User:Omega Tyrant

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Tyrant: SUCK MY MOTHERFUCKINDICK!. -Sum Ting Wongs definition of a Tyrant
OT's Pro Tip: Don't neglect training against cpus. Sure they'll never match a human player, and you'll pretty much develop no cerebral skills from playing them. But when it comes to practising tech skill related stuff, they can be even better than human players to train against. Remember, cpus never say no.
File:Falcon Punch!.jpg Warning!
This user is a sysop and therefore has control of t3h ph1re!
Omega Tyrant
Character info
Melee main Ganondorf
Other Melee character Jigglypuff
Brawl mains Wolf, King Dedede
Other Brawl characters Snake, Ganondorf
Smash 4 mains Zero Suit Samus, R.O.B., Charizard
Other Smash 4 characters Ganondorf, King Dedede
Project M main Ganondorf
Other Project M characters Mewtwo, Bowser
Personal and other info
Real name Michael Myers
Birth date (age 33)
Location New York United States
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Murder by stabbing
NNID OmegaTyrant
3DS code 1091 7994 3806

I am a dedicated smasher from Schenectady, New York, who has been playing Super Smash Bros. since I received Melee as a Christmas present about ten years ago. It took a couple of years before I really got into it. But once I did, Melee was the game I played the most on the Gamecube by far (more than 50% of my playtime on the Gamecube was on Melee). I was just one of the millions who anticipated Brawl's release. I preordered it and bought it the day it came out, despite not actually owning a Wii yet. I would have to wait 2 months before I could obtain a Wii and finally play Brawl. To keep this from happening again, I got a Wii U on launch despite it not yet having games I was really interested in, just to ensure I would have it the console this time whenever Smash 4 came out. Turns out that the Wii U wouldn't sell anywhere near as well as the Wii did in its early life, so it wasn't necessary to have gotten it at launch, and I also ended up not being able to get Smash U on launch due to some extenuating circumstances. A friend though helped me out and got me one of the bundles within the week, so while it took me a few days before I could play Smash U, I was one of the ones with the GCN adapter that everyone had trouble getting.

I am a highly knowledgeable player on the Smash games, who regularly tests the various things within Smash. Besides playing competitively, I also frequently play the single player modes, often under self-imposed challenges, and I love finding the various ways the Smash AI can be exploited, particularly the always amusing Melee AI. My other gaming passion is the Pokémon series, which are the only other games I had played anywhere near as much as Smash. I have for a rough estimate, spent over 10000 hours on both series. For my smasherbeta image, I have a picture of my favorite pokémon, Tyranitar.

If you ever wondered what the professional level is like in Smash U, you can challenge me to wifi, and I'll pretty much always play you, if I'm not too busy with other things. I really have no interest in playing Smash3DS against other people though, so it's highly unlikely I'll play you in it. And I'm not ever touching Brawl wifi again, so I won't be accepting any requests to play it or PM.

Smash games

I did play Brawl competitively, comaining Wolf and King Dedede,with a Snake that I also used frequently. I've believed I did reach the bottom rungs of the professional level, and was good enough to consistently win money at locals in my region, win sets against lesser professional players, and was able to get ranked 5th in my region's last Brawl PR in 2012, within months of my tournament debut. I didn't get much success when I occasionally travelled out of region to the prestigious NY/NJ area, though even with the much stronger competition, I never attended a tournament where I failed to win at least one set. I didn't get to attend much out-of-region tournaments however, as after Apex 2013 my OoR attendance vanished and my overall tournament attendance plummeted, in large part due to my regions Brawl activity falling a cliff afterward, and my own increasing disillusionment with the competitive Brawl scene. At the end, I only attended nearby local tournaments due to my depleted interest in competitive Brawl, largely in part due to the Brawl's community inability to follow through with a large scale Meta Knight ban (where the neighboring regions are infested with high level Meta Knights), and my inability to burn $50-100 on a single tournament I had no realistic chance of winning money at. And with the completely superior Smash U here now, I have absolutely no interest in ever touching Brawl again outside of getting videos for my channel.

