Super Smash Bros. 4

List of SSB4 trophies (EarthBound series)

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This article is about EarthBound trophies in Super Smash Bros. 4. For EarthBound trophies in Brawl, see List of SSBB trophies (EarthBound series). For EarthBound trophies in Melee, see List of SSBM trophies (EarthBound series). For links to all trophies, see List of trophies.

Both Versions

Name Picture Description Trophy Box
File:NessTrophy3DS1.png NA: Hailing from Onett, a small town in Eagleland, this young boy's ordinary looks hide his psychic powers. Ness fought against the evil Giygas in EarthBound, and in Smash Bros. he unleashes some of the same PSI moves. Watch out for PK Thunder, a guided attack that can also launch Ness like a rocket!

PAL: From Onett in Eageland comes this young lad. He may not look like much, but he has powerful psychic abilities, and they really come in handy in EarthBound. They come in handy in this game, too. Did you know you can control his PK Thunder bolt? Aim it at Ness himself to send him flying, absolutely clobbering anyone in his path!

SNES: EarthBound -- 06/1995
GB Advance: Mother 1+2 -- 2003 (JP)
54. Mother Series
Ness (Alt.)
File:NessTrophy3DS2.png NA: Ness may have psychic powers, but that doesn't mean he shies away from getting physical. His side smash packs a real punch if you hit enemies with the end of his bat, and it can even deflect projectiles! His up and down smashes also have a lot of range - Ness can land his strikes with ease!

PAL: Ness may have psychic powers, but that doesn't mean he shies away from getting physical. His side smash packs a real punch if you hit enemies with the end of his bat, and it can even reflect projectiles! His up and down smashes have a lot of range, meaning when you play as Ness, it's always easy to land hits on your foes!

SNES: EarthBound -- 06/1995
GB Advance: Mother 1+2 -- 2003 (JP)
Mr. Saturn
MrSaturnTrophy3DS.png NA: Mr. Saturns are curious beings that speak their own language. They might not look it, but they're scientific geniuses! In this game, they tend to go for a stroll around the battlefield. Throwing one at an enemy won't do much damage, but Mr. Saturn will take out a shield very easily.

PAL: Mr. Saturns are curious beings that speak their own language. They might not look it, but they're scientific geniuses! In this game, they tend to just do their own thing, but you can throw them to deal...a bit of damage. They're good at breaking shields, though, and make adorable noises when they do!

SNES: EarthBound -- 06/1995
GB Advance: Mother 3 -- 2006 (JP)
54. Mother Series
Franklin Badge
FranklinBadgeTrophy3DS.png NA: While not the most flashy of accessories, the Franklin Badge is actually incredibly useful. When wearing it, any projectiles launched your way will be reflected harmlessly off you. There is no downside, so grab this as soon as it appears. Don't get too confident, though—the bonus doesn't last long.

PAL: The Franklin Badge might not be flashy, but it's an impressive piece of kit. This tiny thing acts as a reflector shield for any projectiles fired your way. With no particular drawbacks to consider either, it's a real boon if you can snag it. It will run out, though, so don't get careless!

SNES: EarthBound -- 06/1995
GB Advance: Mother 3 -- 2006 (JP)
54. Mother Series
Assist Trophy
StarmanEBTrophy3DS.png NA: These alien henchmen serve Giygas, the chief villain of EarthBound. In Smash Bros., the assist trophy Starman will teleport around and fire off PSI moves like PK Beam γ or PK Beam Ω. You can defeat one summoned by an opponent, but they won't go down without a fight.

PAL: Starmen, the evil Giygas's henchman in the Mother series, are renowned alien space assassins. Summon one in this game, and it'll teleport about, firing off attacks like PK Beam γ, which targets a foe, and PK Beam Ω, which fires across the whole stage in up to four directions. Starmen can be taken out, but...not easily.

NES: Mother -- 1989 (JP)
SNES: EarthBound -- 06/1995
54. Mother Series
Assist Trophy
JeffTrophy3DS.png NA: One of the main party members in EarthBound, he attends Snow Wood Boarding School in Winters. Jeff takes after his inventor father, Dr. Andonuts, creating devices in his free time. One of these is the bottle rocket, which fires one large missile and four smaller ones. And sometimes one extra!

PAL: This boy from EarthBound is the same age as Ness and goes to Snow Wood Boarding School. His dad, the genius scientist Dr. Andonuts, was the brain behind Jeff's weapon: the big bottle rocket. It's made up of four small missiles and one large one. And...who knows? Maybe you'll even get some extra firepower out of it!

SNES: EarthBound -- 06/1995
54. Mother Series
Flying Man
Stage (3DS)
Enemy (Wii U)
File:FlyingMenTrophy3DS.png NA (3DS): The Flying Men are a team of five birdmen. Each time a Flying Man appears, he'll help the first person to reach him with Flying Cross Chops and Somersault Kicks. A small memorial stone will be erected for each one defeated. Once all five are gone, they're done fighting forever until the next battle.

PAL (3DS): The Flying Men are five brothers who seem to be some kind of bird people. They make great allies, smoothly combining majestic jumps with Flying Cross Chops and Somersault Kicks, and they'll each support whoever reaches them first. Sadly, once they're defeated, they'll be buried next to their homes, never to return.

NA/PAL (Wii U): The Flying Men from EarthBound are five kind brothers with a cruel fate. They live together in a house on the outskirts of Magicant. The brothers gladly join Ness on his journey, but if they fall in battle, they return home to be buried. In Smash Tour, they'll ally themselves with the first player to touch them.

