Super Smash Bros. series

Falling speed

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Not to be confused with gravity.
Piranha Plant falling in Ultimate.

Falling speed is the rate at which a character can move downward in mid-air. A character's falling speed can greatly impact the fighting style - for instance, Fox, a fast-faller, uses his aerial speed to perform attacks out of a short hop and fast fall very quickly afterwards, whereas Jigglypuff, a floaty character, uses its low falling speed to attack multiple times in mid-air. Falling speed is measured in units per frame.

While falling speed's main effect is determining how quickly a character can drop downwards, it also affects the physics of knockback. After a character is launched, their gravity still applies, slowing their vertical ascent until the reduction equals their falling speed; as a result, characters with higher falling speed have their vertical knockback reduced for longer, improving their vertical endurance while also hampering their ability to recover from horizontal blows. However, weight is still the main factor in how much knockback is sustained in the first place, and the two factors are independent - a fast-falling character is not necessarily heavy, and vice versa. Samus and Fox are notable examples of this.

The items Bunny Hood and Metal Box increase the user's falling speed. Some stages can also affect a character's falling speed, such as the flying-type portion of Pokémon Stadium 2 and the falling portion of Summit.

In Super Smash Bros. 4, the equipment bonus effects, Thistle Jump and Anchor Jump, can be used to alter a character's falling speed, with Thistle Jump decreasing it, while Anchor Jump increases it. However, both bonus effects also alter a character's gravity.

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, moves that launch at angles between 70° and 110° now instead cause characters' falling speeds to be homogenized to a set value of 1.8 until hitstun ends, making falling speed no longer play a major factor on vertical survivability; however, it still plays a factor on moves outside of this range, as well as moves which deal weight-independent knockback, as they ignore this effect.

All characters can also fast fall at any time during a descent to increase falling speed, so long as they are not in tumble.

Categories of falling speed[edit]

Characters are generally put into one of two groups of falling speed: floaty and fast-faller, each of which have certain advantages and disadvantages depending on playstyle.


Fast-faller is a name that refers to characters with a fast falling speed. Fox, Captain Falcon, and King Dedede are prominent examples of fast-fallers, with Fox being unusually light for how quickly he falls.

Fast-fallers enjoy increased speed in the air and, in Melee, faster SHFFL'd approaches; however, they suffer from shorter recoveries. They are also susceptible to different combos from floaty characters. For instance, Captain Falcon can chain grab floaty characters with his down throw, but cannot do so against fast-fallers. On the other hand, he can tech-chase fast-fallers (or chain grab them given the right percents) with up throw, which he cannot do against floaty characters. Generally, fast fallers are more vulnerable to chain grabs and combos (although weight and character size are other factors as well); for instance, in Melee, Marth can chain his up throw on the space animals repeatedly and ultimately finish them off with a forward smash, but this combo is substantially less effective on a floaty character such as Peach or Jigglypuff (although, notably, this chaingrab does not work on fast-faller Captain Falcon, as he is too heavy).


Floaty is a name that describes characters with a slow falling speed. Jigglypuff, Peach, and Samus are prominent examples of floaty characters, with Samus being unusually floaty for how heavy she is.

Floaty characters have great benefits in terms of performing aerial attacks, since one would able to perform multiple aerial attacks in succession (such as Jigglypuff's slow falling speed and multiple mid-air jumps allowing it to do the wall of pain) and easier recoveries due to slow falling speeds allowing easier maneuvering. Downsides include vulnerability to being juggled, having easily predictable recoveries, or being KO'd vertically easily. On the flip side, floaty characters tend to be less vulnerable to chain grabs and combos.

Super Smash Bros.[edit]

Rank Character Falling Speed
N/A MetalMario (SSB) Metal Mario 100
N/A Giant Donkey Kong Giant Donkey Kong 72
1 Link (SSB) Link 64
2-3 Fox (SSB) Fox 60
Captain Falcon (SSB) Captain Falcon
4 Donkey Kong (SSB) Donkey Kong 56
5-6 Yoshi (SSB) Yoshi 55
Ness (SSB) Ness
7 Pikachu (SSB) Pikachu 52
8 Kirby (SSB) Kirby 48
9 Mario (SSB) Mario 44
10-11 Samus (SSB) Samus 42
Luigi (SSB) Luigi
12 Jigglypuff (SSB) Jigglypuff 38
Rank Character Falling Speed
N/A MetalMario (SSB) Metal Mario 100
N/A Giant Donkey Kong Giant Donkey Kong 72
1 Captain Falcon (SSB) Captain Falcon 66
2 Link (SSB) Link 64
3 Fox (SSB) Fox 60
4 Yoshi (SSB) Yoshi 58
5 Donkey Kong (SSB) Donkey Kong 56
6 Ness (SSB) Ness 55
7 Pikachu (SSB) Pikachu 52
8 Kirby (SSB) Kirby 48
9 Mario (SSB) Mario 44
10-11 Samus (SSB) Samus 42
Luigi (SSB) Luigi
12 Jigglypuff (SSB) Jigglypuff 38

