Super Smash Bros. 4

List of SSB4 trophies (Kid Icarus series)

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This article is about Kid Icarus trophies in Super Smash Bros. 4. For Kid Icarus trophies in Brawl, see here. For links to all trophies, see List of trophies.

3DS Version

Name Picture Description
Pit   NA: Pit is the captain of Palutena's royal guard. Despite the wings on his back, Pit needs the Power of Flight from Palutena in order to truly fly. In Smash Bros., he can still get more air than most, with four jumps and a special move that boosts him higher. He has a new reflect move—it protects both sides!

PAL: Despite being an angel with wings and all that jazz, Pit can't fly without a little bit of help from his favourite goddess, Palutena. In this game, he's good at both close and ranged combat, and can even deflect projectiles. On top of that, with a high-flying up special and the ability to jump four times in mid-air. he's also got great recovery skills.

Pit (Alt.) File:PitAllStarTrophy3DS.png NA: Pit's side special Upperdash Arm delivers an uppercut so strong, it can send foes flying for a KO. If you miss and fall off the stage, Pit's up special can bring him soaring back. Another of Pit's specials is Palutena Bow, which fires arrows Pit can aim even after they've left the bow.

PAL: Pit's Upperdash Arm special launches him forwards to strike with an uppercut. It's so powerful, it can deliver an instant KO! If you accidentally dash off the stage with it, one of his up special will get you back on easily. His Palutena Bow special can be charged up, shot straight up into the air, and you can even guide the arrows mid-flight!

Dark Pit   NA: Pit's mysterious, black-clad doppelgänger, Dark Pit. (Some call him Pittoo, but he really doesn't like that.) When he first appears, he immediately goes after both Pit and the Underworld Army. In Smash Bros., he uses moves a lot like Pit's, though both his bow and his Sacred Treasures are different.

PAL: Pit's black-winged doppelgänger. Dark Pit, aka Pittoo (although he's not exactly fond of being called that), looks like Pit, moves like Pit and uses very similar attacks. He's a lot more aggressive, though, and doesn't take orders from anyone. He also has his own weapons, like his Silver Bow.

Dark Pit (Alt.) File:DarkPitAllStarTrophy3DS.png NA: Dark Pit's Guardian Orbitars special puts up shields of light on either side of you to block attacks, deflect projectiles, and push back any enemies who are too close. You can even use the shields to protect against attacks from above and below. If they take too many hits, though, they'll vanish and become unusable for a while.

PAL: Dark Pit's Guardian Orbitars special puts up shields of light on either side of you to block attacks, deflect projectiles, and push back any enemies who are too close. You can even use the shields to protect against attacks coming from slightly above or below you. If they take too many hits, though, they'll vanish and become unusable for a while.

Palutena   NA: In Kid Icarus: Uprising, the goddess of light uses telepathy to communicate and grants miracles to support Pit on his adventure. In Smash Bros., she has special moves like Warp and Heavenly Light at her disposal. She's very adaptable—you can customize her into a long- or close-range fighter!

PAL: Said to be able to perform miracles, this goddess supports Pit in battle, using telepathy to communicate with him. She's no slouch on her own, either. She has a huge variety of moves you can customise and use to your advantage. Short or long range, the sky's the limit! Or maybe not. After all, she can teleport.

Palutena (Alt.) File:PalutenaAllStarTrophy3DS.png NA: Palutena's Reflect Barrier side special deflects any attacks and projectiles that come at her from the front. Unlike other reflective moves, you can leave this barrier in place and it will keep reflecting. If you really want to ruin someone's day, you can push them over an edge using this move.

PAL: Palutena's Reflect Barrier special deflects any attacks and projectiles that come at her from the front. Unlike other fighters' reflective moves, you can deploy this barrier and then leave it to its own devices. You can also push opponents with it, so use it on someone who's teetering on the edge of the stage to push them off.

Pit (Eggplant)   NA: Let's squash a misconception right now— there is nothing worse than being turned into an eggplant. Just lettuce tell you, being hit by an eggplant bomb is humiliating. It leafs you without mushroom to maneuver and also makes you the laughing stalk of your friends.