In regards to Melee, I don't play it competitively, due to various issues I have with the game and its competitive community, and the fact I find it way too old and late for me to start putting serious effort into it. Nowadays I only play it for single player stuff and to get videos of its dumb AI. I occasionally entered Melee tournaments though alongside Brawl, depending on my mood and if I had money to burn. I also played friendlies in it against Melee friends and other Brawl players. When I do play Melee with others I pretty much go all Ganon, but may occasionally use Jigglypuff. For how well I do, I'll stomp casuals and beat other Brawl competitives who don't play Melee, and can defeat low level Melee players, while I get stomped by good Melee players.

With Smash 4, it's definitely my favorite Smash yet, and despite not getting as much practise in it as I should have, I was one of the best players in my revived and stronger region in it (even being ranked 1st and then 2nd in my subregion's first two PRs). However after a Summer of inactivity, my lack of serious training caught up with me, and I'm not dominant in my region like I once was, resulting in the ending of placing in the money of every singles Smash 4 tournament I entered. It was a wakeup call however and I intend to get much more serious about Smash 4, reclaiming my region's crown and hopefully becoming good enough to actually do things outside my region. I currently main Zero Suit Samus and R.O.B., and will also use Charizard and maybe Ganondorf in tournament if customs are legal. I will almost certainly main Wolf if he comes back as DLC and is not significantly nerfed, and I'm open to picking Dedede back up if he actually gets some serious buffs.

Brawl mods

In regards to Brawl mods, I played both Minus and Project M, with no interest in Balanced Brawl nor Plus. Minus is certainly my favorite mod and the only one I fully like, as while the other mods went to patch or "Meleefy" Brawl, it went for something completely different, and delivered the feeling of an entirely new Smash game. It's really well made overall with many enjoyable characters, doesn't cut out or introduce unnecessary things in a guise to be "more competitive", and I say it has achieved the goal of "balance" the most of any of the mods, not having characters that are clearly trash nor characters that are clearly above everyone else (plus it didn't take the Minus team four years to make half a game). The best thing about Minus though is that it's the only mod with real casual appeal, being fully accessible to casuals while having things they'll actually like (in fact, the casuals I have played Minus with actually preferred it to vBrawl, and some of them wouldn't play Smash with me unless it was Minus). But it's also fully accessible and enjoyable to competitive players, who can enjoy it at a casual or competitive level. It achieves what the ideal Smash strives for best; being an extremely appealling game to casuals while also having competitive depth. If you're going to dabble in Brawl mods, I strongly recommend to try out Minus, regardless of if you're competitive or not, and it's a blast to play with family or other casual friends. With Smash U here, I won't be playing it much anymore, but I would certainly continue to play it occasionally.

In regards to Project M, I don't really like it. I think the game tries too hard to "be competitive", and cut out many good things/reintroduced bad things (such as removing buffering and reintroducing L-cancelling) in the guise of "competitiveness". I additionally really hate what the PM team did to most Brawl characters, and thought it was pretty lazy of them to just revert high tier Melee characters to carbon copies of their Melee selves (e.g. Falco), rather than try to make use of any Brawl changes or their own changes. So pretty much only middle and below tier Melee characters had some actual good and interesting things done to them. Plus the PM team have some really strong biases they won't get over (such as intentionally trying to make Fox/Falco the best characters, and taking out all super armor because they don't like it), and it's pretty clear they didn't actually know Brawl well before modding it (e.g. claiming Dedede's super armor in his vBrawl recovery made it "unreasonable to deal with", even though any half-competent Brawl player can edgeguard Dedede easily and some even say Dedede's recovery is bad). I played it in spite of this though, as I still really enjoyed Ganon in it, as well as Mewtwo. And PM videos did provide some video content for my channel, especially with its "advanced" AI that did a lot of dumb shit. With Smash U here though, like with Brawl, I really have no interest in touching it anymore outside of getting videos.