Super Smash Bros. Melee[edit]

Rank Character Falling Speed
1 Falco (SSBM) Falco 3.1
2 Captain Falcon (SSBM) Captain Falcon 2.9
3 Fox (SSBM) Fox 2.8
4-5 Donkey Kong (SSBM) Donkey Kong 2.4
Roy (SSBM) Roy
N/A Giga Bowser (SSBM) Giga Bowser 2.4
6 Marth (SSBM) Marth 2.2
7-9 Link (SSBM) Link 2.13
Sheik (SSBM) Sheik
Young Link (SSBM) Young Link
10 Ganondorf (SSBM) Ganondorf 2
N/A FightingWireFrames (SSBM) Fighting Wire Frame (Male) 2
11 Yoshi (SSBM) Yoshi 1.93
12-14 Pikachu (SSBM) Pikachu 1.9
Bowser (SSBM) Bowser
Pichu (SSBM) Pichu
15 Ness (SSBM) Ness 1.83
N/A FightingWireFrames (SSBM) Fighting Wire Frame (Female) 1.8
16-18 Mario (SSBM) Mario 1.7
Dr. Mario (SSBM) Dr. Mario
Mr. Game & Watch (SSBM) Mr. Game & Watch
19-21 Kirby (SSBM) Kirby 1.6
Luigi (SSBM) Luigi
Ice Climbers (SSBM) Ice Climbers
N/A Sandbag (SSBM) Sandbag 1.6
22-23 Peach (SSBM) Peach 1.5
Mewtwo (SSBM) Mewtwo
24-25 Samus (SSBM) Samus 1.4
Zelda (SSBM) Zelda
26 Jigglypuff (SSBM) Jigglypuff 1.3

Super Smash Bros. Brawl[edit]

Rank Character Falling Speed
N/A Giga Bowser 2.5
N/A Wario-Man 2.2
1 King Dedede (SSBB) King Dedede 1.95
2 Captain Falcon (SSBB) Captain Falcon 1.837
3 Fox (SSBB) Fox 1.831
4 Wolf (SSBB) Wolf 1.8
5 Snake (SSBB) Snake 1.73
6 Falco (SSBB) Falco 1.708
7-8 Ganondorf (SSBB) Ganondorf 1.65
Ike (SSBB) Ike
9 Link (SSBB) Link 1.6
10-11 Donkey Kong (SSBB) Donkey Kong 1.58
Sheik (SSBB) Sheik
12-13 Pikachu (SSBB) Pikachu 1.5
Marth (SSBB) Marth
14 Sonic (SSBB) Sonic 1.45
15-16 Zero Suit Samus (SSBB) Zero Suit Samus 1.43
Diddy Kong (SSBB) Diddy Kong
17 Pit (SSBB) Pit 1.42
18 Wario (SSBB) Wario 1.4
19-20 Bowser (SSBB) Bowser 1.39
Meta Knight (SSBB) Meta Knight
21 Lucas (SSBB) Lucas 1.37
22-23 Ivysaur (SSBB) Ivysaur 1.35
Charizard (SSBB) Charizard
24 Ness (SSBB) Ness 1.31
25-26 Squirtle (SSBB) Squirtle 1.3
Olimar (SSBB) Olimar
27 Yoshi (SSBB) Yoshi 1.29
28-29 Mario (SSBB) Mario 1.28
Toon Link (SSBB) Toon Link
N/A Fighting Alloy Team 1.28
30 Mr. Game & Watch (SSBB) Mr. Game & Watch 1.24
31 Luigi (SSBB) Luigi 1.22
32-35 Kirby (SSBB) Kirby 1.2
Ice Climbers (SSBB) Ice Climbers
Lucario (SSBB) Lucario
R.O.B. (SSBB) R.O.B.
36 Zelda (SSBB) Zelda 1.13
37 Samus (SSBB) Samus 1.07
38 Peach (SSBB) Peach 1.05
39 Jigglypuff (SSBB) Jigglypuff 0.98


  • Excluding Giga Bowser and Wario-Man, no character in Brawl can surpass a falling speed of 2 without fast falling. King Dedede comes the closest, falling slightly faster than Yoshi in Melee, with a maximum fall speed of 1.95.
  • Falco received the largest decrease to his falling speed in the transition from Melee to Brawl, going from 3.1 to 1.708, a difference of 1.392 units. Conversely, Zelda received the smallest decrease, going from 1.4 to 1.13, a difference of just 0.27 units.