PAL: Maybe you think there's something worse than being turned into an eggplant, but we're going to squash that misconception right now. Lettuce tell you, being hit by an eggplant bomb is awful. Not only does it leave you without mushroom to manoeuvre, but it makes you a giant laughing stalk as well. (We're not sorry.)

Pseudo-Palutena   NA: A creation of Dyntos, the god of the forge, this distorted version of Palutena will attack Pit verbally and physically. Destroying her illusion of beauty only makes her more aggressive. Dyntos puts the real Palutena to sleep during battle, forcing Pit to tackle this creature alone.

PAL: A fake Palutena that Dyntos, god of the forge, made for a laugh. Her face is...just...vile, and she's less than polite to Pit. While Pseudo-Palutena is on the scene, the real Palutena is elsewhere, sleeping soundly. That was Dyntos' work too, actually. He is seriously crafty!

Magnus   NA: Magnus is perhaps the mightiest human warrior, and he has weathered countless battles. He seems to prefer working alone, and he can respect the strength of foes like Dark Lord Gaol. However, he seems reluctant—not afraid—to fight Gaol. Is there a connection between these two?

PAL: With many years of battlefield experience and a tongue just as sharp as his sword, Magnus is an incredible warrior. Nightmares of his past have led him to become a bit of a lone wolf, but when he clashes with Dark Lord Gaol, it's clear there used to be a strong connection between the two.

Phosphora   NA: Phosphora is a young, beautiful, fierce commander of the Forces of Nature. She also has control over electricity, letting her move at shockingly high speed. When I write it out like that, it sounds like she has everything! Well, I did hear she isn't a great singer...

PAL: Some people are just too talented for their own good, and Phosphora is one of those people. A commander of the Forces of Nature, she has speed, strength and the power of electricity on her side. However, everybody has their flaws, and maybe - just maybe - her singing's not that great.

Boom Stomper   NA: A giant rock bestowed with the gift of life. It usually stays still—as rocks do—but if it catches sight of you, it'll slowly move after you and try to stomp you into the ground. Its stomping also causes shock waves that will harm any fighters in the vicinity. Its weak point is the little leaf on its head!

PAL: A giant rock bestowed with the gift of life. It usually stays still, as rocks are known to do, but if it catches sight of you, it'll slowly move after you and try to stomp you into the ground. Its stomping also causes shockwaves that will harm any fighters in the vicinity. Try going for the leaf on its head - that's its weak point!

Bumpety Bomb   NA: This pesky bomb has wheels, which means the time-tested strategy of running away doesn't work as well as you'd hope. Be ready for a big blast if this bomb hits zero. Oh, and sometimes the fuse is a little shorter than normal. You'll have to attack from behind to defuse this dangerous foe.

PAL: This lucky bomb has wheels! Oh, wouldn't it be tragic if it couldn't chase you? Anyway, as soon as one spots you, its countdown starts. Be ready for a BIG blast when it hits zero! It might also explode before then, too, so stay on your toes. The front is armoured, so attack its back to beat it before it blows up, and you'll get yourself loads of items.

Clubberskull   NA: These enormous beasts armed with giant skulls are usually kept locked up, but you can set them free just by attacking them. We should mention, though, that you can't grab or launch them and they're super powerful. What? You already released it? Defeat it, then, and earn lots of stat boosts and prizes!

PAL: These enormous beasts armed with giant skulls are usually kept locked up, but you can get them to go on a rampage just by attacking them. Watch out, though - you can't grab or launch them, and they're ridiculously powerful. They'll even take out other enemies to get to you! Defeat them to get lots of stat boosts and prizes.

Daphne   NA: These flowery foes from the Kid Icarus series may look adorable, but they'll reveal their repulsive faces and scatter mines everywhere if given the chance. The mines have an impressive blast radius and knock-back. Best to blow them up from a distance. Daphnes themselves have very little health.

