Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Min Min (SSBU)/Forward tilt

Hitbox visualization showing Min Min's forward tilt with Dragon.
Hitbox visualization showing Min Min's forward tilt with Power Dragon.
Hitbox visualization showing Min Min's forward tilt with Megawatt.
Hitbox visualization showing Min Min's forward tilt with Ramram.

Update historyEdit


  •   It deals negative shield damage (0 (all) → -2.5 (Ramram/Dragon)/-3.5 (Megawatt).


All ARMs have their damage reduced by 0.7× if they bounce off solid terrain, which fully affects the knockback they deal.


ID Part Rehit rate Damage SD Angle Angle type BK KS FKV Set weight Radius Bone Offset SDI× T% Clang Rebound Effect Type G A Sound Direct Hit bits Hit part Blockable Reflectable Absorbable Flinchless No GFX Heedless
Early hit
0 0 0 8.0% -2.5   Forward 50 90 0   0.7 have 3.1 0.5 0.0 1.0× 1.0× 0%               Dragon Punch   All All            
Late hit
0 0 0 8.0% -2.5   Forward 50 90 0   2.9 have 3.1 to 1.0 0.5 0.0 1.0× 1.0× 0%               Dragon Punch   All All            

Dragon PlusEdit

ID Part Rehit rate Damage SD Angle Angle type BK KS FKV Set weight Radius Bone Offset SDI× T% Clang Rebound Effect Type G A Sound Direct Hit bits Hit part Blockable Reflectable Absorbable Flinchless No GFX Heedless
Early hit
0 0 0 9.2% -2.5   Forward 50 90 0   0.7 have 5.4 0.5 0.3 1.0× 1.0× 0%               Dragon Punch   All All            
Late hit
0 0 0 9.2% -2.5   Forward 50 90 0   3.2 have 5.4 to 1.0 0.5 0.3 1.0× 1.0× 0%               Dragon Punch   All All            


ID Part Rehit rate Damage SD Angle Angle type BK KS FKV Set weight Radius Bone Offset SDI× T% Clang Rebound Effect Type G A Sound Direct Hit bits Hit part Blockable Reflectable Absorbable Flinchless No GFX Heedless
Early hit
0 0 0 11.0% -3.5   Forward 50 97 0   0.7 center 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2× 1.0× 0%               Megawatt Punch   All All            
Late hit
0 0 0 11.0% -3.5   Forward 50 97 0   3.7 center -1.0 0.0 0.0 1.2× 1.0× 0%               Megawatt Punch   All All            


ID Part Rehit rate Damage SD Angle Angle type BK KS FKV Set weight Radius Bone Offset SDI× T% Clang Rebound Effect Type G A Sound Direct Hit bits Hit part Blockable Reflectable Absorbable Flinchless No GFX Heedless
Early hit
0 0 0 5.0% -2.5   Forward 25 95 0   0.7 cakram1 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.9× 1.0× 0%               Ramram Punch   All All            
Late hit
0 0 0 5.0% -2.5   Forward 25 95 0   3.0 cakram1 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.9× 1.0× 0%               Ramram Punch   All All            
0 0 0 2.5% 0   Forward 35 85 0   3.0 cakram1 0.0 2.0 to -2.0 0.0 0.5× 1.0× 0%               Ramram Punch   All All            


While attacking with an ARM, Min Min can walk, jump, or attack with her other ARM either forward or backward, as well as aim the active ARM vertically as it extends.

The duration of each ARM's attack depends on the time it takes Min Min to fully retract it, which is shorter the sooner it hits an opponent or solid surface, and has some additional lag if shielded. The framestrips below show three timings: fully extended without hitting, hitting an opponent as soon as possible, and getting blocked by a shield as soon as possible. In the case of Ramram, hitting an opponent does not affect its timing, but hitting a shield or solid surface does, which also prevents it from shooting out the ring.

Dragon / Dragon PlusEdit

Hitbox (early, late) 14, 15-25
Earliest next ARM 17
Ending portion (full, on hit, blocked) 40, 24, 35
Interruptible (full, on hit, blocked) 59, 43, 54
Animation length (full, on hit, blocked) 74, 58, 69
On hit                                                                                                                                                     


Hitbox (early, late) 14, 15-32
Earliest next ARM 17
Ending portion (full, on hit, blocked) 49, 18, 40
Interruptible (full, on hit, blocked) 68, 37, 59
Animation length (full, on hit, blocked) 83, 52, 74
On hit                                                                                                                                                                       


ARM hitbox (early, late) 14, 15-21
Ring hitbox 22-29
Earliest next ARM 17
Ending portion 33
Interruptible 52
Animation length 67
Full (ARM)                                                                                                                                       
Full (ring)                                                                                                                                       
Legend (1 square = 1 frame)
Lag time
Hitbox change
State change
Earliest continuable point
Prop event