Super Smash Bros. 4

List of SSB4 trophies (Kid Icarus series)

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This article is about Kid Icarus trophies in Super Smash Bros. 4. For Kid Icarus trophies in Brawl, see here. For links to all trophies, see List of trophies.

3DS Version

Name Picture Description
Pit PitTrophy3DS.png Pit is the captain of Palutena's royal guard. Despite the wings on his back, Pit needs the Power of Flight from Palutena in order to truly fly. In Smash Bros., he can still get more air than most, with four jumps and a special move that boosts him higher. He has a new reflect move—it protects both sides!
Pit (All-Star) File:PitAllStarTrophy3DS.png Pit's side special Upperdash Arm delivers an uppercut so strong, it can send foes flying for a KO. If you miss and fall off the stage, Pit's up special can bring him soaring back. Another of Pit's specials is Palutena Bow, which fires arrows Pit can aim even after they've left the bow.
Dark Pit DarkPitTrophy3DS.png Pit's mysterious, black-clad doppelgänger, Dark Pit. (Some call him Pittoo, but he really doesn't like that.) When he first appears, he immediately goes after both Pit and the Underworld Army. In Smash Bros., he uses moves a lot like Pit's, though both his bow and his Sacred Treasures are different.
Dark Pit (All-Star) File:DarkPitAllStarTrophy3DS.png Dark Pit's Guardian Orbitars special puts up shields of light on either side of you to block attacks, deflect projectiles, and push back any enemies who are too close. You can even use the shields to protect against attacks from above and below. If they take too many hits, though, they'll vanish and become unusable for a while.
Palutena PalutenaTrophy3DS.png In Kid Icarus: Uprising, the goddess of light uses telepathy to communicate and grants miracles to support Pit on his adventure. In Smash Bros., she has special moves like Warp and Heavenly Light at her disposal. She's very adaptable—you can customize her into a long- or close-range fighter!
Palutena (All-Star) File:PalutenaAllStarTrophy3DS.png Palutena's Reflect Barrier side special deflects any attacks and projectiles that come at her from the front. Unlike other reflective moves, you can leave this barrier in place and it will keep reflecting. If you really want to ruin someone's day, you can push them over an edge using this move.
Magnus MagnusTrophy3DS.png Magnus is perhaps the mightiest human warrior, and he has weathered countless battles. He seems to prefer working alone, and he can respect the strength of foes like Dark Lord Gaol. However, he seems reluctant—not afraid—to fight Gaol. Is there a connection between these two?
Arlon the Serene ArlonTrophy3DS.png A suave commander of the Forces of Nature, Arlon resides within the Lunar Sanctum. Compared to Viridi, he is very tall. You could say he has the ear of Viridi, but he has to lean down pretty far to reach it. Despite his refined appearance, Arlon is capable of holding his own in combat.
Medusa, Queen of the Underworld MedusaTrophy3DS.png Medusa is the goddess of darkness and the leader of the Underworld Army. Although she was defeated in the past, Hades has secretly resurrected her to fight again. Those slithering snakes on her head are really unpleasant. That's got to be the worst bad hair day ever.
Specknose File:MrSpecknoseTrophy3DS.png Let's get one thing straight here—those are tentacles, not hair, hanging under that oversized nose. Specknoses may look goofy, but you should be wary of the dangerous projectiles they can shoot from their nostrils. Ew! I hope those are just regular bombs...

Wii U Version

Name Picture Description
Phosphora SSB4 - Phosphora Trophy 02.jpg