PAL: Adorable as these flowery foes from the Kid Icarus series look, they're actually nasty little things. They're not tough to beat, but apparently they're holding too many mines to even have anything useful to give you when you do beat them. Watch out for those mines - they have a pretty big blast radius and can really send you flying.

Flage   These gelatinous assassins from the Forces of Nature in Kid Icarus: Uprising can disguise themselves so well, it's like they've disappeared. They furiously slash using their long, bladelike arms and then top off their attack with a powerful finishing blow.
Lethinium   These petalled pests from Kid Icarus: Uprising are the big guns in the Forces of Nature. If you get close to one in Smash Run, it'll fire a wide beam that even cuts through terrain. However, while firing, it leaves its back totally exposed. Get behind it, and take it out with a special or a smash attack.
Lurchthorn   Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's...some kind of giant fossilized fish. Lurchthorns fly around, shooting at anyone who strays too close. Each of its segments attacks separately, so the more it has, the more dangerous it is. To get rid of it quickly, take out the head—that'll kill off the entire Lurchthorn in one go!
Mahva   A strange, fishlike thing that shrouds itself in a large, spherical barrier. When it sees one of its allies, it extends the barrier to protect them as well. As you attack the barrier, it'll slowly change color until it finally breaks. That's when the Mahva will try to escape. Finish it off before it does to nab yourself some defense stat boosts!
Megonta   You wouldn't think a wood louse would make a very scary enemy, but when it's as big as this... Eek. It attacks by curling into a ball and rolling across the stage. There's no point in hitting its shell—it's solid. Instead, knock it onto its back with a smash attack, and then pummel its stomach while it's trying to right itself.
Mimicutie   Hey, look! That treasure chest probably contains stat boosts! Wait, why does it have two legs? Chest, where are you going?! ...Something about this just seems so unfair. Guess the best course of action is to avoid its rapid kicks and defeat it to earn those stat boosts.
Monoeye   These one-eyed monsters are members of the Underworld Army from the Kid Icarus series. In Smash Run, these scouts will usually attack alone and chase fighters. If their eye starts to glow red, they're preparing to fire a projectile. They're really weak, though, so you should have no trouble.
Nutski   A grunt in the Forces of Nature from Kid Icarus: Uprising. It was created by Viridi when she removed a chestnut from its shell and blessed it. In Smash Run, they move quickly and in difficult-to-predict ways. When fighters get close, they'll flip upside down and fire three seeds.
Orne   This creepy ghost, covered in fire, first appeared in Kid Icarus: Uprising. If it shows up nearby, you'll hear eerie 8-bit music and get chased. Don't even think about fighting it—it's invincible and will instantly KO you if it touches you. Just run!
Reaper & Reapette   Since he's clearly not planning on doing any gardening, watch out for that scythe! You can tell when one of these has its sights set on you because the music will change and you'll hear a loud scream as it summons its Reapettes. If you always keep your distance and attack from afar, there's no need to fear the Reapers.
Skuttler   Skuttlers make no bones about coming up to you and swinging their clubs right at your face. The bigger the swing, the more it'll hurt. They act tough, and they do have a lot of health, but any strong attack from you will send them tumbling. Their shields are just for show, too. Our advice: throw them or whack them in the back.
Skuttler Cannoneer   These foot soldiers come in three varieties, which you can tell apart by looking at the color of the cannons they're carrying. The green ones cause explosions, the blue ones' shots go through obstacles, and the red ones fire homing missiles. Occasionally, their cannons will stop working, giving you an opening to attack!
Skuttler Mage   An Underworld enemy from Kid Icarus: Uprising. This type of Skuttler specializes in magical attacks. In Smash Run, it can attack at close range or grab fighters from long range and do magical damage. Be careful! From magic to cannons to hiding in statues, Skuttlers are quite versatile.
Souflee   One of the cuter enemies to come from Kid Icarus: Uprising. Knowing Pit's love for all things edible, it's just cruel to disguise an enemy as a cake. See the little cherry on top? That's actually an eye! And nothing delicious would float around and attack in such an annoying, erratic way.