In regards to Balanced Brawl, I tried it some years back, and it was the first mod I tried. I only played it for a few days, before losing interest and never trying it again. It was a nice concept, but there are some big problems with it. First, it has pretty much no casual appeal whatsoever; the game is barely different from vBrawl and most casuals would certainly not notice the subtle changes of the higher tier characters. For competitive players, this mod would be good....if it was an official patch. The mod can't be the standard, as requiring mods would create significant logistic issues, among other problems. And then the mod isn't appealing as a side event game nor for casual play among competitives, for the aforementioned reasoning why it doesn't appeal to casuals. So competitives won't play it for fun, and have no reason to train in it to just get good at it. Plus the mod was also made back in 2009 and was never updated for the discovered prowess since then of some characters (such as Olimar) and others being realised to not be as good as once thought (such as Snake), so the mod's actual character balancing may be a little questionable (though its balance is definitely a lot better than vBrawl's and probably better than PM's, though Minus' is better).

As for Brawl Plus, I never played it, and I have zero interest in trying "babby's first mod".

In Minus, I comain Wolf and Ganon, while seconding Jigglypuff and Captain Falcon, as well as going a plethora of other characters in friendlies. In PM, I comain Ganon and Mewtwo, and will pretty much just go them, though I may go Bowser and Kirby in friendlies.

Youtube channel

I have become heavily involved on Youtube, managing a Youtube account where I upload near daily. To learn more about it and to see some videos of mine I would recommend watching, go here.

Competency Chart

This is a chart showing my competency with every character in Brawl. When deciding a character's position, I analyze their performance against human players, how comfortable and fluid I feel playing the character, my knowledge of the character beyond statistics, and most importantly, how often I win with them. I included a number of my overall judgment of my competence with the character, as a means to show the difference between characters. King Dedede, being my best, is given 15.00, which every other character is judged upon in comparison. Why 15 instead of 10? Because when I originally tested against CPUs, 15 was the max score, and I kept the 15 scale since. I'll probably fix it at some point in the future though.