Super Smash Bros. 4[edit]

Rank Character Falling Speed
N/A Giga Bowser 2.5
N/A Wario-Man 2.2
N/A Giga Mac 2.2
1 Fox (SSB4) Fox 2.05
2 King Dedede (SSB4) King Dedede 1.95
3 Greninja (SSB4) Greninja 1.85
4 Captain Falcon (SSB4) Captain Falcon 1.837
5-8 Little Mac (SSB4) Little Mac 1.8
Falco (SSB4) Falco
Mega Man (SSB4) Mega Man
Roy (SSB4) Roy
9 Bayonetta (SSB4) Bayonetta 1.77
10-11 Diddy Kong (SSB4) Diddy Kong 1.75
Sheik (SSB4) Sheik
12-13 Zero Suit Samus (SSB4) Zero Suit Samus 1.7
Mii Brawler (SSB4) Mii Brawler 1.7
14-15 Lucario (SSB4) Lucario 1.68
Cloud (SSB4) Cloud 1.68
16 Meta Knight (SSB4) Meta Knight 1.66
17-21 Bowser Jr. (SSB4) Bowser Jr. 1.65
Ganondorf (SSB4) Ganondorf
Ike (SSB4) Ike
Duck Hunt (SSB4) Duck Hunt
Corrin (SSB4) Corrin
22 Donkey Kong (SSB4) Donkey Kong 1.63
23 Wario (SSB4) Wario 1.61
24-27 Link (SSB4) Link 1.6
R.O.B. (SSB4) R.O.B.
Ryu (SSB4) Ryu
Mii Swordfighter (SSB4) Mii Swordfighter 1.6
28-29 Marth (SSB4) Marth 1.58
Lucina (SSB4) Lucina
N/A Mega Lucario 1.56
30 Pikachu (SSB4) Pikachu 1.55
31-35 Mario (SSB4) Mario 1.5
Robin (SSB4) Robin
Shulk (SSB4) Shulk
Dr. Mario (SSB4) Dr. Mario
Mewtwo (SSB4) Mewtwo
36-37 Pit (SSB4) Pit 1.48
Dark Pit (SSB4) Dark Pit
38-39 Sonic (SSB4) Sonic 1.45
Mii Gunner (SSB4) Mii Gunner 1.45
40-41 Palutena (SSB4) Palutena 1.4
Charizard (SSB4) Charizard
42 Bowser (SSB4) Bowser 1.39
43 Lucas (SSB4) Lucas 1.37
44-46 Zelda (SSB4) Zelda 1.35
Olimar (SSB4) Olimar
Pac-Man (SSB4) Pac-Man
47 Villager (SSB4) Villager 1.32
48 Ness (SSB4) Ness 1.31
49-50 Samus (SSB4) Samus 1.3
Wii Fit Trainer (SSB4) Wii Fit Trainer
51 Yoshi (SSB4) Yoshi 1.29
52 Toon Link (SSB4) Toon Link 1.28
53 Luigi (SSB4) Luigi 1.25
54 Mr. Game & Watch (SSB4) Mr. Game & Watch 1.24
55 Kirby (SSB4) Kirby 1.23
56 Rosalina & Luma (SSB4) Rosalina & Luma 1.2
57 Peach (SSB4) Peach 1.15
58 Jigglypuff (SSB4) Jigglypuff 0.98

Update history[edit]


  • Change Lucario's falling speed: 1.56 → 1.68


  • Change Samus's falling speed: 1.25 → 1.3

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[edit]

When launched at an angle between 70° and 110°, all characters use a falling speed of 1.8 until the hitstun ends. This doesn't apply to weight-independent knockback, however.