NES: Mother -- 1989 (JP)
SNES: EarthBound -- 06/1995
Series Related
LucasTrophy3DS.png NA: Before adventuring, Lucas was a timid, cautious boy. His journey has made him a stronger person. Maybe he met someone to spend his life with... Hang on—we're moving way too fast! For now, remember that Lucas and Ness are favorites in the hearts of EarthBound fans.

PAL: Once upon a time, Lucas was a bit of a cry-baby. You might even say he was a wimp. But then, well...he had more than his fair share of rough times and toughened up a bit. Who knows what he's up to now? Whatever he's doing, his story - much like Ness's - lives on in the hearts of all Mother series fans.

GB Advance: Mother 3 -- 2006 (JP)
54. Mother Series

3DS Version

Name Picture Description
Devil Car
DevilCarTrophy3DS.png NA: A fearsome enemy from the Mother series, this car attacks mercilessly, closing in on fighters before trying to hit them as it spins doughnuts. No, these aren't the kind you eat—they're the kind that hurt. Its exhaust fumes can cause paralysis too, so keep your distance until it's between attacks.

PAL: In this game, this fearsome car from the Mother series does doughnuts. That's not "does doughnuts" in the sense of "bakes delicious sugary circles of dough", but rather "spins mercilessly into fighters to clobber them". Its exhaust fumes cause paralysis too, so keep your distance until it stops, then move in and attack it!

MagicantTrophy3DS.png NA: A magical world in Mother and EarthBound, brought to life by the memories of certain characters. In this game, Magicant is a cloud stage where giant tomatoes, metal octopuses, and even the Sky Runner may appear. Even the hulking Dungeon Man may show up. What an unusual battlefield...

PAL: A world in Mother and EarthBound that brings your memories to life. In this game, it's a cloud stage where giant tomatoes, metal octopuses and the Sky Runner can appear at any moment. Dungeon Man might even show his face too, which, all in all, makes for a very unusual battle environment.

Sky Runner
SkyRunnerTrophy3DS.png NA: A flying machine designed by Dr. Andonuts, it is given to Jeff to travel to Threed. It promptly crash-lands, rendering it temporarily out of service. On the Magicant stage, it can sometimes be seen floating above the clouds before it suddenly zooms back into the sky.

PAL: A flying vehicle that Jeff receives from Dr. Andonuts. Unfortunately, he crashes it on his first flight, turning it into an unflyable wreck. The Sky Runner that appears in the Magicant stage descends from the sky without warning, then hovers in place, never landing on the clouds, before suddenly floating up and away.

Dungeon Man
DungeonManTrophy3DS.png NA: Thanks to Dr. Andonuts's genius, the dungeon creator Brickroad was able to become the first man-dungeon hybrid in history, complete with an ATM, pay phone, and hospital. He walks back and forth slowly in the Magicant stage, and his head can serve as a platform to ride on as you fight.

PAL: Dedicated dungeon-designer Brick Road used Dr. Andonuts's knowledge to turn himself into this fully explorable human/dungeon combo, complete with ATMs, phones and more. In this game, he'll slowly make his way across the Magicant stage every now and then. Feel free to use his head as a platform.

Porky Statue
Series Related
PorkyStatueTrophy3DS.png NA: A statue of Porky that Porky ordered built to honor the great exploits of Porky as acknowledged by Porky. It depicts Porky in his carefree childhood days in Onett, a comic book in one hand and a slingshot in the other. Be warned—this statue is also an incredibly tough enemy!

PAL: A statue of Porky built under the orders of Porky to honour the great exploits of Porky as acknowledged by Porky. It depicts Porky in his childhood days in Onett, with a comic book in one hand and a slingshot in the other. But be warned - this is no mere statue, it's an incredibly tough enemy as well.

Wii U Version

Name Picture Description Trophy Box
PK Starstorm
Final Smash
PKStarstormTrophyWiiU.png NA/PAL: In EarthBound, this PSI ability belonged to Poo, the Crown Prince of Dalaam and one of Ness's friends. Ness must have learned it especially for Smash Bros.! The attack makes a shower of meteors fall onto the stage, damaging any foes it hits. While the attack's in progress, Ness is invincible and can adjust the meteors' trajectory. 92. Final Smashes 3
Series Related
File:Porky Trophy.png NA: Porky was just a chubby, selfish little boy in EarthBound. When he next appeared, in Mother 3, look what he'd become! We might need another two games just to explain how this occurred. Oh, Porky, what in Eagleland (or beyond?) happened to change you so?

PAL: In Earthbound, Porky was just a chubby, selfish little boy. But by the time Mother 3 comes around... well, jus look at what he's become. It would probably take another two full games just to explain how this remarkable transformation came to pass. Oh, Porky, where in the world did you go wrong...?

SNES: EarthBound -- 06/1995
GB Advance: Mother 3 -- 2006 (JP)
54. Mother Series
Ultimate Chimera
Series Related
UltimateChimeraTrophyWiiU.png NA: If you ever find yourself faced with this thing, run! There isn't enough time to stop and wonder what two creatures were combined to make this! It's so insanely out of control, even the people at the Chimera Laboratory wish they'd never made it. Eek!

PAL: If you ever find yourself faced with this thing, run! Don't even stop to ask yourself, "which two species were mashed up to to create THIS?!", or you'll be the one getting mashed up. It's so insanely out of control, even the people at the Chimera Laboratory wish they'd never even made it. Eek!

GB Advance: Mother 3 -- 2006 (JP)
54. Mother Series