteor Smash – Launching an opponent straight downward is known as a Meteor Smash. Doing this when there isn't a platform below is a good one-hit KO method.
  • Mii Fighters' Physiques – The physique of the Mii your Mii Fighter was based on will affect it! A big Mii is stronger, while a smaller Mii is faster.
  • Perfect Shield – Shielding right before an attack results in a perfect shield. You'll be able to strike back immediately after guarding.
  • Shield Break – While your shield is up, it'll gradually get smaller. When it finally breaks, you'll become dizzy.
  • Shieldstun Shuffling – Angling to one side or the other while blocking with your shield will move it very slightly in that direction.
  • Shifting Your Shield – You can gently input a direction while shielding to move your shield. This lets you block effectively, even with a small shield.
  • Smash Throw – When you throw an item, quickly press in the same direction as your throw. You'll throw it farther than usual that way.
  • Stale Moves – Using the same attack constantly will decrease its power. Add a little variety to your fighting, and spice up your game!
  • Strong Equipment – Taking on higher intensity levels in Classic mode or achieving high scores in minigames can hugely affect the power of the equipment you pick up.
  • Super Armor – This is a state where you won't flinch even while taking damage. Some specials will trigger this.
  • Throwing Items – Drop items by pressing the grab button. Input a direction when you drop an item to throw the item in that direction.
  • Turning and Grabbing – If you turn around while running and then grab, your grabbing range will be longer than usual.
  • Types of Equipment – Equipment can affect either attack, defense, or speed. You can equip more than one piece of the same type.
  • Wall Jumping – Some fighters can jump off walls. Input in the opposite direction while touching the wall to do this.

See also