Zuree   The Zuree usually live in the Underworld, but in Kid Icarus, Medusa set them to work guarding the Palace in the Sky. In Smash Bros., they appear as a silvery mist, waiting until they've floated close enough to a fighter before showing themselves and attacking with their sharp claws. That's your cue to fight back!
Back Shield   This durable, defensive shield comes to Smash Bros. from Kid Icarus: Uprising. If you pick it up, it will attach itself to you, protecting your back from most threats. It won't stop grabs or piercing attacks, however, and it only lasts so long before vanishing.
Daybreak   A weapon of great and terrible power. The name Daybreak might sound pretty cheerful, but in truth this weapon is destructive enough to doom the world. Unable to be used until all three parts are assembled, it's best to keep this out of your opponent's hands...
Drill Arm File:DrillArmTrophy3DS.png This may look like a handy hand-to-hand weapon, but the steel bit actually fires like a bullet. You only get one shot, but if that shot hits enemies, it will drill into them, doing continuous damage and carrying them back. Don't forget to throw the base at them afterward, adding insult to injury!
Killer Eye   A compact, user-friendly turret. Take the name literally—anything in its field of vision will be showered with a storm of bullets. But if you placed it, it'll be your friend! If you didn't, sneak up behind it and grab it to make it yours!
Ore Club   A weapon fashioned from minerals found on the mountain of the gods, this club is infused with a soul, giving it an ominous eye in its center. Maybe it's just my imagination, but I think the eye winks at you each time you land a perfect, wall-penetrating shot.
X Bomb   This bomb will explode shortly after it leaves your hand, expanding outward in an X-shaped blast that tears through anything in its path. Its incredible power can be a lot of fun, but don't get crazy. Blowing up everything is no way to get ahead in life!
Arlon the Serene   A suave commander of the Forces of Nature, Arlon resides within the Lunar Sanctum. Compared to Viridi, he is very tall. You could say he has the ear of Viridi, but he has to lean down pretty far to reach it. Despite his refined appearance, Arlon is capable of holding his own in combat.
Centurions   The standard soldiers of Palutena's Army, Centurions make up in loyalty and number for what they lack in power. They have time and again fallen victim to a curse that turns them to stone, but the head of Palutena's guard, Pit, saves them with the use of a stone-breaking mallet.
Chaos Kin   This malevolent creature thrives on disorder, living in the Chaos Vortex and feeding on souls—even those of divine beings like Palutena. Its totally unpredictable behavior and appearance make it one of the most dangerous things Pit will face in his adventures.
Cragalanche   Once a mere stone with a soul, Cragalanche has grown into a mighty warrior for the Forces of Nature. You can trust him with your darkest secrets because he is a rock and can't speak. He needs no words to assure Viridi of his loyalty, though—she can see it in his glowing red eyes.
Dark Pit Staff   This weapon may be called a staff, but it actually does better shooting powerful shots at targets at long range. Like Dark Pit, this staff was created by the Mirror of Truth. If Pit were to use it, he'd probably feel lingering echoes of his clone's warped personality.
Fiend's Cauldron   A cauldron that can enhance or reduce the intensity of the adventure. Add some hearts to make enemies more challenging, and receive better rewards for defeating them. Be careful, though—if you fail, the cauldron will spill the hearts and you'll lose them. At least the going gets easier!
Great Reaper   The Great Reaper stands guard within the Reaper Fortress. One swing of his scythe will send a shiver down anyone's spine. If his piercing, red laser vision strikes Pit, expect a wave of Reapettes to arrive! When he takes enough damage and hunches over, aim for the golden light on his head!
Guardian Orbitars   Guardian Orbitars are more defensive in nature than other Orbitars. When you fire a charged shot, they will create a shield that protects you and your friends. It's a good thing these float in the air on their own—they're actually ridiculously heavy.
Hades   The true ruler of the Underworld, he is so powerful that he easily resurrected Medusa for his own amusement—and to distract his foes. Full of arrogance, he does have a genuine sense of humor, though it mainly serves to conceal his callous disregard for life.
