Project M

Luigi (PM)

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in Project M and Project+
Luigi SSBB.jpg
Universe Mario
Base game appearance Brawl
Moveset inspiration Luigi (SSBM)
Alternate costume Mr. L
Luigi (SSBB)

Luigi is a playable character in the Brawl mod Project M. His gameplay is based on his appearance in Melee.


Luigi's official alternate costume.

Luigi's moveset boasts a powerful set of aerials, rapid approach methods, and spontaneous power. With his incredibly long wavedash, Fireballs, and the mobility of Luigi Cyclone, Luigi can take advantage of any lapse in defense. His wavedash (the longest in the game) couples well with his collection of deadly smash attacks, allowing him to approach and immediately put out a powerful hit. He can space out opponents using his fireballs, and his combo game, especially in the air, is very potent. His neutral aerial is an extremely long lasting sex kick.

Luigi suffers, however, in recovery and his speed in some areas, especially with his long wavedash being born from his very low traction at a cost. His low ground speed can be covered by substituting wavedashing for normal dashing, but his low aerial and falling speeds can hinder usage of his otherwise good aerials. Off stage, Luigi must deal with a fairly predictable and easy to edge hog return.

Changes from Melee to PM

  • Buff Dash attack uses Melee trajectories, but hits faster and seven times (as opposed to six) like in Brawl, being better at racking up damage (also because of the different staleness).
  • Buff Down tilt inflicts considerably more damage (now being one of the strongest down tilts) and acts like a Mr. Saturn, dealing weak set knockback with high hitstun and playing the "Pwaaah" sound effect.
  • Buff Fireball travels faster and can be followed up quicker.
  • Buff Green Missile misfire mechanics changed. One in every six uses of the attack is guaranteed to be a misfire, and after a misfire is performed the next misfire will be guaranteed to appear in one of the six subsequent uses of the move (for example: at the beginning of the match the fourth of the six uses of the move is the misfire; after the misfire is used, the next misfire will occur in the second of the next six uses of the move). This means that if 5 missiles are used without a misfire then the sixth will be guaranteed to misfire. If the attack will misfire, Luigi flashes green during the startup and charging frames, allowing players to see when a misfire will occur. While charging a missile that will misfire, the player can hold the shield button as the missile is released to use a normal missile, with the misfire being "stored" for the next use of the attack. The attack's charge can also be held indefinitely like in Brawl.
  • Buff Better air speed when helpless after a Super Jump Punch, allowing Luigi to recover efficiently with the move like in Brawl.
  • Buff Luigi Cyclone acts like in Melee, but when the special button is mashed in midair it gives better height (between that of Melee and Brawl). Additionally, when used from the ground, mashing the special button will cause Luigi to rise (unlike in Melee) in a manner similar to Brawl, which allows the move to be safer and more useful in combos. Gaining aerial height with the move also no longer requires "charging" it by using it on the ground first.
  • Buff Keeps horizontal momentum when grabbing opponents, making throws KO more easily when combined with wavedashing.
  • Nerf Super Jump Punch gives slightly less vertical distance.
  • Change Luigi now has two helplessness animations: one for air dodging, and the other for Super Jump Punch, taken from Melee and Brawl respectively.
  • Change Forward air emits a Fan sound effect and uses a slash effect, like the forward smash.
  • Change Down smash has its Melee trajectory, but uses the Brawl animation.
  • Change Green Missile displays additional green flames coming from Luigi's back.
  • Change Luigi's Fireball and Super Jump Punch now use a unique green fire element when it hits a character.
  • Change Side taunt will repeat, alternating directions, for as long as the side taunt button is held.



  • Buff Fixed Luigi's inability to fall through platforms during Super Jump Punch's fall.
  • Nerf Super Jump Punch can now only grab the edge facing forward when falling after Luigi starts blinking.


  • Change Luigi's angled forward smash animations matched to Melee's.
  • Change Luigi Cyclone's final hit duration increased to match Melee's.


  • Buff Super Jump Punch's vertical distance and ledge grab duration is closer to Melee Luigi's. He now also stops rising when he reaches the apex, allowing for faster edge sweetspots.
  • Nerf Pivot grab had its range reduced, and the hitbox comes slightly later to better match animation.


  • Buff Storing misfires for Green Missile now requires a shield button to be held, but the player can either misfire or store it for the next use during any part of the charging animation. The misfire's green indicating flash now repeats until the charge is full.
  • Buff Increased the size of down taunt's hitbox to hit below ledges better.


  • Buff Up B landing lag reduced to 40 frames from 45.
  • Buff Dash attack deals more damage total and has knockback to make it safer on hit.
  • Buff Up aerials hitboxes last longer.
  • Nerf Fire Jump Punch has more landing lag.
  • Nerf Aerial version of Luigi Cyclone has more endlag.
  • Change Luigi's Fire based attacks (Fireball, Fire Jump Punch, and Green Missle) now use a unique green fire effect when they hit a character.
  • Change Luigi has a custom KO scream only when getting Screen KO'd.


Up to date as of version 3.5.