vBrawl Competency Tiers
  S/Primary A/Secondary
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  My favorite/best before I started brawling with serious human players. Since then he was eclipsed by my Snake and later my Wolf at one point, but he has since managed to reclaim the position as my best character. Unquestionably one of my favorites to play in vBrawl, and he's the character I rust slowest with, though I don't enjoy him as much in the Brawl mods. Love the bair, u-tilt, and f-smash.
My favorite character to play on par with Dedede. His statistics are pretty damn good, I love his playstyle + mobility, and he has many attacks that are among my favorites (d-smash, f-smash, bair, fair, d-throw, and Wolf Flash). He has rather high tech demands compared to Dedede, and as such I'm less consistent with him, though at their absolute best, my Wolf can be better than my Dedede.
A character I was indifferent to during my early Brawl days, but he is one of my favorite outside my mains now. Used to be a main and at one point my best character, but once I started playing in offline tournaments, Wolf and Dedede have clearly surpassed him, and I don't enjoy him as much anymore (though I still frequently use him in friendlies).
Was perpetually among the upper middle, not appealing to me too much nor having had shown any notable competence with him. In the past year I became interested in playing R.O.B. though, and I'm becoming more confident with him. I do like a lot of his moves, and his general playstyle, but his really severe kill problems keeps me from being able to possibly main him.
Outside of Smash Bros., he is my favorite character among the Smash Bros. cast. I love his entire moveset (especially the aerials and that unpunishable f-smash), and he was a main in beginning and kept the status for a lone time, though his status has since dropped. Despite having my favorite moveset of a character, I just can't play him as well as others.
Fulfilling the role in Melee that Ganondorf does in Brawl, I was ecstatic about his speed buffs. However, while he has been a character I played since the beginning (being at least an often used fun character), he had too strong of competition, his buffs were not enough, and he could not rise enough himself to reach the top. Like Ganondorf, he sees more playtime than other characters I don't main, but not as much as Ganondorf. His hammer head f-smash is still my favorite smash attack in Melee and one of my favorites in Brawl.
My favorite character and main in Melee (and favorite Smash character overall), I found his unnecessary nerf painful. I still love the character and is my "low tier main". As such, unlike the other characters in my secondary tier, he sees nearly as much play time as my true mains. I just love his dair, uair, f-smash, and dash attack. Seriously, if Ganon was just a little better, he would have likely been my main still, just like he's the only main in PM and only competes with Wolf for top main in Minus for me, his playstyle just fits me so much.
My former borderline main. I do win with him, but he has had numerous amounts of disappointing performances, and while there are times I feel great with him, sometimes I feel rather awkward playing him. He has since been long dropped, as I don't see the worth in continuing to main him nor do I like him enough to continue trying. I do really like some of his moves (f-smash, bair, u-tilt), and like how he handles, but on the whole I do not like his moveset.
I like the turtle, Oil Panic momentum cancelling, and his smashes, but usually he just doesn't feel right when I play him, and I don't like his moveset that much. A character I like to troll with.
Like the aerials (besides fair), his meteor smash, Phantasm, the chain throw, the DACUS (and the dash attack on its own), and the character himself. But I don't feel too competent when playing him and his style can be a bit awkward for me.
My second favorite and best in Melee that I considered unsalvageable in Brawl for so long, I've been able to relearn and play him surprisingly well. Playing him in the punish style, I saw remarkable improvement in him. His down throw is also one of my favorite throws in Brawl (after Wolf's and Dedede's). His style just doesn't meld well with Brawl though, and on the whole I dislike his moveset in Brawl.
In my early days of Brawl, he arose as my first definitive top main. But when Dedede, Snake, and Falco began to rise through the ranks, he didn't improve enough. Then with the advent of serious human players to fight, and the higher rise of Lucario and Wolf, he was surpassed again. And he just couldn't keep up. His fair is still among my favorite attacks though.
        13 14 15 16 17 18        
        Undoubtedly the best character in the game, and despite previous feelings, I am proban. While I like the character outside Smash Bros., I'm indifferent towards him as a Smash Bros. character (he's the only one of my four most anticipated characters who never reached main status (the other of the four anticipated were King Dedede, Lucario, and Wolf)). And despite his borderline broken status, I'm not too good with him. Also, Shuttle Loop is the most bullshit move ever.
While I used to dislike Donkey Kong, he has warmed up to me over the years. I like his general power style, reach, and his insane surviving capabilities, and his moveset overall, but he hasn't been good enough to surpass upper middle nor have I enjoyed him enough to put more effort into him.
He was my first definitive worst, and a character I absolutely felt unable to play. But having this distinction, I put effort into bettering him. He would then rise drastically through my competency tiers and I would come to like playing him. But he seems to have hit a competency ceiling and has been unable to ever reach the secondary tier. I enjoy playing him aggro and utilising his air speed, but I really hate his shield and complete lack of an OoS game.
A character I find strange and foreign, but can enjoy playing. I'm too conservative with throwing Pikmin to ever excel with him though.
A character who's anime counterpart I despise (about as much as the anime itself), a Pokémon I dislike as a Pokémon, but as a Smash Bros. character, I actually like and respect him. Like Game & Watch though, he suffers handling issues and just isn't good enough to ever reach at least secondary status. Plus I don't really like his moveset.
Love his offensive abilities, along with the dair, u-tilt and dat up smash. But I have some control problems when playing him, and he just dies so fast. When you factor in how easy he can be to combo too, he takes hits worst than any other character.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
I never liked Mario as a Smash Bros. character, typically being among my low competency tier. He has rose a bit over the past year and I'm not so bad with him as once thought. I like his juggling capabilities and the cape, but he lacks anything outstanding for me, and I heavily dislike that he lacks reliable finishers outside smash attacks.
A character I liked and played seriously in the beginning, though he has since fallen drastically. I still love his power, fair, and jab, but he is otherwise not appealling to me anymore.
I absolutely hated this character in Melee (and was my worst), but I don't dislike her as much in Brawl. I find her character design terrible and to be the worst character design in the game. While she has plenty of good to great attacks, her design of "slow moving, tall lightweight character with a moveset consisting almost entirely of unreliable kill moves that don't mold well together" creates so many horrendous flaws for her.
I never liked this character, but I do decent with him. I do find a unique attribute of his is that while his overall power is weak (only having four attacks that can reliably KO under 150%, with one not being readily available), his few finishers are such good finishers that he doesn't have the finishing problems that many of the characters in his power tier and lower do.
I have always ranged from disliking to being indifferent to this character. While I do decent with him, he doesn't feel right often and I do not like his style nor his moveset. His arrows can be fun to spam though.
I really like his aerials and back throw, but I heavily dislike his smashes (among the worse smash sets). I also dislike his recovery (who doesn't?), and overall, I don't feel too competent when playing him.
A character I surprisingly liked playing a lot in Melee, its nerfs were too much for me to play it with enjoyment or competency in Brawl. It has become a character I like to fool around with though.
A character I never liked as I hate the 2 in 1 character gimmick (due to gameplay issues it causes). I can do limited chain throwing with them, but my style with them is otherwise basic.
I like his smashes and think he has among the best smash sets. However, I do not like anything else he has, and think he has a poor aerial game that is possibly among the worst. Overall, I just feel average when playing him, though I have a lot of difficulty racking up damage with him.
Really horrible gimmick, how about give us three separate functional characters we want, instead of bundling three characters nearly no one wanted into one completely nonfunctional character?
I used to initially hate this character, but he has warmed up to me some. I still don't like him though, and can't play him too well.
I like his aerial game, but I just can't play him well enough. The only thing I really dislike about him is his grab and f-smash.
Luigi is a character I like, outside of Smash Bros., and he has plenty of attacks I like (gotta love the spear hand). However, I can't really do well with him. He is awkward to play for me, and I don't really like his overall playstyle.
Like Sheik, though I sometimes use him for joke reasons.
        33 34 35 36 37          
        While I don't dislike Link, I just could never play him well nor enjoy playing him.
A character I never really liked nor could play well. I find her too weak, and her physics are pretty awkward to me.
The character I dislike playing most in Brawl. I completely dislike her playing style, and there's really nothing about her I like.
I find the character annoying, and do not enjoy playing her as well (though she gets played once in a while for joke reasons).
The character I have the least experience with. I don't enjoy playing her nor has she appealed to me enough to try her out much.