Hewdraw   A dragon with three regenerating heads. Each head has its own unique personality, and they are not known for getting along. One head would want to destroy a wall, the second would go around it, and the third would fly over it. All three are plenty happy to devour a meddling angel, though.
Kraken   A colossal cephalopod that travels the dark seas of the galaxy. It can detect the faintest ripples of light even from a great distance. Drawn by the battle with Space Pirates, a Space Kraken also attacks Pit during his adventure. Turn the tables on this sushi-to-be!
Lightning Chariot File:LightningChariotTrophy3DS.png A legendary and powerful soldier, he controls the Lightning Chariot. Normally the eyes are the windows to the soul, but the Chariot Master's actual body is long gone, and his eyes burn like the rest of his warrior spirit. He will surrender the Lightning Chariot to a worthy foe.
Medusa, Queen of the Underworld   Medusa is the goddess of darkness and the leader of the Underworld Army. Although she was defeated in the past, Hades has secretly resurrected her to fight again. Those slithering snakes on her head are really unpleasant. That's got to be the worst bad hair day ever.
Mik   It's easy to sum up a Mik—it's a large- mouthed monster. It serves as one of the Underworld Army's frontline troops, but maybe it would make a better food tester? Miks will eat just about anything, you know, and angels are right at the top of the menu.
Palutena's Bow   A bow crafted by the goddess Palutena herself. It is said that one night, as Palutena was caring for this bow, the moon's light formed a beam and fell upon it, blessing it with power. A legendary weapon like this requires skill and training to wield effectively.
Pyrrhon   A savior from the annals of history! A comic-book hero come to life on the big screen! ...No one can tell if Pyrrhon is serious when he introduces himself. A self-proclaimed sun god, his obsession with the Aurum must be part of Pyrrhon Creed Number 851: know the baddies!
Reset Bomb   Created as a secret weapon of the Forces of Nature, this item possesses devastating power. When it is detonated, it wipes out all signs of human civilization, returning the area to nature. The thick brambles and jungle that are created make the area all but inaccessible to humans.
Space Pirate Ship   This is the spaceship the Space Pirates use to travel the cosmos. It travels from one star to the next, collecting them to use as part of their interstellar power source. If you think this sounds like a romantic adventure, maybe you should consider becoming a Space Pirate!
Specknose File:MrSpecknoseTrophy3DS.png Let's get one thing straight here—those are tentacles, not hair, hanging under that oversized nose. Specknoses may look goofy, but you should be wary of the dangerous projectiles they can shoot from their nostrils. Ew! I hope those are just regular bombs...
Thanatos   Don't be fooled by Thanatos's childish attitude—he's more dangerous than most clowns. And don't expect smiles from the god of death. He serves as Medusa's second in command and, thanks to his shape-shifting talents, can entertain his master with a decent clown act too.
Three Sacred Treasures   The powerful treasures used to defeat Medusa, the Three Sacred Treasures include the Arrow of Light, Wings of Pegasus, and Mirror Shield. That reminds me of a bit of trivia: there are in real life Three Sacred Treasures in Japan, but they are a sword, a mirror, and a jewel.
Twinbellows   Twinbellows is a flame-engulfed, demonic, doglike beast unleashed by Medusa during her attack on a human city. Its roar heralds a crimson fire that consumes everything in its path. If you hear both heads roaring, prepare yourself—this beast is definitely drawing near.
Upperdash Arm   Arms are a family of weapons that attach to the user's arm and fire projectiles. This one is outfitted with a disc-shaped device that fires ring shots. As the name implies, its real specialty lies in its powerful melee dash attack. Remember to take it off before a meal, though.
Viridi   The goddess of nature, she believes it is her duty to return heaven and earth to their pure states, and so she labels humans as contaminants of nature that should be eliminated. She butts heads with human-protecting Palutena but hates soul-stealing Hades even more.

Wii U Version

Name Picture Description


  • The last line for the Reaper trophy references the song "(Don't Fear) The Reaper" by American hard rock band Blue Öyster Cult.
  • In the PAL release, the Drill Arm is known as the Drill and is in the Super Smash Bros. category.