Rank Character Falling Speed
N/A Giga Bowser 2.2
1 Fox (SSBU) Fox 2.1
2-4 King Dedede (SSBU) King Dedede 1.95
Little Mac (SSBU) Little Mac
Piranha Plant (SSBU) Piranha Plant
5 Mii Brawler (SSBU) Mii Brawler 1.92
6 Pichu (SSBU) Pichu 1.9
7 Mythra (SSBU) Mythra 1.87
8 Captain Falcon (SSBU) Captain Falcon 1.865
9-11 Greninja (SSBU) Greninja 1.85
Simon (SSBU) Simon
Richter (SSBU) Richter
12 Sephiroth (SSBU) Sephiroth 1.84
13-18 Falco (SSBU) Falco 1.8
Young Link (SSBU) Young Link
Roy (SSBU) Roy
Chrom (SSBU) Chrom
Wolf (SSBU) Wolf
Mega Man (SSBU) Mega Man
19 Ridley (SSBU) Ridley 1.78
20-21 Bowser (SSBU) Bowser 1.77
Bayonetta (SSBU) Bayonetta
22-23 Incineroar (SSBU) Incineroar 1.76
Banjo & Kazooie (SSBU) Banjo & Kazooie
24-25 Sheik (SSBU) Sheik 1.75
Diddy Kong (SSBU) Diddy Kong
26 Snake (SSBU) Snake 1.73
27-29 Zero Suit Samus (SSBU) Zero Suit Samus 1.7
King K. Rool (SSBU) King K. Rool
Kazuya (SSBU) Kazuya
30-31 Lucario (SSBU) Lucario 1.68
Cloud (SSBU) Cloud 1.68
32 Meta Knight (SSBU) Meta Knight 1.66
33-38 Ganondorf (SSBU) Ganondorf 1.65
Ike (SSBU) Ike
Sonic (SSBU) Sonic
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Bowser Jr.
Duck Hunt (SSBU) Duck Hunt
Corrin (SSBU) Corrin
39-40 Donkey Kong (SSBU) Donkey Kong 1.63
Joker (SSBU) Joker
41 Pyra (SSBU) Pyra 1.62
42 Wario (SSBU) Wario 1.61
43-47 Link (SSBU) Link 1.6
R.O.B. (SSBU) R.O.B.
Ryu (SSBU) Ryu
Ken (SSBU) Ken
Byleth (SSBU) Byleth
48-51 Marth (SSBU) Marth 1.58
Lucina (SSBU) Lucina
Inkling (SSBU) Inkling
Shulk (SSBU) Shulk 1.58
52 Hero (SSBU) Hero 1.57
53-56 Palutena (SSBU) Palutena 1.55
Pikachu (SSBU) Pikachu 1.55
Mewtwo (SSBU) Mewtwo
Mii Swordfighter (SSBU) Mii Swordfighter
57 Charizard (SSBU) Charizard 1.52
58-61 Mario (SSBU) Mario 1.5
Dr. Mario (SSBU) Dr. Mario
Robin (SSBU) Robin
Min Min (SSBU) Min Min
62-64 Pit (SSBU) Pit 1.48
Dark Pit (SSBU) Dark Pit
Terry (SSBU) Terry
65 Mii Gunner (SSBU) Mii Gunner 1.45
66 Sora (SSBU) Sora 1.44
67 Steve (SSBU) Steve 1.42
68-69 Ivysaur (SSBU) Ivysaur 1.38
Toon Link (SSBU) Toon Link
70 Lucas (SSBU) Lucas 1.37
71-74 Zelda (SSBU) Zelda 1.35
Squirtle (SSBU) Squirtle
Olimar (SSBU) Olimar
Pac-Man (SSBU) Pac-Man
75-76 Samus (SSBU) Samus 1.33
Dark Samus (SSBU) Dark Samus
77-78 Luigi (SSBU) Luigi 1.32
Villager (SSBU) Villager
79 Ness (SSBU) Ness 1.31
80-82 Ice Climbers (SSBU) Ice Climbers 1.3
Isabelle (SSBU) Isabelle
Wii Fit Trainer (SSBU) Wii Fit Trainer 1.3
83 Yoshi (SSBU) Yoshi 1.29
84 Mr. Game & Watch (SSBU) Mr. Game & Watch 1.24
85 Kirby (SSBU) Kirby 1.23
86 Rosalina & Luma (SSBU) Rosalina & Luma 1.2
87-88 Peach (SSBU) Peach 1.19
Daisy (SSBU) Daisy
89 Jigglypuff (SSBU) Jigglypuff 0.98

Update history[edit]


  • Change Mii Brawler's falling speed: 1.92 → 1.7


  • Change Mii Brawler's falling speed: 1.7 → 1.92

See also[edit]