Name Damage Description
Neutral attack 3% (hit 1), 2% (hit 2), 5% (hit 3) (10% total) Punches twice and ends with a butt-bump forward with the left side. A quick three-hit attack that does little knockback.
Forward tilt 11% (foot), 10% (body) Kicks straight forward in a back-turning roundhouse kick. Can be angled.
Up tilt 9% Does a wide reached pity hit in the form of a overhead claw/smack, with his hand in the form of a cat's paw. Not much range, but covers a wider area than Mario's up tilt. One of Luigi's standard combo tools.
Down tilt 15% A quick, short-ranged kick. Little range and knockback, but high hitstun and damage. Causes a Mr. Saturn sound effect upon connecting. The second strongest down tilt in the game, losing only to Bowser's. Easily a decent combo starter with solid reward on hit.
Dash attack 3% (hits 1-7) (21% total) Does a frenzy of flailing fists that end with him leaning forward with both fists in front of himself to a stop. All the small hits can chain into one another. Very poor compared to other dash attacks, and also one of Luigi's worst moves, though it's one of the most damaging. The final blow has enough hitstun to followup with very quick actions.
Forward smash 14% (high), 13% (mid), 12% (low) A long reach open-handed stab forward step with good knockback. Deals low damage, but has a high knockback growth that makes it an excellent finisher. Can be angled; inflicts more damage if angled upwards.
Up smash 17% Headbutts upward and forward in one huge step. Can hit behind Luigi. Excellent finisher at around 110%.
Down smash 17% A sweep on both sides of Luigi. Does great vertical knockback and has good range. Can easily lead into combos at low percentages if used after a wavedash. Luigi starts off via a low-profile by swinging his left leg inward in a full turning sweep as opposed to his brother's actual breakdance sweep.
Neutral aerial 15% (clean), 8% (late) A sex kick. Has strong, entirely vertical knockback, serving as a powerful vertical finisher at high percentages, or a vertical combo starter at lower percentages.
Forward aerial 12% A karate style left-handed chop with Luigi quickly reeling back afterwards. High horizontal knockback with very fast startup and recovery, and is one of his primary KOing aerial attacks. It is also a good option when wavelanding.
Back aerial 11% Kicks backwards with both feet with long range.Commonly used in a short hop to then perform a quick waveland. Useful gimping tool and also a solid aerial combo tool as well. Uses its Melee animation.
Up aerial 13% Kicks upwards in a back-somersault. A midair juggle combo tool.
Down aerial 16% A single hit drilling kick with only a single spinning motion, with a small wind surrounding him briefly. This move meteor smashes at the upper hitbox (located at his waist) with strong knockback. If sourspotted, it results in powerful horizontal knockback, making it a great edgeguarding attack.
Grab Grabs the opponent with both hands.
Pummel 3% Luigi hits the opponent with a headbutt. A very slow pummel, but can be quickly used again after hitting the foe.
Forward throw 8% Throws the opponent forward in a single turning fling.
Back throw 12% The opponent is hurled backwards with three quick spins in a giant swing throw. One of his more stronger throw attacks and can hit nearby opponents with the grabbed target.
Up throw 7% Luigi throws his opponent in the air with full force flinging both arms outward and upward, leading into possible combos.
Down throw 7% Luigi slams his foe downward via a takedown that causes him to somersault a bit into a small leap. The opponent is thrown onto the floor head-first and bounced up, leading into possible combos.
Floor attack (front) 6% Luigi does a quick double-hit spin.
Floor attack (back) 6% Luigi does an attack similar to his down smash.
Floor attack (trip) 5% Does a low-ranged kick to the front and back.
Edge attack (fast) 8% (foot), 6% (body) Does a half-flip kick to the opponent.
Edge attack (slow) 10% Luigi gets up slowly and kicks the opponent.
Neutral special Fireball 7% Shoots a fireball from his fingers. Has less range than Mario's, but is not affected by gravity.
Side special Green Missile 5% (uncharged), 26% (fully charged), 25% (misfire) Luigi fires himself like a rocket to cause flame damage. It can be charged for about 2.5 seconds, and the charge can then be held in place. If Luigi glows green, then the attack will be a misfire, which is faster and always deals 25% damage with powerful knockback. If the move is used, is not a misfire but Luigi's hand glows green, the next use will be a misfire. One-in-six uses is guaranteed to be a misfire. A great move for recovering.
Up special Super Jump Punch 25% (grounded sweetspot), 21% (aerial sweetspot), 1% (sourspot) Luigi goes straight up into the air. If he does not connect with an opponent instantly, he will get one pity coin, but directly hitting the enemy results in a Fire Jump Punch, which is much stronger and has the most KO potential of all of his attacks, though it is very difficult to land.
Down special Luigi Cyclone 8% (hit 1), 12% (hit 2) Luigi spins around, hitting the opponent. First hit occurs during the spin, then the other during the ending pose, both having vertical knockback. Mashing the special button causes Luigi to rise up in the air, which can be used for recovery, and can sometimes carry opponents into the upper blast line as an attack. It has much better horizontal movement than Mario Tornado, but gives less vertical distance.
Final Smash Negative Zone 1% (in void) Luigi dances, and a large, greenish-tint void surrounds him. Inside the void, the colors of the environment, characters inside the void and Luigi himself become inverted. Can cause various negative status effects if the opponents is caught in the void, these being: flowering, dizziness, sleep, greater launch distance (which makes a lot of Luigi's moves (such as his Fire Jump Punch) effective finishers even at low and mid percentages), and forced taunting.

In competitive play

Notable players

Alternate costumes

Mr. L (from Super Paper Mario) appears as Luigi's alternate costume. When wearing the costume, Luigi wears a black mask, his outfit becomes black and green instead of blue and green, and the "L" on his cap is reversed.

Luigi's alternate costumes in PM
LuigiHeadSSBB.png LuigiHeadOrangeSSBB.png LuigiHeadPinkSSBB.png LuigiHeadBlueSSBB.png LuigiHeadWhiteSSBB.png LuigiHeadPurpleSSBB.png LuigiHeadMrLPM.png

External links