  1. Ganondorf (SSBM)
  2. Jigglypuff (SSBM)
  3. Captain Falcon (SSBM)
  4. Falco (SSBM)
  5. Bowser (SSBM)

Other characters I do not have sufficient recent experience with to judge at this time, nor am I interested in playing them at all. Also note my Ganondorf is miles above every other character.

Brawl Minus

  1. Wolf (SSBB)/Ganondorf (SSBB)
  2. King Dedede (SSBB)
  3. Jigglypuff (SSBB)
  4. Captain Falcon (SSBB)
  5. Snake (SSBB)
  6. Lucario (SSBB)
  7. Donkey Kong (SSBB)
  8. Kirby (SSBB)

Other characters I do not have sufficient experience against human competition to judge effectively. While I of course don't believe my Wolf and Ganondorf are truly tied, I can't clearly judge either to be better at this time.

Project M

  1. Ganondorf (SSBB)
  2. Mewtwo (PM)
  3. Bowser (SSBB)
  4. Kirby (SSBB)

All other characters are irrelevant to me, I either can't play them effectively at all or I heavily dislike them (if not both).

Tournament history

You can see my offline tournament history here.

Wiki brawlers matchups chart and ratings

You can see each user's matchups against each other as well as each user's play rating here.

Clone charts

A page containing charts comparing the characters accused of cloneship. It can be read here.

Competitive Q and A

Got any questions for me? Ask me here.


Other games I played and what I think of them can be seen here.

SmashWiki Pokedex

See the Pokedex entries of SmashWiki users here.


These are other sites on the internet where I'm active.

  • Youtube - My youtube channel, where I will have videos of Smash (primarily Smash AI exploitation and 1P mode videos), as well as occasionally videos of other games.
  • Smashboards - Profile on SWF
  • Brawl vault - My profile on Brawl Vault, as well as my music hacks.